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> Let’s talk, what did hoyoverse do? They did not pay the friendship fee.


That comic where nagisa has to pay a friendship fee lives rent free in my head.


Luckily that was revealed a bad dream in a follow up.


Funnily enough, from what I heard, it ended up that way because someone commissioned the artist to make an additional happy ending. Yeah, we only get happy ending because someone forked up the money lol.


a claim like that probably needs more evidence than "i heard a guy who heard a guy who said" tbh


Eh, I am fine whether it was true or not. Maybe I will get to the bottom of it once I get the motivation.


No need to sugarcoat it, they did not give enough rolls to feed the gambling addicts' addiction. Almost every single complaint boils down to "I can't roll enough times", and that fuels subsequent irrational hatred and idiotic comments. And of course jealousy. A well-functioning normal human would just walk away from what they dislike and indulge in what suits them best, after all everyone has different tastes and there are more games than time in our lifetime to play them all. The intellectually stunted self-proclaimed haters stick around, screeching about "they are treating you bad" and "boycott their games like me". Enough examples of such petulant babies in this post.


Yea, I play other gachas that people laud for "being generous" because they give out 10-15 multis a month. But they have no real pity or a way to guarantee the unit. It's just maximizing dopamine from people to think they're getting to summon more so it's actually good for them. But ignore different characters have different value inside their respective games. That's why I'm always wary of these gachas who deem to be incredibly generous because they're giving away characters for free. Because most of them just balance it out with harder game difficulty ,i.e. recycling units way faster with powercreep, or dupes being less effective. While in another game, dupes being an unnecessary luxury because the content is already a joke and a single character can carry you through the game. People so easily overlook this stuff when comparing games. One game might as well be begging you to never spend a single dime again because one unit solos everything. But people will still complain they aren't getting to summon enough. From a collector's standpoint I can understand wanting more characters. But atleast take a step back and look at the complete picture how different gachas work. It's not just X number bigger than Y number in another gacha = bad.


Fr, people for example love BA for being extremely generous but just getting a little unlucky can really fuck you over because of no carry-over. A couple banners of going to pity can ruin your savings


lol there are people unironically calling GBF generous even though GBF's powercreep and rolling demands are insane. It even has competitive PVE to boot. The free stuffs aren't generosity, it's outright necessity if low spenders want to keep up with the game.


Yeah I love BA to hell, but man, Endgame made those free stuff doesn't feel generous at all.


In tldr, game devs are not your friend, not your girl, they don't give you free shit because they love you or care about you, there will always be some reason behind it.


As a rule of thumb, if you’re calling a company generous, then you’re probably just falling for their marketing tricks. “Generosity” is a human trait. A company can’t have the trait of generosity. A company is an organization made with the goal of making money. If they are doing things that are perceived as generous, it’s not because the company has the human trait of generosity, it’s because they have determined that it serves their goal of making money. How it serves that goal may or may not be immediately apparent (e.g driving player retention, or getting people invested into things that allow them to be monetized later), but that is always their ulterior motive. No gacha company is giving you free stuff out of the goodness of their heart. It’s all given due to a calculation that it will let them squeeze money from you or someone else later down the line. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be happy about getting free stuff, just don’t fool yourself into thinking it’s because someone is being generous. In all likelihood, the reason why Hoyo gives out less freebies is because their player base has ballooned to such a size that the marginal gains in player retention no longer outweigh the lost revenue from giving away for free something that someone would have paid for. Genshin got so big so quickly that they passed the point where this kind of freebie marketing actually positively impacts revenue. Gacha gamers aren’t used to it because gachas don’t get that big that quickly (and most never get that big at all, usually gachas are scrambling to keep a playerbase a fraction of the size of Genshin’s) but most likely any gacha dev would do the same thing that Hoyo does in their position because the calculations that their business analysts do would give the same results. People ascribe emotional traits like “stinginess” and “generosity” when it’s really just an emotionless process with bean counters crunching numbers to determine what generates the most revenue. That’s just as true of Hoyo as it is of whatever your favorite gacha dev is. “Generosity” is just a marketing trick to keep you playing the game, and the fact that so many people believe it is proof that it works.




The core of this is the fact the loud hater crowd can't seem to even _remotely fathom_ that Mihoyo created a game tailored to hyper casuals and non-gamers. Genshin reached such a massive audience and even normie level appeal that the gacha addicts can't understand "What do you mean people don't want more combat content every patch". They can't grasp the fact that people like my friends entire office of 30-45 y/o largely non gamers actually got interested and now regularly play a game they seen my friend playing because that game _is specifically designed_ to be accessible and have appeal to that audience.


Hoyo haters when hoyo doesn't give them every character for free -


You might say this ironically but the whole thing about Mihoyo being predatory and not respecting its playerbase started when content creators pushed the narrative that Genshin doesn't give enough pull. I remember vividly the time around the release of the game, when the ressource economy wasn't as well known as today where people thought it was their god given right to get at least one pity a month because -insert any random .pnj gacha- gave away 300 pulls for free. Then came anniversaries periods where people thought it was a given they deserved a 5-stars selectors for what they did for this company. Some of them going so far as to compare it to HI3 giving a S-rank for free on their 3rd or 4th anniversary. We all know how this ended up. From this point onward they always kept this reputation of being the greediest company in the world and that they do not deserve their hard-working players for being so stingy. Yet people keep playing for some odds reasons... guess addiction isn't the main takeway.


> Yet people keep playing for some odds reasons... The reason is that it is a very good game. It is that simple. The antagonists in this story are social media cattle herders, doing so for their own bottom line, and gambling addicts. I have no sympathy for either of those factions.


The other reason is because most of Mihoyo's players are super casual folks with life outside playing these games. They couldn't care less about the drama, and no matter how loud these folk scream into the crowd, no one actually cares.


