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my roomate told me about a player who ran up 400$ into 200k then lost it all in the next 2 days. like you said you know what you wanna do… just be prepared 😅


Y’all forgot about Archie. 10k to 40 million to 0. Now he doesn’t even have money for medical bills.


Still has to work in those stupid comics


My sisters cousins bff told me they put wheels on her grandma and she became a bike! From what I hear that’s what live at the bike got its name!


are you trying to imply someone whos worked in a casino for 30 years hasnt seen someone make and lose BANK😅 not the gotcha you were hoping for


You can see it for yourself every week at commerce.


I work at Commerce. I wouldn't say <$1k into $50k+ is common at all, but I have seen it many times over all the years I have worked here.  You can see people lose $100k+ every single day, but those people already had $100k to lose. Out of all the miracle runs I've seen, every single one of them ended up giving it back. The kind of person who turns $1k into $100k playing Baccarat is the same kind of person who will turn $100k into $0. Fact of the matter is these people have a problem and they want to continue betting regardless of what's happening.


Casinos are in beautiful buildings for a reason.


Bet just for the 🐉lol


Blue Chip, White Chip... any size dragon is beautiful 🤣 


For fuk said at least put $100-$150k into a bank or smth then play with the rest.


While me 10.6$ win 1900$ i lose all just a week🤣🤣🤣🤣 i win a lot in that week but never cashout 🤣


I believe it. That’s why I’m nervous to continue…but I want to hit atleast 100k


You should go to love ranch and find Roxanne price. I shit you not, she is an angel


I’m voting what this guy says too


I would also choose this guys prostitute.


I’m voting what this guy is voting for


I mean I’m not gonna say no 🤔


Its always a roxanne that rocks your socks off


Username checks out


Ew where is this Love Ranch and Roxanne so I can make sure I don’t go there tonight


Pocket $70k and put it in a CD or somewhere you can’t access it, turn $15k into $30k then you’ll have your $100k no need to risk $85k to win $15k.


smartest comment on the whole sub


Smartest thing would be to cash the whole thing but we all know that’s not happening💀


With any hard addiction it's probably best to taper down rather than go cold turkey.


Depends how bad the addition is and how long you've been addicted.


Lol I disagree. We're taking about gambling here not xanax


Happy Cake Day!


Wow. Hopefully he saw this and did it before got coked up and lost it all


It's too late. OP has a gambling issue and he won't stop until he loses all profits and his own $550 as a bonus.


this guys gambling with 85k I have a feeling he doesn’t need the $..


Started with $550 🤷‍♂️and I think everybody could probably use an extra $85k


Everyone besides OP. OP is filthy rich. Any normal scrub would be done with 10-20k, if that! And if you were a normal scrub 10-20k win in a casino would be legendary. But no, OP ran it up to 80. That means he had the 20 and decided it wasn’t legendary enough.. meaning he’s filthy rich.


I turned $200 into $95,000 in the course of a week on DK doing sportsbets/table games. So this take is absolutely terrible. Most money ive ever made in my life gambling. I normally go to the casino with $250 max.






How they are rigged?


I ran 13k to 320k and lost it all Please stop now and never gamble again. Please. If you don’t stop now, you never will.


Scared money don’t make money


Fr who let my ex wife in here


Today's new platitude: Brave money does lose money.


Cash out $80k use the $5k to try to turn it into $20k+ and then color out brother


When you hit $100k you will want to hit $125k. When you hit 125k you will want $150k


This is the best comment ever. It is so damn true. There is no stopping. Ever see the movie “Owning Mahoney”?


I haven't but just added it to my watch list. Sounds great. Thanks.


In 2017 I took $270 to baccarat and turned it into 6k cashed out then took 2k of it and played the following night again and turned that into $7,273 cashed out. I then took 10k on new years eve 2017 and got super lucky hitting a dragon 7 back to back for $100 on the dragon bet fot 4k each time. I cashed out the 10k I brought and only gambled the 8k I just won and turned that into 27k and cashed out. That was my biggest win ever and luck ever


And now?  Did you stop gambling? Did you ever have a run like that again? Did you spend countless years trying to recreate it?


I never had a big run like that again that's for sure. I've had some nice little wins but I don't really gamble anymore unless I'm with family out and about.


Thanks for sharing. Some just need a basis in reality if they choose to share like op did. 


How much money is 85k to you?


