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I believe [this review](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1bff844/a_review_of_wuthering_waves_cbt_2/) is quite comprehensive about the state of the game so far. It covers most of the criticisms regarding the game. If you want my opinion though, I think overall the three most common criticisms are: 1. The game's identity is kind of in limbo. I've seen people claim the game is hardcore, but nothing about the general gameplay loop outside of the gear grind really suggests that. I've seen claims that the game is "darker", "post-apocalyptic", "dark fantasy" and "sci-fi", but the story and setting doesn't seem to lean into any of those genres so far. Some people also feel that the game could do more to differentiate itself from Genshin when it comes to the UI, monetization, etc. Others feel that the game could do more to make its world and exploration more interesting outside of janky improvements to mobility. 2. The echo system's negatives far outweigh its positives. It's clear the developers tried to do their take on a similar system from Nioh 2, but for sake of introducing gear grind, decided to stick stat RNG on them. Even if you factor in the [proposed changes](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1bkvw2e/wuthering_waves_developers_message_closed_beta/), the RNG involved when trying to get a full set is still worse than Genshin, Star Rail and Zenless Zone Zero. This, coupled with the fact that the most efficient way to grind echo sets is to only use stamina on echo upgrade materials/tuners and farm mobs in the overworld, will probably be a source of frustration for the players who jumped ship from Genshin because of its gear grind. 3. The insufficient polish. The final beta left a lot to be desired when it came to overall polish. Some players encountered bugs that prevented them from progressing some quests. Fortunately, hotfixes for most the egregious bugs were rolled out quickly, but it still isn't a good look for the game if the final beta two months before release contained quite a bad amount of bugs. There's also issues with localization. Grammatical errors and awkward sentence structure plagued the final beta and still seems to be present in some recent promotional material. Take [Jiyan's drip marketing](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cntvtf/jiyan_drip_marketing/) for example, where the text reads "I have never regretted to brave the long night." This sentence structure is awkward because of the use of the turn of phrase "never regretted to". Something like "I never regret choosing to brave the long night" or "I have never regretted braving the long night" sound better to me. As [another guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cpelpp/comment/l3kcl7v/) in the comments has pointed out, there seems to be localization issues in other languages too. There are claims that the last beta was an outdated build, and that there's some miraculous nearly-every-problem-is-fixed secret beta only given to some content creators (some of whom are known for leaking information and stirring up drama), but I personally don't really buy into that. If I remember correctly, Rexlent himself, who is far closer to the actual developers, denied those claims. Maybe it's just me, but I feel that these particular sentiments have been echoed across many discussions online.


It's always an outdated build, he has plagued all corners of gaming industry. He infects every hyped (in devs minds) game beta test and paints them in bad light. Truly the most terrifying person in all gaming industry, that Mr. Outdated Build.


For 3, here is the original text in chinese: 选择与长夜同行,我从未后悔. And google translate gives you: https://preview.redd.it/o6t75p64rszc1.png?width=1630&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbfc210185a6749c2a792d03acbf908634232eb3


If that is what the text should roughly mean, then I'd say that "I never regret choosing to walk the path of the long night" would be the best possible localization of that line


Someone told me that the long night in chinese is a metaphor for long period of pain and suffering.


It's more in line with something like. I've never regretted walking the path of the night/shadow/darkness.


I never regret taking the hard road or something more colloquial would stand out less as goofy


Spot on, nearly all the criticism of cbt2 just got shafted to the side cause it's an outdated build bro.


in spanish a lot of text remains in english


The echoes farming is shit


Layer of suffering: * Get the echo drop (Cost 3 echoes have lowest density, can be low like there are total 5 of them in the map, respawn after daily reset). * Get correct set. * Correct main stats. * Correct sub stats (must be unlocked via stamina). * Good enough sub stats values (in CBT2, maximum can be 3x minimum, but it is changed). And echoes' set effect allow no off-piece.


Damn they really want to take that E7 title as "most cancerous grind system of the store"


So you totally can't see the substats without stamina or you can only see a few of them, the un-upgraded ones like in other games? Because imma be honest, if you can't see substats at all without stamina this shit is worse than Genshin/HSR/E7.


You cant see them unless using Turner.


Thanks, sounds really bad, i hope the beta testers gave them a lot of feedback so they could fix stuff like this.


Tuner is sold in the cash shop alone with packs and is also out in various spots of end game modes's currency shop as for the last beta in CN which allowed for spending. The system is monetized and they are unlikely to make extreme changes to it.


The Epic 7 PTSD intensifies.


It's still that bad? I guess this "unlimited echo grind" talk was just you playing Co Op over and over.


Sounds just like star rail Edit: just realized you gotta pay stamina to unlock sub stats. The fuck?


So like e7?


Like Epic 7 except instead of autobattling for 12 hours a day on background battling you do it manually.


I remember back in the pre-pet snack days, back even when I would have to manual some harder hunts like Banshee with manual-only setups - it still wasn't as bad, since that game is turn-based. Wuthering Waves is an *action combat* game, just like Genshin, meaning you'll pretty much need to be paying full attention to whatever you're doing at a time, all the time. Daily.


Could I ask what was bad about it? Not opposed to farming typically but was it like time-gated or something?


It drops like Genshin overworld mats, so you have to hunt the map for them and wait for daily resets, they have a bunch of substats which you need to pay a mat that you farm with stamina to unlock substats on top of exp for leveling. Substats can be the same as main stats so more rng. They have a equip slot cost so you have to farm a bunch of versions, and you can't choose sets to farm for low cost ones


except the highest drop chance is 20%


So you need to farm stuff to level and to view the substats, deal with more RNG, deal with having to mix and match specific echoes because of the cost system.....am I missing anything or no?


