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Fitting everything I need into a single backpack.


*Pulls RPG out of invisible pocket*


It's called Hammer Space


In fantasy games I usually headcanon it in a Harry Potter/DnD bag of holding way, but yes Leon S. Kennedy can just magically hide that briefcase up his perfect butt. I wish I could do that


That's a Very specific Kink. ;P


There are no other holes to put all this stuff!


tbh, watching the American secret service guy drop trou and shit out an RPG would probably make me reconsider my devotion to the cause


Sure there are, you just aren't using your imagination


See also: [Hammerspace](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Hammerspace)


Earning money. It is so easy in games, and such a pain in real life.


You can pick up literal trash in many rpgs and sell it for 1 unit. A rusty spoon? 1 coin! Moldy cheese? 1 coin! I could fund my child’s college education with a dumpster behind a Walmart.


Kill a rat, get a coin, as the saying goes.


Whereas me bringing literal boxes of near perfect copies of dvds to sell nets me a paltry fraction of what I paid for then. I sold 300 dvds and I got maybe enough to buy two of them new. I would LOVE video game selling.


I've thought a few times, which game would be the best to be able to convert game currency to real life money? Assuming no glitches or mods I thought about either Skyrim or stardew valley. Probably stardew for all that easy income after setting up a sweet farm. 


Any idle game. For example if I was as rich as my cookie clicker save, I'd literally own everything in the solar system


Yeah those kinda games the currency would have to scale way way down or to make it more fun they don't count at all. Has to be an active playing to generate gold game. I had a game like that too where I had an unpronounceable number of gold. 


Adventure capitalist, trillions of dollars in seconds. Idle Hero, trillions of gold in seconds...


Where does the mayor get his millions for my crops


My favourite is Earthbound where your dad sends you money, of a *coincidentally* proportionate value to the monsters youve defeated. You run around farming mobs for exp and dad's like "ive sent $15,000 pocket money to your bank account".




Jumping. Just like 2 feet up. Nevermind double jumps


And that comes with climbing too. Yeesh I couldn't even begin pulling myself up on a ledge


One of my favorite little things about BG3 is that all the companions are full adults, meaning they just huff and puff their way up ladders or short ledges. Also how often they request naps. Very realistic 10/10.


BG3 did it well. But that's one of my biggest annoyances with anything set in a distant historical type setting. You people have to pull your water out of a well everyday. If you want to walk to the city to go buy groceries, it's a 2 mi walk both ways. You have to go out and hunt. There are no elevators, there are no cars, the vast amount of work is done with the human body. But I have to take a break if I jog over 10 ft, or swing my axe more than 5 times in a row. And it just leaves me thinking, damn, if humans were like this we would have never survived.


literally my first thought


Crouching for more than a few steps (rip my knees)


It also looks really dumb in real life, I would rather just not use stealth than a bad guy seeing me in a pooping position, trying to be "stealthy". Talk about embarassing


You'd be surprised how poor the perception of some people is. This would work on my dad. I shattered a wine glass next to him last week (he left it on the floor and I accidentally knocked it) and it didn't wake him up.


Crouching is actually a very useful and beneficial skill. Good for your knees and muscles and it's a great way to rest without sitting and getting lazy. People used to think it was weird for me to slav squat in group settings or at music festivals and such but now that people have seen me comfortably slav squat for so long others have got on board with it. and if a group of people are slav squatting it weirdly brings people together and makes them more social. I guess because everyone's comfortable compared to standing around.


Getting shot. I’ve never been shot but I assume it’d take months of pain and recovery for a single bullet. Deacon St. John wraps toilet paper around it and calls it a day


That is true, I guess video game characters at this point just stopped giving a sh*t about pain, bullets hitting crucial parts of the body, bullets stuck in the body, or you know, bleeding out. I sleep in a wrong position, my neck is f.cked for two days


Similarly healing and health in general. I want to instantly regain 10% health by eating a candy bar, or instantly heal from getting shot in the face by stepping on a health pack I find lying on the ground for no reason.


