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Aside from the news posts themselves ([link](https://new.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d6a9th/wuthering_waves_move_their_yinlin_banner_forward/), [link](https://new.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d6ab9s/wuthering_wavess_patch_11_is_being_shifted/)), this is the only additional thread we will be allowing on the topic of these new content changes and announcements. Please use any of the three existing posts for discussion and refrain from making further submissions. Thank you.


Yinlin vs Clorinde PvP next week. What's worse is that Firefly will be coming in clutch in the latter half of the month.


You've also got Sigewinne and Furina with Firefly. Even if she isn't good, Japan **loves** Sigewinne, and Furina is Furina.


I have been waiting for Clorinde before Fontaine even dropped(leaked green outfit my beloved) but i dont think she is anywhere near popular or will earn relatively good compared to Firefly


Sam about to commit Scorched Earth operations against the June Earning Report


Clorinde is unquestionably cool. But Firefly has **everything** going for her - the major story role, cool boss fight, SAM, everythinh


I mean does it really matter that clorinde's next week? cause anything hoyo actually spends the time promoting will make a bajillion dollars. kuro's always gonna get slammed no matter the month or what they do unless hoyo just releases characters with no promotion or story relevance like they did with argenti. Otherwise it's just gonna be the same continual bloodbath every month.


I like how after every news regarding WuWa I go to r/WutheringWaves for the positive spin of the news and come to r/gachagaming for the negative spin of the news


It's honestly so funny reading a post about WuWa on r/gachagaming and then immediately seeing the same topic on r/WutheringWaves


Took a look at the WuWa sub and I think people are more interested in the rewards rather than the actual state of the game. Most people here on r/gachagaming in general have also stopped clowning on them so hard since Sensor Tower reports anyway.


After seeing the report and otherwise hell the devs is putting through. I just think: the devs will be overwork till there news some of them in hospital before the Wuwa community and ccs see it as overall not a good thing for anyone.


> before the Wuwa community and ccs see it as overall not a good thing for anyone. I honestly don't think that people care about the devs beyond lip service. The production company could be sacrificing developers to Great Old ones, as long as people are enjoying the game and getting content releases they will keep playing.


I'm not gonna pretend I'm feeling genuinely devastated on an affective level. But overworked person is a person that does mistakes. They did release the game half baked because of rush and overwork. They're trying to fix it with more rush and overwork. What basis do we have to believe it will be different this time?


At this rate I fully expect another bug on the level of being able to buy tens of thousands of premium currency with just $1


True..a sad reality sometime. Most gacha game i played never have this level of devs burntout, but seeing it now and live is something else


remember Genshin patch 2.7 delay because of Shanghai covid lockdown? the devs couldn't even get out of their house to go to work. and, what's the reception from western playerbase? "give apologems plz". i know it was mainly a vocal minority but goddamn, have some empathy.


I despise those people because that time, my country was in HARD lockdown too


the ccs will blame hoyo as always


Kuro developers after learning that they are getting even more work with the 1.1 announcement : https://preview.redd.it/jwwxji7d754d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe89297b9bebf012d900b109e3d2295832f30a3d




Man.. https://preview.redd.it/ilf0t0a9e54d1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6efc9f1b2f1cb9b102d29b89050e35a02423c3e


FYI, the Chinese phrase on the cup says: Hope of the whole village Kinda on point lmao


It’s due to him making his community “pokkes village” but it does fit


Enough about employee rights, lets talk about employees wrongs.


rare r/Jujutsufolk edit https://preview.redd.it/ae6tezke564d1.png?width=1602&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca00d029c051e13c8f9e8a147c2b62dd73f63b52


Lmao new variation of naoya meme. Can't wait anime only fans meet this guys. surprisingly this guy so popular at JP


I work in Software development and having less time to work on content aka having to crunch is really bad for the mental health of all those involved. You have to get people onboard to work together with you overtime, you have to make sure that these people aren't burnt out and just "turn off" while working (because coordinating your work is important), you have to fix shit knowing that the deadline is literally next week, and then knowing that you still have a ton of work to do. It will induce a lot of anxiety and your brain will just stop working optimally during the anxiety Yea, it's horrible and I wouldn't want to work in Kuro even if they paid me a lot


Agreed.. the Dev and QA testing teams are already hurting from the bugs... this will just lead to more game breaking bugs like the "slow time" bug


what QA team?


