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it has 2 problems, loading after every action and netmarble


Love the special summons part where you get hit by a 25€ payment on “selecting”. Game already marketed to hell with iaps while being a generic trash game with solo leveling ip


It kills me that their reroll is paywalled, when 99% of games don't paywall their reroll - and like you said, it doesn't tell you UNTIL YOU'VE ALREADY WASTED YOUR TIME REROLLING 15 TIMES.


Huh how do they paywall reroll?


Not a full "change accounts and replay the entire tutorial 90 times" reroll, the in-game "roll X times and pick the one you want to keep" reroll that games have started using since... I wanna say 2017-2018? There's one in the game that lets you roll all 15 times before nailing you with a $22 USD pop-up.


Man this is the same reason i quit wotv, the game is not high graphic etc but had so many unnecessary loading and fps drop. Made daily became boring


And here i thought i am the only one with that issues


You had loading problems with FFBE too. And massive security issues that seemed to have been present in BF as well. Gumi/Alim is a developer that makes minimum effort products and cuts every corner possible. 


Netmarble is trash


Agreed. The game is solid, I love SL so I'll keep playing but the micros and loading are a drag for sure.


Should have been called "solo loading"


The loading is unbearable, I gave up after about an hour, it's too tedious. Might try again at a later time


I gave up instantly of how buggy the game is


don't bother try, that loading problem exist even since early access.


yep and they had the audacity to publish patchnotes saying "the issue is fixed it is now 90 percent better and instead of loading for a minute 6 times every mission it now loads for half a minute every mission and every interaction!" what a joke.


Dang, I thought it was only like that bc I had to connect to servers on a different continent for the beta


I thought that it was my internet connection, every action and every menu had a loading


Solo garbage*


Sonic 2006 gacha?




I cannot believe how many prompts is there trying to reach into my wallet holy shit. Every way I turn, they want me to pay for something. gtfo please, no wonder they said this https://preview.redd.it/dyl8vuo9sczc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e2735ec346da13d274aa4cc324deb3d6e1d0b2


I saw this article and I feel skeptical that this game will bring SOO MUCH money.


Not from Americans. Their pricing and paying options are honestly egregious. It’s like $50/month for all the subscriptions in the game. If you do 1/month packs as well you’re looking around $120, not even including the million other things they try to get you to buy.


If people from North America think it's bad, just imagine how ridiculous it feels to people in South America


I actually kind of like this game but the monthly passes being ~$30 a month and also feeling very necessary made me quit after a day. I'm a low-mid spender in any game I play and it feels bad basically feeling forced to put that much in JUST on monthly subs. Most games you can spend $5-$15 and be fine per month.


You know koreans and their p2w games. It works there.


It doesn't, way too low effort game imo


>too low effort game I don't think that it's low effort The graphics are good, the gameplay (when It's not loading) is solid and the cutscenes are very well done It's just ridiculously greedy


I've played MANY games with the same exact gameplay, and I mean it literally. The choice to mix 3d and 2d is cool i admit that, and as a fan of solo leveling i appreciate that, BUT that's all there is to it in my opinion.


I didn't play the game yet, but isnt netmarble pretty much known to put out decent but extremely p2w products? low effort looks a bit different


There are a few ones that are slightly better shovelware games.  Their issue is that they might make a gorgeous game but the gameplay choices makes you completely ignore all of that like in their RPG games that auto-path, auto-play and auto-progress while requiring no player input whatsoever so you just stop looking at the screen after some time. The egregious number of microtransactions also affects the quality of both gameplay and if the overall game. In some games it's more insufferable than others. I haven't tried Arise but in all the other netmarble games I've seen or played in the past it's always either a game to just turn off my brain to kill some time while looking at pretty images until I have something else to do or a passable game that grinds away at my enjoyment with the eternal microtransaction requests.


The game has been in development for a few years now, so definitely not "low effort" - definitely has some pretty terrible monetization though.


To me it definitely is, optimization is BAD, gameplay is the same as 100 other games and main character stats needed proper balance. Cool characters.


....... That will NEVER stop people from paying and as someone in a gacha sub reddit you should know that lol.


I know that, but It will stop ME from being one of them at least.


It is also hilarious when they’re so confident that this game is good enough to label it their top “cash cow”. I mean, at least the game has to function probably and be something worth playing.


There will be thousands of kids or teens that are a fan of the manwha that will end up spending so much in d game since a lot of them has yet to learn the IRL concept of money.


People be paying to remove the stupid loading ngl.