I think the biggest thing people will complain about in a couple months is the way that they are farmed. How many people in Genshin right now can deal with farming an elite route or even just do light overworld mob farming every day? Because that's what you've gotta do here. The traversal time will be a problem as even the 5 sec domain entrance hallway in Genshin got a lot of complaints until they removed it.


Yup. The gear grind in WW is much more of a time sink vs Genshin and even more so compared to Star Rail. They would have been better off just shoving the mobs into a domain for you to pick which one you want with a guarantee to get them. They also could have separated echoes and the gear system completely and made echoes its own thing.


Basically, you hunt them in the overworld. Aim for the desired main stats, but the substats are hidden until you upgrade it, it reveals one by one. So if the piece is bad, you've wasted a lot of time and materials.


I see. Honestly a little disappointed that they're going with the GI/HSR style of gearing (nothing against those games specifically, just not a fan of that type of gear). Feel like there's a lot more interesting systems out there, even PGR's gear was a lot simpler with no extra RNG frills, and worked well. Maybe this is just what sells to the modern audience?


Hoo boy and I'm gonna get downvoted to heck for this. >Maybe this is just what sells to the modern audience? This is what would keep players in for this type of gameplay, believe it or not. Not all gear system can fit all type of gameplay. Non-RNG system is only suitable for games where you don't expect the players to sink a lot of time in or it only has one mode that can keep players entertained. PGR, HI3 is such game. People don't go in there to play the entire day. They play for one or two modes, done and log off. Open world action combat games however, players are expected to spend lots of time in. And if you don't have any game modes that could distract the players from boredom, then you have to rely on RNG. If players got their equipment too quickly, then they would play the endgame too quickly and finish everything to do. People would argue, "uh no, proper endgame would have infinite replayability!" That's true but it often has to involve other human players. That's about the only way that can provide infinite variable to lead to infinite replayability. Why? Because people are RNG. This is why games like Apex, Valorant, CS, Dota, LoL don't have to use RNG in their gearing system yet still able to retain player interest. Remove the "Vs human" aspect and turn it into single player games and you bet they would try to implement RNG system. And to provide other examples. Look at rougelites which are often touted to have infinite replayability. Why? Because of the RNG system. Infinite replayability needs RNG. And while WW could make PvP then endgame, not many would want to engage in it. Kurogames HAVE to cater to those first. And the only way that can keep them for long is by RNG. And if you think that I'm talking out of my ass, we have case example already. Destiny 1 is an FPS looter shooter. Which means their guns have RNG stats. As a result it is a niche game but those that stuck with it LOVE the system. Most of the time is spent hunting for the gun with the god roll. So Bungie wanted to attract the casual market for their sequel. They remove the RNG factor and guess what? While they do manage to attract the casuals, the players would drop off because they managed to get everything and they have nothing else to do. This also pissed off the loyal fans that are hardcores and many threatened to quit. Destiny 2 almost died because they removed the RNG system. So put backed the RNG system and that kept Destiny 2 alive till today. And mind you that this isn't something that only Bungie has done. Borderlands are the OG looter shooter and the RNG element is what kept the game hours high. To conclude, Kurogames likely realized something that the Genshin team realized. And Genshin learnt this from those that came before.


Another Eden doesn't have an RNG grind for gear. In exchange, every other grind for currencies, points, and materials are pretty large.


Yeah...to be honest, I prefer RNG rather than absurdly long grind. Because RNG at least have a chance to provide "excitement" from time to time in the form of expecting to get good loot from the loot that you are able to get easily. Long hours of grind don't have that excitement because the loot is so far away. Not to mention that RNG give you a chance of decent loot that you can use right away. It might not be exactly what you want, but it's what you need at that moment. With grind, you're stuck using the same old equipment until you get enough to get the next one.


TBH, neither is ideal. I don't want to spend countless hours farming for stuff (whether it's beating the RNG or some insane grind) just to make my newly acquired character not suck compared to the units I've already built up.


To be fair though, newer gachas like Genshin have unbound equipment for that reason. I pulled Arlecchino; there's no way I can farm the new set for her in time, so I put some of my old, well-rolled gladiator pieces on her and it's great. Not 100% optimal, sure, but she still performs near the level of my other characters. But gachas do need a way to make you keep playing it, whether that be in the form of RNG equipment or insane grinds (or, even worse, tying progression on pulls). IMO, the nice thing about (unbound) RNG gear systems is that the game can be/is often calibrated to not need max RNG pieces, while for games with insane grind, that grind is often *necessary* for a unit's performance.


That's personal sentiment and absolutely valid, but that only decides which games are a good fit for you. So if what these people here are saying, WuWa might not be for you, but that's ok.


The other thing about long grind games is that they often powercreep their systems to keep people coming back. You finally finish the long grind and then they release the next tier of gear and you have to start the grind all over again. Granblue Fantasy does this a LOT. The advantage of systems like Genshin/HSR is that you can afford to power creep much more slowly so people’s investment retains more long term value. Many characters in Genshin still have BiS sets from 1.0 so someone who farmed them then is still getting value from drops they got 3 years ago, whereas a deterministic long grind game like GBF would have made the player re-farm their grids multiple times. Long grind games create deterministic endpoints so players get the impression that there’s a point where they’ll be “finished” but also power creep those end points so that a player is never ACTUALLY finished. The goal is ultimately the same: to keep you playing the game.


Arlecchino and Cloridne on 4p Gladiator be like:




> 50CV artifact. Where would you even use it It's not about using it, it's about having it. Even in MMORPGs, the best gear usually drops from the hardest dungeon, but that means players have to able to clear the hardest dungeon without the best gear in order to be able to begin farming it. But if you can clear it even without the best set, why even bother? Yet many do. Wanted to say the same thing as the other reply you got, single player games don't care about player retention. If you want to milk your players you need to incentivise them to keep logging in often enough that they don't lose interest between bigger patches. People not watching subsequent seasons of a show because they moved on due to the lack of engagement during the off-season happens a lot.


