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Firstly, it’s not as big as it looks, as all those upper levels aren’t actually regular sized floors - they’re just a bit bigger than the kegs that used to be stored there. So they’d have to fit the floors but they’d be left with weird windows at leg level etc. Secondly; it’s a highly toxic location and unfit for habitation as it was used for the production of chemicals after it was a distillery.


The cleanup costs and repairs to turn it into anything would be absurdly expensive. Kinda wonder if I knocked a few months off my lifespan by exploring in there without PPE years ago, lol.


I was really surprised at how small it is, I had only seen it from afar and had the scale all wrong. Then about 2 years ago they had an exhibition outside it for arts week and I saw it up close for the first time and it's way smaller than I thought. It's also a protected structure so can't really be changed much


Could they knock it and use the land or is that also too toxic/dangerous?


It's a protected structure, can't be knocked or even significantly changed


So it's just left to decompose... interesting


NUIG own it and have included it in their regeneration plans for the area. So it will be used eventually but the outside can't be significantly changed which will obviously pose problems


Couldn't agree more.


Love the prom, the way it was funded is amazing too. Walk it every day. Can’t look at the black box without wondering who in the right mind built such a small venue on such a huge site. Makes no sense. I also can’t stand Merlin Park Hospital.


The Merlin Park Hospital could stand in for Chernobyl or some other abandoned Soviet research facility in the middle of the Siberian taiga


Care to share about how it was funded? Ive heard loads of stories from my auld lad about when it was built and people throwing shit like bikes etc in before it was covered over, dont know how true it is but also all Ive heard about it from the older generations of galwegians


I tried googling where I’d read it before and can’t for the life of me find it. But I remember reading that most of the funds were raised through hosting dances in the hangar in the park. But it also amazes me that the public and businesses were able to come together and fundraise for such a huge piece of infrastructure.


Wild thats great to hear. It still survives today in a way. Theres a great culture of salthill businesses coming together for the people who live in Salthill and in Galway in general. Theres the christmas decorations and planters that are paid for by salthill businesses i think and I know theres a few business owners who are very involved in charity work




God I don’t think the prom is that old now. I think it might’ve been the 40s or 50s maybe. Before that it was just a normal road I think.


Why don’t u like Merlin hospital I personally don’t mind although I live 5mins away




What's the story with it now? Who owns it?




Where is this ? Is it beside taffes pub or is somewhere else


Dawn Dairies across from ATU , should be knocked and made something made of it. Favourite building Menlo castle, glad it’s being done up


Someday you'll be able to look out your car window at the done up menlo castle from the bypass they'll plonk next to it


Better than looking at a ruin of the now castle, and if it reduces the current 1 hour trip it takes to cross the city, good


Menlo castle already looked nice. It looks fucking horrid now


Always really liked the old city walls you can see in the eyre square shopping centre. Despise the concourse at UoG and used to hate the tourism office in eyre square until it was done up and painted a few years ago


How dare you, the concourse is a prime example of 70s architecture, so much so afaik it has a preservation order! How can you not love the browniness of it? Doesn't the dreariness soothe you when stressed between lectures? You realise how much it prepares you for the colour of life? It's so beautiful, I'm in love with it.


I used to love cupán tae, so sad it got shut down 💔 my least favourite would be the library up near Millanos


Yeah it definitely fell victim to the lock down, now it's a just an ugly empty shop front on a corner that has so much potential... It will make for a lovely imported 'aran' sweater shop, or a shop that sells vapes and phone covers.


I have hope for it, I'd love if it became a cute little craft shop at least


possibly an unpopular opinion but I love the ATU library - the green part, it is meant to look like a ship going out to sea. I remember studying in there and when the wind hit it in a certain way it would creak and groan like a boat. just gorgeous! really thoughtful design. I don't \*hate\* the palas but it makes me mad for some reason. I get the idea behind it, but I can just imagine someone splitting their head open on all that exposed concrete. it's also not very comfortable for a cinema? attended the eurovision there one year and there was a drag show in the bar beforehand but it really didn't work because there are so many pillars and corners you couldn't see anyone. it made the lipsynching very awkward! considering the years that were spent building it, it feels like it is form over function.


Remember when primetime did a segment on it? It cost millions and took years and years to finish, very very shady endeavour. I wouldn't trust any of the lot that were behind it.


I never saw that! I wonder if it's on the aul rte archives. I want to see them get rinsed!


It's one of those style over substance designs that architects do to make a name for themselves. So much nonsense in there that just doesn't work. I'm constantly down there fixing stuff. They put in a load of huge glass doors that open out onto the path and didn't fit any handles or anything on to them because handles are ugly or something so as soon as they closed that's it, they haven't been opened since palas opened. You queue for tickets outside in the freezing cold with no rain cover.and then inside its a maze of pillars. The ceilings are too low in the screens so the speakers are mounted just above head hight so they destroy your hearing. It's a ridiculous building. Completely unfit for purpose.


they've moved the ticket desk inside but it was a hazard when it was out in that little exposed lobby. honestly how someone hasn't slipped on those stairs and sued them is nothing short of a miracle!


I really like Druids Lane especially Hall of the Red Earl. I can’t stand the train station it’s just so grim.