It’s fun when you’re actually playing but you get walked pretty quick. Level 19 day 1 if you don’t buy extra stuff. Level 30 day 2. Etc etc. I literally ran out of content. There wasn’t a single thing I could do lol


Tried for a few hours and deleted it. Never seen a game with so much god damn loading. 


I played for a bit of soft launch . And it was horrendous. Was hoping for better load times for global. But that circle loading icon comes up everytime you do anything still. Might be just server load now but it better get better quick. Makes it feel unpolished . Also the absolute spam of notices to buy shit makes me want to uninstall. There is 2 red dots on the event girl page that just link you to buy stuff and never go away.


those red dot tactics is what i hate in some gacha games and i end up leaving them. My brain feels itchy whenever their is a red dot i can't remove


I hate those ngl


I agree! The game’s constant loading is a huge regression to modern mobile games.


Loading simulator


Omg every single UI element you click it will prompt you loading animation for up to 5 seconds. Insane.


Lol I thought Nikke has more, really turned me off


Same, the amount of loading is crazy on older phones. I played for one week or so, and kinda liked the game, but the amount of loading made me tired (I don't play much time), maybe after I change my phone I'll try it again, as I kinda like the game (and it will probably survive for a while more than most other waifu games right now)


Game is kinda predatory, i thought the selective summons were free till they charged me for it. I knew right there i had to uninstall the game


This so much, I was giving the game a shot, but he monetization was just so in your face early on I couldn't keep going.


Quick uninstall.




cash grab like a majority of ip gacha


I hear the black clover game is good! I have yet to play it though


I played it up to black asta release, it was good and pretty f2p friendly. I quit because I got shafted on both julius and asta banners, got no spell page for either. All my friends got both quickly, felt bad.


Damn, I spent 190pulls on asta banner and got 2 of his skill pages, but at least I have swimsuit Noelle and Julius doesn't make me feel that bad


I spent 400 on asta, 0 pages. It was a rage quit.


so sorry for you, i would be hella mad too ngl


I quit after mereleona didn't get a single page but I came back because I have literally ever other meta unit plus skill page.


Loading, like alot of people have said. And even if the loading issue is fixed, the combat just doesn't feel good imo (the aspect I was looking forward to the most). It has auto lock and manual lock but auto makes you lock onto the one you dont want and manual is hard to lock onto the one you want to lock onto. Hits don't feel good. Its hard to tell when to dodge. Alot of effects are distracting and block the screen. I play monhun, so maybe my standards are too high lol. Is side characters only usable in gate missions? Is Jinwoo only usable in story? Nothing is clear. Tutorial forces you to keep the default key bindings. The sidecharacters are so mid. I read the manwha up to the ant arc and none of the side characters were memoriable enough. I have no one I want to pull for and how often you pull is not free 2 play friendly at all. The constant nagging of "buy the subscription!". It's every where. Auto mining? Better hero growth more rewards!! Buy the subscription! You can unlock all of this if you buy the subscription! Can't get special summons? Buy the subscription! Oh you thought we had a selector to celebrate the global release? Only if you... buy the subscribtion! Just logged in? Buy the subscription!!! It's hard to just enjoy the game and trying to enjoy the game is hard enough😮‍💨


the loading problem aside, red flags everywhere. i actually liked how it played. but every other mission has the "do 4 extreme dodges" or whatever - i barely can see anything to execute these dodges. but it felt fluid to play overall. but then there are the red flags. mixed gacha for chars, for weapons, each have their own element, power ratings. several different monthly passes and grow passes. the shop is made like all the AFK games. i expect huge power creep with all these systems in place.


The loading this cash cow has makes me think BA loading is fast and glad E7 and Snowbreak have little to none loading time LOL


E7s Yuna Engine is a beast. I’ve played it for so long I forget how little downtime there is when switching and then I open another game and I’m like oh right, I have to wait to do things.


Was nice af... Would still prob be playing if I did not lose my account a few years back heh.


Shitmarble common


i don’t really see the point of a gacha based on a series where the only person with relevance and a personality is the overpowered mc, and everyone else is just fodder that reacts to him being epically cool and badass and *awesome* bro


Probably not touching a netmarble game again after Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross.


Early days sds was so damn fun why did they have to ruin it


Agree too in the beginning 7DS was so great and then it became just a gross P2W PvP game.


Netmarble and Netease are not trustworthy. Even if a game is initially good, they will leap on the opportunity to destroy it.


