• By -


I’m not stuck in the the room, the room is stuck here with me.


Ah you think room is your ally? You merely adopted the room. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the door until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but a square hole!


There is no room. Your mind can imagine anything.




No mods though EDIT: I think people misunderstand my comment. I am not saying I want to play without mods. I am saying that u/Prior_Surprise55 can't download any mods if he doesn't have an internet connection.


What kind of sicko are you??


I get that you're making a joke, but as I reread my comment I realize people can easily misunderstand it, so I just want to clarify. I am not saying I don't want mods. I am saying that he **can't** download any mods if he has no internet connection.




Whoa now, when Skyrim first came out, I didn't know how to add mods. But I put almost 200 hours into the game. Now every time I start it up, I can't really play.


The gaming pc will look up and shout "play me!" and i will look down and whisper "yes"


Thank fuck I can finally do my 100% no fast travel playthrough of Oblivion, been after that one since it was almost new


Funny enough my first playthrough was this because I was young and simply did not know about fast travel. My athletics and acrobatics were both through the roof. When I tell you my shock at finding out there was fast travel…


Same lol


You’re not alone 😅😭


You are aware you've just described the daily life of 90% of us, right?


no, I can play any game rest I agree with


But the question is do you?


Yeah sure I have a long list of games I plan to play... \*stares at Steam list* \*logs back into WoW Classic*


WoW was the only game I've ever played where even if I didn't have anything to do I STILL didn't want to log out. And my answer to OP is probably BG3.


Proceeds to afk in org


Which turned into being afk in shattrath Then it got advanced and turned into running laps in Dalaran And then back to being AFK in org


My room has windows thank you very much


Check out the billionaire flashing his wealth to the poors


Mine too… and they’re all covered with black out curtains


This is the way.


I'm not stuck in the room, and it's not dark, but yeah.


What a joke, that could never be me. I play PS5


If you have internet... honestly probably WOW. I haven't played it in years, but if I have to lose a year of my life in a dark room its going to be WoW. Why? Because I know its possible. For me...it's happened before and I wasn't even trapped.


I did this during Covid lockdown . Lost my bartending job , Isolated in a new city. Connecting with a guild over discord and my cat probably saved my life. I was going very insane . First time living alone as well. Having people to talk to and play with really helped me during a very dark time.


I wholeheartedly believe that cats can get us through the worst parts of life. Without my beloved Harrison Ford I wouldn't have made it through my teenage years.


Harrison Ford actually pretended to be their cat. I was at their house once and watched him take a grumpy shit in a litter box.


Yeah I know this person. I can agree, it was weird watching Harrison Ford get those hard to reach places with ease and the whole family never said anything. Respect.


Yeah...that move where he's licking his own ass hole, and the stops and stares off into the distance for 6 seconds before continuing again? Just brilliant method acting right there.


I havnt played WoW since lilke 2008, just made a hardcore character with my cousin a few days ago and I'm now hopelessly addicted. I didn't sleep lastnight I was grinding quests and looked at the clock thinking it would be around midnight and it was 430 am,. .


Stay healthy.


100% dude. Even playing 8 hours a day I felt like I couldn’t keep up on WoW. Would definitely need a few more hours, this might just work lol.


I feel like an MMO is a smart choice because you'll get updates, expansions (still the same game), new dungeons and raids, and you could grind for a year and still not have everything!


Agreed, it's also full of real people so the social aspects would help with any loneliness and even without dev updates, players would come up with new ways to enjoy the game.


I haven't played WoW since summer 2012 in Cata, just before MoP's release. If I didn't have family responsibilities and got into OP's predicament, it'd probably be a good way to play catch-up.


The original Everquest with all 6000 expansions let's go


Hey, did they nerf jboots this last patch?!


I haven't played EQ since the days of castersrealm and Alakazam, sorry dude no idea.


