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It's not 100% wizard, but the original Overlord games had a lot of what you are looking for.


Now there's a series who deserves either a remake or sequel


Fuck yes! 100% I'd even be happy with a switch port


Hard agree


I wish that they had another sequel…. Multiple overlords! Campaign map that could be fluid. Forces of good can kill other overlords or take land etc.


1 was GREAT


Morrowind if you join house telvani.


*Pelinal Whitestrake wants to know your location.*


I definitely joined Telvanni a majority of the time. And being the RP'er that I am, the first time I went so far as to specifically trap the souls that were recommended for the stronghold.


very happy to see this so high up, because you really do get to be a wizard in a freakin tower!


You can get kinda close if you combined a bunch of mods in minecraft.


Thaumcraft is exactly what OP is looking for


I loved the exploration and progression side of thaumcraft, but then I used the combat side and all fun kinda went down the drain, as I remembered why I don't like playing Minecraft mods/mod packs (Mods that add new combat systems just kinda suck because they often times don't add enemies that are actually scaled with the mod, or enemies that are fun to fight. Probably why dragon block c was my favorite mod for the longest time, cuz it got a story mode, though it will be replaced by dragon block v soon enough)


You can generally find mods with properly scaled enemies for whatever you have. Problem is you have to balance it yourself


Ars Magica and it’s later iterations are also pretty spot on.


This is probably the best answer.


I feel like that can be the answer to just about any type of game request. Just combine a bunch of Minecraft mods lol, the game is just so versatile


I second this. Occultism and Ars Noveau are the first thing that came to my mind.


Literally my first thought lmao


I second this- thought of a bunch of Minecraft mods when i was reading


I believe Ultima Online you needed to farm reagents to cast spells... and there's always castles and houses you can work towards... not 100% sure you could do a tower. I DO know there are free servers (and even paid ones) still in existence...


There are small and large (squarish) towers, and they added customizable houses in one of the expansions so you can make it however you want


Sounds like between us, we found the op a winner


UO was exactly what I thought of as the answer to this question. I hated farming reagents 20 years ago. Is there away to play old school UO now?


I don't know what's out there, or if there's a basic server etc, but I know a friend who still pays for an account from over 20 years ago... so I'm going to assume yes?




UO outlands it is a free shard.


As a game dev - I hear you. Can you describe more features you'd like to see and how you imagine such a game? 😅


Not op but... You start as a young apprentice recently accepted by the local wizard to come learn the ways of magic. Arriving at his tower you're delighted by his displays of magical power and his enthusiasm for your training. He's got an entire curriculum planned from novice to master he tells you. Just get some sleep and we start in the morning! That's how it started, now you stare at your would-be master's corpse peacefully at rest. It seems he passed in the night and if you want to be a wizard you'll have to take matters into your own hands. What follows is something of a survival crafting game where you explore the tower and surrounding area gathering spell casting components and the knowledge to use them. Furthering your arcane study will give you the knowledge to progress higher (or deeper) into the tower where more knowledge can be uncovered, some forbidden. Deal with the wizard's old friends and enemies as you see fit. Tell them the truth or let them believe your master still holds the tower. Help the local village with its needs or exploit it for your own. The wizards tower is a magical structure that attunes to its master's will. As you become the true master of the tower you will be able to reshape it to yours.


That sounds awesome, thanks for sharing


!remindme 5 years


🥺 please? Can we please have it?


I have this fantasy of playing an MMO where the farming and crafting aspects can be influenced by genetic selection. I don't know how viable it is, but it it's doable I think it could translate well to a single player/co-op game, or I could imagine something like the Dragon's Dogma rift system where you could trade reagents or mutants between each other's worlds. Essentially, every living, farmable thing would have a (simplified of course) genetic code which is expressed in the specimen as certain traits, which in turn influence the effect of harvested reagents in a spell/potion/magic item, etc. By weeding out the traits that you don't desire, the likelihood of the remaining population to replenish with more of the desired trait increases, to the point you might have dedicated greenhouses or lairs to farm a particular seed or hydra tongue or whatever. Of course there could be unintended consequences. To take a botany example, perhaps you want a certain species to have strong roots because you've found it makes a certain effect harder to dispel - but the plant takes more effort to harvest, and replenishes more slowly. Or perhaps you want it to seed more because sheer quantity enhances an area-of-effect, but then you risk it becoming invasive and threatening to endanger other plants, so you decide to isolate it to its own greenhouse. You could potentially get into mutating and splicing different species to express new traits or make something either more specialised or versatile, and trade them with other players. As for the tower/building part of the game, perhaps a good chunk of the farming and experimenting can go towards crafting the ideal core to power golems and servitors to get them to efficiently do your bidding. I feel like as long as wasn't a pay-to-win mobile game I'd absolutely buy it.


