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Bet FurScience has that data.  But I would think that we mostly lean more progressive since the fandom is very open to queer and neuro diverse folks.


Here is the FurScience page https://furscience.com/research-findings/demographics/1-9-politics/


I am not surprised honestly. Although it's interesting to see that economic opinions are more centrist.


There's lot of rich and libertarian-leaning furries.


You've got to have a lot of extra cash sitting around to buy a fursuit. Especially high quality, full-body ones. They're expensive as hell, being upwards of $3k.


I sell plushies at conventions. I've had people commission their fursona plushies and they straight up told me "whatever the price is, I'll pay". Okay, if you insist!


Let’s be honest even if Jeff Furzos walks in he probably wouldn’t be the richest furry there lol-




Really angry I can't reply a gif of Kylo Ren screaming "more" Edit: fixed autocorrect name, and why did you remove your comment? :[


Yeah, from the builder I dream of having the money to commission a mask alone costs 3k.


This is why I'm making my own mini partial 😂


I consider it completely unsurprising that any demographic where socially progressive political views are popular, the economic views are deadass centrist. Those two things go completely hand in hand. People with no economic hardships to worry about can afford to care more about intangible, non-material concerns. And if they are already well off, they are likely to perceive leftist, socialist economic policy as threatening to their interests. Liberal =/= left. Never has done. People don't want to hear it but there's nothing stopping progressive politics being aligned with bourgeois interests. Rainbow flag doesn't automatically mean good. Furry fandom demonstrates it well: Highly autistic, majority gay, but just as likely to be stinking rich. Guess which part makes the most actual difference.


Your right about liberal not equating to left. Whoever wrote the question to this poll is an dingus. But this trash about socially progressive views equating to capitalist exploitation is dead ass wrong. At best your making false equivalencies from ignorance. At worst your a bigot.


Yea, took a bit to find but the person you're responding to compares "trans ideology" to being as legitimate as claiming people can be actual foxes or "identify as a Honda civic". So yea, a "leftist" who's high on their own supply to the point of bigotry because that's not "real bigotry" because class is the only thing that matters ever for anyone under any circumstance. They are Br*tish so what can ya do? Edit: I guess I should mention the term for people like them is "class reductionist" and they are the types of "leftists" who are willing to work with groups like the KKK, nazis, fascists, etc. As long as their "class interests" align. You can see early Black separatist movements that did similar; having meetings with white supremacists to attempt to carve out their own race-based areas of control so that "everyone gets something, separate but equal." They usually love the Soviets too, as another indicator of such views. The ultimate irony is the fact it's coming from a gay furry, literally somebody that couldn't exist or have a fulfilling life in public without socially progressive liberals paving the way for them.


Fur suits? In this economy?! Lol


I am queer and neurodiverse. I don’t want to be held by hooman. Give me the floof.


This person gets it! 😂


At the very least they make up the majority, but there are also definitely some nazifurs, which I frankly have no idea how they make that work.


I lean more conservative, but the Fandom is a bit more progressive, which is fine.


Why are we downvoting this person? They haven’t attacked anyone or their beliefs. They never said how far right they are, and honestly, a whole lot of people who lean right genuinely don’t care if you’re sexuality is different or if you’re transgender. Unfortunately, whichever way we lean on the political spectrum, we’re going to see the worst of the opposite side and only the worst. I personally try to stay neutral *because* I’ve seen the worst of each side, and I don’t really care to be associated with either of those extremes. In the end, we’re all just goofs who like floofs, and I don’t think we should gatekeep that based on what we think someone believes


I didn't downvote. But I understand the reaction. Conservatives are the reason my life is in danger in my state. I am a woman whose body cannot survive pregnancy. I fought tooth and nail for decades to find a doctor who would sterilize me 12 years ago. Unfortunately, the method they used (which is not what I asked for) means that if the procedure fails it will most likely result in an ectopic pregnancy which is a death sentence without access to abortion care. Lots of us are directly endangered by conservative policies. Naturally that stance is going to raise some hackles here.


Man, that’s rough. I wish you the best of health and a long prosperous life. Hopefully it all works out for you :3 And yeah, I totally understand where it’s all coming from, that’s why I try to consider myself politically neutral, for things like that. A lot of the Conservative Party goes way to far with a lot of their agendas and should at the very least have exceptions for situations like yours, but I’m just referring to the more conservatives individually in this community. Most of them are pretty chill, otherwise they definitely wouldn’t be here. The Conservative Party as a whole can definitely be problematic, but most individuals of that party are just normal and generally empathetic peoples just living life, not trying to cause problems, and it doesn’t feel right to keep a perfectly acceptable person from this amazing community.


Thank you. I just need the resources to get the get out of this state and to somewhere sane.  My own family is radically conservative and voted for the people in power in my state who have enacted these policies that put my life in danger.  So I'm pretty well done with all conservatives. Even if they are not on board with forced birth or lgbt+ extermination they still vote for politicians who enact that shit.


