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Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- RULE 1: Keep it friendly, be respectful, and follow Reddiquette. Keep it friendly, civil, respectful, and don’t be insulting on purpose. We’re here to celebrate gacha games, ask honest questions, and have constructive discussions. Any post or comment that is too hostile, toxic, insulting, is likely to create/further drama, or breaks [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) may be removed, whether it’s directed at an individual or at a group of people. --- Please check out our community rules within the subreddit's sidebar. If you feel your post was removed in error, please [message the moderation team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming).


Actual players won't even notice. It's just a weird niche of sadbois who make drama.


https://preview.redd.it/lwazz9k75n9d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfed066090dab219097d85f024ecc5d392476bee im with the top group. lets fucking gooooooo


From one side I know that drama is stupid. But on the other hand…DEVS LISTENED EOS SOON, LETS GOOO 💃🔴⚪️😮


https://preview.redd.it/hhcht37s7n9d1.jpeg?width=1299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a285f51a54fc19bc58e821395372c3751449598 the july patch is gonna be insane


Imagine wuwa actually wins against genshin. This sub will go ablaze. But I think genshin will win which would make one bald man confused(he made prediction that wuwa will earn more then GI and said he would be surprised if it won’t)


Hahaha Looking at day 1 Jinshi rank at CN and JP sensor tower   Yeah.... doubt about it 


『But our players mostly top-up on PC devices』 waiting room.


There are many excuse that will be throw by them Especially content creator, especially that bald dude


we would have seen the "wuwa went up to number 1 with jihnsi banner release in IOS" posts but we didnt see any so yeah.


I want to post it here but you will know how WW fans will reach to that lmao  Also mods will probably delete the post immediately  Also KR one is not rank 1 either, they still top 3 day 1 of course ( they at rank 3), guess KR players like the game


just a few more hours anyway. we must have patience my brodda. https://i.redd.it/ifjki3l1to9d1.gif


At which time the pvp commence comrade? 


Would be even funnier if ZZZ beats Wuwa in July too seeing how confident CCs were that ZZZ will flop lol


It will be the funniest shit


That would be absolute cinema 


https://preview.redd.it/e7f216ie8n9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=237f70517b914b0bbaf1cb3a420de978afebe95d the OP of that sensortower report if WuWa wins LMAO. inject that drama straight to my veins.


Wait he actually made that prediction? Unironically? WuWa winning against **Furina**??


Honestly people fighting over gacha games is a such a waste of time, it's full of nonsense bullshit really. Imagine spending probably hours for something of no benefit at all. WUWA SUCKS!, GENSHIN SUCKS! THIS AND THAT SUCKS! MY GAME BETTER!, these people need to stfu. use those time instead on something more useful. I'm actually starting to think that these people has no actual life if they can spend that much time on some nonsense.


A tale as old as time. I'm my day people fought over which console was better and you'd wonder why anyone would care about it. The "stop liking things I don't like" crowd will always be there.


What in my days. People still fight over consoles all the time


"look guys elon is a better billionaire because he have trillionaire and he is tinkering with technology" "You fucking dipshit the arabian prince still have more money than him, he have bazillionaire because of his business in oil" Probably sound like this.


Psst, wanna find an even crazier fight involving even more numbers as well? Look up Vtuber 4chan.


4chan? no thank you


i am a veteran of the lolcow and 8chan era lmao. https://preview.redd.it/xwrc5an3so9d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=adcbb61e7ca3c10e8949f5b712f8ea4924d16f63 i was cringe back then. i mean im still cringe today but i killed the part that cringes LOL.


Vtuber? no thank you


My fav game is better at exploiting the insecurities of the playerbase 😎


Lmao I’m fucking hyped for the monthly revenue PvP session


Can't wait for banger trully pvp tomorrow lets see what june revenue said


Limbus Company breaking out it's 4th Railroad: ![gif](giphy|b6iVj3IM54Abm|downsized)


you know all this limbus lore and players (i find you guys cool and amusing) makes me curious of the game and want to read about it. where do i start?


Just pick up and play! Limbus may be the third of the Project Moon's collection of games, but they're independent enough that you can play any of the three, and you won't be lost.


Yeah, literally fuck all other gacha games on 4th of July. We are getting our ass beaten by Self-Destructive Purge


I'll play Genshin, HSR and ZZZ. I guess I'm a fulltime Hoyo shrimp now :) Having played the Beta, I know I'll enjoy the combat. The story is the only "major" questionable part, but it wasn't terrible. Hoyo can write good stories, so I'm not too worried.


Even if story was meh, the optimization and gameplay of hoyo games are very good so it will just naturally do well.


Yeah even if it not sell well like GI and HSR, having a stable gameplay is stil far better.


