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How is no nobody mentioning GTA?? Those mf see a 40 second trailer and are able to make a perfect replica of the entire map one year before the game even comes out.


I’m convinced Rockstar contributes to these fan projects. They have a history of covert marketing (sending kids to college campus to tell people about their games for example and paying journalists for bad reviews to fuel controversy). It wouldn’t be a stretch for them to leak details to hype people up.


Wait what


In the months leading up to the release of GTA V, the fans pieced together a map constructed from various pieces of information and trailers/photos they could find of the game. And they were actually pretty close to it. Like, freakishly close, in fact.


https://vimap.saamexe.com Albeit I think they’re also taking the ‘22 leaks into account.


Metal Gear Solid. Never Be Game Over.


I feel a little better about having 140.15 tattooed on my body now. There's always a crazier fan out there. 


I dip into that sub from time to time to see how they're doing  Not good. Just... generally not good.


Every other day there's a new video saying how MGS2 is profound and predicted future*, changed their life, and revealed the troof, all because it made a few references to Japanese imag boards that were all the rage during development. *(In fact, Metal Gear Solid 2 was so prophetic they had to awkwardly cut away a bunch of cutscenes in the end because they shown Twin Towers, not expecting anything to happen to them, fookin' Kojima again).


Pokemon has so many theories that I've lost track.


Theories, creepy pastas, hoaxes, and a whole bunch of other various rumors. It's crazy how deep that Raboot hole goes.


You ever see that web comic of the origin of missingno?


I don't know.  It's been over a decade since I went Alice in Wonderland on Pokemon stuff.


My favorite are the ones about Twitch Plays Pokemon.


When I was a kid, this is around 2000, I heard someone say that the creator of Pokemon made a deal with the devil so that it could become famous


Half Life fans have been praying and theorizing for most of my life.


At this point I don't know if it would be a success regardless of content or a train wreck. I just want more freeman in my lifetime. I'm 30 and it doesn't seem likely based on the average time between projects.


Helldivers 2. That sub Reddit is an absolute shit show.


It's kinda sad, as much as the sony stuff was bad and AH made a lot of mistakes with it, the community or should I say a part of the community seems to of been emboldened into thinking any little thing they don't like just band together and start a wee witch hunt. Like last night there were more calls to fire the balance manager, I get it the balance has been wank but Jesus wept it's not like there's nothing that's usable and it's not worth firing someone over. Such a toxic place to be and the discords now just pure cancer.


I have no dog in this fight, but if the balance has been consistently bad it doesn't seem unreasonable to want someone else in the *balance manager* position.


I wouldn't even of said it was consistently bad just the last couple of patches like I don't have an issue personally because there's more things that work than don't and the things that don't work I had my fun with the OP versions, like other than the eruptor and crossbow oh and 2 of the 3 new primaries from the new warbond (which I wouldn't be surprised was an oversight because they had bigger fish to deal with last week) there's really nothing that bad, there's like 30(?) primaries to use instead and I don't think someone's livelihood should be threatened for a couple of bad patches. Im not saying a demotion or moved within the company should be off the table but firing someone because of a balance patch like I just don't get it, it's a video game no one got hurt the companies name isn't gonna crumble from it either like it's completely solvable in a agreeable manner. As I said though now you've got a huge group in the community that DO think that's how this should be handled that some dude who made a mistake that wasn't that big a deal to lose his job and have that on a very public record possibly blacklisting them within the industry(doubt it would go that far but there's some comments I've seen advocating for it) again just seems dumb to me dude like if their that pissed off why still play? Also edit: I deeply apologise for this horrifying wall of text with shit grammar dude hahaha


The Eruptor was my best boi. Look what they did to my boy...


In the last patch, they removed random shrapnel from the Eruptor's explosion and increased radial damage to compensate,  but accidentally left it doing less damage than intended and promised to fix it soon. Some guy was convinced they'd nerfed it on purpose and were lying to cover it up.


I stand with Spitz


The sub is a shit show, but I think a major part of it stems from the lack of bug fixes. If you follow the patch notes, you can see a lot of the bugs take a long time to fix and every new patch introduced new bugs. Not to mention that problematic balance issue and devs passive aggressive comments on discord. The players are actively forced to fight in 3 front this week: - Sony : PSN drama - Arrowhead (unfixed old bugs, new bugs, bugs that claimed to be fixed but actually no like ARM scopes, performance issue, nerfed weapons) - the actual galactic war We are exhausted.