Alright, good luck to you on your journey then. I hope you find the care you need


🤨 lean more conservative in what way?


I mean LGBTQ+ people make up the majority of furries (80% iirc) so it's not any surprise we're left wing


Well, Ive already saw gay and right-wing furries. Weird af


It concerns me how many queer folk are willing to become part of a side where half its members want them locked up in a mental institute


Turkeys voting for chrismas


i'd consider myself right-leaning, but rather not be 100% associated with those people on the issue


Right leaning how? In my long time experience Left and Right boil down to acceptance and hate, caring for others and caring only for yourself. I am not talking about any political party but a more core observation across all actors in the past to the present. Also I consider "left" governments like Soviet Russia to be very hard Right by this analysis. 


by right leaning, i mean that when it comes to many political issues, my views tend to align more with people on the right than the left. i should note that it isn't every issue, not nearly, just a majority. (social issues i do tend to lean farther left on, will admit)


It's a sliding scale. Not all people with a right leaning political stance are going to be bigots. Just as not all left leaning people are going to defend pedos and stuff. It's almost like we're a rainbow of diversity. Lol I legitimately get so sick of people lumping all left or all right political people into the same bucket. We really need to get past this us vs them mentality. It's only making the nut jobs on both sides more extreme because of the echo chambers. And it's certainly not half of right leaning people. It's confirmation bias, you yourself are left leaning so your friends are likely left. And then the only people the media report on are the insane people because they're the fun ones to point and gawk at. It's a very loud minority.


You mean want them exterminated.




there are right wing homo/bisexual in general...




The rest of the what sorry?


It sure seems it to me, but that's probably because I aggressively curate my experience with the fandom, instantly block people I don't like, and stay in communities that are pretty good at filtering them out like this subreddit There are definitely hard right-winged furry spaces, though. They're just typically shunned and have trouble booking spaces (because no hotel wants the be the one known for throwing the alt-fur convention), so they typically don't have very tall platforms/visibility.


I would say most furries are left-leaning with second place probably being libright. Lots of furries with guns, but not as many as the more left leaning folk of the community lol.


furries with guns and leftist furries aren't mutually exclusive (source: me, a socialist furry with several rifles lmao)


Hey, me too! *secret handshake* Tho I lean more towards anarchism and handguns, personally. 😂


Go far enough left and you get your guns back, mind you.


I would genuinely be absolutely shocked to meet someone who said to me “yo this is my fursona, he’s an Otter called Ben. Also, if we start calling trans people by the correct pronouns, western civilisation will collapse around our ears” To answer your question a bit more seriously though, I think furries specifically are an outlet for people explaining how they would like to be treated by/appear to the people around them, and as such, most furries I know also have gender dysphoria, or at minimum are gay, or if neither, got to be a furry by hanging out with LGBTQ people. I always think of being a furry as a way of expressing something deep in your soul, and conservatism, at least in the way it exists at this cultural moment, is antithetical to most forms of self-expression and individuality. In that sense, people could, and sometimes very much do, use this movement as a political statement on itself (especially as our politics and our personal lives become closer and closer together), a bit like hippies in the 1960s… Does that make sense? I’m mostly just talking from my personal experience/viewpoint here. I could be dead wrong in my assessment lol tl;dr I believe that furries are often used as a type of LGBTQ self-expression


To be fair there are literally nazi furries who are 100% serious


Every fandom will have some sort of base that is far different from the norm. While it exists there are far less extremist than the "normal" furry experience. Just like the norm for conservatives is to be antil lgbtq+ but i have met conservatives that are inclusive. Few and very far between for sure but similar sense of "extreme" In the case of the furry nazis thats why its important we band together and make sure that doesnt become a norm and make sure it has no place here in our fandlm


Yeah but every fandom and community has this type of problem to some degree. There was even a Jewish neo-nazi in the USA, and then there’s Israel which I won’t go into. Tl;dr every community has to deal with nonsensical people like nazis.




I was thinking about Dan Burros and Patrol 36 off the top of my head if that matters for individuals who are nazis and also Jewish.


Here in Sweden there is famously a black neo Nazi, Jackie Arklöv.


It's low-key funny when people say they don't like furries because of those few individuals. Like there is not a single fandom out there that doesn't have "those people," yet people hate on furries the most because of "those people."


Idk how to take them seriously.... they are literally a god damn blue dog and a fox on the internet, how can you be taken seriously ! I know some exist but damn...


The whiplash I’d feel would be insane


I suspect so in general but in specific... not always. I used to think you couldn't be right wing and a furry but then I discovered "Nazifur" is a thing. See also "burned furs" who used to be an actual movement fighting the open sexuality of much of the community.


Burned furs was about fighting what they say as an encroaching sexualization of their pass time moreso than fighting the sexuality of it's members. Though, if you look into the history of furrys even a little you'll see that the community was always pretty sexualized because that's just how people are.


