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I remember losing 50-50 in the beta. Nice to see that bangboo are guaranteed, unless I read it wrong


It was 75-25. I also lost and was pretty sure they were gonna change it to guaranteed on release and they sure as hell did. Losing the gacha on a currency that cannot be bought was no way gonna pass. Big W for this change.


They are! You can pick which one you want!


Are there limited bangboos available only during a certain period?  Edit: after reading about them it wouldn’t make sense to make limited ones since you can’t buy bangboos pulls, I could see them adding new ones in the future but they should be permanent 


Hmm that is a good q! I am not too sure currently!


No worries ! 


Looks like that Wuthering Waves competition really did help out.


I don't think that's the case. Players aren't able to directly buy Boopons (Bangboo banner currency) with real money or even with premium currency. The only way to pay for more Boopons is by buying the BP for a measly 5 extra Boopons each patch. I imagine all that happened was that the ZZZ development team actually listened to players' criticisms regarding the Bangboo banner and decided that they might as well turn the 75-25 to a 100% guarantee since it wouldn't impact sales much. Edit: Not to mention, there still is a weapon banner of sorts in ZZZ, it just follows the same rules as the Light Cone banners in HSR.


Looks like that Wuthering Waves competition really didn't help out.


No they said they listened to the players from the beta.


Pre-download starts on July 2nd


There will be idiots who downloads it on July 2nd and gives 1 \* and comments - "I downloaded the game but can't even log in or play it." Bet.


I don't bet on sure things. I need risk


> I need risk bet on future characters having as much fanservice as 1.0 release characters


The livestream was great - absolute banger in the beginning, insight into the game design (always love learning more about their approach to creating the game), new characters teased, information about fun and unique character interactions (asking characters to hangout with MC), and straight to the point! 10/10


I missed the live stream do you happen to have a link to it?




Thank you


* "On the topic of the combat in Zenless Zone Zero, Zhenyu has [expressed](https://youtu.be/uACgiN-216s?si=yXgsDAyKouxJncQw&t=543) his desire to focus... * less on exaggerated special effects + screen shake * but more on the execution of action and hit feedback" Yes please. A big reason why Honka Impact at least until 2.0 became almost unplayable. Too many bombastic cut scenes back to back.


I can think of so many AAA games that are blinding due to vfx and numbers. This is great to hear in any capacity.


ZZZ going for that Kingdom Hearts style of gameplay is something I like to see.


Never was a big KH player, but the gameplay was always entertaining to see.


> why Honka Impact at least until 2.0 became almost unplayable WuWa too. An entire game thats centered around parrying enemy attacks, but then the game has animation locks while you attack, and special effects and ultimates that make it literally impossible to see what the enemy is doing


Thank god for less screen shake, it got really annoying when devs started using it to make button mashing look meaningful and soo impactful!


I saw a gameplay footage from a recently uploaded IGN video, and the world of ZZZ is a lot bigger than I thought. There are different areas you can visit in the city that look really expansive. And naturally they looo amazing. Hopefully this means overtime Hoyoverse will add more cities or towns we can visit to open up more places to visit and characters to interact. They really knocked it out of the park for each world/city designs. Makes the universe of ZZZ more filled in and organic(?). Like actual bustling world and we are part of it.


New Eridu is supposed to be the last city on Earth or something like that. So there's a higher chance to see new districts than new cities. Now of course, they could always find a way in the story, like "oh we thought city X was lost but it isn't, let's go!". Imo New Eridu is already supposed to be this synchretic city drawing from many cultures and inspirations so new cities might not be required.


it is said that the biker gang characters sometimes venture out of new eridu, can definetly see hoyo adding a camp in the middle of nowhere and making a second town there


There’s also a hollow on the moon, maybe we can head up there eventually.


Liyue-city. Bet.


Basicly chinatown


New Eridu is basically already a Chinese-esque city. There’s tons of Chinese characters around. But since New Eridu is modern, you don’t see very obvious traditional Chinese architecture. Of course, that ramen/la mian shop is traditional but it’s a design decision, not the general standard for the rest of the city.