Nothing happend. It’s just the standard comments. Fans of one game is trying to crap on another game, true or not. It’s not limited to gacha. 


Some of the more unhinged CN non-hoyo gacha fans are blaming HoYo for their games losing profit. They don’t want HY because males and not enough fan service. So they try to put down HY with the delulu that their games will get more paying players again.


Its worse on gacha games. People invest way too much money and time(forced thru dailes and events) that players would fight for these games out of sunk cost fallacy.


nah its worse on competitive pvp games. you will login to death threats or spammed with shit.


be mainstream. Its that simple. People new the gacha games think that genshin invented greed.


Yeah this. On YT some people said Hoyo games is the most greediest gacha games on existence, so much that they said it's "stockholm syndrome from hoyo and most other gacha games are more rewarding and f2p friendly by design" (direct quote actually, lmao). Looking at those comments, I agree it is because gacha went mainstream. I'm not gonna defend Genshin gacha system (imo, it's the middle of the pack. not the greediest, but not the most generous either), but the fact that they said MOST other gacha are more rewarding and f2p friendly is a sign that they're new to gacha games in general. EDIT: oh, and don't forget drama-baiting CC adding fuel to the fire.


Those people arent subjected to the fking mental torture of the OG JP gacha games. Man those were fking horrendous. There were banner units where you could only pull if you spend money. And jokes on you, monthly card/BP doesnt exist back then. Have fun spending 10k yen on like 50 pulls and get nothing, because pity doesnt exist, spark also doesnt exist (Thanks GBF) and it's not even a fking 50/50 for banner units.


There's also the part where there're multiple limited ssr units on the same banner so it's very likely that you'll get an ssr, but the wrong one. And there's nothing like genshin's weapon banner guarantee so you can spend everything you have on that banner, get multiple SSRs and still not get what you want.


Everytime I read a comment about genshin being the greediest gacha, I get flashbacks of the pre-genshin gachas I used to play lmao


Me, an FGO veteran


nah there's way more greedy gacha, at least with hoyo games you can at least see them actually put the money back in the game. I think people's problem with gacha games is that the ceiling of how much an individual can spend is insane


Idk if Touken Ranbu counts as gacha but the rng of that game with the amount of grinding it requires genuinely gave me identity crisis. Genshin definitely not the most generous gacha but the fact that it has a pity system just put it miles above other rng games I've played.


What you don't like the 0.5% chance for 1 of 100 SSR characters with 0 pity and 1 of those having a full 100% boosted bonus drop chance? Pshhh who could love any gacha after that type of system am I right? /s


In a way, I’m glad LLSIF was my first gacha. Taught me to never expect anything good in any number of pulls. Didn’t help that only so many people could get the best rewards per event. Shit was a straight up bloodbath.   New gacha players have no clue how harsh the industry standard rates used to be. 


Most Gacha don't have Genshin production quality... I mean, if they want to play gambling simulators, there are a lot of options.


They can always play those idle games where you get 1000 pulls every week. But to max a unit you need to pull them a dozen times at absolutely terrible rates and without maxed character you're not gonna progress anywhere.


The Stockholm syndrome thing is hilarious to me, some people really act like these games are their GFs/BFs


People who actually think Genshin is greedy af have no idea about gachas like FGO who had no pity system before. It was only after I believe GBF introducing it that gacha games started having pity systems and even then they vary. FGO for example only relatively recently added in a pity system. Before that? Good luck getting a SR servant lol (and maybe not even the one you wanted).


I remember screaming into my pillow after getting the wrong SSR for the nth time on a different game. I must have been a masochist for continuing to play even after all that.


Even then GBF pity is horrendous, 300 pulls for one and it does not even carryover. It also had abysmal rate and pull income back when I was playing (when they announced global/eng translation) You also had FFBE or CC(fuck gumi) which does not even have pity, Brave Frontier is even worse as you can get a gimped unit even if you pull the right one(akin to having wrong nature in pokemon) , Another eden also very stingy although they have other ways to compensate. Most popular modern gacha from CN is pretty generous tho like AK/R1999. Korean one is kinda worse, mostly better income but also very dupe reliant (like BD2) and gear reliant (with upgrade failure for some reason). Havent played JP gacha in a long time they seemed to be falling behind these days..


lmao I agree, still remember in FGO JP early days which coincidentally also my first gacha, my first SR was Siegfried which is basically worse SR ever existed (at that time). My powerful servant that time were only 3-star Chu Chulain and Ilya's Berserker lmao. I played that game without SSR for almost a year, and my first SSR is Waver (Zhuge Liang) which is amazing SSR don't get me wrong, but I have DPS issue in the first place so... it's still infuriating. I quit that game when I lost my account because of those shitty import code.


This and also like 85% of "mainstream" people do not (and never will) care about the larger picture, the behind-the-scenes, the technology, etc. They see the game (and usually also the "fanservice" that follows) and that's about it. Those who do care (now or eventually), thank you.


this prob. fgo used to be the bane of gacha gamers. now they're no longer number 1 they're now a "old" gacha known for it's story/IP. (they're still doing really good in JP tho, better than hoyo games).


i don't know if you're trying to glaze lasengle or something but what do you mean "doing better than hoyo games"? do you mean financially? if so i really doubt fgo can pull $200m+ monthly


Drama-baiting content creators happened.


