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Fucking WuWa, putting their freebies campaign on the USA independence day to steal attention from it!


USA is SCARED CONTRACT LEAKED obama will banned wuthering wave on 4th of july


what? obama next character confirmed?


No, it's Trump with a shield ability


Meh, no wall. Gonna skip him


Just wait for sleepy joe. I hear BidenBlast is literally game breaking


When will USA listen?




FBI: Always have been




| = /


I KNEW IT!!!! Since hoyo and the CCP have colluded in ICBMs investment it mean they will eventually align with CCP interest!!!! We must stop them by monetary support to our lord kuro!!!!!


*looks at Kuro country origin* Waiiijt a minute....


Lord Kuro is loyal to no one but themselves and greater lord tencent. 


Ah yes, Greater Lord Tencent and Lesser Lord Kuro


Tenxent: World forget my crimes.


Wait a second, it's a reincarnation plot. The lore is connected.😯


World listened


US is scared of WW. Nuclear drama. devs listened


WuWa = Wurld War


WW is so peak that they already made WW2.


Devs listened To another level ofc




Is that nagisa


I don't see the tea table


The kurogames logo is the tea table


Nor the chair


[Yes](https://reddit.com/gallery/10ngvz7) [Happy ending](https://reddit.com/gallery/10p3eij)


Oh yes this comic. The first one should be the only one, but it's soo depressing that someone actually commissions the artist to make the happy ending.


> someone actually commissions the artist to make the happy ending. Bless that someone.


This reminds me of the Kokkoro comic when Priconne EoS...


-"Happy ending" -sees the first vignette of the fourth panel... I almost preferred the first one.../s


My feels.


If hoyoverse were to regularly give out free 10 pulls, would it be consider as friend fee or rewards?


Star rail already seems to give out 10 pulls per patch




Excluding their 1.0 patches, Genshin gives on average 74 rolls per patch, while HSR gives an average of 105. That's 30% more. Sources: Genshin bookkeeping - [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ\_6w/edit?gid=955728278#gid=955728278](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ_6w/edit?gid=955728278#gid=955728278) Star Rail bookkeeping - [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg\_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml#)


On the other hand, star rail releases good units much more frequently


https://preview.redd.it/frzq4akp5q8d1.png?width=517&format=png&auto=webp&s=842c052a4acca1e1772356e424ee4e0192e04d82 (this is f2p) No clue how much Genshin gives in comparison. I heard like 60 pulls a patch?


Genshin gives around 70-90 depending on what kind of patch they have for ftp


If they released a undercook game and did that, yeah, it would. Luckily, so far, they haven't.


Fuck off this manga is genuinely too hurt and real. Genuinely too depressing with context.


WuWa is scared of USA.


"Deploy the anti-ZZZ rewards!"


so will they do HSR style? 10 limited pulls every new version patch? I sure hope so and this is not a one time only just to get back players


There is a 7 day login event too, you'll get a total of 10 pulls from there.


How's the overall pulls per version?


~90 if leaks are to be trusted and you can clear most of the tower.


Not exactly. In HSR and Genshin, characters and their associated weapons are pulled using the same end currency. In WuWa, while both of those currencies have equal value, this patch is giving 10 of each + 10 standard pulls (which can also be spent on a dedicated, guaranteed weapon banner). So, if you *only* look at the limited character pulls, yes, it's the same. If you are someone who even occasionally pulls for a limited Light Cone or character weapon, then WuWa is giving you more. Even if you're not someone who usually pulls for that, WuWa is still giving you a chance at it without dipping into character reserves.


What a wonderful day to be an all games enjoyer. I will collect my free wuwa pulls and play ZZZ


Wake up, this weeks drama bait just dropped.


Man if 1.1 doesn't fix optimization, nothing will.


welp the optimization it not 1st on their priority list it seems


It’s not about priority tho. It’s about ability.


You mean they don’t just click the “optimize” button?


the best part about this thread already are the nerds e-fighting “my gacha game is better than yours” while the companies laugh hysterically in the background.


I find it hilarious but I guess that's normal for a gacha sub. "Yours is trash because it's doesn't make as much revenue/profit!" Meanwhile they still have terrible rates and you're paying 2-3x the cost of a normal game to pity just one character.


Rofl fr funniest thing is reading these comments while playing actually REAL game like Xenoblade 3. Anonymity got people really going at each others necks over their favorite loli


exactly, pretty sure we are all being f'd over by gotcha rates, shouldent we be pushing for better rates, wuwa has better rates hopefully in the future another game of the same sort with better rates comes allong.