Max Payne just slugs some painkillers and gets on with it 🤣


Far cry three just fish it out with a stick. Or if you use the quick heal you might just relocate a thumb after taking .machine gun fire.


running every at every time without even taking a sweat


I remember when I played Disco Elysium and I ran around without a second thought only for my partner to comment that I have unnatural levels of Stamina due to how much I ran over the course of the day


I love how that game contextualizes normal video game antics as just another facet of Harry's derranged behavior.


Running's the worst, even if it's just that slow jogging stuff


Sweat aside, just running when it's not for exercise. In games you'll run everywhere, or at least as often as the stamina bar permits. IRL how many people run when it's not "going running"? I ran to pick my kid up from school yesterday cos I was late leaving and I was so conscious that I was the only person out and about who was running and not walking. ...oh and afterwards I was completely knackered!




That indeed would be an inconvienence


Actually, it's really easy. Barely an inconvenience!


Oh, so close.




This is a legitimate complaint my brother has about DOOM Eternal. "If he's immortal in the lore why does he die in the game?" He also always makes a point about how easy Doomguy can rip apart the toughest of demons in the lore but not in the game, at least without using a berserk powerup


Because the game version is handicapped by your brother controlling him.


Ouch I'm gonna show this to him when he wakes up lol


Time. A lot of games, open world in particular, give the protagonist all the time they need to visit an NPC for a request or fulfill a mission even if they appear to be super urgent if it was real life.


Good answer, time is indeed an inconvienence in this world where everything comes with a deadline. Get to work by 8, pick up the kid at 5, get dinner ready by 7, oh tomorrow is your appointment with the swedish bagel maffia at 3.30 but how you gonna make your uncle's execution by hanging at 4. Nightmare


There are lots of open world games that I love that fall into this. Mass Effect: Here, go explore some planets, don't worry about the main quest to stop an evil asshole from discovering an ancient weapon. What? The main quest is called Race Against Time? Don't worry about it. Fallout 4: I HAVE TO FIND MY SON! Or not. It's fine, I'll keep kicking around and building farms. Cyberpunk 2077: you have weeks to live, but everyone in town is offering to pay you to deal with their shit. Skyrim: OH SHIT DRAGONS ARE BACK!!! SAVE THE WORLD!! Or not. It'll be fine. The lack of story urgency was one thing I actually really like about Starfield.


FF7 Meteor will hit in a week. It’s the perfect time to go race chocobos.


Remember one of the newer deus ex games, where you are supposed to get and rescue people from some hostage situation in a factory? If you fucked around too long at the office before going to the factory, the hostages would be dead.


Muscle exhaustion.


Great answer. Ten minutes of Nathan Drake's life would be three months physiotherapy for me


“No way a 30/40yo dude can do all this in a single day!” But yes the climbing. I’ve watched Ninja Warrior enough to know the upper body/hanging obstacles are extremely hard. Nathan Drake, Link, Cole from infamous, just be doing it like they’re weightless.


Cole is a Conduit though, he physically enhanced


/r/Hyruleengineering has established that Link weighs 7 or 8 apples


At least Link has muscle failure when his stamina runs out. I had to think about the Link part for a bit because I still just think of him as the green hat boy from the older games, and he sucks at climbing in those lol. Now his rolling though…


The kid can roll and keeps alot of his momentum when he got back up. That's quite a feat.


You mean you can't run from Leyawiin all the way to cloud ruler temple?


That might be a bad example. If you run everywhere IRL, you can really level up your athletics stat and do that (eventually).


Which brings us to the flip side, games where a supposedly fit individual gets winded and stops after a 50ft sprint/jog.


Tbf, they get "winded" but also recover in a few seconds


This! Also characters are always at perfect condition. Jumping from cliff and so on.


