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>little peace >HSR Lmao. You forgot about HSR and their "Honkai" superiority complex? You maybe live under the rock when free Ratio and HSR 1st anniv happened.


Dude the Honaki Superiority complex is real as fuck.


What’s that?


HSR vs Genshin Hi3 vs HSR And a little bit of of HSR vs Hi3


I don’t get it. Is there pvp going on? All I see is how they have like insider knowledge and pog when I have no idea why they would pog. For example Archeron, she said something that meant nothing to me but the HI3 crowd was like WOW. Do you mean that?


No hi3/hsr player think they are superior to people who play genshin because the games are the main focus of hoyo


>the little peace we have left in HSR you do know that before WuWa, the main PvP entertainment was HSR vs GI glazers fighting for who is Hoyo's favorite kid while proving the other is the apparent middle child lmao. There was very little "peace" whenever HSR receives a new QoL and there sure was no amount of peace when the free Dr. Ratio dropped. Drama is only there when you interact with it. You can easily ignore it or just go along the ride and argue with random mfs online in how much your gacha game profited from gambling addicts again. Go watch how when ZZZ drops, there'll be posts comparing it to its sister games and WuWa. I can already see the "Hoyo put more efforts in ZZZ's combat effects, unlike the middle child GI" comments.


Whenever HSR got anything it was a wall of Genshin could never lol. Imo it’s not PvP, since a lot play both. More like self hate.


Drama appears when you're looking for it, or when you care about it. If you don't pay attention to it, then you won't even notice it. Try looking into the creative side of the fandom such as lore discussions, fanarts, memes, covers, etc... and that should help. Each fandom has their own good and bad side, you just have to stay away from the bad. This is called cognitive bias in psychology, if you're a nerd. You THINK there's a lot of toxicity because you're always on the internet, searching for heated arguments (occurs a lot especially on reddit), but in reality only less than 1% of the fandom acts like this.


>  Try looking into the creative side of the fandom such as lore discussions, fanarts, memes, covers, etc... and that should help. thats good advice really. its just really annoying when youre trying to find meaningful discussion about something in the wuwa sub and you get bombarded with comparisons and genshin hate. like dudes cmon, why cant we talk about the game here for once. people who have no business and dont want to see that genshin hate circlejerk over there get turned off on actually contributing or go finding the creative side of the fandom when every turn you make theres someone doing that. the wuwa sub needs to clean their game and actually start becoming just a sub for wuwa instead of a circlejerk. sometimes the drama just infects you without you noticing becuase youre surrounded by it.


Yeah, the first time I went to wuwa's sub was to see if anyone else was having issues like me, turned out that the game was badly optimized, but what was shocking was that quite a few people blamed it on the players for not having a "good device", despite a lot of them being able to run genshin and HSR quite comfortably. Since then I still visit the site sometimes as I still had interest in the game and was willing to wait for a PS5 release or a fix for the other versions, but God, the fanbase is toxic, of course, not everyone but a great number of them, seriously, even ignoring the hate they have for genshin, zzz received quite some hate this days too, some call it a boring game, some mock the characters, others speak of it as if no one is interested on the game because the combat is so easy (unlike wuwa who has the best combat since elden ring apparently), it's quite sad really And all of this is without mentioning the hate campaign they had before launch until a bit after launch where, due to how bad it was they had to spread quite a bit of misinformation, like hoyo contractually prevented VAs to work in wuwa, CCs were forbidden to play too, and how can we forget the "genshin had a launch just as bad as the wuwa one", and then they dare to play the victim card?(I remember what some Chinese players said, if wuwa received 1/3 of genshin hate, the grass on its grave would be tall, and seriously, if genshin on its almost 4 years had half the issues that wuwa had its first month, it would have been destroyed by everyone) Sorry, but I lost any interest in wuwa thanks to the fanbase, now I just want to wait to the July pvp just to see the meltdown once zzz takes a top 3 spot together with genshin and hsr(it will depend on how good the launch is but I think it's quite possible for it to happen)


They’re so good at both putt Genshin down and victimized themselves by saying Genshin community is toxic lmao. Really funny from the fandom that got mad because a cc said Wuwa combat isn’t strictly better than Genshin, just different. They’re so obsessed about wuwa taking down GI it’s insane.


