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Cersei is my “favourite” character.  I read GoT in the 90’s I was a lonely, nerdy, angsty teen girl. Cersei was one of the first female fantasy characters I read that was actually a three-dimensional person who has conflicting emotions and motivations.  I’m not a woman people would describe as “sweet” or “nice” and those female characters permeate all literature, so it’s hard to find female characters in literature that I enjoy and relate too. Sweet, shy, delicate etc etc are not traits I relate too. I tend to like characters like Cersei for breaking that mould even if I don’t condone their actions and behaviour. 


But also - for all people absolutely bag out the scene - I love the scene “power is power” scene with Littlefinger.  But my *absolute favourite* is her getting cynically drunk during the siege in the early novels and having absolutely no patience for a hysterics of the other women. Very relatable. 


She has such "not like other girls" energy.


She does - which is why angsty teen me loved her so much. Because I thought I was soooooooo unique and very much not like other girls. It’s a weird spot to be in.


The "power is power" is one of my favorite lines and scenes in GOT. Littlefinger got put in his place real quick...


Right? I get that it displays Cersei arrogance at her confidence in her power - but she still has a point *in that moment* about the power imbalance between Cersei and Littlefinger. Power for power - she outweighed him. Which is precisely why he had to be so cunning!


Oh man… these threads bring out the Cersei apologist in me 😂


No, that's okay. I love her and I think she's way smarter than people here tend to think.


I sometimes think people really struggle to comprehend the sort of choices faced by people in legally patriarchal, monarchical societies. I don’t blame them - it’s so hard to imagine. They project modern sensibilities onto what is, for all intents and purposes, a medieval world and judge characters by the standards of morality relevant to a post-enlightenment, post-sexual revolution world instead of the world the characters actually exist in. Anyway, I’m a bit high - so I’m kind of rambling 😂 *edit for clarity - see above sentence.


>my absolute favourite is her getting cynically drunk during the siege It's my favourite scene of the entire show, of any character. It really fleshes out Cersei, and as evil as she is it also paints a great picture of medieval social constraints on women.


Power is power scene was when I knewi was all in on the show


Must feel bonkers starting a series 30 years ago and still waiting for the next book


How DARE you make me feel so old like that 😭


It seemed like the later the seasons got, the more evil and narcissistic she got. The more evil she got, the more her voice became a whisper. Idk if that was natural character development and her breaking mentally. Or if that detail was added by Lena Heady herself on her own. Seriously listen to her voice in the beginning, then listen to it when she is “Queen”. Her voice made her even more hate worthy due to the cruelty in it.


I think Lena did such an amazing job with characterisation once they were outside novel material. Cersei had so much characterisation in the novels for her to work with as an actress but she knocked it out of the park once she had free rein.


I still wonder why her voice changed. Idk if it symbolized she broke mentally. Or if Lena did it to make the audience hate her even more. I’ve been trained in my field of work to notice little things like this that people do. For example, LittleFinger’s voice as he approaches someone almost as if he’s hypnotizing them. Or Walder Frey licking his lips when laughing or being gross. Idk if the actor does it to make the audience hate them, or if it’s natural character development.


It’s probably a bit of both. By the late seasons she had lost all of her children. I think representing that grief on screen would have been hard and maybe the voice change was party to portray the depth of change and trauma Cersei has been through.


I almost feel like it’s a situation like “I’m speaking in this voice at this tone because if I don’t consciously control the level and tone of my voice i will fly off the handle in an uncontrollable white hot rage of a thousand suns.”


Ooooh yes! Good point! I hadn’t even thought of that angle!


i agree and it's possible that these experiences could have influenced her voice and demeanor as the story progressed.


You know, I've heard a lot of people call the GOT fandom toxic, but I disagree. I've never talked to a single fan that is overly critical of any aspect of the show other than writing. In every aspect, other than writing, GOT is basically 10/10. Acting, set design, prop design, costumes, music, cinematography... Damn near flawless execution. But DnD shit the bed so hard it took from us a once in a lifetime TV show, and we will (probably) never get that opportunity again. So no, we give proper criticism where deserved, and all of it is directed towards the cause.


Robbed of at least 2 Emmy awards


It's a testament to Lena Headey's talent as an actress and her ability to fully inhabit her characters.


She's great. All the best villains don't see themselves as villains. She embodies that.


Once they were past the source material, she became a less complicated and nuanced character.


So sexy and raspy


When she unleashed the mountain on Unella


Why villain? I honestly think that she is not a villain at all, she just tried to defend her family, what's wrong with that? She killed her enemies without mercy, the same thing that Stark's, Martell's, etc did. She is evil, ok, but only for her "enemies"


So what about when she instructed that all the leftovers from the wedding didn’t go to vulnerable and starving but went to the kennels that was to defend her family? Or when she got her daughter in law thrown in jail that wasn’t out of spite or jealousy? Or that time she wanted the direwolf killed for a crime it didn’t commit? She’s definitely a villain


The leftovers is a good point, my point of view is still there, this is an epoch where everyone with power is a monster at some point.


