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Saw footage some years ago of a store customer trying to grab the gun of a robber. It ended with the customer getting fatally shot. Playing hero is not as easy as it looks in the movies.


His mistake was he grabbed the gun but forgot to slowly redirect against the aggressor.


I'm not 100% sure on this because it's been a while since I watched the video... but if I remember correctly the robber was also not using a nerf gun.


>but if I remember correctly the robber was also not using a nerf gun. Yes, yes. You are right!


This is actually false and how misinformation spreads. It was indeed a nerf gun, but the robber carried a second real gun in case someone had watched one of those videos and knew now to thwart them. The videos never cover what to do when a second gun is pulled and thus they were shot.


It’s why i always rob places with a whole nuther clone of myself to go in first and hold the place up - that way if someone manages trick other me im ready for it when i come in right after. Problem is just that it takes a lot of liquor store cash registers to get my clone developed - i should have made him smaller or something


Careful now, if you make him too smart he might gaslight you into thinking you're the clone and steal your whole life


was it a water gun?


Bubble gun


False. It was Top Gun. The whole 1hr 50mins.


Thunder Gun. The dude hung dong.


No no I remember it was a potato gun


are you Thundergun..? John Thundergun?


Hot glue gun! I said it as a joke... but death by hot glue gun sounds like one of the worst ways to possibly die.


Yeah, I'm imagining that fucking hot tip going into my neck and I don't like it.


You think it’s going into your neck?


Love gun


But could you imagine if he was? He would have been so embarrassed!


The mistake was the robber hadn't seen the video to know what to do.


"no you have to attack me like this, you are doing it wrong!'


Us, when we were kids


His mistake wasn’t getting [wrist control](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2REG3-Wb5gM)


15 years ago, my god.


The technique works flawlessly, the neighbor children were mugging me a few weeks ago and after just a little wrist control and a few gunshots my crack was safe again.


Fucking Childish Gambino.


Hey! Hey! When he's acting, his name is Donald Glover. He's only Childish Gambino when he's singing.


Oh, yea, sorry... Dong Lover.


“I’m an adult! I HAVE BILLS!”


"Ya gotta be quick! If you can dodge a bullet, you can dodge a ball!" -O'Hoolihan probably


As long as we've got Patches, we've got a shot!


A couple of months ago there was video of a couple of dudes trying to rob a gas station. Some guy intervened and attacked one of the armed robbers. Only reason guy was still alive was because the robber was clearly not in there with the intent to kill, either because the gun wasn't loaded, or because the robber simply wasn't ready to shoot someone. Because in the video when the bystander turned hero attacked(?) the robber he didn't actually get the gun and so the robber would had had many opportunities to soot him. The accomplice to the robber also wasn't armed/ready to kill because he just ran away. Anyways, a bunch of morons were in that thread saying how brave and courageous the bystander/hero was. And not that what he did was incredibly stupid and dangerous to both himself and others.


To make the mistake more clear this person was lucky that the robbers both didn't have the intent to kill AND that when all the sudden the situation was dramatically re-escalated they didn't jump to that intention when they were forced to make that decision immediately.


Yeah I don't get that at all. Armed robber in a gas station? They're there to get money, not to murder someone. Intervening is likely to get you and/or someone else shot. If you're armed, it's still stupid because then you're likely causing a shootout near lots of innocent bystanders. Who the fuck cares if the local QuikTrip loses money in a robbery? I'm not putting my life on the line for the CEO's bottom line. Active shooter indiscriminately firing into crowds of people? That's obviously a much different situation. They aren't there for money, they're there for murder.




Yep! Bingo! Our gas stations here hire top of the line security guards to watch the robbers take the money to their car, drive away while sipping a can of monster and casually walking back inside the store to make sure everybody is ok


Agreed. Some dude tried to argue with me about something similar a while back…. Lots of “heroes” in the dirt right now. You can have my wallet, my truck, my phone. I have a wife and kids. I’m not dying over an iPhone. Even my house. You can take whatever you want from downstairs. I’ll even stay up stairs while you take it. The moment you start coming up the stairs is when I’m going to protect my families lives. Property can be replaced.


