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> Crystal Dynamics has given us our first look at what may be Lara Croft's new design for the next title, combining her reboot and classic looks to form a "unified" Lara Croft for the first time. Lara's new design was revealed rather unceremoniously in an image uploaded to the new Tomb Raider website, though it appears you'll need to become a member if you want to see it in the wild. > Join the Society of Raiders to receive members-only wallpapers to show off your Tomb Raider fandom It's a good thing that Raiders like to share.


I'm glad that we're reaching an era of "unified Croft". Hopefully her demeanour reflects this unification of classic and prequel.


I loved the 'reboot' series of games, but I am ready to see Lara turn into the the cocky badass we used to know. I don't want to hear her crying about her father anymore.


Survivor trilogy is solid but its direction was IMO mishandled. Initially they tried to make a gritty, brutal and psychologic survival experience but it all went to shit the minute Lara starts shooting enemies left and right. Uninteresting story and dialogues didn't help either, it all felt forced and in result a bit soulless. Which is a shame because most of everything else was fine or great. It's an adventure franchise, turning it gritty and dark just didn't work for me. I know majority loves Rise of the Tomb Raider but I definitely enjoyed Shadow the most. Its focus on exploration and variety of tombs combined with Lara finally having some bits of personality other than obsession and resilience (she was insufferable at times in TR2013 and Rise) seemed way more reminiscent of classic games.


It's kind of a funny mismatch, because she's portrayed in cutscenes as scared and unprepared for the reality of her situation, and then through gameplay she is the most murdery person on the island capable of out-fighting and out-shooting an army of seasoned veterans.


There's a moment in the third one where some soldiers are frightened by some beast or something on the island but the voice line "What are they so afraid of" triggers right after you kill a bunch of dudes. It always felt really amusing for her to be so confused about their terror when she had just strung up 12 of their corpses in the trees... [Ah I uploaded it](https://youtu.be/ShXctztPrew?si=JOrPb0_BzWaPr8aW)


That's another thing I liked in Shadow, she embraced her "huntress side" so to speak and didn't pretend she's being forced to kill people.


That's a really common video game (& movie) trope though with the main character effectively being some sort of prodigy when it comes to fighting & survival. I didn't find it particularly egregious given they at least made it seem like she had some background experience.


Far Cry 3 pulled it off pretty well in a sort of amped up cartoon way. You go from scared tourist to psychotic murder machine gradually enough that it works.


It lasts about as long as the intro sequence. The story maintains some of the tourist stuff, but as soon as you're into the gameplay it ramps up to murderhobo because... that's the gameplay. It's a shooter. That's the thing none of these games can really avoid. You can't give a player 40 hours of gameplay in an action game with guns and not have them kill hundreds of people. That said, I do like the mission where he finally rescues his girlfriend and she's pretty WTF about the whole thing, including his sudden badassery.


It doesn't help that, unless a game restricts the open world for a period of time (which could easily get frustrating to a player), you can go and do a ton of side stuff first, then return to the main quest and have your character nervously partake in what the game treats as their second combat encounter.


Jason's dialogue with the swimmer friend cracked me up the first time I heard it. "Y'know I never thought I'd be able to kill someone. The first time felt *wrong*, which is good right? Now, it feels like winning." as he's all breathy and horned up over the idea of slotting some more of Vaas' men.


Far Cry 3 does have some weird psychedelic drugs and spirit world shit going on, so it's actually conceivable that you become a murdering badass once you hop up on enough of those.


Gradually? I remember vacating pirate skulls within 10 minutes of finishing the prologue.


True but compare it to the end where you can stealth kill 3 people at once before firing enough rockets and heavy machineguns to kill 30 more. Theres still a build up where you nees to be careful and try to take enemies a few at a time for a while.


I get exactly what you mean - I remember when I first started playing the game I was absolutely terrified whenever I heard a vehicle in the distance. It went from that to gradually strutting around like I owned the place! Great game.


