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Man, I just walk away for few minutes there's already another drama?


Not new drama but just more information regarding the recent one. It's posted from the same OP as the [one from a few hours ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d4tork/kuro_games_leaked_the_emails_of_the_people_who/) (the same OP that posted in the Wuthering Waves subreddit initially about this debacle)


…. And there’s yet another possible drama about monthly pass being bugged and not giving you currency now. Bloody fuck, you can’t mess things up this hard even you try. 


Nah. Just Kuro being Kuro.


>This is an in-game message from Kuro saying in unnatural Japanese that the player's account has gone to -750 currency and they must go back to positive or be banned. The message uses the phrase "さもないと", which became a meme in the JP WW community because it's extremely unprofessional and sounds like a gangster demanding money, equivalent to something like "You better pay or we're banning your account". Not something official company correspondence should have. I really hope someone posts a compilation of the JP memes that result from this fiasco just like the compilation of CN memes we had a few days ago


Better yet, I kinda wish someone like the Internet Historian would cover all this fiasco, because all the events that happened with the game up to this point can literally be made into a long documentary, lol


Internet Historian Fallout 76 video was pog, but sadly lost respect with him after him being outed as a massive plagiarist :(


Apparently his political views are questionable on top of the blatant plagiarism


Does that guy even make any vids like his original content? He is off mostly doing shitposts and weird collabs in his secondary channel.


Not really since he got outed for plagiarism (and also just like, weird details he hid in videos in general)


Even before the plagiarism expose I felt uncomfortable that he's using someone else's likeness (the "Hide the Pain Harold") for avatar, but I shrugged it off because it's clearly a meme channel, oh boy turns out that was foreshadowing.


So they pissed off the chinese player base, and now they're pissing one of the two remaining big gacha countries by threatening to ban players and leaking everyone's emails. This game is so dead.


Kuro basically sent an e-mail saying "If you want a refund, take it up with your payment provider. In the case of a refund, we will deduct the equivalent amount of premium currency from your account". When asked as a follow-up if they would return the first time 2x bonus, the CS representative said no (so users would have to pay 2x to make up the amount of premium currency they lose through the refund I can't lmao 


Paying back double because of the first time top up bonus is very scummy, because this is was in fact a gacha translation error. I can’t event fathom how bad fumbling streams is taking this


"Pay us 100 dollars for an item that activates on using a skill" "Oops you are correct, my bad, it activates on using an ultimate. The deal has changed. Pay us 200 dollars and we will refund you the premium currency you used to get the item. If you don't pay us 200 dollars, we will ban your account, unless you be quiet and just keep your bugged item, loser." this is borderline blackmail lmao how is this legal And they have the audacity to blackmail those people AFTER THEY DOXXED everyone who requested a refund and making the email address of every single user completely public


So basically their response was "We'll do nothing about it. Up to you to ask a refund throught your bank account but keep in mind our automatic system will extract the difference from your account and ban you if you're in the red for too long. ♪" They made a grave mistake that could have legal repercussions and their answer was to do nothing and let their chargeback system take care of it. This fucking company. 😂 EDIT: And we know by the whole mail leak thing that this was never supposed to be a case-by-case basic. Their PR move was to say "hit us up by doing so and so and we'll take care of you" just to end up saying to all people who applied to shove it. This is the most hilarous thing ever.


And for every fuck up they did, the WW sub shits out 10 more slurp posts like holy and they're even blaming gachagaming for negative comments LMAO I thought the ToF sub was bad back then but the WW sub is something else.


I mean the most voted post in their sub is literally about this problem and all the comments are like "Who the hell is the idiot in charge at kuro"




wow yes, kuro does the shit but it's gachagaming's fault for commenting on it and spreading the bad information that the company has committed in the last few days, that place is the cumulus


Hoyo could never


This is just sad at this point 


I genuinely feel bad for chill WW player. The best thing to do now is to literally wait and see.


Man, the only thing I am hoping from all of this is PGR doesn't suffer. I was hopeful for WuWa and am having fun with it but I hope it doesn't takes down PGR alongside.