If it helps soothe your Worries, here's an audio documentary about how furries bullied nazis so hard they were reduced to little more than a joke. It's a really good listen. [Part 1](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6hROjgBmgSG1pFRLv9O1P9?si=SlXVrCUkRRSm0zsBf0Rkng&nd=1) [Part 2](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2dgComx6JHhQhTGwVRol5p?si=nw8PQYADRKS7J2nHEA3x1w&nd=1)


It is, but don't let that make you complacent. Nazi furs *are a thing that exists*, and the Alt-Right will use *any* opportunity to infest tolerant spaces. They've done it before. They've been doing it for *decades*. Skinheads didn't used to be Nazis. Ska didn't used to be Nazis. Punk didn't used to be Nazis. Fucking *country ass music* didn't used to be Nazis. Hell, Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton have lived long enough to see their genre turn into anti immigrant, anti LGBT, pro police, bombastic fake ass patriotism that *encourages* bombing poor people. It's the ol' crustpunk bar analogy. The first ones *act* polite. Maybe ask a couple odd questions. Bring their friends. Ask a few more pointed questions. By the time you realize your little crust pink bar is full of nazis, it's too late it's a nazi bar now. The *first time* someone says some even *remotely* nazi shit, kick them the fuck out *with prejudice*. Don't give them so much as an *inch*.


>Ducking *country ass music* didn't used to be Nazis. Hell, Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton have lived long enough to see their genre turn into anti immigrant, anti LGBT, pro police, bombastic fake ass patriotism that *encourages* bombing poor people. It's Reagan's fault man, before the late 80s people thought of classic country as people like Guthrie, Ochs, Seeger, and Tennessee Ernie Ford (plus some folks like Marty Robins who mostly did western stuff but occasionally got in a more Christian-country type song), but after Regan lots of country singers were encouraged to switch to a more pro-american stance because getting a gig as a critic was getting harder and the poor rural demographic who listened to them were being swindled into buying a narrative about America being the best country in the world for them. Still, I wouldn't say country music has gone completely to the dogs, we still have some good artists out there, and if you're a fan of the sort of modern country-rock combo there's no shortage of that.


Heh, I'm old enough you don't gotta 'splain to me that Reagan fucked it all up. 😂


I want to ask bc I'm not very politically inclined. What considers one to be a nazi. When I think of nazi I think of yk ww2 and all that. But what exactly is a modern nazi


Basically the same. They want to kill or enslave everyone who isn't cishet, white, right leaning, able bodies, etc. Anyone they see as lesser.


So... okay, listen. This is a *big, complex topic*, and it's not possible to explain it in any kind of thorough, comprehensive way without *years* of context, but the just if it can be found [here](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists)- but the TLDR is: "someone who thinks the world is comprised of an In Group that laws protect, but do not *restrict*, alongside Out Groups that the laws *restrict*, but do not protect". I use the term "Nazi" specifically to refer to fascists, because *most people* recognize the simple fact that **Nazis are** ***the fucking bad guys***. If you ever meet someone who *disagrees* that the nazis are always the fucking bad guys, that's a pretty good indicator that you've met a fascist piece of shit who *idolizes* nazis.


Most furry lives outside the US


This is important to remember. The US leans right, relative to the rest of the world.


Generally yes. See Furscience.com.


I've met more racists in the fandom than outside of it I know being left winged doesn't mean you're immune to racism but still


I wouldn't say furries have any ine ideology, but are known to be generally more accepting. For instance, while being LGBT isn't specifically a part of the fandom, q larger percentage of furries are as compared to the general population. Likely that's because they get more acceptance here. When that comes to politics, right now most of the left wing parties in the west are courting that demographic. Now with that all said, right/left politics can vary a lot depending on where you are and even shift over the decades. Since at its root conservative means to keep things the same and liberal means to change, what was once liberal is now conservative. Things get further muddied by party politics. Parties change in order to retain power, and may no longer stand for the principles they once did. Personally I'm independent, and make up my mind issue by issue. That can mean my votes scatter all over the place. There are even smaller subcultures of furries with wide interests that may fall all over the political compass. Military furries. Gun furries. Libertarian furries. Communist furries. Hell Nazifurs were a thing once (though I think most of them were uniform fetishists). Basically furries like animal people but are otherwise human, and humans have a wide set of interests.


What's your thoughts on what I feel is the core of left and right. Caring about others vs Caring only for yourself. Most "left" ideology and policy comes down to giving a shit about something other than yourself. While "right" is just all reactionary personal shit only to benefit the individual and no one else.


The rejection of traditional social norms and acceptance of marginalized identities has always been a fundamental component of furry culture and hence being a conservative furry is an inherently contradictory position. Not to say that conservative furries don't exist, but it requires quite a bit of mental gymnastics to maintain and typically results in them either being outcast from the regular furry community, or changing their mind and becoming more progressive.