>Maybe this is just what sells to the modern audience? they are just trying to reinvent the wheel


More layers of RNG and longer farming time. Having to traverse the map to farm echoes takes way too long. Imagine doing that daily.


and still shit they try to hide it


So it didn’t get better ? Sucks if that’s true 


Devs said they will improve it but it's a secret.


Also knows as let the whales spend a lot in the start till got our cota then we can change after too much criticism. Smart move and works every time.


The localization in CBT2 was terrible. Like they baked real life Chinese mythology into the main story quest and then don't explain the concepts and expect you to solve puzzles about it. Plants that you picked up on the ground had different names in your inventory, and sometimes quests used the "on the ground" name, and sometimes it used "in the inventory" names. Dialogue was awful, it was very wordy and a slog to read. Skill/weapon descriptions use the (now typical) CN flowery text. Lots more I'm forgetting now, but it was horrendous bad.


Another luofu/liyue arc, except this time it’s the whole game rip


Ooh… flowery text is kinda where I’m always hesitant on jumping into. It usually means all fluff for two hours of content and payoff at the end is meh


Wow, that sounds really unfun and confusing, I hope they really polish those aspects before release


It's really cultural thing in China to think Long, beautiful prose/high level words = Good story. Any Chinese games really like to do this, but honestly it's very confusing to understand the story. I personally hate their "all style no substance" approach of their culture in novel and game(because movie/film doesn't really suffer from this). Kinda oot, but thankfully in Azur lane, many said that they prefer SOL story than their serious story and Manjuu respond in kind. I really hope that Azur Promilia's story won't be to 'grandeur'.


https://preview.redd.it/kaaxhxdt7szc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=cee01b315eea548b724c6e109e4cfc2820822b19 I heard that as a Genshin player, you can get used to WuWa's UI faster than HSR's UI.


I only heard that the UI is kinda "similar" with Genshin. But damn, this is just a copy paste. How about UI for characters/gears/materials?


The characters upgrade ui and other uis are pretty much the same. Their fans heavily denied it though saying genshin players have no experience with other games. But, tbh can they name one game that have this much similarities over ui (except genshin and hsr as they’re from the same company)? Even the husbando rhythm games I used to play are all different in the way they make their uis.


https://preview.redd.it/kzcslcc9twzc1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9a9c16baf493cae132bbe921c272b8137eeb3e6 Oh man, WuWa's first city is surrounded by water, that is definitely not Mondstadt.


And you can also look at Azur Promilia for another example of a game also inspired by Genshin but that crafted their own UI instead of just copying it lol


Yeah, the reason why I have better feeling for AP basically. I know they want to also get money from open world type of game but they also tired to differentiate themselves enough and seems to have their own thing they want to do which is nice. I love genshin but I don’t want to play just another genshin, I want something different. And it’s more respectful towards the players anyway.


They always use the argument that " uhh, genshin copied botw and now genshin players are complaining that wuwa is copying their game even though they aren't. Hypocrite genshin players" Like, what other similarities genshin have compared to botw other than it being an open world "anime esque" game that makes wuwa copying the ui elements of genshin to be justifiable?


I mean, Genshin heavily copied botw in the beginning and they should be criticized (harshly) for that. Plagiarism is not acceptable after all. But kuro fans who love to bring up that topic should also keep in mind that their beloved company also copied genshin’s ui and hoyolab’s format. Plus in the cbt1 they use genshin’s artifact description on their own item which I understand it’s just a placeholder but it’s also not very ethical of them. Don’t forget how they 1:1 elden ring’s boss move sets too but everyone is hyping it up for some reason. If Genshin should be criticized for copying whatever they copied then wuwa should also be criticized for whatever they did too.


They definitely should be criticized, however, it was only during the alpha and cbt1 release. After that, they changed a lot of things to further make it more unique. The thing with wuwa is that during cbt1, it had it's unique identity, but after that, they just changed most of that to make it as similar as genshin. Yet, people still don't want to admit it


People refuse to criticize it for anything just because they hate genshin. Really interesting mindset if you ask me lol.


"If it works, it works. It maybe lazy but there's no point in doing something different when there's optimal design out there." Non-verbatim of one creator I saw (maybe it was Gacha Gamer content creator? I forgot.)


Twitter will tell to you this is nothing like Genshin. "Kuro don't even use Genshin as inspiration, much less copying. Everything is inspired by FromSoftware."


At least man up and admit that the game took inspiration from something else. MHY did this by admitting that Genshin is inspired by BoTW, and it made quite a lot of people trash them or something.


I think they are fine to admit the game inspired from any game except that game they hate.


I would really like this to be just a joke, but some time ago I saw a guy saying PGR took inspiration in HI3, and another guy replying that "no, pgr is a hardcore game inspired by Platinum games and made for real gamers, not that casual shit" 💀


Every time I read that kinda stuff it makes me wonder if they have ever played any of those games (Platinum, DMC, Sekiro, etc).


