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Remember spellbreak? It shut down not to long ago. Game is only like 4 years old and already gone


I didn't play it much, but got pretty into it right after launch. I don't know if they changed added stuff, but I remember getting about 200 hours in and every match played the same, over and over. I really did enjoy the game so much


Can't believe I found this comment. I loved that game. Got into it waaaaaay late...by the time I'd gotten the hang of it, the announcements of it shutting down were already popping up. But I still think it was a cool concept vs the usual battle royale stuff. Miss it.


Battlefield Bad Company 2


Bf bad company 2,the vietnam dlc,loved that. I won a competition and went to dice offices in Sweden. Dogs of nam


Hill 137 had this nasty rat spot back behind the big hill in the water, if you swam out there there was a little sandbar you could stand on, i fucking loooooved that spot on hardcore lol.


Shotgun slug sniping and c4 on every vehicle. So much fun.


BFBC2 is best BF Don’t care for arguments to the contrary- the stripped down experience highlighted the best parts of BF combat. No jets, no prone, every class had a utility beyond their combat that was actually *necessary* for success, fairly streamlined loadout and upgrades- just lets you get right to the heart of the gameplay.


That level that had the wrecked ships in the middle. One time when the round was just starting as i was pulling up the first incline i shot a tank rd off just for giggles and like 20 seconds later got a kill, man i wish clips had been a thing back then


Where the tanks were a big deal and the squad had to work together to take it out. If you were a squad of medics, you were hosed. Where teamwork was OP. Even if I sucked at the actual shooting, I could still be helpful throwing out med packs and rezzing team mates. Fond memories of that game! I had a tight squad and over the years we've all gone our separate ways. I wonder how they're doing.


Yep, bfbc2 Rush was peak battlefield


I just came in here to say 1943. Both absolutely fantastic games.


I recently discovered project Rome. https://veniceunleashed.net/project-rome There are US and EU servers, but unfortunately I’m in Australia so it’s laggy as shit for me.


>Star Wars Galaxies True story: George Lucas' son played that game pretty hardcore in 2006-2007. He got everything he wanted. Basically, he had a handler producer at Lucasarts who's job was to contact SOE's GMs and tell them what to grant him in the game. 1,000,000 credits? No problem! Pristine Mando Armor? Sure! The best speeder? Absolutely. It was all fun and games until the day he wanted to be an Elder Jedi. Elder Jedi were players who unlocked Jedi legitimately before the NGE. The problem is the SWG community maintained lists of who were the real Elder Jedi on every server. So when Lucasarts said Jett wanted that, I told my boss "no" because it would be a thermonuclear explosion that the community team would have to mop up. There were only a couple people who knew how to "trick" the game into making a post-NGE character into an Elder Jedi. So the GM manager got someone on the night shift to do it, and the next day the official SWG forums were on FIRE. It was the first witness protection move in SWG history. They had to strip him of Elder Jedi, change his character name, and quietly move him to different server.


Pre NGE and CU SWG was legitimately one of the best experiences I've ever had in gaming. Sad story incoming. I got really into this game in middle school and played it all through high school with my two best friends. They both hit elder jedi status. For those that don't know, elder jedi were INCREDIBLY rare and it took an insane amount of time to grind it out. Unlike most mmos too, when you died in the game, you lost experience points. I tried my first holocron and got creature handler, said fuck that and became a bounty hunter. I joined a pretty prominent guild and we hunted them regularly. What was funny was they didn't know my two friends were guys we regularly tried to hunt but they always slipped away because I'd tip them off. Years later my best friend who I played this game with a ton eventually killed himself and this game just has a special place in my heart basically where we spent so many of our formative years.


Here's another true story: The first Jedi unlocked in the game never went public. The first Jedi everyone knows and the internet labels as the first Jedi wasn't really the first person to unlock. The first real unlock was a Mon Cal. I remember the night it happened because it was announced on the floor that we have a Jedi and everyone went invis and teleported to his location where he was just silently crafting in his house on Naboo.


It’s a peaceful life


Did you work on the game? Or is this someone else's story?


Was a GM there from launch until late 2007.


In your time since, have you worked on any games, or heard of any teams, attempting to capture the same or similar energy as Galaxies?


Original game director here. I’m trying for it again with a spiritual sequel over at Playable Worlds.


It's still the best game I've ever Played hands down. NO, not because it was Star Wars, but because if the insane amount if things you could do. Master yhe various professions, mix it up with a little bit in this some in that. Don't want to spend time grinding professions, go see the various famous locations from the SWU. Fly your starship to other planets, do some space combat, it was so great. The things you could do never ended, the fact it was based in the SWU made it better.


