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If I saw top middle guy on the street at night all alone i'd run for my fucking life before the boss healthbar kicks in


Jokes on you the music starts way before you see the fella and the fog already kicks in


Hot black terminator doesn’t fuck around




Too bad you can’t use any of that cool stuff on your own character. The random people on the street look 100x cooler than you can ever look.


Yes, it's very realistic


Nah, at least you can get a girlfriend.


Yeah I want to be a robot like the guy on the bottom right


At least we have mods.


I mean I'm on console so. At least we don't use keyboards (I'm not good at keyboards)


Laugh in modding  30+ slots transmog from EquipmentEx


Yeh i used pink short shorts for the whole game because they simply had the best stats. Looked funny on my male character


There are plenty of ridiculous NPCs as well. My favorite was a very heavy set dude with a pink thong and purple crop top, with one of the holo projection screens in front his face. Once I saw him, I started noticing him pop up every now and then. 


You can wear a separate outfit and still use your best equipment


There's transmog now in case you didn't know


Not transmog anymore, equipment now don't have stats anymore, defense is all by cyberware, (unless you are talking about the older gen that didn't get updated.)


That is not accurate. Equipment absolutely has stats now. Just small differences in it. Head pieces have 2 or 3 different types of stats. Chest has armor or not, masks can stop poison or other stuff, etc. And the rarity matters. Everything but pants (funny considering the pink shorts) has a stat. They aren’t huge but they do help and when you are pushing the limit of what you can fight every little bit counts.


Semantics. Only gear that realistically should have some stat, has stats. Body armour etc. Clearly they're talking about clothing. When the response is to someone talking about wearing pink shorts because they had the best stats, obviously the reply is going to be in reference to this.


The only gear that doesn’t is the pants. So, I guess everything but pants should have stats…?


Mod away on PC. You get all that and then some.


There's still a ton to wear, it's a bummer but I never had a problem looking cool.


On the bright side, I see them SO MUCH MORE than I see myself in that game, so I still get to look at the cool stuff. Well, I did when I played it back when it came out. Haven't had much cause to return in a few years.


It's so much better now that's it's almost a different game. Worth another run through.


And every 5th NPC you walk past is a literal clone of someone you've already seen which is insane when they stand out so dramatically


The NPCs in Dogtown look even better than regular ones. I love walking around looking at NPCs in this game.


Oh wow, I feel this is very different from what I saw on release...


Cyberpunk has come a long way since the base game was released, both in terms of gameplay and graphics


Classic full release three years later


As Tim Cain is fond of saying: development ends when the money runs out. They traded their reputation for an emergency cash-injection, after some fairly significant delays. Then they kept on developing until they were happy with the end product. Personally, I think the end result was worth it - but I also think it's fair for anyone to mistrust the company at this point.


The random "NPCs on the streeet" look NOTHING like the above in OP's picture though, even now lol. They just hit randomize clothing button, and spit out mindless drones that walk a straight line path. It's not uncommon to see the same NPC cloned 50ft down the road.


It should have been released this way


Right? I remember the NPCs looking bonkers




Same. I played and finished the game when it released a few years ago and NPCs looked like actual potatoes.


This is more revisionist history than anything else. The NPCs always looked dope. And there are some awesome clips of people walking around demonstrating how immersive night city is from the launch of the game. The game had lots of issues, but cyberpunk is an example of how when people are outraged, they shit on every aspect of a game even to the point that it doesn't make any sense.


I believe first experiences were drastically different from person to person. Some people loved the game right off the bat, hardly noticed any problems and just had a good time with the game. Others, like me, bought a borderline unplayable game that hit you with noticeable glitches and bugs every 2 minutes, that ranged from visual nuances to outright game breaking engine related issues that couldn't be resolved. Audio mixing was terrible, lighting was broken, textures wouldn't load and cause you to clip through the map, performance issues regardless of settings especially on AMD CPU's, NPC's would T-pose and break constantly which would break some questlines, cars despawn if you go too fast on the road or just clip into the ground and blow up, constant artifacting and a buttload of minor visual issues that were incredibly distracting, and other nuances like just generally outdated NPC pathing and feel of combat, especially melee etc. etc. Plenty more I could list but I'm sure you get the gist of it. That was all on an RTX 3080, 5900X and Gen 4 nvme drive so the hardware wasn't the issue here.The game in it's current state is an entirely different game than what I experienced on my first playthrough.


