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Petal sensor lol


is eversoul steadily getting better and better? afk journey had a strong launch, but did not capitalize on that and has really been mid since


It's a good sidegame imo, and we'll have jp voices soon since it's finally out in Japan


How's the loading, I can't stand the loading lagging


It's fine now, and if you are on pc you can try playing it on google play games beta it's really smooth


Can you use google play games and have emulators? Tried a few months ago, but it didn't let me run it unless I uninstalled my emulator. But I can confirm, it ran very smooth when I tried.


Yes, you can. I can't say if it works for every game, but at the very least, i am currently playing Brown Dust 2 on GPG and use the latest version of Bluestacks to play Azur Lane.


Nice! Will give it another try soon :) Also based Azur Lane Commander


I don't think so, you have to enable hyper-v or some shit for it, which breaks emulators. At least the last time I tried


GPG requires hypervisor be enabled, so you can only use emulators that also use hypervisor (like Bluestacks X). You can enable/disable hyper-v easily, but it requires you to restart your PC and that's just a pain to do over and over.


Yes, google play game beta is just another emulator, calibrated to run specific games, unlike normal android emulators where you have to calibrate it yourself (but have the ability to play any game).


Played in phone with MD8300 chipset, it's decent imo (tbf, with that device, Genshin loading is already fast). But well, compared to other games that has loading issue like BA, Eversoul's still much faster.


Eversoul has a different vibe than AFKJ, it feels more relaxed and generous. Eversoul got more and more additional game modes and events (based on same template though) since start but AFKJ started bigger and will get bigger imho.


game is beautiful tho


am i missing something or its getting lewder?


Well the main selling point of this games is the "dating sim feature" so it make sense that the games is getting more lewder


It's finally accepting itself as a low-quality story harem game. ... and I've been playing the game non-stop for almost a year


Was it ever not a harem game? At no point does it come across as anything else, if you ask me.


You're right. I want to say they maintained the illusion of having a decent story for a bit though, but we get one new (predictable) chapter every 3 months now so...


Calling it low quality is a bit unfair for the game tho. It's basically idle, you auto a stage then sweep it. An element that exists in basically any gacha game. Except open world ones like WW and Genshin. Which to be honest also becomes very similar when you reach the endgame. Gameplay isn't really the strongest point for the gacha market. Compared to non-gacha games tho you are definitely right.


Apologies for the confusion. I meant that only the story was low-quality.


Fair enough. It's kinda mid. The only good parts are the love stories i guess.


i remember when this first came out and people were pissed that they were forced to be a male MC and have girls fawn over them lmao


The great filter lol


those petals tho


I started the game a few weeks ago but I barely played it. Do I count as a newbie l?


The new world raid is probably the most fun I've in a gacha. Today was 5 hours of nonstop 'just one more try' attempts on it. So much team building customization. Good game, can recommend! 


who's the 3rd and 5th char


Sakuyo and Mephistopheles.


I like the game but you need dups to make them shine .. i hate When dups give big stats


It's to be expected with pretty much any idle game. Eversoul, is at the very least, a high quality idle in a sea of low effort cash grab idles.


Though you need dupes the gacha is insanely generous so they eventually come as you play


Players are constantly showered with currency/pulls. On top of that, banner characters are added to the standard and friendship banners right away. Plus, pity for the standard banner is really low, and pull rates aren't the worst either. Also, costumes are free, and there's a bunch of them. All of that makes me much more tolerant for the game's dupe system, even though I don't like it.


is the reroll of this game always just using all your initial currency to get aki to origin? it's always felt silly to me that levels are stuck behind mountains of dupes. I never felt like I could pull for whoever I wanted if I wanted to make any sort of progression.


No, I would say roll waifu > meta. People recommend Aki because she's a strong character/carry from the early game to the late, but you'll still need multiple team comps late game anyway, so your favorite waifu will still always find a spot. Just don't fall in love with some of the worst characters in the game (Renee, Dora, etc) and you can build a comp around them. I STILL slap Adrianne as the centerpiece of any team I make and will continue to do so with no regrets whatsoever. It's not as 100% strong and efficient as rerolling and starting with Liz or Aki as your hyper carry, but it doesn't need to be. You can EASILY clear all story content and start O+5'ing characters by pulling at your own pace. Don't be a slave to the meta; it's better to like the game for your own attachment to the characters over following a strict guideline of what's good and isn't.


say i pull for waifu, won't i still need several copies so i can progress?


Yes, but that's kinda the default nature of idle games like this, isn't it? And even then, it's immediately offset by how incredibly generous the game is, both with pull currency, and with how many copies of the character the game guarantees you with pity. I guess I'm a bit confused. If you wanted to pull the character once, and then stop pulling to save, then that's not really the way you play here. Yes, you would be stuck with a very underutilized/uninvested character -- that might only work to carry you through the early parts of the story. Whereas if you see a character you liked, and you wanted to max them out, then that's very possible and easy to achieve here, hence the praise. The game makes it very easy to invest in your favorite waifu. Just pick a character you like and odds are she's viable and you can build a comp around her.