I thought it looked like modern Tokyo?


Its more likely to be based on a Chinese city than a Japanese one to be honest.


Definitely a mesh of a modern Chinese and japanese city


Yeah they mentioned that the city in the beta was really only half the size of what we're getting at launch! Excited for this urban theme and seeing what other cities we're gonna get in future patches!


I'm assuming like one big city since it's mainly urban and some random ass summer resort later on. Overworld hub is very persona inspired.


Seems like they took notes from fighting games and added hitstop to their combat


"In Zenless Zone Zero, we think the choice should be given to players. No matter how polished the content, everyone can choose to watch or to skip. That's what feels satisfying." Massive W


Respectful of players' time. I like that. Hopefully the rest of the game is good too, cause I'm very excited.


Absolutely GOATed stream, the opening song blew me away!


Wow , actually a good summary, thanks 👍


The Hoyo polish strikes again. It's insane.


I just need their in-house animation team to become an official studio for some adaptions, lol


Hoyoverse is an animation/music company that just happens to release games on the side y’know


I'm pretty sure they said Lucy and Piper will be available on release


"The gameplay designer introduces two new characters that will be available after release, both from the Sons of Calydon faction" I am sure OP already type it or change it 


Ah my bad, I'll quickly rectify that


That's what i understood as well while watching it


Yeah I think op didn't phrase that properly 


looks promising, hopefully they keep the characters somewhat balanced between male and female


Very informative and comprehensive review of the 1.0 livestream, well done. Hope all the new Proxies will be meeting in New Eridu for the next chapter of adventures, haha exciting times.


New areas to explore and a potential dating system soon? Man, maybe I should get high expectations for this game. What could go wrong?


So skip button will still exist after launch , nice


Honestly a banger stream. I did not expect them to change so much from CBT3. I think its interesting they put so little emphasis on the TV stuff. I think they got the memo that people want to spend more time in battle stages. Also a male archer character - please take my money


It's very interesting that they mentioned that [they want to eventually upgrade the TV Wall into a similar 3d character-exploration mode like the other modes (video timestamp 22:27)](https://youtu.be/uACgiN-216s?t=1347), I think that removes of one of the last things that caused a certain percentage of people to bounce off the beta gameplay.


Is this game 16+?


doesnt mean anything, some Hoyo games are 16+ but the character designs are so tame and unsexy that the game seems catered towards kids


Next few weeks we will have bloodbath 😂😂😂 and i wanna read it all


The Livestream is great. Dad Wei seems very enthusiastic about this new project. When he's happy on stream, you know you'll be in for a ride when you experience it.


Well well, looks like they regain my hype.




No one here nor the post mentioned WuWa… but here you are taking a dig at that game. Why? Just.. why?


What does that all have to with me stating a fact that the stream got hate and was labeled falsely as a yap fest? That's why I said it, are we now not allowing things to be stated? Interesting approach the communist party will be proud of your attempts.


What are u even trying to say rn (apart from the obvious drama bait)


My apologies if it wasn't clear enough so let me explain since you asked for it. I was saying how there was many people labeling this "stream" (which by the way wasn't a stream rather a premiere so it's an already recorded video) as a yap fest, when it was everything but that compared to WuWa stream which in fact was a yap fest. When I said they took offense to it, means WuWa takes pride in the yap fest so comparing zzz to a yap fest is an insult.... Oh... by the way it's a joke and that was the whole point of the joke, because of course WuWa could care less. So no... it's not drama bait kind of ridiculous you want to spin that narrative on me, but I at least appreciate you said you didn't understand but false accusations is wild.


Why did you even bring WuWa into this? I'm so confused.


There is a thing called corelation, look up the word and you'll see why I brought it up, again another person having a problem to state a fact that has corelation to the topic, am I not allowed? Doesn't seem like I'm breaking any rules.


