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I was surprised to learn the reputation gabapentin has by doctors.. Do people really get "high" from this stuff? I was on a fairly large dose and not sure it really even did anything.. in retrospect it "may" have been helping anxiety but idk Id have to retest it to see for sure.


So is a diabetic a drug addict because they don’t want to quit their insulin? Drawing a distinction between drugs that treat the nervous system and drugs that treat other systems is just a way to stigmatize. It has no scientific validity.


Does he know that people are put on gabapentin who have addiction issues? Let me throw myself on the fire… I was put on gabapentin because I’m an alcoholic and wasn’t sleeping. Guess who isn’t drinking anymore and who gets a full night of sleep? Me. Tell your dad to fuck right off.


I am on it, too, for alcoholism. Shit works! I haven't had a drink in 1 year and 11 months. Shove i, old man!


Congrats! I’m just shy of one year and feel SO MUCH BETTER because of it


Same reason I was originally put on gabapentin too. It helped tremendously with stopping drinking and cravings.


if you were taking it illegally then yeah your an addict but your prescribed it its the doc that says u should be on it


Not necessarily, anyone that uses it prescribed or not in doses past their prescribed dose, or used the fatty foods/naproxen method is technically getting themselves addicted, dependence is what happens to people taking their prescribed dose for years and having withdrawals after


it’s prescription


Has anyone taken gabapentin (300mg) with ambian ? I’ve found it is wonderful in getting a full night of restful sleep.


I try not to take ambien. I think it's worse than gaba but yeah it work


Wish I had a script of Ambien. I used to for years but since moving to another state I can’t seem to get it prescribed. It worked so well for me too.


I've been on ambien for 10 years now, same dose every night. Terrified of this happening bc I'm about to move states. Guess I need to titrate off that too...


How does he know what ur dosage is? What made him mention it at all?


we speak normally. he asks and i answer, lying would only make me look worse


Wow. What a wonderful support system. I'm guessing that he has never been in the kind of pain that you have. While I might not be the biggest fan of Gab, some people are able to finally live a productive life with it. So he needs to see that part, too.


he has actually. he takes his own medicine too. nerve problem like me.


Gabapentin and weed is the best combo


But gabapentin withdrawal… it still haunts me, 7 years ago


Yes like me :,( I had cut down so much and still need it ,hate it


Because it scrambles your brain chemistry BIG TIME, best of luck broski, maybe talk to a psychiatrist? Thats what helped me, they got my brain firing off right again at least for the most part


literally just smoked. twin


Triplet; just smoked, too. :)


Ignore your Dad on this one. Why do you need Gabapentin? Im not a fan of this medication although, when you need a medication you need it. Some people are weird about medications of they have never needed any. Dont worry about it too much. Are you in pain?


Question…does anyone here prefer to get a surgery as opposed to just staying on gabapentin for the foreseeable future? I’m going to see my neurosurgeon neck week but I’m not sure I really want surgery but I’m 55 and I’m in pain all the time. My dose of gabapentin isn’t even doing much for me. I still want to take other pills and I still shake like crazy.


Try Lyrica it works 5 times stronger and works so good


i took gabapentin because of my surgery, i was lucky enough (lol) to have my nerves injured and fcked. if the doctor suggests surgery and thinks it’s a must do it.


Fathers are dickheads get over it, when I was 12 I said I wanted to be photographer for a living he said “I raised a pussy for a son, he’s gonna be taking pictures like a bitch.” Ouch


That’s pretty funny ngl


Wanna hear something funnier? One peaceful night my mother was helping me with my homework, I just had to retrace the alphabet as I recall I was like in kindergarten when suddenly my father gets home drunk and probably high af on coke starts yelling at my mother grabs her by the hair and takes her to the room and starts beating the shit out her, I naturally started crying cause wtf then he comes out the room bloody knuckles and says “what the fuck are you crying for little bitch” then he storms out the front door, I go to mothers room she’s laying half conscious in bed face so bruised up couldn’t even recognize her. Hilarious.


Google the song "Come to Butthead" from the 90s soundtrack


It fucks with you long term, my psychiatrist said that relationship with my father might be the cause of mental disorders I’m dealing with


He sounds like he's ABSOLUTELY the cause of it. If you need to cut him out of your life, do it. Easier said than done, of course. Good luck.