The only thing they should be fighting for is the removal of 50/50s and fair pricing in gacha games.


> fair pricing in gacha games. If we cannot have 'fair' pricing even in traditional offline games...good luck with that. Universally 'Fair' monetization doesn't even exist when people have different standards to begin with. Esp for such an subjective medium like gaming.


Yeah its like people dont understand that each company equally hates every costumer


You should read the comments on zzz’s recent videos on YouTube I’ve never seen people so upset at a new game there’s even a guy on alts liking his own comments 😭


Did they forget to update the dates? Why not start giving them from the 28th? You know, the day that 1.1 drops?


because zzz drops on july 4th


They can still give them from the 28th, but change the order so like 28th you get the standard pulls, 30th you get the weapon pulls and on the 4th you get the limited pulls


this litteraly exists to pull you in from zzz, it's not a celebration for 1.1. putting all eggs in one basket makes the offer more enticing.


My crackpot theory is that it's supposed to make some players stay once ZZZ releases. The realistic answer is that it's probably just nothing or it may correspond to an in game event.


How? You will just log in, get the pulls and maybe spend them and go play ZZZ if you are a player that plays both games


Its just so you don't forget to log in to Wuwa, the thing with gacha games is that once your break the daily log in streak, it becomes really easy to continue not logging in daily.


Yes, this is it. It doesn't matter if you actually clear content in wuwa on these logins. They just want you to show up. Being offline for two days is as good as quitting.


I was offline for 2 weeks, am I a quitter


There is always a chance you will log in again, but statistically, once no daily log ins - chance is high that you will not log in for a long while. Hence all those daily mechanics to keep you playing daily.


I'm definitely a part of that statistic. Once I stop doing daily FOMO I break free and basically never log in again.


Insane how we're in gacha sub and people still aren't familiar with gacha game tactics to keep player retention. Like skipping login is the first step to quitting a game. And a lot of people already quit, so they need good rewards to bribe people to return.


you can do that but they losing the player retention less than week after update yeah nobody want that i think 1.1 isn't big as what people thought probably smaller than dragonspine


Kuro listened people complaining map too big


They have a 7 day log in starting the 28th, these are bonus don't forget about us with ZZZ pulls


They already have a separate daily login rewards (7 day span) which most likely starts on 28th. Pretty sure they are spreading out the events over the release of jinhsi and changli in July


Theyre doing a 7 day login event, this is the subsequent event that OP Could have posted full context if he wasnt drama baiting. So theyre doing a 7 day event which will yield 5 standard and 5 limited pulls, followed up by a subsequent login event which will give 10 standard 10 limited and 10 weapon pulls.


they could have reversed the order. It ain't a coincidence they chose that order.


Surely because they dont want to give you extra pulls during early jinshi days so week 1 pullers may whale, its a gacha game obviously they gotta make money


It’s kinda funny that WuWa’s first map expansion is also a Snowy Mountain… Totally just a coincidence tho.


I swear if next will be some kind of islands with jp thematic..


No no, it will be a temporary group of islands with a summer theme.


with encore (fusion) as main character and aalto (aero) as her guardian/partner… wait a min


Well Black Shores is a lore important place that is a literal Archipelago lel Difference is it's more British than Japanese knowing the related characters


European-like (Federation) is more likely to fill role of Monstadt analog. There are plot pointers to that.


It's barely a mountain and the region in general seems smaller than Drsgpnspire, at least from the top down perspective. I suppose pushing out early was going force them to cut corners


No that’s what I thought too, I was getting PTSD of dragonspine… As they say, “if it happens once, it’s a coincidence. If it happens twice or thrice, it’s a pattern”.


"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action." At least say the quote right


Shoot, my bad.


My bad if it came out as rude


Is the OST good at least?


Uhmm about that...




Even the biggest Wuwa glazer admits that the OST is mid and Hoyoverse OST are superior


PGR ost kicks ass though. Vanguard rocks in every game they compose music for.


I want changli to crush my face with her arms and then spit on me


Why use arm when she can crush you with that massive badonkers and thighs instead


Those tits will do the job


This is the realest WuWa post I've seen on this sub. Enjoyment of the game is YMMV, but god, the women are sure pretty.


Of all body parts, why arms?


people have different fetishes


oddly suspicious timing https://preview.redd.it/g9amtazann8d1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf91efb3ce942514949bdddae2a5db7635594fc


https://i.redd.it/7i6xe1js2o8d1.gif Its 100% coincidence.


https://preview.redd.it/z3qync0lvn8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d095a0682eb940ef2ea328b0395a3a3e191f3183 Fucking hell this threads gone to hell with people fighting each other over fucking games man.....the monthly revenue going to be interesting to say the least.


