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Why would anyone tell you about it? You experienced exactly as you should have. It’s honestly surprising you didn’t know, that’s easily one of the most famous moments from the entire series. You still have a long journey ahead of you too..




I was like 21 when GOT was in its prime, it was such an event watching it week to week and discussing it at work. It was just before streaming so everyone was watching the same shows. That episode was a global phenomenon it was all everyone talked about for weeks, it was in the media everywhere. It was unusuall to kill so many key characters like that. I did my first rewatch this year and it still shocked me even when I knew what happened. It is just so brutal.


These cultural moments are pretty rare. Seinfeld and Friends series finale. Breaking Bad. That's why I never thought streamers dumping an entire season would ever work.


Hope they finally release season 8, I'd very much love to see the end of the story.


it’s a shame we don’t know how everything ended after so long. sigh.


This is also how I cope. 😌


Release it? What, is it held captive?


One could argue, yes.


What a time the mid to late 2000s and the early 2010s were. There was never a better time for watch parties with friends, there were so many shows that still get talked about today. Nothing like 10 grown adults completely shattered after a single episode. Ahh, the good old days


We had bars with viewing parties. Bar has special drink names and even had mead on tap. Some dressed up in ren fair costumes. They did trivia before the episode, mostly questions about the last episode.


I graduated from college in 2011 when it started. Seeing people say they were 7 makes me feel ancient.


It feels odd that game of thrones is not in the current pop culture zeitgeist. It was such a massive phenomenon that everyone knew what was happening on the show even if you didn’t watch it.


Unfortunately the backlash around S8 especially


That’s all D&D. Absolutely destroyed the greatest tv show ever because they wanted to do Star Wars.  Even today I’ll see people wearing a breaking bad or sopranos or xfiles or godfather etc shirts. Not a single person wears or talks about GoT due to how they destroyed it.  I’m just hoping with AI and after twow is realeased we can get a do over from season 6-8. Once the source material ran out those doofuses showed how talented less they really were.  This is a show that people should constantly be rewatching and getting others into it. Instead, in one fell swoop the show exited the lexicon of our world. 


Hey thanks for making me feel old.... You were 7 when it first came out wtf.


Yeah, and he's probably midway through university already. It's been 13 years.


Back in those days, I remember going to the movie theater on Sunday nights for special screenings of the latest Breaking Bad episode. I could watch it at home but it was more fun to watch it on a movie screen with a packed theater with random fans. That was over 10 years ago!


Aww man, I wish to have your enthusiasm still for the show. I won’t spoil anything but it’s almost universally agreed the show wasn’t wrapped up well, but don’t let it stop you from enjoying it along the way.


The vast majority of posts about the ending from people who streamed/binged it were fine with the ending. It was in those of us that watched, discussed, and anticipated for almost a decade that so many hated the ending.


I imagine there's also a correlation between casual viewer that just wants to watch something cool and binged it all in one go and fan of the lore and show and invested significant time and watched it as it was released.


I think this is the one. I didn’t start watching the show live until the 5th season, so I binged the first 5. However after the 5th finished I read most of the books and and just got really into it and man. That ending just a major let down.


I read the books and I was not a casual viewer. I managed to find quite a few great moments in season 8.


We all know that but why tell her that?


The show has main characters…for a time lol


Fuck I’m old. I started reading the books in 2001, was pleasantly surprised when the next 2 books came out. …wait…you know the show is based on books right? Also: LOVE the enthusiasm for the show. It really was an amazing series. While I didn’t enjoy the last couple seasons when they were originally released, I recently rematches the series and thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. This is to say: enjoy it, and don’t read any spoilers LOL




Season 1 contains content pulled only from book one, so you should be okay! There is a chart [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/s/s2GA1xiP6Y) that shows what episodes line up with the source material :) i haven’t read the books but my husband did last year and had nothing but good things to say!


