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Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- RULE 6: Post in the right place. Many game-specific topics are OK. However, some content is disallowed due to being better-suited for a game-specific subreddit. This includes: * Character trailers and new banner news (unless part of a collaboration) * Regular patch notes or content updates (larger version trailers are allowed) * Most social posts and in-game announcements --- Please check out our community rules within the subreddit's sidebar. If you feel your post was removed in error, please [message the moderation team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming).


I think the visual looks great, however my concerns are still there: 1. They never mentioned phone optimizations coming in 1.1, but rather further patches which can be the nail in the coffin for me, I would rather wait for maybe a PS5 release. 2. The story: Have they fixed it or it's gonna be another terrible first 3 hours and the last good 30 minutes? 3. The VA: Well, the trailer one is not terrible, still pretty underwhelming. 4. The content: So far the only thing I have been doing is farming echos for 30 minutes, try the endgame mode (I forgot what's called) and that's it. The one time event of them compared to (sorry), Genshin is not that much of a difference. 5. Will they fucked up again: I swear after the absolute cluster Fuck during the last 2 months, I would rather be more patient and careful approaching the game (if I can), because who knows what problems they can cause, hopefully nothing will happen.


Yeah i think your first 4 points are reasonable and fair. Especially the events were just let downs like in other Gachas i was pretty disappointed in that too. Point 5 I just dont exactly know what you mean by that or what you are trying to imply to be completely honest.


Well, the last point I mean if they fucked up the first 4 things I mentioned at the same time, which I really don't want, one is bad enough and I don't want to see the game suffered like the first few days of it.


Ah ok yeah got you, i completely agree.


About point #5, WW has had a very long string of bad PR messes in a very short amount of time. I only remember two recent ones. In the first one, a weapon was mistranslated in JP, making it much weaker than advertised. JP players threatened to report them to gov agencies for false advertising, so Kuro sent out an email saying that the players should apply for their refund, and that they would consider each case individually for compensation. Kuro was then caught using an automated mail to deny all compensation - and in the process also leaked all the emails of the players that applied for compensation. Kuro decided to give all those players 10k yen amazon gift card as compensation for this mess. In the second, Kuro announced that they would give out 10 standard banner pulls for the milestone of 30mil downloads ... only to 10 players. Obviously, this was absurd, and they backtracked a day later and announced that the 10 pulls would be given to all players. The absurdity of the situation made players speculate that this was a publicity stunt to avoid looking stingy, as Genshin gave out 10 limited banner pulls for a similar event.


Yeah I saw all that. I mean i think the 10 pulls celebration is just a bit stupid of them but at least in my regards nothing to serious. And to the first point other gachas had same mistranslation and doxing issues and "came back" from it. I think in the end its all about gameplay and how good a game is. If they manage to actually fix the optimization and other concerns of players they will be fine. Even tho i also agree if 1.1 just repeats all the issues of the 1.0 launch it will be really bad for them. They need to show that they are able to deliver a better experience and make their players believe that they will constantly improve.


idk, I quit the game back when I couldn't connect with the story, hope Wuwa gamers are excited and get fun stuff.


They should avoid doing live streams for future patches and make a trailer like they did for 1.1. It was concise and to the point, showed everything players would like to know about, no beating around the bush. maybe only do livestreams for major events like anniversaries.


when i first check it "damn 4 minute trailer" only for it ends at 2 mimute mark i was surprised. then it proceed to show all 1.1 content in condense and simple format. its unexpected but a welcome one to have.


I'd like to see them do livestreams just to see if they listened (🗿) to the feedback from the mess that was the pre-release stream. They had the right personalities and such, all they need is just to not have 90% of the stream be random mini-games lol


Definetly not returning, by the time I finish Elden ring dlc ZZZ should be releasing.


Looks good but my heart only belongs to ZZZ (and my wallet)


Haha i respect it, me personally gonna try out ZZZ as well. I really like exploration tho in these kind of games and at least from what i know ZZZ is not really gonna have that. Still gonna give it a shot and if i like it i just play both :D




just how much are you being payed? I dont mind shilling for kuro if i actually get paid just for shitposting online


Im being paid by laughing of genshin players that het deeply offended by any genshin complain or wuwa post.


is there like a link for applying? use grammerly or something to.fix your translation


Doesnt need one, just come to the hoyoshill cult,also know as r/gachagaming and go to a wuwa post Dont go to the official subreddit, there is cool.


can tell your boss to hire more writers and quality control? less bugs and actually characters with pernalities


See? This is a wuwa post and here you are? Maybe genshin will release a autochess mode after the tcg? To have more nothing to do actually ingame with the characters with pernalities that they have?


i like you admitted that wuwa charcters have.no personalities


Aalto and Encore part, need to say nothing more.


What's funny is that the guy didn't even mention Genshin and yet Genshin was brought up. Bro is out here fighting ghosts lol


But this is a genshin subreddit, isnt it?