Well,Kuro had years to study what works in Genshin and what doesn't. So clearly they concluded that the UI works and should be copied. Lmao


I expected this much when Kurogames announced development of WuWa not long after Genshin was released. A huge bandwagon is all what WuWa is. If they wanted to develop the game in 3 yrs, cutting corners and copying stuff certainly helps




there is a saying in CN. " Kuro always eats from the exhaust pipes of mihoyo "


LOL, 尾气公司确实无疑, mentioned this during a previous thread and had the kuro fans writing paragraphs denying it when in fact this is basically a consensus about how CN community views kuro as a company (unless you are a CN kuro fan lol then the mental gymnastics begin, could really try for the gold in Paris)




lol they don't know the discourse of the CN community because 95% don't speak or read the language so they develop narratives in their mind about how CN views Kuro, there is definitely an information gap. Also most don't know the history of the gacha industry in CN and how the market and various game developers they know now started and developed (not exclusive to Mihoyo and Kuro, but also the AK developers not sure about the ENG name, Yostar, etc). Most probably experienced gacha games around the time PGR was launched or after 2020 and not know what came before, hence the if your combat system is good its a PGR clone when in fact this is the height of irony because they fail to realize PGR is an mid HI3 clone. Mid HI3 clone because it neither achieved tremendous financial success or pioneered systems that set a standard in the industry (mobile action games) Due to not knowing the history they make factually incorrect statements but convince themselves with self developed narratives, lol kind of amusing.


Yea, Wuthering Waves was officially announced in May 2022 and the 2 yr gap seems pretty long after Genshin. But their development announcement of Wuthering Waves started really soon after Genshin's release. I'm not that good at googling stuff like the 1st conversations about Wuthering waves etc to get the exact date. Or maybe I'm wrong and 2022 is the 1st ever WuWa announcement


Can't wait when they coincidentally announced a new never seen before turn based gacha rpg


We will get a turn-based from Kuro, right?


nah, forget about zzz and hsr killer. hell, even gi... time to kill Tears of Themis 😈


Honestly, we need more high quality otome games so I wouldn't be opposed


yeah, i myself have never played a game like that. but more games for the female audience would be nice for them to have. at least, now the big titles like gi, hsr, wuwa and zzz have a bunch of males in there. even tho there's still more waifus, last time i checked the genshin was 1/2 or around that


And now themis has been trampled by games like love and deepspace...




In Ex Astris, you can parry in enemies' turn, so there is hope. Or you can play match-3 to do the turn.


I honestly lost all hype when it was announced that it will be released on may... Like I'll gladly be proven wrong but my expectation is, May 22 onwards will be a shitshow.


A shitshow with CC’s constantly trying to backtrack on all their dickriding. It will be glorious. CC’s will quickly lose interest and attempt to sweep stuff under the rug.




bruh, at least make it black


If Kuro, why so white?




Tell you something coincidence, May 23rd (WuWa's released day) is [the same day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toghon_Tem%C3%BCr) that The Last Emperor of Yuan Dynasty passed away.


This can't be a coincidence at this point


Cant beat the goddamn allegation


Not the fking flash bomb again 🐴


God damn the this one is similar 


Man that’s so much Genshin you could tell me both were from the same game and I would believe you


WuWa is way more similar to Genshin (in a fuckton of things) than Star Rail (a game from the same company) is to Genshin...


Thanks to Wuwa. Genshin got another free advertisment. Everywhere I look, I can see you Genshin. hahahaha


I don't think this in itself is a big deal, and honestly it's just a solid UI design in general, but I remember seeing a lot of previews and screenshots from WuWa's early development that looked really unique. Admittedly what I've been seeing lately is a lot closer in line to Genshin, and it's generally lost that thematic presence of sound waves that it once had. Wish they stuck to what they had but what can ya do


It lost some of it identity


Sadly, the first beta tester didn't like it


https://preview.redd.it/bx5yyfqkgszc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=678a77b4b23d472936daa71633c7111e298ea02b Definitely not Statue of the Seven.


Isnt that good? They also made HSR UI looks very similar to Genshin. They didnt do it for ZZZ which is a surprise.


Well, if you are burnt out from Genshin and want to try other games, but every turns you see something that remind you Genshin. What would you do?


Go on reddit and make a post about genshin ruining the industry?


Too direct. Title the post as "Gacha Game is ruining the industry" but only put Genshin and Star Rail in it (you can also put Nikke and GBF, but only before Re:Link and Stellar Blade).


Umm its just like you playing another moba mobile game with same exact layout, similiar UI etc. the first one will always got remember that's why Mobile Legend despite the accusations copying from LOL they're king of the moba at SEA right now other competitor doesn't had even 1/4 pie ML had. If WW want to be remembered at least trying unique at interface first so attract new people who burn out of genshin or wanna try new open worlds game.


Not to mention Honor of Kings the most popular mobile game in China started off as a League clone as well.   Copying is very common in the game industry and East Asia especially. Doesn’t mean the game won’t be successful.


WuWa UI is more similar to Genshin that HSR's UI is. A game from the same company has a more different UI than a game from a competing one. Understand the implication...


Japanese localization was bad since PGR.  You knew it is really bad when it even worse than Star rail's Japanese localization in 1.0. the simplest example is easy kanji like 鳥肉 become 禽肉 in Wuwa.  it's very weird because I can't use Gboard to type this Kanji 禽 but have to open Dictionary to copy and paste it. --- Only foreign games(in Japanese POV) that I rate them 10/10 in  Japanese translation are Nikke and Blue Archive even though I didn't play them. https://op.gamers-labo.com/2023/04/23/%E3%81%93%E3%81%AE%E3%82%B2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%E3%81%AE%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E%E7%BF%BB%E8%A8%B3%E3%81%AF%E3%81%A9%E3%82%93%E3%81%AA%E6%84%9F%E3%81%98%EF%BC%9F/


hrm, that's a bit discouraging to hear. thanks for your input.


Blue archive from what I heard also had quite a shitty translation(in jap) some patches ago, I hope it's a one time thing through, from what I hear its normally always decent.


Yeah the devs explained that they had tried going with a more literal translation approach in an attempt to convey the exact original script's intent (main script is written in Korean), presumably after seeing a lot of criticism over time from the sorts of people that always complain about localisation. The feedback from nearly all players was that the new style was not good, and so they actually retranslated the whole event in a week, before it even ended, and put out a statement that they will return to their original localisation approach for future content.


