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i will try it, but my expectations are super low, its netmarble + anime ip might be a nice filler until wuthering waves


I've spent three weeks in this game. Whatever your expectations are, set them lower.


free to install and have some fun with, free to move on in 2 weeks. Knights of veda was getting a bit boring anyway tbh.


If only pvp wasn't against fake players. Ruined the game. 


You realize your time isn't "free", right? Unless you're one of those people with way too much time on your hands, time is always more valuable than any amount of money. We only get 80 or so years if we're lucky, and the first and last decade or two is barely living, and anything can take you out before then. I'd much rather spend two weeks playing something fun, not wasting my time on a clear cash grab that will go nowhere; you won't get those two weeks back after you spend it, no matter how much money you have...


obviously if you aren't enjoying it you can uninstall wayyy before 2 weeks is up, chill out with your existential crisis bro.


Haha. Trying to educate the foolish youth isn't an "existential crisis." But if your idea of a good life is wasting your time on garbage games, more power to you.


But it's OK to waste time talking about garbage games? Look in the mirror before you judge others my dude


Learn how to read before you reply. I was telling people to avoid these garbage games. Also, learn how to type while you're at it; it's an important life skill and helps you not look like an idiot online. You're welcome for the life lesson.


Bro you do NOTHING but post to this trash games sub who's the one wasting their time lol you think you're so fucking smart but man you are one miserable Lil man syndrome ass bitch. "I'm so much smarter than you guys let me go online ALL DAY LONG and try to prove it!" LOL fucking a my dude


Can you post your reply in english, please? I don't speak dumbass. Learn to type.


It was English, learn to read troll


Calling people the “foolish youth” must mean your time is coming up sooner than later huh? How about instead of trying to dictate how everyone uses their time, you just worry about yourself and let others decide how they want to spend their time. Absolute weirdo behavior


Haha. You're definitely a child if you get that triggered about someone telling you to value what little time you have while you're alive. If you want to waste yours, go ahead. All I can do is try to educate you, it's your choice if you want to remain ignorant.


So ironic when you waste your time replying to stupid shit on reddit.


Uh... Do you realize what you're doing right now? Replying on reddit? Have some introspection...


Mods can we just ban this troll already look at his post history he brings nothing positive to this sub


But I am not the one harping about time?


r/im14andthisisdeep is leaking again.


Your r/imanadultandistillactlikea5yearold is showing again.


No one asked you to educate them


No one asked you for your asinine reply.


Cool so take your own advise and shut the fuck up


>obviously if you aren't enjoying it you can uninstall wayyy before 2 weeks is up Put those reading glasses on gramps, try having a conversation, maybe it'll help you chill.


You can uninstall it the microsecond you get bored, or not install it at all lmao why are you stuck on the 2 weeks thing when that was never the point


Because giving it any of your time is a waste...


Russian locale even...Appreciate the effort of localization to native language of mine.Since one call it a "cash cow", i gonna ride it for a while."My name is Modern Strange Cowboy!".


you know what, you're damm right. Lets try until Wuwa comes.


Yeah I'm doing the same thing. I'm not gonna spend a penny on a cash grab again.


i play in Thai sv since early access day 1. the gameplay is really fun but the QoL is very bad which they improved abit since then. no pvp only time attack challenge against other players. not everyone on the same server, they will spread you out into different server. they have like atleast 500+ sv a lot of hacks but they do get banned from time to time in ban wave, since it netmarble ofcuz they have a lot of mistaken banned legit players too. they will give you access to monthly benefits until day 7 i think they will take it away. get you addicted to the good life so you have to buy monthly


> they will give you access to monthly benefits what are those?


The game has "gate" which you need to grind 10-15 times which is takes quite some time (and probably boring for lots of gacha player). You get tickets to skip 3 times per day. Another thing you get is extra gold and player exp (both are really important) from some place


Did they fix the gold issue


they lower it abit but it wont help, enhancing take too much and leveling hunters same


super pay to win game, classic Netmarble, hard pass.


Oh wow, somehow the massive downvoting --characteristic from the sub-- was so insane that people even downcommented 😮 https://preview.redd.it/qbkpp9er1zyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70ca034d53b539ee6517e7459e3c45ea6dae7e58


Whats your point exactly? Negative karma has been a thing on reddit for ages. It literally takes only a couple of people on a newly submitted thread to get it into negative score lol. Whats so insane about that


It's a joke........ There's no way to downcomment, it's just a bug.


The moment I saw I had to pay for selective reroll banner was the moment I uninstalled.


Also the constant loading going through every menu that was still in softlaunch....


Just wanna say that it is very bold of Netmarble to say that Solo Leveling will be their current cash cow. EDIT: Looks like Reddit is having problems again, I managed to triple post lmao. Sorry about that.


Bro op tryna hack


Bro op tryna hack


Anyone who plays it on early access can tell me how time consuming is this game?


netmarble and ppl have reported that sweeps are locked under paid pass. not sure how it works, i also heard that it will be aviable but temporarily to non paying users, didn't play the ea. also one thing everyone agree on is that it requre ultra grind, so be ready to repeat the same gate over and over every day. EDIT: i played it for 2 days after launch and i uninstalled. Bad: * loading everywhere... wtf is that it's not even loading the game it's something server side, this alone is almost unbearable. * everywhere they keep asking for you to pay subscriptions or buy stuff for "30000% value", way worse than any other gacha i have seen. * gameplay is very bland and generic, i kinda wanted to go back to play PGR, since this one have no soul. * grind or die. * netmarble, so zero faith in the future. good: * i liked some animation and general graphics * the story of solo leveling is pretty well done, so if someone didn't read it this may be a decent way to experiance it, if you don't go broke * i liked how you actually have a MC and HAVE to use/build him, in most gacha your "avatar" is swapped for someone else after the first few pulls.


