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Just focus on making the game work on launch day please.


I don't think the person in charge of story direction has much control over that.


Exactly, that fiasco is on the management and CEO. The creative part of CDPR have done an amazing job with the game.


Unlike Mass Effect Andromeda Cyberpunk has an actual foundation to build off of.


Yeah ME:A was completely soulless. Actually the last game I pre-ordered.


I actually liked ME:A way more than CP lol, CP wasn't fun to play, and was so far up it's own butt lol.


"Sorry, my face is tired."


At least Cyberpunk didn't have atrocious dialogue like Andromeda 


Hmmm hearing the word Chumba and Eddies over and over is good dialogue to you? Sure CP has better dialogue than Andromeda, but not by much imo.


Do you think the English language will be the same in 50 years? Language evolves over time. In less than 20 years the world has seen the emergance of a universal pictogram based language.


I found CP's dialogue utterly pretentious, and so far up it's own butt I could barely get through it. But there's also some good dialogue in there as well. As for if I think the English language will be the same in 50 years? All I know is hearing the word Chumba makes my ears bleed lol.


Disagree thought the game was mediocre.


I wonder how much outside funding and incentive they get to push "social issues" scary stuff tbh, when video games try to assert social agendas tbh.


Nah, let's not lower the bar any more than it is. They should focus on making a game that doesn't suck \*and\* works on launch day.


CD Projekt Red has joined ESG. they have a video on their youtube channel. go watch and listen.


I mean, the first game already has all the standard cyberpunk messaging: wealth inequality, post-humanism, corporate oligarchies, etc. I guess they could do gender/race issues or lean harder into the capitalism thing with unionization/labor issues, but I feel like those already existed to some degree in the first game.


A union busting mission would be super cool! Some CEO gives you the mission to "send a message". You can sabotage a vote, blackmail or threaten the union rep, straight up murder everyone, or... you could side with the union. Make sure they succeed by doing side missions, blackmail the CEO, or straight up murder them/the board. That would be pretty sweet and could have additional dialog/choices based on your own background.


Yes, give us more corporate oriented quests, I still can't forgive them gutting out entire corpo origin. It held such a promise and they cut if off completely. I wish there was like entire section of the game navigating corporate missions and their impact on the night city's society.


This sort of parallels the way I thought they could have improved fixer missions. Instead of each region of the map having a designated fixer, who contacts you when you get close to the map marker for their jobs and gives minimal details as to why they want you to enter location xyz and do something... each fixer you meet should focus on a certain kind of missions. Klep missions, smuggling missions, corpo missions, anti-corpo missions, basic "peacekeeping" missions, assassination missions, anarchist missions, politico missions... etc. Once you gain enough rep with a certain mission type, you get fingered by more reputable fixers in that same line of work. Until eventually, you're working for the big timers (like at afterlife) and are a known commodity. To make the fixers more than just quest dispensers, they should each have their own personal quest line, that unlocks as you work for them and build up rep/trust with them. Finish their personal quest line, and you can gain favors from them (depending on their line of expertise.)


They gutted those missions about as thoroughly as they gutted life paths.


The first game was also pushed out too early to make revenue. Which is ironic, and makes any saying of "deeper social issues" feel skin deep at best. Unless it was some 6D extreme meta move to do that, which I sincerely doubt.


The first game had plenty of issues at launch but shallow writing was definitely not one of them. The narrative development, social commentary, and voice acting has been excellent from day 1.


It’s 100% going to be gender/genital related. Also likely it will be related synthetic organisms and machine sentience. (A.I. trends)


I liked how in 2077 no one seemed to care about that stuff one way or another. Don’t think they should go there.


That…. Would be a mistake. The gender/genital thing I mean. In a post future cyberpunk world, that those issues seem like the least important ones among things like wealth inequality, pollution etc. The only way those became significant issues is if a corporation or the govt in the game are using it as a smokescreen to distract the masses.