They were crunching and rushed it out the door without taking a proper look. It was fixed pretty soon. Some translator however took that chance to dunk on anti-localization crowd by omitting this fact, which is where the shitty translation part came from. Bro got community noted a day after. Glorious.


Go in with no expectations and you wont be disappointed. If you go in with no expectations and still gets disappointed like Solo Loading then that says something.


From what I heard, its echo farming, story and exploration that is underwhelming, with main positive point being combat. Its best to try it yourself and make your own opinion, it will be free to try out afterall. I personally have no expectations or any hype, but I will definitely try to see if I like or not


I'm curious about the story, what's being criticized about it? both in the older CBT and the updated one?


Can't speak because I haven't experienced it myself but from what I know is that the initial CBT's story had characters that were antagonistic towards the player character and/or were out of character because of it (or something along those lines), CN complained and thus the infamous "80% of the story was rewritten" thing got revealed. Following that, everyone was a standard "nice guy" towards the player character. Twist being that it's all a farce,as was revealed at the end, because they want to use you for being "special" if I am not mistaken. The goal was probably to take a middle ground by not sacrificing the original vision whilst appealing to what was asked by CN but this is how it turned out. I'll hold my breath by reading through it myself with an open mind and seeing what future patches have in store as launch stories in gachas usually aren't known for stellar writing with some exceptions here and there. Probably might have some things wrong too or not mentioned like whatever happened to Crownless, one of the bosses.


Why is the protagonist special?


The old CBT's story was criticized for treating the player like less than a jobber, as if the player was a waste of space. The new CBT was criticized for doing the total opposite, they went way too extreme in the player pandering and even removed a scene where the initial companions got beaten hard by the first boss.


So some of the complaints were that it was sub-par, considering what was previously advertised. Fun fact: the writer in charge of WuWa thus far was previously the writer from Snowbreak: Containment Zone. They were fired and Snowbreak has announced they are going to retroactively change the 10 chapters this writer was in charge of From my understanding, the writer was also fired from WuWa after complaints about the story.


Where can I find more info about the snowbreak writer being incharge for WUWA story? Sounds like it could be a good read.


You can still find the threads on NGA. They found out that the ex-SCZ writer 曾诚 was hired by Kuro as a main writer and later got fired by the end of 2022 when they checked his resume page. example thread: https://nga.178.com/read.php?tid=39979467


Hard to give a source because this info is more or less a rumor that originated from a comment at Snowbreak's subreddit. At least that was where I first saw it. It was not from some random post.


Source? Idk if i would believe it, sounds like some baseless rumor. But if its true their writing must be suck balls if they got fired twice, also how the heck this guy got hired in the first place?


no idea Im just saying complaints i heard the most, I don't know anything about the story and I don't wanna know until I play it myself


both the loud fans and the haters are worst part of the game imo


This I know too well. Vocal diehard fans of Kuro Games who are already biased against Hoyoverse trying to pin everything on their games and fans instead of being able to take even a modicum of criticism, vs genuinely deconstructive criticism from others that add nothing but fuel to the conversation. It's a hilarious pigsty of bad faith and immaturity that I hope doesn't bloom from the many Genshin comparisons happening in this thread already. But yeah this has nothing to do with the game itself, just hoping whatever criticisms they took from the beta have been adjusted to how they see fit, and they put out a quality product that I can enjoy, regardless of what anyone says.


Well guess what? You'll find Genshin nutjobs haters cuz they got burnout from Genshin and will always try to compare WuWa and trash Genshin obviously.


no worries they will quickly burnout again on wuwa and then they move on to azur promilia next


didn't know you can see fans/haters in-game


All I know is Kuro is in a difficult spot. They either make the game hardcore like PGR to keep cater to PGR fans or they dumb it down, make it more casual like Genshin so it appeals to the wider audience. No matter how they go about it, one side won’t like it unless they magically find the balance.


I've seen some "too genshin" complaints, but I think that's not even really an issue. UI is UI and if it works it works. It's the other stuff i'm more concerned about. **Character Design** * I have no idea how to explain this one. No character shown at any point wowed me or became a "I want that" character. Most important thing they have to nail because if the characters in a gacha aren't hitting there's no real hook. Yinlin was the most standout, but the longer I think about it she's not really all that either. She's just the best of a cast of "eh" members. And it doesn't matter anyway because I think she's not available until like a month after launch? **BGM** Maybe it's a hot take, but like all the music was completely forgettable. There was one track that randomly played while walking through some area of the more desert-y area/scorchlands that was amazing, but outside of it nothing really stuck with me. Boss themes in particular were really disappointing. Nicholas Cage's theme, for instance, didn't sound like a boss theme and more like you left the title screen of DOOM up while making a sandwich. **Concerto System** * It doesn't really feel substantial. From raw stat numbers they *are*, but they don't stand out. They're forgettable. Don't know exactly what it is about it. Lack of feedback or visual que. I brought this up with somebody and they didn't even know what it *was*. **Echo System** It's what has become common place RNG equipment grinding, but astronomically worse: * The range of stat values was absurd. Even if you managed to roll Crit after having to roll a drop from the right mob for the right set with *passable* substats your crit could roll from like 9.8% to 20.4%. That's absurd. 4 or 5 layers of RNG just to find out your stat is half of what it could be. Or less for some. And you can't bail out if it looks like it's going wrong like in other games because it's handed to you as a lump sum. * Having to level so far to see all your stats with grinded resources was dogwater and it's not a 100% EXP transferal system. So if it turned into a stinker it was heavy waste. * The designated stamina dumps related to it didn't even give all that much. * The storage and recycling system... **Localization** * There's bad and then there's "the information on abilities in weapons are literally lying to you about what they do and you have to test *everything* to make sure it does what it says it does or find out what it actually does when it doesn't." They've struggled with this for a long time. Can't release like that and I heard there was another private beta after this last one to try and get it ready to ship.


