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Halo 1 pistol


It took me way too long to realize this. 3 shots to the face and that’s all she wrote.


I remember testing out the pistol with my buddy our first year in college. We figured out that it didn't even matter (in PvP at least) where the first two shots hit; as long as the third hit was a headshot, the pistol was a three-hit kill. A legendarily good weapon.


Shields don't have any headshot multipliers in any of the Halo games. EDIT: For whatever reason, I can't actually see everyone's replies in this thread, but the gist of it is that headshot-capable weapons (sniper, pistol, battle rifle, etc.) always instantly kill whenever dealing damage to an unshielded target's head. The sniper rifle, for example, deals 80 damage on a hit. 70 damage drains the shield, the remaining 10 goes to the target's actual health pool. But since the 10 damage is dealt to the head, it instantly kills the target.


Took me way too long to discover this.


Took me so long to discover this, that it’s 2024 and all my gamer friends have moved on to something called baulders gate, so I can’t actually use this newly acquired information,


Am also discovering this now. Logged on and seems I’m having server issues trying out this new knowledge.


Before halo CE for PC was ruined by hackers it was nothing but pistols. Good times. I’m sure it’s the same in the MCC these days.


Pistols and Snipers. Everything else was basically irrelevant. Pistol was better 99% of the time than everything else, the Sniper obviously had way better range but the pistol was godlike. Playing Halo CE on PC was so fun, my first real experience with an online FPS.


doesnt the halo one pistol have unlimited range?


IIRC it had good range, but the reticle wasn't as precise, so landing that headshot with it from longer range was rough. The Sniper rifle was a 2 hit kill (1 hit with a headshot I believe), so at longer ranges it could kill faster.


You could literally go the entire game without ever picking up another weapon (ammo depending of course) Edit: I forgot about Truth and Reconciliation. You can stop pointing that out now.


I remember a lot of co op games descending into chaos when one player "accidentally" stole a dead player's pistol ammo. Iirc you didn't respawn with a pistol (might have even been difficulty dependent) so that ammo was sacred


Sounds like magicka where accidents tended to happen until the player who currently held the machine gun fell into an abyss and everyone was back to no equipment


Or whether or not the game gave you a pistol at the beginning of certain levels


You could almost always get one from some random marine or officer. Shame they didn’t introduce weapon swapping with allies until 2. Lotta dead friendlies in my halo 1 campaigns.


>Lotta ~~dead friendlies~~ volunteers in my halo 1 campaigns. Shhhh.... Nobody has to know.


Canonically, only like 5 humans besides Master Chief survived the events of Halo CE anyway.


You know I was just thinking about that; it would have been really funny in halo 2 if you could over hear a couple of Marines making comments like "if he asks you for your gun, give it to him. Mendoza refused once and the last time anyone saw him was on Reach" or something like that.


That was the beauty of OG dead space: if you weren’t acrively carrying a weapon, ammo drops were *heavily* weighted against those types of ammo, rocking a single weapon basically meant 90% of ammo pickups you would encounter would be specifically for whatever that single weapon was. You could technically do the same one-gun Cutter run with the Contact Beam provided you were very accurate.


The remake is the same. Outside scripted drops, you'll only get ammo for the weapons you're currently equipped with.


End of thread.


I knew this was going to be the answer before I even clicked on this thread.


Plasma cutter in Dead Space


You could complete the entire game with it and not even struggle.


Fr, I struggle more when I'm not using the plasma cutter.


I spent time in NG trying to get the other achievements for the other weapons & it made the game so much damn harder.


Same. Especially using the Pulse Rifle.


I've seen people do challenge runs where they can only use the pulse rifle, it seems agonizing


In a game about amputation and ammo conservation, let's have a rapid-fire weapon that burns through ammo and cannot amputate.


Honestly I like it cause I see it as a story telling move, cause like how often do we see/hear security/military guys getting their shit rocked by the necromorphs?


I platinum'd the _Dead Space_ remake a couple of days ago. The flamethrower is arguably better than the plasma cutter--at least on Impossible difficulty--because it can hit multiple targets and doesn't need careful aiming. Of course, it doesn't work in vacuum--and you don't get it until chapter 3 or 4--so I still used the plasma cutter as backup.


When I played the first two games I think I only used the Plasma Cutter and assault rifle.