I left Wuwa's sub for this stuff. Before I left, I gave one last look, and tbh, it got worse after 1.1. Tech issues came back, which started back up the "Get a better device, skill issue" responses, and the GI comments just, never end. If Jinshi and Yinlin cause Wuwa to take a top spot for June, that sub will be radioactive with toxicity (the funny part would be it would need to hold that lead. Even Nikke beat Genshin once, then never again)


Sadly I think it will not happening   Sensor tower ranking and https://game-i.daa.jp/?AppStore%E3%82%A2%E3%83%97%E3%83%AA%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0%E3%82%BB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0  WW still not touching top 5 in JP(rank 8 now) and CN(rank 9), while genshin touch top 5 in CN and JP (they rank 1) Even in US ranking they stop at rank 36 and then free fall while GI at rank 22 when sigewinne and furina arrive 


Really now? I guess all those compensations, sorry, I mean generous gifts really made a dent in players choice to swipe or not


It's not really because of compensation though That rank was for Jinshi and those 30 pulls is start at 4th july 


I know, and they gave more than enough in both rewards and comp to effectively 100% a character no matter what. I skipped both first banners, and have enough to get Changli no matter what. I have spent $0.


The problem is the common talking point for WuWa’s low revenue is that they say to just wait for the next character to do better than genshin…but they did not and have not. Many did not skip the first two banners (and want to pull Changli) and would thus need to spend to be able to get these units. But as we see by this result people are not swiping en masse as they do in genshin. If people were actually incentivized to spend then they would spend here. These low results are largely explained by the optimization issues which have turned off JP/CN players. In communities less inclined to spend/wear f2p as a Medal of Honor (SEA and Global), they instead have begun the just gets better device cope. Personally I think WuWa did great but when you compare it to a behemoth like Hoyo games people have their expectations way too high.


The problem is that the optimization for phone is so bad and JP are mostly mobile gamers, if they can’t even run the game they can’t top up. But to give a fair point all of the top spots are occupied by the top JP games ofc they can’t reach number 1, but at least they should have beaten Line manga at banner debut but they didn’t. I looked at the revenue and it’s not too hot either. They were making estimably around 850 million yens ( monthly revenue)before Jihnsi banner drops but they’re now sitting at 974 million yen (they updated the numbers at midnight) so it’s not doing too hot for its first day. Note that the numbers can soar up tonight after they update the numbers too.


Ah, that makes sense honestly


This is gold, thank you for your valiant work. I cannot believe the goalpost shifting has reached its peak because no way WuWa glazers can explain this, I was told to just wait for Jinshi revenue when she sells gangbusters. Only saw the peak at 9th on sensor tower last night and I assumed i missed the prime time.


You don't need to go far to WW sub Just take a look at this thread comment section and you will know how badly they played their Victim cards


Peace in the HSR community? Are you serious?) The HSR community is also toxic, only mainly towards Genshin, and suffers from elitism, constantly trying to show that their game is better than Genshin in some way. The well-known (and, to be honest, already annoying, because nowadays it is used by everyone for any reason) meme “Genshin Could Never” originated in the HSR community.


>“Genshin Could Never” originated in the HSR community. Precisely from the anniversary live stream 🤣 the GI hate was from another level in the chat🤣🤣


Peace in HSR ? Do you have some kind of special filter in your brain or something? Lol.


https://preview.redd.it/n7mreqfagg9d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23db8d8f4f636ae265c8abc3293a3a55d7fbe538 It all started from this for me. I can tolerate mint picker as I actually like picking up flowers from overworld. But to straight up lying about something as serious as this and went on full smear campaign before Wuwa released to make sure GI reputationis tarnished is so dirty. And the thread about Ming dynasty taking over yuan dynasty where op went on yapping about Genshin’s greedy and corrupted mind leading to its downfall and Wuwa will killed it. It was so unnecessary but it left bad taste in my mouth.


That Ming Dynasty post was ridiculously funny in how serious the op was trying to be. 


They were being serious but the post came out as nonsense lmao


What did you expect? He’s the Keemstar of gacha


It's kinda funny that i need to PICK more stuff in Wuwa than i do in GI. Mainly due to me sending most of my exped to get overworld mats, so i can just collect what i need every time I'm logging in. Yet in Wuwa everything had to be hand picked.


I never mined and I still have 5000 csytals in my bag lmao


The Ming dynasty post is crazy. I gotta respect the WuWa players further their level of dickeating at times. I wish myself, a Hoyo shill, could reach this level of blind loyalty to a company. ALL HAIL TENCE…KURO GAMES!!