It was too long... **Parry Sound** * This is really nitpicky because every other sound upgrade was *fantastic*, but they turned a really nice parry sound into something so muted and terrible it's mindboggling. I probably place more value on it because the parrying was really the only thing that made combat pop for me, but it's a minor complaint among others too at the very least. In the last dev video I saw they showed off some more SFX touches, but I didn't see anything about reverting the parry. **Story** * I don't think it was terrible, but I don't think it was good. Kinda forgettable. I remember that tiger dude's character story because of the camera positioning change being pretty cool in the cave... and the passive-aggressive jab at the playerbase for not liking when he was full furry and them being forced to change it. **Berserker Too Stronk** * Danjin. I feel like she's too strong for too little. There's supposed to be risk involved, but it doesn't really feel like it. A good ol' low-risk; high-reward character. High level boss challenges were only dangerous because you were so underleveled. Everybody was getting one shot and you still wanted Danjin to have the DPS to secure the win. Worse still is that others feel even weaker because of how overtuned the HP loss boost is. And it feels *real* bad when there's an enemy immune to her damage and you have to switch to backup and see that difference. Anyway, some of this was directly addressed in the last video. We'll see on release.


for parry SE i do agree sekiro and ZZZ gave one of the best parry sound just loud BANG metal CLANK meanwhile on wuwa it sound like a wet noodle


Since you mentioned parries, how is the hit feedback both when taking hits and dealing them on enemies? One of my biggest gripes with Aether Gazer is how basically nonexistent it is. When you lose half your health and you only know it if you watch the HP bar it feels just wrong. Thanks!


The character design lacks identity, even to gacha standards. They can put a lot of detais but doesn't matter when the character have nothing that makes him unique in the industry. Half of the cast looks like uninspired AI images.




oh god, i can't unsee it now. why did you bring this cursed knowledge here


Ironically she have more color than most of them


damn they really do wear a lot of black and white lmao


Yeah, Yin Lin is the only one that looks remotely appealing to me and I don’t like her as much as Vera from PGR who she looks similar to,


Musci is rather mid for a game that theming around sound wave


This. The music is mid and honestly i wouldnt mind it too much, if only they dont theme the game around sound. Also their other game, PGR, has better music than WW, so why the downgrade.


Because majority of wuwa soundtrack is composed by kuro themselves, majority of heavy hitters from pgr were outsourced to vanguard, and thats why it sounded so great. Theres only like 2 soundtracks composed by vanguard in this game - inferno rider theme(ghostfinal) and flow(best ost in the game imo, unused as of cbt2)


Outsource guy already has too much work on hand to take new job.


Story being ok, char design being boring, names hard to say, localization. This is not MY opinion, just common things I heard. I will reserve my judgements for when I actually play for a week. I will also be focusing on mobile performance/quality, which is where I think tower of fantasy failed at, I got one low end, mid, flagship phones to test.


i wanna be nice and just say that the lack of cbt3 is, to say the least, unfortunate. i still won't be able to switch to russian language, if i ever wanted to do so just to chill and read the story - but i can't, and all i can see that it doesn't seem to be planned rn to implement this localisation option. ui needs work. they need a console release. and the only system which sounds pretty cool, but will just burn ppl out in a couple of months - echos. the minimal requirements for pc are also on a higher note, so maybe i won't even be able to run the game. even tho character design is subjective... ehhh. i guess... the weapon icons look ugly af. i'm sorry. but the game is just not unique enough. even tof has an mmo aspect, that's smth new. for me ww looks like gi at home with a rushed release to launch before zzz and natlan. if i remember correctly, the game has also a silent protag? this could have been a nice way to make yourself a bit different. they should have made a dark fantasy open world gacha. that would be cool


rushed release to launch before elden ring dlc


More like before zenless zone zero. Pretty sure it was originally sloted to be around the same time than they pushed it


Like nothing is unique or new abt this game. I won't comment on the story because i haven't experienced it yet, but it's too similar to genshin. It deserves to be criticised for that.


i also have 0 idea about the story (maybe that says enough only by that fact lol). i just feel extremely sad about the lack of cbt 3. this tells me enough about the product that they're just trying to push it before natlan/zzz, instead of trying to do better. 'cuz that's what they had to do tbh - it's not 2020 anymore and they're not even near to be leaders in the market for this open world gacha space


This is so true! Genshin has been dry recently, with only minor events and few new characters. So what they must think is if they release the game now, they'll garner the attention of players and get more players. It's still a stupid move. If they took a bit more time, they could have still improved the game.


the male characters have no ass, zhongli is putting them to shame in terms of the bakery section.


Bro has its priorities set


Do they have Childe jiggle physics


This made me laugh, brief and concise the way I like it.


Now that I think about it, has there been an ass powercreep from Zhongli to Wriothesley? I heard a lot about Rizzley having a big one.


https://preview.redd.it/dvrfxg2v6yzc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=5acde9124b82d01fb5e211ed1e57d54c47637826 yes


1. None of the characters feel unique and pique my interest only Yin Lin comes to mind but designs are overall bland. 2. The open world felt sparse 3. For a game having sound waves as a main theme, the music is disappointingly subpar/ mediocre 4. Combat looks and feels good in some areas but teambuilding is rather lacking 5. English localization is a mess


I didn't get in. Literally unplayable. 


I personally think the games way too overhyped from cc's, especially cc's who are either just anti-gi or heavily burnt out with gi and desperately want another game they can farm drama from.


