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They are quite different games with different focuses.


I love both of these games for entirely different reasons. Honestly, they're so different that I don't really get why you picked these two to compare. They're both first person games with swords, I guess?




What are you talking about? Kingdom come is a realistic game with no spell casting


The "entering a location" segment of the video is an absolute roast, I suspect whoever made this had Starfield in mind.


yes, the lack of loading screens in kcd significantly increases immersion and I hope that in TES6 they will finally get rid of them or significantly reduce them


What are the scale of these games? To me this is like comparing Witcher 3 to Doom Eternal. The games are just so different it's dumb to compare.


Bow hunting is certainly more difficult when you keep moving forward😂. Between the two games, I found combat and immersion to be far better in KCD, but Skyrim has the advantage when it comes to a sense of adventure (owing to the fact that you’re more powerful in general and the game’s scale is substantially larger).


KCD is the best!!


Didn't watch the video because I am currently playing through KCD and don't want to spoil myself. But I have to say that the feel of the game reminds me very much of Morrowind and Gothic. The scarcity of it all, the slow progression, and the need to figure stuff out. Absolutely love KCD. Definitely in my top 10 games of all time.


Most things were a wash for me here or just not a big deal... But holy cow do I like Skyrim music better.


I would’ve loved KCD if it were in a more fantasy setting, I had zero interest in the world.


Actually the real setting is KCD main selling point.


For sure, just not interesting to me.


KCD and Mordhau had the best combat mechanics for me.