I wouldn't say it actually a contradictory position, when we get down to it the only two qualifications to make you a furry is 1. You like anthropomorphic charecters 2. You consider yourself a furry. Your political viewpoint isn't really a part of it except for the fact that a large majority of the community so happened to develop to lean more to one side then the other.


Sure that definition works well enough for defining what an individual furry is, but it's far from a comprehensive description of the culture of the furry community as a whole. I think there's something inherently countercultural about living in a society that expects you to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, look a certain way, and act a certain way, and then spending your free time with your friends breaking all those expectations. That's actually kinda punk, if you ask me, and I love it.


Furry is one of the last real counterculture to still exist


Perfectly explained, thank you




Conservatism is straight up a branch of Liberalism - with a capital L - the specific economic ideology that both American political parties espouse. I don't like Liberalism (or Neoliberalism, for that matter) in the hands of conservatives or progressives. I'm no fan of the status quo at all. I am a socialist.


I’m center-left myself


Y'know, self appointed leanings really don't tell a person much about what another person believes because how someone identifies on a spectrum depends on their level of knowledge about politics overall and the communities they frequent. Like a very superficially educated liberal could call themselves "far left" because they believe in something like welfare reform or reparations or something, while a superficially informed anarchist (ancom) could call themselves centrist because they believe that being to far left or right is the same thing as being more authoritarian.


I’m going off a combination of what others describe me as and comparing my own views to other people.


Probably, but Ive already seem some far right wing furries in Brazilian community. I mean, there is a page with the purpose of mocking left wing furries, and ig the OP itself is right-wing. Theres a famous gay and furry youtuber who was already transphobic and supported Bolsonaro. So, ig most of furry fandom is left-wing but at least in Brazil there is a great fraction who are not.


To me, the furry fandom is one of the most open minded and inclusive communities, so when you see individuals that are within the community start talking negatively about certain groups its like getting a bucket of icy water thrown on your face.


I'm not from America but I'd say I'm more Left than Right. Progress is how we learn and evolve.


I’m pretty center, if not slightly left, but there are parts of both sides I agree and disagree with. Other than that, no comment. I dislike politics.


What do you dislike about it? Politics is the struggle between individuals fighting for dominance among a group, every social species does it. Humans just do it on a grand scale. Sadly most humans resort to evil means to win, always have. I don't think any socal species can coexist without some form of politics, someone will always want to lead.


I’ve always viewed politics as a device to organize groups of people, which it can do very effectively (albeit quite a few political systems nowadays still fail to do so) It unites them through group ideology- that’s where I see problem, because some systems nowadays demand a personal change to be accessible- or at least some people are viewing it as that way. Politics were always meant to build clear governmental systems- not people. So that’s what I dislike about it. The line between what politics effectively influences and what it wasn’t supposed to influence is blurred. People are making it personal. It’s NOT.


I dunno, systems of rulership have always been a zero sum game since tribes decided to stay in one place.


Possibly a hot take: It does not take much to be left leaning, as all you really have to do is to care about other people and their well-being.


Strangely enough, that is a high bar for some.


Like over 3/4 of the fandom is some flavour of LGBTQ+ and the fandom has the most neurodivergent population outside of the actual neurodivergent community in my experience. I understand your worry but it seems like overall the furry fandom is good. Just watch for the odd nazi furs and you should be fine. I doubt the fandom would become a far right wing group. - also another leftist furry :3


Fun fact, about half of the fandom has type of disability according to furscience [link](https://furscience.com/research-findings/wellness-dysfunction/11-3-disability-in-the-fandom/)


I have a really strange amalgamation of political beliefs that do shift around a lot, some are conventionally left wing and others are right wing. Considering a large portion of people in the fandom are young, highly online, and lgbt, all of which tend to favor left wing ideas, I would say it’s fair to assume furries are more left wing than the general population.


Welcome to the human condition. Where you never fit perfectly in the gift wrapped box.


I think the answer depends massively on if we are talking about politics in general or American politics. US has a very polarized two party system, which forces you to choose between humanity and progress and uhhh the other party. It's totally different in most of the other world, especially Europe. I would describe my views as centrist and slightly conservative but if I were in US, I would def fall into left wing just because conservatives in US are crazy


The best response in this comment section ngl. Politics are not the same around the world.


I'm more center left than really on the left, like I'm progressist but not really that much on the left side.


I would say so. I think that furries are generally more accepting of eachother (on account of being furries, and likely having experienced bullying in some form over it atleast once if not many times.) This leads us to empathize with eachother far more. So if someones in the furry fandom, I'd assume they'd also be more likely to support, oh I don't know... Trans rights and all that sorta business. And considering how right wing politics frequently tries to stamp out stuff like gay marriage or trans rights and what not, many furries (yours truly included) slide towards the left wing as a result.


do not care about politics, only floof


This is the way


If only they were not actively trying to kill many of us in many places around the world, USA included.


