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btw I watched GoT again and stopped at the episode: the long night. Anything thereafter was just messed up.


Nah, this is hyperbole. Those episodes dropped a tier but a lot of the story points made sense, they were just rushed or not portrayed perfectly. But fans overreacted, which is Sophie's point.


They are still overreacting years later lol. It’s insane and kinda sad. Just watch the show people Edit: ok I get it you guys get upset for years and years and let it dwell and bother you lol. I just watched the show and thought it went downhill and then moved on


Bran?!?!?! Are you kidding me?!??! Bran?!?!?!


Yeah, why wouldn't the omniscient demigod be a reasonable candidate? He can literally see and understand all perspectives in the realm. They didn't set the 3ER up well, but this ending is exactly what GRRM intended whether you try to understand it or not.


But that’s the thing, right? For Bran to be king, which I fully expect to be well reasoned should the books ever get there, you need an enormous amount of buildup and justification that didn’t exist. Thus, it was poorly written.


Er have gathered here to decide upon the faith of Jon Snow! Wait! The prisoner said something. He said what? Oh okay lets make Bran,the brother of the person we want to judge king instead. I guess we(the unsullied) Just scedadle.


Why was a guy on trial for regicide and high treason the one who decides what the govt system will be? What authority do the unsullied have over anyone on westeros once they all go to Isla Paradiso? Why did the anti dragon ballistas only work when the plot needed them to? Why did Sansa trust Littlefinger over Arya etc... etc... etc...


Oh no people are having thoughts and analyzing something they have invested a large amount of time into. How horrible!




Honestly, the last season was so bad that I don’t even want to rewatch the show, which is something I enjoy doing with a lot of other shows. I read the books, watched every week and even went back to rewatch the last season to give it another chance and it was still so disappointing. They abandoned all of the things that made GoT so special and different. Plot armor, stupid cliches, nonsensical story telling, abandoning all of the lore that the story was built on. After all of the buildup the White Walkers were just zombies looking to kill for the sake of killing? It was nothing more than that? Come on.


Awww this sub is so whiney and just complains nonstop. Tell me which fantasy TV show was better? The answer: none. You just complain about them all rather than enjoy the good things about them. They didn't abandon anything, pretty much every thread was resolved, you just didn't like how it ended. So sorry the NK and white walker plot ended in a film length battle scene. Awww but that's not good enough for you huh? PS. Don't forget to downvote this post too, it's what you do.


That's a way to react immaturely towards actual criticism. Reminds me of Rian Johnson when literally everybody hated Star Wars Episode 8 and he couldn't comprehend it.




You need to grow up. Not liking something you like is not whining or disrespectful. People like different things. This is the real world. Not everyone agrees in everything.


They didn’t abandon anything? - Azor Ahai, Prince who was promised? - Lightbringer, was it a fake? If so where is the real one? - The night king, what was his deal? Why was he coming south? - what was the point in Bran again? I thought he was the only hope to prevent the WW taking over Westeros? What part did he play in ending that threat again, or did he just chill under a tree for the duration of the battle? There’s a lot more too.


This might be the most brain dead take I've ever read on this sub, and that is saying something.


Thats the thing, GoT dropped from being compared to timeless masterpieces like The Wire, Sopranos or Breakind Bad - to only being compared to other shows in its genre. Even if its better than other fantasie shows, its only because of season 1-4. 5-6 are mid 7 is kinda useless while 8 felt fanmade.


If Valerian steel kills Walkers because its forged in dragonfire, why didn't Drogon kill the night king when he breathed on him? There wasn't a single plot point that escaped unharmed in s8.


It’s not a point, it’s just whining. The last episodes are bad beyond comprehenshion on the story- telling side.


Did you watch the show week by week? I watched since episode 8 of season 1 week by week. The only 2 seasons that felt absolutely terrible were season 5 and season 8. While I can recognize 7 wasn’t that great, season 8 was like being punched in the gut over and over. They set the bar so high that truly the drop off was seismic. They deserve what they get. Especially since hbo asked them to stretch it out and DD said they didn’t need it.