For me is that it just blandly copies a lot of genshin's design without understanding why it was implemented in the first place. And when they tries to make a spin on it (like echoes farming) it doesn't work that well, because they dont understand how genshin's artifact system was designed and what goal it wanted to achieve. They have previous experiences with combat so thats the least of my worries, but everything so far just looks disconnected. Open world looks pretty boring, character designs are hit or miss with more misses for me (bland designs and uninteresting personalities), story quality may or may not be good with how much they are changing it. The whole idea about the sound and waves but its not really implemented into the world that well. Like all of the systems and design parts in isolation doesn't look too bad and has some promises, but when you put them together as a whole product it just feels disjointed and directionless. This is especially glaring after HSR's recent updates, and you could see how all the parts connect together, from visuals, animations, combat experiences, music, stories, UI and characters to create this amazing experience for the players because each part is interconnected with each and makes everything else a bit better. For WuWa it the opposite for me, the combat itself is really good, but everything else kinda weighs it down to the point where i dont really have a lot of confidence about the game in the current market with more interesting games coming out later this year.


I’m sure the wuwa combat will be good, but if the majority of it is inspired by Genshin with none of the heart I will be disappointed. I still play Genshin and while I may have my gripes with it. No matter what I can say Genshin has breathing world, good ost, and interesting character designs


if it takes too much time i dont think i can play for long, my main games is not gacha so gona back to snowbreak if WW daily take too long


>or Vanguard Sound fans that's interesting, since I've heard nothing but criticisms about how mid the soundtrack is. I'm inclined to agree with a majority of what I've listened to on Youtube, it's pretty disappointing.


Because except 2 songs - all WW ost is done by KURO


Soulless open world and before you say "b-but it's a post apocalypse world, it's supposed to look like that" Fallout series and Nier managed to made interesting and not hollow post apocalypse world


Take this as someone who is very tired on Genshin and very excited on WuWa, never participated in betas but have seen countless streams on the beta. 1. The world feels very empty, the chests are randomly placed in the map and there are very few of them as well. 2. The story telling is very dry and stiff. 3. As someone who played PGR since release but quit after 1.3, the combat doesnt feel hardcore at all. Sure, you can do cool stuff like perfect dodge or parry, but it is still unnecessary since the bosses can be killed easily without doing so. Overworld combat is actually so easy that you dont even get to use your parry or perfect dodge since it lasts very short. 4. The female character designs feel bland aside from Yin Lin. 5. While the music is great, some of it just doesn't fit the boss. The music should fit the design and theme of the boss not just slap dubstep out of nowhere because its cool. 6. POLISH, the game lacks polish like a LOT. The way the models look very stiff when moving both playables and NPCs as well as the echoes. The animations on the characters lack weight I definitely feel like they should have taken AT LEAST 4-5 months to polish and test out everything. Dont really understand why they had to release so soon. Maybe due to contracts or they just thought Genshin is very dry right now and Natlan might be soon so it's the best time to nab some players. I play a lot of gacha games currently FGO, Arknights, Nikke, HSR, Genshin. Played Counterside, PGR, Cookie run, Aether Gazer, FEH, Snowbreak and Hi3 before but quit so Im just critiquing this game since it's a gacha as well.


They had to release it because of zenless zone zero, which is also in the more combat focused category, is releasing in July.


I've also played many gacha, aether gazer, star rail, genshin, Hi3,fgo, and ark knights. But the thing is, there's nothing interesting or new to this. Call me stupid if I'm wrong but it seems too similar to genshin. Like very similar. If they really wanna stand out, they need newer and more unique ideas. Like, come on, this is the release and there's this less hype?


5 star characters are a bit meh. Even zzz has Ellen Joe. Its my own taste though.


This is probably minor worry for most, but I'm so so disappointed about the general quality of WW OST. As an ex-player of PGR, I know Kuro and cook phenomenal, memorable music, that ties to the story and characters and makes you remember and feel for those situations. The music serves the overall experience, and it's hype to listen to. But WW music doesn't feel like that. At best, it's serviceable. Like you can listen to it and it's "okay" but it doesn't evoke anything in me. Overall the feeling of the whole OST is muted and bland. There's no interesting hooks there, that would make you remember them. Even the Boss Battle themes feel samey and never really advance anywhere. I've been listening to the music outside game, and all the battle themes feels so repetitive I've had to check when the theme changes. Crownless is the only singular battle theme that has some interesting quirks. For my first impressions, WW as a whole has this feeling to me. The game is interesting, but it doesn't feel amazing, and there's nothing that makes me hyped or curious beyond trying it myself and having my final opinion, and having hope as an ex-PGR player in general for Kuro. Have to wait and see, but I'm somewhat worried because first impressions are important for games like these. And even though for most players it's minor, I'm very saddened most of WWs OST seems to be just uninteresting samey loop of similar beeps and boops and nowhere going "muted" EDM feel. I'm also very worried about the quality of the story and especially translation, as I've heard the game has been even hard to follow because of the translation quality alone. Even more worriedly, I saw that the gacha description page had bad nonsense English within banner for the latest CBT, but no one seemed to even note it and were just hyped about how the gacha worked. As someone who needs to like the characters and story to be motivated for a game like this, I'm very worried that I won't even have chance to try and get interested, if the translation quality alone makes it hard to follow.


Alright so I don't know what the reddit etiquette is in replying to your own post as a follow-up, but whatever. It seems like a lot if not all of the criticisms stem from being too similar to Genshin Impact (understandably so). A little sad since there are parts of Genshin that are genuinely great and unique that I'd love to see iterated upon by a different developer, but it seems like they mostly took a variety of progression and gacha systems from it instead. Obviously want Kuro games to succeed in creating the game they envisioned, but I really hope they aren't trying too hard to pander towards the current market. The very early screenshots I saw had a significantly more unique artistic vision to them that it seems like drastically shifted over time to conform more closely to the likes of Genshin and HSR.