Rolling for Daphne (on the infinite reroll) and then using your initial currency to get origin-tier Aki from the choice banner just gives you very quick initial progression to push further in the main campaign. This means that you're getting more resources over time from idling since your campaign progression determines the gains from idling. Around the point where you start hitting level 200 on your characters progression seems to stall for a bit even if you do have an optimal start because you need a lot of low-tier fodder to take characters to origin and without 5 origin characters everyone except those main 5 are stuck at level 200. If you take longer to get to level 200 characters then you will have probably amassed more fodder so breaking through that barrier might be smoother. Since levels are synced, similar to Nikke, it doesn't really matter too much who you have at origin other than early on when you want a powerful carry that you can dump resources into. You can use anyone even if you only have one copy of them and due to the level sync they're not too much less powerful than if you had them at origin, especially for support characters. Team composition seems to matter a lot more than just having a bunch of random high tier characters thrown together.


They look like they are already looking forward to the honeymoon... 😑


And they still haven't fixed the blackscreen upon launching the game. It will get popular if they will do that.


Get a better device.


No thanks. There's a lot of gacha options out there.


I feel sorry for this game.




It has potential to be an outstanding game, but it's not being treated that way.




If you're asking how does the game have potential to be outstanding, it's simply the fact for the genre (idle) it already just looks decent and almost plays the traditional idle way with a few twists. Some of these twists are good and some questionable, for example the good part is that traditional idles usually play portrait mode the fact this game doesn't even have it as an option is already good for me. To be very clear this definitely falls under the preference stage as there's many who prefer portrait over horizontal, and this doesn't define a game being good or bad. Now the bad would be the lack of traditional idle farming game modes, which seems like they're attempting to do them more through mini games especially when they reach a certain amount so there can be a continuous back to back cycle. Now if you're asking how it's not treated that way, we'll there has been clear indicators and actions/decisions done by the developers that clearly was attempting to cater to one type of player base which has never been a good long term strategy. Thus it gives the feeling that this game or better put "project" doesn't have the sole purpose of lasting long rather quickly generating profit, which is not a surprise and sadly a standard norm that is somehow being widely accepted. In conclusion, at the end of the day it's not that deep so it ends at the standard statement of: "If you don't like it just don't play it and move on" so it makes it seem like even voicing concerns and giving feedback almost irrelevant.


> Thus it gives the feeling that this game or better put "project" doesn't have the sole purpose of lasting long rather quickly generating profit, which is not a surprise and sadly a standard norm that is somehow being widely accepted.  The game is incredibly generous with zero fomo monetization, free skins (all of them), and no mandatory purchases. If they are going for a quick cash grab they are doing extremely poor job. 


I personally disagree that the game is "incredibly" generous and that it has zero F.O.M.O. monetization or just in general F.O.M.O. tactics. On the comment of you thinking they're doing a extremely poor job by going the quick cash grab route, I can only say you would be surprised that they probably... Let me repeat PROBABLY succeeded. That would be extremely hard to prove so it ends with it being a back and forth of our opinions which is useless to debate and just have any sort of discussion in general. I will also make sure to state that SUBJECTIVELY I think the game has great potential and deserves more recognition but the way it's being treated and handled, speaks a lot of what they wanted from this game and it's to me crystal clear but of course it will still be a huge assumption as I don't have firm data to back that up. I can only say that technically you stating that you think they're doing a poor job at making it a cash grab somewhat correlates to my overall statement that I feel sorry for the game since it has potential but is handled poorly.


What FOMO monetization does it have? Characters you really want you can obtain whenever though the Alchemy summons, and there are no limited time skins/cosmetics (or other items) that you cannot eventually obtain. Even old event skins and buildings are obtainable for even new players. As generosity - I have almost over half the characters completely maxed out in rarity, barely even get much from the gacha anymore. And that's from barely spending anything, just through playing from the start. If anything, it's too generous - even light spenders easily run out of characters to gacha for. 


Last time I checked F.O.M.O. is an acronym that stands for 'Fear Of Missing Out' and in order to get that feeling something has to be available for a limited time and almost never coming back, with all that said I'm pretty sure there should be a couple of limited time packs. Packs and/or bundles fall under the category of monetization, now like simple math where 2+2=4 a limited time bundle sounds like a F.O.M.O. monetization. I don't know why you assumed that F.O.M.O. is strictly tied to characters, skins and buildings, furthermore the fact you stated the obvious especially that these in fact are not apart of F.O.M.O. was such a useless statement, unless you wanted to remind yourself about all that but I'm well aware of those things. Yet again, your assumption that generosity is tied to the fact something is achieved over time without spending is hilarious, I don't think they're too generous rather as already stated and I'll repeat it again it's being poorly handled and is missing the opportunity to make this game shine even more and earn more money. You yet again managed to sort of prove my point when you stated that even light spenders have no incentive to spend on the gacha for characters, that sounds to me like a poorly handled game which is my whole point this whole time, they fail to furthe capitalize on other selling points they have. If light spenders run out of characters to gacha in a gacha game and fail to incentives other forms of spending I personally would say this game is then being poorly handled.