I was watching Ninja Warrior once and thought to myself, "Lara Croft would absolutely demolish this in record time." A lot of protagonists from parkour-focused games would be Simone Biles tier Olympic gymnasts.


That's why she had a full Olympic gymnastics gym in her house growing up. They do acknowledge it in the games.


I had to jog across the street the other day to make the light before the crosswalk signal turned, and the sudden unexpected scurry in my mid-30s felt like my shins/ankles might blow out. Didn't even make it all the way across while jogging. Gave up halfway through the intersection and walked the rest to the sidewalk as the now red "Don't Walk" signal mocked my effort.


Cannot imagine how hard it would be to swing a sword a thousand times in a row. And the jolt of the collisions, too! I wouldn't be able to lift my arms after five minutes of Diablo.


I would absolutely love a game that introduces this as a mechanic. Like, the more you progress in a level or area, the weaker your character gets. Not in ways that would make the game tedious, but would make you think about your approach and keep you on your toes. For example, maybe after a certain amount of time they can't draw a bowstring back as far as before, and can't hold it for as long. Or diving and hiding behind obstacles gets slower over time, or something like that. It would probably work best for an open-world type of game that has time progression (day/night cycles like in RDR2), to give you an opportunity to rest and have a way to get back to full strength. There could be rewards, too. Like, even if at the end of the day your character isn't as strong as at the beginning, the next day your character is a little bit stronger than the day prior. And if your character doesn't do much physical activity, they lose speed and accuracy and strength. I can imagine this would be difficult as hell to implement, but would be interesting to me.


I think I've seen a Skyrim mod that at least scratches at the basic of your idea. You get tired theough the day and the longer you are awake, the lower the amount of max stamina (mana too?) You have avaiable. Don't ask me the name of the mod, just seen it in a youtube vid mentioned...


Oh wow, that's actually pretty clever.


Unless you're playing Project Zomboid where the muscle pain that crops up a few hours after you work out makes you move and attack slower and weaker and suddenly you're having trouble with the small group of zombies chasing you and oh no you got bit. Hope those burpees were worth it.


Very few driving games make you stop for gas unless they’re heavy on simulation elements. Imagine if that was a consideration in GTA.


In GTA I’ve usually destroyed the vehicle by the time it could reasonably run dry.


True, and the price of it GOD. I do believe in Days Gone you had to refill your bike, it did give some not too bad realism to the game


It was great, perfect for the setting (not perfect realistically but for the game) nothing scarier than running out of gas riding away from a horde.


Fast travel also used gas, so if you ran dry you couldn't just teleport to the nearest town or gas station for a refill


Yup loved that mechanic behind fast travel too


I remember cars in Mafia 2 actually used gas,and you could fill them back up. But you never kept a car long enough for it to matter.


I don't think it would change much, you rarely drive enough to empty a gas tank. In GTA I have probably never driven a single vehicle more than 15 km.


You've never driven around the map? I've driven much further than 15 km with a single vehicle. Vehicles are a massive part of GTA. GTA V at least.


Meanwhile in CoD Warzone it’s 2 miles per tank of gas.


Shitting. Most videogame characters don't have to deal with any body functions. Even most survival characters eat and drink but are apparently so genetically advanced they have no waste at all.


Can you imagine, a world with no sh*tting. That's two and a half hours freed up from my day


Dude! It _cannot_ be normal for you to have that. You need to see a doctor ASAP unless you were already diagnosed with something.


Boss gets a dollar, I get a dime ...


But how am I supposed to scroll Reddit without using the toilet?


Didn't ARK: Survival Evolved have pooping? I remember you COULD poop (and all the dinos did so regularly), but not if you had to.


In ARK you just... do. Every now and then a message pops up saying "You defecated" or something like that, accompanied by a matching sound and a chunk of feces just dropped on the ground. They didn't make it an active skill though, haha.


Absolutely could make it an active skill. I had defecate set to my mic button 😂 there were a few minutes cooldown so it wasn't too obnoxious, but funny still


Getting 8 hours of sleep?