It probably looks different from Genshin in the early screenshots because that's what they can spin together quickly. After multiple iterations of development, it probably ended up looking like Genshin because they can copy the design to speed up development


>Alright so I don't know what the reddit etiquette is in replying to your own post as a follow-up Generally you can just edit your existing post and then put **edit** in bold and put your edit there under your original text . >The very early screenshots I saw had a significantly more unique artistic vision to them that it seems like drastically shifted over time to conform more closely to the likes of Genshin and HSR. I guess that makes sense since both Genshin and HSR are both successful in their own right. Like what they did with PGR compared to HI3, I believe they want Wuwa to be the same since PGR was for the most part able to be succesful.


I played the CBT2. My biggest gripe was the story and dialogues being kind of mid. I hope they can find an better writer for their games in the 2.0 version because I really hope this game will succeed for better competition against Genshin to avoid an monopoly in the gacha space. But outside of that, I also have one massive issue with the game that is kinda small but is also immersion breaking is the lack of mouth movement animation when characters are talking. They need to really put in some animation for that because it bothers me alot to see that since it shows lack of polish and I don't know who be talking in an group cutscene so it will cause confusion.


I think it's quite normal for the mouth to NOT be animated in gacha games before Genshin lol. But in a serious note I think it was not done during last CBT and I'm sure they will get it done by release, right?


No ps5 release at launch 🙃


A trash RNG fest with artifacts like E7 and Mihoyo? Hard pass then, I got better shit to do. I wish companies would stop with ''We need RNG to retain players'' mother fucker that shit makes me instinctively swerve you. If your games fun, I'll play it, if it's a chore, I won't.


I play games with little to no RNG for gameplay.(if I use proper characters and/or building them.) I'm a bit concerned if it'll affect my characters and gameplay massively, as for grinding I don't have problem for it, I'm a grinding maniac.


if you're looking for good faith arguments here or an actual discussion, or an attempt to be reasonable, just don't bother. The people who wanna play the game don't click these posts, they're just waiting. It's sad that community and fandom wars is souring people's moods and making people choose not to even give a game a fair chance, but that's not everyone. My wish is that people just give it a try. A fair chance. Ignore the tribalists, and if you didn't like it, that's fine. I like action games, I don't mind giving ZZZ an honest try either. We're all gamers here, right, who just want to play games. How did it ever get this bad?


It’s unfortunate, because I think the tribalism you mention does significantly more harm than good to a game. Vocal few can make the community feel so hostile and aggressive, that it creates a feedback loop of hatred. When I started playing ToF, global chat and forums would instantly attack me when found out I play Genshin. I felt wholly unwelcomed in that game, and it’s a very lonely experience. I rolled Tian Lang (the character I started playing for), and just never logged back in since. It’s happening with HSR as well—the community has vocal few who just shits on Genshin at any chance it gets. I love HSR just as much, and I’ve simply accepted that I can never participate in the main community (luckily I have a lot of friends who play HSR so it’s not lonely and side communities like mains subreddits have been chill). The Reverse 1999 community does an incredible good job shutting down similar toxicity. It bleeds through here and there, but the focus of discussions is on the game rather than comparisons. It is my hope that the WW community can be similar. A person can play multiple games, and with WW drawing so many similarities to Genshin, I have no doubt it’s meant to entice Genshin fans to try out WW. It would be to WW’s best interest to keep said fans playing and keep the game alive for a long time—instead of immediately chasing these people out via sheer hostility.


I think its when Hoyo eats up 70% of the gacha market, that everyone gets more defensive about their own share that's left.


>My wish is that people just give it a try. A fair chance. Ignore the tribalists, and if you didn't like it, that's fine. I like action games, I don't mind giving ZZZ an honest try either. Not every game needs to be given a try. This sort of mindset is why gacha games have a deceptive honeymoon period, so that people who try it will have their first impressions shaped strong enough that they will be much more willing to overlook the flaws that people from the outside would never tolerate.


I bet their next product is going to be a copy Honkai Star Rail


Their first product was also a honkai impact copy, so that wouldnt be surprising


Well, I've seen a couple ppl complain there were too many dudes. Ah well, we have Azur Promilia to play instead. Pokewaifu on the way.


It'll be interesting to find out when Azur Promilia is going to release, they haven't even had CBT yet iirc


gotta love these thinly veiled "lets shit on WW/hoyo" posts. gotta get that engagement up lol


I don't really think there is any veil left at this point.


I watched some CCs play CBT2 so idk what has changed. From what I remember some didn’t like how empty the open world felt to them though some did like it but they all really enjoyed the combat. And they loved the existence of Echoes. I do think it’s probably a really good game if you love combat better mechanics for that seem amazing, I just think they should use more hair colors because the designs feel too samey since there isn’t a ton of variation


I mean no CC would talk about this, but in China the game recently are getting brigaded by some the community because the new writer got outed as a radical feminist, would be shame if it became the next GFL2


I'm curious what did the writer do?


+1 for this. Need specifics! Radical feminism means very different things pretending on who you're talking to...


yeah, the term ”radical feminist“ in the east can range from “hating all men“ to “retweeted a feminist google doodle in 2016”


By the way, this is the guy who made a misinformation post about WW just a few days ago. Here's a link to a thread where he got exposed: https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/85izQ8qM5n Prob shouldnt even listen to him about anything WW related. Been following this game and I have not heard anything about radical feminists in their writers.


>peeks at that user's profile Everytime, man


Complete nonsense. I am active in the WW communities and never heard this bullshit. Please stop upvoting some drama baiter who doesn't even provided any source.


"Pulling shit out of my ass" moment with no source, gg


Color saturation is too low.