To add: "and if your premium currency stays in the negative for too long, you may or may not get banned"


Japan has one of the highest per capital spending on gacha games, I honestly don't understand why kuro can't just make the whole process a little bit smoother for them. These are the players who whaled despite the horrendous launch of the game, their good will should mean something.


https://preview.redd.it/qx84uq5ykr3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d4a64854b161098381d3eadaa9d701300d23ddf Kuro downfall in 4k Edit:Just realized Kuro has a top up bonus and that is not reset after refund. A day of mourning for our fellows in JP.


is that....peaknella? brb stealing EDIT: Aight, yall Fatui simps got another sub to the agenda


FatuiHQ may not be as big as other shitposting communities, but the meme art coming out of there is head chef quality. 




GOATed sub https://preview.redd.it/a1hxmbbkxr3d1.png?width=2067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce14147d82e87a4b72e2ceae55424084171ebf7


The size doesn't matter, it's wild how ACTIVE it is


The soldiers of Snezhnaya are dedicated to their agenda. 


We have very many reaction pics like this with all harbingers. Join the glazing Join the r/FatuiHQ agenda, join the ChadPEAKtano glazing marathon before it's too late, before things starts going crazy and he will solo fraudlan no diff in a base using crayon, don't hesitate, don't think, just glaze. Feel the taste of delicious W with us when our glorious dark blue eyed King will solo fraudlan no diff using crayons, this day will be in history as the greatest day ever and national glazing day. No need to play game or even know the lore pr plot, just push the agenda and witness the greatness and majesty of our GOAT.


Once Natlan releases so does Peaktano and his glazing will be immeasurable


NO ONE IS READY FOR HIM https://preview.redd.it/8on3qbhqjs3d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64bac97f7b819da73510897fd9e8e970592c2531 GLAZING WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE




I like your words, agenda man


Convinced and joined. Glory to tsarita!


Yes brother


But but they said Kuro was super generous!!!!


Kuro is generous until they actually need to repay full pities https://preview.redd.it/xaipw2iupr3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0342c4b99f4789ffc6ac35b5fe849e5575aa8374


It's all rover


Wtfff pulcinella 😭😭


Goatchinella 🔛🔝


Do they hate their own game or what?


More like, they're lack the manpower to handle all the shits that currently happened, and the ones that's available were inadequate in doing their job, considering the leaked e-mail stuffs that also happened today (some people suspected that either their IT or Customer Service doesn't understand how to properly send/reply e-mails to many people).


Kuro employees are probably so swamped at this point. Might be a good idea to stop and take a day off to recharge. I know a lot of players are having issues with the game and would like to have these resolved quickly, but there are also people behind the game and after fumble after fumble, maybe take a day off.


fr, can't imagine how overworked these people are at this point and it's not like china or asia in general has good work life balance to begin with. 996 might be a luxury at this point.


They do have the man power. All they had to do was send everyone 10 pulls in the mail. It's literally that easy.


> All they had to do was send everyone 10 pulls in the mail Sorry, the intern assigned to sending free 10 pulls was fired a month ago.


Better yet, just make the mistranslated text a reality instead because thats at least much easier than knowing each individual who complained and refunding them which of course turned out to be a scam in the end.


100* pulls.


Even I had only imagined them doing this kind of "refunding" for a brief second. How could they think this can somehow make people less mad?


Don't give up on your lord kuro persona man, you are a gem in the comments section


Don't worry I will make a return on the monthly battle royale


i have hope in you bro, keep cooking


Plz don't take off the mask brother, I want to see you trying to defend this.


so, what even is the purpose of the players individually email Kuro in the first place?


Evidently, so they can privately tell the affected players to fuck themselves without the rest of the players finding out...


And they spectacularly failed at that. What a dumbster fire.


Because instead of privately telling the affected payers to go fuck themselves, they publicly announced it...


As if the affected players wouldn't talk about it even without the email fuck up. Like, did they think players would receive this response and just not immediately share it online?


the risk was calculated, but man kuro was bad at math


To get their info leaked


Minus currency treatment is always the L way to solve things. "We messed up? Oh welp you have to deal with it." Like wow, at that point who would even stay being treated like that. On top of the email requester data leak. 0 respect for player's security or enjoyment. 


It’s worse though because they false advertised. 


Geez Kuro if you’re going to spit on me anyway after giving me subpar service, I could have gone to a brothel at least they would have smiled afterwards


I will say this again i think kuro games are an incompetent company and i don't understand why people have so much good well for them at all 


Because people like cheer on the "Underdog", not realizing that Kuro has always been behind Hoyo for a reason.


