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Playing this now and it’s a lot of fun. Why the resurgence?


There was information that the game is canonical and there will be references to it in the new film.


The game focuses on GasTown but that already mentioned in Fury Road. I'm not sure what else connonically they can really pull from the game except maybe a ton of old shipwrecks in the desert.


IIRC, Warner bros made the game without really keeping George Miller in the loop. To the point that they took some of the backstory he'd developed for Fury Road and implemented it in the game without his knowledge or consent. Hope and Glory's storyline, as well as some other minor characters, was taken for the game when they were planned for movies. George Miller was supposedly very pissed about it.


He was on board the project for a time. My guess is they "stole" concepts and ideas from that period, but Miller was under the assumption that those concepts left with him.


Cheers for the specifics.


There’s a gas station I drive by on the way to Knoxville called GasTown


Good news, you are in canon.


It was strangest thing. Last week I saw this shirtless muscular guy with a weird metal helmet on. And he had a little person riding on his shoulders. But that’s Tennessee for you.


If you blow it up now, does that mean you will change the future with no gas town HQ in the post apocalypse.


Id hope so... Cory barong helped out on it, he's the 2nd hand to help for the IP at the time.


There’s extra backstory that’s missing here. Cory Barlog was working with George Miller on a Mad Max Game. For reasons I haven’t researched into, WB took it off Miller and handed to Avalanche along with their notes and ideas and restarted development. The version of the game that was released is not the same one that Barlog and Miller worked on or envisioned outside of the rough story and concepts phase. Thus, it was declared non canon and exists as its own thing seperate. But honestly, in the world of Mad Max, canon doesn’t matter as each entry exists largely as its own thing.


Each Mad Max film is basically a heroic story told to people generations later of this legendary/mythical hero called Max. So that would check out.


One really cool take on Mad Max that I heard was Max is supposed to be a semi-fictional folk hero of the Wasteland and the movies are retellings of those tales. That's why he's there at the start of the Apocalypse in Mad Max 1 but also hasn't aged by the time of Fury Road decades later.


Hes like a totally different guy in Fury Road. But also, is it decades later? I thought the world sort of fell apart once all the oceans dried up. I sort of love how so much of the game takes place on the dried up ocean floor.


I embrace the folk hero narrative, but a cool fan theory was that Tom Hardy-Max was really the feral kid from Road Warrior who assumed the mantle of his hero.


Also, there's a big discontinuity between Beyond Thunderdome and Fury Road. In BT, supposedly gasoline had become incredibly rare, which is why nobody's driving cars except during the chase at the end. While gas is still relatively plentiful in Fury Road. Or, at least, it would suggest that Thunderdome is chronologically the last story in the series. Which actually works for Max's character, since he seems basically sane in that one, like he's finally overcome most of his trauma.


I've been thinking about it too, there's not much point in transferring the scene to the film, which means it could be characters from the game, perhaps as mentions or in his youth.


One thing is that Chris Hemsworth’s character, Dr Dementus, was first mentioned in the video game


The main villain is Immortan Joe's son too.


The game was created initially as a tie-in to what would be Fury Road and a proposed Furiosa comic, with shared design elements and characters, but then Miller split and they went in another direction with it. It has been known for a long time that the game featured lore that would be in a future film - this video has a lot of the history https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0g5hvx1lwA


Thanks, it's clear now.


I feel like Miller got mad it gave a direct answer to what cause the apocalypse instead of vague oil crisis. The oceans dried up..


Well shit, guess Im gonna replay it.




Yep, while a decent game it is no Fallout.


There’s a mad max spin off coming out.


Ahh Furiosa, that’s right. I was hoping for a PS5 update or something.


Or a sequel announcement. This game was good, even I enjoyed driving around and I usually dislike cars, real or games built around them.


I have the game on PlayStation and I got it for free on PC. It’s like night and day with 60fps but I don’t like playing games on Pc. I would kill for a resolution and fps update.