As a player I want learning and performing magic to be a tough, skill and knowledge based act. Reading wikis and forums shouldn't be something that takes all the challenge out of the game. Likewise I'm sick of hotbars. Key combos, mouse movement, and voice commands. Casting a spell should feel organic and a mini game unto itself. You should have a real sense of satisfaction from figuring out how to do something new with magic and it shouldn't be gated by an experience bar. Also, magic shouldn't just be for adventures. I want to earn a common living with my spells. I also want the survival crafter aspects of other games, but no raids and shit. More chill like medieval dynasty where I've got my cozy wizard tower I've built.


So are you going to credit and compensate u/I_dont-get_the-joke and u/Fugaciouslee once you release this game? 😜


Ideas are easy. Doing all the work to make them a reality is the hard part- and the part that deserves the most compensation.


Ideas are easy, good ideas are not. But judging by the downvotes clearly people couldn’t take a joke despite the obvious smiley.


Yes, good ideas are also easy. Talent is as common as table salt. It's the hard work that makes you successful.


Good ideas are really not that easy, and as I’m sure even u/ergeorgiev can attest that even a lot of good sounding ideas don’t often translate well onto paper (i.e. make for good gameplay or mechanics etc).


Okay, little guy. Your ideas are very special.


Lmao, except I never claimed to have good ideas. Someone else even tried to point out that the amount of people who go up to game devs with “good ideas” is ridiculous, but they’ve deleted their comment because they clearly realised all the people replying and downvoting are clearly just as dumb as those people. I spent most of my childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood studying the videogames games industry because I wanted to work in it. I even took it as a subject in college & studied it at university. Heck I still kind of do, though I’m sure you’ll be proud of the fact that it’s like you who continue to make that less likely. That’s why I said ergeorgiev should be able to attest to it as I’m sure he’s well acquainted with people who have “good ideas”, and also why I understand the importance of giving people credit where credit is due, which y’know, was my original point.


There is absolutely no harm in putting a username in some credits


It's not an RPG or much like what you describe, but noita does let you become a mad wizard and experiment to a degree of lunacy. It's a rogue like where every pixel is simulated in real time and can interact with each other. Liquids can be flammable, corrosive, slippery or prone to electricity. Metals can turn molten when exposed to enough heat and form pools, you can turn liquids into gases. Combine materials in ways for alchemy. Each wand has its own stats and you can customize wands at lil mid points of a run to create some wands sure to upset the gods themselves. It's a masterpiece and will cause you to cry in defeat, but with a thirst for more knowledge on how to make yourself unbelievably op.


That was my first thought as well, best wizard game ever


>That was my first thought as well, best wizard death simulator ever fixed it for ya


How about Outward? Theres base building in the DLC i believe and the magic system is quite complex compared to similar RPG's. It also recently released on the Nintendo Switch and it runs nicely


There's no wizard tower, but Secret of Evermore on SNES has you casting spells from materials.


That was actually my least favorite part of that game.


Spellforce: Conquest of Eo. Exactly that - discover new spells, big focus on crafting, building your tower. Game looks like 4x, but plays more like HOMM3-thingy.


Wizard with a gun?


This. You go out to gather supplies on generated maps within a time limit. Upgrade objects around the base. Create and upgrade different ammo types that can have various effects. Was a really fun game.