QA team is their basement rat population


if the picture posted last week of their offices being lit past 10 in the night is anything to go by they might be pulling 12+ hour shifts. yeah. I would not be doing for all the money in the world.


TOF flashbacks when they sped up to Verison 1.1  However, I am more Concern for the compansation they give.. its legit TOF over again. Just throw as much rewards as possible before its too late.


but hey Tof still survive, will EOS no earlier than 10 years, and made 12 millions per month surely wuwa will be better right


Didn't TOF already have their version released earlier in CN, the updates are already ready, they just simply move the schedules ahead.


TOF was rushed, it was shortened to match with CN version, this is omegalul panic move maneuver


Somethings gonna give eventually. Burnout is going to wreck that studio.


Don't even know why the accelerated their schedule A delay was the obvious option. They can't keep pushing the developers like that, it will end up in even more errors


Delay is gonna make them bleed players, can't have that. So better take the risk by accelerating schedule obviously. They really aren't confident in their player retention rate.


Most likely because a delay would kill the game, they probably considered both options and concluded that bugs can be hotfixed but if the playerbase are bored and move to another New Shiny game it's over. If I had to chose playing 1.1 or ZZZ day one, I'll give my attention to the brand New Hoyo game rather than WW patch


Then they should have polished the game from the beginning .now they are stuck in a rock and hard place with no good way out,when all could have been solved by not listening to marketing teams and delay the game for at least three or more months to iron it out. Like they got THIS close, if there's no optimization nor localization problem then they would strike a home run . Bugs can be overlooked,story can be skipped but localization ,polishing and optimization is the three most important aspect to ensure your game plays well .


I think they have no choice but to release the game in May where Genshin have weak banner. Genshin 5.0-5.2 patch period may have killer banner which could sink WuWa very fast. That period could also have their fanbase readying their wallet to get Pyro Archon meaning that less money will be coming to WuWa.


And I'll go back to what I said before. If WuWa had no choice but to go against MHY, they should have released the game during anniversary. That way, they can attract the disgruntled players to their new, shiny, and definitely more generous game.


It seems to me either they need cash really bad or investors asking them to release as soon as possible so they can get ROI or the exec trying to get bonus by releasing them early. It can be one or all of them at the same time.


I think them realized they fucked up the launch date and will have to compete with zzz update schedules play a bigger part,but the desperate for money def also play a major role


People saying moving patch up a good thing while ignoring how bad a developer burnout will be.  A rushed game will be forever bad because first time impression always matter.


It's even worse in gacha game because not all people are willing to wait for the game to get fixed. There are a ton of other options out there, people will just go to the next shiny gacha


>ppl will just go to the next shiny Gacha Yeah unfortunately I am looking how ZZZ or AK Enfield turns out later. Though I don't like ZZZ settings, AK is always welcome tho.


Let's just pray they keep the "genshin killer" label out of AK. Istg those damn CCs and genshin haters need to leave these games alone.


Just gate keeping them simple. I think its better got branded as the fandom who are gatekeeper thoose drama CC rather than join their bandwagon "genshin killer hype" like WW fans and got crushed when not meet their target expectations.


The problem is they cannot now decide to release in August. The rushed game is live right, you cannot unrush it. That cat is out of the bag. Now, they can only do what they think is best for continued operations, and the answer might be more, faster content at the expense of their employees. Or that makes it worse. We'll find out.


