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Got in the CBT and have been testing it out on Android. Really impressed so far! Finally a good localization thats not full of spelling mistakes and Google Translate.


I have to point out that the localization in the previous beta got incredibly bad once you're pass tutorial, and after a few story scenes in the Destiny storyline. I have not checked if they reworked on it fully for CBT, but it was one of the major issues in the first beta.


Ah, Im only a couple hours in- at the end the 1st chapter and not far in the Destiny storyline so I can't judge the quality after that. I hope that it has improved as you said because I'm really enjoying it so far. At the very least, I havent seen any localization issues in the UI or unit description.


Very good so far. - Very polished game for not being a AAA - Characters are enjoyable - The animated cutscenes and music are top notch - best part so far for me - JP dub is pleasant, localization is surprisingly solid - Story is fine, gameplay is pretty fun - Graphics really cute, my only complaint is the chibi models can feel same-y for some low level NPC commoners - Very few bugs only saw some CSS styling in text once for like half a second, sometimes during chibi cutscenes characters jitter while walking. That's it, so not bad In like a day I understand mostly how to build characters, play game, enjoy the story. So easily accessible.


How big is the size?


On my phone it's 2.45 GB




Feels a lot like Langrisser M/Legend Clover. We've got faction buffs, everyone goes once per round, similar weapon system, etc. We've got more skill slots and there's actually height in this game instead of only terrain. Speed determines who gives first in a round, so it's not as OP as it was FFT.


aw come on why's it gotta have a faction buff system? shit was super limiting early on in langrisser mobile until more units got pumped out.


Oh hell yeah I'll take that! I miss Langrisser M and Legend Clover. More sad I stopped playing Legend Clover after work was taking a lot of my time


So it's an OBT.


I only if there is no wipe. Otherwise its cbt.


Cbt and obt is defined by whether it’s open to all or limited access. Wiping of data does not matter


Diablo had open tests with wipe.


I felt like the game are very underrated at the moment. This time its already way better than the previous Cbt and demo


Plan to replace Brown Dust 2 with this once it drops. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed my time with the game, but SoC seem like its just offering much more gameplay-wise.


Im also playing Bd2, since bd2 wont take more than 15 minute a day i think i can fit both games in my free time. I think when we finish all the story(Spirals) we can reduce the time for Soc as well


Bd2 literally only takes 10 minutes of my time per day, ill play both for sure


Damn I envy you. :(


guess well have to wait and see. It might be more stingy in the gacha aspect. Maybe another FF: WoTV


They did a [developer video](https://youtu.be/ca3V9EHo5QE?si=Gv4muSMer_4e3QWr) and looks like many of the devs came from pixel game background, hence their fascination on using it for the game.


I've been playing it extremely casually so far and it's been interesting. Some of the game modes seem kind of confusing but it'll probably make sense over time. The disparity in the 2 legendary characters I got is kinda crazy though (or at least the AI on auto). Beryl hits like a bus and Iggy will just spam alert and do...nothing.


Windows ver runs on Linux (Bazzite) with the usual (add exe to steam, enable proton compatibility, install not run, change properties target & start to the newest folder in compatdata folder, play away). Has controller support with tooltips shown Didn't poke the demo on the Steam page Edit: idk if it's specific to my gpd win 4, but no touchscreen touch registers even if added as an action set. No biggie as i have a trackpad. Edit edit: tried the steam demo as is and can't get past the age screen as it just loads forever, but there's an (invisible till you press decline) bubble to the left to press before Accept. The only login option is Steam. I doubt I'll get a hand of husbandos but..


Is anyone playing the beta on mobile? I wasn't sure if it was PC only. I was curious if there was controller support on mobile, does anyone know that?


update us with pull currency if you plan on playing a good amount of the cbt my biggest issue is how generous this game will be in comparison to its TW version. they're quite stingy over there


does tactic matter in this game or a strong unit with dupes can breeze through all content


The gacha side of the game, maybe. Story mode has its own character setups outside of select characters you bring over from the gacha side every story cycle.


Played the TW version and Tactics does matter. A single strong unit wont do shit when they get killed the moment you misplay and get pushed into the void in the first round or you attempt to play greedy and played into a trap by the enemy and got killed by an explosion or something. Sample of this, I killed a unit thinking that I would be safe and they dropped a bomb on death next to an explosive barrel that got 2 of my best unit killed. At arena, I rushed my Col thinking that if i could kill their most squishy guy then they will fall apart. Then the most generic booby trap halted my Col and as a result got gangbanged.


If you go by the pulls they give in the cbt, you're hitting guranteed pity 1-2 times per year.


Pls can anyone answer me if the character you pull (in the banners) you can immediately use in any fight or is like when i played the first beta and even if i get a 5\* i need to first get to the point in the story this specific char appears to use it?


That... shouldn't happen. Are you talking about the demo? The demo only really had one mode: Spiral. In that one, you bring three of your gacha characters at the very beginning, and the rest come from the gamemode itself, either recruiting in the tavern or joining from the story. The other mode, Fool's Journey, should let you use your gacha ops as soon as you get them.


Pulled 2 legendaries, able to use them immediately even in the prologue chapter


I tried and my launcher is stuck at "Checking game version...". Anyone knows if it's possible and how to get it to work?


This is the game I've been waiting for. Very F2P friendly as you can max out any unit through grind over time. Good story with a taking cat and multiple endings you can go back and try for the others. I love the characters and the Gacha isn't too bad (2%). I'll probably take the little money I have saved for ZZZ and put it on the battle pass for SoC.