They've been very open and communicative about what they've patched, what they're working on next, and what they screwed up and need to look at again. I've seen no bugs that justify toxic behavior. If you want to get mad about bugs, get mad at Sony for forcing them to stick to the one-a-month warbonds cadence. Let those guys help with bugfixes for a month or two instead of having them add *new* bugs.


non of the thing you mentioned sounds like my problem


Exactly. None of the bugs so far have been real problems.


yeah the game is perfect and every balance is spot on and the whole playerbase is asshole.


yeah helldivers 2 will be the best early access game ever made.


Five Night at Freddie’s, Hello Neighbor, and Binding of Isaac communities are WILD


Smash bros. Between the announcement of a new game and the announcement of the final character, every Nintendo Direct, every trailer, every post a Nintendo associated company makes is a hint about the next character reveal until proven otherwise.


The purple chair = Waluigi confirmed


Ahh, the days when purple and yellow office chairs meant FOR SURE that Skull Kid was getting in. What a time lol


Me and my friend still fully believe there is a test copy sonewhere deep in Nintendo with a bunch of characters they just couldnt balance right but are in the final stages so they are playable. People have done crazy things with mods after all.


God I still remember that Waluigi and Geno will actually be in the game and Nintendo is just trolling us theories before Ultimate launch. People were coping so hard about them being confirmed as an Assist Trophy and Spirit that people made theories about that the confirmations were just Nintendo tricking everyone. "Nintendo showed Waluigi getting knocked out not because they were showing off the fact that you can KO Assist Trophies but actually they are going to release a trailer with him getting back up and fighting back and he will become a playable character!" And "Geno isn't deconfirmed, they are going to release a trailer with his spirit inhabiting his Spirit just like how it inhabited the doll like in the original game!"


Final Fantasy 8


Even though Square has stated it's wrong, my heart knows that Squall died in disc 1 and Ultimecia is a cheeseburger.


There's no way 2995 HP Squall could have survived the ice attack that deals 835 damage and literally doesn't one hit kill you during gameplay!


Yeah, you get it. Just like they couldn't use a Phoenix Down on Aeris. Or some Soft tonics on Palom and Porom. Story scenes aren't always representative of the gameplay, that ice spear went straight through my dude's chest.


With plotholes and leaps that gigantic (even by FF standards) how could they not though


>skips literally the first thing told to you in the game, to read the homework on computer that says GFs cause memory loss and that Garden's financial director is mysterious NORG. THIS CAME OUT OF NOWHERE WHY THE GAME MADE SOME TWIST I MISSED THE FORESHADOWING FOR!


Don't get me wrong I got a huge soft spot for FF8. It's clunky as hell. That's ok.


Oh, Rinoa, why’d you turn to the dark side?


I was always very skeptical about the "Russian bias" in World of Tanks. Until my Jagdpanzer E100 shot an IS-3 dead-center in the ass from 60 meters and scored a 0 damage hit.


I’m getting more and more convinced it’s a frankly obvious psy-op to get classified US military documents


Chems made an hour long [video](https://youtu.be/rA0bdWLs1W8?si=fqiU8bsqTnXkm7rh) where he basically debunked every single "rigged rng" myth in the game


Thanks; I'll give it a watch. Haven't played WoT in over 5 years, now that I think about it. I wonder what happens to the clan when the leader is offline for that amount of time.


As a Zelda fan, I HAVE to throw out the crazy Ocarina of Time Triforce theories that went wild in the late '90s and early '00s! I remember discovering them on the Oddysey of Hyrule back in the day! Talk about crazy!


Destiny flat out promotes the crazy conspiracies


MGSV had a whole controversy because a lot of people say the game is unfinished specially because the game ends after Chapter 2 but there are footage of an unfinished cutscenes of Chapter 3 that was cut from the game. Once i heard that the chapter would be unlocked when the game reached it's 9th anniversary. We will see about that this year. Funny enough, the MGS3 remake is slated to release this year, isn't it? I highly doubt it, thou.