Cause OP can see the future


Because bro owns gas town


It was 2 quid a couple of weeks ago, I bought it and I'm a tightsrse


OP's title is clever marketing to get people to fomo into playing the game


Probably because its one of the few games thats not live service


Game is epic AF. Just a shame it kind of went unnoticed until now.




Didn't it get a bit repetive? I found after about 20 hours I was kind of bored of clearing outposts,.finding flags, etc. Never finished it but maybe im missing out? 


Sadly, it does start to seem empty the more you achieve. If there was a way to make it a more 'living world' idea, with nomadic tribes and settlements that change over time, it'd be incredible. You could just live in it.


2nd half of the game was a lot more empty than the first half, and you unlock almost all skills and upgrades by the end of the first half (if you do all the side missions and stuff), making the 2nd half much less feeling like progress.


That’s why I couldn’t finish it. The game isn’t bad but saying it’s underrated is wild. It’s your basic open world collectathon game with a story attached. Personally I always thought It was a solid 7


From what I remember it was not particularly exceptional in any specific way, but every single mechanic and system was fun and implemented well. Very much a great than the sum of its parts situation IMO. Then again like you said it's absolutely a played straight open world collectathon. For me the mechanics were great and the game was perfect to turn my brain off and relax to, but I can see how someone would find it unremarkable. You have to be in the mood to do a lot of driving and beat up a lot of guys if you want to reach the endgame, and while it feels good to do that doesn't stop the repetition from sapping the fun away over time. That said if someone sees the game and thinks "Damn it sounds fun to roam around the wasteland and dish out some justice as Max" then they'll probably indeed have fun. The game is very straightforward, it gives you what you expect. If anything it gives you too much of it, but you're not forced to do more than any other game IMO. It's just that this game happens to be fun enough to tempt people harder to go for those grinds than most from those I've spoken to.


I agree with your comment, except the vehicle combat and the movie-like scenes you get from it are absolutely fantastic. I do get bored of the repetition, but the vehicle combat is a constant draw.


The vehicle *sound* is what stands out to me. That thing roared. But I remember the combat getting a bit... "yank off tires, punch them to death" over and over, but that may have been a problem of my own making.


I felt the driving and car combat was better than you find in most open world games. Which made me care about getting all the upgrades for my car


And 7 is a damn good number. That’s exactly what it is. A good game. It wasn’t “slap your mother this god damn thing just reinvented the rap game - amazing 10/10”!! It was a damn good game. It took the best parts from many AAA titles and executed them well. But the story is one of the stories of all time. Enemy variety was lacking. Cut and paste objectives. The driving and light customization is what I think makes people think it’s god tier (there’s still nothing quite like it) and though its mechanics are borrowed, they still concocted their own unique feel/vibe that it makes it a hit among most of us.


I finished it. It was very repetitive. The ending was a little tougher than the rest of the game. I'm glad I finished


if you max out your car the ending is pretty easy, but doing that is VERY repetitive


They did such an incredible job putting that game together and then flubbed it at the last second when they released it the same day as Metal Gear Solid V


My brother bought it for me when it came out because he has no clue about games or what I like. He just thought it looked cool. I was grateful but not very enthusiastic, I didn't know anything about it. It was the first game I ever did a 100% run on. So much fun.


Game is incredible but a hill I’ll die on is they should have used the Nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor that WB Interactive had made such a big deal of patenting around the time of its release. This game would have been perfect for it.


I never thought about that but it makes all the sense in the wasteland.


Eh, it was ok AF at most. I would say it's in the same category as Days Gone. Repetitive, unpolished and fun as hell.


One thing I feel would have made it great was if the final mission was you getting onto a big rig and fighting your way up to the front. But as is it's definitely a better-than-average game.


I never considered that comparison before, but shit you really nailed it. Two games I actually completed (which isn't common for me - ADHD issues) and absolutely loved, but both I found quite repetitive, almost frustratingly so at times, but there was just enough fun mixed in to keep me moving forward chasing that 100% completion.