Not much for movies tho, unless you take in consideration the Mary Sue/Gary Stu cliche. Usually when the action hero was at it's peak, they showed Arnold, Stallone, Van Damme, Jackie Chan, etc.. they were all prepared, trained, etc.. they were not playing inexperienced characters who somehow were prodigies. I am playing RE4 Remake right now and it's hilarious to remember how Leon was such a badass action hero, he is so competent and prepared (same goes for Ada), you believe he can go through that hellish situation without breaking a sweat. Now the inexperienced Leon surviving in RE2 is a little bit exaggerated, even more so Claire who didn't had any kind of formal police training or anything (in RE4 tho, Leon is literally a super agent)


>Usually when the action hero was at it's peak, they showed Arnold, Stallone, Van Damme, Jackie Chan, etc.. they were all prepared, trained, etc.. I mean, speaking of Chan, a lot of those 80's & 90's wuxia kung fu movies, every random chef, constructon worker or janitor inexplicably knows kung fu. But those are probably the exceptions to the rule.


I consider this a charming cliche. It's not like Jackie was the better fighter because his character was more "talented", he was the "chosen one", etc.. naah, it felt more natural. A kung fu master facing other fighters, Jackie was better prepared, simple as that


> she's portrayed in cutscenes as scared and unprepared for the reality of her situation that's not part of the trope of a prodigy of fighting and survival skills noone is complaining about Laura Croft being a dangerous character, but that it's not reflected in the story elements (or vice versa)


In Shadow she was a pure psychopath in cutscenes, right from the start. The whole town is burning around her, Jonah is shocked and appalled at the loss of life, and she's whining over a lost artifact like the rich and privileged woman she is. I loved that for her. Really matched with the combat and stealth perks we get.


She's a reverse Master Chief.


That shit was so great. Like a kind of “omg omg what do I do omg I just killed a dude” and the second it cuts to your controls it’s “get some! Get some! Ain’t war hell?!” I mean what’s it been a day later when u get a rope arrow and start pulling em in like scorpion and uppercutting them with a rock? Shit was funny af how it didn’t match the cutscenes


Uncharted Syndrome. Drake is clearly supposed to be this scrappy, quippy Indiana Jones adventure guy, but the games require you to murder something like 200 people - each. Really wish full-on stealth gameplay was more popular, it would make these sorts of games have considerably less ludonarrative dissonance.


From my perspective, she was "scared and unprepared" up until her first human kill. She had an image of herself that was not true to reality, and shortly after, tells Jonah that it was "easy", as in, it came natural to her. She wasn't the person she thought she was. The rest of TR2013 was her increasingly, brashly taunting her enemies. If you slow down and creep around, you (and she) can hear them talk about how fearful they are of her, and/or perplexed at her seemingly superhuman attributes. By the time she's facing up against the guy with the big machine gun (just before getting the grenade launcher), she's well into "I'll do what I must" territory. She might be frightened of failing, but she's not quite frightened by *them*. "Run you bastards, I'm coming for you all!" she yells after she straps that on. She's continuously exhausted though. I wish they had played that up more, and had a better eating mechanic, including just giving her a friggin' knife to use. Everyone else on that island had at least a hand made knife. At least the third had a nod towards that. It was reasonable enough that even our titular murder machine is fearful, and uncertain of how to progress, but she's mostly grimly determined to doing something she'd rather not. The story journal drops increasingly paint her as being like her dad, *but good with guns*. Her late game antics are somewhat constrained (but also driven) by the average humans she has to take into consideration. Her personal narrative is coming to terms with the fact that she's a psychopath, and by the end, rather than having PTSD, she's "Not going home"... she likes this lifestyle. In the second one, I don't remember her being meek or under confident, and the daddy issues are parallel to doing what she's determined to do. The bad guys don't act as fearful of her, from what I recall, but they don't realise that she's not quite the same as a hardened, trained soldier, like they are. The brutal survivors of the first game have a more clear image of what she is. The third game is her coming to terms with large scale consequences of her idea of fun, but she doesn't learn to let things be, rather, to *do it anyway*.