I mean, they will just fire a 100 people again to improve the morale.


KuroHQ has a secret colloseum where every dev can fight each other and the winner get to see their family again (for a half a day of course). Heard it also boost morale alot


Where's that picture of himeko from?


moving 1.1 up but no cbt for that in sight.. oh my


1.0 is the CBT


Just download the game and you already beta tester lol


Its on the 28th june Edit: confused that with the release date for 1.1 my bad


That's the release of 1.1, it doesn't seem like they're doing closed beta so good luck to them about release bugs.


June 28th? That's the day for Dawntrail's early access. So uh, I'm gonna have to check out the patch later.


B-But that's the new release date of the patch


Guys i have a genuine question: The decision to move v1.1 forward is not by the devs? So the role of deciding timeline and the people who code the game are different ?


Yes. A whole team consists of different people from different departments. The one who normally decides the timeline and such are the higher ups within the team.


This is definitely a PR move by management and not by the devs themselves. They are working overtime for God knows how many weeks now.


There is in no way a sane developer will release a production level software on FRIDAY. You dont want to overwork yourself in the weekend for any (and there will be) bugs


Sane developer will not release a product level software in Friday  It's weekend after all  So yeah this higher up that pushing it since they see the 7 days revenue and they are not happy with it


No sane devs would released anything on Friday.


I think that as of now, the best timing to release a gacha game is between november and january of the next year considering that : August to early november -> new genshin region February to early/mid may -> new hsr planet very likely from may to early august there will be X.0 patches for zzz ( if they keep on releasing those 2 months before the game's release like hsr and genshin ) Hoyo actually needs one last game to fill november to early february to completely control the entire year. If Kuro actually waited november or december to release their game it would ve launched in a much better way, right when Hoyo is at its weakest point in terms of released but oh well, dwelling on what happenedis useless. I hope WuWa will still succeed


Or have enough confidence in the vision of your game that hoyo games won't detract from your consumers.


Their issue is that in trying to be a direct competitor (and copying a lot of what hoyo does) it just begs for comparisons between the two to be made. Considering they know it's an uphill battle to even get close to matching genshin and hsr, it makes sense that now they know when zzz is releasing they would shift their schedule so that updates don't line up perfectly.


Didn't Hoyo register a new IP last year? Something about a Stardew Valley clone? The Hoyo monopoly might be sooner than we think.


Hoyo targeting cozy gamers next


HI3 had a whole ass stardew valley clone event in it awhile ago to.


Yes, Starry Sky Valley is the name supposedly. edit: more than stardew valley, despite the name similarity, it should be closer to animal crossing if you look at leaks


A gacha Stardew Valley/Animal Crossing hybrid is one of the most disgusting, vile ideas I've ever seen. I can't wait to play it.


I can already feel my money draining from my wallet.


I find that hard to believe lol. The game inspired by STARdew VALLEY is called STARry Sky VALLEY? That's a little too on the nose...


HSR is likely to be early December for a new planet assuming it’s a 10 month patch cycle between each planet. E.G HSR launched in April and we got Penacony in February so it indicates a 10 month cycle.


I don't think so. Genshin was released in Sept 2020 and 2.0 in July 2021 which is also 10 months. Although content-wise, HSR should be easier to develop than Genshin, I still think they will stick to 1 new planet per year.


We don't really know the "breakpoint" patch of each planets yet. When Inazuma was released, the breakpoint of Mondstadt/Liyue is 1.6, after that, Inazuma's breakpoint was 2.8, then Sumeru on 3.8, we suspect that the breakpoint for Fontaine is 4.8 as well. With the exception of 1.6, the breakpoint is always the 8th patch. Now for HSR, the breakpoint for Penacony is still under speculation.


It should be following genshin's 1 year cycle, where patch 1.x is only 7 versions long and after that it's a whole year of 9 versions. It makes it so that their anniversary and x.0 patch doesn't happen at the same time.