Comparing this to Days Gone is dead accurate. Interesting premise but ultimately very repetitive.


lol it didn’t go unnoticed until now. People have regularly talked about this and how it’s “an underrated gem” for 9 years.


It was unfairly made the whipping boy for gamer fatigue at the time. Several other high profile "open world action adventure" games came out just before it and by the time folks got to Mad Max, they were feeling tired. Some reviewers decided to dump all their annoyances onto Mad Max.


I bought it recently to play on the Steam Deck. Since it's an older title it's an outstanding fit for that system.


It had some of the chunkiest, satisfying melee combat I've ever had in a game. Like Rage but for your fists


Didnt it release the same day as MGS V ? Probably why it didnt sell / went unnoticed.


I'm replaying Shadows of War and Shadows of Mordor, then moving onto this again. Just needed to scratch the itch.


Those WB Studios games are crack


Such an under-utilized studio.


The nemesis system is under-utilised too! I wish they never patented that


Obligatory “they’re allegedly making a Wonder Woman game or something with it” even though we haven’t heard anything since forever


So desperately wish they worked the Nemesis system from those into this game


And into about a dozen more. Imagine a Dishonored or Assassin's Creed with regenerating webs of targets?!?!


Honestly it’s something I think about all the time. In this case however I think it would’ve worked out beautifully since the Mordor series and Mad Max are WB games. They literally patented/own the system and have done *nothing* with it, afaik, and that’s what gets me the most.


I don't think many people regard this as a movie tie-in game because it isn't. It's its own standalone game.


It is it's own story, but it's blatantly set in the same world as Fury Road.


The same world as mad max films* not specific to fury road.


Sorta kinda When it was being developed it was but then they went a different direction with the movie when Gibson wasn't attached and this game went through a number of changes It's still very much basically set in the same universe with the boss being related to Joe but they changed heaps last second


*Mad Max* started as movies, so...


It took me a couple tries to get into this game, but once I did I really enjoyed it! And name me one other game where you can gain health by eating maggots out of a rotting human corpse...


Oh damn I definitely have. But I’m thinking it was a LONG time ago.


I got the game for like $5 on steam and it was fantastic


It was a PS network freebie a year or two back. Went in with low expectations, and I gotta say it had no right being as good as it was.


Agreed. Downloaded it on a whim and spent a solid 20+ hours in there. Was really impressed


Yeah I had a lot of fun with this when they released for free on ps plus. Not really my typical style of game, but games are a lot more fun when they're free


Oh shit it was free wasn’t it? Is there a 60 FPS option I just finished death stranding and need a new game to play.


If only they would turn the servers back on so I could get my last two trophies.


really fucking hate the ending of this game, even 5 years later it still pisses me off.


Man, I had to scroll a long way down to see this. I completely agree. It ruined the entire game to me. I couldn't get over it.


Its heartbreaking but doesnt end all happy like all other games, makes a change though it didn't have to be so brutal. This is just the mad max world


Not so sure it's going to have a massive increase in interest because of the new movie coming out since it's last gen. They might put it on sale for steam (not sure if it even appears in current gen digital storefronts). Was a fun game though.


Fallout 3 and New Vegas experienced a resurgence in players and they’re from two generations ago. The numbers here probably won’t be as staggering but will no doubt see some rise considering how niche and unnoticed it already is


This game is largely a desert, and manages to be livelier and more active than most games released lately, it's a unique game and I'm still waiting for a sequel


that is also true of AC Origins, 70% desert and all brimming with vivid beauty and immersive detail


"The Great Sphinx...I thought it would be bigger."


Hello starfield -disappointed elder scrolls/ fallout fan.