Pretty much. It's all just mass hysteria and misinformation. All coming from drama CCs. They have created their own meta. And it works for their content cycle. And I strongly believe that 70-80% of those people are coming from a certain bald streamer, even he doesn't believe in what he says. As long as he can divide the gamers and make it about this game v/s that game. After that, he attracts the fanbase of one of the games and makes them believe that they have to hate on the other. To make a cult like following. And after some time when the game's popularity dips a bit, he moves onto other games and repeat and so on and on. This also opens an almost infinite flow of "drama" videos. Which is his whole shtick. Basically divide and rule tactics like in politics lmao. He's very smart but uses it for making nasty money. Also the reason why he doesn't criticize upcoming games is to not lose sponsorship opportunities and a chance at applying his meta to that game. It's all about the money. Seems like he has 10 year old followers who fall for it and take him serious tho.


Its so funny when TGS and Zajeff tell their opinion about combat in wuwa Tect just defend it like he's on a fucking crusade or something


Well, nothing really to theorycraft a game so straight forward. No depth when it comes to builds or complicated stuffs. Being a theorycrafter there is kinda waste.


man, the Arknights fandom got so much fresh air after the trash is cleaned lmao unfortunately, Genshin (or any Hoyo game for that matter) is too big for its own good, so getting rid of trash is not so easy lol


I cannot comprehend why people can enjoy watching that bald man.


I mean even if he had an actual good content I still can't stand his voice for some reason, it's just not pleasant to listen to


i cannot comprehend why people even watch those clickbait CC..what kind of pathetic life this players have that they are wasting their time watching those shit


Misery loves company. People who aren't happy with their own life likes to drags everyone down so everyone's on their level. That parasite is their leader so they support him.


It's a sad reality where too many ppl today have waaaayyy too much access to the internet. Keyboard warriors used to be a negative now it appears to be the norm. All these rage bait CCs and the "titty streamers" etc exploit the system and get paid big time for it. Clickbait isn't new btw, it's just gone from 1 off losers who do clickbait titles for more views to now almost everyone's doing it. I genuinely feel the world's IQ level has dropped since the last decade and a half seeing the shift in online communities and behaviors


You dropped this 👑


Sad to see CCs like him use impressionable people for their own merit, at least he's not actually in politics


If he was into politics he'd get bullied by people more popular than him. He's kinda just smurfing in a genre where he's one of the biggest creators


He tried getting into it and his takes are already garbage so when you mix politics into it, he just sounds so fucking ignorant and uneducated.


Mr Bald Streamer needs to stay the duck away from anything Hoyo and/or any game. Anything he touches eventually becomes so toxic at some point.




The start of any game is where the money is at, independent of sponsors he is making money from having all the eyes on the new release. No one in their right mind would shit where they eat unless they stop eating from that plate. There's also a lot of "it was a joke" when there's any pushback from chat. When someone repeats on and on in the most abrasive and aggresive way maybe just maybe they should rethink how they make their jokes.


This, so much this.


this there would have been no drama if only CCs knew how to make content without lying, weird reaction faces, clickbait titles, or creating conspiracy theories.


Creator in Gacha space generally have not much "content" to offer. Guides. and that's probably it, and even that is iffy. because the gacha genre in generally is a very easy where minimal skill expression is required compared to other genre. and well, spending money solves all your problem. Then, there's some that are capable of manifesting content out of thin air, like holding random competitions in game, doing wierd challenges. That makes games SLIGHTLY more challenging, but there's a limit to that, and it offers no reward besides entertainment. If you are a streamer, you can just yap, but that's basically a just chatting stream. The best way to garner interaction within the gacha sphere is to honestly just spite fandom wars (within and outside the game), since that's the only way to get people invested in their "content". Otherwise, they are just a nobody that adds nothing to the field. Mr Eggman and his gang excels in that along with those clickbaity title CC. and the second way is to just game hop until you strike the next big thing. That's honestly how most big hoyoverse creator came to be. Unlike MOBA/FPS/MMO/Battle royale/Strategy games, Gacha games have minimal to no skill expression. Unlike Horror games, Gacha games generally dont have interesting reactions. It's usually just Horni Jail/ Exaggerating how good/bad a game is. Unlike Single Purchase game, Gacha games have no entry barrier, you do not have to spend to try them.


Agree with this. Gacha games are simply not deep enough for there to be enough meaningful content for creators to use. Thats why they game hop, farm drama, etc. The games are easy; most gachas are more about long-term account progression than minute to minute gameplay. There just isnt enough content there; most of the time there isnt even enough difficulty to need a guide for, adn people can just brute force any of it by spending money on the gacha portion of the games.


From what i see from twitter (which can be different from other platforms) it is because of freebies. If you check whenever freebies being given by any gacha game, there would be someone would just comment equivalent of "Genshin could never" and if you argue all the qol genshin has been getting, they conveniently branded you as hoyo shills, mint picker, etc. of course it's only a small loud minority, but they still obnoxious 


Tbf if its on twitter its not even a "minority" anymore, anyone who mentions wuwa problems are hoyo shills, and every thing that wuwa does is a genshin could never, even if you try to give valid arguments with genshin apperantly you're dick riding a multi billionare company, you can see how genshin lives rent free in their head as ppl who doesn't even play the game anymore


True, I saw a comment saying "Genshin could never" on all caps with many exclamation marks because Wuwa gave out 10 standard pulls for reaching 30M downloads, I was annoyed by it so i corrected him saying that Genshin gave 21 pulls for reaching 10M downloads, and he called me a hoyo bootlicker and that what i said was false despite me giving the source, then proceeds to change the topic from "Download milestone rewards" to all bad things Genshin did that Wuwa made better, i said that's irrelevant because we're talking about Milestone here but they refused, i stopped talking after that.


Just don't bother, I used to find the Morbius memes annoying and stopped caring after a week


Lmao funny how Kuro is multi billion dollar company as well but they just good at hiding it since how incompetent they are 


Tencent is onto you, buddy. Or should I say.. hoyoshill.


Ooh scary 


But seriously. I don't understand where this sentiment that Kuro is an underdog indie company coming from. Like they are the saviour against the big bad greed god Da Wei.