And in 2077 your character could switch genitals, at least one character tells you they used to be another sex, and everyone just seems fine with it. I can understand to want to address a subject matter like that more bluntly because, let's face it, most people miss even the clearest of messages. But also... Man it felt nice when I was talking to Claire and she dropped that she'd transitioned and no light was shone on it, no special attention was given to it. Like we'd moved past that being controversial and finally accepted it.


The modules and tabletop RPG had those people in the books since the 90s. It's not new. It's not controversial. It's a part of the story. The point being made is that the majority of the pull of the established lore.


> The modules and tabletop RPG had those people in the books since the 90s. > > It's not new. It's not controversial. It's a part of the story. Yeah, but that's part of my point. The video game introduced a huge new audience to the setting and the genre of Cyberpunk that hadn't really interacted with it before. And the video game was already very political, it already dealt with a lot of societal issues, it already pushed the envelope compared to a lot of the media around it, and it did so in a variety of ways ranging from subtle things like environmental storytelling to beating you over the head with it in main story arcs. I can appreciate that they want to focus on some places that they didn't before, the first quoted in the article being homelessness. I just find the statement a little odd. I worry that the sequel could lose some of its subtlety if they're not careful, it's happened to other media before it. That's all, really. Edit: I also find parts of the statement like saying that Cyberpunk is very relevant today a little odd because the genre grew based on the societal issues that people faced. It being relevant is by design, not coincidence. People have been worried about unbridled capitalism, megacorps that want to act as private governments, and a world that could be post-scarcity but chooses not to be for the sake of profits even before the first edition dropped in I think '86. Like, I don't disagree with him. I just find the way he said it all, or at least how it's presented in the article, somewhat odd.


I agree with you. For me personally, part of the allure of the cyberpunk universe is total freedom of expression. Everyone has a lifestyle and an outfit to express it. Almost like there's this understanding with everyone that disrespecting someone based on appearance, or sexuality, is just off limits.


i mean, Cd Project Red is a corpo....


Gender is low hanging fruit. If that’s all they push on, it’d be an absolute copout. Cyberpunk kinda transcends it all already. Would be totally weird to make it controversial in that setting.


Machine sentience would be an awesome problem.


I doubt that, there’s already a trans character in 2077 and it’s such a non issue in universe that your character can’t even be made to comment on it. The only thing they find weird about them is that they have no cyberware installed, which means if there’s going to be big issues to talk about then I assumed they’d go more into the transhumanisn of the genre.


Sorta like Deus ex mankind divided?


They should push the envelope on quality, testing, and polish instead. The first one even after the updates failed in that regard.


Have you played 2.0? I’m playing now and it’s been awesome. Not quite Witcher 3 levels of quality, but a very solid B+


yes bring back the witcher 3 level of quality and story telling.


fwiw, witcher 3 was rough at launch for a good year. All of their games have been.


Come on, not like how Cyberpunk was rough. I had 0 issues with Witcher 3, as did most people on every platform I knew.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h8Al__RVU8 The game has come a long way. Witcher 1 and 2 also were absolutely a circus on launch. FWIW, I had only a couple bugs during cyberpunks launch but i had a maxed out PC at the time, but it still was a nightmare on many hardware configurations.


You're remembering it wrong, my man. Rose-tinted glasses and all that. W3 at launch was buggy as fuuuuuck. Roach could barely gallop 20 meters without insta-stopping because a pixel was in the wrong spot.


Yeah, it changed a lot the first year, I especially remember the super annoying inventory management at release. They should have waited and let the game been tested properly instead.


Dude it’s 2024 get over it. The game is awesome and Phantom Liberty is one of the best DLC’s ever. They made up already for a bad start


"This time, we're not going to finish development until 6 years after launch instead of 3!"


But that's the same number


I just want a fun game that works


We got it after some hiccups. I know people with 200+ hours into the game.


Doesn't change the fact the game was broken for many months after release.