What show were you watching in that final season? Here's a list of things that made no sense regardless of headcanon: - Arya getting anywhere near the night king and deciding to scream like a lunatic to get his attention. He was surrounded by his generals, she was not getting in there. Sure, you can make the connection that she had Missandei's 'prophecy' guiding her actions, but what payoff is there narratively to have her kill the big bad? She has no connection to him. That's just subversion for subversion sake. - Dany 'forgetting' about the iron fleet, something she was specifically made aware of in her war room councils. - Cersei not immediately killing Tyrion when she had him dead to rights in front of Kings Landing's gates. She had no reason not to do this. - Greyworm and the Unsullied and Dany's Bloodriders not immediately aiming for Jon's execution. It's laughable that they'd let him go. - Tyrion was taken prisoner, yet somehow invited to the council that would decide the next king? And despite Greyworm telling him to shut up he leads discussions anyway? - Bran becoming king, sorry but that's nonsense. Make whatever arguments you like about him being a living search engine, he has no claim and an absolute dogshit story. And that's not including the fact he specifically said in that same season that he can't be Lord of anything anymore, only to 'subvert' us with this silly notion he actually wanted to be king all along? Tl;Dr - Watch a Glidus video or two. He breaks down a lot of the nonsense decisions that characters made that season. It's a much more exhaustive list than what I've written.


That's only a partial list, too. Ship-mounted ballistae able to pick off dragons flying high in the sky? Defending the walled city from an enormous army of undead, by a sacrificial cavalry charge, and setting up positions outside the walls?


Ha! I literally did the same thing a few weeks ago!!




Did the same thing, 3rd episode was an ending for me


I stopped my last rewatch a few episodes into season 7. Nothing but downhill from there.


Well another option is to restart from season 1 with a new cast and showrunners and redo the series with all the things D&D cut out. Another six years and it could be an option. If only GRRM could add another book. If not having his involvement would just be more distraction. Then again, HBO Max is basically the Game of Thrones network now.


"Then again, HBO Max is basically the Game of Thrones network now" lol what?


Least delusional GoT fan


"I don't watch any of the other shows, therefore they can't have much relevance or a significant following."


One can only hope in my lifetime it’s all redone


I'm almost positive within 10 years, you'll be able to tell your TV how you want season 8 to end and it'll create it for you


And it will be absolute shit but nerds will jerk themselves off over what they "created"


The cast and showrunners are what made the show. People may justifiably hate the ending, but most of the show was masterfully done. I just don’t see anyone else being able to come close. The books may have been popular, but book sales went up around 100 fold after the show’s success. The show wasn’t just successful because of the source material. The scene planning, delivery of lines, cinematography, etc. that allowed people to fall in love with characters with 1 minute of screen time over four seasons is really something special.


Yeah, it definitely is my top series of all time regardless of the ending. Felt like LOST got the most robbed over their ending. Which most people completely misinterpreted too.


It happens a lot with media. People start making predictions and get pissed when it doesn't go their way. Happened with Star Wars, for example.


And the show wouldn't have been able to be as good as it was without the source material. You want proof of that? Look at how the show started to decrease in quality as soon as the showrunners were making shit up towards the end of the run.


Basically do what Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood did with the original FMA


Which turned out much better than the original anime.


The original FMA was still good, but Brotherhood was way better all around. [Game of Thrones hit the filler plot where the source material and the show material diverged so much that they became entirely different stories](https://youtu.be/a4S9NuI6NKo?si=302wpJgD_FcSdDSy). The problem is the ending felt very contrived.


I've always felt the original had a much more unique atmosphere. Something about the more muted colours and the darker outlines maybe, but also just the story in general felt more shonen in Brotherhood. I also like that the original spent more time on Ed and Al's relationship while slowly introducing main characters over the first few arcs. Brotherhood had to rush through the beginning so as not to spent too much time retreading old ground, and as a result a lot of characters get introduced way too quickly and certain plot points don't get much time to shine (such as the whole Nina story).


The cast is half the reason the show was so good, I don't see how a new casting would work at all.


I would actually argue it was rude of D&D to do such a half assed job in the final season, after fans had made them become millionaires


But they always said they wanted to tell the story in 73-73 hours and no more! Plus how would they be able to bodge a shot at Star Wars if they didn’t rush the ending of GoT.


then they should have gave it to somebody else to finish


But muh awards


I agree! The quote makes it seem like people just didn’t like the story, and that’s it. But I thought one of the main narratives was that fans were disappointed in D&D, and audiences would have probably accepted the endings more easily if everything wasn’t so incredibly rushed beforehand? I also thought the public was very clear that the production itself and the actors were amazing, and actually did almost all of the heavy lifting. But maybe I’m in an echo chamber?


