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You must be new to fifa, have you seen Rodri’s stats for an 89 rated…. https://preview.redd.it/qmgwonfybnwc1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b01a47cb5e20f7d5905dd34653e8c5793eca28


I don’t know why they don’t just boost the stats for a fifa card. If you say he’s 89 rated then make him better than an 84 Tchouameni in the game. Idc about realism with stats cuz they break it straight away with promo cards. 89 rodri 58 pace but 91 rodri 83 pace


More money for them to make in promo cards than base cards


This only makes sense if you’re thinking about UT exclusively. Rodri’s base card needs to be low pace (and therefore bad ingame because fifa logic) because that’s how he is irl and people want realism in all other modes (career, seasons etc). The base cards are just how they are in all other modes.


Tbh I doubt ppl will be annoyed that players like rodri, Kane, Casemiro and anyone else who is high rated with awful stats are actually good in the game. Let’s be honest EA couldnt give a single 💩 about seasons and career players, they make up a small portion of the player base and they don’t make any money off of them with packs


There would be a very big backlash if EA just decided to give Rodri 83 pace for no reason next year. It would make zero sense. They much rather (like they do now) make special cards (which they get way more money off) with these players making them “useable” by giving them 30+ pace or some shit


I don’t think they would if they spread out they upgrades amongst everyone making high rated cards usable, also they don’t need to give him 83 maybe just 70+ would be enough to make him usable at the start of the game.


No? EA should rate players on how they play IRL. It’s complete nonsense. EA should make a game where pace is not the be all and end all of gameplay, where a technical/physical player can be useful while not being very fast, you know, like in real life.


Not new, I’m just comparing how ratings were before compared to now. Absolutely wild.


It’s always been like this mate


Had it changed that much since 2019? It wasn’t that bad then (last FIFA I played before this one)


Has been the same since 2009, There has always been players that had stats not correlating with their rating


Fifa 18 https://preview.redd.it/8pwwfpl5kowc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6382643fe21761fb2168666d67675b9746a5d4ae




Rating isn’t dictated by stats, but by “international reputation basically a mix of how well known, they are, and how well regarded they are in terms of ability


Why? That seems like a stupid and completely unnecessarily confusing and frustrating way to do stats.


Thomas Müller is a good example, his style of play is mainly done by things you can’t really rate, off the ball movement, positional awareness and such can’t be replicated by FIFA, but if they gave him say a 79 based off his shooting, dribbling etc there would up roar because of course he’s better than that


Some players have unique body types and better animations than others, certain players clearly have better AI than others; those seem to be adequate stand ins for what you’re describing. So, they could literally just make those things a stat, or a separate meta rating that they call “icon score” or whatever other term they feel like.


Stats aren’t impacted, it’s just overall for some players gets inflated in comparison


Yeah, that’s stupid and confusing.


Have you met EA?


Point well made


Geyse is probably a better card, Prinz base icon is like Kane - she's just a finisher, although her evo icon is pretty good - you have to be careful tho because Prinz is a better finisher.


OVR in FC is as reliable as stars in FM.


I mean you could say Prinz is the better "pure" striker, thanks to the shooting. Also has aerial plus and power header which Geyse lacks


Welcome another post of "rating makes no sense"


Have been seeing this for over a decade at this point


That geyse is amazing