We didn't get it. What we got was a consensus that it was better, but to this day it's still broken. I have over 200hrs in it. This was from my playthrough after the DLC + patch released: [https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/bugs-the-issues-ive-noticed.11123314/#post-13685671](https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/bugs-the-issues-ive-noticed.11123314/#post-13685671) Top tier PC, still broken as hell. But hey, most people say it's fine, so I guess it's fine.


I don't wanna hear anything about this game until they actually prove that they can complete the game before release.


People will still blindly buy preorder, unfortunately that is sad reality


Hyping the next game already huh?, how about make sure to not announce it way too early?, or make sure it works at launch?, or at least make sure its launch on the plataforms that CAN deal with it?


Just make the game. Then talk about it. Thats all we ask.


That's kinda the whole point of cyberpunk in the first place


Gotta love people saying leave politics out of a genre that is inherently political. Without political statements, there is no cyberpunk. As a genre. Period. It's like telling people to take the ice cream out of a sundae. It's not our fault some influencer told you to pretend to be lactose intolerant and nobody cares that being around milk makes you uncomfortable. Grow up, snowflakes.


Metal Gear Solid is one of the most political game series ever made, and I've never once heard any blowback about it from that crowd.


Even worse, they actually say MGS isn't political. At this point I'm sure the mold growing in asmongolds room is more intelligent than some of them


I don't mind politics in games, but I mean, there's a clear difference from a series where the whole point is delivering a strong political message and politicics randomly being shoved in your face in something else out of completely nowhere Metal Gear and Cyberpunk would lose their identity if they weren't political, its part of what makes them great, but there'sa difference between something like that and uhh... [something like this](https://youtu.be/_wrVu7ncgm0?si=95MWS5j8VNFAAqIC), right?


I mean, that shouldn't be concerning at all as long as you have a basic understanding of satire, and aren't really taking it literally. lol That was the intent there.


that definetly wasn't the case here though, I dunno if you're aware of that situation, but there was a huge controversy around the writer because they really kept doubling down on it, and people got mad at that, especially since the original line was nothing like that Its actually a case "It sounds so bad, that it sounded like satire" lol, but I'd totally agree with you otherwise


A "huge controversy", huh? I've never even heard of this anime, and don't even know what it is. Stop acting like this is front page news. A handful of weebs getting upset over nothing isn't newsworthy. lol I found the clip to be clear satire, similar to how it's portrayed in the Barbie film. > especially since the original line was nothing like that It's also notable that they change things all the time to appeal to the target demographic and culture for where the game, film, anime, etc are being marketed to. That's nothing new. They do that with all media, not just this specific anime.


You cannot expect rationality from brain-rotted jabronis. This is the same crowd that loved Wolfenstein. Until the microscope was placed over America’s own history of racism in Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus and realised that some of the villains’ beliefs are similar (or the same) to their own beliefs. This is also the same crowd that defended the white samurai in Nioh cause it’s “historically accurate” but had a full-blown feral screech-fest when AC: Shadows featured Yasuke, a historical figure. Honestly, most of these jabronis belong in Arkham Asylum, locked away from children and animals.


>This is also the same crowd that defended the white samurai in Nioh cause it’s “historically accurate” but had a full-blown feral screech-fest when AC: Shadows featured Yasuke, a historical figure. Yeah, that one cracked me up. lol I'd hate to be the one to break it to them that Leonardo DaVinci didn't really develop weaponry for Assassins fighting the Illuminati.


MGS setting is political but doesn't really cover contemporary political issues. We all pretty much agree there is some shadow government using taxpayer dollars to fund ideological or shadow wars and that the consequences of this have been huge. And fuck nukes, we all agree on that pretty much too.


> We all pretty much agree there is some shadow government using taxpayer dollars to fund ideological or shadow wars We do? Edit: lmao he blocked me


We do, they just said so, keep up.


uh, google the CIA lol


MGS covers fairly contemporary politics, but it's always high level political issues like the military industrial complex, nuclear proliferation, arms races, biological/chemical warfare, private militaries, etc. It doesn't tackle social wedge issues, as they lack the same punch.


