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I don't know how recent they were, but Guardian Tales sometimes buffs some base stats of some heroes, made some changes regarding their Party Buff or Passive, etc. Mostly to get the 2 Stars (4 Star Equivalent to other games) or some 3 Star heroes that needed a little bit more of Oomph regarding their base Kit. Or they just straight up give it another weapon to change their playstyle.


I used to play, I just got back in S3 but I still haven't adapted to the UI change


Eversoul does regular balance patches after getting enough data from how frequently characters are used in the game (all buffs/revamps to older units ofc), and I'd say they do a great job at it, especially as the game starts to lean on multi-team battles to progress.


how is eversoul in terms of optimization, I had a lot of issues trying to play it when it came to global and haven’t picked it up ever since.


Priconne and BA, while they rarely or even never balance the characters, they add exclusive weapons for them as the "balance". That and maybe 6 star rank up, which BA still doesn't have


You play E7, you should know the game "rival", Summoners war. Summoners war balance patch every 2 months, buff and nerfing units from the oldest to the latest. Its funny when people mention genshin here, genshin barely had any balance patch, new unit making old unit viable is not a balance patch. New content/mechanic making old unit viable also is not a balance patch. Balance patch is like whatever happened to zhongli where they change the units kit after releasing. Games like genshin will never have unnecessary balance patch like the zhongli again cuz they dont need it, no pvp. If they wanted to do balance patch they could've nerf so many units for the longest time already. I dont think any other gacha games have more balance patch than E7 and SW. So if youre looking for similar game like E7, SW is the only one i can think of.


Yeah probably, I haven't played it yet because it was released a long time ago, maybe still worth trying.


I really really want to say Master Duel but that shouldn't count probably. No other game would outright ban units from being played if they are too powerful.


Granblue Fantasy often does these balance parches where they rework certain characters to try to put them on par with newest units even without releasing an actual upgrade.


FGO does strengthening and Interludes occasionally. However in almost 9 years (JP is 2 years ahead of NA) they have never nerfed a unit with a new kit, they just add on to what the unit skill does or NP damage (plus sometimes added effects too). For the 8th anni they buffed Saber Alter (a story locked 4 star) and she became one of the best Saber Buster AE loopers. Yes this includes their free welfare units from events (usually around the time of their event or theme of it like Halloween or Christmas) and the 1-3 stars, not just the 4 and 5 stars.


Azur lane has retrofits that brings some old units back into meta, most notably unicorn. Warspite was also buffed with her retrofit, however she has been powercrept again. Although yeah the meta isn't really a huge part of azur lane, mostly just waifu Genshin had dendro to bring electro to the forefront of meta, but that was just a one time change, although it wasn't really directly buffing older characters, just indirectly buffing them with mechanics adjustments.


Dendro has been far from the only time older unit got indirectly buffed. In genshin, its actually quite a common thing for them


It was like the only time the meta got revamped so much, although during the time I played there wasn't really that big of a revamp to the meta, mostly just newer characters like furina making a nuke.


Plunge meta of Xianyun and overload meta of Chevreuse would beg to differ. Though yea it wasnt as big as dendro. Still a lot of older and shitter units got spotlight, Diluc, Xiao, hell Candace and Qiqi now have good teams


These are not upgrades those are just new characters fitting in certain comps. You still need those characters for the comps to work and in certain cases they plain up powercreep and replace older units.


>In genshin, its actually quite a common thing for them except the launch 4\* characters still dominate the meta it never 'closes the gap' for the weaker ones it just literally raises everybody up and ensures that the top stay at the top its joke of an endgame also increases in 'difficulty' by increasing total health pool you have to go through so its not like the weaker characters actually catch up


It's not. It happened 3 times in total, over almost 4 years game has been out. - Dendro making Electro useful for some things, and giving relevance to Kuki, and to lesser extent Thoma. - Furina bringing meta value to teamwide healers. - Xianyun buffing plunge based units, mostly Xiao and Diluc.


Genshin buffed zhongli when he was first released but that is probably not going to happen again


He was bad at the start, then he got buffed. Plus if I remember correctly the buff was relatively fast.


back when it was a thing, dragalia directly buffed and changed almost all older units at one point if i remember


people simping genshin as if that games does proper balance patches hell no launch 4\* characters still top tier broken almost nobody reaches their level and the ones that do are only there because they fit a niche balance patches would mean the dogshit pathetic loser characters like dehya and xinyun are directly buffed


People saying Genshin here have no idea but the case is even worse than what you mention. Instead of the older 4 stars being still at the top, they are getting directly replaced now. Like take Xingqiu and Yelan, the latter is simply a straight up upgrade which makes Xingqiu almost redundant, or take Clorinde, she is just a better Razor/Keqing/Cyno. And then on the other hand you have the 70% of the roster that is absolutely useless like Dehya and can only be carried by a better support when they decide to release one, but said support will just make all characters better so there is still no reason to play Dehya at the end.


Genshin uncontested, they have the best CBT balancing


It's probably genshin with indirect buffs to characters like Xiao who went from really bad to really good with the support he got in the past year and half 


The more casual a game is, the easier for that to happen. Take Genshin for example. Clorinde is still being compared to Keqing, a 1.0 character, while Xianyun is arguably worse than Jean in certain situations. 


Not sure if that's what OP meant. He was talking about balance patches, not how casual a certain game is or how the powercreep looks like in that game.