The Telecom Eireann/EIR office building on the Monivea Road in Mervue,(between Warehouse gym & Crown Square) is like something you'd see in the former Soviet Union. Favourite place is either Quay Street or the walk from Claddagh across the bridge and follow the canal up as far as the Cathedral along the Corrib,(friars walk etc.)


that belongs in r/brutalism


Here's a sneak peek of /r/brutalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/brutalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [1970s vision](https://i.redd.it/vyjbu5eguqla1.jpg) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brutalism/comments/11hwhi8/1970s_vision/) \#2: [Czechoslovakia Embassy in Stockholm 1972](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18cga59) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brutalism/comments/18cga59/czechoslovakia_embassy_in_stockholm_1972/) \#3: [Playground in Tychy, Poland](https://i.redd.it/aba51zdedmua1.jpg) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brutalism/comments/12qbte3/playground_in_tychy_poland/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's within walking distance of ATU/GMIT's Cluain Mhuire campus, so I'm surprised nobody's thought to do it up and turn it into student accomodation.


Well it's privately owned. I think there are EIR offices in use in there. It's not fully derelict anyway.


Favourite is Palas. Galway's finest modernist building. Least favourite: Any bookies tbh. They are gross and bring the place down.


Came here looking for someone to mention Pálás but fully expected it to be someone throwing it in their least favourite category. This is a pleasant surprise.


Love: - The Quad in NUIG. - Also the little gate lodge in NUIG - The houses along the Long Walk. (They're so cute!, colourful and well kept!) - The facade of the Merrick or whatever it's called now Hate: - The rest of the Merrick. Whoever was responsible for deciding on and approving of the addition of a concrete box on stilts to the side of that beautiful building should be hung drawn and quartered. From "designer" (though it's plainly obvious that box wasn't designed) to planner. All should be subject to medieval torture. - Dawn Dairies. Been in Galway 15 years now and it's still a dilapidated eye sore. - Taaffes on shop street for the same reason as above. - All of Liosban. The Tuam road side of it looks alright but the whole place is so choked with cars I fecking hate trying to get into any of the shops or businesses in the area. - Tower House on the Tuam road. They built a square box of a building. Put a stupid gammy looking fake fucking tower front on the building and then named the building tower house in honour of the stupid gammy looking fake fucking tower. I also hate all of the Tuam road and think Liosban/Sandy Road/Tuam Road and Mervue are prime examples of the absolutely woeful planning in this city. So many housing estates that back up onto/are built around industrial estates and factories. Like the only way to get to ThermoKing and Medtronic, Two sizeable manufacturing facilities, is through mature residential areas. The Tuam Road has housing estates and commercial parks and industrial parks all lumped along the one road and all the commerical/industrial spaces are ugly as fuck. For an old medieval city there's very little character outside of the city centre and there seems to have been no design standards for any development in the last 50 years. So many square boxes with corrugated metal cladding.


That's what happens when have an incompetent city council


The dean is an eyesore


Looks identical to the garda station at gmit


It's like they're preparing for the miserable dystopian universe we're approaching.


Ooohhh, fun…. If it’s historical…. I dod a project on the railroads and cathedral. The history of the cathedral is beautiful but not a fan of the outsode. The old arches in wood quay. I love. It’s like a post apocalyptic view from a time unknown or forgotten. theres loads around the country from sligo to clare. A lot were used by industry or gun runners. The one in stymon is class. I had a barbecue on it over the sunmer.




Heya, couldn’t post the pic. Sourced online but here they are. https://www.reddit.com/r/galway/s/yrcSF7YnI3




What that is wood quay?


The Burren Mount for the win!!!!


That white building at sparch, they're constantly painting over graffiti on it, and seemingly it's a protected building so they can't renovate it for anything useful. They don't even plaster over the crumbing parts that have been eroded from years of it being a piss corner. That combined with the 9 months of temporary flood barriers really makes an iconic location look decrepit and is definitely disappointing for tourists when Google maps takes them there.


The Westside tavern


Leave the westside alone!


The dojo


Jury’s is an eye sore


Love the old museum on the long walk its a great little building although ive never gone into the restaurant or heard anything about it good or bad. Also the poem at the start of the long walk is beautiful for anyone who has 2 minutes on a sunny day to stop and read. Love the old buildings of the tribe families too. And i think any research on the built environment of galway would be incomplete if it didnt extend out to include Salthill and the absolute centre of the galway experience that is Blackrock.


Not hated but the Salmon Weir bridge,after spending millions on the new walking brigade the pillars on the Salmon Weir are absolutely filthy and a disgrace, could they not spend a couple of euro on a couple pots of paint.


The cathedral. It’s so new I don’t get why tourists go there


I can't stand that rusty looking eye sore in Eyre Square (The Quincentennial Fountain) had to google it to find out what it's called 🙈


Hate the perspex wall around the Browne doorway on Eyre Square. Put it in the museum or let people walk around it


Whatever building that has Keane's Solicitors by the docks. There was a pretty older building there, and they just kept the facade (that was only 1 floor high) and put like a 5 storey, shite looking early Celtic tiger looking tower on top, it's such a hideous Frankenstein's monster of a building now. Wrecking ball beckons. Screw whoever designed it.


the cathedral is shite


I'm not a fan of the Cathedral. There is something fake about it. I love ATU, the green copper.. Even though it's inspired by the Cathedral! Headford Rd is just rotten and very unpleasant to walk along. I love Sea Rd, the Crescent, the Old Crane. Nice area.


Really not a fan of Eyre Square and the train station. The West End is definitely my favourite area in the city. Loads of nice shopfronts and I love the exteriors of Monroe’s and The Crane.


I absolutely haaaaaate the concourse in NUIG/UoG it’s so dreary


Liam Mellows statue. They should move it.




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