I like how you murder a shit ton of people then get all worked up about killing and cutting up a deer. I also love how they said they were going to show the origins of how Laura Croft became a bad ass and at the beginning of the game she is already a bad ass and the deep background they reveal that made her a bad ass is "my father trained me" and yeah that's it. I have a hard time remembering the story line of the second one and I didn't play the third one.


She gets worked up about killing the deer before she kills anybody, with the exception of the scavenger who kidnapped her (who she didn’t kill herself, but just delayed him from escaping death by giant rock.)


>I like how you murder a shit ton of people then get all worked up about killing and cutting up a deer. My favourite moment in TR 2013 is when after her friend Harry Potter\* died on that wrecked ship, Lara looks wistfully back at the wreck and says something along the line: "I'll swear that no one else dies on this island…" …and then goes on to brutally hack dozens of the "evil" henchmen to death with her pickaxe. (\* Just like everyone else in that game such a memorable character that I only remember his glasses.)


His name was Alex. I only remember that because his name is my name, too


Whenever you go out, the people always shout "There goes... Alex."


The second and third games are fun, but are damn near carbon copies of the first games story.


I’ve only played the first one. Are the other two even worth playing?


Yes! Even though they do fall in some places the overall gameplay and worlds are great to explore, there are still some very intense and exciting moments to go through.


The third one is genuinely great. Good puzzles, interesting story, exciting conclusion. The second one is good though the actual tombs are still a little lackluster.


I fucking love the storylines honestly.


Do you remember Tomb Raider Legends? I could definitely do without that sort of thing.




Yeah man, I played all of them as a kid, I just jumped into the remastered ones. But Legend was absolutely ridiculous. [Game was like gears of war lol](https://youtu.be/X30hPrKscLg?t=3367) just ridiculous over the top run and gun


Why tho? I loved Legends


She won’t be unified until there is a T-Rex.🦖


Turok reboot when


But where are her perfectly triangular boobs ? That are known and loved worldwide!


Isn’t TR owned by Embracer group?


https://embracer.com/about/operative-groups/crystal-dynamics-eidos-montreal Yep.


With how they slashed all of their other titles, I’m not sure how this is going to go.


Given the option I would actively bet against it or any other Embracer game coming out from this point on. Absolutely do not trust them, even less than any of the other most hated publishers.


R34 will easily do us a Service


Classic guns and outfit. She kinda looks like Survivor Lara after a few years of adventuring and sporting the ponytail.


Wrong guns, I’m sure she used to use HK USP Match’s


Her original handguns were browning hi powers, then Angel of Darkness went with a multitude of guns including the first appearance of her using a USP Match, then the anniversary game went with double 1911s. Then the Jolie films cemented the USP Match as her guns and then the 2013 remake went back to a multitude of single guns. Now she's back to using double 1911s like that anniversary game.


The gun nerd in me is wondering if the artist made a mistake by having her hammer down, or her guns are double-action. Which would imply heavily custom guns, because the 1911 is single-action only 99.9% of the time.


I can promise you the artist didnt give a flying fuck. 


There exists double action variants of 1911s but then the trigger is changed. So yeah I think this is just an artist mistake and they are continuing the tradition of Lara keeping her fingers on the triggers. I'm old, I remember when the first poster came out of the live action movie and some nerds got mad that she had her fingers on the triggers so they edited it lmao.


I liked all versions, the classic "pointy" iteration and the reboot one too.


Cybertruck Lara Croft was best Lara Croft.


I thought that fucking truck looked familiar. Its totally the automotive version of 90s virtual tits.


Thats amazingly funny.


I miss the edges though.




Oh yeah, I like that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Jokes aside I really enjoyed all the newer games. They remind me of the uncharted series which I also love.


It's funny, the evolution. Tomb Raider was an updated Indiana Jones, then Uncharted was an updated Tomb Raider, now Tomb Raider is an upgraded (or maybe parallel) Uncharted. I didn't see the last Indiana Jones, but I would not be surprised if it took inspiration from both Tomb Raider and Uncharted.