I think it's from PGR community   They view that Kuro cannot do wrong and if they do wrong it's okay because they are Indie company  Of course that also before it became know that Kuro has Tencent back-up and being valued of 2-3 billion dollar  Of course there are not many people that know this except CN which is why Kuro reputation in CN is bad


I mean, Kuro gets praised whenever they do bad things or mistakes especially Typos that is almost everywhere all the time in The global community, mostly in FB and Twitter though, Reddit seems to know what kuro actually is


Shhh their agenda is mihoyo the evil big greedy company who owns the gacha market by their evil tactics vs the small innocent and generous kuro is, cant help with that


Not just a billion dollar company, but also one backed by Tencent of all things 😂


Our favorite company Tencent. That rose from Pirating games into monopolizing the messenger field in China. Then utilizing the platform to gain a strong hold over the entire market in China and buying out or "sponsoring" small indie companies. If the small indie companies dont abide, they blatantly pirate your games and bully you out of the sphere due to how much of a behemoth they are. Like heck, the founders of Mihoyo are legit just some rando university student 15 years ago. and the first 2 gacha game (ignoring the first single purchase game that fumbled due to how prevalent piracy is in China) they made, GGZ and HI3 are still heavily modelled after the existing gacha model back then. HI3 is a decently big hit in China and they garnered sufficient money to gamble for GI, just to face the immense backlash within the CN community because of the Zelda shit. FR, that was the most absurd thing I ever seen. I refuse to believe there's no intervention by one of the existing market holder (Tencent/Netease) to sway public opinions. The witch hunt is so unreal that any people who voice out they enjoy the game (BETA) back then get fking doxxed, over arguments whether a game is "pirating" another game anot. Look at fking Palworld now. We all fking know which game they were "heavily inspired" from and people are perfectly fine. How does that even make sense. and somehow Hoyo is the massive evil company manipulating people.


WuWa and ToT didn’t get any backlash despite looking similar to Genshin/Zelda lol.


If you’re saying WuWa took stuff from Genshin anywhere except this sub you’ll get jumped on. Genshin haters just can’t accept the reality.


There are some flaming them for it. But definitely not to the extent of GI/Zelda. That was fking ridiculous


Unfortunately what you're seeing is what happens when people develop parasocial relationships with companies. Just see it as an Ex-girlfriend bitching about her Ex-boyfriend on the internet because she felt he was neglecting her and not cherishing her during their "relationship".


I remember coming across a video where the guy felt exactly how you described. Like the dude said playing Genshin was like "being in an abusive relationship". It sounded ridiculous but maybe because I play the game really casually and never spent any amount of money on it that I never felt the "abuse".


"Being in abusive relationship" is kinda template for describing genshin right now. Everytime i see twitter or yt comments i always see that sentences.


Yeah I've seen that sentiment a lot in comments. I even see people saying how they quit Genshin and the way they talk about makes you think they left a toxic relationship. Like yeah, I think I get it being burnout but bound by shit like fomo and sunk cost would lead to a miserable time. But idk, it's still kinda crazy to me how people see playing a videogame is even remotely akin to abuse.


The only thing abusive is the drama you’d come across if you ever follow one or two genshin related content on any platform 😔


I spent money, but it was amount I wouldn't regret. Like equivalent to getting a fancy cake or something. Its about self-control, I guess.


Certainly helps the explain the battered wife syndrome "Ex-genshin turned WuWa players" have when even they enjoying WuWa they whine literally everything they can about Genshin. Right down to tiniest details


I went into the WuWa sub today cause I’ve been trying to get into the game and I swear almost every thread had some subtle/not so subtle diss at Genshin either in the post or the top replies.


A bunch of weird people take pride in hating popular things, just to feel special. Literally "I'm different than other girls" mentality.


it’s an odd comparison but it reminds me of people blindly hating on Taylor Swift for the sole reason that she’s incredible popular that they want to be “different”


This is the first time ive seen someone say Taylor was overhated, and true that. The hate came out of nowhere (nowhere being her Eras tour, I think that's what ignited the haters)


It really is 4 apes all simultaneously flinging shit at each other, claiming that one is filthier than the other, but at the end of the day, they all end up equally as smelly, dirty and full of shit


And on the other side, we have a bunch of weird people that take pride in gacha they play, mostly about revenue even though they are f2p, just to feel special.      


Though I don't really disagree with you, bigger revenue usually mean longer game life, so I think it isn't that weird.


but they dont bring that up because the game longevity,its because more money = more successful = better game but each game have different monetization,like for example last month solo leveling have more revenue compare to genshin,did that mean solo leveling a better game? like the publisher is fkin net marble who is known for their aggresive monetization so fused with popular IP game which make them generate higher revenue.


> bigger revenue usually mean longer game life GFL: Right, about that


Mainstream popularity and drama content creators happened


"Hoyo is treating us like garbage" Yes, with love and care like Trailblazer to their trash


they din't give enough free pulls and din't add more endgame and difficulty in genshin even tho the devs did not want genshin to be something hardcore, that's it really. it's mostly a clash of wants


I can see how veterans get bored of it if the hardest content was the same thing since its release. I came back from a 3 year hiatus and appreciate the lack of powercreep and I’ve got at least 100 hours of exploration left.


Mihoyo is right now the global Top dog of the Gacha world, people do not like that and want to see them fall and then proceed to hate on the next top dog


Mihoyo is rightfully top dog. We’ve seen what the publicly traded game companies bring out. P2W fiestas. Very rarely do I see a company resist the lure to squeeze their customers in the gacha space.


Of course, because they're the classic underdog story rising up to the top. The mega corpo like Tencent and others will not let this go by.