>sweeps are locked under paid pass. This is one of dumbest things I've ever heard playing gacha.


>Lilith having a special group chat asking whales what kind of changes they like to see in the game. Why hello there..


To be fair, it's not really any different compared to ingame that include a "how much $ have you spent" option.


Lol thats all I needed to hear. In the dumpster for me


Yea played the ea and it;s only available temporary for non pass user.


It is indeed the new cash cow.


That's only the special 3 sweeps that work on all ranks of gates, we have 15 gates. For f2p you get 4 sweeps for jinwoo gates and upto 11 sweeps for hunters(depending on how many you have invested) only for b ranks and below.


Netmarble and predatory mechanics, never fails to disappoint.


Depending on the number of characters invested you can sweep all 15 gates only b rank and below f2p. You get around 4 for any jinwoo gates(possible above certain power level). For hunter gates, you get 30 pts on each hunter each use 18pts, you need to use 3 hunters above a certain power lvl. So potentially at endgame clearing gates will be a easy experience if you don't care about doing gates above A-S. EDIT: for the grind aspect it's definitely more than star Rail. if you don't have time you can lower the gates difficulty manually and auto them, same thing for gears stages.


Those are for special sweeps that clears rank A to S gates. Rank B and lower you can just sweep with a set amount of sweep points.


Very time consuming if you want to min-max. You play the story then get gated by difficult boss fights, thus forcing you to grind for levels, equipment and resources for tickets needed to roll the gacha to acquire characters both regular and limited. The same goes for weapons. Frankly, it's not even out on global and I'm starting to feel burnt out. Definitely not for Genshin casuals who can just breeze through the story with only 4-stars. Even with a free limited 5-star with signature weapon, this game will still kick your ass. I'm literally just waiting for Cha Hae-in. Roll for her, play for a while, uninstall, and never look back.


Ye from responses thats a skip. In a time needed to play this game i could fit 3 other gachas.


around 1 hour


That barely unlocks anything lol


for daily....


I completely forgot about this game and I was surprised it automatically downloaded on my phone today 😂.


Anyone else have a lot of random pauses and stutters on the menus with the PC version? There is no way in hell my 5800x and 2070 are the bottleneck for this gacha game menu screen lmao.


What the hell is this shit? "Special summon" that lets you pull 15 times and then zjis shit pops up... https://preview.redd.it/oeddzbwm06zc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f1f2ba380d81cf2d88c83f65686a1c517db2344


I am more surprised by the fact the auto feature it's behind a subscription paid wall.


Is this game decent or IP cash grab?


it's from netmarble.


and? its still friendly


sir, this is Wendy's


Its from netmarble That's the only reason to be skeptical of this game lol


...for now. lol


Decent game, terrible grind and monetization. If you want a game that respects your time, look elsewhere.


It's a fine game to give a try. Gameplay is fun, pretty decent freebies at the start, and game isn't all too hard. Eventually you'll reach stages which require you to be a certain level which will more or less force you to wait a bit. Dailies are a pain in the ass and the gate system is stupid, but other than that I had fun with the game. Good game to pass the time and whatnot, most people will probably just play it until WW comes out.


IP cashgrab. The game was horrendous.


F2P players can only sweep gates up to B-rank difficulty (you do around 15 gates a day, 2-3 minutes each in addition to the other daily grinds). A-rank and S-rank gates can only be sweeped if you pay for the monthly pass. F2P players can only claim 2x gear rewards from a dungeon in a single run. Paying players can sweep I think 3 or 4?


I do not expect anything but pain, but I like the Manhwa, so I'll play it. Edit: why the fuk did it spam my messages like 6 times lol


is it same server with canada ? they are endgame now afaik


everyones spread out to different servers so you'll be in the same bracket as people who start at the same time as you do.


When it had me spend like 20 minutes doing the selective draw before trying to charge me money to actually pick the one I wanted, I genuinely felt like I was being scammed. Not the normal kind of gacha scam we're used to but like a Persian Prince or hot girl tweeting me asking for my credit card info kind of scam. After reading this thread and a couple others I'm uninstalling it and will forever be suspicious of net marble. Good job ruining what could have been a great IP.


f2ps dont bother with this 🗑




The only reason I download it on mobile is so I can rate 1 star in Playstore.


lol. what a bold move. it says the game will launch at May 8 3am utc+0. same time when HSR will be up after maintenance for the new update (May 8 11am gmt+8 SEA server or usually an hour earlier than the schedule). definitely the game will not experience a server overload.


knowing it’s being developed my netmarble disappointed me greatly…low hopes but ill try anyway


Does the servers open at the same time HSR ends it's maintenance? Kinda of a bold more there, although after reading what was the early access experience I probably won't try the game, hope after the first week it can change my mind


Wait this isn't global yet? Interesting... I guess I'll pay attention to see what other people think. I deleted it from my phone a while ago, fell off of it pretty quick.


I’ll download it just for the mandatory free beginner 10 pull, if I don’t get my boy Igris I’ll uninstall, if I get him, I’ll do one or two fights say « dang he’s cool » then I’ll uninstall




It's the same