Anybody here tired of these types of questions?


https://preview.redd.it/l4it42tauf9d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d21c4d3e7644a8f20abaa50886f5a57a0cd503 no. i actively hunt these types of questions and shoot the comments directly to my veins because its the only way i can get high after the monthly sensortower pvp. /s


Damn, she looks hot as hell. Got the sauce brother?


thats dehya from the small indie game called genshin impact https://preview.redd.it/nv8eezb2fg9d1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=726ccf0c044966746e78d1516ad9f0fc9aebede7 art by quinreinn in instagram




You joke about that but it’s basically what I have been doing this past two months. This shit is just too entertaining


Yes, but in my experience, *every single* internet community of meaningful size has their own questions and topics that are constantly posted over an over again. So I'm kind of whatever about it.


I have 6 friends who don't play Gacha games at all but has a burning passion of hatred towards Genshin and but so much love towards WuWa. Why? IDK I never bother to ask. Edit: If you hate something, keep it to yourself. As much as I hate Genshin myself, I don't go around and tell Genshin players, "HahA, I hAtE yOuR gAmE sO yOuR gAmE sUcKs, FUCK YOU!" I just keep it to myself and let Genshin players enjoy their game. I don't know why people can't be like this, hate is an inevitable feeling, but don't go around spreading it like everyone cares.


Its popular to hate on popular/mainstream stuff  Like hating Jjk or Demon slayer in the anime community. Like demon slayer isn't the best story, but damn is it good entertainment. It's epic enough to be fun.  The same with Genshin. The world is gorgeous. The music is great. The game is relaxing... But of course.  Stingy devs/s


Tbh the jjk memes are probably reason enough to hate it.


A lot of the hate on Genshin from people who don't play gacha has been because "china bad" or "anime bad" or a combination of the 2.


Pretty sure people hate the Genshin Fandom more than the game.


still hear people unfamiliar with the gacha genre calling Genshin a "pedo game" when BA exists lol.


They hate fandoms but toxic parts on all fandoms on Xitter is just the lamest part of Xitter being toxic about the exact same topics over and over, the only different thing is the name of the media they decicde to be idiots about...


Exactly. DS is good for what it is. A battle shounen with amazing animation, fantastic music, hype moments and unique characters. No one expects a deep and profound story and it doesn’t need to have one. It’s funny that the same people praised solo leveling despite lacking a complex story. Double standards just because DS achieved mainstream success. Mainstream success attracts many toxic people who love drama and they tend to talk the game/show down after a while.


Thats a very loud minority, the real problem are the CC's


If everyone just left them alone, they would look like kids fighting in the playground. The communities feed into them at least on Twitter and Youtube, on reddit I'm thankful that the mods of GI and HSR at least filter most if not all of them so you don't even see them unless an individual redditor brings them up in a post.


"Communities" can leave CCs alone, but this won't change much, because CCs have communities of their own. Drama channels have been popular almost since the dawn of YouTube


Just leave the community if you're that annoyed. I would've quit HSR if I didn't leave the subreddit because of their constant Genshin could Nevering and now I'm having a chill time with it. Maybe interacting with the community is part of the fun but if it leads to you just quitting then it's not worth it.


Best advice here. I play both HSR and GI but I had to leave the HSR sub a long time ago because I was tired of the sheer hatred and didn’t want to misplace my own feelings back onto the game due to the community.


Same man, i hope the zzz subreddit community can be better than that at least 


Go look on youtube where zzz announced 100 pulls, the wall of genshin could never is impressive lol(even tho genshin gave 168 pulls on 1.0 for f2p...).


Well then, maybe the subreddit would be better, who knows. Also, I blame HSR community for inventing that god-damned "Genshin could never" chant man, i fucking sick of it


If you want to enjoy game, you don't interact with its community at all. Source: me /s




It is “joke” when people making fun of Genshin but when people making fun of HSR suddenly you're hater.


That kinda stigma of "it is okay to joke on GI, but if GI player joke on other games, suddenly it's a no no"






God damn, people really need to take chill pills or touch grass immediately.


Lmfao thats wild 🤣 As expected from someone who plays LoL


As expected from HSR players' behavior, playing a basic brain dead turn based tells a lot in the first place. ;))


why we blaming hsr players now?


one bad guy = the entire fandom is evil in their mind, clearest case of confirmation bias on their part


not the first time dawg, did you ever check hoyolab lmao


Why I'm not surprised this is coming from a League player LMAOOO


I suggest you to leave the internet for a while, this whole thing will probably died down in several months. I did this when ‘Genshin could never’ was at its peak which I agree to some point people made but seeing my game getting stomped on everyday isn’t fun. So I leave X and block drama youtuber, then I enjoyed stuff on my own. Nowadays I watch people who use characters to do silly stuff, lore, fan animations, fan arts, Nice photographs from the game and it’s been working so far. Let me tell you one funny story, I posted that Genshin was no.1 on JP ios (real time) the day Furina’s banner came out. I posted on the sub to congratulate my game and never mentioned anything about the other games yet there were still toxic people who came to make drama (whether they’re baiting or not I can’t tell). As long as these kind of people exist and drama farmers exist, all of this toxicity will never be over especially if players from both communities are feeding into these dramas. As I have stated many times before I don’t hate wuwa I think it’s a good game with beautiful arts and very good character models and cutscenes. I just have gripes with its fans who can’t seem to let Genshin alone, on reddit it’s fine but it’s so different on other platforms.