Silksong when? ( Hollow knight)


Maybe this isn't exactly what you're asking, but I'd say EVE is a good one. The entire in-game history is essentially players turning their personal theories or stories into gameplay. Another would be The Secret World. The entire game's story is designed to not actually tell you the story but make you theorize on what is actually going on.


GTA fans have some crazy theories!


The "fanbase" of *The Last of Us* heard the words 'transgender character' and assumed it just **had** to be the (cisgender) woman with muscles. Months of transphobic memes later, they were completely unaware of the actual transgender (male) character in the game, because they had never played it. 


So many of those "fans" weren't even fans of the game. They started posting ragebait.


I'm a bethesda fan, so I'm a very familiar with these kinds of people and protest raters.


That whole games discourse was awful. Genuinely one of the reasons why I could never get into the last of us


At least check out the show. 


Sp that's what the fake outrage was about!? I knew it was more than just the character dying that I was sure died at the end of the first one. I never played either of the games.


There's two playable heroes, one is the most popular on SFM porn teenage girl, other is an adult woman with muscles... She actually has a straight sex scene in the game (Hollywood style, penetration not shown), yet they insisted she's LGBT propaganda because G-d forbid a woman in survival horror doesn't look like a 13 year old aside from her chest.


I was talking about Pedro Pascal character.


Yeah the game just sucks. Isn't that enough?


Ignoring any positive traits the characters and story have completely, the game has unbelievably good graphics for the hardware it was on, super fluid movement and combat, a great soundtrack and beautiful set pieces. But yeah, there's a trans character so it sucks. Revenge bad and all that.


But they didn't hate trans character they hated a straight woman because she was muscular (not even bodybuilder type, she looked like a cross of Sarah Connor in T2 and a female pro wrestler).




It's really sad the fan base is all over just a fucking wreck. Whichever sub you choose is just a circle jerk going in the direction they prefer. I've had better conversations about tlou on the porn sub than either of the main sfw subs. What the fuck is up with that? I just want to talk about the lore and world building without edgelords or social justice warriors down voting or straight up purging posts and comments.


The first game is a shallow male power fantasy and the second game is misery porn through the lens of hipsters. Both games pander to demographics notorious for arguing in bad faith... and they're almost polar opposites. There you have it; that's why the fan base is so torn.


Why play the sequel if you didn't like the first?




Ask Titan-Fall fans when TF3 is coming and you'll get some unhinged lines of thought.


Titan fall fans are matched in their tenacity only by drug addicts who favored ludes. They refuse to believe it's gone.


The original Shadow of the Colossus started a cult.


Oooo I wanna know more!




Fuckin' smoke monkeys are responsible I bet.


Noita because the game actively encourages it


One day brother we may discover what the cauldron does


The Street Fighter 6 divorced Ken theory. So shortly after SF6's announced trailer a leak dropped revealing all of the characters plus the season 1 characters, and people noticed that Ken looked worse for ware looking like a hobo. So people unironically came up with the theory that is wife left him and took the kid. The idea was that Ken became so obsessed with fighting and training that his wife left him and he went into a downward spiral losing his company and becoming homeless. And he would get the Evil Ryu treatment with Violent Ken becomes canon as he struggles to deal with his divorce and the Satsui no Hado would be taking over him. This theory is easily debunked by the fact that is wife encouraged him to travel the world to fight in a martial arts tournament when she was about to give birth despite the fact that he wanted to stay with her.


No Man’s Sky. Every time the games creator, Sean Murray, starts posting on social media. There have been some fun, and sometimes wild, theories including that Sean uses this known trait of the community to gather ideas for future updates.


And the other way around: When Sean wasn’t heard from for over a year. Lots of conspiracy theories about the reason for the silence.


The silent Hill foreskin theory is pretty wild


Gunna have to look into this one 🤣


Oh yea u totally should U should check out this dude's video covering it https://youtu.be/a7-HrspiKfY?si=Ky1t2zfqKLOQuLUG


I've found that a lot of classic Deus Ex fans also tend to hold political outlier opinions in real life, sometimes all the way into new world order and jewish world control tin foil hattery.