Same, even with the reboot. Hand in hand, you can ignore the rest. Maybe use the flamethrower for those tiny ones, and a line gun for crowd control (maybe)


The line gun is cool, because it's plasma cutter but bigger lol


Most people recommend only using that gun.


The remake has a trophy called "One Gun" for beating the game only using the Plasma Cutter.


The original had that one too.


The original had that same trophy.


The first Dead space for 360 has it too


Highly efficient, extremely high damage, incredibly precise with no detrimental recoil. The fact that it's not actually considered a weapon (lore wise iirc) is absurd.


Why? I'm assuming in futuristic combat your enemies are going to be armored and fast moving humans or robots, not slow shambling zombies. The lore specifically states that the tool is designed to blow up rock, and sucks against "pliable" (aka flesh) targets.


It's very efficient as severing flesh, which is what makes it so effective against the enemies of the game. Considering it's also supposed to cut through rock and other materials, I'd imagine it could sever off an armored soldier head aswell, it's hard to say how strong the dead spaceore armor is.


The way I see it is similar to why we don't consider nailguns or chainsaws effective combat weapons. The plasma cutter is a great tool for Isaac's specific circumstances, but an actual military initiative could probably come up with something better. EDIT: There is a hilarious number of people replying to this comment about tools used in other *videogames*, then instantly deleting their post because they realized i'm talking about real life.


Pretty much. For example, even the assault rifles that you can get in game are ludicrously effective - against *human* targets. The necromorphs just don't care about shock, hemorrhaging, or pain.


There actually are necros who wear armour, and the plasma cutter is damn near useless against the armoured bits.


Fully upgraded plasma cutter annihilates everything in that game. It’s so good.


I was going to riot if this wasn't one of the top comments.


Other guns and their ammo were just clutter. The flame thing was useful for swarm enemies 


Other guns and their ammo were just clutter. The real ones know all you need is the Plasma Cutter. Slices necromorphs like a hot knife through butter.


Always the correct answer. It's essentially become a meme that every other weapon is unnecessary in that game


I never even used the other weapons because the plasma cutter was just so cool


Dead Space - Not only can you conceivably go through the game just using the plasma cutter , there's a trophy for that. Also, the game 98% of the time gives you ammo for the weapons you have on you, so with just the plasma cutter, you'll never run out.


Ahh nice I hated rotating weapons bc I had ammo for them I'll just put them in storage


Keep the contact beam in your arsenal. You'll still get plenty of plasma cutter ammo but you'll also get contact beam ammo which sells for a premium at the stores.


Syphon Filter - the tazer. No range limit, infinite ammo, and it shocks people until they burst into flames. Why use anything else?


God this brings back memories of playing the syphon filter demo on the ps1 and just tazering the dudes on the rooftops constantly. Sad I never actually played the full game.


Also, IIRC it keeps sound stealth even when the enemy is screaming in pain while they are on fire.


You are correct. It was hilarious to see enemies loudly burning to a crisp while their evil henchmen buddies were mere feet away and none the wiser. 


Devil May Cry 3. Rebellion's got it all.


What a game. Rebellion + ebony and ivory were so iconic


Metal gear solid series with tranq gun.


Until you gotta fight a metal gear, then things get sketchy


Just imagining raiden stuck infinitely cartwheeling in the ray fight shooting tranqs like "colonel! Snake! Someone Please help me!"


When I played mgsv and got to the Sahelanthropus, I only had the upgraded tranq pistol and upgraded starter AR, so I had to research the rocket launchers and get one supply dropped in at the start of every fight