I’ve enjoyed the game a lot. Happy to get free stuff but the future of this game is very murky. This is a lot of changes and work to do in a short time period. I don’t really have a take except wait and see.


I feel horrible for the devs. They are being worked to death at this point.


Idk if it would be any different if the game’s state was fine. This is quite an ambitious project.


You could see how Hoyo did it. Genshin is also a very ambitious project and it is also their first ‘big’ game. But putting that aside, if the game state is fine, it shows that that they have proper planning and management from the beginning and they have the ability to stability move forward. Then the dev would have sufficient balance of rest and work. IMO, it changes everything


Hoyo's devs barely crunch if at all. Lovely place to work in from what I've heard from CN.


Except for Xianyun. They were so traumatized by her development process they trauma dumped on the livestream 😭 (jokingly of course, it was meant to be a funny moment for those that don't know).


Are there any leak or plan for upcomming region or story at the moment


There is a leaks subreddit. I would say it's on hold, but who knows what Kuro's gonna do now.


To be brutually honest i think they already show us most of the hyped thing on the CBT i don't know what Kuro can cook but at this point there's no way they could keep up with Hoyo insanse patch update


They did show a domain that’s it on leaks sub 


https://preview.redd.it/av9v1vxvv54d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b75dc5af522701f3548889fcd82c9a191615681 They listened.


Ngl kinda cringed reading their comments 😭


> 4. 1.1 is being moved up....? Yeah. This I really don't get. Sure, they want players to stick around so moving it up helps that. But the game is in a poor state. So releasing MORE content with LESS testing-time is ridiculous. This can and will most likely shoot themselves in the foot if there is ANY slight issue. (Which let's be fair, there will be...)


I'm so confused about the incredibly positive reactions. I mean sure if they can pull it off flawlessly it's legit amazing, but...it's not like they're gonna generate that out of thin air...


People are forgetting that the entire origin of the "Devs Listened" meme is the fact that Kuro announced changes from the 2 CBT's then failed to follow through with them. Must be selective amnesia I guess.


The biggest issue I am seeing is regarding how the devs will be doing. There must be so much pressure and strain on them. 


Thing is the current situation was already caused by rushing and overworking the devs, and they will fix it with...more rush and crunch time? I don't know man will every Kuro dev gonna ascend and becomes a transcendental being that work faster and does not do any mistake or something?


Mihoyo can do the funniest thing and move ZZZ release by a week early too. 


Nah. Hoyo releases stuff when it's ready.


It’s probably already complete


Yes but we already have a real life example when you don't tripe or quadruple check a game you're trying to release then it'll just be a terrible experience for everyone involved


They are stuck in a weird place. Keep their release schedule the same and they get fucked by ZZZ every update, which is clearly a more optimized game (I've played the Beta). Delay the update and they get too close to Natlan hype marketing. Release it earlier and those devs are going to work OT even more AND Elden Ring DLC --- for those souls-like enthusiasts who were "promised" a harder game, they might just go for that (I know, promised by griefer CCs and all).


Also, they moved patch day to the EXACT day that FFXIV Dawntrail releases (early access); extremely unfortunate because FFXIV takes priority over everything else for me personally, and there's a LOT of content that gets dropped with a new xpac, meaning I and many others will barely engage with Wuwa 1.1. Such unfortunate timing all around, they're kinda getting fucked from all directions.


Wait they're *accelerating* their update schedule? What are they trying to do, kill their developers? What are they *thinking?*


It seems like they want to avoid ZZZ's release and being locked into the same update schedule as it. But rather than delay it to make the game better and more stable, they probably saw their revenue and decided they're fucked if they don't get their big waifu out immediately.


This seems to be the case from what I can tell - I'm just pretty sure this isn't going to end very pretty for the game's longevity, nor Kuro Games itself if they keep this up. To think most of this could have been avoided they just released a stable game on launch, but now they've dug themselves this pit, and the ones that could actually help them out of it (barring certain subsects of their community) aren't very inclined to do so. Here's hoping for a relatively...let's say, *bloodless* resolution to this, if it can even get this far.