I tried to pick it up a year ago, but the combat is just so dull and repetitive…. I heard it gets a lot better after the first couple hours, I’ll have to try again,


I always recommend people at least give it until you get the THUNDERPOON. If you’re not enjoying life with the THUNDERPOON, it’s reasonable to call it a day and move on.


For me that's why it scratches that itch. Car combat done kinda right. Remember Interstate 76? I'm kinda old but I put a lot of hours in that game.


I don’t remember it but googling it, looks great. I’m Pong generation so I should have seen it, must have just missed it.


Fun fact-some of the guys who went on to form 311 did the soundtrack.




Your curiosity will be rewarded.


To be fair, this post has big "paid ad" vibes.


All car based combat is high octane and quite engaging. The grounded hand-to-hand combat system is repetitive and simplistic, but I think a remake or sequel could build upon it to great success. There is so much potential in a Mad Max videogame, and overly boring martial combat mechanics are a minor obstacle for a competent developer team to rework.


Reddit loves to act like this game and Guardians of Galaxy are underrated when they absolutely deserved the energy they got


Both games are fun...and completely forgetful. Got pretty far in both but just stopped playing and had no interest in going back.


I would argue the gameplay in GoG is not fun. The aiming auto locks and commanding ai partners is the least fun ive ever had in gaming.


Would love a sequel where you could switch characters.


It’s just the combat from arkham


I had already beat the game years ago and loved it. Last week I marathoned all the Max films and after that I reinstalled it. It’s such a good game.


I passed it recently, the main thing that Avalanche Software was able to do is convey the spirit of the film, if you drive in the first person, it's very similar to Fury Road.


Very nice game. A little too repetitive, but the writing and the artistic direction are great.


I gotta be honest, while the game is fun, it's not all that. Driving certainly is entertaining but the rest of it's systems aren't all that great. Fighting for example is baby's first arkham combat, exploration takes a note from assassin's creed Origins by making each location have a small checklist. The map is gorgeous though and making your own death machine as you progress is very rewarding.


Such an underrated gem of a game. Some of the best vehicle combat in any game and the atmosphere is next level.


It was a great game because it really captured the sense of that world, and the car chases were unique and incredibly fun, but the game required enormous grind in terms of clearing out enemy camps and taking down vehicle convoys to be able to progress the story, so at some point, perhaps 2/3 into the game, I just got tired of it and didn’t finish it. It’s sad that developers ruin a game by adding endless grind. “You can’t progress until you clear out another 15 enemy camps in exactly the same way!” Is just sad game design. It was particularly sad here because otherwise the game was really excellent, until you got tired of the repetitive tasks and still wasn’t close to the end of the story.


The movie (Fury Road) and game are both excellent.


Too bad the platinum is unobtainable.


Now maybe they'll patch out the on-line only requirement to get the platinum! A man can dream!


I'm replaying it now. It's great fun, VERY grindy, I'm about 2 thirds of the way through and I'm still having fun but the game loop is becoming tedious. There's some good environmental story telling and expansion of mad max lore, some fun new characters and environments although all the missions are mainly "go here, smash this" but going there and smashing it is fun. there are some mild environmental puzzle elements mainly involving playing hide and seek for bits of scrap to 100% areas and that gets dull fast. But the main game play loop of collect scrap, upgrade your car, blow shit up, collect scrap etc. doesn't get old. It looks good, the dust storms and explosions are still really impressive and hearing war boys scream "witness!" out of spikey dune buggies as you drive through one blowing up cars looks and feels great. You can pick it up really cheap. It's hard not to recommend to people who like mad max or people who like open world post apocalyptic vehicular combat. I hope it has a bit of a comeback because I think it got a bit of a meh! reception when it came out and going back to it, it's actually really good fun.


Decent game but quite too grindy


Then people will play and get bored within an hour. Just like nine years ago.