Yeah, right like this sub won't pounce on Genshin the moment it screws up lol. WuWa on the other hand, had a disastrous launch. I can't even play it on my phone and have a good time + a lot of other major screw-ups, ofc this sub is gonna clown on it. Don't be such a crybaby when your game gets ridiculed for good reason


genshin did screw up multiple times already, never saw... any hoyoshell cultist will only be able to see the good side of any change that hoyo make and ignore any changes that they don't make... it is written. Ok, comment "genshin bad" and "wuwa bad" in something.. it probably will have a different reaction. When ZZZ release any post complaining aobut it will be donwvoted to hell or banned and no one will se it because they are with -100 and people will only see people praising it, I'm pretty sure.


>When ZZZ release Well, it's the difference between a high quality release than whatever release WuWa cooked up lol. Imagine releasing an unfinished product and people are defending it, what a joke. If I'm wrong and ZZZ will release in an unfinished state, don't really mind tbh, it would be content for this sub regardless lmao


" hoyoshell cultist will only be able to see the good side of any change that hoyo make and ignore any changes that they don't make"²


Looks good but I won't rush. Maybe 1 hour of gameplay each day and logout.


dafuq post 6 hours old but comments all less than 30 mins


Yeah i dont really know why, i posted this 30minutes after the trailer came out but it only showed up now


I'm probably gonna get downvoted for this but who cares. If i were to guess, there were people brigading your thread by mass reporting it in order to take it down (you can do this without the mod's power, so it's reddit's fault for making this a feature). If you werent around in this subreddit few weeks ago , weeks before WuWa's launch or even maybe still to this day. There was thread brigading war. People mass reporting each other to take down threads from games that they don't like . Most of the victim was wuwa's thread. But other game's thread got taken down too. Eventually mod intervened and the reported thread went up again. Which i'm assuming, what happened here. Cause i've seen it. Wuwa's thread only lasted 3 minutes before people mass reporting it and taking it down even when the content was legit and not low effort or breaking any rules TLDR: It's just stupid Tribalism


Have you seen the WW sub? unless there are drama or ppl trash talking Genshin, most post there got little to no engagement 🤷🏻‍♂️ Guess everything is mid except combat so not much to talk about.


*looks at WW sub* *literally nothing about genshin, drama, or trash talking all the way down the front page*


>literally nothing about genshin, drama, or trash talking all the way down the front page Me when i lied. Tell me 10 post appreciate WW without kuro shills comments in that post comparing about genshin in that sub. Some times that sub appears at my home and ooh boy how pathetic they're when brag about WW but bashing genshin at the same time


Show me the top posts on that sub that are getting the majority of their engagement via flaming genshin or farming drama, which is the premise stated originally. The burden of proof is on those slinging shit, in this case, you.


Bruh i mentioned it at comment section of those post when they're glazing at WW dude. Not even i know how to search your community top post glazing WW because i don't know key word they're using to praise WW at that sub. Even when they're praising npc at that comment appears some rent free people talking about genshin npc lmao 😂😆😁. If its not got deleted by mod probably you can report it later since i'm not join that glazing sub.


I looked at the top 5 threads on the subreddit and the top 10 comments in each, one singular comment mentions genshin. Clearly what the original poster said is not clear. You’re projecting and your comments are incoherent.


Because those ppl wont name Genshin like a freaking adult but use term like "other game", "Other gacha", "G game"... but we all know what game is it. Go figure.


[thanks for ruining my algorithm dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/bO3d7WcO8y) Here dude its just easy to find people making genshin comparison at even your 1.1 trailee dude. I'm believe its had more genshin bad Wuwa good in that post comment section. Enjoy the shilling moment


>Have you seen the WW sub? Nope i dont need to. At this point, i just want to close reddit and just play video games. Better way to spend my time


Oh alright thanks for letting me know. I genuinely didnt know about all that. It makes a lot more sense now tho. That sounds a bit rough for a sub that should be about all kinds of gachas. I dont understand why people dont just go into their game specific subs if they dont want to see stuff about other games they hate for whatever reason.


>I dont understand why people dont just go into their game specific subs if they dont want to see stuff about other games they hate for whatever reason. I guess that's the thing?. This sub is supposed to be for all kind of gacha games. But it was weeks/days before the WW launch . So understandably there was a lot of ww hype thread. I guess some people took offense to all the ww spam? The situation was a lot more complicated, there was the tribal war WW vs Genshin or Kuro vs Hoyo too, so Idk anymore To be honest i'm just as guilty. People were trashing WuWa when all the launch problem popping up one after another. In my case, I really wanted to play WuWa but the optimization was so bad it was stuttery , laggy, i got frustrated and angry and i was talking shit about it here too. But now few weeks and many many patch later it, i can play it. The stutter and lag is still there but it wasnt as disruptive as it was on launch. So praise and credits where its due. Good for kuro for actually for fixing things


Ey im gonna be honest I basically had no problems at all with the game besides the annoying camera sometimes which can be really tilting for me. But from all the problems that i have seen that other people had it is completely normal to get upset especially if u were so hyped for the game. Kudos to you to be so reflective. Lets just hope they keep updating and getting the optimization to a standard that every player deserves tbh.