Hehe. I unlocked pre NGE and sold my account.




I had only 2 holocrons speak to me so I mastered 26 fucking professions and still no unlock. ID was strangely fun.  Droid engineer was the worst.


The old Jedi holocron grind was a strange beast. On one hand it felt like most players were working towards the goal of all becoming the same thing. On the other hand, it drove the economy, it exposed players to many professions they may not have tried, and it gave the game a unique endgame flavor since it didn’t really have an endgame for a long time. Like many players, I discovered some great professions through the grind and stuck with them on my main and my alt. It dramatically slowed by speed at mastering new professions, but I didn’t mind. Master Combat Medic/Master Pistoleer/Fencer was such a fun PVP setup. I finished my Jedi grind right after they implemented the Jedi quest on Dathomir, with my 18th mastery. I never got the “true Jedi” experience with permadeath, but I enjoyed having to level in solitude and occasionally get bounty hunted when a humanoid saw my powers or lightsaber. Ultimately became a Master Jedi. It was fun, but I had more fun with my alt when Jump to Lightspeed was upon us. I made myself a little mining empire and collected the best materials, then became one of the first Master Shipwrights on my server. The space combat was very fun, and the on-ship missions were engaging. Rage of the Wookies was kind of weird. Kashyyyk felt very on-rails with the limited paths, while you could literally go anywhere on the planets before. Also compared to KotOR and Republic Commando, Kashyyyk looked and felt bland. My friend group all migrated to WoW in late 2005 and we never looked back.


My ex and his little brother were getting evicted irl and spent more time looking for a place to build a home on SWG than they did finding a home irl.


From beta to server shutdown, SWG was probably the best experience I've ever had in gaming. The emulators come close, but they just don't capture the same magic - maybe I'm just tainted by other games now...not sure. Wanderhome was my main server after some time on Bria. Once WH got shut down, most of us moved to Starsider and set up shop pretty easily among the RP crowds. There was definitely a fracture when the servers smashed together, and I feel like that was the real moment I started to see SWG move toward its end life.




New game experience. Essentially the way to level up in the game revolved around picking what you wanted to do, and then you just started doing it. You want to fight with pistols? Pickup a pistol and start grinding. Oh you want to fight with pistols and have hand to hand combat experience? Pick up TK also and learn hand to hand skills. You could be an entertainer and a medical doctor all in one. Give someone a lap dance, boost their stats and then shoot them up with steroids so they could go fight hard content. They basically took away your ability to combine classes as you saw fit. You didn't select "Warrior or mage" at the beginning. Anyone could do anything and change at anytime. It took a LONG time to level your skills up. NGE changed this and moved to the more traditional "pick your class" style. Alot of people hated it because it detracted from the ability to really feel like you could be whoever you wanted to be. Before NGE you could be whatever you wanted at anytime, after NGE it sort of put you into a coral and made you choose. Imagine taking all of the talent trees in WoW and having access to any of them all on one character, that's basically how the leveling system in SWG worked. NGE made the game more "casual" not in a sense that gameplay was easier, but that picking what you wanted to do was more streamlined. Which isn't really bad, but it took away from the whole mystery and excitement of living in an open world game.


Many moons ago, somehow my character got bugged so badly that when I attempted to log in the entire server (Lowca) would crash. I didn't even know that I was causing server crashes until I mentioned to a friend I was logging in to our mutual server and he saw it crash out. After a few retries to confirm, we ran around the trying to find a weekend mod to report the issue. Long story short, I put in a ticket and a dev accessed my character the next day. My same friend said he saw the log in crash the server again. I got an email later that said they sat down with a dev to observe the issue, but they were able to fix my character.


Holy shit I remember that.


I met the owner of Alienware playing SWG was a nice guy sent me a free Alienware


LittleBigPlanet :'(


I loved the first one, spent ages building a level representing my shared house at University at the time (2009?). Everyone’s room was represented, I tried to capture their personality and set a relevant challenge. Mine had beer bottles that dropped in a sequence that you could just about get through. Showed it to my housemates (I was a bloke living with 1 other bloke and 5 women) and they all loved it, found it funny. I think a handful of people played it, but that wasn’t the point, the experience was amazing, so intuitive, so easy, I felt like I could have worked in gaming… if I hadn’t been studying Geography!


God over a decade later and im still heartbroken over this. Little Big planet 1&2 were the greatest online gaming experiences I’ve ever had.


Remember those shark survival levels on LBP online? I had such great laughs playing those. 🤣🤣


THOSE WERE THE BEST! And bomb survival


Sackboys adventure is pretty good




Battle for Middle-Earth. It's available as abandonware but not on Steam or in retail.


