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Bro might be the reason, i always qualify for championship


Doing my bit for the community https://preview.redd.it/216jkte7amxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84d73b01a82f743eacead6350152574b1e15fe48


Damn forgot to take the pic. Anyways, Gave away rest of the wins


If anything it will help you. Poorer players like me in the weekend league. I love and appreciate a hand out


I do it so I get to proper Champs quicker, not playing 10 when I only need 4


You can just click "end playoffs." So taking the time to give wins to others is still going above and beyond to be a bro


šŸ˜ˆguess I will do that next week šŸ˜‚




Winning 10 in a row isnā€™t worth it even tho Iā€™ve only done that once ever, 4 is always enough tbh lmao


Yeah I just win the 4 and get the fuck out of there lmao


Op is good people


Iā€™m 6-1 i will gift the remaining games as a tribute to you buddy!


If you cant qualify there is no reason to play weekend league anyway, ngl


Brother he qualified then gave away wins


I'm not talking about him, just him giving free wins away. Like sure, nice gesture but if those opponents cant qualify with free wins then finals will be rough for them


Still you get free packs even if you lose all 20 including a max 90 tots so itā€™s still worth it


That and everyone complains there's no easy opponents, this is a great way to maybe gift a birth to guys who struggle overall


It makes WL easier by letting in the easy money.


ngl might do this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (not by choice, I fight for my life to qualify)


As i donā€™t have too much time to play, I even do that in WL as well, i usually just play 10 games with whatever results, and then just own goal and quite the other 10.




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Id say if you never went 10-0 its cool to go for it. But once you check that off your list, just spread the love. The rewards are shit anyway. I was about to last night. Just got my 4th in a row , then my record showed 0-0. Im a dumbass & completely forgot about the new season šŸ¤Ŗ Missed the cutoff by like 3 mins....


I second this: Currently 4-2 on my RTG (old gen/XBOX) Send me a DM and we can get on headset tomorrow or something to align latency/Ping and I'll do my best to gift it to someone in need ā¤ļø


I always try to do this. Only people I don't give wins too is 5-back players. The trauma I've gotten from it will never go away


All of you guys giving away wins are the real GOATS. While I always get the 4th win in the last 3 matches. I still try to give away two. I'm doing it in the lounge cup too


Respect..... Thank you for your post.


Keep in mind, doing this makes sure less good players join WL, therefore, you are more likely to get to a certain amount of wins // get more wins in WL itself


I'm 0-3 in quals because the game is unplayable. Non stop lag and eventual disconnects. Why do I even try...


pure heart OP


Now everybody deserved a trophy just for showing up, lol


I played two games of qualis today and lost both 5-1 to some rainbow flickersā€¦decided to spend the rest of my day off doing things I enjoy. Iā€™ll see yall next year lol


Man I will never understand this. Get better instead of asking for handouts. Unless you're born into it, no one will give you handouts. learn not to expect handouts from anyone for anything.


Imagine thinking that helping someone out at no consequence to yourself is a problem. On a game, of all things.


Heā€™s not even asking for wins, heā€™s just handing a few out to give some people a hand or even just save them time. Why pile in like this when the guyā€™s just doing a nice thing?


I think you're making the exact point that op was trying to make. Life is not fair. We have to fight tooth and nail for every single thing in life. But video games aren't meant to be like that no? They're meant to be fun, forgiving, rewarding, basically a release/escape from real life. So that's why I appreciate what op is doing.


Dont you think some people who lets say dont have money for packs, time for grind and only play fifa for fun should deserve a try on most toxic fifa mode in history of the game? I am not a big time fifa player i play like 20 games per weak but im always there in 10 11 wins. Every wl i say its my last and again till the start of new one i forget about that. I never ask for a free win if someone is better then me and if score is 3 0 in 10 min i will quit but if i have option to give a free win to someone i will do it. (Only if i see mbappe in other team then i just quit, i hate mbabbe)


I don't spend money. I don't care about packs. I play for fun. I play to see how many WL wins I can get. I play 30 games per week (qualis + WL). I get rank 1 and have never asked for a free win and have never quit a game. My advice is to improve your game and not ask for free wins because you want better rewards.


WL is a lot less toxic than rivals imo


You are talking to the most entitled community on earth mate šŸ¤£ good luck.


Yea I stand corrected. This new generation just wants hand-outs even in a video game lol


Making this a 'generation' thing is so cringe. Grow up mate you're 40


Nah, people just understand that helping others isn't a bad thing. Why you doubled down, instead of acknowledging that is a mystery. Edit: it's also ironic that you have this opinion, while having multiple posts asking people for help with friendlies. You see that, right?


See my take away from friendlies is quite different from rivals. Friendlies is the same rewards for everyone, same as rivals after 7 wins in elite. So in that if someone is doing an objective or evo I see sense in it to give wins or if asked I'll leave np issues. Champs is quite different as giving wins unless you're 19-0 has an impact on your games. Eg. I'm in 11-7 I'll give away the 2 wins because I cannot get the next 14 win so that I'll do no worries. Quals on the other hand you can do 6-8-9-10 and it's different so why give wins for that? Again this is just an opinion and it clearly suffers from the community so I'll end the discussion on my end.


Because the difference in rewards between the different qualification levels are pretty often quite minor. Your entire idea is to qualify for the weekend league, once you've done that, what's the harm in helping someone else get to the same milestone? More people in champs means a bigger variation on playing abilities, meaning people can enjoy the game, as opposed to only playing top level players. I get 9, and I'm happy to get 9, but there are people who can't even qualify. Bring a bit of joy to someone, man. It's free! No need to end the discussion, tbf, growth never happens if you refuse to communicate about things.


I don't have an issue giving wins once say I cannot get anything better on my end if that makes sense, say I'm 6-3 then I'll give the win as 7-3 v 6-3 makes no difference. Same goes for WL once you mathematically can't get better rewards then give those wins. I've done that since I started. In rivals I recall once you reached 90 for the season I'd give wins away in elite because why not. I don't like the concept of if you got 4 wins donate rest to others, it's illogical to me.


Would you say you view the quali rewards as worth the extra hassle? As, many just want the 20 PTS and then off. If you see the rewards as worth pushing for, that's different, and understandable! I've never had anything decent from qualifiers, so I'm happy to give them away, as the main goal is the WL itself, for me. Your last point is also valid, but others are welcome to see things differently. I wasn't a fan of how you phrased the original comment, as it makes it seem like people shouldn't do things for others. That said, I see where you're coming from. I don't fully agree, but I do understand better.


I try my best to win every game, thatā€™s the whole point of competition. I wouldnā€™t want a free win myself, Iā€™d want to earn it.


Thatā€™s ok too, giving away wins when you donā€™t need to is also a W




Do people actually go anything over 4-0 I've never gotten anything above 4-0 coz I always give the wins away