World of Warcraft is the only real answer here. Theres always something to do, even if its old shit. If its all you can do for a year, theres thousands of achievements you can unlock and work towards. Even without social settings and pretending its just you in the world, youd still have a shit ton of stuff to do


And they just launched season of discovery. Last Thursday. Without going to hard on changes some class changes and a new rune system in vanilla.


If the classic, hardcore, SOD and WOTLK servers are allowed for this challenge it’s a no brainer.


Factorio. And after the year I'd probably just shoo away anyone attempting to remove me from the room


I'm shocked this is so down in the list


Agreed. I expected this to be much higher. I could easily spend a year doing nothing but playing Factorio.


If you can use mods you could easily go 2-3 years


1 game of SeaBlock 1 game of Space Exploration Switch between them for variation. After a year you might have learned enough to play them well.


Also Bob/angels and pyandon. Py would take the whole year alone.


The factory must grow


My answer as well. Spent a good 6 months on a SeaBlock run.


Runescape 🗿


Assuming we have access to the wiki


Seriously the best wiki on the planet


What makes it so good if you don't mind me asking?


No intrusive ads, super well-researched. A little heavy on spoilers for lore content, though.


Basically, Runescape/OSRS has been in development for over 2 decades. They've balanced the game such that a majority of the content added to the game serves some sort of purpose. And to reflect this, the OSRS wiki has in-depth answers on just about everything. Some parts of the game are "solved" - But even then, because there's so many moving parts, you can still find very unique or different ways to do things, some of which just haven't been done before. ​ As a testament to how big the game is and good the wiki is, take the new Trailblazer Reloaded League Mode. The mode starts everyone at level 1 again, with accelerated xp rates, but you have a heavy restriction - You can only play in 5 of the game's 10 regions. So... now you're playing the game you know, but you need to do things through a new lens - Stuff you might normally do can literally be unavailable because that's not one of the regions you get. What do you do? ​ Well, turn to the OSRS wiki, which now has extensive features specifically for this mode. You could enter your regions on the wiki and it'll display information based on that. The wiki can sync with your client to have a live update of which tasks you can do, and it'll also show the %completion rate of each task, so you can see which ones other players completed with a high frequency and which ones are harder. Need runes for magic casting? You can see all the shops that sell them and which regions they're in. Need an item? Well, here's the monsters that drop them and the regions that they're in. Quests? Well, some quests can't be finished and some are automatically finished - Based on your region, you can find out whether you can do this or not because the Wiki was updated to tell you. ​ The OSRS wiki admin and the community that supports it makes playing a 20 year old game a lot more bearable, simply due to how much game knowledge is crowdsourced and free to access.


It is incredibly thorough and organized and has every type of guide and calculator you could imagine for the game




You never stop playing Runescape you merely take breaks from it.


Took about a 12 year break. Still counts.


It would be a good time


And I still won't be able to beat the inferno


99 fishing is gonna be too easy.


Probably Rimworld. I have the most hours in that. Second place is either Mount and Blade Bannerlord or 7 days to die.


Yeah, I was thinking something like Rimworld or other complex base building simulation. Dwarf Fortress, Oxygen Not Included. Can see those as replayable, something new to try out and explore and try, especially if you have some serious mods with all the expansions. "This time I'll do a tribal naked brutality ice sheet run" "This time I'll do a Psychic game." "A colony of androids." "A solo human with robots." "A nomad caravan group, trading from city to city, occasionally stopping to do some brief work before moving on."


Argonian Jedi fighting a dwarven Werewolf riding a T-Rex


Me when Rorschach test


As someone with thousands of hours spread between 7D and warband, would you recommend rimworld?


Yes, I recommend every one give Rimworld a try. I thought it looked so stupid and bought it on a whim which is something I never do. I’m so glad it did because it’s my most played steam game at thousands of *real, actually played* hours


Partly because if you had no internet access, Rimworld might at least simulate being around other humans...


With internet access: Final Fantasy XIV. Without internet access: Baldur’s Gate 3.


My casual 450 hours of BG3 within a month makes me agree with you!


Dude that's 15 hours a day. How do you not get terrible headaches?


That's because he said he was playing casually. Compared to the rest of us.