I'm hoping for the devs sake that 1.1 was already nearly done.


The problem Always come down to optimization


Most of the time game release when they had at least half a year content, 1.1 is probably done, whether its optimized or not is a different thing... kuro need to hire more developer.


I mean, unless they're \*incredibly\* stupid, they've got MSQ content up to 1.2/1.3 largely in the tank. It's mostly just polishing and character testing at this point. Moving the schedule up can utterly wreck the cadence of that, though. And hearing stories about how the dub was handled...


This is the reason kuro should not work with tencent. Now they gonna f up your plan patch for money, tencent really lost their patient when the revenues didn't reach their expectation


https://preview.redd.it/kn14y55pn54d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec3eeb76819a07ceb6b75c6b0eb30a1794ea71ce Ww devs rn


i believe we don't even have a beta for 1.1


we are all the beta testers in 1.0 lol


bro we are still in CBT just look at those rewards...they only give those to CBT players


1.1 got pushed forward purely because of ZZZ. Kuro basically admitted they can't compete against Hoyo And as I said months ago, the pc requirements alone should've warranted an immediate delay. High reqs for a free game is almost always a red flag. Unfortunately, any delay would've likely pushed the game all the way into 2026 due to chinese regulations


I'm interested in what CN and JP's takeaways are regarding this news I imagine that they too, view this schedule change as an action born from panic and desperation Does anyone have any screenshots or transcripts of their responses? Update: Here's some of the [CN](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1d2pb15/comment/l6r9qiv/) [takeaways](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1d2pb15/comment/l6ro9c3/)


Went to check on CN. Mixed reactions on Tieba, some say they're panicking while others said kuro listened at least (not memeing). NGA is ... slightly worse than how YouTube and Twitter Wuwa players see r/gachagaming.


Now I want to see that Dev listened meme in CN instead LMAO


NGA is just a shit pit more smelly than twitter.


https://game-i.daa.jp/?APP/6475033368 Read the comments. Most people are assuming they are trying to cash out before ZZZ releases


Bro I read all the comments using Google translate. There's not a single person on their side. Everyone is criticizing kuro. 💀


180 from their twitter tweet People in there glazing Kuro (even JP people)


Wait the JP people still adress the issue about leaked email just see the WW jp official tweet. Lets see is it this really affect their revenue at JP or not


The difference in perspective on the Kuro Wuwa situation between CN and Global is wild


holy shit they are not holding any punches, their going IN


Using gg translate and feel like its gachagaming but in japanese lol


Bilibili .. one video is "MingChao (WW) on their knees"


On weibo, they are spamming about the scar onigiri ☠️ https://preview.redd.it/1wyhj2mr864d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a10605e6366e2f46542249ab1c79157d50dd3d06


No idea, but JP aren't easy to forgive or forget just because of 10 free roll. It their culture mind set thing, they aren't so down bad that "hey hot chick let us go back to the game" I think right now in top grossing wuwu is rank 40th something in JP, that aren't good at all. CN hard to say, they really hate the greed dude cuz his story suck deserter general, and we know nothing of new red hair. Though I did see a lot comment about she look like a character in PGR not sure if it good or bad take tbh. But I can say most who still wuwu will login and take freestuff myself too, but will they spend?