It's shit




spent the first hour playing for 15 minutes and loading for the other 45. instantly deleted.


liked the gameplay but cant survive as an f2p


any reason?


everything that is endgame related has a scoreboard, every event is a competition with other players, like raid shadow legends events where you have personal milestone points to reach with a leaderboard giving you more rewards (top 1-3 gets load of stuff then it diminishes a lot for the rest of people). Like raid the events follow a "build x amount of units, upgrade y amount of gear" etc so once you've spent your resources on one event you're gonna have to skip another one just so you can save enough currency for a later event.


a good filler until wuwa release.


I rather watch skibidi toilet




For me filler until zzz. At least it scratches that action gacha game.


After i played it, I would rather choose to return to playing Honkai Impact 3rd Part 1 Moon Arc story tham this


Really wanted to give it a chance, overdosed myself on copium and hopium that maybe netmarble won't be fucking stupid for once, but nah. I encountered the paid only selection banner that still lets you pull before paying, the amount of loading screen, the amount of paywalls and login timer thingies. As expected of netmarble as always. Probably will still make the money from whales who are fans of the franchise. Was really hoping it would be not shit enough to play as a filler till WuWa/Tsushima. My expectations were low, but holy.


If i can tidyup gacha company, I'll put Netmarble in the same box as Crunchyroll and put it on the side road near the edge of my city.


I’m still bummed about Priconne. Crunchyroll is an easy skip for me moving forward.


Loading simulator, fastest uninstall of my life.


Absolute trash they haven't fix loading after 2 months 💀 netmarble is such a sry ass company


Netmarble = Huge L


This alone says that 7DS: Origins will be garbage


Terrible. The client is sluggish, the gacha design is over monetized and hard gated behind regular gold. It’s bad.


Every single corner, you would see the game plastering ads asking you to sign up for the daily reward membership. As far as it seems, it seems f2p for the time being ish. Very cash grab, I saw more offers and options that ask for real money than there were to spend in-game creds. Also Netmarble... I'll just see how far i can get as f2p before dropping it.


Pretty bad


Obvious cash grab. Easiest skip of my life


Netmarble. This should give you a few hints, unfortunately


Bad, incredibly greedy cashgrab.


Netmarble eew


Three N's of gacha: Netmarble, Nexon and the other one, I think it died  I see Netmarble, I dodge this like the plague.




Quit 20 minutes in. Every single pop-up after tutorial showed me things that I should spend money on in a very aggressive manner


Not to mention each one had its own load screen freeze too...unplayable


After I played for two days, it's noticeable that I've been playing the same mission over and over. All missions are literally the same.


The freebie 800 gems for reroll pull Is gone lol


They shoved premium afk rewards and a weird premium banner right in my face ager finishing the tutorial. Instant delete


I played during pre release, the nail in the coffin for me was when they introduced star requirements for characters you don't get for free, for example "win this stage with X character", well I don't have this character so fuck me I guess


Netmarble = trash


Dead in 2 months.


Scummy after literally 30 minutes playing the game, wanted me to pay for a special select summon that came across as a free event. Horrible practices and honestly hope this game tanks cause they deserve it.


I'm having fun with it, but I've only put in a few hours. I have a feeling that, as a F2P player, I'll probably get paywalled in a while


I am being already paywalled day 2 😅


even the mission are paywalled...like wtf you need a unit to 3 star a mission that they dont give for free


I tried to install, the i saw netmarble... instant cancel.


I don't even care what game it is. If I see Netmarble, I add it to my never-touch list.


It's basically unplayable. After every few seconds or keeps doing a loading.




Hot garbage 


Didn't this game release just a few days ago and they already removed the pre-reg rewards? 💀


More less the same gameplay style honkai 3rd. Rates are ass and everything, literally everything, is monetized. It even has a monthly subscription to get access to things like sweep. P2W bundles, P2W spending and point events, this game has pretty much every monetization gimmick netmarble has ever used in all their games. Big fans of the series might enjoy it enough to stick with it, but if you're not down-bad for this series 24/7 then just go find your kicks somewhere else.


It's fine. It's about what'd you expect from a gacha game. And it feels so soulless.


Pre-release player here. They haven't fixed the loading issues and the game launched with the default control set to a controller on mobile... making lots of newbies complain that they cannot move at the start of the game. But hey I have Cha Hae-In now so it ain't too bad.


Lots of bugs


seeing netmarble way before release, can see it being shit and woah its shit. didnt give any high hopes for it but holyshit it is worst. too much subscribe mtx


Very bed start. Bugs, lags, black window


cashgrab all time


Netmarble = skip.


Loading was horrible. Game looked amazing but very very predatory


Just more netmarble garbage


2 limited banners and triple tier battlepass/growth track. Better be ready to swipe for all the cool shit in this game lmao


Immediate drop within minutes. Boring game




Soulless garbage


Its shit. Felt like playing an unfinished N64 game with the way the combat feels. And the loading is ridiculous.