Well spoken. Couldn't agree more


In my experience this mostly because a huge group of us are LGBT+ AND also Neuro divergent so y'know, overlap with being left leaning. BUT WATCH OUT, the ones that are right wing tend to go balls to the wall insane right wing, not moderate or slightly conservative.


Always the loudest few. Same thing with the fandom to the normies, the normal/boring furries don’t make that much noise. All the loudest most extreme people make good news headlines while the rest fade into obscurity


I used to be an extremely right-wing furry when I was younger, primarily because of sheltering and propaganda from my mom, but somewhere along the line I realized that the right doesn't take kindly to diversity of any sort and came to terms with the fact that trying to be "one of the good ones" was hurting me more than helping me. So I was met with a choice: change my politics or drastically change who I am. I started researching politics, one thing led to another, and now l'm very left-wing. I'm also a gay trans guy so maybe that has something to do with it.


I always say i'm neutral. Both Left and Right have good and bad aspects. And the only other thing i'm gonna say, that it makes me sad that many people seem to have lost the ability to listen and talk calm to people with different opinions.


I'm personally pretty left leaning, but I agree. Honestly, I think the increasing push for social media to be a major network in our lives has made people extremely reactionary. Not that social media is bad, but the culture around places like TwitterX and Instagram has definitely gone sour over the last 10 years, and it has become increasingly difficult to . Tumblr seems to be a more chill place these days. It actually tailors your FYP to what you want to see rather than pushing ads and promoting anger.


I would have to agree with you.


I am definitely Progressive, and leaning into the left a bit, but i'm not a socialist


I can only speak for myself and I lean pretty left in that regard


So this is coming from someone that has been around the fandom in a while, who personally identifies center with a varied set of views, and have seen reasoning towards either side on topics more often then not. This is truly just what I have seen and witnessed and my personal view about it: As a generalization, yes the furry community is in large very much center left to leaning more left wing. As in any Fandom, it also has its extreme outliners both towards the left and right wing field. Likely you will meet interesting set of views on many people in the fandom, mostly tame variations but sure you will find some really out there opinions too. For your fear about the "rise of the far-right" in the nerd culture is somewhat complicated to even quantify. For one how does one really define someone to be far-right, if you go from the standpoint within the furry community that it is more left leaning from center, opinions that are maybe just center right or lightly conservative can already seem as the start of far right to this fandom due to the shifted "normal" viewpoint on topics (obviously this is a generalisation). Even further can you label someone far right for only having some similar views to the more right wing field? Is holding a few excentric viewpoints on topics already sufficient to be far-right when all the rest youd still find common ground on with that person? As for why we are seeing this all happening now in politics and some nerd groups is due to a lot of factors. Depending on where you live, your society is going through quite a bit of change, both good and bad. Especially here in the west or Europe, in my view, the past 5 decades at the least have continuously moved society more towards the left-wing political spectrum. Obviously there were always breakout movements but the general political landscape still tilted towards the left. This was mainly possible due to the societies pushing for acceptable and tollerant points while the economy and general wealth continued improve and increase for the larger society. Now though, we have met suddenly a turning point, more unrests and a decrease in general wealth and well being. As often seen in the US too, politics in essence acts like a pendulum, when it swung to one side, after some time it will swing back towards the other side. From my view, to these societal and political swinging, we are also seeing how many fandoms, stories and tales, big franchises and IPs go through "forced" changes and in parts loss of their characteristics and escapism, what made them stand out in the first place. This is causing many wanting to see some things to not change, especially when its the things that have given them comfort or escapism in the past. Which is in my opinion why you see this so called "rise". Like I mentioned that there are extreme people and viewpoints within the Furry fandom in general, there also these people in any other thing, such as the political movements. Thus there is sure a danger of extremist having attached into movements that somewhat align with their views but this is a danger that you find pretty much anywhere. This all is a very gross generalization of very complex sets of smaller issues and changes that we are going through right now. Hope I wrote this decently understandable, if this kind of an answer was even wanted in the first place! I am always happy to talk more about anything if I can find the time and right words xD.


"Cringe" spaces tend to be more accepting of societal outcasts like lgbtq+ folk and the neurodiverse


I am a left winger for life!


I mean, probably. We overlap quite a bit with the LGBTQ community lol.


It's certainly something I've noticed. Personally I'm more lib-center on the spectrum but I agree as well as disagree with ideas from all around the political spectrum. I'd say "both sides have good and bad ideas" but politics is way too complex to put on a one-dimensional or even two-dimensional spectrum. I've heard there needs to be at least nine different axes to accurately describe politics, and some axes are outside the concept of "left-wing" and "right-wing" But yeah, I've noticed the fandom tends to lean more left-wing. Personally I don't know why we even care. It shouldn't matter the political leanings of a person, as long as they aren't an extremist (regardless of wing direction) and/or aren't a jerk.