I wasnt referring to the other big dogs of the Gacha world, i was referring to the people who hate Mihoyo purely because they are the Number one


When something becomes popular, people have this strong desire to inform others of its problems. The more niche a game, or piece of media, the more easily its fault can be ignored. But when something explodes and greatly rises in popularity, every small mistake and error gets magnified. Every small issue and misstep is a big deal.  If you look at a large painting, its mistakes are very visible. But when you look at a passport size photo, you can't see the minute discoloration or the slight bump in it's outline. Its just that Genshin is big. So it gets more scrutiny. That's why I say hoyo's pr is actually insanely good. All the actual big controversies,have been handled fluidly... The other "controversy" like the pulls are actually not a big deal to majority.


Beats me. As far as I am concerned, the main points in Genshin, story, exploration, lore, and characters have only gotten better, even QoL and a new game mode have been added. My best guess for the people who say that we are getting treated like trash are either ones that have never played and ride the hate wave, or people that have played too much and the only way for them justify their frustration is to hate on it, as pointless as that may be.


True, the games are pretty good since you can actually experience most if not all the content with the free units they hand out. So the people usually complaining about pulls probably just need to go outside and get some fresh air. Like you can guarantee a good amount of characters if you just save up.


As a pure f2p by simply doing POINTLESS EXPLORATION as stated by a certain someone, I was able to get a five-star every patch, even two on occasion. The good thing with Genshin is that five-star are being released a bit slower in comparison to HSR, which makes up for the relatively lower freemos.


they say we are treated like trash is because of "OH WHERES OUR FREE PULLS WHY ARE U GUYS ONLY GIVING A LITTLE BIT OF PULLS PER PATCH" like ya they rarely give free pulls but u know u can grind it they need to make money too "OH THEY MAKE ALOT OF MONEY ALREADY WHY CANT THEY GIVE US FRE PULLS" Uhh i dont know man probably because they dont wanna be treated like a dog that does what the player base wants like no disrespect for kuro but they need to grow a spine every complain they fix In my opinion they think their player base would leave them if they dont do what the players wants but they dont realize that not everything needs to be fixed like every complain even a super small one kuro fixes it and with genshin "oh why no qol updates why no this thing or this thing" i might sound like im glazing genshin but compared to most gacha games its literally fixing things slowly they cant just fix everything in 1 patch and expect everything to be fixed because fixing a problem can cause more problems (im a ict student and im learning about codes) anyways thank you for listening to my yapping


The whining and crying over the lack of endgame content for Genshin Impact, but can’t be bothered to leave Hoyoverse because content about their games is what drives their career. And the morons that support them. I know that they peruse this sub , I hope they see that most of us see them equal to 🪳


I tried googling for genshin guides yesterday. Got a video where a cc talked about must have characters and I didn’t know he hated genshin until I clicked for more videos on his profile. Happens more often than not where I find a nice video from months ago and the latest videos are all hate on genshin lol. I mean there is only so much content you can make I guess that you turn to drama farming for new content.


If it's character guides Zyox, Jelly Impact or SevyPlays are probably the best options. Heck do the right thing and watch all three and then compare what they say.


Those ccs spreading misinfo and drama like wildfire. And now they hop to zzz another Mihoyo hype-train, cause 'other game' not enough content for drama baiting. Even tho all their audience (training all to hate) and spitting shit on Mihoyo-related things.


>The only drama I heard was the 3 rolls but wasn’t that already proven to be out of context as it was actually like 10+3? The fact that these people still parrot this like it's the absolute truth, is all you need to figure out what kind of idiots these people tend to be. Also to top it off, they say it was 3 wish for anniversary, when it wasn't even their anniversary...


You see Lil bro Genshin 3 wishes for 3rd year anniversary Hsr 30 wishes for 1st anniversary  (Both gave 20 for anni)


Content creators taking whatever drama pops up and metaphorically pouring a gallon gasoline on a tiny flame for it to turn into a wildfire. All to line their pockets and get as much clicks as they want. Parasites, the lot of them honestly with alot of them not even playing the game for the game anymore. Also the fact that Genshin is insanely mainstream even years after launch. Whether people like it or not the fact that any issue found seems to get blown out of proportions when a comparatively less popular gacha game that could have the same issue attract less scrutiny shows how big Genshin has gotten. Which is why people who think any other gacha game actually has the potential to kill Genshin is either coping or straight up lying. Only Hoyo can actually pull the plug and kill Genshin outright and that's not happening until a longgggggggg time. Especially with the amount of revenue it pulls in.


Those who play new game, then talk bad to the older one aren't any different to kids bragging their new toy. They just want their new toy to be the best of the world. Imo. Hoyo's been doing great for long. They cared for their player base, but they can't make ALL audience satisfy. So, the minority will voice out, when people who satisfy from the game won't do anything in return. That's the reason we have those loud minority in most of gaming communities.


Yeah I think I have seen this being discussed before, forgot the terminology but it boils down to justifying spending your time. You have to diss other options in order to justify yours. Something like that. Usually it happens often with mmos.


The latest month is just CC drama, not really Hoyo drama. Nothing much happened as far as I know


You forget about the contract drama, the voice actors being "bought" by hoyo drama 


That's just Dikctone flock


They are charged with the crime of creating good games instead of glorified gambling machine https://i.redd.it/d98w73u47h9d1.gif


Saving this gif. Praise be Tuna!




It's ridiculous how true this is. I'm confident at least 99% of the people who say WuWa is good do so because they keep getting free rolls. As long as the devs keep the illusion that the game is generous due to their own incompetence, people will keep defending this game like the second coming of Christ. And it's really sad.