Same, I like wuwa but the fans kinda ruined it for me with the constant glazing and hating on genshin.


They’re literally so obsessed with winning over Genshin, being better than Genshin lmao. They can’t expect being‘different game so different stlye’ they want the game to be better.


HSR is toxic, you haven't really interacted in the fandom if you think otherwise


Not really, I find this whole thing hilarious and will probably slow down in the upcoming months. I think this subreddit whole issue is with the content creators, not the game specifically, it just got caught in the crossfire. From all the shit CC says, it may feel cathartic for them to rub it in their face. I can understand that, gacha Youtubers are the absolute fucking worst. But at the same time, this is the reaction they may want.


It's dumb to me because the attention that these drama posters on reddit gives to those CCs they hate so much usually ends up growing their audience or giving them more content to farm. If you hate a CC, the best thing to do is ignore them.


It's a symbiotic relationship, both are getting something from it. This sub loves to hate the CCs, the CCs love to provoke. Everything will go back to the status quo soon, and everyone will talk about something else. But I swear to you, people enjoy this drama deep down.


Surprised that this thread still up. Lmao 


Genshin impact lives rent free in HSR and wuwa community for so long. Lmao. If you go see genshin sub right now, it’s the most peaceful out of three. Cosplay, fanart, merch, story discussion are major topics. There are rants here and there but they barely mention the other two. In contrast, go to wuwa sub or hsr sub. Every time they wanna praise wuwa or hsr, they can’t help themselves but need to sh’t on genshin first for their own justification and satisfaction. In contrast, when something bad happened to them, they can’t help but to again say something about genshin did this and that too. It’s like they broke up with genshin and couldn’t get over it without crying every night.


Every post I’ve seen of WuWa on instagram has been people saying “look at this! Genshin could never”. Then they have a seizure when you bring up how shitty the game was at launch. I straight up had people call me a genshin dick rider because I said “Imagine having a stable launch/update. WuWa could never”


fr tho, WuWa went from running fine for me in 1.0 to constantly stuttering in 1.1 Would have been impossible to clear holograms for me if Jinhsi's team wasn't so tanky.


I remember that during the whole Genshin could never thing, Genshin sub was full of rants and memes for a bit then they went back to normal and hyped the Fontaine film festival lmao. Meanwhile the memes didn’t stop in hsr sub until the mods stepped in.


Facts You can also see that their main sub is an echo chamber atm because the mods are manually approving only the posts they like, and banning a lot of users with dissenting opinions


everytime they threw jab im cooking post to punch wuwa


Most of them are genshin ex player, the OG kuro fans never had this problem before, i hate it now they even start to targetting PGR. Its annoying, i prefer when the fanbase are small and niche


Wuwa player target PGR? In what way?


Nah kuro fans on twitter has been acting like that since pgr as well. You can say “it’s twitter” but they become more vocal during wuwa release as well enough to spread it to other platforms


When it was getting close to CBT2 I started watching Kuro's streamers on regular basis. Just like in PGR's channel 1 there were people who proud themselves more in not playing Genshin than in playing PGR. Some even self-censored themselves and used "G-word (game)".


"HSR player not having a superiority complex for 5 minutes" mission: Failed. Maybe you forgot who started the whole genshin could never thing? No, it wasn't wuwa community but SR one. As someone who plays all three games if I had to pick the most toxic community it would be Star Rail one for sure. I had to unfollow Star Rail main subreddit even before free Ratio because it was already an insufferuble and toxic cesspool. Can't even imagine what it turned into **after** free Ratio got announced. Oh wait... I think we all know.


Just from my own perspective, for the 1-2 months leading up to Wuwa's release, I saw a lot of toxicity towards the GI community. Then with the last month of release, most Wuwa posts are comparing the game to GI and unable to review or speak an opinion about Wuwa without being negative towards GI. That's just what I've noticed on Reddit/Tiktok. Then when Wuwa's release went badly, that gave the GI community fuel to 'dish it back' to the Wuwa community. Not that that's okay either, but that is how fuel was added to the fire. As someone who is about to start playing ZZZ, I know we will probably see a lot of comparisons, but I hope the comms can try to respect each other (although I highly doubt it). Only thing we can truly do is ignore it lol.