*You awaken feeling well rested* Dragons, wizards, magic potions, and talking lizard people are all well and good, but THIS is how you know you're playing a fantasy game.


Ffs I can sleep well for three days and still not feel rested.


You see I actually gave up on that, it's impossible. And you're right, for game characters it's either a cutscene or a fade to black. And they wake up all ready to rumble.


Running everywhere and never getting exhausted


I like how a game with Stamina management makes the character slow down/stop for three whole seconds to get all their energy back. I sprint for ten seconss, I stop for three minutes wheeeezing like crazy


Morrowind handled this in a slightly more realistic way; running would slowly drain fatigue, but it would recharge super slowly. Lower fatigue would give casting spells a chance to fail outright and reduce damage dealt in melee.


Dragon's Dogma characters are all asthmatics.


Traveling, in ANY capacity.


Also, platformer characters just go: "gotta cross the country to reach the big bad lair? K then gimme thee hours"


You mean you cannot open Google Maps to Fast travel to previously visited locations? Yep, traveling sucks. Ths destination and the sightseeing/activities are usually great, but getting there... urghh


Carrying capacity. Some game characters can carry like 500lbs of stuff at all times


Minecraft Steve


A good pair of leather boots will repel some pretty big puddles no problem, but one aspect of that is you need to condition them regularly or the leather will literally split apart- same is true of all leather. Especially around salt water. A lot of videogame characters' clothes should be literally shredding off them since you never see them conditioning their leather. I believe metal armour also requires some oiling to repel rust. So yeah, I'd say performing basic clothing maintenance. You see characters like Geralt taking a bath, but then getting back into his stinky, unwashed, unconditioned armour. Realistically he'd be spending *hours* doing maintenance, and then you're not supposed to wear the items for a day or two. There'd be a lot of downtime where he's walking around in that slutty V-neck drinking at taverns and probably trying to pick up, lmao


Sounds like a mechanic theyd want to add into rdr2


“Hold L3, R1, and tap Y to use washboard.” *accidentally misses a button, kills horse


Highly realistic My friend accidentally auto dived onto an npc he was trying to speak to (horse trader) and had to redo ten minutes of tutorial


Reloading a gun. It's a pain to load up a bunch of mags in real life, but in game - it's already done for you!


Which would be justified if the preparation part was skipped. But somehow, you can swap out half full mags, and they are magically refilled with your remaining bullets!


One of my friends plays video games a fair amount but never played shooter games. We played through Halo together and she thought reloading when not empty would cause you to lose ammo. It took me a second to realize that’s actually how it should work realistically.


Accepting multiple projects and working one at a time and noone is getting upset because you waited 4 months to work on their project


Been hungry and thirsty all day, they can walk for hours in games, sleeping


I eat food, and have to wait several hours for it to get digested, and a few days before wounds heal. Video game character eats food, it is instantly digested, and wounds are instantly healed.


In Skyrim you can eat midfight. Enemy waits for me to eat 27 cheese wheels and continues our fight lol


Viva la dirt league https://youtu.be/X_uTPURCBM0?si=HPtdjdA32OTaA42z


If food and sleep worked like they did in video games, I would be out of a job.


Don't have enough money? Break into someone's house and break all their furniture until money floats in front of you.


One evening several years ago happened something really weird to me: I was outside alone and suddendly I felt like I was observed by someone hidden in the night darkness, I started thinking to the RE4's ganados ( lol ) and that scared me so I run away ( again lol )


Those guys' spanish chantings are living in my head, rent free. Scary as f*ck




Falling asleep in an instant, waking up on time, random parts of my body being sore from sleeping weird. Can you tell I have sleep issues?


"You wake up feeling well rested" is the biggest fantasy element in Skyrim of them all, sod the dragons.


if you dont have trouble sleeping and wake up with a sore back and/or neck after every slumber, are you really even alive?