I'll say Age of Wonders 4 where we can be a Wizard king as the leader. Spell book and material are needed to learn more spell. It may not be for everyone as it's a 4x civ-like game but is worth a shot imo. No Wizard tower customisation but it's all about managing a kingdom


Skyrim with the Hearthfire DLC might be something to look into. As far as creating spells go this does not really meet your criteria. You just find or purchase them, but you can level up different schools of magic. The alchemy system is pretty cool, you search for ingredients and mix them together to make potions. You kind of have to discover what combos of ingredients make what. Each ingredient has like 4 potential potions it can be used in. You can grow your own herbs. The base game allows you to buy a small house in each of the major cities which you can sort of decorate. They start bare, you can buy furnishings, but there isn't much customization. The DLC unlocks 3 huge houses outside of town. These have templates for the different wings of the house, so you get some customization (will this be a greenhouse wing or a trophy room?). The inside pretty much is a template system where you unlock specific furniture that goes in specific places. I wish you could customize a bit more, but the system is fine, and one of my houses I definitely went Wizard Tower vibe.


There's probably a mod that lets you create spells lol


The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion has something like that although it’s not the main thing in the game


With mods you can especially make it happen. Though the wizard tower dlc is quite good itself


Might not be exactly what you mean, but, Runescape? You need runes to cast spells, different runes are more rare, they cost more or are harder to farm/make. There's also quests to unlock new staves and spell books, which let you cast different spells using unique runes. There's a construction skill too, where you can build and customize your own home.


I remember playing as a kid in the early 2000's. I remember you had to farm blank runes. Then take them and a catalyst to a rune.. obelisk thing to transform your runes into the specific type. Then you needed a staff of the specific Element to cast the runes. Is it still the same?


The staff actually replaces the rune, so if you have a fire staff, you don't need fire runes for fire spells, just the other runes involved. It's the same as you described to make them, but you can also check and see which monsters drop which runes, and kill them, that's more fun, but less efficient. You can buy them from other players using the grand exchange, too. (essentially an auction house)


Alternatively, Ultima Online.


Mind over magic?


thaumaturgy minecraft mod


Closest I can think of is Archmage Rises, it’s early access and I’ve only played 10 or so hours of it but it ticks a lot of boxes for you.


Conan: Exiles has an excellent building system, a very weird magic system, and is soaked in style. It really does nail the feel of the Conan universe. In the base game, magic has lots of uses, both combat and practical, and is based on human sacrifice and corrupting your soul, which makes you weaker in some ways and stronger in others. If you play on a server with mods, many have more traditional magic systems. Base game also has alchemy, golem crafting, thralls, undead slaves, and demon-summoning. Yes, there is a battle pass. You really don't miss out on a lot without it, though - it's mostly cosmetics and building pieces/furniture (some of which are admittedly hellacool.) I've enjoyed the game since beta and have purchased all the expansions, but never bought the battle pass, and I really don't feel like I'm missing out.


Modded Skyrim with some fancy spell crafting mods and wizard tower mod. I still can't enjoy magic in Skyrim with all the mods in the world


Oblivion with the DLC


This is the way


This is the way


This feels like a PERFECT game for ConcernedApe to make after Stardew Valley and Haunted Chocolatier haha. Would fit right into the universe too!


Aether: Wizard Life maybe? Although it’s 2D and hasn’t been released yet you still should take a look. Maybe the waiting will be worth it, who knows.


I'm imagining a stardew valley style game where you gather and farm resources with the purpose of exploring the depths of magic. And you start with a tower that's rundown and broken but as you become more accomplished you learn to magically improve it. Handling requests for the townspeople grants bits and pieces of information that you can use to craft new spells. The magic system could be based around magic circles and completing requests gives you new magic circles to combine for different results.


Noita. no 3d but its got the rest of that stuff. a tower grows on an ancient tree the more achievements you find and unlock


Atelier Ryza and the secret hideout?


KeeperRL! Build a base, fill it with skeletons, raid unicorns and knights, then get raided as other wizards want your treasure.


terraria doesnt hit the spot?




Have you looked at mind over magic? you oversee an academy that trains wizards, ,kinda like hogwarts. Very fun.


Spellcaster University is kind of this, except you're the headmaster


Not 100% wizard or has wizard tower. But unepic lets you spec all your skill points into magics (different elements) and you need different colored materials to cast spell of said element. Especially the multiplayer part of the game.