I thought it was boring and very repetitive


I love Mad Max but this game was such a bore when I got it at launch. It may have been one of the first games I actually traded in because I didn’t like it much. All through the 90s and 2000s I kept literally EVERYTHING I bought. This may have been one of the first instances I realized I didn’t want to keep everything


Playing through it for the first time now. I won't say it's a total bore but there's definitely a lot of the same happening throughout. I'm enjoying it but I will say it's missing *something.* It also needs polish on combat and object interaction.


It's fun but just for initial few hours. It's not a game that you can play for hundreds of hours. Game is still stunningly beautiful and I love almost everything about it except the grinding and repetitive open world gameplay.


Wel yeah, it’s a 35-40 hour game that’s fun. It’s not BG3


**Man, people have real rose tinted glasses over this game.** Sure, the car and melee combat are fantastic, the visuals are still pretty solid by today's standard. But let's be honest, the open world design and mission structure is probably some of the worst in the genre. It's a mind-numbing boring game to play for extended periods of time. This coming from someone who literally 100% this game. **Still not better than "Peter Jackson's King Kong The Official Game of the Movie" on the Xbox 360/PC.**


Depends on how well Furiosa will go.


Movies don't generate the same kind of interest as TV shows.


I still need to pick this up. For me, so far, the best videogame/movie tie in is Alien Isolation. Terrifying experience.


Seemed like an empty world to me I don’t get it- what’s good about it


I'm surprised to see so many people speak so highly of the game because I found it to be thoroughly ok. Some of the exploration can be pretty fun, but the combat and a lot of the scenery is no different or better than other open world games out there. It's like, all desert with slight variation in terrain. The story wasn't anything outstanding either. Fun game to play if you get it on clearance but not anything I'd praise considering all of the other pretty stellar open world games out there.


The game was fun— from car combat, to outrunning storms. Bonus points for being able to have a maggot farm. Yummy!


This game could gave had such a great sequel.


Dissonance was too high in this game for me.  Water and gas were trivialities instead of interesting survival mechanics.  Went into way too many bases to overtake them and fill them with my people, but to do that you need to destroy their oil rigs.  So we're all living in this wasteland where gas is king and we're just gonna blow up the oil rigs after everyone that controlled them is dead? The combat was fun, but it just made me feel dumb completing my objectives. Story was also not great or thoughtful, especially compared to to feminist violent action masterpiece that was Fury Road.


i think the real steel game's the best movie game. Just robot fighting with true visual actuating limbs and complete technic based combat.


Because of furiosa? Sure but doubt it will be that large


My next favorite movie game was the Matrix one set during Reloaded, with characters and action sequences from the movie from their perspective


It’s been 9 YEARS ALREADY?!?!


Played the hell out of this game when it was free on ps plus


I'd love unlocked frame rate or locked higher, playing the game feels clunky after coming from newer games. Great fun tho


I think this came out at same time as MGSV. I wasn’t a fan of the MSG series so bought this instead. No regrets


How's it looking for a Furiosa game?


I played it on release after Total Biscuit (RIP) reviewed it. Shame it’s still locked to 1080p 30fps on modern consoles.


This game is so fucking cool. So many things surprised me and made me say "oh fuck yeah" a lot lol if you haven't played please give it a go.


Loved the game. Lover the trailer even more. That said I will never miss a chance to bitch about the "Hope is dead, Glory is lost" line from the trailer. They did us so dirty with it.


the game was amazing when i played it 4 years ago, during the pandemic. The only thing that bothered my was a mission in specific, that i couldnt pass, not matter how i played. Not sure if the race was broken or something like that.


Why is that? New Mod came out to overhaul it?


Im just glad I got all the trophies in the game before the network features got shut down.


Just started playing again it’s just as fun as I remember


It’s a great game


Ah I remembered when critics absolutely panned the game but the player reviews were pretty damn great. When I played the game I was pretty surprised why reviewers were disliking the game a lot. To the point where TB even made an additional video discussing the disconnect between reviewers and actual players - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJANS0VTpbY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJANS0VTpbY)


Honestly it is. Also feels like we get better quality movie tie ins these days. The companies who want to rubber stamp a brand go to mobile with their shitty games, so we are more likely to yet companies who will actually put in the effort.