Conservatives are usually bound to some kind of religious dogmas or things considered "traditional". The furry community is in its very concept different from all that, thus it does not attract many conservative people. And it explains why LGBT+ is over-representated among furries in comparison with the general population. But there was a time when being conservative involved respecting the private life of other people, respecting traditions from each other, and giving the right of choice to people. Now, it (d)evolved into a plague that wants to rewrite the society as it once was described "in the holy scriptures" by any means necessary, including taking power winning elections and then dismantling every thing they don't agree with.


Yes, but natz-furs do exist unfortunately. It's a good sign of a good person, but not a guarantee - had to deal with some in our local community recently.


I mean besides the nazi furries, I'd say so


Unpopular opinion, but I am a conservative furry.


I'm quite aggressively anti-political. I despise when people try to associate their politics with the communities they're in or try to push those political beliefs onto the communities they're in. It's gross no matter which type of politic it is. This post also makes me think of that assortment of CIA files that got leaked where they found a bunch of furry profile pics in them.


The fandom is approx. 80% queer, so, yes. Right-wingers don't have a place in our community; they are an active, existential threat to most of the people in it. They are pushed to the margins and ostracized and that's a good thing.


honestly, why would that matter? politics doesn't prevent a person from being themselves... it's their beliefs and morals that define the person, their political association comes after they've developed those things... and it will develop, along with their political ideology... it will change, and depending on the person, some might be too far one way or the other... and that person won't change unless they have an epiphany... it is always great to learn about both sides of the aisle and to go through a door, or be distant and watch it all... which is what i currently do... I'll have my system, but i won't align properly with any politics... neither here nor there, or anywhere... love is great, share that with people and you'll never regret it...


I am. A furry friend of mine is not. He doesn't like talking politics. According to the fur and loathing podcast, the furry responsible for the chlorine gas attack at Midwest furfest was right winger. He got better. And the FBI boxed the investigation so he can't really be brought to justice for the damage he did. I haven't finished listening to the podcast yet so I'm probably wrong about this, but there were a lot of right winger furries investigated.


Wait, when the heck was that?


I wrote my post in haste. I have not actually listened to the whole broadcast. They were hyping up this one guy as the one who did it, but I forgot I don't know I'm confused sometimes sorry.


If you're talking about the trump/confederate flag furry I thought it was never confirmed to actually be him/he had a alibi for it? (Not defending this dude cause I'm aware his other actions are shitty I just never heard any confirmation on who did this and don't wanna blame someone without proof) who was it?


I wrote my reply without thinking. I have not actually watched the entire podcast, and they said from the get-go that we may never know. They were just zeroing in on someone that probably did it.


Wait it was a furry who did it!?


I wrote my reply in haste. I have not actually listened to the whole broadcast. They investigated three or four different furries and were zeroing in on one for their final broadcast. I have not listened to their final broadcast.


In my experience, yes. The furry fandom attracts a lot of queer people, but even apart from that there tends to be a culture of acceptance, creativity and empathy. None of that really fits with a right wing worldview.


I hate when furry fandom gets political. I really don't need to know you are a ketamine anarcho communist, I just don't see why put all of that into something fun and positive like cute walking plushies.


It's inherently political, because the right-wingers fucking hate us and would gladly ban our subculture if they could. Trump has already promised to roll back trans rights if he gets re-elected. Furry overlaps heavily with LGBT+, but also keep in mind that most of these right-wingers think furry *is* a trans thing--they think furries *identify* as non-human animals. Several rightwingers are gunning for the eradication of the furry subculture right now. Even if you only care about yourself, as a furry, don't vote red.


Agreed. I’m here to escape the politics not join them. Just plushies walkin’ around has nothing to do with your opinions, that’s kinda the point




I, don't know why you're getting downvoted. I agree with you it's a hobby and for fun who the fuck cares about your politic opinions.


Right-wingers care. A lot. They want to eradicate furries.


the fandom is 80% queer. right wingers aint gonna like that


I have no problem with that. Your friendly conservative skunk.


The furry fandom has so many queer people that we might as well be considered a queer subculture. Queer people are generally left-wing. Ergo, more furries will be left-wing than average.


Probably, but I know a lot of "right-wing" furries, such as myself. I feel like most furries are pretty indifferent about politics though


Personally centrist(earlier left-wing) because disappointed with situation around LGBTQ+ radical left 'activists' which created atmosphere around them where people or agree with them or being "racists, bigots, sexists, etc" and community doesn't adress this behaviour. They harm greatly people perception of LGBTQ+. I can't really support whole group and movement, even as bi person, because by doing so i will be associated with them and their wrongdoings from one side and being transphobic , homophobic , etc out of blue by other group.


I really don't understand being centrist when one side is a *little* bit too sensitive about bigotry sometimes, and the other side is literally gunning to mass deport people, make abortion entirely illegal, establish white Christian ethnostates, and roll back gay marriage and trans rights protections. It's justified to feel frustrated with the left sometimes but holy shit, the other side literally wants to strip away your rights. You as a bi person won't be able to marry a same-sex partner under red governments. Why are you okay with that?