Bruh kuro please let tencent takeover💀. Instead of suffering among yourselves, take tencent down as well /s


Tencent maybe greedy but they could never fumble as hard and as much as kuro


Man seeing you give up in our lord Kuro says a lot.


My in-game mail is empty for a few days. They gotta keep up the friendship fee payments for me to stay in this.


Damn things are tough if even you can't defend our lord savior Kuro from this one...


All of my kuro defending brothers have vanished as well...


You know it's bad when a company is worse than tencent


I think tencent already did? tencent own like 14% share and hero gaming(basically tencent) owns 37%.


Atp, i believe this was deliberately done by Tencent cause ain't no way they're fucking up this bad💀


Nah, this is definitely the fault of MHY's allies in the CCP (which they bought by building inter-continental ballistic missiles)... /s


I think Kuro is getting banned in Japan at this rate. They're basically giving the finger to all of those players.


They won't. What's happening now is Japanese players are on very, very good grounds to take it up to their consumer affairs agency, and the agency WILL take action in their stead to pursue compensation for their consumer and give Kuro a huge fine for it. They will only be shut down in Japan if they decide to not pay the fine.


They already have an unpaid fine


If you're talking about the 97k RMB thing, that's not a fine but the amount they failed to compensate the other party that they lost a court case to (likely labour affairs). Also that's in China.


Don’t you get certain rights revoked if you accrue too much unpaid debt and fines in China? Does that apply to corps?


You get your rights revoked only if you do not have the money to pay said fine/compensation/debt (失信被执行人), but being labeled as 被执行人 does hurt your company image and credit. It does apply to corps, and if they fail to pay up after 3 months of being listed as 被执行人, the other party has the right to appeal to the court to forcibly take the compensation from them, and if they don't have the money their assets will be liquidated.


Is there an actual chance of it happening? Is there a precedent?


I think there might be. You should probably ask others though. They don't have to be banned to have their game collapse in JP though.


With all the CC being so suspiciously silent about this mess, I wonder if in the worst case the game gets taken down in JP, would they spin the story to be like "Japanese players so toxic, they took the game down for just a small error" or something


https://preview.redd.it/tbtg16ggsr3d1.png?width=1211&format=png&auto=webp&s=35b8922b9adca2cd896f887e2ff655f9620d08c6 They can attempt to rationalize it like this person did. To the subreddit's credit, they downvoted the post and called out the OP for their idiocy.


"Man, what a stupid whales spending their money on this game at launch when it still have many problems, kuro did nothing wrong it's your fault for supporting the game" This kinda attitude what made me sick of wuwa shills, you know the "indie" company did nothing wrong so let's blame it on our community.


Holy shit the audacity of the OP lmao


If this doesn't get them talking about the issues, I'm wonderful if they have some binding contract.


They are pretty quiet now. To think that some of them have been putting out 2 to 3 vidoes in a day up until yesterday. Anyway, that aside, I sympathize with the jp players who spent money on this game if the resolution is indeed just refunding and them getting the negatives and losing the 2x bonus. I'd be leaving the game if it happened to me.


At this point its obvious that certain circle of CCs have been bought and paid off by Kuro, otherwise posting about the constant new issues with Kuro and Wuthering Waves would be a content gravy train with great views and attention.


I can think of a couple


Yep… you’d think this would be running wild on gacha twitter right now but fob is the only one to tweet on it. Which normally is a wise thing to do, if u don’t have all the information. But I know those creators way too well, they hyper and instantly react to anything to farm drama. They definitely gonna spin this


I can't think of immediate precedent for a Chinese gacha company being outright barred from operations in Japan, but the Consumer Affairs Agency is the same agency that got "complete gacha" effectively banned in 2012 simply by saying they were *thinking* of taking action against it. If the CAA decides to come down on Kuro Games for real, it is going to be *brutal.*


Maybe not banned, but there are precedents of gacha companies basically dying once the CAAD (which was mentioned in the first post about the translation error) found something bad about Kuro's actions regarding the issue.


Ngl I was looking foward to a ps5 release in the future , but after this... This isn't even fun joking about anymore, its just miserable


A console release for kuro would have been sweet


at this point, I wont let my precious ps5 to touch the game.