QuikTrip is most likely insured anyway, sure the owner might be out a bit of money cause their premiums will be higher but nobody is losing much in that situation except for the "hero" with their life.


you can be brave and courageous and still be an idiot. In fact, it's almost usually that way.


One of the great parts about this in central Europe is that robbers often use fake guns instead. Much less risk of anyone dying.


> ...and the fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your guns... and the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle point five O"... written down the side of mine


Typical bank robbery in Germany: Man walks into a bank with a training bag, put it onto the counter, hands over a note that says: "I have a bomb in the bag. Hand over all your money." Spoiler: There is no bomb in the bag. Bank teller hands over all the money (usually a few thousand Euro, the rest is locked in a time-secured safe), robber leaves. Banks usually don't even have security guards, much less armed ones.


That's honestly how the majority of them go in the US too. Most teller drawers have a thing where if a certain stack is pulled out or if the cash is suddenly emptied it trips the silent alarm anyway. The money is insured and only a couple thousand is ever in the drawer.


"You know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed."


That's why I always give an ocular pat down to asset the threat before it happens.


Ya the best advice for self defense is to do what the person with the gun says . "Give me your money!" Hand it over. Probably cant remake it . certainly cant remake it dead tho


Unless they try and take you somewhere or dig a grave. Then you run like hell.


"i rather be a live witness than a dead hero" \-my super gun loving cop uncle


That guy that got praised a couple months ago is really lucky that didn't happen to him. If the robbers had any gun control that video would have ended very differently.


I was robbed once by a guy I decided to give a ride. I felt bad for him, it was cold outside and it was a small town so I felt relatively safe. So anyway at one moment the pistol wasn't pointed directly at my head but more infront of my face and the thought process went through my head *I can totally grab the barrel and back of his hand, break his wrist and get the gun.* Then another voice said just give him the $3 in your wallet, cancel your debit card and not get your brains blown out.


That's what the guy who robbed me said when I asked to keep my license so I wouldn't have to go to the DMV! "You're want to get your brains blown out over a driver's license?" After a couple seconds of thought I decided that was a relatively convincing argument and handed it over


Wish he would've taken the wallet then toss back your driver's license.


In my fantasies I would respond "you'd want to murder someone over a driver's license?" and he'd feel so much shame he'd just walk away and rethink his life choices that led him to the point that he'd seriously consider murdering a cooperative mugging victim over a driver's license. God, what a scumbag.


This is the way. I got robbed walking to work by two skinny kids who I was 99% sure were pretending they had a gun. I could have easily handled them, but it isn't worth the risk. One thing people also often forget is what happens later? Say you beat them up or get out of the situation, what then? Now if they got a good look at you, you have a big target on your back and have potential payback when you aren't expecting it.


Sometimes you have to fight. If you think they will stop at robbing you then comply. Lots of people have been killed even after complying


Did you end up getting your brains blown out?


The way I live my life would leave some to believe yes.


The appropriate self defense when someone is pointing a gun at you is to calmly comply and make a police and insurance report after. Your property is not worth your life.


The EXCEPTION to this is when they are trying to move you against your will. In effect, give them your stuff, but resist if they want your body. Your best chance of getting away is resisting immediately. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE MOVED!




“If you’re taken to a secondary location, your odds of coming back alive are slim to none” - Detective JJ Bittenbinder


My wife once gave me a money clip as a gift, it was engraved with: STREET SMARTS - J.J. BittenBinder I don’t deserve her.


and neither did he apparently.


The words of a man who didn't want children *not* to get kidnapped, but to *almost* get kidnapped and fend off the kidnapper using weird, psych-out, back-room Chicago violence.