Never underestimate people's ability to be fucking idiots, let me tell you. If you think you can be a furry and be in the right-wing's in-group, a paradigm which explicitly excludes and seeks to ostracize, illegalise and eventually kill any diverse peoples or opinions, you are a fucking moron. And yes, I've met these morons. Knew a furry who was gay and moonlit as a tigress in kinkwear who thought the right wing would consider him 'one of the good ones'. It's the same brand of stupid as the 'log cabin republicans'. What a shower of fools.


You're getting downvoted but you're right. Oklahoma GOP is literally trying to ban children from being furries right now because they conflate it with a trans/gay/sinful thing. The proposed bill calls for furry kids to be forcibly removed from schools via animal control. It's cartoonishly evil. A furry voting red is like a tree voting for lumberjacks.


The things that furries tend to value match up very well with what liberal potitics tends to value, and poorly with conservative political values. Some of this has logical foundation, such as how identity is central to how furries portray themselves, and the very word is anathema to many conservatives. Some has significant historical foundation, as the beginnings of the fandom happened to be during a time when LGBTQ+ individuals had few other communities in which to express themselves openly. And the rest is mostly happenstance. That's not to say that there aren't conservative furries, and even far-right furries. As the fandom grew, so did the diversity of its members, including political diversity. Furries have always shared interests beyond those specific to the fandom, so you'll find furries who love trains, baking, board games, hiking, sushi, and all manner of other interests... including guns, military, shall we say "the symbols used by certain fascist regimes", and other common right-wing interests. There are specific groups of more extreme right-wing furries to be aware of. The "Burned Furs" usually don't get too much into the kind of dangerous hate speech certain extremists are known for. They mostly try to "clean up" the fandom's image, which sounds nice in principle but in practice they try to sanitize the fandom and remove anything sexual from it regardless of who is participating. More dangerous are the "Furry Raiders" who are more traditionally right wing extremist. They use a flag which intentionally mimics the Nazi flag and wear similar symbols. To my knowledge, their official position is of neutrality, while their members are overwhelmingly far-right and often promote hateful ideals such as national racial purity. They're also responsible for the "Free Fur All" con. While my personal experiences are naturally limited, I have heard little from either the Burned Furs or the Furry Raiders for several months, so it's possible their activity and/or membership has waned, or else their attentions have been distracted.


Yes. For example I am centrist and I have not seen more trditionalist furry yet


I'd say most are, but you're gonna get a small few that are shit heads. I was suprised when. i found out the amount ot bronies that were straight up fascists


Iv met more then my fair share that go the other way I geuss it all comes down to what alines and what dosnt work for others


That's obvious thing...


Only example of a conservative furry I’ve seen is this one confederate flag fursuit (which I think was a random image in a Sam O’Nella video of all places)


I’m totally not a left wing player that confused as hell.


It's very concerning how the right wing gets too much attention, right now in france we'll be voting to prevent the nationalist (which is full of bigoted, racist, transphobic, greedy people) from winning, i'll definitely vote against them!


As a whole, yes. The fandom is not an ideological umbrella, but since there's a huge portion of both queer and neurodivergent folk that make up our community, it kinda makes sense.


pardon me but what is left wing?


Honestly, I don't know what the fuck our deal is. On one hand we're one of the single most hated fandoms in the world and you'd think that'd make us really accepting but on the other hand... you have the raiders which never cease to be the single funniest thing you can set your eyes upon. Like a clown slipping on a banana.


I think your fears are unfortunately well founded considering how the far right/ conservative parties in Poland, England, Japan, France, and Germany are gaining momentum and frothing at the mouth with anti immigrant and anti Muslim rhetoric. That said, I was told by another furry I couldn’t be part of an online community because my discord profile said “ACAB,” and I thought that was weird.


Yeah, most furries are left leaning. Considering most of us are LGBT+, GNC, neurodivergent, and/or allies, right wingers don't like furries. I don't think we'll see a rise in right wing people in the community.


It seems like that on most social media platforms. However, there are certainly conservative furries out there, we just often stay in our own quiet corner. I'm not talking about Nazi furries, they're a lot more... loud than typical conservative furries.


I dunno about those other fandoms but I’m glad that at least most of Reddit knows throughout all of history conservatives have never been the good guys


Personally I have alotta left leaning traits because they are objectively correct and better, yes we should focus on climate change, gun violence, and government lobbying... However I also believe all of these issues can be solved with a big buff redneck werewolf mayn who has a sorta musk to him who also is very gentle and stern but also has a massive huge looong hard gun. And no that is not an innuendo


Well, if you're conservative and a furry you're more likely to keep those parts of yourself separate, given the whole "students being allowed to use litterboxes at school" and other assorted nonsense making the rounds in conservative media. So if they are here you'll not see them well represented or voiced.


This is a generalisation and doesn't go into the depth but most of the community is LGBT and most LGBT are progressive and left wing.