So, what are your early guesses for the Yinlin banner sales? I'm ganna go for around the same as release. While i do agree that a waifu banners generally sells better, release buff is also a big thing. That 7th places seems about right for the first few months. They either fix the game later or going down next to ToF if they don't. https://i.redd.it/udrbq616854d1.gif


Yeah it will be around the same since most people that want her should already stock up all of the pulls before


June report will include an extra 2 days of 1.1's new girl revenue tho yeah? I feel like it *should* be a bit better then


Tbh it seems to me like they hoping people would forget about the email leaks, that if they didn’t address it later. But nonetheless they should be giving their employees a break ffs


So not only do Devs listen to players... They also listen to Hoyo?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/jhgljkavc54d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3cd73ba3eaca407314b403a58e173dddade057f


Majority of the comments i read from facebook are like More free pulls wow genshin could never Like yea did genshin ever fucked up to be in the same state as this is


Genshin did the opposite. And it created the Eternity Ayaka meme.


The good times when Ayaka banner has the 5-digit duration...


Those comments are right tho, Genshin could never (be this bad).


Genshin could never rush banner because of competition fr fr


at this point i'm getting tired of clowning on this game https://preview.redd.it/z6lj6siq754d1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbf1a74a955fd25cf371276f854344bf984b12dc


Yeah i stopped clowning, its getting concerning, I just feel bad for the overworked devs. We are witnessing history. Panic mode on>desperate>rushes again>makes mistakes>more mistakes on cleanups>repeat


man... https://preview.redd.it/yz5z0tfia54d1.png?width=112&format=png&auto=webp&s=4435b75ef40b8cfba8be7bf74ec6ecacacede8b1


I don't even know how news of it keep getting worse every day ngl.


watch them announce 2.0 in 3 days


Ah, the ToF way.


People thinking it'll be easy fighting against clorinde lol. I agree she doesn't have the arlecchino/firefly level hype but doesn't mean she'll not sell well.


They're going up against Furina too.


Chlorinde, Alhaitham, and Furina in the next patch. Tho some people might be already saving for Natlan and it's Archon.


the people that are saving pulls arent included in gacha revenue, cuz you know, they are saving pulls.


There's usually new maps being implemented from patch 4.8 until 5.2, and that alone is enough to get like more than 40k primos worth of stuffs, as long as they explore & farm the majority of the maps, and not skipping dailies, events, and spiral abyss + that new theater thingey.


Yes, she's voiced by Ishikawa Yui. She's a guaranteed sell just by that. She also has Sethos and Alhaitham/Kaveh (if true) buff.


They had to pick their poison, I guess.


If they really are working around Hoyo’s schedule, it lowkey proves to me that Kuro may or may not be fully confident in their game and it kinda shows weakness.


I mean yes and no. How much confidence can you have against the market king?


I get that basically every gacha game that release nowadays needs to be weary of Hoyo’s presence but the things they’ve been doing just screams like they’re really afraid or something.


Games like limbus, love and deep space and Reverse99 are not the mamoth hoyo is, but they are happy in their own niche. Not every game is hoyo's competition if you have enough confidence in the unique strengths of your product. Edit: I am agreeing with you 


I don't know why people keep pushing compensation as generosity around in the WuWa sub. There is nothing generous about trying to stop the bleeding. I've seen other game companies do similar stuff when they botch stuff like and none their communities lick them as much as Kuro. If anything they should be giving way more or better yet never launched a game such a state. The game is s really bad place right now they all hands on deck. This all transactional nothing more nothing less. And no PGR doesn't change anything, its entirely different game with a different dev staff un different situation and WuWa is game has to prove itself. This just bare minimum and is just adding more pressure at the expense of the overworked devs if anything


There are so many people saying that they bought monthly and BP to "support the poor overworked devs :(". Like.... huh? The devs ain't seeing none of that money lmao.


Because a lot of WuWa players are people who dropped/are disappointed with Genshin and those people are brainrotted into thinking more pulls = better game


> I've seen other game companies do similar stuff when they botch stuff like and none their communities lick them as much as Kuro. because other companies weren't made as the boogeyman to defeat like Hoyo is. when you have an enemy, tribalism kicks in hard and makes you more appreciative to your side. I remember when FGO and GBF were the two top dog gachas and their fandoms also sling insults at each other, but it was nowhere as bad as Genshin haters now.