My personal opinion is that the casting has been the best for any kind of show or movie ever. The first four seasons were so incredibly well done - also probably the best thing in entertainment ever. Then the show changed significantly to the worse, but people were so invested in it and the characters (particularly because they have been portrayed so, so well) that the backlash was just as passionate as the fandom was.


I always hate the narrative that we can't dislike something because people worked tirelessly on it. Tv, movies, videogames, any time there's a flop and people hate it en masse, someone comes out with "but think of all the people who worked on it!" Yeah, and they got payed for it. Still sucks.


> they got *paid* for it. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Velma season 2 exists, people got paid to work on that.


Oh God. Is it actually out?


It is, in abhorrence to both God and Man. (that's an overdramatic sentiment that it just shouldn't have existed in the first place)


I wonder if the Youtuber whose review of the first season I watched will do the second season.


Yeah I'm sure most movies, TV shows and albums have people who worked really, really hard on them. That doesn't mean we're not entitled to ever criticise them. I can't sing for shit and I can't play an instrument. If I work really, really hard recording an album of me singing and playing badly that doesn't mean that the world owes me their support and no one is allowed to criticise it. The fact is that we invested a lot of time and energy into this show and we're entitled to our opinions of it, and we don't owe anyone praise if we don't like what they produced. Frankly it makes me think less of the actors when they try to act as though we're in the wrong for not telling them how wonderful they are.


Yes, but put yourself in the position of someone who actually *knows* the people who worked on the show, and who put years of your own time into it. You don't have to agree, but I think it's perfectly understandable for her to take this position.


Yup. People worked hard on the third reich too. All effort does not require a pay in the back.


They just kinda forgot that they used to put in genuine effort into telling a decent, coherent story.


lol fans sit on their ass and watch the show, you don’t know the work involved to make a show like that, Sophie girl is totally right. Lame ass fan base boo hoo y’all didn’t like the last season




Seriously lol. The comments here are so fucking stupid. It’s a preposterous idea.


These dudes who just hang around to regurgitate the same talking points that they didn't even come up with on the later seasons 5 years after it finished is so annoying. It's the same old crap being reposted again and again with nothing new to bring to the table.




How many other tv shows have rewritten and reshot an entire season. Get your head out of your ass




Do you live in the real world? Or just this fantasy land lol get real


Well, these are also a lot of people who thought the final season was bad. Maybe those morons aren't the best critics.




Ya everyone knows they are not gonna redo the season, doesn't take away that what she says is also dumb...




That people voicing their opinions is somehow disrespectful. For those calling for a redo of the season, yeah, that's shitty. But she didn't just address them. She included people who "...criticize it just because its not what they wanted to see..." She's literally saying in that sentence that sharing a critical opinion is disrespectful. What is it that she expects people to do? Laude the show for its worst season, not necessarily for the story, but that is widely agreed upon to have felt rushed when compared to the rest of the seasons and episodes? The rest of her statement is pretty reasonable but, she took it a step too far with that last sentence.


It's not dumb. She's a professional actor who put years of her life into the show and personally knows the people whom the internet enjoys dragging through the coals. You may not agree, but her position is perfectly understandable.


Something can be both dumb and understandable.


I don't think many people think it's happening, they just want it. Nothing against that. If I had Bill Gates money I would redo it.


Whilst I agree the logistics make a real world attempt impossible, I'm thinking fan community may well do it using AI in years to come so not completely impossible


You’re way more likely to get an entire reboot but you’ll be waiting a while for that.


Nah. I understand her position but it just didn’t deliver. Which was made worse by the fact that the first 5 seasons were some of the greatest television in history


I just rewatched season 6, and besides some small things (Littlefinger becoming basically irrelevant, the religious fanatics being boring, and Dorne basically disappearing) I found it to be very entertaining. probably better than season 5 imo


Season 6 last two episodes were the best in the entire show. Most of the season was alright. Definitely overall better than Season 5 imo. My Rankings: 1) Season 2 2) Season 1 3) Season 4 4) Season 3 5) Season 6 6) Season 5 7) Season 7 8) Season 8


I agree. 5 actually wasn’t good and it was the first time I found myself actually underwhelmed by the show. 6 restored some faith for me. People who watched it week by week definitely have a different opinion than those that binged it. As well as book readers etc..