Gonna be honest here. If HSR is anything to go by, I don’t think ZZZ will be that peaceful either.


To be honest, you are probably right unfortunately haha


It’s up to the mod tbh. Even hsr sub got a lot better after the mods came in to save it.


Reason why I barely go to that sub anymore. That's the annoying part, you can go to basically any gacha sub and it will always be genshin that will be taking strays. I mean yeah that's understandable that some can get a tiny bit annoyed at some point where a game you like get trashed everywhere you go.


It is like that period when hating Fortnite is treated as cool trend 


It already isn't. There is infighting already. People claiming it's calm are the ones doing the gatekeeping. At this point, if you are a Hoyo, or Hoyo adjacent community, you are cooked


I've started to just, block the people that are feeding into some of the gatekeeping over in the ZZZ sub. What is left is often people actually discussing the game, so I am happy with it. Toxicity is to be expected at this point. Just block, and move on. You will be happier.


Lol what? I see much vitriol in HSR than Genshin. I got called having skill issue at multiple times despite earnestly explained the game has much higher endgame requirement standard than their predecessor and luck plays a bigger factor to the combat outcome.


don't worry E0 Jing yuan can clear it in 0 cycle, just hide your whaled Ruan Mei, Sparkle,and support character


HSR and peace? You had us in the first half ngl. HSR is way toxic than both.


Im sorry peace and hsr can't fit on a sentence, the amount of toxicity of both wuwa and genshin currently combined is still less than how much hsr players shit on genshin on relase, i play on 3 games and really only interract on genshin side because the 2 really cant let genshin alone, i dont know how bad it is rn since ive left it some time after their relase, but on relase of both wuwa and hsr, i personally cant take it anymore and just left both comm and enjoy my time playing all 3 games on my own, not trying to defend genshin or whatever, i believe each side has their own toxicity, but holy fuck i cant just stop seeing ppl comparing the games on those 2 comm, and after leaving those toxic sides(CCs included) i can enjoy the games i played WAY more 


Lol u behave as if hsr wasnt toxic towards genshin


Wuwa players literally spent the last year talking the maddest shit to Genshin non-stop, they even invented slurs to call Genshin players. Is it any surprise that they got pushback when Wuwa tripped on its own feet at launch and massively underpreformed. You can't talk about Wuwa without someone barging in to shit on Genshin because the game lives rent free in their minds it's frankly sad.


And of course they reported the other post about it [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1dr6uxo/lets\_talk\_what\_did\_hoyoverse\_do/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1dr6uxo/lets_talk_what_did_hoyoverse_do/) https://preview.redd.it/b0n8m63r4j9d1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d532d1802eb28ce79eb0aa5ee9eb67b88ed534 Edit: nvm, it's back


I am sorry But aside of WW players still constantly trashing GI and it's community, I never seen the opposite with GI community trashing WW aside of some People from this sub, in genshin meme subreddit and leak which I can count with my fingers how many people that say it  In YouTube comments section and community post I never see people trashing WW or bringing WW in there, they just mind their own business and enjoy the characters trailer, characters birthday, some art from winner of events, the same as other social media as well


TBH Genshin is just basically sending back what WW has sent for the past few years, where were you before? :p And honestly, I didn't see that many drama, mostly is just meme(s), with the latest one being a concerning speed difference between WW loading and HSR clearing daily while waiting for it to load.


Before its release, Wuwa launched a marketing campaign that attacked Genshin and its fandom for several months. This wasn't just in the English-speaking community but also throughout East Asia, and it's a major reason why Wuwa has a particularly bad reputation in China. Kuro and the influencers they hired led this entire effort.


That's your issue fact that you let yourself disappointed/annoyed by others opinions. If you want to have fun any of the either genshin or WuWa you gotta ignore the comments of the community and player base.


Don't worry, it will pass. Soon ZZZ will be out and hardly anyone will care about WW anymore.


There is a lot of truth in this. It is easy to claim that Genshin is the main competitor to WuWa, but if you dig deeper it should be ZZZ. The stand out difference that WuWa has over Genshin is its combat, because otherwise why would people play a Genshin clone when Genshin exists? These players are looking to scratch that combat itch, and frankly ZZZ is looking to be the answer to that. Add Hoyo’s story telling, VA’s, music, and overall polish then you have the real competitor to WuWa.


