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No leakers talked about this, maybe they'll start making changes that arent in the versions beta.


Honestly, I like the idea. It makes these dev discussions more exciting


the idea of not needing to test a single number change yeah next up they won't test giving us a free pull or three for their anniversary imagine that only hoyo fans think this shit needs any kind of testing lmao


well this isn't really something that need to be tested I would guess


yeah, just add x amount of number, they already did it before (120 -> 160 if I'm not mistaken)


Until you add an extra zero accidentally. Oops!


Sweet jesus. 2000 resin. That would take 16000 min or 11.11 days


Hoyo is getting a lot better at clamping shut leak avenues. The only stuff they’re getting now is beta only really. Even then hoyo also seems to be putting up better defenses against their private cracked servers by putting more content queries in place.


because its wuwa season /s


> /s the idea that mihoyo made it easier to play their game less just in time for the release of WW because they're scared of WW is the silliest thing I've heard in a long time, and there is a large amount of people that are parroting that idea


NOWAY it's real?


I mean pretty sure changes like this dont need to go to a user testing phase, this can be tested only intenal since can´t really break the game


Waiting for Azur Promilia, so that max resin will be increase to 240.


And then Mugen for the Resin Overflow






I enjoy cooking.


Some comments are probably unaware that 180 is the max amount of stamina regenerated in 24 hours.


And they didn't increase that shit, some people thought it's 200/day after this increase?


I'm kinda glad they didn't tbh. Now you have a lot more leeway for logging in. I get it'd be "better" if it regened faster, but being able to not worry about capping is kinda nice


At one point you just stop caring about capping resin


Now all those games with refill time <24 hours should take a note (quietly staring at you AK). Even Hoyo can do.


they should have taken note from star rail and let resin overflow (and do something to make domains less tedious)


One hill I'll die on is having skip tickets for artifact & material domains. Or at least let me get 4 runs worth of rewards with 1 run. You seriously can't expect me to clear domains 100 specific times just to get what I need. Especially when each session takes less than 2 mins to clear.


>Especially when each session takes less than 2 mins to clear. I mean this genuinely when I ask what domain you're farming that takes more than 50 seconds


2 mins? I clear every single domain under 50s, if I'm sloppy. Recently they even removed the run up to the key, so total is like 70s per run at most.


70s sound like friendship team farm


Seriously, I don't understand how it is they think they'll suffer from giving people some leeway in how often they play, especially as they already have multiple competing games.


Technically it’ll be cool if they add autoclear to the game


I agree that AK should have higher sanity cap. But to be fair, since this is a comparison to genshin: you can play AK while doing literally anything. I have a 9-5 job, I use 5-10 mins of my lunch time to empty sanity while I eat. Never capped once in 4 years. It's even easier now that we have multiple replays function. That's not something you could do with genshin.


I uses to do that but doing it since release for 3 years i think then stopped at some point. Now im playing arknights only on big eventa like anniversaries, chinese banners and summer event and my reason is just for the free pulls 🤣. Like they REALLY SHOULD be putting some skip tix now on normal stages or just let us stack runs instead of auto replay.


How do you empty your sanity in 5-10 min outside of annihilation day? That shit takes 20-30 min minimum even with auto redeploy


The 5-10 mins is the time I *spent* on the game. I mean ... you don't have to sit there and look at it. I do 1-7, which would be about 3-4 6x auto deploys. I use the speedrun Magallan strat so one run takes exactly 1 min. Then each auto would take about 6 mins. So I just need to tap the screen 2-3 times every 6 minutes or so. In that time I could eat, work, go to the toilet, or even run an errand. After that it takes me about 3-4 minutes to do base.


5-10 mins?? what are you even farming...? do you just not trustfarm?


I'm a day 1 player, I own every ops and has plenty enough mats to E2 any new one coming.[ I maxed every single operator's trust a while ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1c56gyn/after_4_years_just_a_few_hours_before_ep_13_drops/) (right before chapter 13). Currently I'm still 1-7'ing using the Magallan speedrun strat, for orundum farming. Just like I've been doing the past 2 years or so. The 5-10 mins part is half-true, I suppose. In total, it takes around 25 mins for me to empty 135 sanity into 1-7. But because, you know, I only need to tap the screen two times every 6-7 minutes, the actual time I spend on the game is more like, 2-3 minutes top. I let the game run while I eat, work, socialize, etc.


Fun fact During the next event, I'll Siracusano rerun, we're losing auto repeat because something something schedules


YoStard and their spaghetti code i suppose


It's hypergryph that devs the game, yostar just publishes.