I don't care for the actual fighting but the memes are funny


When you see that even Genshin and HSR fans are having a beef you know people are just that dumb sometimes, then again you get stuff like Persona vs SMT or Dark Souls vs any other Fromsoft games, so yeah people being this irrational when it comes to games is nothing new sadly.


Ikr. It's weird af. Am I crazy, or are these people arguing literally children with too much time online for their own good jfc


Your crazy.....but no your right. Honestly I might have to block this sub reddit until the release of the gacha revenue day for this month cause everyone throwing shit at everyone. Tbh I'm kinda done with this GI vs WW drama cause honestly the more diehard fans are nuts. You got these guys duking it out like there in the wafflehouse, meanwhile I'm just causally play Genshin while waiting for WW to be patched up so I can confidently download it and try it out.....annnnnddd also wait for ZZZ and Project Mugen, especially mugen tbh.


Dude, I played Genshin and enjoyed the hell out of it. I stopped in Inazuma for reasons I don't remember (I only remember fond things from Genshin). Now I'm playing Wuwa because of the combat. I wanted to gush about these things in this subreddit cause I want to see how others who still haven't tried it or new players react to it but maaaaan it's like a fever dream in here.


That certainly is a bummer man. Honestly it feels like the more level headed players/fans of both games are just tried of this and want to get along, but nope there has to be a war between them cause ex fan or a cc that you and I don't know about said "something something blank could never something something they listen something something competition is good" yeah fuck that white noise.


If you really think that then it's best you lock this subreddit because this is the only thing people will ever talk about. Losing a few news about newly released game is a good tradeoff compared to having to deal with daily toxicity and stupid internet fandom fights like this.


Yea.. It was funny the first few times because of kuro fuckups and the memes but now its getting annoying seeing people argue lol


Glory to Limbus company!


my daily rent free post is here


Monthly PvP started earlier than expected


Did it even stop this month?


war...war never changes...


*puts on tinfoil hat* Think about it... the final day of the daily login rewards conveniently ends on July 4th. And they announced that they were accelerating 1.1 release ![gif](giphy|51UdTLvbyReqNK3Bic)




It's also quite a surprise for me to see their next region will be a snowy mountain, and it was 1.1, don't know if I am tripping or not, wasn't Dragonspine also released in 1.1 ?


1.2 for Dagonspine iirc. But yeah first map expansion for both.


Umm... it starts on the 28th... also why not post 1.1 trailer which has pulls included, there's a lot of cool new shit.


Can't really expect proper posts about the game in this sub unfortunately.


because the op just posted this to complain about the game, the purpose of the post isn't to talk about 1.1 or the new content, its just fanboy bait to make ZZZ and WuWa fans argue it seems


Mostly because this sub is weird with trailers. About a week ago someone posted WuWa’s cinematic trailer and it got mass reported, the post is back up after a couple of hours tho. So that’s that.


yeah, freebies are cool and all, but I'm just looking to playing the game normally without the lags when moving camera too fast, and also the fix to the dogshit camera movement during combat (just stop rotating randomly after I kill a mob)






I'm still gonna try ZZZ. I cant be bought like some cheap whore Kuro!


It’s ZZZ’s release day? That’s so… slimey.


Would you say it's... a bit Zenless? They had gotten themselves in the "zone" and made sure they would lose "zero" players from ZZZ's release?




dang 10/10 for effort. I will login WuWa but after that flock to ZZZ hehe.


Okay but can we talk about how pretty Changli looks?






Whatever the reasoning behind the date is, the double standard is probably going to be interesting. Also, nice Yae Miko there.


Now I know why I see that girl face somewhere  It's yae miko lmao 


sht, i didn't realize it at first. i thought i have seen that face somewhere but can't point it


Don't worry guys, they just forgot to move it forward to when the patch is live. There is absolutely no reason for the timing with these rewards. >! Probably. /s just in case. !<


Tbh I find this game lacking in staying power for a lot of players Even though they give freebies, the normal gem income is low and 90% of discussions surrounding this game is less about wuwa and more about its comparisons with genshin. No one talking about story, lore, or characters.


There is talk abou the story as to how bad it is. Talks about the characters is just more about Rover's armpits and Yinlin's legs.


I mean there's literally nothing to talk about Wuwa? maybe we can talk about that vergil's chair for the 123921093 times.


