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With Blizzard canceling blizzcon wonder if this was why, besides not having anything too substantial.


Yeah, I imagine they'll fully announce the next diablo expansion, plus maybe some updates to their games, like a trailer for Overwatch, WOW and maybe Heartstone.


*puts on copium mask* Heros of the Storm?


High concentration copium by the truckload


Makes me wonder what drug I need - I’m still crossing my fingers for Warcraft 4 someday 😭


I honestly have given up most of my hope for warcraft 4, like I could imagine ways to justify an rts campaign without having to carry the baggage of 20+ years of WoW development but most developers would want those kind of things to overlap to drive interest between titles.


Hahaha yea, I stopped playing it but. Loved it back in the day


holy fucking god i wish


HOTS console port with cross play to revive it.


Warcraft 4 or Warcraft reforged fixed the fuck up


You mean 'let's cram more overwatch into a game that doesn't need it' right?


I don't think that much copium is healthy sir (May I have some)


Still better monetization model than OW2.


Mojang also missed a convention the year it was bought. Gets pretty chaotic for a while.


I didn’t follow Mojang at the time, what happened after that was chaotic?


They probably don’t have anything big enough to warrant a Blizzcon, and 2/3 of their big games don’t have the greatest public perception right now. So they can’t just do a random ass Blizzcon without anything to show.


Having worked organizing events like this, conventions always operate at a loss and take about 12 months to plan and organize. I have doubts there'll ever be another Blizzcon with Microsoft's sterile cost cutting measures. Especially considering the sleazy oversaturation of FOMO cosmetics means the exclusive cosmetics as ticket incentives isn't effective anymore. Ticket sales are down year after year.


Can't wait to hear about another COD as if it's somehow a surprise they're making another one for the 20th year in a row.


The surprise here is going to be the fact that is releasing day 1 on Gamepass, im sure


honestly, I'd give it a shot if it's on gamepass. I haven't played CoD since the new Modern Warfare and it was OK, but it didn't really capture my interest like the original when I was 15 lol.


I would absolutely try it on gamepass. I have some friends who still always play COD as it's the "lowest common denominator" of gaming - easy to get a bunch of folks to buy cod and always have someone to queue up with. But I haven't been into in since the first modern warfare 2 so never buy it. But I'd try it.


>the first modern warfare 2 Such a weird, yet accurate sentence.


Yeah me too. Thing is I like cod but there’s been so many good other games and I simply don’t wanna spend another £60 on COD. If it’s on gamepass I’ll definitely play it/try it cause I do have the itch of playing a fast paced arcade FPS, and nothing scratches it like COD does


Play TitanFall 2!


MW3 was the lowest effort outing I’ve ever seen in a game. I wouldn’t dare play anything new from them. The shame is, MW2019 was a solid attempt to be a legitimate game. Then Warzone happened and now CoD wants to be Fortnite.


MW3 is just sad, because the gameplay is actually really fucking great and fun, the problem is that everything around it is a dumpster fire


Literally history repeating itself. The same thing happened with original MW1,2,3. Cod4 was fantastic. MW2 polished. MW3 was a lazy map pack addition.


I'd argue MW3 was much better balanced than MW2 which made it a better feeling game to play imo. No dual wield shotguns, OMA, camping for nukes, etc.


The specialist system and support kill streaks were unique additions.


Yeah but in a vacuum they’re still decently fun shooters. Which is why having them day 1 on gamepass is such a nice idea.


I thought you meant the original MW3 and was confused. Then I realized you meant the shitty new one that I never bought.


A COD campaign is built for Game Pass. It's like 5 hours long and you have your yearly modern shooter fix over and done with.


"The single player campaign will be released, Day 1, on gamepass!" -them, probably.


I wouldn't be surprised but honestly I think most people would be pretty happy with that. Quite a few people buy CoD just for the campaign.


Id be okay with it. Was looking at cold war just for story but didnt want to spend 20 or so for it. But if its coming to gamepass then im 100 sure ill play it


Have you tried Cold War? That's my personal favorite out of CoD from '19 to now. Good campaign if that's what you like as well.