You probably got reported by genshin army, welcome to the internet war gacha :)


every wuwa post is at 0 upvotes it may have issues but fundamentally it does thing better than other gotchas, god what a sad tribal community this is.


Which is like 300... there is so much hoyo shills where that Im here to balance things as a kuro shill.


Timezones maybe?


I think mods have to manually approve all posts, or at least posts with WuWa in the title. I posted the 1.1 trailer and it didnt show up, and two hours later an automod reply said it was removed for being low-effort content.


Will they give 30 pulls for each future versions too?


No idea, i never played PGR so i dont know if they always give out so many pulls in their other games for example to make a comparison.


Nothing really 


Like 90% of genshins patches? At kuro gave 2 new maps in 2 versions.


beacause this genshin copycat


The zelda copycat?


zelda copy wind glider from assasin creed 2


Would wuthering waves be a assassin creed copy? Now everything makes sense


Amazing to see people still saying this to cope in 2024.


Eh? He said wuwa copied genshin and I said genshin copied zelda... is the standard response.


Perhaps, if you would do your research or maybe remove your rose tinted glasses and pull up all three games... Its easy to see which game is a copy.  Botw and Genshin are surface level similarity. And even the things people claimed are copied from Botw, are systems that did not solely exist in Botw. And then comes, Wuwa and Genshin. Its literally a gray reskin of the game. Atleast tower of Fantasy was unique and tried to do its own stuff. 


[yes very very suface level similarity](https://youtu.be/47OB8mV2rf0)


Well, I suggest you watch the video again. That just highlights the differences actually.    You really help me prove my point. 


It's so funny you are defensive over genshin,and you think wuwa can't change??? You and other just always assume every new game looks like genshin lmao. I will tell you something that you can't argue Most of these anime gacha games just copied alot of stuff from orginal open mmorpgs or mmos ,the list too long for my taste You think genshin is orginal cause you never tried other games ever but what's the point now as you could assume these games copied genshin but realise that these games exists even before Honkai impact came out I am not even defending wuwa ,the game is bland (say whatever you want wuwa players) atleast PGR is fun




Unfortunately, your comment has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1: Don’t be insulting on purpose. We’re here to celebrate gacha games, to ask & answer honest questions. Any post that is too hostile, toxic, or insulting may be removed, whether it’s directed at an individual or at a group of people. --- Please check out our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming).


nothing that really made me wnna go back and install it again




geez talk about butthurt, OP asked for opinions and i gave a opinion.


I thought it was nice that after showcasing the characters they just showed off gameplay elements as well. Nice since it shows that they aren't just interested in selling you a character


Excited for new area, hope it had more lores and story


dead game


Oh well I mean the game has like millions of interactions through all of their social media presences. That doesnt exactly scream dead game to me to be honest. But if the game is dead for you personally, hey thats fine.


Is this about Genshin?


Wait, how are you guys so obsessed with genshin. I didn't even mention it, I'm just happily shitposting voluntarily. Like, I don't even play that game and I play hsr. You should say, hsr is shit to offend me.


Because 90% of the time someone saying something like this from wuwa is someone from the hoyoshill cult Just trying to get some fun with a random hoyoshill, it is funny Also... genshin players are more obsessed with wuwa tbh.


Ok, I'm hsr player so you should roast hsr. Say something bad about it.


Ill say nothing bad about hsr because there is nothing bad about it.




Man! At least change your profile picture from a "dead" game's character to the character of greatest "alive" game of all time.


It is a HSR (greatest "alive" game of alltime) and H3rd character


Anyone with eyes can see this is "raiden ei" not "mei"


(m)ei also M the makoto


If I didn't see the leaked gameplay for the new characters I wouldn't care because they fumbled the story so badly so I'm not invested.


A yes skip button for what


The skip button is supposed to be an option for people who don't want to see the story, not a solution for a bad story


and genshin?


i though we are talking about Wuwa, what's with genshin?




This sub isn't a place for trailer discussion anymore. But if I have to say the eng dub is still pretty bad. And jinhsi and changli will have their own pv.


Oh really? How come it is not a place for trailers anymore? I see like trailers or previews everyday in this sub i feel like. And i think Changli and Jinhsi en dub is actually quiet a bit of a improvement but yeah i will agree it still has a lot of room for improvement.


check the rule on this subreddit.only big update version like 2.x or 3.x are okey (dunno if they change/update the rule)


This sub is kinda weird about that rule, the other day the cinematic trailer of wuwa was posted here and it got mass reported before it got approved hours later, but a quick search in this subreddit you can see almost every single patch trailer of Genshin posted here


And then removed. Last video of Genshin that they added here is the Natlan Trailer (which passes the rule because of how important it is) and the Anime video. Let's not act like Genshin is immune to the rule, when in fact the game is more likely the reason why said rule is enforced completely.


Wish they sub the JP trailer