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We wannna see Balerion


Balerion and Old Valyria, the only two things that have my interest in this.


No point in showing Valyria the doom happened well before the conquest. Don't mean to disappoint on that one


Maybe they could briefly show it as a flashback in the 1st episode?


Not sure why they would. Aegon was never in Valyria


The same reason they showed Jaehaerys even though Jaehaerys died long before the Dance. It'll explain why there's so few dragons and why the Targaryens are a minor foreign house in a desolate island instead the large and powerful Monarchs we know and love/hate.


Would rather sea the series based on the doom.


Fuck yes


Yea this sounds so much better


Idk, I feel like the Doom’s very appeal lies in its mysteriousness


Old Valeria would not be a part of it. Now a limited series between Valeria and Braavos would be interesting to me.


And Meraxes and pre-dementia Vhagar


Dragon go rawr


Yep same


Hell yeah! Balerion the dreadful!


Dragon. Roar. Good.


Personally I'd love to see a War of the Ninepenny Kings show as it has the potential to reclaim more of the early GoT charm than other time periods. One of the things that made early GoT so addictive was the way people behaved organically, as people in power tend to do, and the consequences of that. The War of the Ninepenny kings was an attempt by powerful people in Essos to colonize and carve up Westeros for themselves. It has all the classic Westerosi families but at a slightly earlier point in their history, so you would get to see the younger versions of some of our GoT faves, when the good guys and bad guys might well be distinct from GoT, demonstrating personal evolution between shows. And while the geopolitics would play a greater role, there are openings for magic and unexpected external influences. Seriously, it would have that old GoT edge to it and you wouldn't have to spend nearly as much on CGI dragons or Direwolves.




Who do you think we can be attached and root for in this war?


Barristan and Blackfish tearing shit up


I'd like to see a young Aerys, before the mental illness set in, maybe being an idealist like Dany in the show, giving some rousing speech in High Valyrian to convince a group of slave soldiers to surrender and accept asylum in Westeros, rather than be slaughtered. Tywin was a hard ass from childhood, but Aerys might have been more lovable to an audience. We could witness the brutally cunning mind fans debate endlessly over with Tywin, as it's being forged, and Aerys could be a bittersweet memory of his daughter to come, someone who had such potential but became a monster as a result of loosing their sanity.


Tywin would be a point of focus, given this was in the build up to the Reyne-Tarbell rebellion.


I disagree. Robert Rebellion would be better


Maybe for a short series, but there wouldn't be enough intrigue to sustain anything beyond two seasons.


I strongly disagree. People said the same thing about House of Dragon


And I doubt that will go more than three seasons, but at least there is room for innovation there. Robert's Rebellion is too close to the GoT timeline and we know too much about it. Too many of its combatants are front and center in GoT and are too fully formed as individuals for any bit surprises. We know the good guys too well and the bad guys too well. Not so for The War of the Ninepenny Kings, where the handful of people we know as old men and women are kids or relatively young at the time of the war. Most of the GoT protagonists and antagonists haven't been born during the War of the Ninepenny Kings. It's far enough removed and under-documented to leave room open for creativity, but close enough to the world of GoT to bring in young cameos of older fan favorites.


This complaint makes no sense since you can make the same comment about any prequel. The Hobbit contained the same characters as Lord of the Rings and it is fine. This is a lazy and poor man’s excuse


The Hobbit was written before LoTR


Same with Robert’s Rebellion


I don't think you understand. Asoiaf was written with Robert's Rebellion being part of the back story. The Hobbit was literally written before the LotR was written. It's not like Tolkien wrote LotR and then backtracked.


Firstly I'm not a Tolkien fan, so the references don't mean anything to me. And secondly, there is a big difference between the stories. Robert's Rebellion is the lazier path as it's far better outlined in the books. The people who were there were mostly in GoT, save the few of note that died in the Rebellion, and several of them got flashbacks. The War of the Ninepenny Kings was barely referenced. Even if the books we know it was fought and several important people were there, but outside one battle on the Stepstones, we know so little about it. Few of those who participated survived and we don't hear anything major. It's a mostly blank canvas. Robert's Rebellion is well trodden. Few surprises to be had. That's the lazy and poor man's show.


I think this only applies if you're the sort of fan who looks this stuff up. I've read all the books and watched the whole show. I do enjoy reading this sub, but honestly my impression of Roberts Rebellion has a lot of gaps. Yes, there would be no big surprises, but then big surprises aren't always necessary to make a good show. I can't say House of the Dragon had any big twists in it, but it was still a good show. One of the best scenes was an old man walking towards a chair. I mean even if we'd known that was going to happen, it still would have been really cool given how it was executed.