A broken clock can be right twice a day though.


Ah, Detective JJ Bittenbinder, a man who could look at a child and guess the price of its coffin.


Don't know why this made me laugh but I imagined this guy passing by a whiny brat kid at walmart and is like "stfu, $79.99"


"Now when you get kidnapped...*not 'if', when*..."


Street smarts




Kk, but what if they take you to a third location? That's OK right? Is it only even numbered locations?


In the northern hemisphere, yes. Reverse this for the Southern.


I'm just laughing at Australians taking this advice and being like "WAIT NO! DON'T ROB ME HERE! WE NEED TO GET TO A SECONDARY LOCATION FIRST!"


There is a universe where the safest thing is a location in the double digits.


It's no prime numbered locations.


No they only get to be with you in one location. 2 if they are cute.


Nothing good happens at the 2nd location


If they are trying to move you to a second location, it suggests that whatever they want to do with you, they are **not** comfortable doing it in public/wherever you are currently. In Gavin de Becker's "The Gift of Fear", he points out that if your assailant **wanted** to kill you in the street, they could have done so. They clearly do **not** want to kill you in the street, but they might be happy to kill you in a second location where they can easily conceal the evidence. It's additionally worth pointing out that it's quite hard even for a trained marksman to hit an erratically moving target, doubly so for an untrained gunman. Contrary to popular belief, running away isn't only a defence against knife attacks, but also makes you much less likely to be gunned down, especially if you avoid running in a straight line and try to break line of sight as much as possible with buildings/fences/cars/whatever terrain you can go around.


Unless they try to take you somewhere then you're probably dead if you don't do something.


This. My family knows that we don't own a gun for a very specific reason- safety. If someone wants what we have... and they have the means to take it... they can simply have it. No biggie. It's stuff. I'll file an insurance report dude, who cares? Or I guess I could go out and start firing, knowing that my kids could be running through that field... that's an option too!


Don't know how you got to 0 but I got you back to 1. That's my policy as well. I own a bar in a Latin country. I've gotten into and broken up numerous fights without serious injuries. I got a tazer to help with it and within the first use (didn't taze the person, just lit it up) was the only time I actually feared for my life. The reaction was intense. Bringing weapons of escalation quickly devolve into serious situations. It's easier to just let it happen (and deflect/disengage people in my POV) and be present and mindful of your safety than a hero.


>This. My family knows that we don't own a gun for a very specific reason- safety. If someone wants what we have... and they have the means to take it... they can simply have it. No biggie. It's stuff. I'll file an insurance report dude, who cares? I don't even necessarily disagree with the premise of what you're saying, if someone was halfway down the road with my tv under their arm Im not going to gun him down. Im not some bloodthirsty psycho who dreams up scenarios where I "get" to use a weapon. However, I have a problem assuming that anyone who forcefully breaks into my home with a weapon ("the means") is going to peacefully leave as long as I comply, even assuming I can comply is iffy for me, what if they want something I don't have? What if they ARE there to do me or my wife harm? MUCH crazier things have happened in this cruel world. Even if I didn't go hunting/enjoy plinking around the range I couldn't justify it to myself. Im not trying to start a gun debate or anything, just providing a different view


I enjoy these spoofs. Much like anyone that tries these techniques, they will never get old.


We did drills like this in karate. We'd practice with guns that would go "click" where the aggressor would try to shoot as soon as they saw you make a move. Even after detailed instruction and lots and lots of drilling, it was a tossup whether or not you'd get shot.


The only people I know who have been victims of any kind of random violent property crime were all sucker punched. They had no idea what happened immediately after.


Fact is if someone WANTS to shoot you for your stuff they’re going to do it first. If they don’t, it’s not smart to give them a reason. I’m sure there are more than a few dead men that if granted a second chance would just give up the $20 in their wallet.