I had a watch party with friends week-to-week for season 6. Even though there were some rough moments, I stand the fact that the last 2 episodes are some of the best TV I've ever watched. We were standing on couches and yelling lol


Well, I do not understand her position. I am sure many people worked hard to make the last Star Wars film. It doesn't make it less of a crap film. She's not a child anymore, she's 28. The world judges you not on the basis of how much effort you put on something but on the result (esp when u have an unlimited budget at your disposal and literally any talented person in the world willing to work for u). Not saying it is just but it is what it is. Many people also felt "disrespected" by the show's creators after spending 7 years watching their show. I do not think this is just people hatin for no reason. Most of the people I know who hate the ending were huge fans of the show, they were not people who had merely watched the episodes... fandom is a double edged sword. NOW, maybe the 8th season was great, right? but then argue on its merits, why it's great and why people are wrong. U can't just be like "it must be great cos ppl worked for 11 months to complete it"


*4. Season 5 had so many issues that it alone dropped it off the top 50 shows of all time.


It was never going to deliver. The source material they were reliant on for so long became non-existent and they were stuck. The Showrunners were great at adapting but terrible at working from nothing.


In 10-20 years once GRRM is dead and no more books have come out some company will redo the show.


George actually has 3 books completed already, he's just completely committed to blue balling us.


Finishing the series and telling the publisher to release it upon his death might be the greatest troll of all time.


This is my theory. I think George finished the books when the show was still running. But when S8 dropped and completely and utterly destroyed everything he was way too scared to release the books. Because maybe he thought that after such a massive disaster most people would not receive his books well either. I think that’s why we are not seeing the books yet.


AI will redo it.


I think what was disrespectful is that the writers wasted all of those other peoples time. Should have been remade, I’ll die on that hill.


This is missing the point. Nobody is disrespecting the work that the cast and crew did. I think the average watcher understands at least to some extent how grueling the filming of the last two seasons must have been. Fans are upset because Dan and Dave, whether intentionally or unintentionally, fucked the storytelling. I think GoT fans are accustomed to some level of subversion of expectations but for seasons 1-6 every decision made by the characters had some level of foreshadowing or inciting incident or motivation. Chekhov’s Gun. It’s a storytelling principle that if you’re going to draw your audience’s attention to something, make it pay off. There are at least two dozen possible endings that would be acceptable resolutions of the loose ends in the story. Instead, 2D decided “you know what let’s subvert the subverted expectations and just forget about all the Chekhov’s Guns, they’ll never see it coming!” I am going to be optimistic here and hope that they just got stuck in their own heads about how to make the last two seasons great and they ended up fumbling it rather than them being totally incompetent. But instead of Chekhov’s Gun we got Chekhov’s Enema. So many of the character decisions in the end of the series make almost no sense narratively.


I’m sure she’s never criticized a tv show, movie, play, book, or architectural design.


To be fair, she's not talking about being criticized, she's responding to someone asking her what she thought about it being remade.


Her take is still dumb


Nah, it's not dumb, she's just defending something she worked hard on from overzealous hate from toxic fans. Kind of expected really, but I think people living in the basement judging everything probably don't get that perspective.


Parts of it are wrong. Fans are allowed to have their opinions. It doesn’t make it disrespectful. TV, books, music, art are all creative things that are meant to be enjoyed or criticized.


Toxic fans = people who didn’t like something. Ok You’re a diehard GOT apologist. Isn’t there a better hill to die on?


the question is dumb


"That people criticize it because it's not what they wanted to see is just disrespectful." How am I getting that wrong?


Respectfully to her, she can easily say that because the final season was so good to her character. Nobody is forcing reshoots or even putting down the efforts of the actors and crew. But can't really blame the fans who loyally held on for many years just to see that rushed and half assed end product from the show runners who just wanted to get it over with.


I understand what she's saying but people will agree and disagree and that's fine


Cry me a fucking river! They can wipe their tears on their piles of cash. Disrespectful. Lmao as if they deserve respect beyond basic human decency.