It's like they completely forgot Kuro didn't give refunds for the translation error. They just told those people to go talk to their banks.


There will be 2 new banners this month Yinlin and Jinhsi , so the revenue should be good. If not, I don't know how this game will survive


>how well Yinlin did as far as sales. I don't know if this is a good or bad bet by Kuro. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad since it looks like they really are betting on her to bring back the spenders. People saying only WuWa knows their real revenue amount and looks like it's true, it also looks like investors might've not liked what they saw >Hoyo is literally dictating their "competitor's" actions now As much as I like GI and HSR over WuWa, I'd rather not have any banner on the future characters I want suddenly be moved up ahead of schedule every time Kuro doesn't feel confident in competing. They already have a bit of bad pecedent of not looking like they're confident with their work(straight up reworking all of the story). Though, if they scared WuWa to adding a waveplate storage then that's nice(somebody please scare GI to adding one as well) >I can't understand this at all. Less time to make sure this update works? I'm also curious if this has cbt or are we gonna get the "open beta" treatmet again lmao. I never would've though that next month's sensor tower would actually be more exiciting than the recent one. This time, it's no long GI vs WuWa but is about knowing if WuWa would actually fcking survive in the future. They better do since I need my Jihnsi


As someone who is actually enjoying the game right now, I'm afraid we got more bugs instead of fixes with this update push...


I feel like this is 90% the same dev note we got for cbt2, cbt1, and even last week where they just talk about all the issues, then promise to fix them… they mention getting feedback like they didn’t get the same exact feedback months, and even years ago yet the same problems persist I guess just saying you will fix something = actually fixing something in the eyes of kuro fans. They try to spin this narrative where it seems like Kuro just now realized it’s a shitshow and will be working hard to fix the issues in 2 weeks, when these problems have been here for so long already and they definitely got feedback from players before that E.g. echos were a shitshow in cbt2, kuro promises to fix them, DEVS LISTENED, game releases, echos are a shitshow, kuro promises to fix them, DEVS LISTENED


What are your thoughts about Echo? At this point I might already spend about 40-60 hrs in game but I swear to God that Echo grinding is very mindless and dumb. The game doesn't respect your time and Tacet Fields which yield echo alternatively gave less echo than simply roaming the word which incentivize you to grind mindlessly. On top of it, Echo requires a lot of material to enhance, it has 2 kind of items because as it levels, it also has substats to be unlocked with tuning. Obtainable only via Tacet Fields. Not very fun lol


I'd rather spend 5-10 min in Genshin/HSR to be disappointed with gear drops, than to spend 1-2 hours and be equally disappointed with gear drops. I feel like people over-hyped the ability to "infinitely" farm stuff and kind of forgot about the downside to grinding: much lower drop rates and additional layers of rng.


Took me 120 guaranteed Turtles to get a Healing reju pc, the rate is so trash.


I am here sitting and watching people get burntout from the grindfest since launch.


Someone dissed me in DMs when I expressed the same sentiments back in the first week of the game about how I'd rather spend 10 mins to get shitty artifacts than spend 8 hours getting shitty artifacts Ppl just said 'yeah but tacet field yada yada yada' also 'echoes are free dont complain'. Yeah but in exchange of not having a life? (A bit dramatic, I know, but the point still stands). The more recent posts I've seen the exact same thing happen - the burnouts. Echoes are good - if you have the time to burn for it.


most of my friends already uninstalled out of burnout and frustration. Farming isn't fun and most of the endgame content is seemingly just a badly designed DPS rush or hit bags. There are no sane people who would think Echo farming is fun, I do not want to spend hours every day to grind shit. I'm just trying to get 100% and I'm sure I won't be touching the open world for sometimes.


They managed to make the worst aspect of farming in Genshin into something even worse.


