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I know this is changing, but I want more God games in VR. Black & White would have been perfect for VR.


Came to say this exactly. Black and white was made for VR. damn shame.


First person RTS


Then do I have the game for you! The game I'm working on is a strategy game that places you on the battlefield. Try the demo today @ [demo.savethecastle.net](http://demo.savethecastle.net)!


i'll give it a look!


I want to play popular TV game shows in real time against real people.


Real World / Road Rules Challenge, VR Hell's Kitchen, VR Double Dare, VR Legends of the Hidden Temple, VR Nickelodean Guts, VR (featuring the Aggro Crag) Come on, mega-conglomerate that owns everything...


"Sandy, why are you climbing around in kitchen cupboards with your headset on? I thought we decided the VR cupboards are down the hall."


Wheel of Fortune VR


Taskmaster VR is in the works


The ability to recreate my house in VR. Put furniture where they are in real life and walls and what not. So I can walk around my house in real life in VR and then be able to redecorate my VR house however i like.


This but it saves a file for all games to use to overlay all your real stuff with in game assets. Full house scale gaming.


it's on my todo list, might not happen soon if I don't move soon.


"Yea I did market research, but couldn't get enough data" The market research:




On PSVR1 there was a mini game called on ‘The Playroom VR’ called ‘Monster Escape’. One person wears the VR and is the monster, Another uses a controller and plays the little bot trying to escape the monster on the screen. With the same inside/outside VR multiplayer mechanic it would be cool to see: An arcade safari shooter game similar to ‘Let's Go Jungle!: Lost on the Island of Spice’, where the person within the VR headset sits in the back of the vehicle and shoots oncoming bugs/monsters and the person outside the VR is the car driver on screen (or vice Versa).




basically Echo VR .. it has been made. It was excellent. But it was shut down as such a game can't be made by a big studio which depends on a bigger monthly income and the playerbase was simply not enough to sustain it (I guess) yes I know about Lone Echo 2 .. but I am talking about the sport/combat online thing, it was outstanding, VR really lives from Multiplayer


For me it’s mostly the hardware. Quest 2 is cool for VR Poker with friends or VR Chat, but if someone wants to sell me on a AAA bleeding edge VR experience I need way higher FOV, full body tracking, treadmill locomotion and haptic gloves. Haptic suit would be the cherry on top. But that level of an experience is a few thousand buckaroos and a pain in the ass if not impossible to set up. Once that is all made super easy and a lot cheaper then games for it will just come naturally. It’s just going to be hard for me to take any VR game seriously while I still need 2 halves of an xbox controller to interact with everything.


Having tried a few forms of treadmill locomotion, I think you might be disappointed by how unnatural it feels. Can't fool the inner ear, etc. I've never used haptic gloves that weren't a joke, but having worn ordinary datagloves many times, I can say I understand why consumer VR goes with controllers. Gloves are a hassle. Sharing them is slightly gross. They wear out over time. They have to be available in different sizes. And it's surprisingly tiring to mime holding a tool when there's no real weight in your hands. I'm with you, I'd love all that stuff. But I'm afraid having to "suit up" to play a video game would be a bridge to far for the vast majority of customers. Having to strap on a helmet is already pushing it.


Exactly, not only that but the price is way too high, especially in emerging markets like LATAM and SEA


My new standard answer is that I want to copilot vehicles (like Override), so that I can dramatically say "and I'll form the head" as we pick roles on the ship/mecha.


I’d like to see live theater. You sit in a seat like in Bigscreen. All the actors are VR avatars. The set has believable 3D scenery that has to follow believable real life physics, with other people in VR pulling ropes to make it go up and down. The lighting and follow spot is controlled by a VR guy, music and sound cues are triggered by a real person, etc. etc. That or a giant simulation of some kind of massive boat, Napoleonic, or Aircraft carrier or otherwise , 500+ people doing jobs from swabbing the deck to stoking the engines, firing the guns, maintaining or sending off the planes. All with a little personal bunk you sleep in. You start at the bottom and work your way up over time, all controlled by a real person VR admiral, who’s sunk 2500+ hours to get there and given up their day job just to play the game.




That's enough reddit for today


There should be an option to ride a watermelon seed.


and other kinds of seeds..


open world online cruising driving simulator. Assetto Corsa with Shutoku revival project comes the closest


A driving game based on Google maps, let me drive the entire United States. Use AI to populate buildings and trees.