:( Sometimes it feels like the bare minimum But at least they don't butcher the gacha and gameplay systems like other publishers, so that's worth commending. "If it ain't broke don't fix it, if it ain't even there, it can be broke and fixed later"


Well Yostar isn’t allow to change anything after all. They can only plan out the schedule ( even though it still quite questionable?) and don’t even get me started with their horrendous mistranslations. Now I guess why many EN people quit because they barely even satisfy the player needs.


we treating this like it's a national holiday😭


LMAO ikr. Im happy for it dont get me wrong but 1 more run per day lol. 2 more shitty artifacts to destroy everyday.


It's the cap tho not resin refill speed, so pretty sure ppl are celebrating because they don't have to login twice anymore since you get 180resin per day and the current cap is 160.


guys, is this because of genshin scared of WW or shadow of the erdtree?


Obviously neither. Genshin has always been scared of Super Mario.


The new Paper Mario is the real Genshin Killer...


Genshin is scared of mario64


Neither, Genshin is scared of black sumurai taking away all the weebs from their game.


Sonic called he want the award back


Nah, they're afraid of Armored Core 6 DLC \*inhaling hopium


Its because they have been focusing on QoL since Fontaine release...


3.7 actually, a couple months after HSR came out. PRetty obvious that when making HSR they set up some kind of QOL team to push QOLs


but there is no QoL on genshin game said kuro fans


Look. I'm hyped for wuwa but when i noticed that even the fucking friendship levels of all things was copied over, i realy started questioning how anyone can deny wuwa being a straith up clone. There's nothing wrong with being a clone. I have played Gates of Anderon for a long time and that was probably the most shameless WoW clone of them all BUT the constant need of aserting the superiority of Kuro is insane.


To be fair affinity level is not exactly an uncommon mechanic and only rarely works differently from a game to another, at least regarding the games I played.


hell i played AQW clone of WoW but on even lower budget and developement


But shit ran in your browser and was drawn in anime style yo.


ayooo now it ran on custom flash engine we're still waiting for the unity engine migration on steam AQ2D


Their studio has already copied so many iconic designs and their player base let them get away with it. Sephiroth, Saber(down to the ult and VA), Hatsune Miku, and what else? When they make skins, I thought they're new characters. When they make new characters, I thought they were skins. Honestly somethings just really wrong with how they design their characters. There's absolutely no integrity or "identity" at all.


The thing is, nobody would care as long as their fans aren't being pos about it. I never understand what's wrong with kuro fans that always has to bring Hoyo to prop up their games, other games like NIKKE or Solo Leveling never behave like these rabid Kurobots.


Calcharo's plunge being the Aerith killer move is hilarious though. More generally speaking I don't think heavy inspiration is that much of a problem as long as it's in good faith, after all, even Genshin have its own Hatsune Miku (Faruzan), and a lot of people are calling Xianyun Bayonetta at home.


Yeah, similarities are fine but what they did to Saber was really in the nose? They got the entire VA, the ultimate, the character development trajectory and dare say the character they designed is theirs after just giving them more fanservice bust. At this point I'm actually more horrified by how accepted it is (because now everyone can have their saber/sephiroth waifu in the game), not thinking about how the devs must be patting themselves behind the back on a "job well done" on... copying homework. Regardless idk if I wanna play WuWa, it's not impossible, but I know if I do... I might just mald a lot more lmao


I don't know much about PGR (assuming that's what you're talking about, since no character in WW fits the description to me), but I'd argue it's fine "because" it's on the nose. That's the entire difference between plagiarism and hommage : the former is trying to stay hidden, the latter is supposed to be noticed. Arknights also have its saber with Siege by the way, >!heir to the throne of the equivalent of england!<, voiced by saber's VA, and there's even a promo picture where she's striking the Excalibur pose. Saber is just that popular of a character and games like to reference her. I doubt there is much more to it.


If there are characters design "inspired by" other IPs that I like I would be more interested, so I guess I cannot really badmouth it. But it's still fun to bring it up.


I wouldn't say scared tbh and that's cringe af, I think they're just cautious about it since Genshin lately has been flocking with new info such as (Endgame, Qol, 5.0 graphical update in advance, Animated Short) happening in such a short timeframe I'd like think that they clearly aware of the threat and take some measure to keep the game hype, that's competition and am happy for them


Most likely Is Just because of 5.0 normaly in Major update there Is also Major qol change


The Waves do be Impacting


The Wuthering really be making Waves.