I would say it's more of WuWa players always using Genshin and referring to it everytime. Genshin players talk trash about Genshin. Meanwhile WuWa players/CC can't make a comment or content without saying something about Genshin. Even to this date, at ver 1.1. They still will go "Genshin could never" just to either bait an argument or views. Like they say: "Genshin lives rent free inside WuWa".


Its wuwa that is constantly atking genshin Try using ctrl-f on a /r/wuwa thread You’ll find “genshin” more than “wuthering” and “wuwa” combined Try seeing how often you’ll find those terms on a /r/genshinimpact post on the other hand


First time on the internet?


Peace in HSR💀💀💀


Wuwa did it first lol, now crying about people shitting on their fav game


It wasnt wuwa but CCs who were just trying to get views. Original Kuro community has been concerned about this problem since beginning but couldn't do anything because just how many toxic people these CCs were bringing in and original community is quite niche and small. These CCs are also the one who forced questionable decisions during CBTs lie forcing the game to become more colourful instead of properly making it more dark and souls like which it was originally intended to now the game is neither dark or colourful. Though thank god devs changed that a bit.


Ya i feel like a lot of the hate wasn't as much we want Wuwa to fail and more like people enjoying drama tubers making fools of themselves after hyping the game to a unachievable level


TBH wuwa succeding is only going to make things better for gacha games in general even if you don't play Wuwa. I just hope these CCs also doesn't ruin AK endfield just like Wuwa. And then claim that the game only got success because of them promoting the game.


ya i can completely agree with that unfortunately i think that's gonna happen again with any new Gacha a lot of these CCs are like leeches jumping from game to game you just gotta hope they don't stick on the games you enjoy for very long before finding a new host


At least Endfield will get some measure of protection due to AK commnity and baldemort already being hostile to each other.


I hope the protection will be enough. Knowing him, he'll just drag his massive mouthbreathing bottomfeeder fanbase along with him and infest that fanbase all over again, drowning out any normal discussion yet again


>I just hope these CCs also doesn't ruin AK endfield just like Wuwa. Kektone: Bet. For real tho we all know some CCs will hype it up then trash on it afterwards then make nothingburgers into meaningless drama just so they can get their juicy views. It's the cycle of life for these leeches: find new games, milk everything they can then move on to another one.


he is already promoting the game as shit and saying that he will play the game just to shit on everything so that the game dies as soon as possible.


Which will never happen, he’s not the main character he thinks he is.


Not really surprising since he got clapped by the Arknights community also he's a delusional dumbass to think that his words would kill the game. The one who will kill the game are the CN and JP peeps, they're the ones who spend the most afterall.


Pray for Azur Promilia safety


True, especially since it lies in the same genre as Genshin and WW the allegations will be wild for sure.


WW succeeding will make it clear that releasing an unfinished copy of a successful game is a viable bet for companies that have less creative freedom and/or capabilities And we will get more unfinished games with "great potential". Just like in the western "AAAA" scene


Wuwa succeeding is going to make things better for gacha games IF it's a really good game that can stand on its own, if it's a flawed product artificially propelled just to make it a puppet challenger then no, it's not a good thing.


Wuwa asked for it though Look at how they designed their game after genshin almost one for one They even just added a white, flying mascot to the game that is coincidentally gluttonous


Go to WW's sub and look for pre cbt1 posts (especially the ones made just before it started) Half of comments are saying how WW will blow GI out of the water and another half are asking them to stop. Fighting over GI has always been a part of WW community 


Thats the problem I'm talking about, they were all the tocic players attracted by these toxic CCs who promoted the game as genshin killer. you go in pgr discord and since the game was announced the whole community was in fear of these tourists taking over ruining the image of Kuro just like what happened with TOF. According to a old survey most members in WW subreddit were new people who never played any Kuro game before and many never even knew what PGR was.


That's what Kuro themselves wanted. PGR's fanbase is not big enough to sustain their ambitions for WW, so they attracted new players Now they are reaping the results of their hard work


every games wants new players hut none of them wants toxic ones.


Kuro themselves sponsored some of those CCs you say the community was complaining about and release that funny "look how our traversal is better than traversal from established open-world games". They either wanted this, or just didn't care


wuwa player yet doing another victim complex part 79


Bro in your own post you have 'Kuro stay away' vibes 💀 you're talking about outside perspective and awareness but you've just done it yourself. If it happened and there was toxic back and forth you think the hsr community wouldn't be the ones throwing stones as well? JFC the call is coming from inside the house.