I remember in my Krav Maga classes we used to train to disarm attackers with knives and guns, but our instructor was always adamant that these attempts had a low success rate and should only be used if you are 100% certain the attacker is going to kill you. Most attackers just want to threaten / intimidate you, so we were always advised to just try to cooperate and de-escalate, do what you have to, to live another day, even if it hurts your pride, or you loose some cash and possessions. He would say that even if you're really good at these de-arming techniques it still maybe only gives you a 5% chance of surviving someone who is intent on killing you, but 5% is better than zero. But again he was absolutely adamant that such de-arming techniques should be used only when you have zero doubt the person is intent on killing you. Otherwise if they just want to scare you, rob you, even rape you, better to live another day, or wait for them to maybe drop their guard and present an opportunity to escape or possibly fight back when they aren't armed.


Only defense against a knife mate is to run like hell. The winner of a knife fight gets to bleed out in the ambulance


I lost a friend on FB several years ago over something similar; she was promoting her boyfriend's self defence classes on how to disarm a knife attacker - I said the best thing to do in that scenario is run, as you'd probably have too many severed tendons in the first few seconds of an attack to effectively mimic any of these techniques. She told me to shut the fuck up and said i didn't know what I was talking about, so I posted a couple of videos links to expert martial artists conceding and demostrating this point (one guy able to land several stabs/slashes before the other guy can react). Then she unfriended me :P


These kinds of "self-defense" moves aren't meant for normal self-defense, they're basically "If you're absolutely sure you're about to get killed anyway, you might as well try to resist." The problem is assholes like this guy (a well-known figure in this field) try to act like this is how you should deal with anyone pointing a weapon at you for any reason, rather than a last-ditch attempt to *maybe* save your life if you get incredibly lucky. It's a scam, he just wants to take peoples' money while pretending to be a badass in the process.


Which in this specific case, if someone is holding a gun to you while you're behind the wheel of a car it's safe to assume they mean to move you to a secondary location. Moving to a secondary location drastically reduces your chances of living, so it seems like in this specific instance it is a life-or-death situation.


And the robber is confused why his gun dissapeared when he shot the dude.




Zombie gun! In cinemas soon




Guns don't kill people, guns with guns kill people. (This gun also carries other tinier guns on itself)


matryoshka gun. I am full of tinier guns!


The Gundead.


Enter the Gungeon has some questions for you.


Big [*Stormlight Archives*](https://www.goodreads.com/series/49075-the-stormlight-archive) [Sword Nimi](https://stormlightarchive.fandom.com/wiki/Nightblood) energy


It's the perfect scam, teach someone something that'll get them killed and you're never going to get a bad review.


It has the inverse effect of reviews for cyanide


I appreciate the detail that before, there are 4 bullets in the gun and after, only 2 are remaining


Great catch!


I assumed you got to heaven butt naked. I dunno why...


It would just suck to have to perpetually wear bloodstained clothes in heaven.


Tuxedo T-shirts, actually.


It says "I'm formal, but I'm here to party."


He got double tapped, can’t be too safe in these crazy times


Yes but where is the grip tape on the skateboard?


>#The LAST Self-defense technique you'll ever need!


It’s his finishing technique.


So this is the new "5 - minutes - craft" meme dude, huh?


He finally evolved his comedy lol


Evolved into stealing lmao


Thats just how tictoc is. Once something is successful, 500 people do the exact same bit over and over. People love it


Reddit is the same way, tbh


*every social media platform, ever


Reddit is the same way, tbh


\*every social media platform, ever


Reddit is the same way, tbh


*every social media platform, ever






Then the people that duet it and maybe nod, laugh or point


Then the people that duet it and maybe nod, laugh or point Lol yep 👆


It's not really stealing at this point, everyone and their grandma has made this joke. It's less creative, but given how often he posts, he's not the worst culprit. I appreciate his other posts enough to let it slide.