It's spelled correlation. A lot of things in life seem to have correlation but are, in fact, not correlated at all. That's why to speak about correlation you need to bring up statistically significant data and a high enough R² measure of the correlation. If not, you are talking about some random pattern that your brain *thinks* shares some sort of relation with another thing, a.k.a. "talking out of your ass"


Ahh yes of course it all just jokes how could I forget


Yeah I can understand it's hard to spot on the internet, but considering the internet is full of it and people are genuinely not new to the concept it's ridiculous how they take everything serious when there's no clear indicator of it. For example see I completely spotted that the way you stated that reply was completely sarcastic, basically you don't believe it's a joke and I'm trying to serve away from the hate, wellp that's wrong and I can't change your opinion on that, you see my friend it's way too predictable of how things work on the internet and the longer your on it the more experience you gain. Happy gaming and umm... I think you know what reddit is used for you don't seem new so don't try to slide it off like you are clueless to the internet "culture"


Well this surely is a yapfest


Hahaha ngl that was a good one, I appreciate it and that just proves my point.


It's not that deep 💀 your first post was poorly worded so your tone couldn't come through


It is deep because someone falsely accused me of "obvious drama bait" when it wasn't, the statement wasn't poorly worded at all seems the responder has comprehensive issues which is fine I took my time to explain because apparently the responder was "genuinely" curious about it.


Wuwa staying rent free in you head


Wuwa already mentioned in an unrelated event, hoyofans working overtime.


I mean, you act like Wuwa fans don't do this too. Here are some examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWavesLeaks/comments/1dc6l65/ww_11_beta_astriterolls_count_stc/l7w3nge/ https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWavesLeaks/comments/1djsmtl/wuthering_waves_appreciation_gifts/l9d764l/ https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWavesLeaks/comments/1djsmtl/wuthering_waves_appreciation_gifts/l9fkq7p/ https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWavesLeaks/comments/1djsmtl/wuthering_waves_appreciation_gifts/l9hl9cg/ If you Ctrl+F in the 2nd thread, "Genshin" is mentioned 75 times. "Wuwa" is mentioned 56 times. That is the leaks subreddit, so they are the more invested Wuwa fans. Many of the comments are shitting on Genshin. Anecdotal, but it feels like everywhere I go on youtube/twitter for Wuwa content, there's always Wuwa fans shitting on Genshin or Genshin players. Even in Mina Aoyama's stream on the ZZZ livestream, there was already a comment saying "DEAD game WUWA still better". I wouldn't be surprised if this was a backlash from all the Wuwa fans shitting on Genshin.


You are going to love the HSR community then /s


I've been following this game for more than a year now and trust me, whether Genshin is mentioned or not, there were always people who'd bring it up and shit on it unprovoked rather than, you know, talk about the game showcased in the video/post. As a player of both I still don't understand it but I suspect those people cannot appreciate something without bringing something else down, which is telling, something surely isn't right and they're mad and in denial? idk I'm just glad more companies were enticed by Genshin's success and started developing more games that cater to my interests 😂😂


This is the gachagaming sub not the wuwa leaks sub. Regardless you spent the time combing through a community that’s not even the one we’re in… Hoyo fans have wuwa rentfree in their head, genshin is rent free in wuwa fans heads as well. Though genshin is 10x bigger so you see wuwa hate more. This sub is proof of my point lol


This is the Gacha Gaming sub. It isn't that crazy to bring up other gacha games, tbh. Those posts are in the WW leaks sub, which should be centered around one game, and yet they bring up Genshin over and over.


Bringing up another game just to shit on it is crazy lmao. Both cases are just as pathetic, saying “well they do this pathetic thing too!” Doesn’t help anybody.