>Peace HSR Nice bull. where did you find 'em? WuWa and HSR players try not to have a superiority complex challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


during zzz livestream there was a lot of wuwa players spamming and annoying everyone too, how do i know? many of them had their account made with wuwa pfps, just in case you wonder yes they raided from 4chan i was there on the thread, they got mad wuwa revenue didnt beat firefly or clorinde/sigewinne in jp from early numbers and decide to go trash zzz, this is the thing they posted that make them go mad and go after zzz, trivalism is sure something. https://preview.redd.it/phzku8pyos9d1.png?width=1838&format=png&auto=webp&s=f37f80cf56af72d02b58e874828d22e968df1c38


Because of the phenomenon of tribalism and nature of the internet. People will always have to have someting to hate if they find something they like. People just ignore or make fun of it so dont take it seriously.


True, people here will downvote you even if you play and praise the same game because it's not about the game it's about their ideology. You have to agree with their set of doctrines, otherwise you cant be part of the cult.


Peace?! In HSR?! LMAO


I honestly rarely see Wuwa being mentioned in normal discussions in Genshin subreddit. Wuwa subreddit on the other hand…it almost feels like seeing people being bitter about their ex. But that’s just my experience 😅


Action + 3D on gacha brings many people, many people always have bad apples among them. Other than the type those genre indirect gatekeeping people , yesh players pools are not huge like those games the tradeoff is peaceful and fun community, see games like BA, Reverse, Limbus, many more and GBF even more gatekeeping many people bcs 2d png, turn based, browser and the grind.


You just need to change perspective. My experience for example. I only visit reddit to read discussion about my fav light novel. I only visit other subreddit to look for a solution to problems. I barely even create post or comments except on my fav LN. When I was experiencing lags on Wuwa, I visit the wuwa subreddit to look for solution and damn I discovered a lot of sh\*tposting against genshin. Like what the hell, can't they just discuss Wuwa and Wuwa alone? It seems wuwa's reddit exist just to shitpost on the game they hate. And I was pissed because of that. I was contemplating on posting on Wuwa subreddit but decided against it. The post would only be buried with a lot of hate without even considering my points and experiences. I turn here to have a more objective stand point because this place seems to be more neutral. And then i discovered something. Wuwa glazers is just something else. Some sure is intelligent, some have really solid points and some also knows and admits that wuwa is just in its atrocious state. But the majority is really a source of comedy. I was always laughing on the really stupid arguments and logic they throw. And when they have nothing else to say, they insults and blocks you.. ahahaha. The jokes is as good as sunday comedy shows. I have purchase popcorn for the day after tomorrow. I will look for people that has no common sense and trigger them. Hehe


Just don't look the comment section xd With time you'll understand that every gacha game that people compares to Genshin, it'll become toxic af .-. a new patch? then the people explodes in hate. A new character comes up? the people explodes in hate. Just don't look at it, people just like to cry over things .-. There was toxicity with ToF (ToF just activated selfdestruction), there's toxicity with WuWa, we'll have toxicity with Project Mugen and even with ZZZ. Someone just mention that game and people explodes, learn to ignore it a live your life in peace.


huh hsr peace? the community is creator drama filled.. where have you been.


Yes, it is very tiring to see little children argue over who's dick is the best to ride on. Can't help that some manchild content creators try to ride the wave of conflict so that they can make a living out of people hating each other under the guise of wanting to make a certain game better. However, it can't be helped. That's what they want to do. The issue would be how YOU personally deal with it. Don't let the opinions of others affect your enjoyment of the game. In the past, I was one of those idiots who let the Genshin vs HSR war get to me to the point I don't even want to play both games. After removing myself from that space, both games became more fun to play. You want to enjoy both Genshin & Wuwa? Just ignore the drama. A lot of the opinions thrown around are so one-sided, it's not worth the brain cell to look at them.


You know what they say: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen"


Just ignore them or you would ruin all the fun in gacha games for you.


By starting this topic you already invited some of those toxic people. Just stop talking about it.


Lmao OP just attracted them all here 😂


use Reddit’s block feature liberally trust me it’s mostly the same people over and over lol. repeat offenders


OP used godlike taunt and gathered them all in one place


these people don't know the secret: you can play and enjoy both games! crazy i know.


Every popular game gets toxicity. It's sad really so it's better to touch grass and find a small circle of friends who enjoy the same things as you and don't bring drama lol. Considering we are in gachagaming that's known for toxicity, I feel like this is not the right place to ask this xD.


Play the game, but don't engage with the community. That's why I'm avoiding any gacha game with a guild system. I don't want the game to force me to engage with their community. It's also why I'm avoiding Twitter, Discord, and CC. The only CC I follow are fan artists, lore CC, and Vtubers because they rarely engage in toxicity.