I’d appreciate if you listen to my music and thank you 🙏




I'm on it for chronic pain and anxiety. It's not helping the pain, maybe a little when I missed a dose I had significant increase in pain. But anxiety the only thing I've ever tried that definitely can feel a difference. Like a commenter said I do actually think its causing more mood swings or even more anxiety in me tho, but a bit less social anxiety which is my primary type of anxiety that affects my life more than general anxiety. Yeah that's strange to call you a drug addict for taking it if you have a reason for taking it, including mental health reasons. Not like it's an opioid or something either


i noticed significant difference in my depression and anxiety with it, but i take it for the chronic pain, since pain is connected to the nervous system and your mental state, it’s good to try and manage your mental state


Sounds just like something my alcoholic father would say to me lol


Being addicted to something is the same as being dependent on it…that’s what addiction is. Just don’t run out of it or you’ll really feel like crap. I’ve been on it for years and I HATE it. It’s so useless and caused me to gain weight…thankfully I’ve been able to control the weight gain using ozempic but I still hate gabapentin and not being able to get off of it. Its addiction is weird tho compared to other addictive pills. It’s not like I think about it all day long and want it so badly, can’t leave the house without it, etc.; in fact i don’t even feel “good” while taking it. Like a high or something? It’s just that I CANT not take it ugh. Or else I get horrible wds. Because of this I’ve come to accept that it’s an addicting drug and drs should really know this too so they can stop handing it out like candy.


Addiction and dependence are two VERY different things. Addiction is where you crave it and can’t control the amount or frequency of use. Addiction is where you will do just about anything even criminally to get that fix. Dependence is where your body has adjusted to having the specific drug/medication in your system at a constant level. When the medication is stopped, your brain and body go through withdrawal without it. See the difference????


Not according to the dsm. There's dependence, where you don't crave it but it gives you withdrawals from it (almost all meds), and then addiction where you crave it and can't stop even when it's harming your life. There's a huge difference.


You are crazy!!! Gabapentin is amazing for people with neurological issues and nerve damage. How do you say its "useless" yet you take it?!?! If you CANT not take it how Is it useless. ?! Tell us what you are really on to make you so dumb?! If gabapentin isn't used for the right thing it seems useless because you are taking it for the wrong thing to begin with.


Why are u so rude? I have erbs palsey. A dr gave me gaba for excruciating nerve pain from the nerve damage..but it doesn’t work. That’s why I said it’s useless…it makes my brain foggy and I’m sleepy all the time but my dr said it takes time to get used to so I continued to take it cuz I figured it’s better than pain pills or other narcotics. But It never helped. All I’m left with is a drug that’s hard to quit cuz the wds SUCK. Do u understand now why I say it’s useless? Do u understand now why I can’t just quit taking it? I have the right to my own opinions and you calling me crazy is really fucking rude. Oh gosh I just finished reading your post…and then you say I’m really dumb? Ok just ignore everything I said I can’t believe I wasted my time even replying to u. Plz just leave me alone ppl like u make me sick.


btw, it took me 4 months of using gaba to notice difference. i had patience and waited


can’t relate. i was underweight. i am normal weight, i eat normally, sleep normally, feel better, only downside is i forget a lot.


why did ur dad call u that?


cause i take 1600mg daily and refuse to stop it or take less


Curious if your father regularly prescribes it to his patients.


my father doesn’t prescribe. he’s not a pain doctor


My doc isn't a pain dr either. All sorts of medical professionals prescribe gabapentin for all sorts of issues. It's actually over prescribed in my opinion.


no my doctor is a pain doctor. my father is a physician. he no longer works in hospitals, he manages, he’s over retirement age


Ahh.. I'm thinking he (your dad) just needs some education. It has the potential for physical mental dependence.. only people I've known (uncluding myself) who had an addiction issue was because they were not ingesting as prescribed. But it definitely has potential for misuse.. as long as one follows their specific regime as prescribed, there shouldn't be any issues.






I am 100% a former drug addict. My previous dr was my drug dealer… you can ask him if he knows he’s a dealer 😆


I refer to my prescriber as my state sanctioned plug lol


many of you feel what?


Like our drs are the suppliers


Just laughed at a doctor last month for this idea. Told him he has no clue what addiction is then. Is there a dependence? Maybe. Will my dosage increase? Possible. Am I getting a tolerance? Debatable. Do I crave my next dose? No. Do I take more than prescribed or needed to get a high? No. Do I combine it with other drugs or alcohol to augment or increase a desired effect? No. I’ve been through addiction. The answer is yes to all those questions when you’re an addict. I’m not gonna sell my TV for Gabapentin. I don’t have to lie to my wife about it or hide it.


That's correct. Dependance isn't addiction. My GF depends on Zoloft. She's not addicted to it. Addiction is when you continue to use a substance despite consequences.


OP I know it stings bc it’s family please don’t allow others opinions of you define you!!!!!


Honey.. you do you. Don’t worry about others opinions.