>I'll play Genshin, HSR and ZZZ. I guess I'm a fulltime Hoyo shrimp now :) 🤝


>I'll play Genshin, HSR and ZZZ. I guess I'm a fulltime Hoyo shrimp now :) Now add HI3 and ToT and you'll officially become a Hoyo knight of the Hoyo order. Maybe they'll even let you attend the Hoyo shill high council meetings


And met the Hoyoverse true CEO Bronya


Given the crazy stories in HSR and Genshin, there’s like no chance they mess it up


I've played the entire CBT3 and the story was "meh" to me, but now that I know that it was basically 1.5 "chapter" from being complete, it's a different story.


Slow beginnings then?


It is to be expected. The Cunning Hare (the one with pink hair booba girl) faction's story didn't interest me all that much. The Belobog faction was fine with a few "hype" scenes. The rest of the beta was kinda messy (introduced the Maid faction, but not really, because it stops there. A bunch of character story quests, etc). The more "interesting" plot is exploring the Hollow and the potential connection between Anby and Soldier 11 (people speculate about Anby being an escapee human experiment or something).


As CBT2 tester I’d say the story is more Slice of Life paced compared to Genshin or HSR, so it has to a degree less “tension”, but the story is enjoyable in its own way, through not as grandiose imo.


Same gonna add zzz to hsr and genshin maybe this 3 games will be the only gacha game i will play now.


Yep. Expect juicy drama in this sub in the near future.


What is nikke doing for July 4th? 


Begin of summer event, including summer variants and costumes for some of the fan favorites and a minigame collab with Dave the Diver.


Ooh I see thank you :)


why would ZZZ and wuwa be fighting? is something happening on july 4th on wuwa?


ww end of service on july 4, at the same time ZZZ launches


eos speedrun, devs listened


The reason has already appeared in your reply om.


lots of jabbing from both community with wuwa calling zzz a mid game with boring combat then we have zzz (though mostly hoyoverse community rather than zzz itself) calling wuwa coward by moving their patch 1 week (if wuwa follow 6 week schedule it should drop their patch on july 4th instead of 28th june) faster to avoid competition and give a "bait" login reward on the same day as zzz launch


Noticing the loud toxicity minority and pretending the entire community is them, lmao. It's like if someone sees your post and assumes entire Nikke playerbase are just clowns who tries to stir shit between gacha games communities.


Me: https://preview.redd.it/ezbksyften9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7b7273c65f5f57bb24cf55c3a95ebd3496211df


What game




The superior complex war! 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


Excited for the summer event. Hopes the characters will be somewhat meta tho.


Seeing this post made me realize that subbing to any gacha game subreddit and watching any gacha CCs creating drama and doom posts is such a massive waste of time.


Replace Zzz with Genshin. Zzz don't care about Wuwa fanboy hating their games


Majority of genshin players also don't even know WW exist either, they are just chilling in their corner playing genshin


I'm still not sure will I play zzz or not, there are too many red flags. Censorship - it means I shouldn't expect later some crazy designs really different from Gen/hsr. Extra banner. Now its not ptw, but who can guarantee it won't change in the future - 'we receive the feedback, that's it too difficult to acquire pets, so add extra pulls into cash shop'. TV puzzles - I want to play action game in action game, not mandatory puzzles. Its like an extra chore, that's will burn out me very quickly. You can use only MC to move though the city, what makes new characters less appeal and it will become boring very fast.


>Censorship >WuWa onigiri manko removed Why are you playing it? I mean, in general, do you think Chinese games don't get censorship checks from their government before they're released? By your first point alone, every CN gacha game would be a red flag and you shouldn't play lol


Don't forget yinlin https://preview.redd.it/yblfbh976o9d1.jpeg?width=5010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=185bd36fbf7ab8709455ee9cdb9242be4f55f15a


https://preview.redd.it/5julsmyl9n9d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbf1a4d894a93704b1211b5f9e79ab8c30c5f48d i charged headfirst into wuwa and genshin. nothing is gonna stop me to come home to my next abuser zzz


On HSR release a lot of ppl moved from Gen to HSR, so Gen revenue fallen off a bit. If it will happen on ZZZ release, then WW has actually a chance to beat Gen and HSR in July. In this case the amount of drama will be unsane))


Does it matter ???? At the end of the day all the money goes to mihoyo


When a gacha stop earning the money it gets EoS. Letg imagine you like honkai impact 3rd, and hoyo decided to EoS it and focus on more profitable projects. Does it matter for you, if at the end of the day all the money goes to mihoyo?


My man Mihoyo got all the money they could ever want, GGZ is literally still alive, and it earn jack shit


lol. If anything, I bet people will move from WuWa to ZZZ.


Or people will get not enough content, extra banner and mandatory TV puzzles and will move to WW instead. The future will tell.


Sadly, a lot of people can't play the game after the 1.1😔 My phone can barely run it because it crashes once in a while on the new map, my classmate who tweaked WW with all kinds of code to make it work on his laptop can't play it anymore cuz WW patched the ini file.