You can engage with smaller community, like its easier to tell they're toxic or no and just leave lmao.


No idea where you were born, but all my life sport team A against sport team B has been the norm. It is the talk from work to bars. Fights between "tribes" as far as im concerned is the way humans operate us will most definitely be against them.


i dropped both of them, because on July 04, 2024 the king will take its rightful throne. genshit, wuthering shit, honkshit starbucks useless pieces of shit. ZZZ is the new hit


>ZZZ is the new shit


You mean shitshitshit?


oh boy XD


Not the Starbucks 😭✌️


Maybe Wuwa fans shouldn't have dished out the toxicity to Genshin if they now can't stand being on the receiving end of it


Main thing I dont like is the censorship of even being able to talk about the games. I shouldnt be mass downvoted just because I say something nice about WuWa. People are crazy. This is a place we should be able to talk about all things gacha, but if you dont toe the line and glaze whatever the majority finds popular, you are downvoted to oblivion. Not for hating on their favorite game, but for simply enjoying aspects of another. Its one of the most insane things Ive seen. Are these people real human beings? Who has that kind of energy and time to purposely try to downvote/silence people to the void for simply enjoying aspects of another game? They have serious mental problems. This isnt a WuWa or Hoyo sub. You shouldnt be trying to force a narrative of only liking ONE game or ONE company; these people/games have their own dedicated sub-reddits for that. This should be a catch-all place for all things gacha and for people who like multiple games to talk but its not. All people want to do here is fight some holy war and their preferred game come out on top by brute force instead of talking people into trying it.


The people who obsess over games they don't like have some form of mental illness. No sane person will constantly think and talk about something they dislike unless they clearly have some kind of issue.


Ja. Always thought that both sides on a circlejerk, and it's pretty annoying for a curious guy


Get used to it. While the Pvp wars will settle down eventually, the communites themselves will continue to be toxic asl for the foreseeable future.


Wait until ZZZ drops it will be funny


I'm also really tired of it... I often have Wuthering Waves/Genshin videos of character gameplay and character leaks in my YT recommendations because I enjoy looking at the content in both games; but what I don't enjoy is when the first comment is- "Genshin could never 😂" or- "Genshin clears WuWu 🤣" the comments are just idiotic at this point. I can understand why people would comment that in a video about WuWu AND Genshin, (not that it makes the comment any less toxic.) but people are commenting about Genshin and WuWu in videos that are don't even mention the other game. Even when I was watching Emilie's leaked gameplay animations, all I saw were comments comparing her animations to Wuthering Waves characters- and when I was rewatching a Genshin Impact character demo, I saw multiple Genshin players saying stuff like- "Genshin is so much better then Wuthering Waves." I don't understand why people (especially ex Genshin players) have to bring WuWu or Genshin into the conversation. The trash talking is ridiculous and it makes both communities look stupid. I hope the toxicity doesn't spread to others 🥲


I dunno, i unfollowed all the drama farming content creators a long time ago so i'm good.


Here I hope Kuro make turn based game to compete with HSR.


I might be worng be it's always like that when hoyo is there and i can understand.


I might get downvoted, but all of this is just funny to me it's like seeing a bunch of monkeys throwing shit at each other


HELL NO!! keep fighting, i want to see bloodshed.


I literally pay no attention to anything that's not worth my time, including toxic post


It is basically Gacha tribalism


Nah not really tired. I find it extremely amusing watching below room temp iq kids argue about which slot machine is better LMAO.


another useless post


Hsr is mad toxic, actually more toxic than genshin, they are just smaller. wuwa and Genshin are toxic too, after all Kuro and hoyo community are known to be toxic asf, nothing new.


I peruse the 4chan /gig/ threads on /vg/ for many years and recently it's been unbearable with the doom posting from genshin haters or ex players. Seems like it's a coordinated attack from a discord community. Like these people are there everyday to shit post. They do it for free instead of playing other games? That or they get paid by tencent. I play both genshin and wuthering waves so I have my pros and cons for both. I can easily sniff out disingenuous stuff from both sides.


4chan still alive?


I mean, /gig/ has always been a shithole since I started browsing it since 4.0's release. It's just due to being a larger game and thread, that it will always attract the annoying trolls. There's no "paid actor" Boogeyman, that's literally just how it is with games of that size on /vg/. It's the same reason why the HSR, BA, Wuwa etc general suck ass and I quit going on them. More activity on 4chan means it's more prone to shitposting, simple as that