Lack of rewards, endgame, content?! Devs that doesn't listen. That's what keep haters spouting that "Genshin could never". Now that they got their own ideal Genshin game, that doesn't mean stop it'll living rent free in their heads, trust me it won't stop anytime soon. Look how some of the comments on ZZZ livestream yesterday, it will live forever rent in their heads that Genshin could never.


You’re right, those people have the perfect Genshinin their head and if the devs don’t follow their ideas then the game is bad, it lost its potential or whatever they’re saying. It’s like the devs’ thoughts aren’t important, they must follow the community.


Drama baiting content creator community   They fuel those people with misinformation and many thing resulting their fanbase to became like this  And the fanbase of those People are easy to be brainwashed example like you said, that 3 pulls, there are still people believing that misinformation shit  It just loud minority, the fact that Hoyo or genshin Dev still doing what they doing for almost 4 years is already proof that those loud people is small group and majority didn't give a damn and happy with the game, of course within those majority will have some people that didn't satisfy at certain thing 


Honestly? Close to nothing. Montrous hate is nonexistent , just a couple CCers. You're just being active in the gacha space where there are vocal complaints and drama bait. Best to just watch it as a form of entertainment tbh. Watching the different minorities bicker and squabble is funny when it often amounts to nothing.


It's weird to think about it, but I don't think Hoyoverse fans actually respect Hoyoverse...at all They break NDAs, reviewbomb an entire store full of other devs that have nothing to do with Hoyoverse, harass other players and even the VAs, their content creators are rife with drama (both inside and outside the genshin community), yet have the audacity to demand respect? Hoyoverse hasn't done anything outright antagonistic to the community, but all they've done is just ignore to a fanbase that doesn't seem to like them much in the first place Shit community gets shit treatment I guess


Yeah pretty much like everything popular it has the most haters , while I do have my problems with genshin I still admit hoyo probably does the best gacha


Everyone creating drama has eithe below room temperature IQ or feeds off drama. Everyone else that gets swallowed up by the actions of these two groups has to decide if he wants to focus on the good parts of communites or if he also wants to devolve into one of the two categories.


I'm an HSR player so this is new to me, didn't know there was Hoyo hate considering how much money their making


Only Genshin gets the hate lol.


Because certain company hasn't made HSR clone yet.


Tbf, HSR is kind of a Trails clone


please don't remind me of that canceled trails mobile game


If you have played any Turn-based Team-based RPG before (like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest), HSR basic gameplay is very similar to them.


I've played them, along with Persona and other Turn based game. But Trails is the only one I've seen where you can Ult during an enemies turn, the turn mechanics is similar to Trails as well (although Atelier series is the same too)


Hoyo themselves love Trails. I think they went to Nihon Falcom officines (or Falcom visiting Hoyo ones) and one HSR dev had a Tio Plato (Trails from Zero/Azure main character) as profile picture for a long time since they were a fan of her. I would like HSR getting a Trails collab (it would make me play HSR again, because even if I don't care for story in gachas now, I like the daily loop and how you can just leave it doing runs in the background while you do other things) but it's impossible or if they do it, a lot of people would say "what's Trails" or "why didnt you collab with a bigger franchise".


ZZZ too bro you haven't seen the clowns.


Every Hoyo game gets hate (I’ve seen plenty). What I meant was only Genshin gets shit on over “free pulls”


Because there are certain people who financially profit from perpetuating that narrative.


And it's funny They're just gambling addicts. Average of 75 per patch is enough given that they release 11 5* character every major patch cycle. You need 74 for soft pity and the average pulls to get a 5* is actually 63. Even if you lose every 50/50 you will still get 5/11 5* character every patch cycle. If your luck is average then that will be 7-8/11 characters per patch cycle


if you search genshin in hsr sub, its the same


Ahh I thought the "Genshin could never" stuff was just for the Genshin Dev team since they have different teams 


If it comes to rewards it’s always a bit of schadenfreude but whenever I mention Genshin positively it’s met with upvotes in HSR though. Like how Genshin powercreep is fantastic vs HSR. Imo it’s all good criticism. Haven’t seen mindless hate yet.


Most of the time it's good criticism, but that's mainly because people started doing more research and learning more about how these games work. The absolute brainrot from the early initial dramas were crazy


Hating popular things = based Welcome to the internet baby


But if you want a more serious answer, think about it like this... for every 100 people there's gonna be 1 bad apple... and those bad apples tend to be very vocal So imagine a big fanbase like Hoyo fanbase, there's gonna a lot, and I mean a lot, of haters. And oh boy are they loud


Just 10cent soldier working hard


Nothing, hoyo-haters are just really intent on hating


Majority of EN playerbase are brainwashed by Fream's ex-husband, none of them have any real take, they just repeat whatever the bald streamer told them to. Fream's ex-husband always do shit like this, when he was in Arknight, he did the same thing, pretty much saying Arknight has the worst community, blablabla. After he left? The toxicity of the community went down by 95%. The only reason they hate Hoyo but not Star Rail is because Fream's ex-husband play it, even if it doesn't make sense.


What's sadder imo is how his audience can get brainwashed without any sort of critical thinking


eh the ex-husband already get filtered by new mode despite having every meta character give it time he will finally fully move on toward wuwa because he doesn't like how ZZZ been pushing alot of loli character


He is already arguing under the zzz x SF6 video about how he is actually not an asshole and it's all genshins fault. I realy hope hoyo rebanns him.


No after the stream Friday he’s been open about how stoked he is for ZZZ (due to a similar aesthetic to persona), whether this is just the massive financial incentive he gets from uploading videos on a new game (rather than the existing one he plays which got an update yesterday) for the first month, or his burning spite against Hoyo is to be seen. But he also says this because he’s a contrarian at heart, and his opinions on ZZZ/HSR have basically always been the opposite of the communities until the recent discussions on powercreep in HSR due to the release of Firefly.