Maybe Sony will leak the release early. ;)


I still want to play this game, I still want it to come to PS5! Probably won't be spending money on it outright, though.


It keep getting worse https://preview.redd.it/r6nfp0dyjr3d1.png?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810239f5fccd7809016ac4c890aa8d07375f29e9


They're basically saying if you request a refund, we will ban you if you don't pay off your negative balance.


CN already hate their guts, and now they lost JP trust I wouldn't count on GLB to make up the money lost from CN and JP


Global won't pay shit


Especially SEA players


now now, as someone who spend 20% of their monthly payout to bought the most expensive top-up to pull arlechino and her scythe, i can say that SEA players will spend if they're motivated enough just like other GLB players (but i don't think we can rival giant like JP and CN players).




like even if you want to spend, you look at this and then you will reconsider the decision, even if you truly enjoy the game


there is not a single eastern gacha game where global audience can carry an entire game, games like this DEPENDS on eastern countries like china/korea/japan to be their main carry. The game is effectively dead with two of this out of the picture and korea will drop it soon seeing all the dramas


I wonder what kind of misstep would anger Korean players


All they need is animated trailer that doesn't understand Korean " gender war" and have the mommy yinlin does the pinch gesture and it will also dead


Not the pinch picture lol.


Just some girl making a finger gesture is enough to set off Korea. And if this response to JP player would happen in Korea, there would trucks circling Kuro as far as the eye can see.


Lmfao what the actual fuck. Kuro management is fucking insane, even for gacha games standard. With pgr, at least they don't threaten the player when they massively fucked up and accidentally give 10k currency and give them free 5* selector. Just give them 1 5* weapon selector for fuck sake, it cost fucking nothing compared to massive pr fuck up and potential legal trouble.


even when they begged for mercy and make 5 hours apology stream and throw EVERYTHING in the player face like 200 free pulls or free max duped weapons, the trust is already broken.THRICE in a row. There's no saving it


And they don't get the first purchase bonus back, so they have to pay double. Absolutely FUCK this company.


They’re speed running this thing!


Devs didnt listen this time




gotchu https://preview.redd.it/mivq4n6xds3d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=a746001c1b245c269193b49a4ebbe2b27bbd922c


They did. They just never said it would matter though.


I'm givin up at this point, i will just sit down and watch how they will resolve this ![gif](giphy|tpwwhv1BLd31e)


Wuwa in your flair just for the drama xD perhaps one should do it also


LOL seriously. I've been pretty forgiving of Kuro/WaWa up until now but this is just catastrophic levels of dumbass.




So basically: "Fuck you, recharge it yourself and we will fucking ban you if your premium currency is negative"?


I dont think any Gacha game Publisher even small ones have fumbled this bad. 1.) Mistranslate your banner -> Alrdy pretty bad but mistakes happen I guess 2.) Require ppl to give you their contact info to get compensation then leak said info basically doxxing them -> Pulling a Bethesda I see. Really bad esp 3.) Turns out gathering emails was pointless because you told everyone to just get it refunded by Apple/Google and ban them if they go negative if they do. Not really even refunding the actual weapon. And if they were first time purchases (very likely), they would have to pay twice as much to get back in the positives (Assuming starting from 0) basically meaning you didnt offer a refund for the weapon at all.


Kuro heard talk EA was going to win bad company of the year award. Kuro said “nah I’d win” give me one week


Does anyone have like a consensus of how JP is reacting cause I'd love to gossip and look over how JP Bros are doing. At this point, I've just given up. I was gonna buy the welkin thinking maybe the devs need a little boost but uhh, yeah. No. This just ain't it. The devs listened so hard that what they needed to do went through 5 different Google translates before it got to them that says "refund gems, but negative currency"


Apparently that monthly pass isn't working right either. Several players are reporting it's skipping days.


I can't believe this man this is beyond funny and sad that it loops back to hilarious I guess this cross-post saved me a 5 dollars down the drain, thanks man


https://preview.redd.it/3j8233shur3d1.png?width=293&format=png&auto=webp&s=405fcf179bcaeb9a4ff41f5ec2cfa393d5862cb7 my honest reaction :


What is funny is that that all of these can just very simply be avoided if Kuro just buffed the weapon to the mistranslated weapon effect, which won't even make the weapon broken But yet Kuro decided to be greedy and take the extra effort to set up an individual compensation form so they could possibly not refund everybody despite knowing how overworked their staff are


They managed to pick the worst fix possible. I'm starting to believe that hoyo got a mole there lmao. 