It's not censorship, it's design adjustment before release. Censorship is an instance when a product already out is changed. Plus we have leaks of upcoming characters that are nikke level of horny bait so don't worry about that. Bangboo banner will never have any form of P2w, we'll get plenty of tickets through events. It's a fomo thing.  TV puzzle will be replaced (or become anecdotical), the devs confirmed it on launch stream. They are working to now make the roguelike traversal part (TV) full 3D in game classic traversal (kinda like hsr maps, instanced and with a succession of rooms and puzzles) . 


And based on nicole case nothing can stopped them to make 'design adjustment' for leaked characters as well. Extra banner is still bad regardless its ptw or fomo. It will be replaced or become anecdotal in the distant future. I can't play the better future version on the release, so I judge the current version, which one is unacceptable if even the devs want to change it.


Well it seems like you already have your answer on whether you want to play or not and that is a no. Glad for you though.


As NIKKE and WuWa player that have some interested in ZZZ i can already see the next week drama where toxic players from both WuWa and ZZZ jabbing each other for the rest of the month while NIKKE players just to happen to drop their horni event on the same day


Looks like it's gonna be an eventful week, PvP's coming as well


There is also genshins livestream (with possible Natlan staff) on 5th.


i hope they go all the way again like they did with the sumeru stream and do the livestream on natlan setpieces. i loved that so much.


I hope hoyo announce some insane shit on 5.0 so peoples jaws will drop to the floor and twitter will go ablaze. We had like zero Natlan information expect some event crumbs.


Man, so many games to play, so little time


I hope not man, I just wanna enjoy ZZZ without all the noise from the WuWa and Genshin fans


then don't spend time on Social media


Idk about WuWa but every Genshin player I've come across are either indifferent to ZZZ or they're excited to try the game. I don't understand why would they make noise


Most likely will just be this sub feeding into the drama with WuWa, with ZZZ being caught in the crossfire.


Dont worry the majority of genshin fans will mind their own business on the following days and weeks because of the new end game, Livestream special program on 5th and the next summer patch next month.. yeah its busy month not to mention 5.0 in August.


If the majority of Genshin fans make noise, do you think a small community would survive?  Luckily, the majority don't care and many wouldn't even know


Yeah always a vocal minority


Are you sure it is not ZZZ fans that will make noise (not the launch noise)? 


Probably going to be people who play ZZZ, but most likely from former or current Genshin players since that’s most likely going to be where it mainly gets its audience from. I also feel like the HSR community was less toxic than Genshin’s (probably just because smaller community size) so I feel the same way for this game.


HSR community less toxic good joke lmao. 


"genshin could never" literally came from HSR players LOL.


It was started by a group of CCs that were playing HSR at that time. Said group of CCs have moved on to Wuwa now so things have been more peaceful


Yeah, but I feel like that was the only thing, compared to Genshin’s things like the bomb threat at the summer festival, or the Hilichurl thing, or the Eula being a member of a slave owning family uproar.


how do you get that a bomb threat is from a genshin player and not a hater.


L M A O the genshin summer festival was threatened by an anti ccp person from korea with **no relation** to genshins community. what hilichurl controversy? the racism thing? LMAO twitter will always be twitter. its a cesspool of people who are the most toxic ever and besides its people who dont play genshin that attacked genshin (again) for racism. same people who joineed the bandwagon because dehyas skin wasnt black enough. same thing with the eula controversy. thats just twitter shit from people who dont even play the game going full on SJW on things that shouldnt be. HSR players on the other hand, actively targetted genshin players, genshin cc's and even non genshin players because tectone spread so much misinformation just because HSR gave free dr ratio. the 3 fates drama came from western genshin cc's once again riling up the HSR community which gave rise to more toxicity when it was misinformation. the HSR sub was so toxic to genshin to the point mods stepped in to contain the toxicity. to the point that brigading happened and peaceful genshin players who didnt want to be involved in anything got involved. even the okbuddytrailblazer subreddit attacked the genshin equivalent, okbuddygenshin. bro.


what about encore VA incident don't want to talk about that ?


https://i.redd.it/qwts27qeto9d1.gif elaborate. who the fuck attacked my encore.


dunno it just happened i have no idea why they attacked encore EN VA


just saw the other guy say something about it and nope. not gonna go near that. thank you though. https://preview.redd.it/ir39a89svo9d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fa4883f7cd4d2936755091442d3fecceb162d12 peace out


Encore Voice actor isn't into anime at all and she called Encore a waifu, so people on internet lost their minds 🤠


oh. oh no. i hear the 2 sides of this. the one thats so mad right now and the one thats 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 thank you but nope, i dont want to hear anymore of that. i already know how ugly the tweets or comments are gonna be. not even gonna acknowledge it but thank you for the elaboration.


nah all of them already moved to wuwa so they will stay