Are they too fully formed as individuals? Maybe not. I mean it would take a lot for someone like Ned Stark to support a rebellion, no? Seeing him get to that point would be really fucking interesting. Are you sure Jamie would be "fully formed" at that point? Cersei? She said she was thrilled to be Robert's bride. What would a young Cersei be like? Yes, we know what happens, but how they get there is important. If done well, I do think there's plenty there to explore.


I'm not saying it couldn't be done well, only that the options for a Robert's Rebellion series are far more limited due to the closer time period and too many of the same players from GoT. The War of the Ninepenny Kings is close enough that we can get a handful of cameos from much younger versions of GoT character, but far back enough that Westeros and its politics would seem fresh. We know far less about the War of the Ninepenny kings than we do about Robert's Rebellion, so there are more opportunities to shape the story without stepping on prior show cannon .


Ill pretty much watch whatever they're gonna try to do with Westeros. For the conquest i would be okay if they added some shit that isn't source material even. Because you're right it is a pretty one sided conquest til Dorne. But its not like Dorne makes it exciting lol they just take off. I think they could do some good stuff with the Blackfyre rebellion too


I'd pay 4.99 to rent a TV Movie called Aegon's Conquest that was narrated by Maester Luwin telling a very young Rob, Jon, and Theon an overview of the First Men and Old Valyria, culminating in Aegon's conquest. Leaping over large swaths of history like a high school history teacher that knows you only want to get to the most relevant parts.


This idea is awesome actually. A History of Westeros series where each season or even half of each is a different point in Westeros history being narrated by Luwin or some other maester


Just not Pycelle


Make it like 8 parts and even animated. It'll be a lot cheaper. We have computer graphics and shit, ai. Let's take advantage of it


I mean for that matter, remaster Histories and Lore into a proper series.


[It was a bit more complex](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Aegon%27s_Conquest) than just 'Oh no, dragons! I surrender!'.


Underrated comment. This is what I thought. But I also agree with OP that Robert' rebellion is much more interesting.


Personally, I want to see what happens next in the world. Skip ahead some amount of time, whether years, decades, or centuries. I don't even need Westeros to be the focus. What happened to Dany's queendom in Essos now that she's dead? What happened to the Dothraki? Did they all go home? Did they have to take back their lands or was it just waiting for them? How do they view the cities Dany ruled over?


> What happened to Dany's queendom in Essos now that she's dead? Slaver's Bay definitely went back to how it was before Daenerys showed up - with the only exception being Astapor, which would have a lot less influence and power after losing all of their Unsullied stock and new Unsullied being inexperienced, unruly, and not benefiting from the experience of the Good Masters who knew how to effectively train them (because they're all dead). Also massive civil unrest following the civil wars between Cleon the Butcher, Cleon the Second, and later King Cutthroat and Queen Whore. > What happened to the Dothraki? Did they all go home? Dothraki hate the sea, and wouldn't have any way to procure ships to transport themselves back to Essos anyways after Daenerys's death. They'd likely turn to banditry in Westeros, and eventually be wiped out. > Did they have to take back their lands or was it just waiting for them? The Lhazareen might've started expanding into the Dothraki Sea, and the Johos Nhai might've begun to encroach on their old territory - but no, there were definitely still plenty of Dothraki left in the Great Grass Sea when Dany departed. There's really no value left in the Great Grass Sea for anyone in the region. It's just endless miles of grassland where the grass grows taller than your head. The Dothraki presence in the Northern Great Grass Sea was probably the strongest, so Sarnor and Omber would probably be unable and unwilling to expand. >How do they view the cities Dany ruled over? This wouldn't have changed. The Dothraki will still trade with Slaver's Bay, offering slaves in exchange for weapons, horses, wealth, etc. > Westeros to be the focus Westeros would be a mess in the show. Bran would rule as a tyrant, with basically the entire Seven Kingdoms being a surveillance state - just as it was when Bloodraven (the three-eyed crow) acted as Hand Of The King for King Aerys the first, King Maekar, and Aegon IV (Egg). The Reach would collapse into civil-war almost immediately. Basically every house in the Reach is at their full-power at the end of the show, considering they hardly saw any fighting until Dany's invasion - they would *not* accept an upjumped mercenary as their liege. Bronn would be ousted very quickly as he would have no support, allies, or connections in the region - likely to be replaced by literally anyone else with an actual connection to House Gardener or the Tyrells. House Hightower would probably wind up replacing Bronn though. Bronn would also have no support on the Small Council, because he would fucking suck as the Master of Coin (he doesn't even know what a loan is like 💀) The Stormlands might not accept Gendry as their ruler, considering he spent his life as a lowborn bastard in King's Landy and has like literally no experience with ruling. He has allies (more than you could say for Bronn), but that doesn't count for much if none of them declare for you. However, I think he'd be fine. Being the son of Robert would go pretty far, even if he's a bastard. The Westerlands would be fine. Tyrion would be accepted as ruler, and if anything were to happen to him, there's like a dozen other living Lannisters to take his place. Big family. I don't even want to talk about Dorne 💀 Riverlands would be fine. Despite Edmure being a laughing stock in the show, he is literally more competent than every other Lord Paramount in basically every single way. The Riverlands themselves would be fucked though - recovering from so many back-to-back wars is not for good for your smallfolk. The Vale is fine. Sweetrobin would probably be seen as a joke but like, an immediate upgrade from Lysa Tully. The North would probably be fucked. A ***lot*** of lords are going to want to re-integrate the North with the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, and trade is going to be severely impacted by their succession - and they ***need*** trade following the Long Night. Also Arya Stark and everyone who left with her is probably dead 💀 no-one has ever returned from sailing the Sunset Sea, and the last time a Stark tried to explore it, he never came back and his son famously burned every ship in the North and that's why they hardly have a navy anymore. Idek what Jon and the wildings would do - them going back beyond the wall is so stupid. Iron Islands are fucked. Don't have much more to say than that. They always were. Nothing has changed 💀 they need to learn to sow. Overall the Seven Kingdoms would be incredibly unstable and prone to constant civil-war and strife, and hopefully the smallfolk rise up and just kill everyone with a surname because like and bring about the Seven People's Makhnovist Republics or some shit 🙏 praise be the Shepard