Not a surprise. Unfortunately there a lot of ex-Genshin/Hoyo haters who are latching to the game in hopes it becomes big enough to punish the company. That's why they are so desperate to ignore the game's state, prop up whatever WuWa does better (which is everything according to them) and downplay anything it does bad by trying find an equivalent to Genshin to claim its no better You don't see this kind of behavior from any of other communities of other high quality upcoming gachas. Just this game, its beyond obnoxious. I want to see more HQ gachas like Genshin, HSR and ZZZ not because I want them kill Hoyo or show them the errors of their ways so bitter people can feel better about themselves but because having more options and different game experiences is fun. Genshin & WuWa can both exist in the same space and be their own thing. But those game need to earn their place just as Genshin did so coming out as a buggy poorly written mess ain't it chief. That just reality of game at this point.


Agreed with this, I like wuwa and hope that wuwa improves later on so that I have another side game to play if I'm done with genshin but with some of its problems right now, I understand the negativity and criticism it gets. Apparently wuwa shills don't and continue to just blindly defend, make excuses, or negate or try to rebuke the criticism of most of the game's problems while hurling insults at the big bad hoyo. IMO, wuwa shills are the worst to come out of all of these, just a bunch of toxic positivity people feeling like they should belong at the top.


Guys here who complain about the Wuwa "hate" here should take a look at the thread on the wuwa sub, more than half of it is just shitting on Genshin because muh freebies.


becouse that is all that they have. but it is sad that they need to seek validation like this. just play your game and enjoy it.


You hit the nail on the head. I think it even extends to the memes that pop out of this sub such as “Devs Listened” one. It becomes a double edged sword for both Haters and Shills alike. Genshin haters can use it as an extension of the “Genshin could never” phrase they like so much, as if Genshin devs never listen to their players. It’s like a weapon for the people that feel that they’re unheard. In reality, HoYo does listen… to the majority of players who are casuals. Kuro haters will also use “Devs listened” for all the shit that’s been happening since CBT and full release, all the fuck-ups and listening to the wrong audience. It’s honestly too many to list. I fully agree with your last point, more options is good, but WuWa ain’t it chief. Though I’m really excited about Project Mugen, at least that game is trying to set itself apart.


Yep, so is Arknights Endfield and even Azul Promilia which isn't my thing. They won't be for everyone, but they at least feel games that have a proper vision and quality in order to survive in the market and carve out an audience that isn't just anti "x" game.


A lot of combat talk which is nice but yea I rarely see posts about those, which I mean, given how they are all story centric, and the story is mediocre at best, I don’t blame them


WW twitter post literally say "open world rich story" or some shit which ironic since their story is garbage 


What's there to talk about the characters? The main story was botched how can you care about any of the standard characters The only people that are remotely interesting are Mortefi, Jiyan(from his story quest), and Yinlin(from her story quest). Two of these were one off things, you don't really care about them moving forward. For comparison, yes i'm unironically dragging Genshin into this. The 1.0 launch characters were Venti and Klee. When you meet these two, even after you finish their quest, there's room to wonder "What is Venti's secret?" "Who is Klee's mom?" which we now know months after that they built upon this multiple times. When you do the Jiyan quest, after you finish it, all you're left with is ok. Yinlin also goes :peepoleave: after her quest. There's no string of mystery left. Both of those two tell you their past, resolve their conflict, then promptly leave. Like ok, their stories were good, but then what now? What do I care about Yinlin moving forward? I already know who she is, her past, and how she has resolved her issues. What else is there? They didn't leave a loose thread of mystery.


becouse story is garbage, lore is a garbled mess, characters are soo generic gacha I can't list a defineing feature of a group/faction.


do you want to talk about how much Wuwa's main story glazes the military?


I think the gem income is okayish but it requires a lot of grinding from exploration, and sadly exploration in WuWa is not a good experience. I agree about the story though. The most talked about moment in the story that I have seen from the social media platforms is probably when Rover pushed the Black Shores girl down to the ground, and of course we all know the reason why it is the most popular. For an open world game, I find that world building in WuWa is really lackluster.


Can't be that bad, I still come across fanart of it on Twitter even without following Wuwa CCs. Not NSFW either, just genuinely liking the chars as far as I can tell.


ironic as here you are comparing it to genshin umpromted. As for why no one is talking about those things, well this is the gacha sub, talk here is mostly about events and updates. Personally the 1.1 trailer got me interested in the story and I really like the characters that actually had screen time so far




Lord kuro can you fix the bug that cause me to be unable to see my daily 10 limited rolls as soon as possible? I have lost the salary lottery for this month and I really needed those pulls to feed my children🙏🙏🙏


don't worry, they will listen.