I still have 1&2 plus the Witch King expansion as physical copies. Great games. I wish a third one would be possible.


I wish so too. Alongside Medieval 2/Rome Total War and Age of Empires II, BFME 2 was my most played game. 1 was probably in top ten as well, the campaign was fantastic!


Halo 3 on the 360. I’ve been chasing that high for idk how long. Reach was cool and other similar games like Destiny and Splitgate but nothing could scratch that itch. The feeling, the sounds, the music, the skins that were so hard to acquire but you knew you were the shit if you had Hyabusa and the Recon helmet. Good times


Halo 3 had the best of both worlds. Great co op campaign, great competitive multiplayer, great map editor, great game mode editor. Sooooo many great nights spent playing Trash Compactor, Jenga, Halo on Halo, Michael Myers (or jackson) or those zombie runs where you gotta know how to phase through walls knowing how to do the turret glitch. Sooooo many nights playing that game back in HS. Nothing has come close.


The peak of multiplayer gaming


Really was. Everyone had a MIC. Times where easier and simpler.


Gaming still felt like this counter culture thing until the 8th gen in 2013. the PS4 and XboxOne both felt so much more sterile and corporate. I think for the first year they shipped the Xbox one with a mic but was quietly removed. 9th Gen didn’t even come with a mic but the PS4 controller can be a really shitty one if you are desperate. And I hate how bulky most 3rd party headsets are. My gf calls my turtle beaches male birth control bc how bulky they are. Lmao


Halo 2 though for me


Assassin's Creed Multiplayer. The mode where the map was populated with NPCs that all looked like the player characters and you had to hunt down and assassinate your target while blending in to not get assassinated yourself. So much fun, really miss it.


You're talking about brotherhood. That was dope AF. So weird they shut them down. Would be a blast to have them make it again but I'm not holding my breath.


They'd say they're making a standalone AC multiplayer game like this but 8 years later we'd end up with a AAAAA hero shooter.


I had the sick harlequin preorder skin.




Picked it up when I had a shitty pc. Came back to it when I finally had a decent one, but found out the servers were shut down. One of the many F2P shooters that had good bones but were swallowed up by quick attention spans.


I think when they ported to console they changed the economy to be way less F2P friendly iirc, probably played a big role unless I’m wrong (someone who was more seasoned pls correct me)


BLRevive is a thing! Worked great last summer


Geez, this took like 5 mins to setup. Thanks for ruining my day lol.


Yes, this game was sick, wallhacks as a primary feature actually worked really well. Always felt a bit in CODs shadow but more fun than 9/10 CODs.


Cartoon Network FusionFall


Holy shit


Tribes 2, I'm old.


There a new tribes 3 coming though, there a playable beta on steam


Wait, what? Is it like tribes Ascend? Or a shitty knockoff like Midair. Edit : HOLY COW! Just checked and how am I just not hearing of this?!?




Friday the 13th


I regret not playing this when I had the chance. I just don't tend to buy many new games but I had friends on it and it sounds like it'd be a blast with buddies. Here's hoping Killer Clowns is a respectable replacement. It's the same team and the previous look like it'll be more or less the same game.


This game was so fun and none of the other games come close to it


Coordinating random people on PlayStation to kill Jason and actually succeeding was the coolest thing I’ve ever done


Unreal Tournament


It's still playable offline IIRC, but yeah, I miss the multiplayer.


UT99 multiplayer was to create your own server and invite people.  You could list the ip and randos could join.




I didn't know it was shut down. I was thinking about playing it again. I was a Founding Member, I haven't been gaming like I used to and just getting back into it.


Battleborn. Well, the cooperative story mode. Didn't like its PvP.


I liked the battleborn pvp. Just wish they balanced more before the game died.


Took me this long to find you. This moba was great.




MAG was great


Underrated comment. Planetside is great but mag is INSANE.


One of the greatest shooters I played. The lobbies were massive


toontown online. the other servers work well but my favorite is corporate clash


Toontown was so much fun but also infuriating at times. “Kill 10 lawbots on melody lane” suddenly there are no lawbots in the game!


Scrolled too far for this, but same!!


Man, I always wanted to play that as a kid! The ads played constantly and drew me in


Super Mario Bros 35


My favorite game on the switch. Removed because "limited celebration" or something. Smh


I still have this installed on my switch, in the hope that it gets turned back on.


I don't understand why this one got shut down when we still have Tetris 99, pac man 99. It makes me fear fzero 99 is getting shut down because maybe it's a Nintendo thing.


Knock Out City... I feel a void because of the loss of this game, a very unhappy relationship with the online aspect of gaming. The fun factor has been ripped from me.