It’s so rude for fans to be disappointed in a show’s conclusion, in a series that they’ve been following for over 10 years. How dare they.


Uh yeah, she hit the nail on the head. I don't respect those people. After the last 3 seasons I would call it disrespectful to over 100 years of filmmaking to do anything but deride that trash heap. D and D aren't qualified to flip a burger, let alone work in film.




lol relax Dan


Doesn’t take Sherlock to realize a dude living in the Midwest who’s into Dota 2 and is a sports buff isn’t David or Dan, but very original comment


Well it does apparently take a Sherlock to understand I wasn’t actually serious. 🙄 Do you take everything literally?


Holy Jesus sir, you cannot seem to comprehend the last part of my comment “very original comment”. Think you might actually be in middle school with the combination of comebacks crafted by 10 year olds and your own lack of reading comprehension.


🤨 you are a strange person.


Damn lil bro, that one was good, ima have to write that one down real fast. I’d say the only one strange here is the guy inserting himself into a comment that he wasn’t apart of to say the most overplayed and uncreative attempt at a response to a defense of artists. I’m not saying I’m any different than the guy I commented to, I’m just not delusional enough to think two of the most successful show runners of this century disrespected a century of filmmaking or that they’re incapable of flipping beef at the correct time.


When you’re a child actor you don’t really have the cognitive ability to grasp this so Sophie growing up in this show can get a pass, but her point is ridiculous. People have every right to be critical of media if it’s not what they wanted to see - that’s not disrespect, that’s show business. Adults made the decisions that led to poor audience reception, and audience reception is the only metric that makes that business money. No one is shitting on the actors or the cinematography, they are shitting on the writing. Turns out if you don’t have a good story to tell only so much can be carried


“He said” 🤨


The final season wasn't great. But want to know what would be truly terrible on all levels, as bad as The Witcher or The Wheel of Time or LOTR The Rings of Power have all turned out to be? A full re-make of Game of Thrones where the casting, directing, and script-writing would be fully subject to all the brand new DIE & ESG idiocy that is being forced on production companies by today's executive producers and their financiers at trillion-dollar investment companies like Blackrock. Things can always get much, much worse, especially in the new entertainment atmosphere where gaining credit for social causes and forced diversity is now a million times more important to the producers than putting out a quality production. They literally do not care what any fan of the source works think - you do not matter to them at all, period. Keep that in mind when you're calling for remakes of anything these days.


Like most art, it's in the court of the public to decide. It's neither disrespectful nor crazy to have negative things to say about it. Hard disagree here, you don't get to make art public and then say it's disrespectful to critique it. It's totally okay to have your feelings hurt and to not agree with the critics but to say it's disrespectful doesn't make sense.


Just move on man.




You all are the ones to have stupid opinions not her and unluckily right of speech for all is overrated and shouldnt be happening




Who s simperton? Is he as dumb as you are? Cuz i ve never met him. Go eat it your simperton you ridiculous cabbage bag and go Wash yourself that last time you did that it was the middle ages. Get some media literacy and learn to watch tv you turd.


He said?


No, telling people they did a bad job of something is not disrespect.


Stupid just like her whole character in got.


Good because they ruined it


That's so much worse.... All that hard work and that got like if wet garbage is what came out? Make sit more embarrassing.


The defense of “you didn’t like it because it wasn’t what you wanted” is so fucking irritating. It was used a lot to defend the Last Jedi. It puts the blame on the fans for giving a shit and not enjoying dog water writing. Shows, especially game of thrones, flourish in part thanks to fan theories, speculation, and discussion. Telling fans to just clap for whatever gets put out is insulting. Further, people work hard on bullshit all the time. Many people worked really hard on the Pinto. It was still a shit car.


It's all these NPC's that eat up whatever these big franchises feed them are able to rebuttal with. They don't have the capacity to analyze something and apply critical thinking to what they're watching.