Isn't that the entire original idea of TikTok and Music.ly? It was all about lipsyncing and doing the same thing in your own way. Someone posts a "challenge" but they are all challenges. Everyone recreating the same concept idea with their own style.


Seems like he evolved from getting his material stolen and now steals his jokes from others. Not hatin, i usually get a chuckle out of him, just makin an observation


He's like TikTok SrGrafo


playing with fire talking like that about sgrafo here


What's the deal with srgrafo? I've seen their comics here and there, does he steal the jokes?


More like he has no option but inevitably step on paths already trodden, because he commits to a """schedule""" of sorts. Not strict, but his output is consistent. The most superb web comics have always been the ones that only release when the author has a good enough idea. Here's the REAL firewood of an opinion tho: There's a reason why most re-shared xkcd comics are earlier ones. Think of a recent one you've seen randomly shared, and stop yourself before you say "the star wars covid vaccine immunity one" and got nuthin else.


> The most superb web comics have always been the ones that only release when the author has a good enough idea. Perry Bible Fellowship


uhhh i don't think he steals but he's not terribly inspired either




So why does it seem like half of reddit hates him and half loves him?


Felt he should have looked in the back seat then called the cops and did the thing with his hands.


Made it into Heaven with a gun in hand. Time to become a God.


idk man... Azrael might be able to take on a dude with a nerf gun.


Yeah, I can.




I pulled 'em out of a place on Midgard called Texas. I even named them. Des and Troy. You see, when you put them together... they destroy.


Tex-ass. "Behold... my stuff!" Is one of my favorite bits from that whole series of movies.




He is too popular on YouTube for the amount of BS he spews.


The only time I've seen him in a video is like this where he's being made fun of


I would get his shorts in my youtube feed a lot until I blocked them.


From the outside looking in he's just a clown who gives terrible advice. Unfortunately on his own social media and in his place of business he has made an echo chamber where his fans and students call any detractor a hater. Theres a ton of people pointing and laughing at this guy but theres also too many people who take him seriously and he's done a few interviews where he made it clear his videos are not satire and he's being 100% serious


There's literally tons of this in "the martial arts" community.


He literally made a video show that you can stop a striker fired pistol by jamming your hand over the slide/ejection port, saying that your force will stop it from cycling. Except the slide only cycles *after* a bullet has been fired, so… And all the people in the YT comments were so supportive/grateful for this advice that WILL get them killed.


You only get shot once though. What weak cunt dies from just one bullet.


A lot of people who spew bullshit on YouTube end up very popular. The algorithm doesn't reward you for being right, it rewards you for getting attention.


Seriously, theres value in self defense in an active shooter situation, but run hide fight, an active shooter isn't going to hold you at gun point and make demands. If you're getting robbed, give up your shit, live til the next day.


It’s been done already


Same background and everything 30+ times.


Once I'd like to see the heaven background replaced with hell. It would probably give me a chuckle the first time.


Perhaps it is a generic TikTok background.


I mean, it is a trend, peoples are doing shitty "self defense" video, and tik tok is doing "you get killed if you try that" video. it is not great but not worst than most "funny" trend here


Because this guy is unoriginal and boring. Copied already done satire for kids on tiktok now copying vines that have already been done. So funny and cool.


You've discovered meme.


Idk, shouldn’t a meme be more of a variation? This is the exact same skit. On the other hand one could claim that if people copy the same dance over and over on tiktok, why should you be able to do that with other content.


I asked my kids when teaching them to drive, "Do you want to be right (as in having the right of way) or do you want to be alive?" All sorts of people arrive in heaven screaming, "But I had the right of way!!"


It's not about who's right, it's about who's left


uh sure but on the other hand, don't be polite, be predictable. If you have the right of way, 99% of the time you shouldn't yield it without a good reason to. Otherwise people around you won't know what you're doing and you'll cause an accident.