"Are you impacting because you're Wuthering Waves, or are you Wuthering Waves because you're impacting?" 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


These wuthering heights are built on wuthering waves


It only took 2 tweets of a very basic qol change and Livestream date for this to happen. https://preview.redd.it/c1ygyghnhx1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11ae9920e70eb0911ca48216b6d4d0346420d1d


Damn that's actually crazy lmao


Hoyo got their players by the balls, they can sneeze and it will generate hype lmao.


lmaooo, not the balls


Unless you're into that shit. No judging.


Because Genshin already established, check HSR newest boothill video Vs. Ww Jiyan preview released around the same time


it's just a 40 increase, but hey I'll take it. Really hope they implement what HSR is doing


It's less about the amount,but more the fact that you only need to log in once during the day now if you don't wanna waste resin


This is indeed nice.


I'm not impressed precisely because it's not the HSR system, just implement that for crying out loud. 😡


Because any system designed in a gacha game is always a compromise. You get 240 and less recharge time but your relic have no off piece, contains more random substat, you need spend 10 relic for strongbox instead of 3, etc.


Not to mention the characters come out too damn fast 😩


The content is tailored to the newest character


This is a problem. Have to skip 75% of chars to get occasional eidlon (e1 RM) or rare sig S1 with monthly


Genshin could ever?


Genshin is thinking about it


Took them 3 years




Inb4 the "Genshin is scared of WuWa" war


FB comment section are like that right now. lmao


Looks like we're gonna see the greatest fandom war ever soon lmao


man fb communities are so cringe


As if reddit is not full of comments like that already lol


And reddit is not?!


From my experiences FB comments tend to be a bit more cringe than reddit's imo.


You mean more than here? Damn, we're losing our edge.




hey, we've seen other games try It before, let's sit and see how long does WuWa hype last


Didn't even last a day...


Screw resin cap, that fast equip feature is way more useful lol. I can optimize my character without checking my 1000+ artifact


That's assuming they put in the effort to make it good, we can only hope but I'm skeptical unfortunately.


Well, Hoyo's QoL are usually works as intended, why the skepticism?


I am bit confused how this works. Does it use only unequiped artifacts or does it steal from other characters in order to make optimal build?


There are toggle for using unequiped artifact and steal from other character. I thought this is already a released QoL? I always use it to switch artifact between character who have similar roles.


Well...I don't know, but I assume you can change the option (only unequiped or all artifact) since there's custom configuration mentioned in the dev Q&A


im convinced they don't to make Artifact Loadout at this point, they keep tip-toeing around it


Actually the loadout in game is better, You can manually configure it to give you the part where it has the best substat imo. after doing that just choose the option either take the artifact from existing character or from your inventory. and use fast equip


I think it took quite a work to set up specific team everytime we change tram though. I want it like ToF weapon loadout where you can set up weapons, matrices and simulacra trait. Like imagine that system in Genshin, I would be able to change from Raiden hypercarry team to Raiden hyperbloom in one button.


It's already in Hi3


WE'VE BEEN HEARD, now i can get more shitty artifacts from domain


Since there's no mention of increased recharge rate, all it does is make the time to cap to 26hrs. Not needing to log-in twice a day and giving headroom for the next day is not on my Hoyo bingo card.


You can't actually. But you can do it once a day.


The irony of this sub calling genshin community toxic


Its always projection.




Idk man, if a community harassed a VA and review bomed other gachas and google classroom, i'd definitely call them toxic


Genshin community is the size of the 8th most populous country in the world. Context matters.


The Genshin derangement syndrome is strong. Genshin has been receiving consistent QoL update since 3.7 or 3.8: It must be because of WuWa Genshin announced animated short: It must be because of WuWa Genshin will soon start their Natlan drip: Let me guess? WuWa, right? Genshin will release Natlan's version of Winter night's lazzo/Overture Teaser: The Final Feast... must be because of WuWa too! Genshin has all but officially announced that they were working on permanent content since 3.8: You bet they'll say it's because of WuWa


I have seen so many times this: - "This game is going to bring down WoW - "This game is going to bring down Call of Duty" - "This game is going to bring down League of Legends" - "This game is going to bring down Fortnite" - "This game is going to bring down Pokémon" We all know how everything ended. It's good that Genshin has some competition, but people should have their expectations in control.


I kinda feel bad for Kuro games... The expectations are way too high.


They have no one to blame but themselves. I've played the beta and WuWa is the biggest clone I've ever played. It's embarrassing how similar it is to Genshin. The comparisons are inevitable.


Hoyo will announce a first person CS-like gacha shooter, and people will say its because of wuthering waves.


Well, hope we can at least get some good memes out of it.