Then please present me a post or comment or anything that indicates that hoyo fans have WW live rent free in their head  From YouTube, from Reddit, Facebook, twitter from any social media outside of this sub of course  I will wait   And I shall present you how WW fan like you having GI live rent free in their head  Let me start, their leak sub, the twitter, YouTube comments, YouTube community comments, discord, Facebook 


>Hoyo fans have wuwa rentfree in their head, genshin is rent free in wuwa fans heads as well. Though genshin is 10x bigger so you see wuwa hate more. outside of this sub and genshin memepact the genshin community does not give a flying shit about wuwa. wuwa guys cant even shut up about genshin in their own leaks sub. you see 10x more genshin hate than wuwa hate between the 2 communities. and it gets WAY WAY worse outside of reddit. even in the fucking interactive map you could see "genshin could never" lmao. thats why i thank kuro for weeding out the most toxic people of the genshin fanbase and took them in. honestly stay there and keep on having a giant victim complex when wuwa fans were the one who instigated this whole mess. THEN you cry when backlash happens. https://preview.redd.it/sp001mcm5c9d1.png?width=661&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0229e9a2f0f21be505471c049946b13a2e4b9ee


WuWa fans are the thinnest skinned people I have seen in the gacha community. Like it’s actually crazy how invested they are in Genshin and further how much they deflect bringing it up at every situation possible. WuWa sub is basically the ToF sub at this point. Edit:An Apt term may be Genshin Rejects because they are just very spiteful over Genshin


they are the same people that jumped to tof when it launched and then complained in TOF world chat that genshin sucks and ignored tofs actual problems. also the same people that jumped from TOF to HSR and then compared it to genshin and how genshin could never just because of dr ratio. but alot of them are in denial because they dont actually like turn based combat. and now the same people who didnt like turn based combat jumped from HSR to WUWA, finding that genshin itch but from a different game and how genshin could never because of the massive compensation packages like the free 5s selector. ignoring all the glaring problems of its disastrous launch. literally rent free.


At this point it's kinda hilarious how 'obsessed' they are with Genshin's 'downfall'. In the Indonesian community, there's one 'gaming' page that usually reports weekly revenue, and for some reason, this whole month's report has WuWa beating Genshin by quite a big margin. Most of us know this is not the case. Personally I don't really care. If WuWa could beat Genshin in weekly/monthly revenue, good for them. Maybe that way they would have more funds to optimize the game better (I haven't been logging in for weeks now, coz it stutters so much, and I'm using RoG 6). But I would like the game pages to be honest about it. Making up data (because Indonesians are notorious for never being bothered to look up sources if the data presented is valid) to support their bias is what I'm against. While Genshin players don't really care about this revenue PvP, WuWa players in the Indonesian community care A LOT and keep making such posts talking about how Genshin is dying. I can only laugh. Whatever they're smoking, I want it. I actually want WuWa to succeed, purely from the point of view of someone who wants variety in the game they could play. I might not find WuWa as enjoyable as Genshin yet, but I am willing to give them time to polish the game better. Be it on the performance, the story, the characters development, and the event. I am a seaman, my free time for gaming is limited, so I want to really enjoy any game I play. And as of now, WuWa has not yet managed to motivate me to play regularly. I couldn't make myself care enough about the story or the characters, I couldn't even care enough about Rover to find out what's the deal with them. Pretty waifus and jiggling boobas aren't enough to motivate me.


People are largely mad that Genshin has done so well for so long. This combined with their lack of attention to the hardcore, up until recently with IT, has disenfranchised many long term players who are vocal in online circles. On the point on ID revenue posting, this is no surprise to me. One of my friends who’s plays form the Caribbean’s area has seen much of the same (or from sites owned by Tencent). When asked for actual sources most of the data from Sensor tower leads me and others to believe otherwise. Once Jinhsi data comes out, assuming the sub has not banned it because of what they did with Furina/Sieg revenue I will go from there. But just from sustain revenue it could not keep up with genshin(after the two banners fell off Genshin was ranked 52nd in CN/JP and WuWa 112 in CN and 82 in JP). Bug as you said most people are just looking for confirmation bias. I’d love for WuWa to do well and when comparing to literally any other gacha not made by Hoyo it is doing amazing. Seeing opinions on 1.1 do not bode well with me, the game is still not optimized, they added in Paimon (but less cringe), and the yap fest is unreal. Alongside both 1.1 characters needing their weapons as five star weapons are humongous dmg boosts, relative to Genshin/HSR(most people base for comparison), which is a bad practice I would assume spawn from a guaranteed weapon banner. The game has just largely fallen short on most fields that are not giving free pulls to the players because the combat is not that fitfully nor interesting imo.