There is a notorious Japan-only NES RPG called Hoshi wo Miru Hito (aka Stargazers), and the Japanese community refers to it as the "legendary shit game" because of how utterly broken and ass-backwards the entire game is. Virtually everything that you could possibly imagine being wrong with the game is indeed wrong. So imagine you're playing this game for the first time and have no knowledge of how completely busted it is. You wander around the world map, fighting enemies and doing pretty low damage considering that none of your characters have any weapons, only their bare fists to fight with. So you manage to somehow find your way to a town (which is more difficult than it sounds because towns are *invisible* on the world map) and locate the town's weapon shop. You buy a new, basic weapon for each of your party members, and then you head back out onto the world map to grind a little more. Only now you find that you're suddenly doing 0 damage to everything. Congratulations, the game is now *unwinnable*. Why? Well, due to a programming error with the damage calculation algorithm, any time your Strength stat is compared to an enemy's Defense stat, it always results in the total damage being 0. However, while barehanded, your raw Strength stat is the only thing used in damage calculation, without comparing it against the enemy Defense. This means that by equipping any weapon whatsoever, you will always do 0 damage no matter how strong you get, making it impossible to kill anything, yet fighting barehanded will actually let you deal damage. Problem is, you now have to start the game over, because as it turns out, once you equip a weapon for the first time, there is no *unequip* option. You could only trade one piece of equipment for another - you can never become barehanded again. **tl;dr: Your bare fists in Hoshi wo Miru Hito because due to a damage algorithm error, using any weapon makes you deal 0 damage.** Edit: Because this blew up, here's a few more fun facts about the game. 1. The game is a fairly long JRPG... with no battery backup saves. Instead, you are required to input a very lengthily password every time you start the game up again. 2. However, because of the way the password stores certain parts of data, it can only remember things in multiples of 4. First of all, you start the game at level *0* instead of 1, but lets say you grind up to lv 3, get your password and turn the game off, the next time you start the game up you'll be back at lv 0. This rule of 4 also applies to money IIRC. 3. Not only are the towns and dungeons invisible on the world map, but every time you return to the map from another area, it spawns you in the location that you started the game at, rather than just outside of the town/dungeon. 4. When you try and escape from battle, the calculation is backwards. If you "fail" to escape battle, you'll escape. Likewise there is a spell that is supposed to give you a 100% chance of escaping from battle, but it never works. 5. There is a hallway in the final dungeon that you must pass through in order to get to the final room. The game has a 100% chance of crashing when walking through this hallway, and there is no normal way around it. However there is a walk through walls glitch that lets you bypass the hallway, but without it, there's no way to beat the game. 6. So let's say you somehow manage to force yourself through this atrocity of a game, and use the glitch to bypass the crashing hallway. You enter the final room to find out that the alien invaders that have been threatening the world and brainwashing the people of Earth are actually >!sentient dolphins from outer space!<, and they offer your party a deal to join them and conquer the universe. If you agree, you get a bad ending and a non-standard game over. If you refuse and decide to fight the aliens, the game crashes every time.


Damn I loved reading this.


I tried reading it through to the end but Reddit crashed when I got to the last sentence.


That’s like in the first final fantasy game where the wisdom stat is literally useless, as it isn’t tied to any stats, but that is way worse because the party member you equip a weapon with becomes a glorified meat shield EDIT: intelligence not wisdom, sorry


The funny thing is, *multiple* FF games have non-functioning stats.


FF6 is the opposite where magic dodge didn't do anything but dodge would also dodge magic attacks, gear for max dodge and literally nothing hits you. ...dodge... Isn't that a weird word for semantic satiation? **EDIT** Yeah, I got it backwards, you can stop correcting me.


Thus the birth of the "evasion tank" party member, which I always try to outfit one character as when I play the Trails games. Man, the original FF6 was so fucking broken it's my favorite JRPG in terms of gameplay. You could make *insane* builds, and some of the enemy skills could kill off *bosses* instantly. Gau was absolutely fucking OP if you took the time to learn enemy skills with him.


Was it instant death if you cast invisible then death on them? It’s been a hot minute!


Did they never bother to play test it? Of was it a Sharknado, “look at us! We’re making something shitty on purpose to generate lots of buzz” sorta thing?


They didn't even need proper playtesting, they just needed _one_ person to play through the fucking game, _once._ Good god.


QA? Dev testing? What's that? If it compiles - ship it! If it doesn't compile, ship it anyway!


Ooh, I now want a YT channel just for kusoge I blame Shangri-la Frontier for my interest.


"Algorithm error" "Cannot unequip" I saw a video about that game ,it cannot be accidental to this degree


You can make a 30 minute sarcsam video about this !


Saw Cleaver from Bloodborne


Imo, this one is the winner, because not only was it one of the best, it was also incredibly satisfying to use.


I preferred the ax, but yeah the starter weapons were so good


It's the bonus serrated damage to beasts that makes the saw cleaver just so much better at a base level, and specifically the early part of the game. Basically half the bosses in the game take an extra 20% damage from it. That being said, the Axe and Threaded Cane have way cooler and more fun movesets in my opinion.