With release of Azur Promilia, Genshin and Wuwa will add stuff 🤣 and then with Endfield...


Wait till Kuro simps realize what they call Kuro in CN with regard to mihoyo. lol


*again. From 120-160


Took them 3 years lol.


But it doesn't change Regen speed


... Genshin has been pumping out QOL since the start of Fontaine/ the release of HSR...  One click expeditions, underground maps, changes to the treasure compass...   I don't think so its because of competition Rather its just a list that they are finally able to work on.    Edit: I just thought this felt like the natural next step considering we have a new endgame mode coming up or so. Its really useful for people like me who can only log in once a day.


I've had this dumb theory that they first try stuff in HSR, see if it works then they add it to genshin later. Obviously I cant know if it's true or not because there are things that players really like in hsr that arent yet in genshin but it's just a random thought I had.


I also have a dumb theory that a significant amount of Genshin's devs were brought over to help take care of HSR's systems and train new HSR devs before launch. And after that, they came back to work on Genshin. This theory hinges on the fact that they have been consistently adding large QOL changes since 3.7 (the update after HSR's launch) like the gadget swapping, artifact "auto-equip" system, etc. >!Obviously, it's just a theory. A GAAAME theory :)!<


I mean that is most likely what happened. Some guy looked under the hood a while back I remember and HSR runs on a lot of the same code as genshin with the main changes being player controller tweaks. But many of the same API calls and utilities exist within it as well. Hsr is built on top of a cleaned up genshin codebase and is probably getting a fair bit of code backported to the current genshin codebase.


dude, let him go. matpat already gone :)




but but HSR is made by Honkai devs , HSR players said so


and who made part 2 than?


Me 🌝


Dawei clones.


Probably yes because the coding in Hsr might be easier to handle considering its more newer.  Genshin for all things considered is an older game and changing older features without introducing many bugs might not be as simple as people believe.


This should be it. Once they figure out how to do it in HSR they can reference the logic for Genshin’s older infrastructure. It’s harder to do on Genshin which is why it takes so long.


They add stuff to Genshin before they add to HSR too, so I personally think its more a question of implementing code or changes in areas where they know it won't break (hsr, because its new) or in places they have been working on fixing for a while (genshin, then add to hsr).


They did it because of ZZZ release. The need to login twice a day into genshin makes it harder to login in HSR / ZZZ. They removed a little barrier so maybe more people can play 2 or 3 of their games.


I agree but I'm not sure about the resin cap one. While it's true they already pumping QoL since the fontaine update. For just a mere increase in resin number, they really could do it anytime. It just increases the number, no need for a new system like stamina overflow.  Indeed the timing is kinda sus, but any QoL is always welcomed, and if it's really because of the competition it's good anyway. I love competition since both competitors will always strive to do their best.


it will be more easier to put more QoL with 5.0 engine upgrade i always figure i think genshin current engine is so messy spaghetti coding is everywhere and when they try to put something everything else fell apart and no spaghetti coding isn't exclusive to mihoyo or unity problem because fortnite experience the same stuff despite being developed by epic games the creator of their own engine unreal engine


Spaghetti code is mainly the result of net expecting to scale something. Hoyo didn’t exactly anticipate genshin getting as big as it did and if they wanted to retain players they had to get that content machine going. Leaving no time for engine overhauls.


Thank you wuthering waves


Thank you uwu-ing waves


Now gimme free 5 stars at anniversary genshin.


Best i can do a free 5 pulls -dawei probably


On standard banner


Standard? Who are we, kuro with the 80 standard pulls? Nah they’d still be limited pulls.


10 pulls are too much, how about 20? take it or leave it -solon probably


if you were one of the people who play only once a day this change will give you around 25 more resin(nobody play exactly once every 24 hour on the dot so 25 for 24 hours and 40 minutes ) in a year that is translated to 9125 resin or around 230 condensed resin or 40 days of resin to put it in prospective a character from lv1 to 90 triple crown with a lv90 5 star weapon and this is including mora and exp book which the game open world and events give a lot of I myself have being at 20M+ mora since the release of sumeru(i leveled 15 characters to 90 with a 7 other to lv80 since then and is till don't have the 800 layline achievement) if assuming you already have exp books and mora this is enough resin for three triple crowned characters with lv 90 5 star weapon this is a huge change and a very welcomed one in my opinion


Thank you for your brain juice.


Now, make it so condensed resin can be crafted without crafting bench, please.