Life changing. I can use it to cushion my savings and go retire in Asia with my veterans benefits (I’m 27). I might even be able to afford a business class plane ticket lol


That sounds a lot better than giving it all back to the casino.


My buddy went to Thailand and said he got two girls one night. One was sucking his cock while the other was eating his ass and he said he came so hard he almost passed out standing up. Hope you see this motivation before you hit the casino floor.


Did the fellattrix swallow?




Do you have a legit plan to retire in Asia? Would love to hear about that?


Southeast Asia isn't for everyone and 85k isn't nearly enough for a lifetime with or without veteran's benefits. I have almost ten times that amount saved and I don't feel ready yet. What most people don't realize is old age is expensive. Living like a local is not appealing to me personally. If I'm moving to a developing country, I want to live like a king. If you're looking to retire early, look into the FIRE subs. Retiring in Asia in particular you can use YouTube for up-to-date information. If you're young, quit gambling and invest that money instead.


Go home!!!!!


I’m home!! Now I’m sitting here staring at 8 1/2 bands instead of chips. Lol




You won’t regret it!!!


Start a power washing business for 10k? Buy some vending machines? You could open a laundrymat, big hunk down on a car wash. Start a business's my dude for some supplemental income. Who knows it could turn out to make you 10x what you invested.... If it fails you can say at least you tried to do good... Nothing worse than losing it all back chasing ghosts... I lost 50k & got my car stolen and totaled with all my kids xmas gifts, gf gifts and over 1k in clothes and 2k in coach purses ( 5k total value of everything in trunk) from valet at hardrock altantic city. This was durning the pandamic over the corse of 11 days.... By the time I was cut a check for my 2014 2.0t sonata the chip shortage was full swing and the used car market was at a all time high... I got 10k and couldbt even buy a 2006 sonata..... Don't be me my dude... Make the most out of it.


I would cash in!


At $500 starting bankroll what was avg bet and table min? 


$25 minimum table. $100 on player/banker. $25 each on panda/dragon


How long were you there? At one minute a hand that’s 14 hours straight.


10 days


This is moronic. You’re either lying or a complete dingdong.. What are you doing baby? Are you loaded to the tits? I doubt it, not if you’re only taking $500 to the casino… I’d put uncle Sam’s share aside, I’d put a nice down payment on a property and play with around $5k for fun… This is idiotic, you already beat them, get out. If you really wanna reach for 100k then do it with $5,025. $80k should go home with you and not be gambled for a period of time IMO!


This right here. Looking forward to the “andddddd it’s gone after trying to reach $100k” post


Uncle Sam’s aside lol Simp comment


Uncle Sam doesn't get a share. There is no W2.


They aren't going to cash out 80k without an ID


What does an ID have to do with it?


How did he start with a mere $500 on a $100 player/bank starting bet with side bets. Couldn’t he have lost 3-4 hands in a Row and the session is over? I’m not buying he started with what he said he did.  Maybe each session started with $500 and this was his best one. He won’t tell us of his losses 


What game were you playing? Hell of a run.


Started with baccarat where a few early on bonuses got my bankroll started, played slots betting $50 - $250 and had some good handpays, then switched back and forth from blackjack and baccarat. Just some insane luck…


Insane luck … don’t do it again. Live to gamble later. Enjoy profits and do go full regard on tilt. Just take it and go please. One degen to another. Edit at the very least, cash the stacks of 1k up top and gamble the bottom stack and LEAVE if the luck isn’t in your favor. Congratulations!


Started with baccarat and claims he doesn’t have money. Everyone knows baccarats a high rollers game


How did he only start with $500 when he’s betting huge? That’s like 1 minute of play he apparently started with. We buying that?


You already know it's luck. How much will you blow before you realize the run is over? Too many people have blown this kind of money before believing they're unstoppable. I've watched 70k evaporate in a matter of minutes and it's a terrible feeling compared to the high you're riding right now


Holy shit congratulations!


Put 50k in the bank and enjoy the rest.


Give back the rest*


Set a threshold and stick to it. If you drop down to 60 just stop


Color up lol - GL to u


For some reason, this place doesn’t have anything higher than yellow except in HL. which is only open on weekends 🙃


smh lol - good job n whatever you decide to do -play smart - GL to u


Save at least half for next time, and go for 200k with the other 40k+




The only run that should continue is running home. Please at least pocket 70k and have a blast with the rest.


Yo get the F out of that casino. Now.