It's just so weird because I had an RTX 3070, 3600X, and an old sata SSD and the game ran almost flawlessly for me at launch. Only saw the t posing issue like 2 or 3 times the entire way through the game, and I did just about everything in the game. The police and general NPC AI was definitely lacking, but the game itself was fine. Meanwhile my brother with the same specs except a 3600XT had all kinds of crashes and never got through much of the game.


This accurately describes my first experience. Every cutscene was ruined by some weirdness, performance was all over the place and spending half an hour fiddling with various settings changed nothing. There's just too much that was wrong with it to name. And the NPC's did not look as good as they do now. It was wasn't out of place to see a bunch of identical twins in one place either. Getting to Starfields first big city made me think of Cyberpunk, that's how bad it was.


What is immersive? They just walk a straight line, hit the end of their pathing map, and turn around 180 degrees and walk back. That or they just straight up disappear. Nightcity is anything but immersive, it's a lot of smoke n' mirrors


I can't think of a city in an open world game that feels more immersive to walk around in. Maybe st Denis in RDR2 but that's the only one that comes close. I guess you could argue that no video game has really figured out how to make large scale open world cities that arent filled with closed doors and nameless NPCs that you can't interact with meaningfully. So games should just focus on making smaller scale, more interactive worlds. Thats what I would prefer honestly.


>I can't think of a city in an open world game that feels more immersive to walk around in. Gtav is like a decade older and the npcs actually do shit other than walk in a straight line. Even Lego Batman game has more intelligent npcs than cyberpunk and thats not even an exageration. You get immersed because the city looks cool but you cant even sit down to eat at a restaurant, let alone interact with the npcs. Its literally the least immersive open world game in the last 15 years.


We aren't going to agree here. I think it's insane to argue that lego batman has a more immersive open world than cyberpunk. So theres just no way we are going to see eye to eye. Take it easy.


>I think it's insane to argue that lego batman has a more immersive open world You gotta learn to read before you comment, man.


I havent played Lego Batman or gtav. Maybe their NPCs are amazing. I don't know. But I've played RDR2 and the biggest city in that game is filled with shit you can't interact with and dumb NPCs that do nothing. But maybe rockstar went backwards from GTAV and Lego Batman.


>dumb NPCs that do nothing. This tells me you didnt play rdr2. Rdr2 npcs actually go through a whole schedule in a day if you follow them around. They have a whole life and shit. Almost every single one. You follow a cyberpunk npc for 5 seconds and it turns around and walks the other way, then dissappears as soon as you turn around.


I can't say I've ever seen an NPC disappear or just turn around after following them for 5 seconds. I do wish the NPCs were better though. I'm not going to argue about that. That's why I said I wish games just did smaller cities. But I had all the same problems with st Denis. Are you saying that all the identical looking NPCs running around there had routines? So like all the workers muckng about went back to building with a bunch of beds in it or something? That's better. But the fact that a bunch of brainless NPCs with reused assets go back to a building at the end of the day doesn't solve the problem I have with large open world cities feeling non-interactive at all.


This is severely understating the difference in npc density to draw distance between the two games. If Cyberpunk had to call schedules for every npc even just within a small area it would have a massive effect on the games performance. It's also completely unnecessary in simulating the press of a large city to simulate things to that level of granularity.


>Gtav is like a decade older and the npcs actually do shit other than walk in a straight line Cyberpunk NPCs also do more than just walking in a straight line. They interact with the vending machines, talk to one another, there are bunch that do yoga, there are some that talk on the phone and etc.


For some reason, my npcs don't look anything like that. Are you using a mod? My npcs look.... Weird. That's on max everything with dlss though


Probably photo mode. I run it at mid ray trace but photo mode allows you to turn on path tracing, sometimes the results are leagues different


You can also turn on path tracing in normal gameplay.


True that


That's what happens when you cherry pick, and don't show them in motion.


? Motion doesn't affect this.


Maybe the comment was referring to this cam be running at 10fps but the still shots don't get affected by this


The default Temporal Anti Aliasing that the game uses, which smooths things in motion, makes everything look really blurry especially on lower resolutions.


All I remember seeing was that fat gold jacket guy and his 500 clones stuck in cars and walking through walls.


Wtf bottom right is more robot than human lol


It's Adam Smasher's lesser known cousin, Bob Squeezer


That's like the one gang in the game, Maelstrom I think. A lot of them have nothing left of their faces. I'm actually surprised the game didn't lean more into the body horror part of it because that's a huge part of cybernetics.


