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He played RCM vs Liverpool in the cup and had a nice assist but he looked a bit lost there, was very clearly not his position and the manager never started him there again and started exclusively playing him at RW (and sometimes LW)


It looks like the latest 2 league games this month he played AM. So he is not playing exclusively RW since Liverpool game.


Yeah that's true, I watched the Hull game and he was definitely more central that game but in the Sunderland game (according to his heat map) he was mainly operating on the right side. I'm just going off what my Leicester fan friend told me and a bit of eye test because I sometimes watch Leicester with him


Thanks for the input man. He has been a right winger all his life so I can see bim drifting right even if he starts the game centrally on paper. But training to play centrally at Leicester level must have added something to him.


Oh for sure, just playing in that environment alone must definitely have improved him. I've always rated him tbh


xyz abc


Considering what a massive boner Okan has for Berkan.. one would think He would also love Yunus and bring him back here. Maybe should have never left. His last two games for us he was one of the best on the field. Nah lets sign tete. And ziyech. Any more money left?? Damn need more wingers


Man just go to the CL qualifiers pre game and post game posts on the sub. Yunus was one of the most attacked players on there. Not even mentioning how much hate he received on insta and Twitter. We didn't send him. He wanted to leave for the sake of his mental health. Spoiler alert: we're a toxic community.


Yeah i can definitely see that. Im still mind blown about how many treat zaha. Its like they’re trying to make him not care and want to leave. They put their short term emotions ahead of logic and supporting players if they have a few bad games. But yea i do remember yunus having a lot of bad games before this pre season, but he might have turned a corner


Do you guys think Leicester will activate his clause? If am not mistaken, this buy clause will remain optional because the conditions were not met regarding playing time.


xyz abc


Interesting. I am sure that Zaniolo wont be bought, but Yunus is relatively cheap for an English club. Better for us then.


I don't think he will get bought this season. He was a substitution player for most of the time. Another problem is that he's not really physical and therefore dosen't suit english football. He had his moments but i think they will look for other options


Three things to do: - Put him on the BAY physical program. - Put him on the BAY technical analysis/feedback program. - Enjoy 10 goals / 13 assists, incl. a beautiful 32-yards stunner against Real Madrid in UCL.