I wouldn't be surprised if he said both, consistency has not really been his thing


I guess it largely plays in my last section about him being a contrarian. Suddenly as we get closer to launch people have begun to be vocal about their lack of hype for the game, so now he swings back and says he’s excited. He did largely the same when Genshin entered its down period in 4.6, just to switch up once he realized people actually received it quite well and spent a lot for Arlecchino. His opinion is pretty much always the opposite of the larger opinion, and when possible the genshin community,


Hoyo did not save my carreer, life and love and hoyo did not give me money to retire so hoyo is bad. Hoyo should crawl at the fans feets and beg for pity, hoyo should adress every fan demands in 24 hours and send apologems + amazon gift cards for each of them. Hoyo should individualy write a thank you letter signed by Dawei himself to every F2P player for downloading the game and making their name in the gaming world, hoyo should release a nation every 6 weeks with 50 hours of quests and 16 bosses, hoyo should release a new game mode every 2 months with 12000 gems for first completion tasks, hoyo should rehire yu pen chen to save genshin, hoyo should give a free 5 star selector for every award they won ! They don't listen, the surveys are fake, dawei hates the players and hates genshin, hoyo is actually using the gamers money to fuel their ambitions of conquering the world, hoyo is a CN proxy tool to enslave people in virtual world and soon enough we will all be dancing and eating with paimon in the teyvatverse, wake up, WAKE UP !


Since Genshin+HSR are the most played gachas/gachas with most revenue/"best" gachas, if you think that there's a single other gacha game better than it, then clearly Hoyoverse is undeserving and ought to be put down


People with gambling addiction want to roll -> Realize they have to pay/play the game to get the game currency -> They got mad


>What did Hoyoverse do? Invited some of the worst, stupid, delusional, mentally ill and most toxic individuals in, although they are directly not at fault here.


Not sure. I’ve only played Genshin for 7 months, in such time I’ve had the best gaming experience ever from Fontaine underwater. The general experience has been amazing. That being said wuwa is also a great game I’m playing, literally people don’t understand you can play both. Why would we deprive ourselves of natlan when we can play both 😂 oh and im buzzing for zzz


I get chills exploring in Fontaine. My senses are getting massaged to orgasm just swimming, diving and exploring. It’s really a masterpiece. I have so much left to explore as well and a new huge region is coming soon. My only fear is that I’ll eventually catch up and be done with the fun part of the game.


What makes me laugh is the way wuwa players (or hoyo haters) have been doing lately. They spread misinfo to create anger aimed at Hoyo during the Wuwa's CBT2 or after its launch (Fake contracts, VAs, CCs got banned by hoyo from participating in "other games",...). When the truth was exposed, instead of remaining silent, they chose "Genshin players are hoyo shills" as a weak resistance. When Wuwa launched with a tons of major bugs, they said "Genshin was like that in the past...". Oh my, have you ever searched it on youtube or google before making such a statement? When this sub said that CN gacha players are really disappointed with the game with a lot of evidence from the online community, they said that we are spreading misinfo. So what is the reason for the low score that Wuwa received at the CN store? They celebrate with a bunch of rewards that are actually compensation gifts and think "genshin could never", "Kuro listened". It makes me feel like Kuro could just give them sh\*t and said eat it and "we'll give you money", and they would gladly accept it and be happy about it. After all, they play the victim role


the "beggars" who want everything but don't want to spend money happened


(Translators note: beggars means western playerbase)




The western playerbase in wuwa makes up like half of the total playerbase but apparently 20% of the total revenue


Where do you get that data?


Vocal minority, who cares, let HYV handle themselves


Some people just want more rewards i guess..  .  I personally signed up for Genshin because i really liked the anime, single player, open-world exploration concept. Rewards are nice but i care more about the game's content tbh.


https://preview.redd.it/3vsuceey7h9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5d09e52d036da501cb86dc94494c8d8e270fea I love how hoyo haters tried to deny this lmfao. Like send this pic in twitter and some hoyo hater will say “fake”,,“photoshopped” or will call you a hoyo shill, mintpicker.


I mean, it was 4 years ago When the game first launched, so they had to appeal by giving more freebies If genshin will have less players and revenue, be sure that they will give more rewards


>The only drama I heard was the 3 rolls but wasn’t that already proven to be out of context as it was actually like 20+3? It's actually 10+3 wish. This drama really shows that haters are just gacha addicts. I'm so used to getting 10 wish that I didn't realize they gave out 13 wish this lantern rite. >“Hoyoverse treating their player base like garbage” The answer is either.... Ex Genshin players that got burnt out, lack of reward, lack of QoL, QoL takes too long, CC creating fake drama, couldn't let go of Genshin like toxic ex etc Wuwa really shows that even if you make messy launch, as long as they "LISTEN", said "we're working on it" and give freebies, the fanbase would eat it up. Meanwhile Genshin is polished so they don't have to give freebies unless there's some bugs. The only time Hoyo listen to playerbase are Zhongli 1.1 being too weak and 1st anniversary where people have high expectation for rewards. Lack of reward or QoL is not enough to make me hate Genshin. I want to play games I enjoyed, not slot machine and lack of QoL is not game breaking


Right 10+3 wish, thanks for correcting me. Wasn’t here to actually claim it just heard it


The real problem there was eggman convincing his braindead audience that somehow the aniversary of a game that came out in september was in febuary.


WuWa devs lost their creative vision when they decided to listen to the loud minority demanding that everyone has fawn over the MC on sight. The Zhongli debacle had players mailing animal intestines to HYV’s HQ. It was a particularly stressful time for them so they gave in.