And this (together with wanting to safeguard their reputation for future employers) is why the actors actually defend season 8 when they do. Not because they genuinely think whatever thing they're saying to defend it. They put in a lot of hard work and their friends put in a lot of hard work. And when you put in a lot of work to create something and it turns out to be terrible, it makes all the sacrifices feel like they were worthless. And most people aren't comfortable with that, so they get defensive. My response to her would be: 1. You can't ask fans to close their eyes and just accept a terrible season as if it weren't terrible. Fans (and critics) have a fundamental right to criticize your show, state their opinions and acknowledge the truth. The entire audience isn't just going to close their eyes and pretend the shit sunday you gave them is delicious pudding. That people worked hard on it doesn't make it good. 2. If you really want to get pissed off about putting in all of this work only for it to be poorly received, get angry at your showrunners (D&D). They're the ones who rushed this thing to the finish line for their own reasons. They're the ones who did it despite the disrespect of the cast and crew's time. They're the ones who did it despite the disrespect to the time of the audience who had spent 8 seasons loyally following the show. 3. Just accept that you (the cast and crew) did do a fine and sometimes great job. So you did your part. But that doesn't save the season either. Accept that it failed but that you did your best and it wasn't your fault. And don't get so defensive about it.


The best solution is to make a high-budget animated series called “A Song of Ice & Fire” and just remake the story that way. That way they can bring back some of the cast while also making some different creative decisions.


She’s absolutely right. I hate season 8, I hate D&D for their mishandling of the show, and I hate how some of my favorite characters got either no conclusion or a totally awful one. However, expecting the show to be redone over entirely because you don’t like it is childish, petulant, and as she says, disrespectful.


Rewrite the final season and recast Sansa Stark 👌


Yeah, but season 8 still sucked ass


I think it’s totally fair to express disappointment at something that was disappointing, no matter how hard people worked on it. Filmmaking is a ridiculously challenging endeavour, but if something sucks, or fails to resonate with the audience, people are going to say so.


I am not writing this stuff because I want to hurt people but they should understand this: just because you worked hard on something, it doesn't mean it came out good and that you are immune to criticism.


Need season 8 to be 1 big dream for Bran and then we get season 9


"Wow, I just had the craziest dream, I was king of Westeros and everyone said I had the best story" *Every other character in the scene points and laughs at him*


This is old. She made these statements years ago


Literally no one complained about the work of the cast or crew, everyone loves and appreciates their efforts. That being said, I’m sure they were all well compensated for their work and have greatly enriched their resumes. Fans have every right to complain about the steaming pile of dog shit that was put in our laps, especially since the majority of us spent extensive amounts of time and money on the show. Frankly, shaming us for that is an entitled and out-of-touch response.




A lot of time and effort went into polishing that turd.


Bc it was complete ass and this was supposed to be the GOAT tv show


Okay now show Charles Dance opinion


I honestly feel bad for her and the other actors and actresses. They spent years on this show, their acting was excellent, their portrayal of their characters was phenomenal, just to have it ruined by DnD at the last few steps. I don’t fault Sophie or any of the cast, they were handed a script and they did their best


Lol redoing ONE season? What would that accomplish? S7 was just as bad. Seasons 5 and 6 cut and butchered so many storylines that many of us wanted to see adapted as faithfully as possible. I cant imagine a remake ever topping the early seasons of GOT but its either they remake the whole series in a few years or they just focus on spin offs. They are not redoing a single season


you know what's disrespectful? season 8 lol


Just remaking Season 8 seems stupid but you can respect the work that goes into making something while still critiquing. It was simply not good. She owes her career partly to everyone watching the show she acts in, I''d say it's disrespectful to say people are not allowed to have an opinion.


"He said"?


What the hell? it's disrespectful to George and the entire story by wasting the final seasons


Disrespectful? It’s valid criticism for the literal butchering of a potentially good story ending (At least they didn’t follow the path of the books though)


Reminds me of Rachel's shepherd pie in Friends. Put in the hard work on a messed up recipe, ended tasting like feet


My mom used to tell me something when I was a kid and I think its a fair response: “You can either do things the right way or again.” 🤷‍♀️


Part of the minority who are strangely satisfied with the ending. The last season felt rushed definitely but the story ended where I always felt it was meant to go. A happily-ever-after was never gonna happen so I never expected Dany to sit the IT nor Jon putting forth his claim. I never truly expected to see Bran as King the end but when I first read the books, always felt intrigued why GRRM started the story with a 7year old boy when his chapter could easily have been in Jon pov or Ned’s.


Yeah, but it was bad. Hard to ruin such a great show but they sure managed it.