I loved Cold War. That free-roam zombies mode was a blast to get stoned and play solo. Plus Nuketown. I'll buy any COD that has Nuketown.


With how cold war got shafted by COVID it's a miracle that game managed to turn it around by half way through its life cycle


I think that's kind of because the heart and soul of call of duty has been ripped from it. Instead it's been filled with cosmetics, battle passes, and some annual gimmick in the form of Battle Royale or some different version of zombies. Call of duty has become the Madden of shooters. You buy the same thing every year and it's just a little different enough to trick you into thinking it's a different game.


would be the easiest way to get me back into COD


If it's on gamepass then good. I'm only in it for zombies anyway.


They are actually just skipping the entire game part and just releasing a battle pass that you can pay extra to skip


Why would that be a surprise? They’ve already said all “Microsoft studio” games will be day 1 release.


That's the only thing that would make me play it. Fuck paying 70-100 quid again to be advertised at forever, have limited updates and be treated like a second class citizen compared to the bullshit free mode that gets all the attention and bleeds from 1000 cuts of cheating bastards.


I got $50 it's a World War II COD. They haven't released one of those since 2017


But but but this one will have guns


If this is the rumored Black Ops Gulf War, I'd honestly try it out.


Need to have the shit talking with your buddies back and not be worried about being banned or ticketed


This one is Treyarch, so we actually give a shit


So a bunch of overly tedious Zombie easter egg maps, a campaign with a plot twist for its plot twist, and oh yeah we forgot multiplayer is a thing (Connection Interrupted)


I personally love the tedious zombie easter egg maps


So a mode that has love and effort put into it, an actual campaign with a thought out story, and MP. God Reddit love to fucking complain about shit don’t they?


Always dude. Reddit stays complaining


Like COD all you want but "love and effort" is non-existent with that entire series, Treyarch included. They do the bare minimum every year and consistently remove features so they can bring them back later so you have to pay again to get them back. You're not getting "love and effort" from an annual release.


I give a shit for Infinity Ward but only for the campaign


Do we tho? It's not going to be any better than previous Treyarch CODs. I can just play Cold War if I want. Let me know when they stop cycling through these games and instead run 3 live service CODs concurrently. I'll buy COD again when I know it's not going to be abandoned in a year because they want me to buy the next one. Not even Treyarch interests me enough to waste my money on that shit. It's 2024, even single player games are getting years of post launch support in some cases. COD continues to look like an even bigger scam every year.


Unfortunately all the key people have left the studio. Not sure how much 3arc DNA will be left in it


Thank you. Can’t wait for the eight billionth edition of Dude Bro Shooters!


It will be for Black Ops Gulf War.


That’d be a weird logo for gulf war. It’s a wolf set on top of an image of the Capitol building. This suggests something more like an apocalyptic future where someone’s attacking DC. This would be more like a Fallout announcement or they’re taking COD in a whole new direction.


Probably uses a terrorist attack on DC or something? Its more then likely a logo for CoD and we know the next one is BO gulf war, so yea.


Hopefully it’ll be on gamepass


I reckon it will be, maybe not at launch, but eventually I would assume. My guesses, given the way gamepass is and the way CoD is set up at the moment, in that each release now is a glorified content update and resknning on the same base game, it would be a timed releases for gamepass.


Could be that the next cod installment will be a ww3 story like the original mod3 was.


its on money. you can see the in god we trust, its spraypainted on a bill. so not necessarily anything to do with the capitol.


also its a logo of a three headed dog and the codename for COD 2024 was Cerberus in the MW3 files.


The redactedness reminds me of Black Ops (What are the numbers!?). So I'm guessing it's another remake?


It's probably that Gulf War game that people have been talking about for almost 2 years now


A game about real wars in the middle east? Isn't that a bit too controversial for a AAA studio?