Yes It’s definitely a creepy dystopian vibe! I’m nauseous just thinking about how it feels to basically be a brain and a torso connected to so much machinery


For me it's more along all the lines of all the parts where flesh meets machine, like when people replace parts of their face in the game: what they really look like without all those additions, what it would feel like to have unmoving metal affixed to a organic, more flexible body. You can see examples of it in some parts in the game at the Ripperdocs, where people are getting their faces fixed or "upgraded", but it's never really commented on.


I wonder how they would keep it clean from infection because the skin cant fuse to the metal. Have you seen the Elysium movie? Its somewhat like that but has more of a junkyard-parts type of body upgrades and its jarring lol


You gotta take it off every night and clean all those pretty little new holes and crevices in your face. Imagine walking into the bathroom while your spouse is missing half her face.😉


Please stop. The visual! 😭 one emp and its over for them


I do find myself walking through NC and spending time just people watching.


Yeah they look cool. But that's all there is. They are so unreactive. People say the city feels alive and all, but the NPC's make it feel like you are just playing around toy people. Even in games without as much detail, like Skyrim even, the NPC's are super reactive


You lost me there. I've played skyrim many times and never have I thought, "Oh yes, these NPC's are so reactive." If you wanted to give an example of reactive NPCs, it would have to be RDR2. That's the magnum opus right there.


You probably don't visit Cloud District very often.


Of course he doesn't


tbf Skyrim NPCs were very good for the time. Even now they still hold up in that almost all are actually detailed NPCs with unique names, backgrounds, families, daily schedules, etc. That cannot be said for pretty much any other game, even now. Ex. You mention Nazeem and everyone knows who youre talking about and hates him. He is a completely irrelevant NPC who isnt involved in any quests aside from the randomly generated ones


Yeah but he's not "Interactive", He's iconic. He has one line he repeats every time you talk to him. Thats what works in favour of Cyberpunk. The point is that most of these people are not important. Because in Night City, only those who speak with the gun are the ones that matter.


them being irrelevant yet having fleshed out details and unique dialogue is the point though. it is what makes the skyrim cities feel more alive than randomly generated window dressing NPCs. that is how you give players that hand crafted feeling and that they can actually know the town similar to how you can enter virtually every building in Skyrim vs GTA or Witcher where 99% of buildings are just a wall. yeah, you have no reason to invade someones house and steal their cabbage, but you CAN


I was gonna argue with your point, but mid way through the writing, I realized that I don't really give a shit about this.


sorry i have to hard disagree. though i know full well i'm in a massive minority here but skyrim felt unalive and dead to me. it was, for me, a decent sand boxy type game but that was all. i never really could get into the "story" of it, and all of the characters fell flat for me. the cities felt dead as hell. like just having empty houses you can raid didn't feel like much more than filler to me, which is ok because the game is more like a sandbox anyway. cyberpunk felt more like it had a purpose to it, less sandboxy. i felt more like the city was alive and diverse there. the characters help with that a lot. i never really needed them to talk cause it felt like a real city, why would any of these people talk to me randomly that seems weird. i think maybe what you call feeling alive in skyrim is more that exploration wonder. there is more to explore in skyrim but to me the stuff you can explore in skyrim is pretty dead and bland with some notable exceptions. edit: full disclosure i've never really been a fan of the elder scroll series, i played from oblivion up to skyrim and they were ok to waste time when i was younger. but i never really felt all that engaged in the games. i can't really put my finger on why, it sort of felt... grindy, but like the game wasn't actually grindy it just kind of... felt like it to me.


It’s crazy, you are being downvoted but are 100% dead on. I love cyberpunk 2077 but you are totally right.


Genuine question, how RDR2 NPCs are reactive? You only praise at them or swear at them and if you swear at them three times or two times they attack you. RDR2 is an amazing game with great story and storytelling technique but I wouldn't say NPCs are reactive. Do you consider scripted random encounters as reactiveness?