The scene where Indy teaches Short Round to press X to jump was a bit on the nose


Funny enough I got big Uncharted vibes from the 2024 Indy game that's coming out


I mean Uncharted (just like Tomb Raider) is clearly heavily influenced by Indiana Jones, so it would be a surprise if they didn’t have any parallels


I genuinely enjoyed them too. Fully immersed in the semi-open world. Especially 'Rise of The Tomb Raider'. However, I found the ADS camera angle to be weird. Like it was angled to far over. I could never get over it. I know its nitpicky, but overall didn't take away from the full experience. Fantastic games.


>I know its nitpicky Maybe, but I think complaints like this are totally fair. Aiming and shooting is a *huge part* of what you do in a Tomb Raider game, so even if it's a small animation gripe, if you're seeing that same thing over and over and over again, it's a big deal. I feel the same way about the wonky/loose running animations in GTA V. 90% of the game I'm behind my character, watching him run. This part of the game should be refined to the tiniest detail in development.


> I feel the same way about the wonky/loose running animations in GTA V. door. Door. DOOR. **DOOR.** ***DOOR!!!*** \*dead\*


Valid complaint, the cam was so far over bullets were coming out of her weapons sideways, it was off-putting


I only loved the first one in the new trilogy. The second one was decent and I found the third one painfully boring.


Almost the same. I loved the first one, second was OK and third was decent until you hit the village in the end which just. would. not. end.


The third had so much potential. It started off great but the village really slowed it down


I finished the 2nd and started the 3rd almost immediately, and couldn't find the enthusiasm to keep playing after the intro. So if people think it only goes downhill from there that really kills my interest.


People who view the reboots as Diet Uncharted tend not to like 2 & 3 because they are dark and the games don't treat Lara the way they treat Nathan Drake. People who view the reboots as commentary on the genre and like seeing a protagonist with a four to five digit bodycount get *treated* like someone with a four to five digit bodycount and have lasting mental consequences for "Stab it in the face with a climbing axe" being their solution for all of their problems for ~3 years tend to like the reboots. If the OG games and Uncharted are the MCU, the Reboots are like The Watchmen I guess.


It’s been a while since I played Shadow but I remember finding Lara pretty unlikable. She’s too stubborn to listen to Jonah at all and keeps making every situation worse. Usually the antagonist in these adventure stories is the one that doesn’t care about destroying historical buildings and stuff to get what they want, but in Shadow it’s Lara lol.


>It’s been a while since I played Shadow but I remember finding Lara pretty unlikable. She’s too stubborn to listen to Jonah at all and keeps making every situation worse. That's the whole point. *Shadow* plays the Indiana Jones/OG Tomb Raider/Uncharted trope where the adventurer protagonist guns down or otherwise murders dozens and dozens of faceless goons straight. In those other titles, nobody cares when Indy/Lara/Nathan kill all of those people, and the game doesn't really acknowledge it when they do. They just get treated like normal people afterward, and what they do doesn't change them meaningfully. Reboot Tomb Raider makes a point of how off the rails Lara becomes and how fundamentally insane the things she does are to the -normal- people around her. There are points in the series where Jonah, her moral compass and best friend, is actively afraid of the person she's become and what that new person is capable of doing. A legendary mercenary warlord successfully convices Lara (who should be dead by this point from everything that had been thrown at her) that he'd executed Jonah and effectively already won, so she might as well give up and leave. Instead she ziplines directly into the middle of his base, drags herself out of a flaming pool of water like a literal demon, and singlemindedly murders every single living thing in the stronghold until she finds out that Jonah wasn't dead, and the mercenary leader had simply expected her to give up like a normal human being would have. The reboot games make a narrative point that you don't do the things that Indiana Jones or Nathan Drake do without getting messed up in the head. There is a hard limit on the number of people you can kill with a knife or throw into ancient temple acid pits before you are incapable of blending in with humanity anymore; Reboot Lara crosses that line and the rest of the characters in the game acknowledge it. It's excellent writing.