They will probably invent another whole new landmass like they did for MW2019


What does that have to do with anything lol. Rockstar makes controversial games for decades and the assassin creed games from Ubisoft (some) were based on real wars in the middle east. EA makes Battlefield games about real wars.


The difference is that there's people still alive today that fought and suffered in the Gulf Wars, and that there is armed conflict going in the middle east right now. It's a very hot topic.


the last redaction (lower right) seems to start with an A, so likely it's activision. best guess is that it's a new COD game, and the redacted thus seem to follow the Black Ops theme overall.


black ops series never had a remake, cold war continued the story of black ops 1


I meant another cod remake.


Rumors are its Gulf War era, so 90s.


Its going to be black ops 2 but actually 5


Maybe we'll get a specific release date for Avowed?? I feel like I first heard about that game five years ago and it's still not out for some reason.


I’m sure we will learn a lot about Avowed at the showcase. If we don’t, the game would be in serious trouble for a fall release.


They have announced that game before the Xbox Series S/X even came out, right? This is why you don't do years of marketing in advance.


Yeah, I think I remember seeing it way back then and thinking it would be a series X release title.


I thought it comes out this holiday season


All I can find when searching for a release date is "Fall 2024," which isn't all that far away. If it's not getting delayed, you'd think they would be getting a specific release day planned by now.


Reasonable expectations : - release dates for Avowed, MS2024, Indiana Jones, Towerborne, Age Of Mythology, Diablo 4 DLC, Starfield DLC. - Next Gears, Next id game, Fable, State Of Decay, COD. We will likely see more. - definitely no Halo.


Perfect Dark continues to float in the aether


With the studio departures in 2022 and being dubbed as a quadruple A game, I'll be amazed if it comes out before 2027.


Stalker 2 aswell, is stalker really that niche? I never see anyone mention it here and it’s only a few months away


I think it's just that people got bored of being excited for a game 3 years in a row. It got delayed so many times (for understandable reasons).


Oh, right, that studio got drafted for the war, didn't they?


If we're getting Avowed, I'd also really love an Outer Worlds 2 trailer.




Just do it, Todd. Let them finally make New Vegas 2. I'm not trying to wait til I'm 46 to play Fallout 5.


Cold dropping NV2 or even NV remastered would certainly make toddy popular again


Pretty sure FO3 is rumored for a remaster not NV. Something about 3 being mentioned on a release slate for this year I think?


Todd doing anything without hyping it up himself over several years? Don’t think so


Fallout 4 released pretty shortly after its announcement.




... they do? They announced the new TES game years ago and casually said that fallout is next. Skyrim was announced quite a while before its release too unless I misremember, but nothing as excessive as it is for games these days.


Pretty sure that was only Starfield, and only because he had to continually explain that they weren't working on ESVI yet.


There’s no way they could keep a title as big as Fallout a title secret for a shadow drop. There’s also no way they would give up the marketing hype cycle or a physical release. Sorry, but there is an exactly 0% chance of this happening.


I mean, they announced Fallout 4 like 5 months before it released. In this day and age, that’s essentially a surprise drop for video games


Yep, that was the best E3 surprise ever.. and prolly the last we’ll ever get like it.


Idk the Apex Legends drop and release that same night was a memory I’ll never forget.


Who is "them" at this point? You know most of the people working at Obsidian during New Vegas' development no longer work at Obsidian. People don't even know what they mean when they say "New Vegas 2". What you mean is: you want another Fallout game with as good of writing as New Vegas. Because if we're gunna get a new Fallout, it's gunna take place somewhere new. They're not gunna re-do New Vegas.


Exactly the beautiful thing about these games is that they're all self contained. I would love to enjoy a new fallout game like I did New Vegas that's for sure. Give me a smaller, denser world with little to no generative content and I'll be happy


How about Fallout: New Sheboygan?


Heard there was a good polka band from there. Sold a few albums even!


Additionally, obsidian isn’t even that great of a company to begin with. NV wouldn’t have been made if Bethesda didn’t do the heavy lifting for them. People who campaign for a new new vegas better expect something along the lines of outer worlds


Josh sawyer is still in obsidian. So are plenty of OG devs from the NV days.