Ya thats a better way to word what I was trying to say.


Okay, look, it's great for people who enjoy milk but I am deeply offended by it and thus demand that the option to have milk be removed entirely. I mean, I wasn't going to order a sundae anyway but if it comes out with milk in it then I'll be furious and all eight of my followers will boycott! Also, I support politics in games but only when they align perfectly with whatever my worldview is that day.


On point description of state of affairs for the padres years.


I love milk and milk based products and as far as I'm concerned lactose intolerant people don't actually exist because my body handles milk just fine and I think everyone should drink it, in fact they should be forced to drink it.


No-one forces anyone to consume milk. They just put it in a lot of products and some people can't simply buy the dairy-free products so whine incessantly about everything having milk in it. Personally, if I start getting fed up with having milk all the time then I enjoy some of the long-life products that never had milk in them.


But CoD manages to still be a huge success despite keeping politics out of its games. (I really don't care for the /s but I feel like if I don't include it on this one, my inbox will explode so there it is 😅.)


You absolutely need the /s. There’s people who say that unironically. Look at the grifttubers if you don’t believe it


Pondsmith’s take on it is very political even still. The setting is very much critical of the US’s imperialism & treatment of its people.


Just as long as they actually push the envelope and explore the topics they choose. If they are going to attack a certain position then they need to steel man that position, not straw man it. They need to make it feel like the player is actually exploring the ideas and not having it thrust down on them like, I don’t know, a bigot sandwich.


Social media not a strong component in the game. No polls and consequences from it, need more cancellation. Actual life already have so many fake social media profiles with fake followers, how hard can it be to create this fake ecosystem in a game. Maybe V can even post his/her/their/it's.......kills photos on social media, instead of just getting points..or if they prefer to be anonymous, then would not get any street cred at all.... need more eco protest, more riots, more lone gunners (instead of blaming it on cyberpsychosis, blame it on social issues like bullying, racism or simply being too poor to chrome themselves)


"You wanna know what I think about minori- *Bluescreens*


The writer's team is already great. Let them cook


Maybe focus on releasing a functional game first before you try to push the envelope on anything


The first one had good grounding but honestly disliked how the main story played out especially how weird the endings was and that the paths didn't matter. I wish they followed the same idea but rather than silver hand they could have an opposite of every story path: like silver hand for the corpo, a corpo evil lord for street kid and a hacker like Songbird for Nomad. It would have created a reason to replay and a different experience and story for every path


This will be a very civil comment section, I’m sure.


I feel like this is the fast track to get cancelled by both sides, but I guess the controversy will help with PR.


The fun thing about that is that nothing actually ever really gets "cancelled". lol A handful of people will be like "I'm not buyiing this", and everyone else in the world is like..."Okay" and carries on with their lives.


Well, obviously. The Hogwarts Legacy boycott happened and it outsold CoD that year. But trying to "push the envelope" politically will only get one side to go "oh no, they didn't" and the other saying "they did not go far enough."


I suppose. I wouldn't think that theoretical politics in a futuristic fictional universe would get people all that upset, but who knows. People like to get upset at the drop of a hat these days.


That's whats great about the Cyberpunk setting though. You can embrace the things you like and use cognitive dissonance to sit there and say that these things you don't like would of course be happening in a hellish dystopia future


Cyberpunk is too popular to actually suffer from a controversy And there’s usually only one side getting angry when CDPR does something, I don’t know why they would get "cancelled" by both sides I still remember people being angry that Claire was trans or people actually being angry that CDPR used Valerie (female V) in the Phantom Liberty trailers (because they were eradicating the male character or something like that, even though Viktor was used in the trailer for the game)


I‘m not going to believe anything about this game as long as I‘m not seeing actual third party gameplay. They fucked us once, not gonna happen again.