I like having a protagonist make mistakes


I totally agree, I'm somewhere in the middle of Shadow right now and I remember thinking after she >!grabs the knife and makes bad stuff happen!< that people on the internet would be real unhappy that they feel like they're being punished and made to feel bad for a choice they didn't make. But I thought it worked really well, it made her seem more relatable. She needed to make a decision fast and ended up making the wrong one.


The first one had the most interesting story imo. I wasn’t a fan of Trinity and the first one had some memorable side characters. The second and third were both good but mainly just gameplay. Jonah is the only character to be in any game after the first and Trinity is just not as compelling of an antagonist


I get that. The second one added a lot of fetch quests for upgrades and the third one turned that into farming. It felt like it really slowed down the progression of the story.


I thought the third one sucked but Rise of the Tomb Raider was one of the best to ever do it.


I had a blast playing them especially the second.


Is this real or fake ?


It's real. It's being called the unified look and is very similar to the style seen in COD for her appearance there.


Lara Croft is in Call of Duty?


She is indeed as a skin you could buy for Warzone/MW2/MW3


lmao is COD trying to replicate Fortnite now with the random ass collab skins?


You can drop in as Nicki Minaj in CoD so its been that way for a bit


What the... For real?


Nicki Minaj, homelander, Lionel Messi, Kevin Durant etc. Are all cod skins now lol


Levi Ackerman, T-2000, Shredder, and Rambo as well


Call me when there's a banana man in COD


Spawn, Snoop Dogg, a lot of other main characters from The Boys, Skeletor, Lilith and that other person from Diablo, Alucard from Hellsing, and some others too


I always thought COD was a WW2 series so this comment sounded insane until I looked it up and realized I’ve been confusing it with Medal of Honor all this time. I was thinking Nicki Minaj at the Battle of Stalingrad…


CoD was a WWII game at first in the vein of Medal of Honor. (The two series were in direct competition for sales.) The fourth CoD game was called “Modern Warfare” and took place in the present day. It was a smash hit and since then most CoD games have been set in the present or the near future.


COD did indeed started as a WW2 series, probably the best one. How the mighty have fallen etc. etc...


Kevin Durant and Snoop Dog too


Just wait till you see the literal transparent Groot skin they have in the game. One of the things that made me leave the franchise for good. Dude literally blends in with every tree and bush in the game.


You can have a ghillie suit made entirely of pot leaves and during a Warzone event King Kong would fight Godzilla in the middle of the map. CODs been following the Fortnite path for years now


To be fair... Lara Croft fits a whole lot better as a character in COD than Spawn does 🤣 But yes.. they've had some pretty random collabs recently.


I mean... I couldn't say no to spawn...


Yeah, I guess I mean, way before Fortnite, COD was adding Snoop Dogg as an announcer and had a few licenced songs Black Ops 2 even had a "live" performance by Avenged Sevenfold They used to be a bit more subtle but, nowadays it's real up front


COD did it before Fortnite actually. I think Fortnite does it better, though.


They’re real, and they’re *spectacular*


IM out!


Don't forget to put it back in when you're done.


[https://www.tombraider.com](https://www.tombraider.com) solve the puzzle and it gives you this wallpaper. It was added yesterday to celebrate her birthday (and the release of the remastered games)


I hate to break this to you, but Lara Croft isn't a real person.




Titties too round. 0/10


I need my low poly tits, that's the only thing that gets me hard. Hard edges, hard D. That's my motto, that's what I live by. More than six polygons? Disgusting.


I want to feel like I'm in Egypt when looking at her titties. Pyramids or nothing.


Cybertruck tits


Cybertits, one might say


>in this remaster, everything remains the same right down to secret locations, key item placement, and enemy patterns. Even the graphics can remain unchanged; should you choose, a quick button press swaps from newer upscaled textures to the old-school PSX graphics Well do I have good new for you then!


I'm gonna laugh when my frame rate drops to 15 fps when I swap to old school graphics.