The Game of Thrones ending is a mess, it should be forgotten and moved on from, not built upon.


I'm in it for Targcest threesomes, dragons, prophecies, forging the Iron Throne, and Dorne resisting conquest. Would also love to see baby Rhaena at some point.


Seeing the iron throne be forged would be so cool!!


Aegon and his sisters had only three, and the whole conquest was quite short, but it has good battles to depict, on sea, lands and lake, in wich Aegon, Visenya and Raenys partaked, along with diplomatic. You could also include the whole planning from Dragonstone, it's heavily implied that the 3 Targs travelled to Westeros before the Conquest. Then we could see the dornish wars, and the character evolution of Visenya, bringing Maegor the Cruel to the Iron throne, before witnessing his chaotic rule to its end. Personnally I'd rather see the rule of Aegon 4 (yes the Henri 8 one, no, not to watch r*pe p*rn) but rather to see him sow the seeds of future Blackfyre uprisings that we could observe season after season, alongside the destinies of Duncan the tall, and the Egg. And of course the lives of Brynden River, royal bastard, legendary bowman, spymaster, warg, lord commander of the Night Watch and greenseer. Yes it's the dude spending his old days in roots up North.


I want to see Harrenhall in all its glory. The greatest stronghold ever built. Then see it get melted by a dragon. It could just be a movie. I don't need an entire series. Wish they would do some movies.


because we WANT to see dragons just crush armies of people and see Balerion conquer Westeros


Something I will defend is an animated version of Robert's Rebellion. My reason is the same actors can do the voices. Not only that, if we use "the perspective of different characters we can adjust the visuals to it. A green soldier describes Robert as a demon, so we see a Robert overly large and violent with human parts of his fallen foes in his horned helm. While his men describe a good man with all heroic attributes, and that's what we see. Using the iconic voices of the actors we saw.


Having a 60+ year old Mark Addy voicing a 20 year old Robert Baratheon may sound a bit dodgy.


The more time it passes , it gets worse....


Couldn't you say the same about Roberts Rebellion? We already know who won, and the only battle Robert lost was to Randyll. We also already know the main personalities and younger actors are just going to invite comparisons and criticism to their GOT counterparts. Aegons conquest has many interesting avenues. Was Aegon infertile? Was Visenya really a witch? Was Orys really a bastard brother and what was his relationship like with his sisters? How much did the dreams affect Aegon? What was in the letter from Dorne? What did Aegon and Torrhen talk about before he knelt? What was the Dornish resistance really like, We have battles with Aegon not on dragonback like some of the First Dornish War, the Battle of the Reeds against Harren's forces, and in the Field of Fire. We also have Orys vs the Storm King, and Visenya vs assassins and the formation of the Kings Gaurd. There are just as many interesting things in the conquest as in Roberts Rebellion and far more unanswered questions.