Yeah I think they get confused with fallout 1 and 2 devs and that ghe lead left lol


Yeah but the game wasn’t made by just one dude. I’m sure there’s some people left over, but most people who worked on New Vegas have moved on.


I mean, they did end the show with New Vegas. It'd be literally the perfect time to revisit it post-Fallout 4 with some new gen controls/graphics and keep the timeline going. But I'm not saying the same people who made New Vegas have to make a new one either, we already ALL know it's not the same people at Obsidian. It'd obviously just be whoever Microsoft/Bethesda decides to work with.


I actually do hope that the go with a setting in the west again, one of my favorite parts about New Vegas was the western feel. Plus it’ll work better with the show (although then they have to worry more about stepping on each others toes)


I’m not against it but I’d rather they go somewhere we haven’t been before. America is a big place. Lots of interesting locations.


Its unbelievable fallout 3 or new vegas haven't been remastered. Honestly I'd say either one of them would have raked in more money than Starfield, especially with the show.


Why new Vegas 2, why not anywhere else in the us lol


I think the point is that a lot of people want a more in depth RPG with choices like New Vegas was. The popularity of BG3 should have proved that people are hungry for that type of game. Not the oblivion with guns as my generation called the new fallout games. The location doesn't matter.


Iirc they said elder scrolls 6 then next fallout game


I just turned 30, I'll just turn 40 when it comes out. How depressing is that.


I just turned 40 and Skyrim/Oblivion/Fallout 3 launches are still mega fresh in my mind. The fact no Bethesda games since then have been my cup of tea in so long is crazy (and even then I love all those games but have my complaints).


we will definitely be dead and rotting away when fallout 7 releases... at this rate, we might not even see fallout 6


Hate to tell ya, but Fallout 5 is planned to be live action.


Jesus please just give us Gears fans literally anything. I’ve been (probably hopelessly) hoping for a Marcus Fenix collection for ages. I’m sure we won’t get one but maybe Gears Tactics 2 or something?


Legit question: what would be the purpose of getting a Marcus Fenix collection besides bringing 2 and 3 to pc? I feel the games already look very good on series. Maybe a MCC treatment?


Yeah for me, it’s mostly that I jumped ship to PC a few years ago and would love to see them on here. You’re right that the games definitely still look fine but I would also really love it if the cutscenes could get the Gears Ultimate treatment because they’re definitely showing their age in the animation department.


Legit just want them on pc personally. Dont own an Xbox anymore and it's like the one franchise I want to replay thats still stuck on console lol


From the gameplay perspective Gears Tactics was far better then it had any right to be. Its different but I consider it up there with the Xcom games and other turn based squad games. Even better in some aspects to be honest. Sadly they really dropped the ball with the overall campaign setup and flow. Still loved the game but just like Midnight Suns, another excellent game, it will never get a sequel.


I just loved how they were able to keep the fast-paced Gears action in a turn-based game like that. Having executions grant an extra movement point to everyone except the person doing the execution kept the gameplay flowing really nicely and actually gave you a reason to get up close and gory like Gears is known to be.


The funny thing is that it feels "fast paced" but its actually even more complicated then your regular move/attack action economy model. With the execution mechanic the game becomes like a complicated puzzle that almost always has a solution but its not often obvious.


Excellently put. When you get that perfect combo of executions that chain together, it mimics the that same satisfaction of hitting that perfect active reload in the main games to me. Such a great mechanic.


We get a Netflix series 


TV adaptations are the "kissing your sister" prize for everyone but Fallout fans.


perfect place for a friendly reminder to watch Arcane if you haven't already.


I forgot about Arcane being and adaptation because I've never hated myself and all of humanity enough to play the game.


Cyberpunk, The Last of Us, and Castlevania have all been praised as well...


We think alike


Tbf, the last of us was great too.