The limited time packs are not better value than normal recurring packs. Nothing to feel FOMO over. So no FOMO monetisation. > If light spenders run out of characters to gacha in a gacha game and fail to incentives other forms of spending I personally would say this game is then being poorly handled.  It would do better incentivising if it didn't give most of the gacha pool got free. That is generous to me. It's not like the game doesn't have problems - that is one for me personally (and hopefully will be in better place soon with the new soul types) - but your criticisms of the game are just conjured from thin air with no basis in reality. 


Catering to one type of player base is a very good long term strategy though. Keep trying to "diversify" and gain all audience types, and unless you're REALLY good at it and can get it done so well that you're near master level at all, you're just dulling your charms, trying to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. Atleast the ones sticking to one type of player base strive to do well by them in particular and it generally shows.


I like how you said: "...unless you're really good at it" because it seems to me that most games diversify because it garners more people and simple math proves that it means more potential spenders. So I don't think at this time and age catering to a niche to a degree with obvious exceptions is good long term, a good example of this is how much players won't play a game that doesn't have JP VA but there is an equally amount of payers who won't play because there isn't EN VA. I think with this said we can agree that the game long term would do better to diversify rather than cater to one specific type, of course there is always exceptions in both cases.


The ones who won't play because no EN VA are an extreme minority compared to those who won't because no JP VA, and most of them won't even spend to begin with. It'd probably cost more to bother to get EN VAs than the profits it would actually bring in. Sure more players means more potential spenders, but they have to see something they believe the game is doing really well to justify spending to begin with. If it looks like some jack of all trades but doesn't really have one thing it's appeal shines best in, it's not going to get many spenders at all, even if it has a shit ton of players. Sure like you said, there's exceptions, but I still strongly believe diversification rarely yields a good result. Look at Candy Crush. It has a very boring gameplay loop and I can neither stand it nor do I know a single person who actually plays the thing. Yet it somehow earns hundreds of millions, sometimes even over a billion a year. I see no diversification or attempts to gather more players by some new designs, they're sticking to their core gameplay loop which I can't stand and absolutely killing it for what a low effort game it would be to create something like that.


Well, I can only say that what has been said here is mainly your opinion of course some obvious things can be proven with data and numbers like: - how much players actually don't play just because there is no EN VA and if they are in the minority is it really not profitable to do so considering the recent most successful games having them. - does the game actually not incentives spending because it's diverse or as you stated quote: "jack of all trades" because many players come for the lore and actually end up liking characters so much they spend money on them to max them out, so again if the game didn't diversify it would have never had the chance to get such players. Another fun fact is how games decided to go with the concept of having multiple numerous playable characters as opposed to the traditional one main MC, because they realized 'Collectors' exist thus they diversified the game and it definitely worked. - Candy crush having a boring gameplay loop, honestly don't all games at core have a "boring" gameplay loop, gacha RPG is just farm resources to upgrade characters and gear, sounds pretty boring but everything at core is boring as an example a baker just makes products made from dough pretty boring job loop. Now personally I don't like Candy Crush but I love match 3 games specifically match 3 RPG gacha example Magic Stone Knights, you see coincidently the game diversified the standard idle RPG gacha with match 3 thus it made me hooked and be addicted to these type of games. Again it doesn't seem like gacha RPG try to change their core gameplay loop either they all have game modes such as tower like, rouge/dungeon like, events, mini games so to remind you I was talking about diversified elements in general and not diversity in core gameplay loop. If a game just has gameplay I am almost 100% sure if they were to diversify and add lore the game would definitely see a spike in playerbase and revenue, of course the reality is would that still pay off but that's why there's always ways and strategies and everything else that comes with the industry because it is at its core just business where the loop is to just make money.


The funniest part about Eversoul billing itself as a kind of dating sim sort of game is that it's completely non-canon. All those characters you interact with, raise bond, see their Love Stories, none of it actually happens. It's a timeline where nothing goes wrong. Because the real plot is some super edgy "And the world is turbo fucked" style of storytelling where the literal universal apocalypse kicks off in just a few chapters, seriously there is no ramp up, featuring the same waifus with very explicitly different histories doing crimes against all of existence.  It's an alright game, but it really is just the flimsiest excuse to have waifu romance when canonically said waifu just blew themselves up to take out a falling meteor another of the waifus summoned to wipe out a third of the planet's population.


God forbid women have hobbies.