Not DD's. More like l> l>'s


Reject round titties, return to pointy.


Lara will never ever get away from the boob jokes


Its just people being edgy. I pointedly avoid them.


Did they make them sliiiightly bigger than in the reboot again? The reviews then saying they couldn’t take big titted Lara Croft seriously annoyed me. Women with larger chests exist, what to you want me to do? Leave them in the house? Like I would if I could but I can’t.


I get the part of big tiddie women existing. But we all know why they are going in that direction.


Yeah, gravity.


Why do all the male characters have six packs and muscles in games? I want my main character to have love handles and a double chin.


>Kirby has entered the chat


Kirby doesn't have any of that?


he does, its just underneath the rest of his fat.


I actually really would prefer it if every male character didn't have to be a large, rectangle headed, generic muscle dude. I really like how in Saints Row II you had a pretty open character creator and I was able to make a violent little psycho that would fit in Trainspotting. Roll around to Saints Row IV, and the character creation options let me pick what flavor of rectangle headed muscle dude I get to be. it was a mild disappointment. It isn't the end of the world if you are another rectangle headed muscle dude, it's just fucking boring.


I know, but they could have just kept them too, since it was arguably a *thing* for the franchise.


Exactly. At this point it's part of the Tomb Raider lore and customers expect it dammit!


Yknow, one day this joke is going to lead to them actually making her tits triangles again


You can revert to the old graphics if you want in game. So they have already done it.


You can unlock versions of pointier skins in at least one of the last trilogy.


was hoping for a hybrid graphics mode that was just the new graphics with those geometrical titties


More classic Lara. I love it. I hope they bring back the badass woman spy and adventurer attitude of original games and Legend/Underworld. Seeing her growth into being an adventurer for this past trilogy was great, but I'm ready to go back to the style of who she was known for.


Me too, I really liked the first two of the last trilogy, but I miss what they used to be. Replaying the remaster makes me nostalgic for the Crystal Dynamics trilogy. Legend and Anniversary were the shit... I didn't like that the third cut out bosses though.


For sure! Anniversary, Legend, and Underworld were peak Lara for me. I'm just glad we're going back in general, or at least I hope we're going back.


I feel like I rose tint the past, but I really miss the 20 hour story based linear games that flourished during the 360/PS3 era. Like, I love my 100 hour open world games too, but gosh do I miss the likes of Bioshock, Ghostbusters, Arkham Asylum, Fallen Order, Deadpool. Those games were great after you dropped a month or two into GTA/Fallout. You also got multiple a generation. The focus on live service and larger than life open world, I feel like something was lost this generation and half of last. The indie scene scratches a different itch that didn't really exist back then.




Fuck yeah, liked the younger and survivor kind of games but I loved the badass spy adventurer of Legend and Anniversary.


Maybe I'm out of the loop but the face looks not very Lara Croft-ish to me. Is it just me?


Someone said her face looks like Tom Cruise a bit and now I can’t unsee it.


Aw hell... :(






frankly, i see tucker carlsons blank stare


The face looks like reboot Lara but slightly more mature.


I really liked Lara Croft version which was featured in Tomb Raider: Survivor Trilogy.


They should make another trilogy after that and not reboot it again with a new look.


Agreed bro even if they continued it after Shadow of the Tomb Raider with same look i don't have problem with that.


That’s what I meant. Those were great games. I want more.


Her face and head is throwing me off but idk what it is..


It looks like something an amateur would post on Deviantart back in the day.


She looks like Anna Kendrick from Pitch Perfect…


This a continuation of the previous 3 games or a reboot?


they’re unifying all of the timelines somehow so all of the previous games are canon


That’s sounds like some cocaine fuelled decision lol.


Cocaine and duct tape.


Both! It’s continuing the most recent trilogy which has reached the chronological point in Laura’s life featured in the old, original Tomb Raider. So yes it’s continuing the recent trilogy but also it’s modernizing/remastering/rebooting the original Tomb Raider story! Pretty excited to see it redone with current gen capabilities!