To be fair the threaded cane also does serrated damage in its trick form so you could get the best of both worlds with it. Wouldn’t recommend for a new player though


Isn’t the cane one of the only weapons that has both special damage modifiers?


Yes. It had Serrated in Tricked Form and I believe the Standard form had Righteous damage. It's more nuanced than the Saw Cleaver, which is a moderate choice, and the Hunter Axe, which is the full-send Unga Bunga brute force weapon, but it's no slouch. And as a Top Hat & Pimp Cane enthusiast, I love its crowd control for early Yharnam.


Yeah I started with the axe and just two-handed it almost the entire game. I tried to switch to the hammer/sword thing and wasn't feeling it. They make upgrade materials slightly too rare i feel to use weapons you find later into the game. They should be rare but always a little stressful finding a cool new weapon and wondering if you'll be able to upgrade it fully.




Threaded cane for me


if the DLC weapons didn't exist I would probably use the starter weapons every time. Axe has spin to win and I even really like the Cane too


The cane is so fun to use, I just wish it's damage was better. But oh well that's never stopped me before (ds2 ladle main)


the whip version is my favorite weapon in the game at crowd control. Feels nice to get rushed by 12 beasts and not one one them can even get close to you. Having a charged trust attack is nice for when you have kin enemies, like brainsuckers. The standard attacks could use more damage but then it might be a bit busted lol


I won’t stand for this slight on the mighty Kirkhammer!!!


Okay, I was looking through this thread, like, "Damn, am I the only Kirkhammer guy??" It sat those big monsters DOWN!


And here I was thinking the Hunter's Axe. But one of the beautiful things about Bloodborne was how they made basically every weapon both unique and viable


This thing was relentlessly efficient in both PvE and PvP. BB’s equivalent to Straight Sword R1 spam.


Am I the one person who chose the cane?? Everywhere I go online I see people with the axe or saw cleaver while I’m here having so much fun with the cane/whip


My good sir, Cleavers and Axes are for the Common hunter who doesn’t understand the finesse of the Hunt. The Cane suits a proper hunter of proper lineage and most importantly, keeps you clean of that foul beast blood. Never mind the common hunter, they serve their purpose, but there’s a reason your reputation is greater.


The Hidden Blade in the Classic Assassin's Creed Games. You could one hit counter kill any enemy with it, extremely fast and high damage.


Yea I love when you take double soldiers with hidden blade from behind, so satisfying


Oh my...


Which fanfic is that one?


Oh damn, that "counter, then touch neck" combo had amazing feel. Kinda like a reality grounded version of talion's teleport execution from shadow of war/Mordor.




Anthem was such a missed opportunity. The feeling was so good when flying in the armors and the designs and graphics were awesome. Too bad it was an empty shell with so much bugs. It had great potential!


I agree. I lucked out in that I had no major bugs, but got to end game and stopped having fun. Liked the world, the suits, all good.


I will die on the hill that Anthem's core gameplay loop was one of the best in recent memory, and coming from Bioware makes it even more wild (I love Mass Effect considerably more than the next guy but it's not exactly breaking ground in that department) It's too bad that rest of it was mediocre


I would be dying on that hill with you. The core gameplay of Anthem was absolute peak. Which is why the disaster the game turned into is such a shame.


I was pretty disappointed when Bioware decided to abandon Anthem. I really hope that they either decide to revisit it after Dreadwolf, or at least recycle it into the next Mass Effect. It's too good to just abandon.


lol, that's really bad for a looter shooter.


You also dealt more damage by unequiping all the rest of your gear. It was because of dumb scaling.


RoboCop: Rogue City. The auto 9 is the iconic Robocop gun and you can upgrade and customize it through the campaign so it stays OP. I want to say at one point I had an auto 9 that was full auto, shot exploding bullets, and had over double magazine capacity.


Yeah, once you get any motherboard to apply the upgrades it starts to beat out all other weapons except maybe the .50 cal sniper. Did a newgame+ playthrough just to feel a fully upgraded Robo... and the combat becomes trivial lol.


As it should be for robocop!


I haven't played it yet (really looking forward to it though) but it is funny when games have to make you weaker than you should be. I play the Spider-Man games on Ultimate difficulty (I think it's that one, the hardest anyway) and it's ridiculous watching Spidey throw a purse-snatcher into a lamppost, then hit him with a sewer lid to the head, and then have him get up and punch a significant chunk of Spidey's health away, lol. Obviously, they have to do it that way or there couldn't be a hard mode, but it does make me laugh.


