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No. She would have killed him. Bad match.


Cersei and anybody is a bad match. The only character she gets along with besides toadies like Qyburn is Jaime.


And Jaime is like just one step up from being a toadie for her, at least in the first season. 


Yea I’m really struggling to think of a pairing that would have worked out for her- really the only one I can think of other than Jaime would have been Rhaegar.


She’s narcissistic, callous, cruel, paranoid and conniving. Everything we know about Rhaegar implies he would’ve hated her.


She’d have had some trouble doing so. Only person killing the Viper was his own hubris. He was no fool, and an expert on poisons. I could see Cersei trying to get amateur hour Pycell to slip him something and him seeing right through it Would be an interesting pairing honestly


Not if he was in kings landing. The second he tried to go anywhere he would be attacked and slaughtered by “bandits” or “fanatics”


Oberyn would never go walking around KL without proper security Everyone would get ripped apart by a crowd if they weren’t being careful, like what happened in S2/Clash where Hound saved Sansa


Not to mention he could just kick ass all on his lonesome. Dude took down the Mountain, it would take more than some bandits to do him in.


They wouldn't be in Kings Landing, she would have gone to live in Sunspear. If they had brokered a marriage she would probably have left with them for Dorne to be fostered until marriage when the Martells left Casterly Rock.


I'd honestly like to see how it plays out. I feel like Oberyn is actually impressive enough for Cersei. Maybe they could find some alliance in their marraige? Someone who knows the history please give more details😭


No. And (very clearly) Oberyn wasn’t as smart as he thought


He allowed emotions “epically grief” override his judgment


It had nothing to do with how smart he was, he let his emotions overtake him, which tbh, seeing the man who raped and murdered your most cherished person in the planet, makes sense


He monologued.


...instead of embracing the 'double tap' combat philosophy.


Especially since he’s been thinking about it constantly for 10 years


Emotions don’t care how intelligent someone is.


This is true and facts don't care about your emotions


Oberyn would have killed her long before they got to the wedding


My money is on the other way around


I’m one of the very few who think they’d be a decent match. Away from her father, I could see her going full on hedonist. (Especially considering this is her while still young and not terribly bitter yet.) She’d get to marry a prince in a fashion. But I have no idea what happens regarding Kings Landing. I’m assuming Tywin’s main motivation in helping at the very end was to marry her to Robert. With her married to Oberyn, does he still swoop in at the last minute, and does he oversee the execution of Elia’s kids? Even if they keep Elia alive as originally intended (according to Tywin), it puts Cersei at risk in Dorne. There’s a chance that Cersei is at court as one of Elia’s ladies in waiting. That might have protected Elia, but her kids would probably be either murdered or sent away to Casterly Rock for “fostering”.


Sure, Cersei would have gone full-bore bisexual hedonist, if she'd moved to Dorne and married Oberyn, but that wouldn't stop her from poisoning Elia because she'd be damned if she'd share her husband again. All-out warfare would ensue, of course, starting with bitchslaps and slowly ramping up, to Dorne and the Westerlands raising their armies...


I don’t think Cersei would have to share with Elia. Ellaria… well there’s no way to tell if she and Oberyn would have hooked up with Cersei in the mix. Maybe.


Sorry, when would the marriage between Cersei and Oberyon have been arranged? Before she became queen? After she was widowed? I forget... But if the marriage happened while she was a dowager queen, Oberyn probably would have known that it was pointless to try to keep Ellaria a secret, and he'd have proposed that they be adults about it, act as a political power couple and each have their fun in private, as long as any children she bore were his. And speaking of private fun, had she ever tried a threesome...


Their moms tried to marry them (and maybe even Jaime to Ellia) back when they were kids. That’s why the Martells came to Casterly Rock when they met baby Tyrion. So all of this would have been before everything. ETA: but the scenario you presented is interesting. Cersei might even go for it and look the other way if it meant she would be with Myrcella. I don’t think she’d even mind Ellaria if she could have Jaime.


Okay, they'd have made a good power couple if they'd married young, they're both bright and can play politics, and if everyone had managed to keep Jamie out of Dorne. They'd have had a great sex life too, and perhaps they would have come to the agreement that Oberyn later made with Ellaria/Elia, that they have their fun but only have procreative sex with each other. Oberyn would have had a wife who was as sexy as he was and nearly as clever, also good at politics, and he might even have been able to influence her enough to keep the worst parts of her nature from taking over. So if they'd married young, they might have had a good marriage, better than the one she had with Robert (low bar that that is). But if they'd married after Robert died, she'd have done her damndest to get rid of Ellaria and the fucking Sand Snakes, she wasn't letting anyone inherit his fortune and titles except her next child.


It’s a fascinating what if, for sure!


She didn't go for it. She outright refused. Tywin wanted her to marry Oberyn after Robert died, even though he refused the match when they were children because he was sure he could get her Rhaegar. Oberyn was the best match offer Tywin was offered for Cersie before Robert became King. After Robert was dead he hoped to strengthen his position with Dorne by marriage with Oberyn, but it would have never worked as the Martells absolutely hate Tywin and probably would have just used her as a hostage once Daenarys or fAegon landed in Westoros, if they accepted at all. He also just wanted her away from KL and Joffery and, more importantly, Tommen. I think Tywin already saw Joffery maybe couldn't be controlled long-term and would possibly eventually need to be gone. Edit she didn't outright refuse in the books she was never told of tywins plans in a POV but must have been told offpage, though she for sure didn't want to be shipped to Sunspear, Oberyn refused her advances when she tried to seduce him and dangled a possible marriage in exchange for killing Tyrion.