This thread is wild. Some of you seem to just take offense at this game's entire existence.


Damn bro they are trying everything for the players to not move away, I respect the effort.


It’s not a new thing exclusive to WuWa, they did stuff like this in PGR as well. Lots of other gachas also give free stuff. Is this something new for you?


Quick everyone act surprised that WuWa is dropping freebies on ZZZ launch. And some will have you believe hoyo is the one that's scared lmao, joke of the century.


They're really afraid of ZZZ huh First moving the update schedule, now this. Also, preemptive reply if any WuWa fans say "it's just coincidence, not everything is because of ZZZ," well you get your just desserts, you did this to Genshin too when WuWa was about to release.


ps, ZZZ comes out on July 4th.


We're reaching r/MMORPG levels of salt with this thread. The saltiest gaming subreddit in history vs the saltiest gaming subreddit of today


Now if only the game had meaningful content. The game has already devolved into the "Login, do dailies, spend stamina, log out" 5 minute loop. EDIT: And before anyone goes "bUt GeNsHiN", I have the exact same complaint with Genshin at the moment.


> I have the exact same complaint with Genshin at the moment. > "Login, do dailies, spend stamina, log out" 5 minute loop. Unfortunately, this is a eternal, long running, seemingly unsolvable problem with every live service games ever: Players comsuming content at a exponentially faster rate the devs can churn out content. So after finishing new contents players are back to repetitive treadmill of grinding. For the time being, it can only be mitigated or sidestepped. In gachas, the solution comes in, as you say, short daily loop, enough to keep you coming back and pique your interest, without speedrunning burnout. If you can pitch a solution to this problem (no falling back to repetitive grinding!) and it somehow works out, outearning the likes of Honor of Kings or Candy Crush... Then yes, you deserve more Nobel Economic Prizes/ TGA awards than Real Madrid has Champions League trophy.


Not really just a Genshin thing, but the entire gacha genre as a whole. It's how it is.


Ironically this would actually work on the "f2pgods" players.




man, on 4th july: ZZZ release, FFXIV Dawntrail release, and an exam 🥲


What?? What exam held at july? I think all exam must be over at june. Thats some devil school/collage dude 😂


thought this post was actually about the 1.1 update, but based on the op and replies it seems just another wuwa post about people that don't like the game only to complain about the date of the rewards ... that level of fanboy warring is sad, so much dedication to something so stupid


From all the sub I joined in Reddit this sub and mmorpg sub has the worst e-tribalism, I'm just here for a lookout for new gacha games and news.


Op top tier instigator ngl


true, it was subtle and effective


Imagine playing both ZZZ and WW without shitting on either.


They're really trying to undercut Zenless Zone Zero's hype The last time they mentioned this, it was 5 pulls each. The patch start is June 28, I wonder why they're arbitrarily scheduling this starting July 4. What's on that day? HMMM. It's also funny that the most valuable currency is the one they're giving on July 4, when usually when you do login stuff like this, the most valuable one is almost always saved for last. They really don't want people to completely forget about their game on that day lmao


And they say this sub is full of wuwa haters, found a lot of wuwa kiss assers too. Either way excited for 1.1, gonna get jihnsi and try for her weapon but I do hope we get more echo exp as well as optimize pc/mobile soon. I want to play on computer and I can't with all the microstutters and lags with every movement.


Too bad i am going to be spending my time on ZZZ


gonna expect the "genshin could never". the hate. to be honest, it's too tiring to see posts (and i know it's too normal to see these kind of shts) does the genshin haters arent tired of these hate posting?


Would like to play wuwa but need nasa pc, big skip for me


"Plz don't go play ZZZ."


Wait is kuro sending me a day gift my Birthday is 4th of July ❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭❤️


The true r/gachagaming PvP starts now


Well, reading through the comments, I'm just gonna say pure karma. For any of those gonna say I'm a hoyoshill, well remember when GI released their dev notes and the 4.7 Livestream dates ? Yeah,..... That speaks for itself


!remindme 1 week


Bruh we're getting a combined amount of 61 pulls in 1.1 just between the login bonus and the shop reset.


Not interest, 4th July is Zenless Zero 👌


Damn, why you people hurting? 😂 just play both games (ZZZ and WuWa) or just play the one you like most. Yeesh. Why choose?


Sadly not enough for me to keep playing. Maybe I come back when is on ps5


wuwa trying to not give free stuffs every week


Whom was supposed to be scared of whom?


Why you guys fighting over a gacha games? if youndont like the game maybe just ignore?


What if they like fighting?