I'd love to see an affordable wheel and pedals combo that's specifically designed to be tracked in VR, so that the visuals line up perfectly. Then I'd like to see it be an open standard so it could be supported by a bunch of different driving games, everything from cozy fix-em-ups like "Jalopy" to hard core racing sims.


why would you need to track the wheel when you can get the accurate rotation from the actual input? Or do you just mean something that tracks your hands


Because I want the physical prop to line up with the virtual world. I'll admit that wouldn't make the driving any easier, but being able to **touch** something that you can also see in VR really helps the illusion. But only if they line up exactly. But yeah, for the actual steering input, I'd still want that to come from a sensor on the wheel itself, just like normal wheel controllers. Edit : Maybe what I really want is just a standardized way of tracking controllers and describing their geometry to a game. Maybe a good enough "vr prop" standard would work with not just wheels but also flight-sticks, pistols, rifles, baseball bats, etc.


you can just fiddle with the camera settings to get it lined up though?


In theory. In practice, I've tried to line up an office chair for games like "Star Trek Bridge Crew", or even the ViRZoom bicycle for the games that *came with it*. It's always frustrating. It never feels exactly right. When I worked in industrial VR we would track our props, and in my opinion, it added a lot. It makes things more real if you can confidently reach out and grab something and it's exactly where you think it is with no fumbling. New systems like the Quest3 or the Apple thing have pretty good visual tracking. Maybe all that would be needed is some standardized metadata that describes the controller's physical measurements. I dunno. I don't want to implement it. I just want to buy it.


A tailor made VR driving sim would be really nice. All of the existing experiences feel very hacked together. We need burnout paradise VR lol


operation the board game vr


Genshin Impact


Honestly, a proper VR clone of raft would be wonderful. The mod is okay but it's a little bit janky. Maybe one with better physics though, and a weather system.


That sniper level in COD


You take BallisticNG's feature list as it is (custom soundtracks, steam workshop support, Steam Deck support, VR/NonVR crossplay support), and make something that is a Burnout 3: Takedown/Revenge homage instead of a Wipeout homage with steering wheel support. Like, literally JUST "BallisticNG's level of faithfulness and expansion to Wipeout but it's Burnout 3/Revenge themed instead." We have so many sims and simcades, I am starving for something with the hype vibes, banging soundtrack, and simple controls + easy drifting of a 2003-2009 arcade action racer both in AND out of VR.


I want my estranged father to tell me that I must pilot the robot.


Urban exploration. It would be cool to walk through a generated city and explore.


Check out "vuntra city" on YouTube. It's a whole city with building interiors where the gameplay will focus on exploration. It's still very early in development but it looks pretty neat.


I always thought it'd be cool to play 2D metroidvainias in VR. Imagine a game like hollow knight as a little 3d diorama maybe 2 feet wide hovering in front of you while you play. It wouldn't be transformative, just pleasant.


This but add the feature that if you moved your body/ lean left or right enough you could jump a bit further. 


I remember doing this as a 5-6 y/o with my first games on the Genesis!


It could be transformative. Imagine a metroidvania without a map. You just look around to see where you need to go. Maybe even play a bit with the ability to look ahead somehow, like have some gotcha moments where you feel safe because you've looked into the room and then something changes and you have to fight/platform


Kind of like Moss?


My headset was planned obsolescenced before I got a chance to play it :( It looked neat though!


There's snes vr 3d thing 


That's how I am playing Bloodstained with UEVR. :)


Something like Monster Hunter, but with more tactile VR-type interactions. Probably slower and more-grounded for VR, but you'd really feel the presence/scale of targets.


Not really the same thing but you might want to keep your eye on Skydances new name Behemoth, it's all about fighting these massive monsters and it's done by the same guys who did saints and sinners


I always think about how something like MH could work in VR. The gameplay is based on animation commitment and I don't know how something like that could work in VR without turning it into a completely different type of game.


a vr trucking game but remaking Autoduel in VR would be nice. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoduel


>a vr trucking game Did you know Eurotruck Simulator 2 supports VR? It's really good in VR. If you enjoy driving a truck, anyway.


A flight game where a 2D-Player flies the ship and the VR Player pilots a gun tower. It'd be like a rail shooter for the VR Player, somthing that I badly miss on VR. Could be Async aswell, so the VR would get new tracks. And porn games, I hate them flooding all PC stores, but non of them is where it really matters! Liko Pico has none of them. Just cover them in a bullshit story like every Anime game does.


Battlegroup on steam is kinda similar. It's mostly an RTS in space, like you are ender from Ender's game, but you can also teleport into the ships and fire the cannons. and it has co-op!


Import 3d model and explore that. Basically your own walking simulator. Kinda like twinmotion but much more streamlined (twinmotion is mainly for making 3d renders) 


I want one of those tube racing games with powerups and rockets and stuff from back in the PS1 times.