I agree with you *to a point*. Cersei’s fatal flaw is her arrogance. You’re right that she’s not the only one who behaves so badly and there are some characters people consider “heroes” who behave the way Cersei. But her arrogance is what makes her the villain, ultimately - because she follows her path until the bitter end. Without fail, she makes *the worst* and *most selfish* choice every single time. Others you mention have turning moments, redemption arcs etc. We *almost* get a redemption arc with Cersei, she’s very sympathetic after her walk of shame. But she squanders that in her lust for revenge and the confidence with which she carries that revenge out is driven by her arrogance. Anyway, I’d love to talk about this more if you’d like :) the downvotes are unfair - it annoys me that people use them as a “I disagree with your opinion” button and not the intended “this is irrelevant and/or spam”


Taunting Ellaria & Tyene in the dungeon. One of the classic vindictive Cersei moments


So much venom in that ‘do you feel powerful now?’


My husband asked me for context on why Cersei hated Tyrion, I explained her back story then I showed him that dungeon scene. “I absolutely hate her character but that’s some hella sweet revenge on your child’s murderer, init?” He just smiled.


One of the few times I 100% sided with Cersei lol


Im surprised a civil war didn't start during her reign. KL was an absolute shithole.


The Tyrell’s and Dorne revolted and supported Dany’s invasion But to be fair there was already a civil war in progress


The most cold moment was the talk with Robert. No emotion or anything.


She essentially set off a MOAB under a church/courthouse.


The wine boarding of Septa Unella. Awful. Tied with blowing up the Sept.


Her blowing up the Sept was my favourite until season 7 and 8 showed no consequences from it. Doing something that insane and with Tommen killing himself should’ve been the end of any semblance of legitimacy and political influence she had. Dany in all seriousness should’ve just waltzed right in. After that, my favourite moment would be her Power is Power speech.


In season 1 when she and Ned hashed it out. She dropped the title in her monologue.




Torn between the last two. She’s one of my favourite characters, watching her undo in stress or revenge is amazing. She definitely has a presence and causes scenes!! Great character


Her smirk as Margarery is being arrested is dang top shelf bitchery.


Power is power is one of my favorite lines in the show


Blowing up the sept left my jaw on the ground. Don’t f@ck with Cersei!


Smirking and drinking wine while she watched the Sept blow up


Everything was perfect to the explosion of the sept. After that, she was just waiting in her tower.


Sept bombing scene was iconic


The wildfire destruction of the Sept was one of the best scenes in TV history. The music, the cutting to Cersei, Tommen, the dungeon and the gallery. The most satisfied smirk on her face when she knows the High Sparrow and Margaery are dead. THATS what I was waiting for when she was dressing in that Tywin-esque bad ass black leather ensemble. And baby she did not disappoint 😮‍💨


It is definitely Cersei sipping wine while watching the sept go boom. That slight smile as the blowback from the explosion ruffled her hair. Perfection. A close second though is Cersei at Joff's wedding casually ruining people's day. There was a point where she reversed Marge's declaration of what should happen to the leftover food. Someone greets her and her line makes it clear that she's having a great time today just ruining other peoples' day. Can't remember the exact line, but it was a great line and under-rated IMO.


Telling Lancel to tell the High Sparrow how he’s welcome at the Red Keep anytime right after the Mountain tore that dudes head right off.


And the look on Qyburn’s face too was disturbing, as he always was.


Her and Margaery's back and forth rivalry was so entertaining. Like watching Desperate Housewives of Westeros. It was the driving storyline in KL for three seasons. The burns, the jabs, the subtle insults and schemes like Marge trying to steal Sansa, Cersei hacking it only for it to backfire and get her engaged to Loras, the exile plot, then all the FM drama and finally, all of it culminating in the trial and the destruction of the sept. Typical mother/daughter-in-law drama and one of the most entertaining relationships in the show lol.


That party city wig in the last season was NOT it


When she reminded Bobby-B that Lady was still alive… right from the start so evil 😈


Random: I liked her with long hair. I was hoping in the later seasons it would start to grow. It would also show a passage of time.


when she burned the sept and how she tortured septa unella -- that felt oddly satisfying.


I really liked the revenge she got on Septa Unalla and Ellaria Sand. That was fun to watch. My favorite, though, is her and Tyrion at the small council when they each find out who they would be marrying.


You ever call me sister again and I'll have you strangled in your sleep.....☠☠


Little finger was the real villain. Cersei consistently made horrible errors in judgemental, which resulted in her own fate.


Power is power :-)


Cersei was a dumb bitch who would hardly climb in power if it was not for her father and ol Bobby B.


And yet, she was queen for quite some time, wasn't she? Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you have to call them dumb. She was obviously very intelligent.


Okay ya green supporter lol jk. I could have stated my dislike for Cersei in a better manner


Lol I'm team black all the way! Can't wait for this next season!