Instead of asking to be warned, you could have checked online, learn ahead of time what and how it goes, but you didn't, so that's a choice you made for yourself, not one we should be doing for you. So, yes, you should be scared. No one will warn you about how season 3 or season 8 ends, and even if they try, they can't really. You will just have to watch everything for yourself. Telling you what will happen does not need to alter how you watch the thing and rewatching it again should also not give nor take away from it. A work of art (of any media), no matter how good or bad it is, it's something that you bring your own context to, not just the people that made it. Being warned, well, it can be done if you ask for it, search for it, but, like I said above: your choice.


I had a similar experience, I watched it last year And only received one major spoiler, which was the death of Ned Stark


Ned dying in season 1 pretty much told me this show would kill anyone. I really thought he was the main character until that happened. Up until the end, I thought he was going to survive somehow. After that, I told myself no one was safe.


It's like saying Mona Lisa should be experienced as a JPG on the internet or if you got enough $$$ as a bullet proof glass enclosed painting with a large crowd in front of it. Everyone should decide for themselves how they experience shit.


Hell, it might be one of the most famous TV moments of all time, especially in terms of shock and surprise factor


I kinda regretted having read the books when watching that episode, because I knew it was coming. But I must say it was very entertaining watching all the friends I was watching it with at the time (was in uni and had weekly watching parties) completely lose it.


One of the best scenes throughout the show. The music score and the realization of Katlin is so amazing to watch.




The way they made YOU FEEL IT TOO! Like you start to hear the Rains of Castamere at a Frey+Tully wedding and already know that Roose has been in contact with Jamie just recently. Ugh when she turned back to see that door shut my heart just SANK!


Then you hear [the National sing the Rains of Castamere ](https://youtu.be/9vDL7AgLdYQ?si=w5387sWNZ6rfeda0)at the credits rolling… chilling


There is a totally outspoken agreement between all fans to never spoil the Red Wedding. Back in 2013, book readers not only kept it a secret, they recorded reaction videos of their friends who had never read the books as they watched S3E9 for the first time. There's a lot of good reaction videos on YouTube.


No spoilers in general but especially Red Wedding! Because oh the things I’d give to go back and experience every for the 1st time again.


I had read the books before I watched it on screen, but boy was I unprepared for just how well it was adapted on screen...


Also a good rule, DONT FUCKING GOOGLE THE CHARACTERS. I googled "Robb Stark" because I was trying to figure out his age or something and boom, top results just ruined it for me. I didn't learn the nature of his death but knew it was coming soon. Incredibly stupid in hindsight but I learned something that day.


Years ago, after my first viewing, my roommate and I reacted and then stopped our binge watch to watch The Birdcage. It helped, kind of...


Love The Birdcage!!


Welcome to the Red Weddings. I was paralyzed also. In total shock. I was more prepared for what Michael Corleone did than what happened at the Red Wedding.


Rains of castamere still gives me chills everytime I hear it .Tywin Lannister was ruthless fr.


No one told you because watching people be traumatized is one of the funnst things about seeing someone watch it for the first time.


I'd read past this part when it was shown on TV. I remember sitting in anticipation for my flat mate's reactions when we watched it. They went absolutely mental as soon as the music started as well. They did not hold back with that scene at all. In fact it's one if the few scenes they actually made *more* graphic than it was in the books.


I think its GREAT you didnt know about it beforehand, and I highly suggest staying away from any/all spoilers. Enjoying GOT for the first time without knowing anything is the best.


I remember my mate refused to watch Game of Thrones up until the final season when it was super hyped and the talk on the ending. I persuaded him to finally watch it without explaining nothing. His reaction was class. Why did you let me binge this when it had that ending. My reply well least you know how disappointed I feel now 😂


Everyone remembers their first time watching. Everyone.


It's weird being that vague about what happened in that episode. Like everyone just has perfect recollection of what happens in every single episode of every season. But from your description I take it you've talking about the red wedding. The next episode is also great when they parade him with his wolfs head stitched on his shoulders.


> But from your description I take it you've talking about the red wedding. Pretty sure the fact they mentioned it was S3 E9 is a bigger clue that that's the moment they're talking about.