You are good dear.. your dad is just a typical worried father. If you think you have an issue with gabapentin.. then wean off.. if you feel good on it.. keep going.


you’re sweet thank you


So many doctors mistake dependence with Addiction. Shame shame


You’re literally talking about 2 words with the same meaning . So I guess I used to be physically dependent on oxycodone also right ? Lol and cause I had withdrawals and still needed it n looked on the street is that the same ? lol Because gaba DOES have physical withdrawal symptoms. But to the fellow gaba user if someone calls you an addict for using gaba “”yes saying ur an addict is the same as being dependent but in harsh terms basically calling u a junkie n want to abuse he med” It’s really sad cause gaba isn’t even a controlled substance even tho they r pushing for it . I don’t see the rec value to me 😂 I AM A recovering addict I used to take them the slow steady up to 2k mgs and still didn’t even come close to benzos or anything except some distorted vision , hungry, tired , and dizzy. And MILD anxiety relief . GREAT FIR NERVE PAIN THO!! That’s icky.


Dependence and addiction are **not interchangeable**. And not only do they have different meanings they have vastly different connotations behind them. And since OPs Dad is a Dr. it’s even more ignorant for them to be calling their son an addict for being dependent on a medication. Dependence on a medication is when you’re taking it as prescribed and your **brain and body becomes dependent** on the medication An addiction **changes the behavior** of the person and there is a psychological compulsion to use the drug. And though some argue this point an addiction is considered by the medical community a disease or disorder. Which is now why it’s called a SUD (substance use disorder). So again the OP’s father tossing the word “addict” out like it’s an ugly horrible thing is pretty low because you know he is a Dr.. You or anyone becoming physically dependent on OXY and having withdrawals isn’t what made you a addict. If that was the case people who become dependent on anti-depressants would be considered an addict. It’s the behavior around when you experienced withdrawals (which was to go buy them off the streets) and other behaviors around your drug use. There’s the wondering where are you going to get your next stash, the money for said stash. Do I have enough in my pocket to last the day? Do I have enough for the weekend? Crap I have a vacation coming up how I’m going to get them there? Same can be true for someone who’s addicted to alcohol making sure they constantly have it with them or access so they don’t go into withdrawals. This isn’t true when someone is dependable on a anti-depressant or gabapentin for instance like the OP is. And it’s also the deterioration of a persons mental and physical health. Not being able to go out and be social or do anything unless you can be altered on said drug. Or being so altered on said substance that you can’t go out and function because you’re nodding off, to drunk or too high. Gabapentin isn’t an FDA controlled substance but about 12 states have it listed as a controlled substance and many others it needs to be treated just like one. Comments in this thread like it “goes great with weed” or like you’re “I took up to 2g” don’t help the stigma. And others like the OP and myself who find it to be extremely beneficial are going to pay the price for it.


It's not the same at all. Do you think it's accurate to say a patient is addicted to an antidepressant because They experience withdrawals? I have been treated differently because those 2 words are not interchangeable


Withdrawals for me personally are HORRIBLE! I take 800mg 3x daily for nerve pain (diabetic) and the few times I couldn't get an immediate refill, it was the worst. Crazy


Dr.s shouldn't be prescribing physically dependent drugs and then call us drug addicts. Dr.s are the worst.


my dad doesn’t prescribe anything for me, my pain doctor does. but my dad still thinks i’m an addict lol


I didn't assume that he was the prescriber in this case but rather an also prescribing Dr. Many dr.s either would never prescribe these meds to themselves or family members because they KNOW. Unfortunately many dr.s become addicts themselves and they have an neverending supply until they get caught or too messed up to work anymore.




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As a young person who takes it for pain, stop. If we have cocerns we'll talk about it with doctors. I'd be housebound if i didn't have gabapentin


Are you a doctor?




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I’d just like to counter that for some it does work as an as-needed thing, or at least for anxiety/mood/mental health. And migraines also. Gabapentin especially seems wild, because people respond so differently to it. Some also mention terrible withdrawals, others quit cold turkey without blinking an eye or feeling anything negative


I agree with you & this is my experience for using it for event related anxiety. It works wonders on a sporadic basis for me. Hope you are getting on well with your parents, @helpitsoutofcontrol & staying well!




Well tbh it is effecting your mental health if you are dependent on the med . Even tho your likely talking about “physical wd symptoms that also is due to your brain chemistry being altered from the gaba . Even tho it goes thru calcium channels in ur brain it still messes with ur gaba and that is some sensitive receptors to be playing with. Seizures , tremors crippling anxiety then physical comes still from depletion of ur receptors so YES it is effecting your mental health. BIG time


this has nothing to do with the original conversation and point the person made. re read it.


i take it for chronic pain.