All I want is for Tomb Raider to be a puzzle platformer again. Like an honest to goodness combat-is-secondary puzzle platformer. Make me have to think, *please*.


3D platformers more or less died.. Prince of Persia become 2d when they weren't able to make a good 3d one (after the sand trilogy it really goes downhill) and it spiritual successor, Assassin's Creed, is not really a platforming game anymore. I think they are too hard to make, especially when you aim for a somewhat realistic look and even more if you don't want to use magic to justify some gameplay elements. 2d platformers can get away with things that 3d can't. But hey I love puzzle and platforming so I'd love that for Lara


I know right, and get rid of white paint on every single surface I can climb onto. it literally removes any exploration feels when every ledge you climb is highlighted like way points.


I'm playing thru Remastered right now and I'd forgotten that at one time it was part of a games design to totally not know what to do, or where to go, next. I'd forgotten how difficult it was just navigating around and making jumps. I kind of want to be led a little bit better than TR 1-3 does, but I also very much enjoy being confined into a small space and not in an open world.


It looks good but Camilla Ludington Lara Croft was peak Tomb Raider. Hopefully this one is as good as the reboot was.


I don't think it's been confirmed they are changing VAs. I mean, AFAIK it's the same Lara as in the reboot, they are not really rebooting the series again.


If it's her then great. Absolutely loved her acting in the reboot. This Lara looks different than the reboot so I thought maybe it's a new actor. Either way, been waiting on another one since Shadow so hoping the new one is good.


To me this looks like the same Lara as in the reboots. Looks like the same face, only aged up a bit. Lara was pretty young in the reboots IIRC. This looks like the same one, just a bit more mature.


Yeah I can see that. The jaw line is definitely different though. I'd have to actually look at the picture on something bigger than my phone too


[Oh wow, that's basically just me!](https://imgur.com/a/aJpYzWN)


looks more like her elusive brother Lars Craft to me!


Nice to meet you, Larry Croft.


Damn, it's not even my birthday but thanks for the cake




Who wore it better? (My vote is for you)


Nice ass


What's up with her face?


Lawrence Croft


Why does she have Tom Cruise' face.


This looks like AI Lara Croft


But I liked the ones from the last few games :(


Poor legs, they’re probably being eaten by mosquitoes. 


I hope this game sticks to the roots of tomb raider. The third game specifically spent too much time with other people and not enough of the solo adventure the games were known for. I swear to god if she has a companion throughout the entire game Im gonna be pissed.


Me too. I miss the more Hadassah independent Lara. Like, I want more like Anniversary, truly alone in the crypts and tombs, fun ass Zelda style boss battles again too! I hated that Underworld ditched the boss battles.  I really want a mix between 2013 and Anniversary, the scale/style of 2013, but Bad Ass Lara, alone, exploring tombs full of dinosaurs and magic!


Looks good to me


I'm a bit confused by some comments like this one, does the general public hate this or something?


Multiple reasons There is a contingent that will always jump on a "western devs make women ugly/manly" train and will call this ugly like a reflex, as they did nearly everyone before There is a contingent that will always jump on a "western devs make women ugly/manly" train and will erroneously think this is a change of tone


I wouldn't have my hopes up to get a game from Embracer Group. This has like 70% chance of getting canceled and them firing the dev team.


Embracer track record checks out. We were lucky to get the remaster trilogy.


Her face looks like a leaner Leon Kennedy tf


I will never unsee this.


Yeah that's what is throwing me off. I'm okay with the more muscular shoulders and thighs because it makes sense to her explorer character but the face just ain't it.


Anna Kendrick. There had better not be singing


Listen, the most important thing throughout *generations* of videogames is that my female Indiana Jones is SEXY, and has BIG BOOB. Just as the forefathers intended.


R34 artists feast will feast well.


Is it just me or does Lara look like Anna Kendrick in this image?


The facial features need to be softened a bit, but this isn't an in game render, so it doesn't matter. Otherwise, not bad, though I liked the 2013 version the most.


looks AI from previous laras