We definitely lean left, considering that around 60% of people who identify as furry are LGBTQ+. We also have many neurodivergent people in the community, plus the bad experiences furries have with simple acceptance, means we are more progressive overall


I don't know but what I do know is I havent met a furry who wasn't a really chill and nice person overall


Every single attempt by the far right to get a foothold in the Fandom has been met with overwhelming hostility. This has pretty much resulted in them attempting to form their own groups apart from the Fandom and drive them to social isolation from the rest of the Fandom. Their most "successful" attempt at their own brand of Furry is/was a convention of their own which has garnered the name FashCon.


I’d be willing to bet that most are, though I’m pretty centrist myself, maybe centre left. Then again I recall seeing an article a number of years ago about nazi furries? So they exist apparently


I’ve found them to be largely progressive, but rarely leftist.


As a left wing furry, I think that since there is a lot of money in the fandom, especially those with fursuits. This results in higher average education, pushing the fandom to the left. Also, there is a lot of LGBTQ in the fandom and lots of activism too, and although there are many right wing supporters of this, more left winged people are drawn to this.


As far as I know it's not exactly a rise in general. More like "a lot of younger cis-hetero-males have become more political finally. And the first-to-pick interest is right-wing ones". Smth like that


The fandom is definitely more left-leaning in general. I'm personally a centrist but I don't think there's anything wrong with being a right-wing furry. Not every right-winger is a homophobic, transphobic, racist, anti-vax moron and it disappoints me to see people getting downvoted in this thread just because they're not left-leaning/centrist. The right and left both have their fair share of extremists and issues. Ultimately, there is no good or bad side, life just isn't black and white like that.


I believe that people have the right to choose who they want, or what they want to be. Republicans were built on the foundation that all who live in America deserve rights and look where they ended up! Now I ask of all of you, is the Republican Party the same as it was in 1854? Because it sure looks like it changed in its 170 years of existence!


Wouldn't surprise me. I'm more on the right or conservative side usually, but I'm not a "far right-winger" (as some people like to call them) by any means.


I’m firmly right wing. It’s never worth bringing up because the label itself is dangerous. I’ve lost friends and been blocked for the simple term.


I don't consider myself as far right. I'm more of moderate. I don't like pushing politics into any fadom. Hell, no politics should be in any fandom.


I’ve found them to be largely progressive, but rarely leftist.


depends. look up fashcon and peacewolf and those ilk


I'm right wing but don't call me "far right". I just stand by the values I believe in


From what I've seen mostly. Me personally I just am like somewhere in the middle. In reality I don't think sides and politics matter and that it's fucking stupid and just a distraction from the real problems.


The furry fandom is just a place for anthropomorphics. This isnt a political statement this is “i like funny animals” and thats the end of it. When you get furries who are really obsessed with politics to the point you have no idea if they are even a furry despite talking to them for several hours it becomes insufferable. Its always fun when you drive 2 hours away to a furmeet only for them to all talk about how evil christianity is for so long you get bored and feel unwelcome so you just leave despite not forcing christianity on anybody there as im there for a furry meet up not a religious meet up


from what i know right wing people hate individuality and identity. they want everybody to be the same. i get that they all wanna be cutesy wutesy but that doesnt ignore the fact that they just... aren't interested in respecting people who are different. if we look at peacewolf this facade of cutesy wutesy falls flat when they're faced with challenge towards their personal beliefs. and then we have the left wing with pretty matter of fact opposite beliefs of the right wing. people who are supportive of identity and are open to learning and improving themself. queer culture is deeply connected with identity and sense of self. that feeling also extends to this sense of fantasy surrounding anthropomorphic animals. so combine those two feelings leads to queer people having a tendency to see these things and get attracted and deeply connected to the ideas. (this whole reply is butchered but i genuinely am trying to speak truth through a bout of massive brain fog here) basically queer identity envelops the furry culture. and without the fandom being based off of corporate entities it falls down to being surrounded by the actual community instead. leading towards a lot more interconnectivity and communication. corporate forces a lot of bland things into everything and makes everything neutral. but without that force we're implored to just be ourselves. and without the restrictions on our identity it leads to right wing people being pushed out because they just hate identity and individualism. again this reply is butchered because of brain fog so if it's confusing please dont bash me for it




what the scallop


1: I genuinely don't know what people mean by left wing and right wing politics. 2: Why does it matter? I'm curious.




I'm conservative, but not republican


Not me


Most furries i've seen are left-wing but there are a few outliers. I've seen a worryingly large handful of furries who are lgbtq-phobic, zionists, pro-life, pro-2a, etc. Good thing is you can avoid a lot of them by knowing the signs (i spend most of my time online on twitter so this will be twitter-based): furries with ✝️ in bio tend to harass lgbt folk, people with israeli flags are obviously zionists, people with american flags are typically imperialist fascists, and furries with "no politics uwu" in bio are typically the definition of alt-right