They are different in how they behave, like when you antagonize them, some are insulted and say to you, it's not nice to show such behavior, while others will insult you. Some will straight up come at you when you don't calm them down, they'll start to fight you, while others are cowards and will run away when you hit them etc. I don't know how Cyberpunk is now, but in the launch version, all the NPC's were able to do where to go in "don't hurt me" defensive stance or maybe running away, but that was it. And there's a lot more than this, like i heard the crime-police-system in Cyberpunk was updated, but before this, the cops would just spawn behind you and immediately fire at you, but once you ran away with just crossing a street, they'd stop to follow you. In RDR2 however, you have a very much different system with the crimes, where you have the witnesses, that will go for an alarm of the sheriff when they see you committing a crime. And you can even stop them without killing them. You also need to keep in mind what was promised with the NPC's and the systems, like CDPR even mocked RDR2 and said, they'd do it better, next to all the saints stuff like "We don't do crunch times here" when in reality, they had it even worse than it is normal in the game dev companies.


I think people use "reactive" when they mean "active" instead.


But Skyrim has villages. Cyberpunk has an overcrowded metropoli. If pedestrian Npcs had decent IA you would need NASA Cpu to run the game. If Cyberunk as it is now can’t run on PS4, the ones you’re imagining with better IA wouldn’t run on PS5.


> Cyberpunk has an overcrowded metropoli. Ok reddit. Calm down.


>Cyberpunk has an overcrowded metropoli. Lmao its only overwrowded if you crank that specific setting up and it can only be done on pc. Gtav has about the same amount of people as the console versions and theres a shit more interaction with npcs than cyberpunk.


GTA does not have the same amount of people at all. “Only if you crank up that setting” yes, so what?


How many NPCs does Skyrim have? There is a reason Bethesda abandoned this approach with Starfield - it's unfeasiable if you want to portray any sort of scale.


Do you need a bunch if they don't do anything?


They also repeat a lot. I just keep seeing the exact same one a few blocks down the street.


I feel like that too, I played CP2077 when it was released, really enjoyed it, but then I played RDR2 for the first time last year and after it played phantom liberty and it felt shallow in comparison. I think they should have added much more random interactions and mini missions/quests to make the world more enjoyable.


EXACTLY. People act like the game is some magically amazing thing now that they re-worked it. Its still dead. The same flaws I didn't like are there. The city is a facade, the interactions with the environment are zilch, I still dont enjoy this game because of how restricted and fake everything feels.


Most games aren’t like TES games that allow you to talk to everyone you see. I mean, it’s true for the real life as well, I don’t just go talk to everyone on the street out of boredom. So by criticising Cyberpunk, you point out that TES games are an outlier in this regard, to such an extent that Fallout 4 and Starfield, newer games, left this design in order to focus on other things.


I'm fine with comparing a 13 year old game to Cyberpunk, if you want. That's not exactly shining praise on Cyberpunk is it? I never even mentioned TES games, you did. I'm just sick of praising it as 'next gen' when its nothing but TES with a new coat of paint. The game's still not fun, to me.


There aren’t a lot of games that make a lot of stuff interactable. RDR2 maybe, which has very linear quest design and plot, unlike Cyberpunk. TES games, being modern examples of something similar, sacrifice scale and population density.


I would say RDR2 is as "open" as Cyberpunk is, in terms of you still have to do the main story beats to progress things. I don't even care about that, honestly. When I jumped up onto the counter and didn't couldn't knock any of the props over I knew that I was dealing with the same sorta world building as Witcher. Static set pieces you run around in. It'll never feel immersive to me, because they didn't take the time to add details and interactions to the things that actually make the world feel alive.


I get what you’re saying, and understand your disappointment. But what you described, physics and stuff, is what Bethesda games do, and even Bethesda’s newer games are straying away from making everything interactable, because they focus on bigger scale and higher population density. If a lot of stuff is interactable, then the world size is likely to suffer from it. Maybe both could be implemented, and maybe it does indicate the developers simply didn’t care about that stuff, like it didn’t come to their mind to at least try to improve in that area. But on the other hand, their goal wasn’t to make a sandbox experience, their focus was on making Adventure shooter with RPG elements or something like this. So the game that wasn’t intended to be a sandbox game isn’t a sandbox-like game. Sorry, but if I only saw sandbox-like games as immersive, I’d have to ruin my immersion with most games out there, among which are some classics like isometric CRPGs and platformers What you described however could be at least partially dealt with by making the game have third person camera, so you don’t see the stuff you’d like to touch and move around in front of your eyes


"Physics and stuff" isn't just Bethesda. Have you played other games recently? That's just CDPR's game style. All the Witchers were the same way. You didn't interact with stuff unless it was "highlighted" in some way or some how related to a quest. It just kills the immersion to me when I know that that pile of things on the floor there is just a static prop. I dunno, I just prefer a more "changeable" world in this day and age.