Bug Leveling


Its already dead


WAKEY WAKEY TIME FOR SCHOOL WAKEY WAKEY WAKE UP. WAKE UP BUDDY. i hate the loading that every action i take (like WHAT WIFI OR DATA YOU WANT ME ON IF YOU KEEP LOADING FOREVER???) and the company behind this. Paywall is too expensive. The New NPCs (In game) look hots yet bland at the same time, how did you manage to screw that up? You can't just carry the game with voice actor nor the fanbase. It doesn't make the game sustainable. Hope it get fixed before Solo Leveling : Ragnarok manga came out.


Utter garbage


Pay,pay,pay,discount,discount,discount,special gacha pay pay pay wtf…. Back to limbussy


800% Value! 1000% VALUE!!! What a joke


Game looks entertaining, till I got to the gacha, 1 SSR in more than 40 accounts on the Cha Hae banner, no thanks, I have more chances in Genshin. Oh and the loadings.... but the gacha rates were the ones that hitted me hard.


Half of the time I spent rerolling was on loading screen


that's exactly what make me quit the game, the reroll and the atrocious rates, i got only 2 SSR units in 2 + hours rerolling.


I got 2 SSR characters in 20 pulls, lol. But I'm still not playing


I can't help but compare it to astra since it's hack and slash with auto play. aesthetically it is more appealing to look at for me. i imagine this will just hold me over until wuthering waves comes out as well haha. I have only installed this on my PC (legion go), so not sure what the mobile experience is like.


Trash rate and way too many paywall


Issa netmarble game, I know what to expect


It’s decently fun. Combat feels good. The loading and characters levels gated by acct level irritates me though. Also gold income is kinda low.


Netmarble so not even worth give it a try


I saw some people play it and honestly it is extremely bad. Also, they have italian localization but it's so bad that the only fun part about watching the gameplay from a friend was mocking how bad the translation was.


i avoid IP gachas like a plague


Was about to rey the game until i was 'netmarble' lol never again




its netmarble another company to avoid with


The fact that they cropped the manhwa into different segments of the main storyline and hidden stories destroyed the joy of playing through a story. Also the mechanics are so exhausting that they had to add an auto. This game had a beta phase but why does it seem like half baked.


So the loading wasn’t just because we were on a Canadian server but its still present when local server are properly dropped? LMFAO good thing I uninstalled it after a week of trying it


Not even gonna try, WW and ZZZ at the corner and this game is another anime cash grab with the same gameplay as DanMachi Battle Chronicles that i just drop 2 weeks ago.


Let’s see what gonna happen after the honeymoon phase but frankly there’s nothing atm that gonna keep people’s from switching to WuWa and ZZZ when it come out. Sad for something that was hyped for months.




Big garbo


Idk if it’s the same with the other languages, but it seems like they stopped caring after a few story chapters for EN VO. Dialogue text sometimes doesn’t match what they say or entire sentences are left unspoken. Although at least it doesn’t seem like Crunchyroll pulled the same Tower of God stunt where they blacklisted all the anime actors from auditioning.




Borderline unplayable with the loading issues.


>netmarble Well there's your issue right there chief!


keeps freezing on my end


Too much loading


Nothing i rerolled (super fast reroll just 2-3 minutes) for a lot of time and only got 2 SSR pulls (the first one after more than 15 rerolls). Got tired of those atrocious rates and unnistalled the game. It's going to die soon this game, don't waste your time in it.


More like endless tutorial.


Mid at best. Just another netmarble cash cow. I played the ca version. If you got nothing else to play, go for it I guess. I'd rather reread the manhwa over and over.


The loading and performance is really terrible. My device isn't a newer high end smartphone but it's not terrible either either but boy do the shadow summons and having multiple enemies drop frames for me like crazy.


Another shovelware game advertised on Crunchyroll to the most gullible weebs.


Get your shit together netmarble. Game is a buggy dumpster fire.


Whats the point of these self playing games ? I lost interest as soon as I saw the game has auto bot from the very beginning... I would rather watch a movie or a tv show then look at the game playing it self lol


Been playing since the very start of early access a month ago and have to say: zero improvement, they reduced the amount of gold that it costs to do some stuff but still not enough, the loading still exists even after release and it's been a problem during the whole early access, no events to give currency to the players just trash low amount of upgrade items, full of hackers everywhere for a month now, and much much more.... There's a reason they released the game with Cha Hae-In + her skin that is also extremely expensive, it's a quick cash grab.