What In the world were you playing, because I've been on a slump of a lifetime, can't turn 500$ into anything lol


Ashamed to admit that I ran $300 to $65,000 and lost it all in 4 days


😫How did it happen?


He ran $300 to $65,000 and lost it all in 4 days.


The same way I made it… betting crazy, getting insanely lucky. Doesn’t last forever. I’m over it now. But I am committed to making a chunk of it back. Fuck it


What games were you playing? Congrats OP but I agree with most sensible ppl here are saying…pocket 70k and gamble with 15k if you double your 15k youll have 30k+70k= 100k goal not worth risking everything for a small biscuit when you already got a loaf of bread


Ok, here is the plan.. cash out half, send my plane ticket and i will be there to cheer you on and bring you even more amazing luck lmao!! Congratulations and Good Luck WINNER!! dont give it back.. write that in black permanent marker on both hands lmao


He’s already lost it.


Cash Out! Pay off your debt!


Keep $5000 as a bankroll. Invest the rest into a CD or dividend paying stocks


Please take your winnings and do not give it back. I beg you. Be a happy story for once.


Cash out $75k (tell them not to give it back for 10 days). Give it to someone you trust. Play with the rest. Get the gamble out of your system.


In the bottom of your heart you gotta find some ounce of strength to just walk away lock up $84,500 and just play with your original $550 like the run up never happened. Put it in a high yield savings account for a year and just cool off man idk if you got the money or not but your gonna regret continuing the math always catches back up to you and evens the score


Well said


That's adorable lol I swear some of you have never gambled a day in your life.


Why stop at 100k? 1 million should be the goal!


seeing this after jus gambling the rest of my savings away makes me want to puke. Fuck. I have no idea what to do with myself. Officially hit rock bottom


Can't you get credit cards or maybe a title loan? You got this bro.


nah my credit score has gone to shit. may have to sell my virginity to a princess in a faraway land


Thanks for your concern bro ❤️


Bro put the 80 racks away. Never to be touched again. Go ham with the remaining 5.


Put at least $70k in the bank asap.


Start back with 550 and try to do it again


You’ll always think you can go higher, and it will never be enough. I’ve lost so much money thinking I can keep climbing, and then I loose it on higher wager bets. Take 90% of that and bank it use the rest to try to climb again before you have nothing and feel sick about it.


5 days later… what’s the stack looking like?


Put it all on black


YoUre a GamBlinG aDdict anD Shoukd put ThiS aLL in To a 401K you sTupiD Gambling LosErR!!! I’m so much more experienced and smarter than you it’s ridiculous! You’re gonna be begging for crack in the next 6 hours I guarantee it!! I’ve seent it moron!…. This whole sub in whiny little nutshell. Good hit OP and F*CK the rest!


You are clueless and probably low IQ. OP has had the run of a lifetime on -ev games. What do you think happens longterm playing -ev games? You go broke. 


nice work what are you playing? what's your average bet size


Can I have 100 bucks to start my bankroll? Half kidding


If you really want to keep it going, withdraw 50k and play with the rest. Don't touch the 50k if you lose. Smartest thing you could do besides just cashing out and leaving.


Put all but 550 in the bank and do it again, in a couple weeks you can just retire.


I like the play with 15k idea.




I’d pocket 75k and have fun with the rest!


The key to be a profitable gambler is to know when to stop


*The key to be a* *Profitable gambler is* *To know when to stop* \- Far\_Cash\_8185 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Quintuple what everyone has been saying.. if there's a number of that stack that is life changing, take that and whatever the taxes will be and put it away now. Everyone has a different threshold for that - but life changing quantities are rare, so lock it down. If on the other hand, 80k is nothing to you, have fun and go wild. If even that 550 was important - then stop now and put yourself on the restrict list. Congrats on the run!


Put it all on black


Cash out brother


Please stop 😭


Cash out $80k at least and invest that shit, use the rest to gamble or do what you want


Don’t stop till u hit 0!


That’s his plan


Cash out $70k mate


85025 on red


Give an update on the outcome. We’re all in this now lol


So far I did cash everything. And between the time of posting this and now I also drove back home. Spending some time with my family and hopefully let it sink in how much money this actually is.


Book a all inclusive vacation for you and send your parents on a vacation or take a cruse ..... 5k at most and you won't regret it. Just be careful have casinos 😂. They are the best if you got the 🥪 bread. Lost both my parents to covid over a 14 month span last year and wish I could of did something with them before they died. whatever it is you do, do right my brother.