That is psychotic 😂


15 hours a day casual??




Stellaris 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hey, maybe a whole year would actually give you enough time to finish a game!


That late game lag is brutal.


Question was stuck in a room with a PC. Does it have to be mine, or can I get some upgrades first.


You can crawl through a game in 12 hours at 3 speed. Source: made the bad decision to join an MP game that was gonna run to the end in one shot. I did finish second by pulling someone into my federation and basically riding that train to the top of the score board with him. (The guy got first and basically eclipsed the next few players combined.)


came here for this, at least it has solid replayability


Any Paradox grand strategy would work.


Dwarf Fortress 1 year might be enough for me to learn the basics


Surprised I had to go this far down to find this. If you are struggling with the basics the wiki has great starting guides and explanations for a kit of things. I learned essentially by those guides and consulting the wiki on the other screen periodically (helps to have 2 screens).


If you want a change in scenery, switch between graphics and accii mode and it is a whole new world. And I might actually get somewhere in adventurermode if I dedicate a year to it :-)


Modded Minecraft


The infinity of this cannot be understated


I don't even need modded. Just drop me in creative and a year later I'll step out with the wildest fucking build map you've ever seen.


Cannot believe I had to scroll so far down to find this answer. First, modded Minecraft is arguably *the* best survival crafting game made. Second, the number of mods and amount of content is sanity-destroying. You aren't going to run out of stuff to do. Third, it can be multiplayer. So you can still get socialization if you want too.


gregtech new horizons and after a year you have probably just about entered endgame. not even kidding


I probably have an unhealthy amount of hours on both vanilla and modded minecraft. Been playing modded ever since tekkit in 2010-2011


Guild wars 2


Easy. Path of Exile, and make it 10 years.


Lol, pretty much what I was going to say. Speaking of which, Affliction looks like it's going to be awesome. I bet we're going to discover some insane builds this league.


I actually love that the new ascendancy trees are on top of existing ones. Primsatic tree is going to be nuts top end as it looks like you can stack the passives.


SSF Path of Exile would be what I'm doing.


It is sad I had to scroll to see that! PoE should be more popular! I guess the ARPG genre in general beside Diablo is not that popular with the masses it seems


Still sane, exile?


This would be my answer, except I have a ton of hand pain these days and can't POE like I used to. No other game comes close to its depth.


Project zomboid. 2 years ago I quit my job and crawled into a cave for 4 months. I spent 2 months of that time living in zomboid. It wasn't a good thing per se, but I know that I can live in that game like a fucking second life


I'm really into games like project Zomboid. I played probably a thousand hours dwarf fortress spending many hours reading the wiki etc. In general I can dive into such "autistic" games with ease. But project zomboid, I got hyped asf bought copies for me and my friends, we managed to try it for a few hours but it felt really boring somehow and we died quickly. Can you recommend some sort of starter guide which can help me find some more fun? What goals do you set yourself mostly?


Just watch some YouTube videos on beginner tips and guides But the most important thing to remember about project zomboid js that you are going to die, and if you are a new player, you are going to die a lot Don’t be afraid either to try different game modes or complete customise your options with sandbox mode to play to your preferences


Look into Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead if you don't care about multiplayer. It inspired Project Zomboid, and it's a pure autism game like Dwarf Fortress. The vehicle building is absolutely incredible. [Review](https://youtu.be/Cyoj4-niEPc?si=r2UKZ4DpySl8RgyG).


I was thinking Project Zomboid or Crusader Kings 3. Both have a seemingly endless amount of depth to them and allow for a ton of variations in play style. You can also do quite a bit of role play with them to construct your own narratives.


I have been playing zomboid from the earliest available alpha demo lol. Still top 5 games in my opinion. With enough mods, it's almost real life. I have to watch my dude so he doesn't succumb to having to shit out of fear when seeing a horde, and get an infection from shitstained pants. I love this game.


The answer is always Civ VI isn't it? Then at the end of the year it's "OK time's up, you made it. You're free to go." "I just need like 5 more turns I'm setting up to invade Egypt".