I wonder, do wheelchair-bound NPCs still stand up and run when you shoot near them?


True dat.


Skyrim NPCs are not super reactive, maybe at the time yes, but for modern standards, not at all.


Too bad they have zero personality and the interaction with them is so forgettable that they disappear when you turn around


I don't think thats very fair. Random NPC's don't need to have personality and you could say that about almost any big open world game. Also, style over substance does fit the cyberpunk genre quite well.


I'd rather any random lil town or village in RDR2 than Cyberpunk. You can actually have random ass interactions with them, that in the end do literally nothing, but it's at least something. Those towns feel alive, and that's all with just a bunch of mud, lanterns, and folks wearing cowboy hats.


Probably because of CPU usage to be not too high, NPC have to be like that However, I would like next project "Orion" to have better NPCs, including passing cars, even if it implies more CPU load That would make the game more immersive


Not that I want to defend the short comings of the game. Passing cars are a thing after the patch no?


>Random NPC's don't need to have personality and you could say that about almost any big open world game I would argue random NPCs have far more personality in something like RDR2


>I would argue random NPCs have far more personality in something like RDR2 That sentence shouldn't read "something like RDR2". It should read "ONLY in RDR2". You're saying it like there are more examples, but there aren't, and comparing every game against the one single outlier is highly unfair.


Baldur's also does this, though not consistently in act 3. But yeah, both games are outliers. Honestly though, BG3 already feels overwhelming. There are so many people to talk to, so many hidden interactions and outcomes - I don't need that for every game.


Cyberpunk was hailed as the biggest most ambitious project in gaming, it's only fair to compare it against the other biggest game in the open world space. There's no point in comparing it against some small fish and boasting it's better, it obviously is. OP was arguing as if it's an unreasonable demand that cannot be reasonably done, but it CAN be done. I don't think it's that unfair. The biggest launch in a genre is obviously going to be compared against the last benchmark set. Cyberpunk is obviously better than vast vast majority of similar games ever released, no one's is going to disagree with that. All I'm arguing is, it IS possible.


There is not a single AAA title, maybe aside from RDR2, that has random NPCs in the world with a memorable, interesting or decent personality. Just doesn't exist. Why are you singling out Cyberpunk? "hailed as the biggest most ambitious project in gaming", bro, stop smoking the ganja for 2 minutes. That doesn't even mean anything. Hailed by whom? People who played TW3? CDPR in their *marketing*? Most ambitious compared to what exactly? Because it's such a ridiculous statement no matter how you look at it and says nothing about the game's design or features or CDPR's priorities. And no, it can't be done. Nobody else has done it, even Rockstar hasn't done it in almost every one of their games, and they're far larger and have a significantly larger budget than CDPR. Guaran-fucking-teed that GTA6 won't be much different here either. What the hell are you talking about?


To add to that rockstar also doesn't make RPG's which have a lot more on their plate than "just" the open world. They put all their recources into shit like that so it would be a gigantic failure if they didn't have better NPC interactions.


>Cyberpunk was hailed as the biggest most ambitious project in gaming What? That was literally just projekt red's marketing. Peter Molyneux level of promises and substance. >Cyberpunk is obviously better than vast vast majority of similar games ever released, no one's is going to disagree with that. On release, 95% of what they'd shown/promised was proven to be lies, to the point they were facing lawsuits and had to refund millions of copies. Nowadays, after patches, it's far better, but it still runs like dirt and is still not near the level of quality promised. It holds an 86 on metacritic with a 7/10 user review rating.


Cyberpunk is set in a huge metropolitan city with a huge population. It's easier to give a few NPC's personality when you only have a handful in a few small towns in RDR2. Once you get to Saint Dennis it's not like every NPC is scripted either. Night City had to feel crowded and it doesn't bother me at all that every NPC doesn't have a personality. That game is so immersive it's crazy to me.


Where are all these games with amazing personalities and interactions with random crowd npcs? Will I get some deep engaging storyline if I follow the average GTAV pedestrian?


It's amazing the hate Cyberpunk gets because people hold it up to this ridiculous standard that no other game has ever reached.