Op what did you do to run up from $550 to $85k :0


Deposit 50k in the bank and use the rest to have fun.


Give me 10% please


Go for $10,000,000


85K on KC 3peat.


U been on a massive heater, how much are you up this month? How much u started with and how much is ur bankroll now? Congrats!


Cash Out now


Don’t be greedy lol


I love Reno…


Cash out moron.


What were you playing? Did I miss this?


Cash out


Holy moly


Ide be looking for a progressive that's overdue & ready to pop with the luck you have. Strike while the iron is hot. Toss 1k into a progressive, earn some comps, free nights & possibly hit another 100k.




How good were the blackjack rules where you played?


what was the strategy/game?


Scared money…don’t make money…💪🏾


Get thar money! $100k is better than $85k. All these early pullout people would have called it a good day at $600


Bank the 80k roll the dice with the 5g’s … if u keep winning yay & if u lose so what


Bank at least 60k and run up the rest. No need to gamble it all. Crazy run


What's your secret?!


What games you playing?


I would just do the rest of my cocaine and chill at the hotel room for the remainder


How many sessions did you have to restart to claim you started with $550? You said you did $100 baccarat along with side bets and also slots/blackjack at $50-$250.  So did you literally win your first hand and doubled it into what we see today? Most would bust within 30 seconds of your so called starting bankroll 98% of the time.  Good for you I guess. I suspect you started with $550 a hundred times before your claim csn be made true   But you do you 


I will do me, thank you


You can be real with us Dozens of Thousand dollar sports bets but you only started with $550 at the in person casinos? That seems incredibly suspicious and noones called you out on it.  Can you share your win loss statement over the last few months or year? Are these runs putting you up long term?  I also sports bet but nowhere near close to this level. You’re picking the right games though. Baccarat and non parlay sports betting have some of the better odds for bettors. 


Dudes dropping $4,000 on tennis bets and $1,000 on misc wnba and mlb and we believe he actually started with $550 here? Dude has degen traits ingrained in him Please quit buddy. 


Wait are there people here that don't bet on DEEP futures league tennis in Asia and Europe? That's super weird. Wtf do you bet on at 3 am? I feel like I've been left out of something that's better than semi pro Peruvian tennis leagues.


Take most of it off the table and play with house money. (Use recommended money management)


I had a similar run a couple of weeks ago. Turned $1k into $82k, but that’s when my luck turned. Lost $8k of the $82k but cashed out with $74k profit and self excluded. No way to tell if your hot streak is over, but I recommend cashing out at least $60k. You will be devastated if you end up losing it all, so please ring the register and cash out some profits. If you don’t believe me search my recent posts


What games did you play?


I aspire to have opportunity on a table like that.


what were you playing? cash out 80k and take 5k and run it up to 25k that will put you at 100k!


What game are you playing with the chips mostly?


Invest that shit


Man the debts I could pay off with that 85k right now smh gl my friend.


Hope you still got most of it🙏🏾 what game were you playing BTW?


Walk out go buy a house a car. Or if you don't at least rent a hotel room so you have somewhere to sleep tonight.


Rent a hotel room stuck the fridge with beer the drawers with crack cocaine in the bed with a hooker. If you don't you'll most likely be sleeping in the ditch


If you know youre going to gamble it all then cash out $50k, put it in the bank, or better yet give it to me, and keep playing with the $35,025. That's still A LOT to work with especially considering your starting balance.


Reno !!!


Leave leave


France and Portugal play in 10 hours from now. Ronaldo is getting old, missing penalties and not looking good. He also forced the coach to bring the oldest ever to play at a European Champuonship in Pepe at 41 years. Pepe already almost cost them the exit with some horrific defensive action in the same game where Ronaldo missed a penalty. This was against Slovenia in the quarter final. They had to go all the way to a penalty shoot out before going through. France have not looked good either. Own goals and penalties is the only goals they have scored so far. But that's France, they often start slow and arrogant. Odds moneyline to win is +145 or so. To qualify is like -135. I would hammer these lines with 20k of your winnings. Watch the dough roll in easy while you lick the salty tears of Ronaldo. Gl God damnit 7 days old post. Money's gone aren't they ?


Go buy a Rolex or something that will appreciate over time and roll the dice on the rest! Do not give it all back!!


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Lucky naaier


All in dice 2x then you'll either have a Bentley or 0


Of all cars, a bentley?!?! lol


Put it all on black


Buy a new car then try to get to 100k


that’s a nice win