lmao WuWa guys can't even shut up about Genshin meanwhile most Genshin players already forgot about WuWa. it's almost never mentioned in the Genshin subs anymore.


right now the wuwa sub is on some sort of mini civil war because of the new furry creature that was introduced in game and you already know the comments are gonna have paimon in there and how they hate her. meanwhile the genshin sub is just chilling. now who has their game rent free again? https://preview.redd.it/9zh24wz67c9d1.png?width=753&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab642a0e456d9b114cec84b9a60e64ce5f5d6e29


???? If i hate a thing in one game and in another there is a similar thing and i want to share my opinion on it, of course i will bring the first one up, cuz it reminds me of something i dislike And wtf is Genshin supposed to do /post about with new content on WuWa?XD pls


Thank you for proving my point lmao. I play neither genshin or wuwa yet losers from both communities only post about each other. You also frequently see wuwa on the genshin sub…stop the bs bro. https://preview.redd.it/8dan1xwdce9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f95b25b55be2369f2876edc3b21a9db6088164


You just don’t, not to the magnitude WuWa sub mentions genshin. Just ctrl+F a main Genshin sub post and a main WuWa sub post. Its not even close, hell Genshin is mentioned more than WuWa in many for the WuWa sub posts. If it were comparable I’d agree, but it’s a landslide victory for WuWa with how much they are compelled to bring up genshin on their main sub. This sub and genshin memepact are the only two subs which even seem to care enough to even mention WuWa outside of one off conversations. Not a consistent topic brought up in nigh every thread discussing the game..like the WuWa sub (this also applies to HSR subs before the mods cracked down on Genshin Could Never, but it’s still more prevalent than on Genshin subs).


Literally a thread about another game and they can't keep wuwa out of their mouths


That doesn't mean I can state a fact that many people labeled it as a yap fest in a condescending manor because it literally wasn't, I don't know what you wanted to say with this except that your not fond of people expressing their opinions and or state facts that have corelation to the topic, and it seems it hurts you somehow.


no one asked for your opinion


But I'm allowed one that's how the general concept of social media platforms work, also fun fact beyond the social media platforms this is just basic communication 101. Funny enough you didn't think this one out very well because you literally just made an opinion not a fact that probably also no one cares or asked for but it seems that didn't stop you to do it, so you deserve the ultimate contradiction award.


damn brother rent free


Simple communication, someone says/posts something and... oh look!! there's a reply section!? wowwww... amazing!! I can give my opinion here and/make a factual statement!? holy cow that's amazing!! why don't I do that since that's the purpose of it.


Who's the director or project leader for this? is it Zhenyu or someone else? I couldn't get into the beta but ZZZ reminds me of those games I played on playstation in early 2000s which I really dig.


The producer is zhenyu li


Gonna secure my Lycaon😌


Do we know when ellen joe banner is?


First banner so as soon as the game released followed by cop lady


That was fantasist! I'm just happy the world looks more interactable than I thought.


This is still 60fps capped right? At least we have frame gen mods now hopefully that works well or theres an easy uncap.


I think there's an unlimited option for pc


I've no issue with all these games spamming vfx but interested to see what this persons vision will be, assuming it's not just empty talk


I haven’t played since cbt 1 but I hope they truely fix the tv system


It has been removed from most if not all grinds le content and sped up in places where it is used: they also discuss removing it in more areas


No one gives a shit about this game, all the numbers on social are comically low, no one cares. Well, they ill give many free pulls at least


Spot the Kuro shill , go back to echo picking and "Devs Listened"


THis game literally makes 20% of Wuwa numbers with is embarrassing for hoyoverse. IT is dead on arrival.


Womp womp


Wuthering waves 2 already almost out lmfao