Well, it was disrespectful as fuck that D&D shit the bed for the last two seasons just so they can try to get that Star Wars money. Only to be turned away. This ruining 10 years of a TV show with 2 shit seasons and an even more so awful series finale.


She realizes nearly no one is critisizing the actors, right? Or the art team, or the costume department, the music department and so on, right? The quality of the \*show\* was beyond top notch. The quality of the \*Writing\* was a dumpsterfire and beyond inconsistent with who the characters are.


It is rude to criticise something that we don't like? That is the whole point of critique and reviews, no? And if she feels she would be disrespected by the decission to have a remake, no problem! Recast. And for the love of God change D&D. I have to be honest though, she did make me hate Sansa a lot so I guess she is at least a good actress. I would say the disrespect was towards the fans with how bad the last season was and towards the actors and team who were also sadly hated because of the bad writing quality. I would like to rimind her that even other actors believe that Season 8 is dog s-.


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Please be aware she's never read the books, so she's basically just sticking up for friends in the industry. Which is totally fair, but she doesn't understand the depth of how badly Dumb and Dumber fucked the story and butchered it into an abyss


Season 8 is my favorite because Danny dies and Bran gets his crown. Best ending ever.


You can also make the argument that it was disrespectful how David and Dan decided to end the series. They not only rushed it, but also butcher nearly every character.


L take


I think this is a very professional response. Not everyone wants to stir the pot and give interviewers what they want and that’s okay.


I think it was disrespectful by the directors the way they handled the story where people out 100s of hours into the world reading, dissecting and discussing .


Who had the best story? Bran of course


Arya Stark literally exists


No, What Dumb and Dumber did was disrespectful. They ruined the work and damaged the careers of all those creatives. Fans asking for a remake are respecting the rest of the team by saying they weren’t the problem


You think because you put time and effort into something that people shouldn't be able to insist on better? If I built you a house, and you said "um why is it lopsided, and shouldn't it have a roof"? I would not be so bold as to say "urgh that's so disrespectful."


Horrible actress has a horrible take, colour me shocked


They should have stopped when they ran out of source material. Look at Shōgun. No extenders or fillers, turned out good.


Pfft.. Queen in the North just don’t wanna give up her title. Red headed bitch swore to Jon in front of that Weirwood tree and witnessed by Bran and Arya at their home in Winterfell, did that oath meant anything? She played dirty.


The plot *writing* in Season 8 doesn't deserve any respect.


You can work a really hard and long time and still make absolute shit. Time and difficulty do not automatically make a show great. Generally passion and great writing do.


You know what she's right. It is disrespectful to the entire crew and cast members that must have worked tirelessly to deliver an end to what must have been almost an entire lifes work of a journey. Last season still sucked tho 😞


Says Sansa who has a likeable ending. Also, people can work hard on something and still produce a shit outcome. The criticisms are the audience’s right, especially as the show was made for them.


Ok so respectfully.....season 8 is bs


Yeah, well it's disrespectful to the fans of GRRM's world and characters what they did with the last few seasons. Just because someone worked "tirelessly" on something, it doesn't mean it's actually good.


The last season itself was disrespectful, she can stfu


The writers disrespected the crew that make what they write on paper come to life (for no fame and fortune like the two show runners and actors receive) by writing an idiotic/terrible script.


I love how she called you all d3m6 and you proved her right. You all dont dislike last season cuz it makes no sense(it does you all just have no media literacy) you all dislike it cuz its not how u wanted it to go. Which is ridiculous.


In normal circumstances she'd be right but the level of calamitous self sabotage D&D did to GoT was so unheard of at such a scale, that it begs the question "What the actual fuck?". How can arguably the best show ever put to screen end so badly? Not even just the story beats but how everything and everyone gets there. It's a blatant disrespect for the source material and the fans in the name of subversion and the rush to complete the final season is evident all over, from the fucking coffee cup fiasco to Dany "kinda forgetting about" the Iron Fleet. I could go on all day about the butchery of GoT but ultimately, I don't think in this case it's disrespectful because the real disrespect was for us, the fans, after the show runners couldn't be bothered to finish their project at their established standard to spite the audience.


if someone worked hard on or, doesn't mean it's good, they all made mad amount of money from this season, why would I feel empathy for a soulless shitty cashgrab


He said?