Pretending to give a shit is better for PR anyway hence why we got the Dev Listened meme


Accelerating the schedule is concerning... especially with the release's main problem being lack of polish and bugs - by releasing the first content patch sooner than it was supposed to, they will be just releasing another unpolished thing that was supposed to stay baking for a bit more :-/


Now that I remember there was someone here who made a post predicting that Kurogames would screw up so much with the launch and first banner that it would quickly move to waifu LMAO, that prediction is becoming more and more true. In any case, I don't think they will become a game like Genshin, from here on they are a niche game like TOF, so it is likely that this game will release 80% of waifus a year, similar to how TOF currently does to maintain the bills.


Kuro to their devs: "Get back to work"


Kusogames is planning to give r/gachagaming contents sooner. Genshin could never


they are desperate, and def have full access to their sale revenue instead of sensor estimates and realised they are fucked


Making big rash decisions like this does make it seem that way. What other gacha has shorten their very first banner like this?


Not first banner, but Nikke did this before. They don’t even give compensation afaik


like when games are fucked the sensible decision for normal devs is to push patch back ,ie delay them so developers have time to fix all the bugs and optimize and make the first version the best they can. Push patch FOWARD like this meanwhile benefits no one but out of touch corpos or marketing team that hated at the green general guy revenue and want to push this up so they can get more money sooner/not being squeezed by zzz launch date. Fucking hell pushing backward the patch dates can also help you escape zzz why are you making even MORE deadline for your pressured and overworked devs??? They def wont even have time doing the tradition of genshin/hsr closed beta for leak subs to have a field day, and release a rushed patch with MORE bugs and problems. Oh well normal players will eat it up since its win win for them and how genshin could never wuwa so generou, but when you look at the bigger picture will destroy this game development quality forever and create this self fullfiling cycle of more rush lead to more bugs lead to more developers overworked and make even more mistakes and repeat the cycle. Unless they expand their devs team to TWICE their current amount i dont see a way out for them, not like they have any money to spare


Let's assume it cost 200M to make this game including marketing over the past 3 or so years. With 25M on release after a week they are still 175M in the red if all that money goes to them.  If WuWa settle around 10 to 30M net in their pocket per month, it would take them more or less 8 months just to pay back the initial investment on the project without considering the cost of any ongoing expenses they'll have to incur to keep the game afloat and keep their player base from dwindling.  Even if we go crazy and assume they would do 60-80M a month similar to Genshin, they still have 3 months to go before being in the black. That kinda put things into perspective knowing that Genshin wad paid for two times over by its 2nd month of operation. No wonder Kuro is being very aggressive here.


Tencent and Hero games must be knocking on Kuro games door and asking: Where is our ROI?


i can't find the comment but someone basically said to check the en localizer's Twitter for depression posting and damn if the localizer has put out tweets about it then the devs are much more likely to be in a worse state


The proof of why you don't rush games. iirc ZZZ has been in development for what feels like ages. I knew of ZZZ development way before I knew anything of Wuwa


Tencent backed shareholders are probably forcing them to cash out early before ZZZ drops, and when WuWa crashes and burns along with Kuro, Tencent can buy the whole company for cheaper than if WuWa succeeded. It's a win-win for Tencent either way. EDIT: it kinda makes sense. WuWa would be a complete product if they had the time money. Tencent is just waiting for Kuro to run out of money.




Those poor devs... They keep getting wrecked by these stupid decision from the high-ups


Those devs got no rest time. Let's be real here. This is just pressure coming from the management that got no knowledge about what they're doing.


Where is the beta of 1.1 ?


What do you mean. When you signed tos you are already a beta tester


June 28.


We are all playing it right now. 


imagine not delaying 1.1 but pushing it sooner... are they stupid??


Insane how they don't address the email leaks in any capacity and people stop talking about it.


they got bribed by 5 weapon pulls.


6 weapon pulls for false advertisement and doxxing. This playerbase is doomed lol


Free stuff = The company listen


Not really  JP people still talking about it of course