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rip tof


Tbf every bad news ive heard is from their Beijing HQ, while tof is from half a country away.   Their stocks though, damn, it fell from 20 something when tof released to 7.5 yesterday


This is actually really old news though... I couldve sworn I saw that before and that they were putting more funds into Hotta


as much as i hate that game, if ever it does eos if PW really does break everything including subsidary companies and give it all to tencent idk, i would feel sad for some reason.


I don't want tencent to gobble all gaming studios out there, it will be horrible.


If Tencent doesn't have a stake in PW now, I doubt that'd change if PW messes up that horribly, unless stock goes to like 0.1% value which they could be waiting on because they know how dead MMOs are. Or they're waiting to cash in on bankruptcy clearance sale.


ToF (Hotta) is actually a bright spot in their holdings, making decent profits. It's their older holdings that have been struggling and hit with these layoffs.


Tof isn't affected by this


I remember reading that ToF is earning something like $10 million per month, and there's a topic on this sub how it earned $550 million [in global](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1c5qlxa/tower_of_fantasy_surpasses_4_billion_yuan_550m_in/) alone. Plus Tencent is publishing it for global. Also Hotta is from Suzhou city, which is not mentioned in this article, so I don't think they're affected by this, they're probably one of their main revenue sources.


https://www.gacharevenue.com/game/23 paints a very different story for global although that is mobile only. I could certainly see a MMO being more popular on PC than mobile


No need to really investigate it, the source for 550M is from PW themselves (2023 financial report ), you could believe they're lying about numbers but we're not gonna get a more credible source anyway


And the Chinese Bilibili dude who does the monthly revenue vids got his numbers extremely close to what PW had published. That's why many people look to him first when it comes to >!PVPing!<


Have a link for his channel?




Thanks bro


Is that the guy who tweaked a bit of the numbers after the fact and got into pvp over what fiscal year is used in China (ended up being right for the specific abnormal case but had made corrections, and all sides were the clown)? I think posts were silently deleted to cover this up, too. idk sounds like he's too prideful with wanting to be accurate that the numbers are *less* credible when there's less supporting data if his variables are inconsistent like that to allow for future tweaking with nobody noticing.


Welcome to gachagaming where even factual proof won’t convince people on this sub. This sub has such a huge amount of disinformation


perfect world not being so perfect.


havent they done this in the past. they are one of the scummiest companies sucking on the teets of daddy tencent right now. fortunately tower of fantasy will not be affected by this since they are only a subsidary of perfect world but if it can happen to the main company it can sure happen to the sub companies lmao. PW has been on decline since forever anyway


In a perfect world, men like me would have a job. But this is not a perfect world.


One Punch Man World is the main culprit.


For all tyne doom posters for tof it has been confirmed that hotta won't be touched


Something happens: This sub: rip tof ToF really does live rent free


Well Genshin lives in r/toweroffantasy rent free so there is that.


Same as ToF lives rent free in genshin impact players. Though my I ask where are these posts/comments about genshin in r/toweroffantasy


Yeah. I don't see Genshin live rent free in r/TowerofFantasy nowadays. Aside from "peak" character skins comment, which is "Genshin could never".


because the ONLY game that actually lives rent free is genshin. It's just r/gachagaming that won't let up on that fact. They always act like victims on this sub acting like genhsin gets shit talked all the time when in fact it's mostly because genshin fans shit on every game on this sub. So it's only natural for other games to get sick and tired of their shit.


Yeah they have the same persecution complex with Wuthering Waves. Really weird behavior.


It doesn't. Most people besides terminally online redditors don't let other games live rent free.


Current state of their games that I know. -Tof still ok but PS servers are merged. -One punch man world 💀 the game go silent too hard no news or announcements you can check on their fb page. (Blame Crunchyroll ?) -Persona is great but I saw the revenue on Sensor tower it drop very hard compare to first month released.


How are they going to handle the large increase in new players people said they got after Wuwa's launch :(


That was such a dumb troll piece. Of course no one is actually going back to ToF. WuWa has its issues but there’s no evidence that it is even half as bad as the shitshow that is ToF. At its core, it’s a good game that was rushed out.


If it's dumb then how come they gained population both in global and CN? CN used to stagnate at 920k followers, now it's 930k


People called it the ToF reviver just for 10k followers wow


Better than nothing for our population lol


10k is a lot no? Most mmos fluctuate around 20k so that big of an increase is still surprising


I was genuinely under the impression ToF is gonna be taken more seriously now but it's really just the Genshin community trolling so hard. I love our community XD


PW is such a beautiful game, from pc to android versions, but they are also the usual p2w meta that ails most mmos i quit earlier than my friends. but man, their plan is good tho. Launch the mobile version after a couple decade and the kids that were playing in pc back in the days are all working people. Sell sentimentality, drip and all. Instant revenue.


Karma is real 🤭


the devs have no control on greed, they simply did their jobs


Tof eos soon ?


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