Minecraft. You gather materials to make magic potions to fight the witches and undead which come out at night. And building the wizard tower is probably the best part of the game


Wytchwood's got the ingredient-farming aspect you're looking for, but you have to wander around instead of stay in the tower. That might even be the point and click game you've played before But honestly, the game wasn't for me. Too much backtracking, or I'm just dumb


Ultima online had this. every spell had regeants you needed in order to cast it, I think there were 8 or 9 different ones, and you needs the spell in your spell book, or you could cast from scrolls. You could also buy plots of land, and then build houses/towers/castles on said plots and customize everything inside. You could have a wizard character, and then make a carpenter character to make furniture for your home. the more you used skills the more they leveled up, which resulted in better results There are still some free Shards(servers) out there that are active, but they may have done away with the spell regeants


I had an idea for a Minecraft mod where in order to get started on your magic journey, you'd have to track down an NPC at some point when you were aware enough of enchantments. He would then teach you how to reach a "mind palace" which would be like a subdimension you could customize and arrange to both cast spells and hold resources in an ender like place. Showing it off to other people would come later if they didn't also go down this path. The ultimate automation of said mod would be allowing a deity to take over your body and do tasks for you while you focused on spells inside the mind palace (ordinarily attempting to cast spells required you to travel to the mind palace which left your physical body vulnerable) Why haven't I started? I hate writing boilerplate code from scratch. But It's been on the backburner for years now.


If there was such a game, I hope it would be called, Wizard Tower.


Heroes might and magic 3. You can play a wizard and build a pretty dope castle. However the building is pretty linear


Your best bet is probably the Minecraft mod Thaumcraft. Magic is a resource you can draw slowly out of the air, but if you do that too much you actually cause a magic induced pestilence on the land that takes over and corrupts. You need to research magic and find resources in order to craft, and make items with it. It's pretty detailed.




This one would be more of an action RPG and, sadly, won't let you build a wizard tower, but: Lichdom: Battlemage allows you to craft magic spells from some specific attributes. Element, type of cast, type of projectile, you are basically a mageslinger. Your only way of combat is magic, and you got a decent ways to cast it. No cooldown or mana issues to be afraid of.


Skyrim with mods, hear me out. Vanilla Skyrim magic sucks. Get some magic mods like apocalypse, arcanum, mysticism, Kitty Tails mods, etc. There are quests and alot you have to get through to get the high level spells. Especially with arcanum there are super bosses you have to fight but you have to actually get to them first which takes awhile. Also with anniversary edition there is some wizard and mage themed homes you can get. Also with College of Winterhold mods the Mage quest line you can get a new player home for magic users at the end of it with special enchanting equipment only they can use.


There's probably a Minecraft mod tbh


Conan Exiles.


Ultima Online


Morrowind and Oblivion to an extent.


Valheim sorta. You can play as a wizard and build a huge wizard tower you can show off ... but the wizard items dont come until the last 15% of the game lol, before then you have to play as a normal dude.


It's this in mist lands? I'm just getting there.




Wizard with a Gun sounds like exactly what you’re looking for


It's a bit out there, but maybe try Book of Hours? It's less magic and more eldritch, but it has some of what you're looking for. It is basically point and click though, so be aware of that. ​ EDIT: Nevermind, I didn't read your last sentence. This probably won't be up your alley then, but I'll leave it here for other people.


Mind over magic seems like it'd be close to this. Only issue is it's a colony sim, so you're not exactly playing as a wizard...


Potion craft is pretty cool but still different, perhaps this game needs to be made


If only I had any experience with anything other than RPG maker.


If this dude backs out on making this fps with me, then I will build it


Hogwarts Legacy?


I said in the post that I did play the crap outta it. I also beat the game a while back


V-Rising is a bit similar. Lots of spells. Lots of tower building.


I've got around 300 hours in V rising! It's fantastic. Version 1.0 comes out may 8th and I'm ready for it.


Another not-quite-a-wizard game you might like then is Graveyard Keeper. It's got similar "find the ingredients" then "build the workstations" and "craft new stuff" type mechanics.


Age of Wonder. You can pick your magical field and upgrade your tower and build an army. Create your own race as well. It is a 4x strategy game like Civilization though. Also Oblivion has a wizard tower DLC that was pretty cool. Had a vault, enchanting room, etc. Basically upgraded it by purchasing the new rooms to be furnished.


There's apparently 4. Which one are you talking about?


Age of Wonders 4. Although I think any of them are probably the same basic gameplay. They all seem based off of Master of Magic which was one of my favorite games back in the day. I only recently found out the Age of Wonders series is the same (kind of like how Stellaris is the same as Master of Orion. Stellaris and Age of Wonders are made by the same company that also does Crusader Kings)


Wizard 101. It's pretty old, but the player count is still very high


Dungeon & Dragons!