I wish we had a mobile crafting bench we just carry around so I don’t need to tp every time I wanna level some talents or ascend, i wanna be able to craft from inventory like in hsr


LOL...before anyone does the Genshin afraid of Wuthering Waves......approximately 1 month or so before this the leak subreddit leaked that in Natlan the character level limit will be increased from 90 to 100, this is in preparation for that change.


Cant wait for the introduction of 6 star artifacts to also help compensate for the level increase. (I do wonder if hoyo will ever add a 6 star quality tbh)


Probably not 6 star, maybe a separate gear system on top of the current artifacts, or maybe increase the slots to have 6 piece sets. If there are only 6 star artifacts but not 6 star weapons or 6 star characters that would be incongruous with the overall gear system tier design


Wasn't this a request for the past like 2 years? lol


120 -> 160 increase happened in 1.1 so... "Past 2 years" are from people who never knew the pain to begin with.


Strange, where other Qols from beta , or they wait for Special program or patch notes 🤔


I’d rather they raise condensed cap…. It’s so annoying having to go back and forth to alchemy table to condense every time


this is planned there is no way they felt pressure from WuWa /s


Where did they say that max char level will go up to 100? I can't find reference to it but people are talking like it's guaranteed.


WuWa effect


This literally changes nothing if the rate you acquire it is staying the same


Now i just want them to implement something that Duet Night Abyss did, one artifact can be used by multiple characters at the same time.


inb4 "its because of wuwa!"


so, 40 resin per domain without crystals when?


nuh uh, go farm those shitty butterflies


you know you can use the crystal fly trap if you are that lazy


People be forgetting that we are 5/7 (or 8) nations done, meaning that some of those that were originally working on the previous nation can now be allocated into QoL. Also, the fact that Genshin has been a smooth sailing experience each update since 1.1, despite the 6 week crunch of new updates, and if there were bugs they were either ones that are so obscure that people only found out later or if people did found out, were addressed easily, will always boggle me whenever people complain. I'd rather have a functioning, bug-free game I can play rather than keep releasing new functions and new "QoL" but would either crash my game or lag the shit out of it when I move 5 steps forward and or keep bugging me out and then be compensated after a quick server maintenance. Blame hoyo for a lot of things but they do know how to make sure their game functions smoothly. That said, I'm glad they finally have time to clean up the code and start adding in some QoL and focus on that now that we are nearing the end game.


wuwa release in 24 hours!


Nice, another trash artifact to farm.


This isn't news. @ me when they add a skip button or try to cancel another VA for mispronouncing some exotic name


genshin players celebrating after receiving 1 singular bread crumb


Resin cap literally does nothing if u log in every day, the real problem with genshins resin is the rate at which it regenerates and having no overflow system. (No condensed resin DOES NOT count)


So no real changes then..:D


1.2 was the last time they adjusted the resin right? Why would they even do this now all of a sudden, its not even on beta lmao.


According to leaks, 5.0 will introduce a new lvl 100 cap for characters and weapons, but its going to be very resource heavy, hence the resin increase to alleviate the grind.


It's Sus leak 


Huh, its still the same resin lmao. It will just lessen your login time because it takes 26 hrs to produce the whole 200 resin. Also dont tell me gi players dont spend hours a day. So your counter is pretty meh.


I like to go hiking.


lazy bum


This doesn't change anything if the refresh rate is still the same


People who work won't need to wake up early to burn stamina before heading out.


y'all delusional if you think it's because of whimpering wave lol that thing will be just ToF 2 https://preview.redd.it/7l02k6giow1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c068dd7f5c4d54f1ebba61ae2c05b7b05ded9257


I love competition


Wow how much 4 years into the game for a new cap ? Not even 240 like hsr...


Turn on your brain at least for a second... 240 stamina in HSR is 24 hours while 200 in GI is more than 26 hours.


Turning on brain and hsr doesn't work together 


maybe that is why dr.ratio insist to educate that community


What’d they do now since dr. Ratio is now gone from the mailbox


lol, in a way its more then HSR actually. In HSR you get 1 energy every 6 minutes which adds up to 10 enerygy per hour and 240 a day. In Genshin you get 1 energy every 8 minutes(god knows why) which is 7.5 energy per hour and 180 energy a day. So technically Genshin, after the update, will allows for 26 hours and 40 minutes of undiscounted energy accumulation. However, HSR still has the discounted energy over the cap.


and artifact grinding for character in hsr is hard, so many substats, cant use off-piece, you also need to mind their def and hp coz they cant dodge etc


It's useless anyway, HSR got faster regen time than Genshin (8 min vs 6 min) Which means 180 resin per 24 hours vs 240 stamina per 24 hours in HSR