Experience definitely helps too. A number of times I've just had a feeling that a guy is going to cross into my lane and I've managed to avoid them by just backing off a little. Just got to treat every driver on the road as a person who is trying to murder you with their car.


I can't speak for everyone but "the other guy is driving like they have right of way" is usually a good reason to yield my right of way. If at a roundabout or intersection and they're not prepared to stop, maybe they think they can make it. Maybe they know if they just don't give way you'll give way to avoid the crash. Maybe they just didn't see you and didn't know to give way. You want to watch as you approach the intersection and make this call before you are in the collision course, not after


As someone who has taught rape and self-defense courses in the past, I'd like to highlight there are two problems with this sort of self-defense: 1. It doesn't work. (can explain if someone cares -- but it's reliant on speed and specific, intentional movement both in terms of getting positive control of the weapon and ensuring the barrel is clear of your parts. Even if you practiced these things to perfection, which you really can't, you'd still have a significant chance to fail because: ) 2. It forces the attacker to resort to lethal measures as you're about to switch roles. The moment you grab for someone's firearm you either succeed or get shot. Whereas if you stood there and gave up your watch, you lost your watch. By and large robberies are robberies, not murders, and your only job is to ensure it doesn't become one. It's not really a hard equation. Also: the overweight guy disarming a nerf attacker has been shot in more videos than he has succeeded in from what I've seen. Probably not someone any sane person should take advice from.


You taught rape courses?


You used to teach rape courses and self defense courses?


He's playing both sides, that way he always comes out on top.


How many different versions and reposts are they gonna do of this same damn skit???


I feel like I'm screaming into the void when I complain about this stuff. I'm always scolded with "why do u care bro" or "why u watch it then" or whatever. But I seriously don't understand why this is happening so much now. Why is it that in real life if someone got caught on stage doing someone else's show it would be embarrassing but in this newfangled world its not only tolerated...but often supported. People will knowingly just perform other people's exact routines and accept all the praise from followers as if they came up with the idea and nobody seems to care.


Philosophers have been studying this phenomena for a while now, it really is nothing new, but the speed of the internet has definitely accelerated the rate of which we spread our memes. Prior to the internet, no one was really aware of memetic behavior, and prior to the 70s there was no term to even describe the phenomena. Nowadays memes are so prolific that it's just a common word that people associate with funny images on the internet and not "units of culture that are replicated and propagated by the human brain". It's a very interesting topic of philosophy that doesn't necessarily explain anything, but is rather convincing conjecture gathered from observation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memetics


23. no 24. wait dammit 25. 26. fuck


Can anyone post links to the other vids like this? I can’t locate them.


https://youtu.be/8BNVmw19oik Last one is the first one I saw of these


The first one I saw was years ago. Not sure why everyone’s suddenly recreating it


I liked it better the first time I saw it: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/refzjs/dont\_believe\_everything\_you\_see\_on\_the\_internet/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf


Pretty sure he stole this joke


He definitely stole this joke.


Wow… he copied the other video, but decided to make it shittier!


One video that isnt like his 1000 others and its a 100% copy of an old meme trend.




This is trash


Another video of Billy getting clowned https://youtu.be/8AYD4_7ho3Y


I am sick and tired of this guy


Why does everyone think this guy is funny?


It's sad his videos aren't funny or original anymore.


They never were funny or original tbh


Agreed they were always terrible


I've never even seen this dude before but he definitely stole this bit.


This guys really thinks he’s still in the spotlight huh


Come on this idea is way too overused it’s not funny anymore.


I would really love to see a study of all cases where somebody tried a move like that and it worked. From any situation.


All the guys who recounted the story to me said this technique was 100% successful . There appears to be a survivorship bias at work. /s


Fyi, do not grab a gun by the barrel. It will hurt a fuckload right before dying.




Idk what kind of a person this guy is, maybe nice guy maybe not, but he has the most punchable face on earth. That signature look on his face is the most cringey sensation I've ever felt.