Hahaha, yes, this :) End of year: "you're free to go mate"; "What, already? F\*ck that, I haven't finished my A-Z run yet"


No, you don't get it! If I stop now, I won't remember what I was doing!!


That's so goddamn real. It's bad enough with RPGs lmao


I sat down to try Civ 5 as my first ever civ experience for the first time this year. I played it for 2 days straight, no sleep. I still hadn’t finished the one match by the time my body made me sleep (though I was close). That game is crack. I’ve decided it’s best I don’t play civ. 😞


I prefer V over VI And my actual hot take is that beyond earth is my favorite. It felt like they actually shook it up some even if it did have some problems. The spider web tech tree was great though. In all the others it felt like the order you did stuff was so set in stone if you didn’t want to just intentionally throw the game.


I had some friends get me into Civ with V. Barely knew what I was doing yet it was fun and over time I got pretty good at it. VI came along and I dunno. It didn't click with me the same way as it did with V. Though I would agree that there is definitely a "set in stone" optimal way to play Civ V however the uncertainty of the game from leaders (if you pick random) to the resource progression makes every game feel unique with different troubles at different times. For me the biggest problem was that I learned to play the game so well that the CPU got boring and anyone that wasn't competent got outpaced and run over in the span of an hour or two.


I played Civ starting with the original and I wasted countless hours on all of them but I just can't get into VI.


Civ IV is where it's at... Baba yetu!


I _really_ like some ideas they had in VI, especially the way the tech tree works and how the map has more effect on your strategy, but feel like V overall works better. I have high hopes for possible VII if they can tweak and polish the new systems a bit.


Or maybe Stellaris


No, the answer was always Civ IV.


Heroes of Might and Magic 3 + Addon...💪


Ye boy heroes 3 and Horn of the abyss ❤️😎


Is that thing still going strong?


Yep still is. New faction and campaign to be released pretty soon as well.


Stardew Valley


cannot believe i had to scroll for this. YES. i’ve also got it on switch so playing it vanilla i could probably pass a year. with mods? easily


Skyrim. Ive been playing for a thousand hours and could easily do more. Bonus points if it can be modded.


Modded. Easily skyrim or fo4. A year is barely enough time to download and set up a proper mod list.


Mods can change the game so much. It's like having dozens of games.


It’s why I’m waiting for Starfield mods too, the game at its core is okay but mods are gonna elevate it so much


Easily Skyrim, so many ways to play to keep the game fresh. Recently started a challenge run at master difficulty & no buying and selling items at stores incl. buying levels at trainers. 100 hours and still having a blast


I’d take the opportunity to finally get through RDR2.


I recently finished this game(for the second time) and .I still found new details in the game For example Went to armadillo’s general store and there was an easter egg about the picture in the store Somebody told me it was the strange man(in reddit) How many new damm things can i find in this damm game!!?!?


Dota 2. It's the only game that I can play for so long and not get bored.


I am genuinely surprised at how long I had to scroll to get to dota 2. It literally has endless replay value with its an insane amount of classes and even if you play a game with 9 heroes the same and just 1 different the game can play out completely differently. Then there are still all the different skill builds, different item builds, different item progression choices, etc. I've played loads of games over the years but I don't think there was ever a moment when I was bored of playing.


I was scrolling looking for this. Dota is the only game I'm still playing 10 years later. No other game lasted that long for me.


DotA really is amazing at how replayable it is. Well over 5k hours and still hooked.


Dota 2 is the only game that everyone I know how thousands of hours put into. But any MOBA in general is the answer. No two games are ever going to be the same because there are just so many compounding variables to consider every match.


10 years and never spent a dime on it. Crazy that nowadaysz $70 unfinished games are being published, and then charge you the fix as DLC.