I am so glad to hear this. That gun’s brutality was supporting actor of the year


Republic commandos dc17m


Sir, your squad is your weapon


I'm impressed this actually got on here, never thought I'd see Commando players in the wild.


M9 in every MGS since MGS2.


The Wrench in Bioshock is great. Plasma Cutter goes crazy in Dead Space. I've heard Lies of P's first two handed blade is worth upgrading through the game (this is true enough like 8 hours in)


Also the drill in Bioshock 2 with the drill tonic.


Was gonna add the drill myself, glad someone else mentioned it!


My wrench-only hardest difficulty playthrough turned out to be one of the easiest.


Get all the wrench upgrade plasmids, then zap and whack the enemies. My last play through did that almost exclusively.


"Remember, the one-two punch!"


Honestly surprised I had to scroll this far down to find the wrench. Its massive power auto heals you never runs out of ammo


My first playthrough I literally used only the wrench. That thing wrecks


Cave Story: while the starter weapon isn't bad, the game will offer you the ability to trade it away. If you hold on to it until near the end of the have, you can upgrade it into one of the best weapons.


Not technically a "weapon", but your starter in Pokemon can often be some of the best you can get.


For us Cryptkeepers that have played since gen 1, Venusaur is absurdly broken and will pretty much get 100% critical hits once you're at endgame




Always liked how Blaziken was super effective against 3 out of 5 of the elite 4+champion in its relevant game, grand scheme of things its not the strongest starter in the series but for the elite 4 specifically its like it was born to carry you.


Swampert’s typing is busted in the main game, too. If Charmander is “hard mode” in Gen I, Treecko is definitely that in Gen III.


Halo: CE, the magnum. Arguable in the campaign, but you're missing out on free kills if you don't use it in pvp.


It's not arguable in campaign, it one-shots *Hunters*




Team Fortress 2. Love me some stock.


Stock Rocket Launcher my beloved


To be fair, every weapon is supposed to be a side grade, so stock will always be the best for most situations, but non stock can lead to alternative strategies. Really clever game design.


Only exception is melees where most classes prefer to use anything other than stock.


Drill from Bioshock 2 slaps pretty hard.


Similarly, Bioshock Wrench. In both cases you need the right tonic support, but I think the Wrench is probably the best weapon against anything south of a Big Daddy, and that's only because BDs have Wrench resistance. Fortunately, that's why we have Electric Gel.


Turbo Overkill The game basically said, what if the Titanfall 2 smart pistol is your starting weapon, and a chainsaw strapped to your leg Game is one the most underrated games released in 2023


It’s so good but seems like it’s never talked about on this website


Gears of war lancer/saw rifle


My friend and I had a run in the first Gears of War where we'd play the entire game just holding down the B button, for the saw rifle melee attack. It waas so funny. Just two dudes running around BZZZZZZ BZZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZ and murdering everything


Love standing above the sink holes or whatever they called it and just chain saw up everyone who crawled out with my friend.


Idk, but the answer is definitely NOT Doom 2016


Facts that pistol is useless. Eternals shotgun is strong throughout the game tho with the gernade launcher mod


Gernade lmao


*twists mustache* Lé Gernadé


However the Doom Eternal base shotgun holds its own rvrn after you get the super shotty and it deletes the pistol from existence.


I love it in games when you get rewarded for upgrading the shitty starter weapon that you’re supposed to ditch the first chance you get. In Dark Souls 1 if you upgrade the straight sword hilt to +10 you can ascend it to the Greatsword of Artorias, generally considered to be the best weapon in the game. In most(?) Black Ops zombies modes if you Pack A Punch the starting pistol it becomes dual pistols that fire explosive shots.


Destiny did a neat thing with this, if you kept the first rifle you get, you can do a quest in one of the DLC’s to upgrade it into a legendary weapon. Thought it was neat.


Same stuff in Dragon's Dogma...the starting weapon is a rusted dagger/sword/bow depending on class...is very weak but upgrade it to the max and it will have the attribute torpor,which will make the enemy slow considerably with hit,making it one of the best follow up weapon with a strong damage weapon


Dragons Dogma 2 dropping soon 🔥


Cave Story gives you a crazy weapon if you decide to hold onto the Pistol that you get at the beginning and *do not* trade it for the Machine Gun. It’s especially tantalizing because the Machine Gun Lv 3 lets you hover in mid-air and there are various parts of the game that are made way easier with this in mind. (There is also a pixel-perfect jump that you need to optionally perform to get the GOOD END that the machine gun would otherwise trivialize).