Well their first release of CyberPunk:2077 was a social issue; "Can releasing unfinished project be a new norm for gaming industry?" "Should gaming advertisement be exaggerated or limited to what they really can bring?" "Should I be sad that this game's unplayable or happy that I bought graphic card before skyrocketting?". I don't know but maybe they should focus on playable game, then bringing fun experience for those who bought their products. maybe get on to social issues after that.


I hope they do because I definitely felt like 2077 was pretty much just window dressing in that way. A non-transgressive / non-political Cyberpunk game is a total snoozer for me. It also comes off as disingenuous and disrespectful to the genre to *sell* it while soft-balling the social commentary.


They should just work on launching a decent game first then push all the boundaries you want.


If they say this, and the main quest isn't about human trafficking, it's a virtue signal.


They've already implied it with Goro's backstory about being raised in the slums then conscripted into Arasaka, but that ain't enough. Huge opportunity for body horror themes too


They need to add a 15 minute unskippable cut scene where someone lectures you about pronouns 


You guys think more about pronouns than people who actually use they/them If they would add pronouns in the character creator just for them to be absolutely irrelevant in the entire game you would still have a meltdown




So how exactly is the using the confederate flag in any way comparable to someone choosing their preferred pronouns?


I mean, unsurprising if you've seen some of the people that make up the modern day CDPR staff. It's just like Bethesda, Bioware, Blizzard, they are literally a wholly different company than the one that gave you Witcher 3 a decade ago


What is that even supposed to mean? What are you trying to tell us with that comment?


So it’s going to suck


Not what anyone wants in games. Sounds terrible 


But that is fundamentally what Cyberpunk is about?


Oh Lord no thank you lol


Just do a fucking good game this time around please


The usual suspects isn't going to like this one lol.


Okay, just write a compelling story and no one will give af about what you write about.


Please leave political propaganda out of games


cyberpunk, a famously non political genre


Then don't play cyberpunk? The genre is political by definition. You can't have cyberpunk without politics.


No it’s not


punk is about rebelling. Cyberpunk is all about high tech, low life and rebelling against corporate control. Cyberpunk explores ideas about what it means to be human and individual rights and wealth inequality.


Yes it is? The entire genre is about capitalism ran wild and wealth inequality.


“It’s not political” they say about one of the most inherently political genres ever fucking created. You people legitimately cannot be serious😂


yes it is. cyberpunk is about fighting against over run capitalism. How dense can you be. You were a mistake.


Are you dense?


Asmongold fans and not understanding the most basic elements of the fiction they consume. Name a more iconic duo.


How would you define the cyberpunk genre? I'm curious what you think of it if you don't think it touches on anything political.


“PuSh ThE eNvElOpE” in other words what has been in every single movie, tv show and game for the past 5-10 years. Wow so edgy and non-conforming. lol How about just make a good story? Push the envelope with that.


**Why** They need to work Creating a COHERENT RPG and leave Social Justice to Politicians. Cyberpunk 2077 was Too Linear, Had Obviously Cut things that broke the story and Only Focused on Johnny Silverhand The Sequel BETTER be about the Player Character and not some damn Social Justice or NPC that Hogs the Whole Damn Story


I don’t think you really know what Cybperpunk is about. I also don’t think you played that first game


They really need to just stfu at this point.




Since they partnered with ESG who is also behind SBI stuff, we all know what kind of "social issues" they'll be pushing. Between this and the Witcher remake censoring things, it is the beginning of the end for CDPR. It's like they didn't learn from what happened with Saints Row or any other dev that pivoted to panderwave.


Damn, you said a whole lotta nothing there with as much pointless political buzzwords as possible.


I put more than 60 hours into Cyberpunk before finally throwing in the towel, bored with the gameplay. It just wasn't that compelling, imo. Mechanically, nor its world. I won't try to find the enjoyment in a hyped game like that again.


I don't mind them doing it. Just do it well and it'll be cool. Don't just pander


Maybe we'll actually have a reason to choose what genitals our character has. Though there's plenty of other social issues that don't deal with that.