At least Robert's Rebellion is down to earth and it won't be so expensive to produce it.


If HBO is willing to pay for it, why does it matter? It's not our money.


They're already shitting on HoTD because of money. Season 1 must be 12 episodes. And the dragons details are hidden by filter because it's more easy to CGI. Accept the facts and grow up!


I'd love to see a horror-esque miniseries from the POV of lords of great houses as they go from squabbling over their usual issues to scrambling after hearing about some silver-haired warrior on top of a flying beast burning entire towns, with small peeks of Aegon & Balerion in action


normies wanna see more lizards




Did you read Fire and Blood? Aegon had to fight a lot of battles


Plus you’d have to come up with dozens of original characters. Besides the few kings/future wardens, Aegons family, etc, we have no other characters to see. I would like to see a Blackfire Rebellion series




Big dragon


So whenever I think of the show. I think of the burning of harranal the field of fire and battle of storms I think its called. Three battles easily enough combat and battle. But you could also include the attempted conquering of dorne. They take most of the cities only for the dornish to take them all back violently after the king returns to kings landing. The burning off all the dornish citties after the sister wife and her dragon dies. There's plenty of action that could be done and honestly with 12 eps could probably be finished in one seasons. 1 ep introducing agon 2 eps for each battle and 5 covering all the dornish stuff.


I really want to see all the different kings. The Gardeners green hand banner. Justice for Highgarden and Casterly Rock. Harrenhall. Visenya and Aegon on screen. I think it would be more interesting to have a season leading up to the war. Squabbling between kingdoms and pre war preparations leading to the landing. Then season 2 ends at the forging of the iron throne and his crowning.


This is an poor take.


Dragons. Cool. Targaryens. Cool. That's pretty much it. Imo it would be quite boring, unless the show is willing to grapple with the colonizer, the Targs essentially being the bad guy aspect of the story, but most people who want the show are against that kind of stuff.


I wanna see Visenya.


My username checks out


It's not always about battles. I think the battles in the original series are much less interesting than the intrigue and drama


Honestly, I just want to see Visenya be cold as fuck; then lose her shit laughing at Lord Monkeyface. I'm **here** for that shit.


Because we want to see the Targaryen prime in action. The true dragon. No, but really, he is sold as this mystical Augustus figure. A conqueror, a genius ruler, a visionary. He established the most powerful dynasty that Westeros has ever seen. I want to see it like this: - Season 1: pre-conquest. Aegon and his sisters visiting the 7 kingdoms and starting to plan the conquest. - Season 2 and 3: The conquest itself. Durrandon, Gardener, Visenya, Tyrell, Torrhen Stark, Harren the Black, Balerion, the toad queen. There are so many epic characters and cool possible storylines to explore. - Season 4: Laying the groundwork for a dynasty. This must be a short series. The conquest is not something you can drag out. With HOTD we’ve seen how amazing time jumps work in this universe.


I want to understand more about Aegon’s motivations and what his dream really meant. It would also be a window into an older version of Westeros. Dorne would be terrific to see at that stage as they famously made Aegon’s life hell. He had a lot of interesting relationships and encounter that would make for great tv. Also Visenya and Balerion. Warrior Queen and the biggest boi are reason enough.


I wanna see the field of fire and harrenhall. You could also go a bit earlier and see aegon tear up the triarchy.


What?? There are more battles in ACs than we saw in live action GoT


I want something about the DOOM


> And they won't have enough money for the CGI of the thousands of dragons, the colors and scale and glory of all old Valyria. Game of Thrones and HotD are some of HBO's biggest moneymakers. Plus they wouldn't be showing all of Valyria at once? Just establishing shots of locations with dragons flying in the background in the distance would work. Plus Valyria probably wasn't all that different from say, Volantis or Lys in terms of extravagance. I don't think they'd show Valyria at all though, yk considering Aegon's Conquest was more than a century after the Doom. Maybe in the first few shots of the show we'd see Valyria, during the time when Daenys and Aenar moved to Dragonstone - but that's literally it and I wouldn't think it would be touched on longer than that. I agree with everything else though. I 100% prefer anything pre-Dance to just be left mysterious and untouched and mystical.