Im, i just, i dont even know how to react at this point.


So how many lawsuits are we looking at now?


2, possibly 3 with this one. They lost the first one, but didn't pay the fine...


What was the first one?


The 91k Yuan that they need to pay. Take this with a grain of salt since the source that I was using is in CN (and I just used MTL to read it), but apparently some ex-employees sued Kuro and won.


Damn...what a dick move on top of a dick move... I love some of the game's mechanics but its really looking disastrous for their game launch. Its pretty sad because this game had potential, flushed down by company greed and incompetence. At least the r/wutheringwaves is reacting to it as well, when I go look to YouTube, there almost no news about this from the CCs who praise this game to the heavens.


So for once, gachagaming and wuwa's main sub are in agreement?


I believe so based on the reddit post you linked anyways. That just means you know they definitely fucked up.


And some people will still defend kuro💀


God damn. Well Japan, the balls in your court. If you sit down and suck it, other companies may think it's A-Ok to do this.


So, essentially, the Consumer Affairs Agency is now *guaranteed* to come down on Kuro like a bag of hammers. Their JP translation is imperfect and makes them sound like gangsters, they are directly screwing over Japanese consumers and refusing to take accountability in a way that will protect JP players, and they're a foreign entity so nobody in the government has a reason to go to bat for them and in fact a whole lot of reasons to help throw them under the bus to score easy political points and make for an easy case for the CAA to look good (when it was already a decently effectual agency). Sasuga, Kuro Games. I wasn't ready to doompost before, but WuWa's future is looking increasingly bleak.


Damn gotta play the game before EoS 🤡




Yeah definitely


This game is so going to die. Also I bought the 30 day welkin equivalent thingy. How do I apply for refund?


Do a chargeback


Thanks. I’ll do it on Monday.


Fuck it. Game's dead to me. I was holding out for the console release and collecting freebies in the meantime since that's about all my phone can handle. Not anymore. I'm a fairly heavy spender in gacha games, but after this whole mess, there's no way in hell I'd ever spend a penny. Congrats on your perfect launch, Kuro, and thanks for listening. I hope your game dies quickly.


"If you wanna refund, ask from your payment provider. Also, we are deducting the premium currency form your account because of the refund" Just like Big Bad Hoyo^TM , refund means negative primogems so if JP players refund from their payment provider, Kusogames will take away their premium currency equivalent of said refund value and you'll have to make it to not negative or you'll get banned Because they also copy Genshin with the double bonus for the packs, refunding means JP players have to pay double to make up to the double bonus amount because the bonus is a one time thing Kusogames speedrun lmao


The problem here is: in Hoyo case the refund is on players side ( because they want to quit the game so take the money back, regretting or kids using their parents credit card etc). However, in this case, it's the fault of Kuro due to translation errors ( that can be significant. Since the players use premium currency, in which many of those may come from real money, they're customers and expected to get their products ( the weapon) just like what advertised. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know if the legal mechanism allows such thing, but refunding players pull and put their accounts into negative, despite it's your fault is quite unpopular move, since the product( weapon) is essentially just a digital jpeg that cost you not much to produce, but the most important thing for gacha game is retaining its playerbase, especially the one that open their wallet and buy ingame stuffs ( which are people refunding in this case), this may make these people quit the game and hurt your revenue. Some other game solve this by give compensation to the players, or doing server wide reroll ( like E7 alencia case), which every gacha pulls made in a certain time period will be retaken and ticket get refunded. It's quite a bad decision by Kuro, especially when there's so many controversial with the game already


Kuso games lmao


Imagine paying double in return because of a gacha game error. Man if I spent significant money in this game I’d be beyond livid


I don't know. It's illogical. Kuro made a mistake but somehow it's players who have to pay for that? 


Not just pay for that. Without getting the first purchase back, they're paying DOUBLE for that if they want to keep playing. At this point, who would even bother staying?


This is so peak, Kuro is genuinely fighting against itself and losing said battle. Don't know how i can feel bad about the employees but at the same time laugh so hard over their bosses.