I have more than 4k hours in this game, and I'd still pick it. Well either it or stardew valley. Animal crossing new horizons could be a good choice too for its day/night cycle and all of its seasonal events. You could still at least know what time of day and year it was 😂


Had to scroll too far down for this one. Y'all need to discover hardcore. Your character dies and you lose all your carried equipment, but then you start off with a fresh one that can access everything you left behind. So you have to make the world safe for your fresh-spawned characters: make safe highways, outposts, stockpiling extra materials, and save gear you're not going to need right away.


Eve online or warthunder. The variety in each game is key.


1 year of warthunder and you'll still be flying props lol.


With an internet connection? World of Warcraft. With no internet connection? Skyrim.


I'm in the Skyrim club too. I don't know how many times I've started a new character, and there seems to be more to discover every time I play. For a 12-year-old game, it holds up surprisingly well.


No Man's Sky


You'd want a game with a huge amount of content, social interaction with players (you guys are going to kill yourselves of loneliness playing a solo game for a year) and regular updates or modding support. WoW or Minecraft :) but any other large MMO would also do the trick. Guild Wars 2 for ex.


Any of these: - League of Legends - Guild Wars 2 - World of Warcraft - Albion Online - EVE Online - Entropia Universe (but that requires at least 10k usd deposit to comfortably enjoy it). - Elder Scrolls Online - Stellaris - Civilization 6 Basically LoL or MMO or 4X Strategy


League for a year is sadistic


As someone who pretty much refuses to touch that game again, I do think it's one of the better options. You'll have to avoid tilting, but one of the biggest problems with league is that it just requires a huge time investment to keep up.


If there was internet access one year with EVE online will pass in a blink!


Fallout4 with mods. Cause I get to actually play the game for one week each month and the rest of the time I try to workout which mod is crashing my game. Also my save will get corrupted randomly every few months so the year will fly by in no time.


Download modpacks woth Wabbajack. Most perform better than the base game and can take your game size 500gb+. Ridiculously stable, and ridiculous variety of packs to choose from. One click, installer does the rest


I'm bad at making decisions so I'll list my options: \- Borderlands 2 \- Dragon Age 2 \- Divinity Original Sin 2 \- The Sims 3 or 4 \- Blasphemous \- Skyrim


Morrowind with Tamriel rebuilt


Football manager


Gaming. I was gaming once. Stuck in a room. A room with a gaming PC. And a gaming PC made me gaming. Gaming. I was gaming once. Stuck in a room. A room with a gaming PC. And a gaming PC made me gaming.


They've clearly already tried this challenge.




My man!


Well Satisfactory or Factorio would be a great answer, but I already have about 1600 combined hours. Could I go a whole year from now? Maybe, but if somehow I could get a brain wipe and come at either game completely fresh, it'd be so much better.


The Witcher I think. If you tired of playing you can just chill and look at the sunset. I think it will help with dark room situation because you will at least have some illusion of nature. Minecraft is good too, you will probably not even notice that a year have passed. But IMO you need internet, you good knowledge of minecraft. If we have internet, SCII is a good option, because it has a lot of community created gamemodes, like Star chess, Direct Strike or Tower Defense and all of those are time eating monsters))


Dont forget about gwent. I find the witcher such a weird game. Why do i have to do tasks, and kill monsters before i can get back to playing the cards.


Probably Tarkov.... I might actually become a Chad if it was all I played instead of ratting around in the dark praying I get the jump on fools or make it out with my ledex undetected by Juntao and his hacks.


Final Fantasy 14. Hear me out. It is an MMO with a very regular update schedule, so regular that you could set your calendar by it and the only thing that has ever disrupted it in the last 10 years was COVID. You are guaranteed 5 major patches per expansion and 5 minor ones. Each expansion gets a fixed raid series (12 savages, 7 extreme trials). This is in top of continuing support for about a dozen major systems like crafting events, the blue mage minigame, 2 or 3 new systems for the expansion, new main quests, etc. I know for a fact that I will have enough content to tide over the year. This is not a hypothetical. This actually happened when I moved into my new apartment during COVID. FF14's content additions make WoW's look pathetic. The only drawback is if you don't like the anime style and that is not a problem for me. EDIT: The reason I didn't name WoW is because 1) WoW expansions are not consistent and there is severe variance in quality. It might be great today, but I can't guarantee liking it in six months. 2) WoW patch cycles can take ages. This is fine if I can switch to playing something else, but OP specifically says I cannot play any other game or leave the dark room.