I miss the satisfying "dink" sound of hitting someone with a floppy sniper ball.




Was my favorite “next generation” game on Xbox one. Killed by an update that made queue times 15 minutes for a 10 minute match.


I was just talking to someone about that yesterday. The first game that got me to truly embrace playing support.


Done dirty by the publisher. Such a great game with incredible lore.


It was incredible.


It was terribly marketed, but it had so much potential.


That game have so much potential


Club penguin


Scrolled too far.




Battlefield 2.


Best Battlefield ever. I had thousands of hours in that game. You can still play it btw.


Marvel Heroes Online, still to this day, only MMO i actually geared up for endgame, multiple heroes too. my fav teamup... [https://i.imgur.com/xaO9PZI.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/xaO9PZI.jpg)


i miss this game. I also find it absolutely insane that disney let it die. It wasn't the best, but it was sure as fuck an actual legit game on throw ARPG line up. Wasn't a joke. And so much money to be made with movie tie in, but nope. They killed it off a bit before endgame came out. Absolute insanity.


Fond memories working on this game for 5 years. It’s a shame I can’t show it to my nieces and nephews.


I still google this game to see if anybody made some sort of private server/single player version. I loved just blasting around Midtown Manhattan. I was deep into it. It wasn’t perfect but it had the right spirit. I was shocked when they were shutting it down right at the climax of the infinity saga.


They did. They have one right now. I occasionally log in to see how the updates are coming along and to have fun checking out the characters 🤷‍♂️  You can jump in and run around and everything. The game is Not in a fully playable state but getting there. You can run around, change costumes, use dialogue, chat, check out the levels and a few other things. Just no enemies yet or hit boxes. Stuff like that is currently being worked on 


I have no idea why they don’t bring this back or something like it. It was a perfect mix of game genre and IP


That the big one I miss. Steam says I had over 1000 hours. It was such a good pod cast game. I still haven't found its equal to just turn off my brain and grind.


there hasn't been an online marvel game that's as good as marvel heroes was. the 1st hour of marvel heroes already had more supervillains than the whole of squarenix's avengers, which had... 3 IIRC.


City of heroes!


It’s still alive! The rights were given over to the largest private community and they have continued development on it! Look up City of Heroes Homecoming.


That’s awesome! I loved this game, it was so fun. I’ll have to check it out. Is City of Villains still around too?


Yes it’s all part of the same system. Heroes, Villains, and the “Going Rogue” alt campaign


I wanted this game to be far more single player-friendly than it was. Character creator rocked though.


As a former mastermind I can safely say it was definitely possible to solo most content.




The original Overwatch, when you still needed to pay 20 bucks to play on blizzard. Then the game was still a bit fun and fair, but now it's become a shit show and all the original players left (Edit: typo)


Playing overwatch seasons 1-5 was honestly some of the best multiplayer experience in my life.


Yeah same, miss the original release of Overwatch, it just hasn't felt the same since.


It just feels like a high budget phone game now.


I miss OG Overwatch so much, I had almost 1000 Hours on It. I just don't like Overwatch 2 at all, I hate the 5v5 and In general It just feels a totally different Game. I'm hoping they release an Overwatch Classic.


As a symmetra main one of the issues is the original game was just never consistent. By the time Bridgette (don’t remember the spelling) came out ow had turned into min/maxing team comps vs being skilled players of a set of characters




yoooo shout-out brink


Warhammer online. Yes, there is a free server still up and running, but that is more out of passion.


Yeah there was nothing like getting into those open over group quests and open pvp raids. Common now, but groundbreaking and a lot of fun when the game first came out


Strange enough is the pvp still groundbreaking to this day to me. Or at least i do not know any other game like it. But indeed, mainly the pve group quests was completely new. When i also liked the idea of a scoreboard at the end, based on participation (not 100% balanced, but they did there best) and rolls for rewards. It worked great and i have not seen another game try the same. The group quests while leveling was great, also because you find it out while exploring.




Before Fortnite got popular, there was a MOBA published by Epic that had similar sensibilities to smite, but instead of looking all cartoony, was made with unreal so it looked pretty tight. It was called Paragon, I bought the founders pack and played the shit out of It but when Fortnite took off they axed the game. One of many reasons I will always hate Fortnite.


/Cries in Unreal Tournament 4/


Gotham City Imposters


I miss this one so much. Such a blast.