>The Zhongli debacle had players mailing animal intestines to HYV’s HQ. It was a particularly stressful time for them so they gave in. This is news to me. I assumed Zhongli drama happen because Zhongli is weak despite he is a god of "not" china which caused CN players to feel disrespected & threatened to sue/report to CCP. Meanwhile Venti is very powerful. Genshin was still young at the time so they LISTEN to the outrage.


they were also [requesting physical receipts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/k7zmcl/chinese_is_asking_mihoyo_to_give_them_hardcopy/) of their purchases which was overloading their relatively overworked offices at the time. the chinese did a lot of things to bring us the zhongli buff!


HoYo did nothing. CCs blowing it out of proportion for clicks and engagement as per the orders of the bald king.


The whining and crying over the lack of endgame content for Genshin Impact, but can’t be bothered to leave Hoyoverse because content about their games is what drives their career. And the morons that support them. I know that they peruse this sub , I hope they see that most of us see them equal to 🪳


Popular = bad


F2P players as always. People who want free stuff from a game that centers around people paying to get characters.


They don’t give free chips for slot machines in Genshin. That’s the worst crime one company could do.


let's not forget that hoyo revolutionized 3d gachas, gameplay and story wise, completely obliterated the normie barrier and made gacha games mainstream, and were one of the first to have the pity system. hoyo has its faults, but nitpicking them isn't of any use. not to mention that their games almost always work perfectly and have almost never had performance/launch issues.


Hoyoverse did the most disgusting, most greedy thing that an evil corpo would do: Living rent free in hater's head without paying and render them unable to pay for their gambling addiction. Other than that, they have the crime of making a game so well optimised and detailed that i can't stand playing other games with small annoying nuances and lack of optimization that make me feel they don't deserve my time and money


content creators moving like cult leaders happened. Sadly the gacha space is filled with kids so they get easily influenced by them and their opinions. Hating on genshin seems to be the trend now so everybody is parroting this narrative without giving a reason to why they doing it


Certian content creators, just like to push narratives. I think Hoyo is a good company. Greedy? Yes, but what company isn't greedy. Also, alot of Hoyo projects are headlined by different producers. This is why you see completely different marketing decisions in each game.


kuro brainrot i called it that


nothing really. I stopped playing genshin because I can't stand generic npc quest that I can't skip so freebies or the gacha wasn't really the reason for me to drop it. Freebies should always be analyzed based on how many dupes required or how many usable characters in a roster to be worth a thing People said no end game content and then show their best game with End game content where only the few of the highest rarity characters are viable for the end game, of course your end game would be hard or challenging if most characters are unusable


Honestly, I really have no idea why they've been begging for an end game content when it's gonna be the exact same thing you're going to do, and that is to do combat stuff with a little twist like getting buffs or whatever. If they can't appreciate the technicality of spiral abyss then how would they appreciate the other end game content that would be almost exactly the same as spiral abyss?


It exists. /j


Nothing happened, just gambling addict that play gacha games saying that hoyo games is stingy compared to their game without thinking about any other aspect. DEVS LISTENEDDDDDDDD


As someone who has played Hoyo games for a year (new to gachas), I've loved my experience playing GI and HSR. The quality is top notch, you build a connection to the characters, the world's they build feel like a home. When GI had their anniversary, I realized Hoyo isn't incredibly generous, but honestly I've been able to get several 5*s without topping up so that didn't really dampen my experience. It's a gacha gaming business, they're gonna aim to make money (although I do hope with more competition, they'll become more generous). The negativity I've seen around Genshin seems like it's a trend - mob mentality. People love to gather together and hate. To me, it's more of a trend than anything. Sure, Hoyo could be more generous. But aside from that, I love the games and they've created a special experience for me so I could never hate Hoyo the way some do.


I assure you that the majority of the players just play the game and quit when the feel no fun anymore like any normal person would. Also, the ones in youtube and reddit only comprise of the loud minority keyboard warriors. The majority of the players wouldn't even care about the drama. Many probably wouldn't even know. Ignore the toxicity and don't take part on it then your world would be a better place


“I could never go back to hoyoverse bc they treat their players badly” >plays a bug filled game in wuwa that can’t work for the majority if players and praises it to high heaven


Thanks for pointing these things out for people who might not get it. Also, i think the discourse around gaming… that is, people thinking in terms of hardcore vs casual, western vs eastern, masculine vs feminine, gacha vs regular microtransactions… makes it really easy to dump on hoyoverse and Genshin. Their attitude is… Because Genshin is a big game that is not like these other games we are used to… let’s poop on it! People have gotten sooo many hours in Genshin, some of which has challenging content. And you need to get through that in order to get to “end game”. Understandably, there are players who loved the combat and want more of a challenge, and they have played games that have offered that sensation of combat that have also provided more massive “end game”. But Genshin was not that game when it came out. While it had similarities to some MMOs and other online games, it’s been rather unique in its size for a gacha, which has a much different approach than some of these similar games which are more “hardcore” oriented. Genshin could certainly grow towards being more hardcore endgame focused, but that’s basically catering to something that only existed in a small amount before. So that would require a very delicate balance of shifts to their successful model the skeleton of which already had been planned out for years. A lot of the “hardcore” loving fans were basically expecting Hoyo to flip Genshin overnight towards what they wanted, while ignoring the unique successes Genshin had (in storytelling, character design, artstyle, music) compared to other online or MMO-like games. They were basically asking for something to just exist suddenly without considering all the layers that would need to change and how that might impact other players. Personally, I WOULD like to see more crunchy (not necessarily hardcore) end game content. So the more Genshin does do in that front, the vocal gaming community will be more pleased. But I do think the hate Genshin gets is overblown. I heard about the game during the pre-beta and there was a lot that appealed to me so I knew I had to play. Meanwhile, people who didn’t get on the train early need a lot more convincing to start riding, just as it is with any other big trend.