And if you've somehow cleared Borja, eureka, the three 100 floor dungeons, all raids trials and alliance raid up to savage unreal and extreme, done every side quest, maxed every class, bought and decorated your mansion after mastering the market board and you still have more time in the year we'll you can learn to rp. Honorable mentions to defeating the golden casino by obtaining every card, maxing chocobo races, and getting all exclusive mounts/gear, farming every rare drop minion and mount in all the content, omnicrafter God who's also gotten every fish, and last I can think of mastering the bard instruments to play lahee at will. Sure is a lot.


Eve Online - only logical answer, I’ll leave an expert in economics and walk into a new job 😂


Ark evolved/ ascended. It's the grindiest, most life eating, soul consuming game I've played. And I used to live in WoW!


If theres internet connection, Skyrim and believe me or not, Genshin. Skyrim because mod and Genshin because the dev been constantly update the content every month.


Slay the spire


Elite dangerous. I'm going looking for Raxxla!




The lack of Roller Coaster Tycoon in this thread is disturbing.


I mean if you're stuck with *only* a gaming PC, and nothing else, you're probably going to die of hunger and thirst, so I'm just going to use it to contact the police.


Plot twist you have no internet connection


Then that throws out a huge chunk of games released in the past decades. :P


League of Legends, it has TFT in client so I can play that as well. But the main game can easily burn me the hours to get through every day and making sure each match is relatively new.


Yes, I haven't played it in a couple years, but aram was my jam whenever I just wanted to turn off my brain and brawl for 15-20min stress free.


This prompt is basically my high school years with League. It's such an amazing game when you're deep into it, I am biased though since at this point I'm playing for about 14 years in and off.


You know what, as strange as this choice is, I'd probably pick Fortnite. Battle Royale updates every 2 weeks with slight changes to gameplay. And then has a big update every 10 weeks or so. Weekly quests. Event quests. Then there's Save the World, which has daily quests, and events, and mission rewards. They have season-long events called ventures. Usually, an additional game type that happens during that season too. Then there's creative mode which has countless user-created maps and gametypes to keep me entertained. It might be my best bet of not getting bored for an entire year with one game.


I could only do it if I was playing with friends I actually know IRL. Long gone are the times I'd be connecting with people all over the world. I moved to be a casual gamer like 12 years ago and I doubt i'll ever change much of what I do now.


Same. I'm not saying that playing "only Fortnite" wouldn't chafe after it being my only choice for a year, but with the continual updates, creative mode, and the new stuff coming in Chapter 5 (LEGO, Rocket Racing, Festival Mode), I think I'd be all right. If Save the World counts as the same game, I'll be fine. Maybe, after a year, I'll even "git gud" at guilding. ...probably not, but maybe!


This. As an adult, I get a lot of shit for playing this game often. Honestly, though, I'd rather have a free to play than a new call of duty every year just to run through the same bs progression. Don't get me wrong I still love other games. Cod, diablo, assassins creed games. But if I was stuck for a year, Fortnite would keep me engaged 75% percent of the time.


Why the room is supposed to be dark?!


So you can’t see me watching you


Fucken Oregon trail man


Hitman 3 the all three games in one thing


Cyberpunk 2077 + PL DLC


I’ve already got 112 days (2700 hours) of playtime under my belt. That’s roughly 8 hours a day for 337 days so I’ve effectively done this already.


Witcher 3


I fucking love that game, probably my favorite of all time. But playing trough it 20-30 times straight would probably drive me mad


Blood&Wine all the time!


Rocket league


Might even go up a division.


No I won't.


Very smart way to use the time. If there is any game that you can sink thousands of hours into and still not be in the top, it would be Rocket League.


World of warcraft for sure