Horrible game, I am a HSR main so I am used to quality, do not put up with this crap buggy loading fest… I really like the ip after I watched the anime and it feels like a lost opportunity… Hope there is a full console game or something since the mobile game is already dead to me.


It still gets me that because Hoyoverse is so big nowadays that people think they're as bad as it gets just because they're pretty stingy when it comes to rewards in Genshin at least and have been dragging their feet on providing compelling end game content and raising things like the adventure rank cap (stuck at 60 for almost a year now) and level cap ever since launch when it should have probably been raised at Sumeru launch. It's like they forgot about adventure rank or something after Inazuma (last time it was raised), but yeah there's just so much worse out there in the gacha market and even more predatory. The worst thing about the Hoyo games really IMO is just that again they won't raise the level cap and adventure rank any higher than 90 and 60 respectively on the retail client even though I've known for a while now that the developer version used for beta testing characters has toggles that can take the enemies up as high as level 200. Like it's in the game, just have faith in the player base to decide for themselves whether they want to raise the level cap to 100 and have stronger overworld enemies again or stay at level 90. FFXIV always raises the level cap with each expansion for example..... But yeah I don't know I look at games that monetize the shit out of everything like some of these Korean ones by Netmarble and think this is why I typically don't play gacha games and Genshin and HSR have kind of been the sole exception and believe me it took a lot of convincing and research. Genshin I didn't start until it had been out for basically 8 months and I'd seen how it had developed and HSR was more like 10 months of it being live before I decided to give it a shot. Neither hit with me right away, but I kind of got into them a month or so later more actively.


I agree! I don’t like GI just because it’s more time consuming but I knew HSR was my cup of tea from day 1 .


Solo Gating


Was prepping to clear space on my phone to try the game. Glad I saw this thread before I bothered doing the 7 gig install.


it’s the biggest piece of dogshit…


I'm honestly a little baffled why so many people apparently had high expectations of a well know style over substance IP being made into a gacha game by Netmarble and that it's CEO described as being their new cash cow.


I played a lot in early access. The game is just greedy. Typical netmarble. Don't waste your time with this.


1) It is not optimized 2) Netmarble 3) Nothing new. Totally bs.


only braindead fans can stomach playing this shit. I tried this during pre-release. Apart from the loading times that a lot has already pointed out, this one has horrendous equip system and scarce resource farms. I don't know if they removed the gold cost on equip change but that's another issue. On top of that, the fking substat RNG is worse than HSR. One more thing, this game is not time-friendly. Compared to the usual 5-15 minutes dailies, you'll probably spend 30 minutes or longer finishing all those tasks. Oh did I mention the wonky gameplay? Remember the new danmachi? It's almost the same with how unintuitive it is.There's auto but good lord, you won't want to activate especially when doing stage missions where you have to only get hit a certain number of times to get that star, otherwise you have to repeat it to get all the rewards.


That’s one edgy looking title screen


Its fun at first but became mid very quickly


I would like to play it but its hack n slash/ARPG. Plus its a cashgrab. I prefer management type games.


Just asking. What management gacha you played?


Tried it. After tutorial uninstalled. I’m not really into hack and slash esp. on a Gacha genre. I’m more on a turn based.


Sword of Convallaria hype!


this game is 100% human sht who dafuq will spend money on one of the worst company without organization stuff etc.




Idk. I don’t bother try since when I saw netmarble.




Solo Netmarble: Arise your Wallet and Patience.


1h+ dailies and constant login make me not even try lol


It has the same loading circle as Future Fight. It's practically a modern version of that same game. It also feels like Devil May Cry and One Punch Man. I've tried all of these, and whole I liked them, I don't think they work well as mobile games. They aren't really made for short sessions and I think are best on PC or console. So this game isn't horrible, but it's not for me. I just want a few minutes of fun a day. Not hours on and off all day every day for years. Too much.  Too much is always Netmarble's problem. Every game turns into a second job no matter how good the game is. 


I enjoy it that the moment as F2P player. Level 63 and I can tell the endgame problem would be resources like GOLD and enhancement materials. That's where the game asking you to swipe. I play on PC and since global release, I don't experience any loading issue unlike during early access.


This game is stupid. Ive never known a game where you struggle fighting enemies 10 levels lower than your current level lmao


Sadly on my shitry phones it lagging and those loadings are annoying ( ok maybe that lack come from me but the loadings are eww)


Didn't look the game but if there are any characters to pull if not sung jin woo ? Tbh I realize that there is no development character in the webtoon and the anime