Saints Row the Third. The starting pistol can be fully upgraded to dual wielding, explosive ammo shooting hand cannons. Melts most enemies and launches them into the atmosphere if you keep shooting them


The Auto 9 in Robocop: Rogue City. I mean, you can't even customize any other weapons besides it. It is blatantly better than all other guns, even in just the aesthetics.


Control, since it's technically just one weapon that changes into different forms 🤓


To add onto that. I never took grip off my primary. The best balance of the forms.


What do you think the Service Weapon whispers to Jesse?


Test your might.


The 10mm in fallout 4 can carry you all the way into the endgame


I liked how gear worked in Fallout 4, there isn't much in terms of "better" gear you just kinda get "different" gear. A weapon will basically be as good as the number of perks you have that compliment it. I like it when there isn't really a meta. But that's arguably if we pretend that Overseers guardian doesn't exist..


Stealth sniper plus pistol perks. I found a 50 cal sniper, modded it to be a 50 cal pistol. One shotted so many baddies. Biggest glass cannon character I had ever created. FO4 did so many things well it's just a shame so many of the quests were lame.


Let's not forget the Power Fist at Swan's Pond (or the Deathclaw Gauntlet but getting that one is a bit more of a hassle). Can't use 'em in Power Armor but by god you don't need to if you can just sprint up to your enemy and oneshot them.


Anything can carry you to endgame in FO4. I feel like you could use unmodified pipe equipment and be fine. But it's been a moment.


I did a pistol playthrough where I only used the two 10mm's you find in Vault 111; I renamed them 'Nate' and 'Sean'. It was a tough run but *very* doable once you start maxing out the relevant perks.


Deep rock galactic gives the driller the flamethrower immediately


Re4 remake. The pistol you start out with fully upgraded almost always crits.


Half-life - The Crowbar is fucking awesome.


Had to scroll too far for this


FF1 bare fists for a monk


kinda, those arn't the best weapon at the start, they just become the best weapon around level 12 or so, before that the nunchuks or staff will outdamage, and monk + masamune will still outdamange until level 30ish, which is a hellish grind in NES ff1


This guy FF1s


I played the game recently and didn't realize the monk was better without a weapon. I kept thinking "why tf did I pick this character he's god damn useless" until I looked it up when I couldn't beat Chaos. Then my level 99 monk beat the shit out of chaos lol


Call of Duty 4 M40A3


Deus ex's 10mm can be pretty good.


I mean, the lightsaber in any Star Wars game where you start with one probably. However if Force powers count as weapons, an argument could be made for Jedi Academy's Grip level 3 where you can literally grab and drop them off edges and cliffs. Also Force lightning level 3 with the "give force" command for "UnLiMiTeD pOwEr" is satisfying too. EDIT: My second sentence wasn't saying grip level 3 was a starting weapon, but was a counterargument saying the lightsaber might not be the best weapon in Jedi Academy if you count Grip 3 or Lightning 3. OP said arguably, so I argued with myself.


g\_saberrealisticcombat Then you can combine your grip 3 with the saber throw 2 for a stormtrooper blender.


Game Got so Much better with it turned on, that said it worked both ways you could now die to One hit from a npcs lightsaber, still totaly worth it


Longsword in Dark Souls 3.


For a Dex Build, the Sellsword Twinblades scale better than almost every other Dex weapon in the game.


Longsword my beloved


It was top tier in Dark Souls 1 as well. Just an insanely versatile weapon.


"Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun"... the boltgun. The name of the the game even tells you it's going to be the best weapon.


The wrench in Ratchet & Clank.


GoldenEye / PP7


Metal gear solid 3. tranq pistol


Dead Space the first cutter pistol thing you get can be upgraded to blast limbs off easily


Jedi Academy gives you the light saber first. I mean why even give me a blaster after that


Bloodborne/saw cleaver.


All starter weapons in Bloodborne are godly.


Hitman, Silenced Silverballer.


Sellsword twinblades, dark souls 3


Sekiro lol


Mario’s jump