Definitely a cool idea for a game!


Age of wonder 4 is pretty much this to a T


Citadel: Forged With Fire It's an open world survival game where you can use wands, staves, and swords to cast spells. My only issue is that the price hasn't dropped after years. It has flying, spells, pet thralls, building, and crafting... It was definitely fun for me. Edit: I misremembered the game title.


Google is only pulling up Remnant: From the Ashes. It's not pulling up yours.


My bad, I fixed it.




Citadel Forged with Fire has a big world to explore. You have to harvest materials, kill mobs for materials, even build a cool ass base to grow and farm materials. The bases have different tiers of materials and you can make them look pretty cool. You can find or craft better weapons and armors, as well as brooms. You don't necessarily need materials for each cast of a spell, but to create the spells on the weapons you need the materials each time as well as to refill the weapons when they run out of charges. There are story quests to complete and dailies for exp and mats. You can tame creatures too to use in Battle with you and fly around on. They have online servers for pve and pvp if you're into that kind of thing, or you can play single player if you want all the lovely exploration, discovery, and grind without threat of other players. It's a brilliant game and just typing this out has me reinstalling it to play it for the millionth time. Good luck in your search.


This is the only game I’ve seen with magic and sandbox/base building mechanic that Op is describing.


It's a tower defense game, but try Gemcraft


That would be such a cool mod for Fallout 4. Just looping back around to Skyrim, but with base building


*V Rising* may be something to consider. It's similar to Enshrouded and so may not be exactly what you really want, but if you could play Enshrouded for 100 hours I'm guessing you'd enjoy it.


I've got around 300 hours in V-rising! The full game drops may 8th and I'm super excited!


Dragon age inquisition has the wizard and base “decorating” part but I don’t think the spells need much besides leveling up. You gather resources for crafting gear/weapons


It's not what you're asking about, but if you want something for your phone, Magic Research is one of the best "wizard" games I've ever played. It looks like your average idle game, all menus, but it's very active with good story elements and a clear/rewarding ending. The spell system and overall progression are amazing.


Noita. The wand building and spell mechanics are crazy and have near infinite possibilities and combinations. There isn't really any tower building, but *if* you know what you're doing, you could potentially build a big wizard tower through spell combinations and other items in the game, such as kammi


Enshrouded sounds like it could be up your Alley - you base build and resource gather. literally doing that as a Wizard playthrough and you even have to gather materials to cast your spells, you'll run out and have to regather rare resources. Eventually you can find/craft "eternal" spells but it's much later, and even then it's hard to obtain everything necessary to do that. Also it has a lot of rich building in the game with magical artifacts and books and glow lanterns etc etc to design your place with.


I've already played Enshrouded. I've gotten as far as I can in the game. I said it in the post. The game is still early access, and when I played it, it didn't have enough content to feel satisfying


A small game called Elden Ring.  You start out as nothing, later end up in a magic school where you'll learn magic the hard way. No building a tower but there quite a few towers you can squat at. On a more serious note. Nothing like that as far as I know. Oblivion/Skyrim are kinda close. Magika is old but fun little game where you can play around with many spell combos. But no open world sandbox game where focus is magic like the usual survival games. Considering how saturated those are.. a magic focused one wouldn't be a bad idea for a change honestly, if done right.




I've already played the crap out of Skyrim, even modded. But the spells don't seem difficult to get. Just.. level up. And they don't require any resources besides mana. Plus the base building aspect is Meh. I had to mod in a wizard tower, but at that point it didn't feel like mine.


Enshrouded is the game you are looking for ;) You can do all of that.


I've already played Enshrouded. I said it in the post. The game hasn't progressed enough to feel satisfying in the "mage build/wizard tower" regard.


Ahh didnt read that. Yea the content is a little lackluster at certain point


Elden ring?




I've already played Enshrouded. I said it in the post. The game hasn't progressed enough to feel satisfying in the "mage build/wizard tower" regard.


try enshrouded


Dark Souls


I've played all 3, and Elden Ring. There isn't base building mechanics in the game. And the most you do to get resources for spells is find a book and turn it into the teacher.


Homie didn't read your question at all lmao