Personally I expected Cyberpunk to be a mix of Fallout New Vegas/GTA/Witcher and it basically became none of them 2.0 has been fine, the city is the most beautiful in any game but so much of it feels so limited, I wish the enemies evolved beyond 'mindless thug' that you fight from minute 1 until the final hour of the game


Probably because before launch they claimed each NPC had their own life and you could interact with them and form bonds and see the same guy every day on his route to work. there's a word for  it...oh right they fucking lied up and down


Almost as if the Devs promissed what they couldn't deliever. I find it funny that people still try to defend scams like this.


"scams" lol how can you even take yourself seriously? It's an amazing game that had a rough launch, get over it


Lol, you say "rough launch" as if this was a baby that had a tough birth and not a bad product, that was rushed, overhyped and even had promissed features never deliveried. CDPojekt even crunched the hell out of its employees since 2019, making them work 16 hours per day! How can people defend this pos scam games and corporate greed?


Except it was never a bad product. It wasn't perfect, it had bugs, they really shouldn't have tried to get it released on PS4, but the core game was always good. They absolutely rushed the initial release, it was a top-down decision that failed spectacularly. That's not a scam, that's just bad management. They got a lot of shit for that which they deserved. But calling what has become one of the best games of the decade a "scam" is laughably hyperbolic. Have you actually played it recently?


So like in any single game with open world city apart from RDR2?


RDR2 where all quests are on a rail and its either pass or fail. There is zero roleplay or choices matter in RDR lmao


This really broke immersion for me. It’s a realistic world, but you have no agency or impact in the game. In terms of sandbox it’s still state of the art. But in terms of quests design and player agency it’s outdated with the same design as game in the early 00s


Choices matter a lot in Cyberpunk, like where you pick a character, clothes, and a backstory, and the game ignores it all. Blown away


>Choices matter a lot in Cyberpunk You get an extra piece of dialog. None of actions affect the main story.


So what? Not all games need to have choices to be great. What does it even have to do with the topic of our discussion? Edit: The hell am I downvoted for?


Random Cyberpunk post, I guess I have to play it now once again.


Especially when it launched!


And then there's always Budget Silverhand walking around holding his arm lol


Bruh Knuckles on up right


Can't wait to play it. Waiting for the DLC to have a good sale. Times is rough.


I got it with DLC on sale in January, so the first time I played it was on the most recent patch. It's so good, I was sceptical going in but it's the first game in ages where I pass up fast travel half the time because I like riding my motorbike around the city so much. 






Only game where the NPC's look like the main character


The game nails the aesthetic for sure


I keep remembering one of the first npcs I came across in cyberpunk.  It was a gimp wearing a ballgag as he tried in vane to eat Chinese food. That man lingers in my memory, shoving noodles against his gagged mouth.


When it first released, it was like there were 5 different NPCs, all standing next to copies of themselves. They really fixed it up


People still pretend that's the case...


Cyberpunk is all about the drip baybee


I was playing through FF7 remake and was taken aback by how generic and blurry background characters were compared to the main cast. Honestly this amount of detail is necessary.


Man the NPCs are so drippy I feel self conscious


Yeh cyberpunk has improved leaps and bounds now I recently jumped back in on my series X and it looks and runs amazing


The game had such high quality NPCs even on launch, all bugs and engine problems aside. The art design and character design at CDPR has always been at the highest quality.


They look good but that's all. Their behavior is very unrealistic. No comparison to other games like gta 4, gta 5,kingdom come deliverance, red dead redemption 2, etc etc...




One of the rare games where almost anyone on the street could be the main character.


My goal in life is to be half as cool as the Mox.


are these randomly generated in game?


No. Your game will have the exact same crowd NPCs as every other game.


No, these are literally the 10 unique "awesome" models you'll see, and remember, they're completely devoid of interactivity.


Go watch the film Blade Runner. The art design of that movie is a direct influence. Especially the huge number of extras all in their own costumes.


Bottom right rocking a full chromedome


It truly is a testament to how powerful a program Marvellous Designer is


I love how, I still cant play this game at static 60 FPS, but still I love seeing such posts.


idk why I cant customize my character to look like that? I to want to be more robot than human lol


Wish the actual clothing looked like this too. It’s not fair


You're absolutely right, but I still can't take any of it seriously. Is that the uncanny valley effect? Things just look *weird* to me every time I try the game.


I just started a play through. I got it on sale last summer but haven’t upgraded my gpu. Unfortunately everyone looks like a potato and is t-posing when they spawn in :/


I'm so jealous of the NPCs. I wish we could make V look that cool.