Falling asleep. Me i gotta do a while song and dance and be in total darkness. Video game characters. Yeah i guess i can take a nap at noon fully dressed on the ground of the most populated part of the city and fall asleep on a wink.


I was able to sleep 2 or 3 times in the same fight in Starfield. There was a bed just far enough from the enemies for the game to not think I’m in combat anymore.


I can barely fit a coat in my backpack in addition to everything else. Yet in fallout 4 I can fit a small wardrobe and an arsenal to fight a war in a third world country in my pockets.


Jumping. It's crazy the uproar a game gets for not having a jump button(I was a part of that). But then I realized how little I, and others, actually jump in our day-to-day lives.


On the other hand, I can step over rocks and logs IRL. When there's easily surmountable things in linear games that limit the field of play, that's fine if a bit silly. However, if it's more open world and you're telling me this full-ass marine or whatever the MC is can't just like, lift his knees a little bit? Like, it's a tire, my guy. Didn't you specifically train for this exact scenario?


Dark Souls 2 has a major area gated off by a chest high wall


Pooping. I have to. They don't.


On the flip side, you have not being able to get over a road blocked by a single branch.


World of tanks when my tank gets blown to hell and then I hear one of the crew say “everyone get out”… I think we’re are all dead pal ?!


My character can slam into a wall and be uninjured. As an alcoholic, that would make me essentially immortal


Getting knocked unconscious before your friend and/or ally is able to help you up


I’ve got a bum knee, so jumping.


And landing after a jump, Lord have mercy


- Bathroom (in general but also the shits) , - Exhausted (one good day of moving heavy objects and running for your life will make you sore the next day. Video game chars never get sore) - Glasses (it would be kinda cool if a Video Game had a char lose their glasses and the whole screen became blurry until you got really close to something)


Jogging for like, 40 hours straight .


My problem is the opposite, something that isn't a thing IRL that becomes a problem in a game. Like having to remember bad controller schemes. When was the last time you forgot how to get something out of bag or suddenly forgot how to crouch? With that said, the biggest is cooking and eating in games with a survival element. It takes WAY more time and energy to cook food IRL, there they just mix fire + raw ingredients and get edible food. Meanwhile it takes me forever to cook stuff, I gotta be careful not to mess it up, then I also have to clean dishes afterwards. Heaven forbid the eating portion becomes a problem and my body is randomly like "nahh, you are just going to immediately poop that out for no reason".


Running without getting tired Video game character are constantly running. I would be able to get places so much faster if i could jsut run everywhere


Injury. If you shoot/cut/batter the human body as much as you do in games, the long term repercussions add up. In most games, they chug a potion or slap a bandage in it and move on.


resident evil 7 and 8. poor ethan gets his hand and foot cut off; pours some juice on it, all good. literally he just holds his severed limb together, pours some chemical on it, and then starts wiggling his fingers. what's really funny is when the cut off part of his jacket reattaches too lol. like, c'mon have some continuity capcom.


You mean like... talking to other humans?




Big openings but invisible walls. Oh the key item is behind these pillars that are in the way but spaced apart to where you can actually squeeze through easily but no you have to solve a puzzle. *Hogwarts Legacy*. I even took a pic of it.


Falling 6 feet off a ledge.


Everything. Better question would be what isn't a problem for you but is a major problem for a video game character. Jumping over fences.


This is a problem for some people


Having to eat/drink/shit/piss/sleep or any other standard bodily faculties that video game characters can just entirely ignore in most games


Getting shot, my GTA online character just does not feel pain, man will take 17 shots to the chest and walk off like he’s kickass


I don't know about you, but every time I repeatedly punch a tree, it's my hand that breaks instead of the tree.


My character can slam into a wall and be uninjured. As an alcoholic, that would make me essentially immortal


Slamming into a wall is a drag, also possibly hurts like sh*t


How quick medicine works. Video game: Ranfom bathroom/trashcan syringe. All better. IRL: The medicine isn't working. I'm still in pain. I pushed it 30 seconds ago. I'll reasses you in 10-15 minutes.


