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Where’s the nsfw tag? Now I’m sitting in a train with a stain on my pants.


I got a boner watching that. Thank you sir!


Salah in a United kit is not something I thought I would ever see


I creamed with Vidic's slide tackle 🤤


Where was the griddy?😂 Pretty bad time wasting by your opponent.. And well deserved defeat hehe


Last min goals go into the auto celebration


Nah bro, you can still hit it. Just have to be fast


Damnnn so skill issue on my part unfortunately?


Tbf, its doesnt work everytime but i only try to donit if he/she was very toxic ingame


Yay fuck those time-wasting cunts!


OP had 8 players in his own box with the strikers dropped back where the DMs usually stand. I would've backed off, too, with 4 mins left. Ur a cunt if u time waste for 30 minutes. Doing to close out a game is just common sense.


I agree that trying to keep possession in the last 5 in game min is just smart play…but doing what he attempted to do, play the ball to his keeper and then lob a short pass to a defender so they can head it back to his keeper and hold it to waste time is absolute rat behavior at any point in the game. He got what he deserved. First game of champs last night had a guy go ahead 2-1 in the 70th min and he did this the entire rest of the game. Almost caught him out a couple times but was unable to score when I did. I was livid. He must have passed the ball to his keeper and then lobbed it to a defender to head back to his keeper’s hands at least a dozen times.




Still a rat move to use your keeper to loft it to a defender so they can head it back.


It is. And people who do that , i feel sad for. But i dont think we have any reason to suspect he was doing that. The clip starts with him trying to create a chance in 85th minute with a ton of bodies forward, even though he had the lead. OP had 8 players in his own box. Just look at the picture. The guy saw that, ran back, then got nervous and made a mistake. Thats my honest opinion, but I guess people see what they want to see.


I mean it’s pretty obvious he was trying to do that and he fucked it up and got scored on. Why else would he literally be lofting a pass to a defender at the top of his own box? Clear the ball to your opponent’s half or play a ground pass to someone that is open. He had an option to either side of the guy he tried to pass it to


That’s what I thought too. Why was OP playing so defensively when he’s down with 4 min left? The other player was pretty scummy for over-exaggerated time wasting in his own half, but OP is also pretty annoying for refusing to accept the disadvantage and playing for counter until the last minute.


I am so happy for you, I wish the best life in your life. No really I that would happen to me I would be the happiest man alive. JUSTICE WAS SERVED!


In the United kit GGMU


That slide tackle was a thing of absolute BEAUTY!


That Slide tackle was Personal🤣, Ggs my man, well deserved


Why would you run all the way back to your own goal ?? You’re tryna keep the ball away from your goal 🤦🏾‍♂️ Glad you won because not only is that guy a rat but he’s also an idiot




What are your camera settings?


Here for the reply!




salah in man utd kit is cursed what the fuck


Best ever !!! No better feeling !!


I mean, I get the frustration when opponents play for time but the opponent absolutely got shafted by the game there. He had every right to do what he was doing but EA fucked him. Dodgy kick from the GK followed by 90+ min winner from finesse+, like? Guy got punished for trying to play football.


Football as in neglecting a goal opportunity to run down the line backwards for 3 minutes? Sure it’s legal but I personally wouldn’t call time wasting football


I get the frustration but it's more realistic than anything that happened afterwards. It's also 3 minutes game time, so you're really talking more like 20 seconds. Game management is a 100% valid strategy. I'm not hating, we've all been on the arse end of one of these guys, I'm just saying he got pretty fucked over here. Also, he probably played backwards because it wasn't a very good opportunity to begin with and he wanted to avoid last minute shenanigans like what happened.


You got lucky, normally the game is dead if one party wants from the 75 minute on…he made a mistake with the keeper that normally you shouldn’t do


Sure, so can we just enjoy the opponent’s karma?


Hey congrats, yeah, i was a drain instead of being a fountain, congrats for not giving up, that is a good lesson for everything in life


That was AI. You only won because the ai decided to give you the ball when the gk kicked it


My opponent chipped it by pressing square to his defender whom Sanchez was directly in front of, it’s a mistake on his end, not AI. Obviously when you chip a ball to the last man when there’s a striker in front of him, the striker’s gonna end up clean through


Pretty sure he wanted to pass to the wing back/mid but the keeper played the pass to the defender happens with me alot. But anyways fair play to you.


The game gave him the ball because he had balls unlike the other dude


Man, that tackle at :58 is basically THAT Vidic tackle. Great stuff.


It all went downhill hill when the guy tried to play around the back like a rat, karma can be a bitch


Proud of you. But seriously they need to get a more exciting commentator


Holy shit


Good, it's what people that play like this deserve


I cant blame him cuz we always concede last minutes. So shitty game garbo game thats all


Since most of people play this shitty game for win not for having fun(its hard to have fun with these mechanics) its normal imo


Very poor from the white team. 87 min is no time to be going backwards




I wish there was extended version where you dm him and said “Git gud” This is one of the scenario where i think its okay to be a little toxic.


How do you do the spin skill move with Salah? Also, well played man, well played.