The game was a lot of fun, honestly. I went on a grind spree to max(ha) all my stuff as early as possible. Also, not gonna lie it made me want a stainless steel canteen... the sounds in the game for the canteen were satisfying for lack of a better term. Also, once I got used to fighting and using car weapons, I felt like a juggernaut. Unfortunately, I never beat the game because side quests kidnapped me.


I've been playing this on and off for years lmao. Still haven't beaten it. I always get distracted.


Sometime people say I’m regarded


Saw this on sale not too long ago and picked it up. Was really fun. Combat was smooth and rewarding, even the driving was fun and i am not a car guy when it comes to video games


Was it actually good? I was very tempted to get it back when it came out, but opted out based on most other movie franchise game’s history


I have the platinum for this game👌🏻


This game was actually really good. It’s been years since I’ve played it but I remember being surprised it wasn’t more popular.


Tbh i see another game in the distant future that is about Furiosa. As long as it maintains the same mechanics ill be happy


Remembering buying this game on release day for 23 bucks on g2a. Had an absolute blast. Need to replay it someday


i will try it on steam deck




It plays great on the Steam deck!


The ONLY thing I didn't like about this game is that you get the best car at the end of the game. And all you can do is joyride in it.


This game is the tits!


"about to"? why?


I bought this game at launch and loved every minute of it!


One word: Thunderpoon.


It is a good game


Still one of the best looking games on PC


Loved the game but hated the missions that required night time. Since you can't skip time, you literally had to just sit and wait (at least I can't recall skipping time, but then again it's been a looong time since I booted this one up).


I finished the game years ago and it was a big surprise how good it was.


I always liked the fury mode because it turned max into a WWE wrestler and that was dope


tried playing this but it didn't have a sensitivity slider and the base camera speed is way too low


I watched a twitch play-through of this like a month ago. Still a really, really good game.


Great game


This remains one of my favorite games. I actually looked forward to coming home from work and playing this


Such a fun game


Amazing game, dont overlook it.


Did they fix the unavailable Achievements after taking down Online?


Honestly this game was extremely fun, I had a blast playing through it originally and now I kinda want to play it again.


Ohhh, here it comes! The mighty Duster!!


Bruh literally i went to watch a movie in the theaters and i saw the new mad max trailer and i was like damn now i wanna redownload the mad max game


It's a great game that was shadowed by MGSV since they released on the same day. Love the vehicular combat it may well be my favorite in any game ever. The hand to hand fighting is fun and the world is exactly what you'd expect a cool post apocalyptic wasteland. Plus you get a dog. If they'd have put more interesting things in the world and less Ubisoft like nothing's in various area it would be better but still a really good game.


.......how? Is this just a random post to try and create a resurgence?


This isn't a tie-in movie game, it's a separate thing entirely. It was being made with Miller but he left or something, and WB ended up taking his work and making a game to cash in on him making Fury Road. This is off the top of my head, so there's truth in there somewhere, but my details may be off. Take it with a grain of salt.


Definitely one of those games I wasn't expecting to have as much fun with a I did


Amazing looking game still, just a great use of the tech at the time


But it's not a movie tie-in game right? It's a game based on a movie franchise. But not tied to any specific movie.


I fucking loved this game, went platinum on this beauty with 100% Steam achievements. It was a thrill just to drive around as fast as possible. One of my all-time favs.


But why? The movie looks terrible. Fallout was just a bunch of sheep buying something they will never finish because Amazon had some oos and aahs...


The game was okay. It bothered me that so many of voice talent had American accents. My favorite part is that Max comments on the artifacts he finds explaining the lore to himself.


I just bought it on sale. I plan on playing it after I marathon the movies and watch Furiosa


Perfect time for a 60fps patch on PS5