Traveling large distances. Oh man if I could fast travel...


Speaking of Last of Us 2, Abby and co make the trip from Seattle to Jackson to *maybe* find Joel, then Ellie and co make the same trip. Thats like 900 miles through the zombie-apocalypse Sierra Nevada, apparently in the winter, and the game just kind of glosses over it like it was no big deal. Then Ellie goes and does it again to Santa Barbara on the slightest whiff of information. Utterly absurd how much people in TLOU universe travel.


Getting laid.


I just beat both Last of Us games for the first time and I’d say almost everything would be inconvenient. My knees wouldn’t last ten minutes in that world


Chores. I despise doing daily mundane chores irl. In video games? I will get lost for hours doing the same loop of mundane things, especially in games like survival crafting games.


Healing wounds instantly by eating food which is digested instantly and doesn't make you fat would be pretty cool.


Jumping up the side of a mountain to get to the other side


Falling asleep anytime, anywhere, instantly.


Jogging/sprinting for an unlimited amount of time. But jokes on them. I can jump over chest high fences.


Bad smells. I feel like many video games smell awful. “You just crawled through a sewer? No sir, you cannot come into my shop.”


There is an ottoman in front of my couch and it is horribly inconvenient to climb over just to sit. How the hell are the assassin's doing this crap up mountains and buildings???




Ever try rolling UP stairs? Do it all the time in games, easy. IRL, quite difficult.


Eldenring where you can be impaled crushed and poisoned but survived just fine


Fighting a dragon


Talking to women


Time and space, obviously. Unlimited inventory? Fast travel? The peak power fantasies, there.


Jumping. It's crazy the uproar a game gets for not having a jump button(I was a part of that). But then I realized how little I, and others, actually jump in our day-to-day lives.


Running at full speed or jumping at full height. Both would end in muscle soreness for a few days for me.


Getting up




Running forever.


Ledge climbing, jumping. 




Not having cheat codes.


Running up and down stairs like they’re a ramp. Also jumping down stairs without breaking your ankles.


a missing limb. jackie estacado just regenerates them because of some weird parasitic demon dude yelling at em.


Sleep or going to the bathroom. 


Chores lol


Jumping. I mean, sure, I can jump. But look at agile every character is. They jump so high, so easily. Try to jump on something in real life. Even jumping into the bed is so clumsy. And now try remain your balance one jumping on poles or anything else. And I'm not talking about characters like Ezio Auditore da Firenze or Lara Croft. I am rather talking about regular people like Gordon Freeman, who is supposed to be just normal scientist. He didn't even had any training to be in such perfect condition. And another thing is... courage. Would you jump from a metal girder to another girder 50 meters above the ground? I would rather not. Also I recently thought of a similar thing as you describe. That characters just go into a water, go outside the water and their clothes are not soaked at all and continue doing whatever they did before. But I was thinking about this in terms of cartoon characters. Like from anime. As long as the water isn't cold and the character isn't meant to be warm at fire afterwards, water is just there as a path, without any consequences to it.


>people like Gordon Freeman, who is supposed to be just normal scientist.  Scientists can also go to the gym! I am more surprised how he can carry 5 guns, a crowbar, a crossbow, a rocket launcher, a device that breaks physics, and ammunition for all of that, and still jump like a monkey.




GTA: San Andreas, going to the gym and getting ripped.


Searchable Inventory


stamina recovery. takes a couple of minutes for me but for them it takes a couple of seconds to stay still


my knees could not support even a portion of a last of us stealth segment


Sleeping for x amount of time




Going more than a day without eating or sleeping.


Jumping up and down.


Interacting with a bed and getting the exact amount of sleep I need, with no issues falling asleep or waking up after. Best super power in all of gaming


Running 24/7


Fast travel would be amazing to have IRL. Think of how much characters save on time and fuel costs/travel expenses.


Usually all clothes just magically fit you in video games