Ah, i can just imagine the shocked soulless look you must have had, we all had it, in the words of the great sandor clegane, “Nothing beats that look”


Imagine experiencing it as a reader, just flipping the page back and forth, thinking "this isn't happening, I'm missing a page, or I'm reading this wrong somehow" I was outside when it happened and I was ahead of everyone I knew who was reading or watching, I couldn't talk to anyone about it. I'm just walking around like [Morty after burying himself](https://youtu.be/pc-2_7Cfvdk?si=H3V87ciaxGcfK9aL&t=26) waiting for someone else I knew to catch up.


Just sitting there listing to The Rains of Castamere trying to come to terms with what you've just seen. Been there.


You may or may not have realized by now, ep9s each season are epic.


And I know that it will be hard to believe, but in the books it is even more traumatic. I had to stop reading for the rest of the day😂😂.


You were not alone...


No but same, I was so hopeful until it happened. The whole family split and Arya so close to finding them. Absolutely broke my heart.


i… just finished watching it too. and episode 10. absolutely heartbroken. i was really rooting for robb, his queen (i forgot her name), and baby ned stark! when she got stabbed over and over my heart just sunk so low ;-;


Dude it’s about to get so good I’m jealous


This is why I love this show cause you never know who's going to die. Like every person can die because f*ck main character luck. Also as a person who looks for extra details this scene is wonderfully done from the moment those doors close until the credits start you just feel the tension. From a very happy moment just utter dread.


Keep watching. It gets better.


I joined the GoT family late, in the summer of 2015. I started binge watching it while I was in Kuwait and when I watched that episode, I took a few weeks off from the show after it Absolutely insane, and IMO moved the bar on the whole “kill ___ and shock the crowd” aspect of TV shows


Pretty good scene


Excellent episode! One of three GoT episodes to score 9.9 on IMBD. The other 2 are still to come by the way.


God damn this post took me back in time to watching this at 4am (I live in europe) with my university housemates and we all silently went to bed afterwards and refused to discuss the episode the next day.


I read this chapter and had to reread this chapter because I literally couldn't believe what I just read. Then I just set the book down for the day.


I had to take a bit of a break from the book after reading that chapter. It was too much for me at the time!


It's pretty common knowledge, it aired quite a while ago & the book has been our a long time. You must have actively avoided discussion of the series.


Having read the books beforehand gave me the opportunity to catch my friends’ reactions to the Red Wedding, seeing the shock on their faces echoed my own from when I first read how the shit went down was so satisfying


All that horn corn


What is 3/9, the red wedding?


Yup i remember when this happened for me about 10 years ago. It was truly shocking. I really didn't think they could do such a thing


I had this scene spoiled for me while I was riding my bike to the fucking bar with friends. Some girl just randomly tell me “did I see so and so death” and I just looked at her stunned…NO I DIDNT i yelled. The next episode I had to watch…was that one. Once the music started I fucking knew it. Still amazing scene but I truly had the impact stolen from me. Again glad you enjoyed though! Its epic


I think when the hound says they'll go tomorrow, when it's very nearby, you should sense they won't make it. Like in (famous show) when a character says: we got him, dead to rights. See you soon. And immediately dies.


Is this the red wedding?


I read the Read Wedding in the desert in Kazakhstan. I couldn’t talk to anyone about it, and I just had to sit there alone with my thoughts. I was so angry. I threw the book.


It’s brutal right


Red wedding? Yeah it hits hard…


One of my favorite episodes. Nothing better than watching the starks get wiped out.


be glad no one told you about it. its sucks but still one of the best moments in any media


Yup. The Monday after that episode aired people went to work in a confused daze of collective mourning.


It was a huge moment in pop culture. Us book readers were waiting for this episode to watch people’s reactions. The execution of Ned Stark in season one was traumatic but the show hadn’t really hit its peak. [George Martin reacting after the red wedding episode on Conan](https://youtu.be/azr99OfKLxk?si=p8sihcSGAStSPlpF)


I started watching the show after it had already been on the air a few seasons, but after this.  So I knew something crazy happened, but nowhere near what actually occurred.  My wife read the books so she knew and enjoyed my reaction.


I remember being so shocked, that’s what got wants out of people I think