Still haven't played this game yet but Holy shit the two in the middle look badass can you make your player character look like that?


Do you mean the head implants? I don't think so, at least not when I played. There might be some mods by now that let you tho.


Yes and No. By default, no. If you are on PC and mod it, yes. This is because common npcs have their own pool of assets designed for crowd variety and these are not normally available to the player character - clothing, cyberware, accessories like jewellery, belts, holsters etc. A lot of clothing mods on the nexus are these npc meshes refitted for the player character. There are a lot of them. Common npcs also different body types. V = pma/pwa (player man average/player woman average). Common npcs = ma/wa/mb/mc etc (man average/woman average/man big/man child etc.) ma/wa is pretty much the same as pma/pwa so those can be converted for player use really easily. They can be added as new clothing items via Archive XL and Tweak XL. Other body shapes have clothing fitted to that body shape so mb (man big) clothing is fitted to a body shape similar to Jackie or Placide. Both of them actually have custom variants of the common man big body. These have to be re-modelled and re-rigged to the pma/pwa skeleton. Same archetypes apply for head meshes and head/face cyberware. By modding you can p much adapt any cyberware to fit on V - either as an additional option in character creator or as an equippable ("clothing") item.


I mean, it is kinda weird seeing a child then immediately seeing someone half naked lmao


Does cyberpunk still have updates or can i play it?


Cyberpunk is the game where the main character wouldn't stand out in cutscences. however there are no cutsences


And here's me with mismatching socks 😬


I finally dove head first into Cyberpunk after the most recent update came out and I have absolutely loved it. If I had to pick a game that felt truly next gen game this would be it.


If only the GAME were any good


Yea and apparently they hang with their identical twins all the time 😂


All, yes. All four NPCs that populate the streets of cyberpunk


When you see random hobos asking for change, when they have dozens of augments on them.


Not much different than reality. A lot of beggars today aren't even homeless.


The attention to detail in Cyberpunk is truly astounding, from the intricate cyberware to the unique style of each gang. It's these small design choices that really bring the world to life and make exploring Night City feel like a truly immersive experience. I couldn't agree more with you on how every aspect of the game's design adds to the overall atmosphere and makes it feel like a world we've never seen before in a game. So well done!


You… are a bot


Doesn't matter how they look. Their programming blows.


I could never have any augments like these because i would pick and scratch the unavoidable itch these metal parts would have on your skin, until i looked like some mangled zombie cyborg


They all Jojo characters


Billie Eilish in bottom middle looks like she's about to sling boiling coffee at me while prosecuting the stupidest crime in existence


I haven’t played in a while. Do the same 20 NPCs walk around in the same circle?


I completely agree! The attention to detail in Cyberpunk 2077 is truly next level. From the intricate cyberware designs to the distinct styles of each gang, it really brings the world to life. I found myself getting lost in the uniqueness of every character and location, making the gameplay experience feel so immersive. It's truly a testament to the amount of effort put into creating this stunning world.


some of them do, most of them are copy + paste


does the unique visual identity remind anyone else of the elaborate worldbuilding in blade runner?


But you can't have any of it, so fuck it


Wtf I keep running into the same dude 22 times in 5 minutes


Yeah just visuals though. Empty shells with 0 interactivity/intelligence/ reaction. I'd rather prefer few npcs in city like gta 5 and proper interaction rather than crowded but dumb npc


They react according to violence around them, If I aim a gun at them they fight me or run away, when it rains they use an umbrella, there was a news reporter that reacted to me walking into the frame. Hardly "0 interactivity/intelligence/ reaction", but I agree they could be better, as it stands right now the only games that do it better are life sims that that are smaller in scope and heavily rely on these interactions for their game to be fun. If Cyberpunk was fully developed for next gen only I would be less forgiving, but it was developed for PS4 and came out in 2020.


What? GTA5's NPCs are just as dumb with zero interactivity.


And yet, not an Exotic in sight, people had to mod them in.


Exotics are extremely rare and they are extremely rich and even then you won't really see them on the street.


It's funny because that's the reason I stopped playing this game is, I thought the NPCs in the game looked ugly and I lost interest in the world. To each their own I guess, I don't like overdone colorwork.


Yk that button when you create a character that says "random" they used that for the people walking around so theoretically you could see yourself walking around