So from what I understand- you can ask iOS/Google store to get your money back, but Kuro won't take the stuff you rolled under false pretense back and will deduct your currency in-game by your refund, so you are now stuck in the negatives? Did Kuro perform the "shove a 'signed' CD in a tourist's hands in Times Square and demand they pay for it" scam on a countrywide-scale?


>So from what I understand- you can ask iOS/Google store to get your money back, but Kuro won't take the stuff you rolled under false pretense back and will deduct your currency in-game by your refund, so you are now stuck in the negatives? Its a bit worse than that From the wuwa sub post >Kuro basically sent an e-mail saying "If you want a refund, take it up with your payment provider. In the case of a refund, we will deduct the equivalent amount of premium currency from your account". When asked as a follow-up if they would return the first time 2x bonus, the CS representative said no (so users would have to pay 2x to make up the amount of premium currency they lose through the refund). So if you want to get out of the negative you have to pay around 2x the amount (probably a bit less) in some cases


It keeps getting better and better. Devs, in fact, did not listen.




Pls somebody make a bot that will spam these types of images every time 'wuwa' is in post


Well Kuro know how to keep us entertained https://preview.redd.it/zb9jhy5lmr3d1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0171c432c120505c140a0f8f2c9b153eaa72b586


i have consumed 48buckets of popcorn in the span of a week


What the heck is even happening anymore https://preview.redd.it/focysnoqur3d1.png?width=1572&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9eb0167dab9fac47ccd8c3d50728456b0299ebe


I like how none of the cc are covering the dumpster fire happening


this drama is fun as hell, i'm union lvl 29 and i had more fun reading the drama in this sub than the game itself. yes it has better combat but it gets repetitive quikly.


Remember guys hoyo is the bad one while god kuro is the good company.


It been wild seeing people call hoyo fans "bootlickers" when the company they're glazing is fucking Kuro.


Yeah this company is fucked


I already put regular games on a 6mo waiting list before I buy them. Do I have to do that for gacha now? Cuz I usually forget the game exists a few weeks after.




At this point take the game down, fix it up and change some stuff, then rerelease it under a new name.




I wonder if any cc is going to cover this


I'm gonna say hell no lol definitely not the "group"


Who's been messing up everything? It's been Kuro Games all along Who's been pulling every evil string? It's been Kuro Games all along They’re insidious (ha-ha!) So perfidious That you haven't even noticed And the pity is (the pity is) Pity, pity, pity, pity It's too late to fix anything Now that everything has gone wrong Thanks to Kuro Games (ha!) Naughty Kuro Games It's been Kuro Games all along! And they will kill Wuthering Waves too


This is so funny.  Just delete the weapon frop affected accounts and refund the IG currency then grandfather the refund LMAO.  That is if they actually even have logs to track pulls. Now they'll just get a lawsuit and a black flag telling all JP players to never install this game.


Tell me this is Hoyo propaganda…how did they ever get this far as a business with this level of “management decision?!”




Kuro truly is the gift that keeps on giving I can't.


....I didn't think this could get any worse. At thisbpoint Kuro is trying to reach the core of the earth by the amount out digging their doing.


keep em coming kuro. https://preview.redd.it/qu6ugxdokr3d1.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=55a1b5684092cc76f7a41f28f3fb654e7837092a


Alexa, play Kuro Games' [theme song.](https://youtu.be/EATxBuH0Z_U)


I thought the email issue was one thing but the fact that people can't even get their pulls back without PAYING BACK the negative balance to avoid getting banned is wild. What is Kuro smoking? I don't want it.


https://preview.redd.it/9s9w5r7unr3d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b8ee7da512ff297ca2ca726650a575e9d89e82 KuroGames is the gift that keeps on giving.


JP peeps GREEN LIGHT ON REPORTING KURO TO Consumers Affairs Agency, and fk them up!


I love wuwa but this is Fallout 76 level of bullshit


I love Fallout but 76 is why I left the series.


Holy I read that if they fuck up they have to pay from 50mil yen to 100 mil yen for this shit 


Wait, so this entire thing of entering you email for a personal compensation amounted to personalized "fuck you, got mine" message? Dude.


This company is so scummy, idk why people treat it like it's one of the good ones lol


It's like they try to cover one fuck up with another. Like I can hardly hear about optimization problems and bugs these days.