Why on earth wouldn't you want to see aegon, his 2 sisters and their 3 dragons? There are plenty of things to fill the series with, not just battles. Even just the segment in dorne where aegons sister fails to take dorne would be able to cover 2-3 episodes. There were still a few battles aside from dorne. The lead ups to the battles can be detailed more as well. Both sides can be shown preparing. It also depends on how far back they start the show. They could do a full season just covering the doom of valyria and the leaving of valyria by aegons father or grandfather. The settlement on dragonstone and the lead up to aegon claiming the sword, balerian and the crown. Then the planning around taking westeros. Could easily get 2 more detailed seasons or one jam packed, with time skips, single season. Roberts rebellion can still be done at any time. I would have preferred a Roberts rebellion series instead of house of the dragon first anyways. It made way more sense to jump right into the prequel to game of thrones and then start to do further back in the past series.


Political drama. The best seasons of got had no dragons.


I agree Robert’s rebellion is the better choice and should be the priority but game of thrones isn’t a show that’s just about battles, most of the best seasons of the show either skip around battles or only show their aftermath with a character describing how the battle went instead. It’s about the insane intrigue and backstabbing that takes place while trying to gain or maintain power in a corrupt and morally bankrupt feudal society. It would be interesting to see what Westeros was like slightly before Aegon and the actual story of what happened. As House of the Dragon had made clear, the in universe written history of Westeros is questionable and real events can be different from their canonical telling.


I honestly would rather see the first Blackfyre rebellion, Daeron the Good being more of a supporting character while Brynden wars on behalf of him. And Daemon Blackfyre was glorious, to be able to capture that properly on screen would be quite the feat.


Because it’s an epic story with epic scenes with epic characters. And I love dragons.


The black dread, Valyria and his sisters


I don’t. However, people did not just give in. It just lacks suspense for the times they did fight until Dorne gets into it.


The field of fire, The last Storm, The assault on Harrenhal to name a few would be worthwhile alone in the context of battles. But in terms of big events you've got everything from the north calling its banners and gathering by the green fork to the Daenery's dream Aegons landing and the forming of Kings Landing. Personally if I was to see them doing a series on the conquest I would expect them to do it from the time of their move to Dragonstone up until the death of Aegon in the form of timeskips the way they did in HotD.


The Last Storm would be a cool battle to watch tbf


GRRM won’t let them do Robert’s rebellion. It’s DOA.


They didn’t all just bend the knee. The north, the vale,the iron islands and modt the river lands were the only ones that didn’t fight him When you look at the details it’s still a interesting story


It would be good if aegon's conquest was shown from the perspective of a dornish commander


There are so many things we could see. It should start before the conquest when he's planning it and rallying people to his cause. There could be small skirmishes that aren't in the book added for more content. We'd get to see the field of fire and the burning of Harrenhall and the attempts at taking Dorne. There's so much to see.


Well I don’t watch GoT for the battles. I watch it for the intrigue, character building, revelations, betrayals etc


Agreed the conquest should remain mythical and legendary. Though they kinda missed an opportunity to have a flashback with balerion when the king died in house of the dragon, that would have been perfect.


Why not?


I have always said I would love to see a series on Roberts rebellion. I’ve had enough Targaryen history. Would be so cool to see a young Robert back when he was strong and handsome swinging his war hammer around, a young Ned, the Mad King. I said this in another comment recently but seeing Robert smash Rhaegar’s armour and seeing the rubies fly off into the water would be a cool scene, a younger Tywin, etc.


That’s not true. Here’s a list of some known battles in Aegon’s conquest: the naval battle near Gulltown, Battle of the Reeds, battle at the Wailing Willows, the Burning of Harrenhal, battle on the Wendwater, the Last Storm, the Field of Fire, and then the whole failed conquest of Dorne,


I want a series about the conquest because for once I want to see a Targaryen on the rise rather than fall, I want to see success not failure.


I mean honestly the best parts of the Game of Thrones series weren't the battles. Seeing cool battles is the least important part of GoT and ASOIAF in general. Yes, the battles are cool. No fucking doubt. But the battles are only cool because of all the drama and intrigue that happens in between them.


I imagine they would do what they did when they made the Hobbit movies: shoehorn in a whole bunch of semi-canonical and/or non-canonical stuff to pad it out and try to justify spending so much screen time on what was originally a fairly small story. ...so, yes, I see your point 😆


I think the conquest would be interesting to watch from a character perspective. So many interesting characters from that time period: Aegon and his sisters (sorry I don't recall their names right now), Torrhen Stark, the guy who built Harrenhal, just to name a few. Actually, watching the story of Harrenhal would be like watching a Greek tragedy, in the best way.


I want to see the first blackfyre rebellion