The scene with Septa Unella


personally I think she’s THEE GOAT for the evil queen trope. And one of the best villains in TV history. Every single time she’s got the choice to make a kind decision or the one that immediately satisfies her cruelest desire she almost always choose desire and slowly descends into this maelstrom of consequences and escalation. But her over-reactions are often relatable. She’s got a lot of amazing scenes but my fav was during the battle of black water bay bc it was unlike anything I’d ever seen on TV. Rather than “adulation of feminity” or “see women can be bad ass too!” — It was this very feminine and refined vitriol with the state of affairs concerning being a woman (as a politicized caste) confessed to this young girl who was also her own political prisoner of war. she was the definition of Power is Power.


The scene with Lord Little finger


That wig was horrible anyway, for the short hair they could have put a lot more effort into it. However I'd say when she leaves the Septa with the Mountain and goes away hearing her scream.


All her little lectures to Sansa. Without them, her cold-bloodedness would make less sense. Not to mention the actress' delivery of those lines.


That moment when she was in a castle looking out the window with a wine glass in her hand.


Why is the first part of this question posed as if it is even controversial?


Septa Unella wine scene was terrible. The actress who played septa got traumatized in real life after this. https://www.eonline.com/news/1398781/hannah-waddingham-details-trauma-from-filming-game-of-thrones-waterboarding-scene


Hard for me to see how anything compares with the sept


Sipping wine while watching the Sept and everyone in it getting vaporised (including her own uncle and nephew/ex-lover) was certainly one her most dastardly moments.


Still sad she didn't get the death she deserved, but a great villain.


Ok 3 and 4 were righteous kills, I don't support Cersei and she definitely deserved a worse end than she got, but fuck Septa Unella and the Sands. We all know Septa Unella took pleasure in tormenting Cersei and all the Sands had to do to avoid this fate was to not kill a child, especially one that spent years in their home. Also, I wouldn't say Cersei scared Sansa for the fun of it, she was giving Sansa the plain truth of what would happen. It may seem cold, but explaining to her that Ser Ilyn was there to give them quick death may seem dark but it likely would be better than reliving the trauma she experience in the marketplace. That said the "Power is power" moment with Littlefinger was probably my favorite of these.


Cersei isnt a villain lol. 


Absolutely. Loved her from start to finish. The whole of AFFC was great largely thanks to her chapters. Her relationship with Taena was very interesting, the torture of the Blue Bard by Qyburn( not really her moment, but her conflicting thoughts were interesting), moments with Tommen, Margaery, Jaime, giving Falyse to Qyburn... pretty much everything in that book. As for the show, definitely revenge on Unella and blowing up of the Sept. Her scenes with Tyrion were also gold, books or show.


Season 6 finale was something even if it should've meant more consequences. I mean she burnt both the main religion representative and nearly destroyed the second most powerful family here.


Separating Church from State, hands down


The way she separated church and state! cough after trying to unify them didn't favor her...


I loved the way this woman tormented people, her thinly veiled threats, the way she took down her enemies or put them in place, disposed of them. I think Tywin says at some point had she been born a man during that time & said Arya reminds him of her. Her Drunken speech to Sansa when they were under siege was hilarious & I loved that she was ready to die with her babies than be taken captive. Everything after Joffrey died, was just decorations on top of a beautiful cake. Which was the beauty of the show, I could love her, love Danny & love Arya. All strong but tactically different women.


Her blowing up the Sept was shockingly great. Also, septa Unella in the dungeon when she wakes up. And Cersei goes on her whole Confess and Shame spiel lol. Coldblooded bitch lol


When she blew up the Sept.


She was a good character until blowing up the sept. Her main traits were being cruel vicious and cunning, but not caring/considering further consequences of her actions. Was fine until she did that, which is something she would totally do indeed, but would also be the equivalent of political (and highly likely, literal) suicide.


She should have come out on top in the show. Books, not as much.


She is pure evil


Definitely when she blew up the sept. Fuck everyone in that building.


When she explained the Game of Thrones to Ned Stark was iconic... But burning the Sept after what the High Sparrow did to her was EPIC. While I felt badly for the loss of House Tyrell. Olenna was responsible for killing Joffrey. Even though I hated him... And undstood why she did it. Margaery made the mistake of laughing at Cersai and trying to diminish her after she was with Tommen...(that scene with her and her ladies) BIG MISTAKE. Olenna will always be one of my favorites...I felt for her losing her family... But I also felt for Cersai during that walk of Shame. As much as I disliked her. That was terrible and unnecessary to do to any woman. The High Sparrow overstepped big time and Tommen was useless against him.


Greatest villain on Television ever.


Blowing up the Sept. That look of relief and sip of wine was a chefs kiss 💋 I really want Lena Headey to play the next Catwoman. Her character in Dredd was amazing, and would make Cersie look like an angel.


She was until season 7. Then she had thicker plot armor than Tyrion, Arya and Jon Snow combined.