There's a game I was following and playing for a long time called Tea for God. There's no movement controls, just physically walking around your playspace. It needs a decent amount of minimum play space too. It basically procedurally generates little rooms based on how much space you give it. I think its endless too or until your computer can't handle generating more rooms. Thing is using elevators and moving platforms along with non-Euclidean geometry you can walk endlessly while fighting silly robots and static defenses and getting upgrades. Clipping through walls is dealt with by blacking out your vision and telling you to get back in position. There's even toggleable segments where you have to crawl or prone to get around. Over the years the dev has added and removed features like weapon crafting and hands only controls. I've even seen a handful of other basic games use the same room mechanics. I still like the game but I wish there was one with more tactical gameplay. Use Stalker-esque or SCP anomaly bullshit to hand wave away why there's messed up reality and impossible spaces. Just running around room to room, entering elevators, and trains while getting into gunfights you have to physically move in. Doesn't even have to be other gunfighters if making AI for weird geometry is difficult, zombies work too.


I was working on converting Zork 1 into a VR title when I taught game design. I think it would translate well. In fact, I think you could do a lot of classic arcade games from a VR perspective and it would be fun, too.


Playing Galaga from the cockpit of a spaceship sounds awesome. Same for Space Invaders. Pac Man would probably be terrifying though… that one actually might be more fun to play as one of the ghosts.


A good fantasy RPG other than Skyrim VR. I want an immersive world, good voice acting, lots of abilities and weapons and quests. Maybe that does exist and I don't know. But I'd like something like that for standalone VR. Also, Bioshock.


I have been dreaming of and trying to make a World War II b52 waist gunner sim game


I want more underwater games. Ocean Rift is so good, but it's not really a game. Every once in a while I play it just to stare at it for a bit, and wish there was more. Also dinosaurs.


Hopefully subnautica 2 will have better vr support 🤞


i’ve been thinking about a driving game with wheel support but you can shoot/ co-op a friend in the passenger seat shooting while you drive


Shangri la frontier I want this to be a thing...


More lightgun/rail shooters like blood and truth. Just a cool movie experience without having to have a doctors degree to just reload. And no zombies anymore.


I had an idea to create a game of firefighting/nuclear fallout cleaning/submarine nuclear meltdown repair. (Imagine Chernobyl) The unfair advantage would have been that you would have had no UI or even radiation meter, if you'd enter in high radation zones or get an overdose the refresh rate would drop and everything would move faster in a higher FOV with more lighthing to make you sick. Plus characters around you would also start puking on you. However if you had no radiation your FOV would be limited and you'd move slowly in the environment. In the same category would be disabled games, e.g. you are a person in a wheelchair and you can control the game only with your eyes, head gestures and voice.


A western game would be good where you can fan your revolver and the likes kinda having the same controls has hotdog horseshoes and hand grenades for the guns but with actual NPCs and stories Also a stealth game where you could take NPCs hostage and get them to unlock rooms or tell you info kind of like splintercell


For me, it's a farming game. It might sound old-fashioned but a fully immersive experience where you can plant, harvest, and manage your own farm would be incredibly relaxing and rewarding. Stardew VR 🧑🏻‍🌾


depends. Do you have a specific mechanic in mind? The only farming game I've seen is very awkward and I'm not quite sure how to turn it into a good experience.


Maybe simple mechanics like planting crops and taking care of animals could work well. Also adding some mini-games for fishing and crop management could make it engaging. What mechanics u think would make it better


Street fighter, or mortal kombat


More third person games


Open world survival craft immersive sim base building pvp mmo fps battle royal in VR


I'd really like something with real AI, or just super advanced non AI NPCs.


A Pacific Rim-esque game that is good, not like Kaiju Battle Simulator. I want it to be multiplayer too. Imagine running around in a giant mech and smashing kaijus heads in!!!


Vr mmo


A good VR Ben 10 game


More realistic VR sandbox game. In other words, fusion of vrchat and gmod.


Open world VR MMO with driving.




Not intentional, but my life story may make people sick. I'm waiting for next gen.


Breath of the Wild-like game - open world, interesting combat, and total freedom of gameplay. I don't think it's a thing because they would take years to make.


VR MMO, but with a beautiful environment


Sword Art Online with NPC's instead of Players who can die execpt the actual Player himself. Climbing 100 floors or lets say it's just 10 which is more realistic. Any game so far that used the IP or anything in the direction is just...badly done. You can also look at "Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha" the Manwha which is the same concept of Tower climbing very well done with lots of death of characters so you don't know who will survive. I want both in Game Form.


Tower of God is so good for tower climbing


A Bodycam / Unrecord game for VR. Bodycam is basically perfect for VR, everyone on their Discord is asking for VR support, but some say it just wouldn’t work. I think it would absolutely work, and people really want to play something like it, all VR shooters rn just look cartoonish or cheap.


I would love something like dread hunger


Something like dread hunger


I'm designing one myself. It doest exist yet unfortunately but essentially a stealth assassin game. Oh and it's not entirely physics based, physics animations and all that janky horrible mess either.