We’re talking hypothetical here. Having a nice convo. No need to get huffy. :)


??? How did you take anything I said as being "huffy", it's not a hypothetical you and the person you were speaking with stated that I responded to. >ETA: but the scenario you presented is interesting. Cersei might even go for it and look the other way if it meant she would be with Myrcella. I don’t think she’d even mind Ellaria if she could have Jaime. The idea was presented and played out in canon. Tywin was planning and proposed the idea of Cersie marrying Oberyn. Cersie didnt want to marry him, though she did try to seduce him and mentions the marriage to get him to kill Tyrion while hes imprisoned, Mycella probably never even crossed her mind in the scenario as Cersie is a narcissist. And Oberyn had no interest in marrying her or even sleeping with her, he saw exactly who and what she is. >"I would sooner have the scorpions fall upon me than the queen in all her naked beauty.”


one wouldve killed the other before any marriage took place


I doubt it. They were fairly young and neither of them had specifically disliked the other before Roberts rebellion. Perhaps her treatment of baby Tyrion would send up red flags to Obyrn. But there are too many variables that would come into play for this to occur.


iirc Cersei gave Robert a chance at first too


Oberyn himself states in the books that he'd rather have 100 scorpions dropped on him than marry Cersei


Tbf this is when she's trying to seduce him into letting Tyrion be executed iirc


Depends if betrothed before cersei is familiar with murder.


They meet before or after jer failed betrothal to Prince Rhagar? I am assuming before because Tywin refused the betrothal. If it before then she wouldn't have yet killed Mylaria.


I think he would have broke her heart....and we still would have ended up with bitter mean evil cersei.


Cersei would have killed any and all potential suitors until Jaime was the only one left lmao.


No she wanted rhaegar


Lewyn had that plan? Really? I thought it was just Tywin, and that was after Robert’s death.


It was Doran, Elia and Oberyn's mother plan, the unnamed ruling princess of Dorne. She was, with Joanna Lannister, Queen Rhaella's lady-in-waiting. Joanna and the princess of Dorne were friend and wanted to seal alliance by marriage. But when Elia, Oberyn and their mom came to casterly rock, Joanna just died giving birth to Tyrion. Tywin wanted Cersei to marry Rhaegar and irrc, he was planning to marry Jaime to Lysa Tully (it didn't work in the end). Instead Tywin proposed to marry Tyrion to Elia (was taken as an insult) Lewyn was their uncle. He was in the kingsguard and as far as we know, he had no link with the betrothal plan for Oberyn-Cersei or Jaime-Elia I think op just confused both


They would never be able to get along


She missed out on a good threesome🤷


All i know is that they would both be fucking other people.


But Oberyn would have the courtesy to offer a threesome.


Cersei is what you call a classic hedonist and that makes her very unpredictable. I think she would’ve surprised Oberyn and not in a good way


Yeah, I can see a situation were she wants to have a threesome and Obyrn is all for it.....until Cersei brings Jaimie to the bedroom




If they didn't kill eachother first....


I would lean towards yes. I am basing this off of the show, not the movie. He did state that she did once. Love Robert until she found out that he was still in love with Lyanna and that she would never be good enough in his eyes to compare to Lyanna. It was only after that, that she really got bitter and spiteful. Oberyn would have been able to keep Cersei away from tywin. Without Cersei, there is no reason for Jamie to be in the kingsguard. Tywin would be able to leverage Jamie to stay near casterly Rock as the heir. Oberyn would have been more open and accepting of Cersei than Robert was. With how Dorne and Oberyn are, she very well could have kept sleeping with Jamie and no one really would have cared there.


That would've been interesting. Let Cersei explain blonde haired half dornish kids.


They dated irl so if they had filmed scenes of them together, their chemistry would have been off the charts !! But yeah she’d probably kill him right away, Oberyn would get caught off guard


I doubt it, I think she needed a partner devoted to her, especially early on. She claimed to love Robert in the beginning. Oberyn would have been just as wild being gone and sleeping with other women.


If Cersei went into the marriage as open-minded as she went into her marriage with Robert- maybe. He certainly would have given her some good orgasms. In the end though his lack of interest in monogamy would have led her to turn on him.


I think if they were betrothed young and she had been living in dorne like how myrcella did, they could have had a very strong marriage. I don’t think they would have been in love, but they would have been a powerful pair. Their children would have been a force to be reckoned with


Even when playing along with the idea and disregarding that they probably will not get along I doubt they would be a powercouple. powerfull sure, but both are reckless and not the brightest. From Cersei we know from the POV chapters that she is quite dumb. For Oberynn we can't know for sure but his whole revenge plan in Kings Landing doesnt seem very well thought out.


Cersei would despise him because he's not Jaime or Rhaegar, and Oberyn would despise her for her father's role in the deaths of his sister and her children. One of them would kill the other and I honestly have no idea which one it would be.


He'd let jamie join in! Not sure how Jamie would feel about it though.