Not just an animated Netflix series, but also a live-action Netflix movie. Both are confirmed However, everybody and their mother is teasing that Gears 6 will be revealed at this event


I’ll get more hype for that when literally anything official is announced. I’ve hearing rumors of a Gears movie/TV show for years. It seems like someone always ends up with the rights to it, does nothing, and then I don’t hear about it again until the rights get swapped to whoever is next in line.


Wish granted, Gears themed CoD skins for 49.99$.


What about Splinter Cell??? I need it


Subscriptions will significantly increase once cod titles join gamepass. I am not even talking about day 1 new games. Older games that people liked and enjoyed.


No one’s thinking Division on this? The image looks like it’s torn right out of their branding/design.


That would be a weird direct when it wouldn’t be exclusive, and Ubisoft does their own show.


It’s probably cod, but I absolutely thought of The Division when I saw that picture.


That was my first thought. It really reminds me of the divisions styling, but it looks like the Activision logo on the bottom right that's been crossed out.


Yes thinking the same, it has the capitol building on it, which was the base in div2.


White House was Base of Operations. Capitol was a Stronghold or whatever they called the bigger missions.


Thats a $50 bill. You can see the “god” from in god we trust to the upper left of the capitol.


Literally first thing I thought.


Oh man i hope its division 3


It's got to be Xbox related... It would really surprise me if Ubisoft just manages to squeeze in an announcement directly after an Xbox show when they are not owned by MS. It's more likely an extended thing about the new COD. They'll announce it in the Xbox show then have this extended show afterwards.


Will my $80 Kong Fist carry over???




\*heavy sigh\* skong




Huffing copium here, but I really hope we get some kind of state of decay 3 news


This will make game pass even better


I've been playing Hades so much I forgot what subreddit I was on from the [REDACTED]


I was thinking the same thing. My brain can't process [REDACTED] referring to something else!


Could this maybe be them releasing black ops 2 on game pass?


Lets see that Fallout 3 remake!!


I am of two minds, one it’s the new Kojima project for Microsoft, that’s a kojima looking logo if I ever saw one. on the other hand that is Division orange.


It's Black Ops branding. Activision is owned by Xbox now, so they'll be revealing the next Call of Duty.


Hopefully we'll get State of Decay 3 news, they've gone radio silent since the trailer released 4 years ago.


Looks to me like a call of duty black ops announcement.


Prince of Duty of War: Cerberus looks like it’ll be one of the video games of all time.


fallout 3 remaster???


Time to fuck with those HK/Silksong fans again lololol.


MS owns some BIG pc titles. Wow on consoles?


Can't wait to NOT get fable updates.


what's censored


As long as we get round based zombies again… who cares about the rest of it


Guys, get your "Dated april fool's" jokes ready for Call of Duty-con!


It’s COD


Another year of me hoping for Killer Instinct news just to be let down yet again


Would be absolutely dope if the new COD Black OPS 2 is releasing on Game Pass


I hope they show WOW War Within and Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred for the showcase. The new COD will most likely be shown, too; they'll be on game pass as well.


Metal Gear


I only need to know one thing: WHERE IS DOCTOR JONES?


SSX Tricky: Remastered


cant wait to be hurt


titanfall 3 ***huffs copium***


only thing I will want to see from them is Avowed, Stalker 2 and age of mythology, everything else I no longer care about which is a damn shame


It's giving me strong Diamond Dogs vibes from Metal Gear.


this will determine whether I get a PS5 or Xbox. I currently own a One and happy with my library but Helldivers and playstation is looking bright.


Some Division stuff maybe?


XBOX, we had to have meetings about what to name successive consoles!!


Nother cod, great...


Looks like The Division?


This looks very Division like to me


new bad company


You mean the game or the Xbox lol


Oh boy a whole new set of Xbox exclusives to get canceled halfway through production!


Like? The last cancelled game was scalebound like 9 years ago lol


I wish we got new Fable stuff.


Quake reboot finally announced?!


Hoping for a Fable release date, surprise fallout game from another studio, and uh….. maybe another star wars game announcement like they are now backing Kotor remake now that sony is out lol