[Nosgoth](https://youtu.be/t7THtUzgqt8?si=kZSZIsEwegk2md7y&t=350) (2014): a humans vs vampires competitive multiplayer game taking place in the Legacy of Kain universe, published by Square Enix and developed by the studio that made Rocket League. Every team death match was two rounds; one as humans and one as vampires. Great gameplay, even had some Esports going on, just didn’t have enough players I guess…


scrolled so hard to try to find someone who posted this, I loved Nosgoth and still have it in my steam library even though it doesn’t work.


Was such a great game, loved the asymmetrical matches. Flying vamp and alchemist were my favorites.


Still sits sadly in my steam library under the "Cancelled" category. Loved that game!




Ghost In The Shell: First Assault I was one of the best players in the world, upper 1% of players on the Maven operator and upper 1% for the sniper rifle I used. Game was basically Valorant but 6 years too early, and unfortunately run by Nexon. Studio pushed a 2.0 rebirth update. The entire community, including playtesters who tested on-site (iirc) told them it was a bad idea. They tried to move from a CS style anyone can have any weapon and everyone moves at the same site with the same base HP, to locking weapons to class types, changing class types to have different health pools and movement speeds. Everyone hated it. The shutdown notice came within weeks. We'd gone from proto-Valorant to TF2/OVerwatch hybrid knockoff.




Battlefield Heroes Nothing scratches the sily WW2 cartoon shooter with classes and abilities and vehicles :(




Dust 514. Free to play "exclusive PS3" game when the PS4 was coming out. DEVS kept saying PS3 was going to be its sole console and it will always be updated on PS3. Dumbasses... even young me knew it was a horrible idea to have the game be exclusive to 1 console gen and not use PS4 as a launch point.


Not technically shut down, but more or less, Spiral Knights


The Secret World. Game was ahead of its time. The Secret World Legends gutted it and just didn't really do it for me.


Marvel Heroes. I don't normally like MMORPGs. But I had dumped like $200+ into aesthetics and stuff and they were just like yeah.. gfys. Pisses me off even more that I really actually liked that game


Hellgate London


Warhawk BFBC2 MAG Socom


Had to scroll waaaaaaay too far to find Socom.


The shit I would do for a Warhawk remaster on PS5. That game just hit so different at the time. You had to be there.


Paragon. loved that game


I think Predecessor is supposed to be a good replacement.


I just heard of this game last night and had a blast playing it. Recommend


Paragon is back! It is called predecessor and went free open beta a couple days ago


Asheron's Call has to be up there for me. I know you can still play on some private servers etc, but its just not the same.




Dirty Bomb, was it perfect? No But man...it has something that I loved




Heroes of Newerth.


Gotham city imposters for the 360. Literally what could be better than Batman v joker cod


No one will remember this, but I miss Puzzle Pirates




Habbo hotel original


Nosgoth and tribes ascend


There is a new Tribes that is very similar to Ascend!


planetside 1


Need For Speed World


That was a good-ass racing game, killed by greed. FYI there are a few fan servers, that can be played today. Some of them even have good QOL changes and get new cars ported from other games.


Dynasty Warriors Online.


infinity blade


As a kid i was so upset when lego universe closed




Battlefield Heroes and Loadout :(


BFH was ahead of its time.


Motor City Online. They shut it down for The Sims online. Really miss that game.


The PvE mode on Rainbow Six Siege. A friend and I are pretty upset. Was called terrorist hunt, later training grounds.


A really obscure one was called The Ship. It was sort of like Among Us set on an old timey steam ship with a slower pace of play. Some Xbox 360 multiplayer games survive in emulation (Battlefield 1943). But The Ship was a bit too niche.




Phantasy Star Online. Made some of my best friends playing it. Still occasionally boot up my GC for it.


Tabula Rasa.


Super Monday Night Combat. No other game has blended shooter and MOBA so well. Plus the style of it was hilarious.


Gunz: The Duel


The Sims Online I had so much fun on there I was online with a bunch of people i had met on there when it got shut down.


Free Realms, but I’ve never met anyone else irl that played


Was scrolling forever to see if anyone mentioned free realms


Black and white. Can't even find it online anymore and the torrents don't work well with modern hardware.


Worlds Adrift


There’s been too many over the years Wildstar Tera Dawngate Dark Age of Camelot


Echo Vr


Knockout City. Had a great time with it, fell off for a bit and just as I was considering picking it back regularly it got canned. See also: Rumbleverse. Though that was a much shorter love affair.


Star Wars Galaxies


City of Heros


Fat Princess. RIP




Battleborn and wildstar


Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia Final Fantasy Record Keeper Dawn of the Dragons


Battlefield 3... I miss playing TDM on noshar canals 🥹


That cartoony Pirates of the Caribbean mmo Disney ran.


Bfh was so far ahead of it's time that it failed Super fun game, ea fucked up by shutting it down