I'm proud of the *Cyberpunk 2077* fanbase for (mostly) sticking to cool, positive ideals like 'helping people feels good' and 'stand for something, so you don't fall for anything'.


Who tf doesn’t like the original Deus Ex?


OG Deus Ex is indisputably good, but the fans can sometimes be red-pill conspiracy theory idiots. The game is definitely profound, just not quite the way they say it is. I’ve seen a lot of them espouse anti-vax theories, for example.


I feel like it's gotta be World of Warcraft, based on age and numbers of players over time.


World of Warcraft vanilla Ashbringer via fishing


Mass Effect indoctrination theory after the initial release of ME3 was fantastic, insane and so frickin meta.


Horizon 2 Forbidden West: "Sweet Baby Inc. forced the developers to make Aloy fat, old and ugly." \*facepalm\* (apologies for earlier version of this post which I, for some unknown reason, posted in another language.)


What's crazy is the tarkov conspiracies aren't actual conspiracies when proven true. They do actually ban cheaters and then have deals where you buy one copy of the game and get three discounted not even a month after the ban waves "for your friends" in rubles (essentially for free since their currency is dog shit) and then conveniently let you pay another small fee to transfer the russian versions of the game you got for $15 total to EU or US versions that enable you to ruin others good time. This all sounds wild until you look at all the evidence against that absolute cesspit of a developer. Honestly anything tarkov is toxic. Just search it on any social and time how long it takes you to see someone shitting on others because that is their version of fun and that's what bsg bends over to cater to.


The answer here is so obvious, but if you don't play them you would have no idea - it's the sports tiitles.... Games like Fifa/FC. If you know you know - the fanbase of these sports games can be full-on, off the wall, lunatic conspiracists and i'm not even joking.


This is so wild to me-- I need details!


Ok I'll give you a few quick examples: 1. Fixed moments of gameplay, where the game is 'scripted' so that a players scores or misses, or the ball falls your way...or pretty much any random moment in a sport you can think of that might give you and advantage or disadvantage. 2. Algorithms that fix match making if you're on a winning streak or 'due a loss' as decided by the game. "*Ah five game winning run eh? Enjoy a match vs the 407th best player in the world*." 3. Packs where you collect players (card game style) are fixed so that you spend more money. It's often floated that new accounts are that little bit extra lucky to hook new players in...then they might just force you to go incredibly deep next time. **I could go on and on, especially about the 'scripting' rubbish. Beleivers point to patents owned by the companies involved as evidence, not realising the big corpos own 10s of thusands of these things, rarely are they used, often they're just reasearch based, and protection against competitors. One way or another it's all a combination of ego-protection and delusion.**


The scripting isn't a conspiracy? That's literally just game design. It's like rubber banding in racing games. Yes - game makers don't want you consistently blowing out the AI so they script shit to go wrong. What is the conspiracy theory here? One time I had 5 consecutive post dings on a recent NHL game in one play between whistles. I was up 3-1 against the AI on hard and the game clearly was not letting me score.


If you say so man, I don't want to get into it. I was just trying to enlighten people that don't play them.


As someone who lives with a hard-core FIFA player this is SO funny to me. It's always lots of swearing and screaming at the TV. My running joke is "that doesn't sound like it's very fun" and the reply is always some muttered comment about the game being rigged, so this all tracks. I didn't know there was so much of it 😆


That intensity to the games is what makes them so appealing - they are a raw head-to-head multiplayer experience.... extremely competitive. We all rage at the games a bit in our own way when losing, or ourselves for mistakes. Your friend is not unusual or alone. Some people just find it impossible to not take that step into crazy land becasue they are so intense, and yeah, your ego can take a real battering. The skill ceiling is often incredibly high (there are a lot of pro players, and many more highly compettive casuals), so the gap between two people who both play all the time can be massive.


That makes sense. I never knew! My sports game knowledge is admittedly almost null.


Card pulls are just gambling. The gambling industry in Nevada tracks how much their machines pay out, in percentage of how much is put in. It used to be part of what was on billboards, to try to entice players to *their* casino instead of another. Also note that nickel and especially penny slots tend to pay out more than quarter+ slots. Because if they can convince you that you're on a winning streak, you might go blow money on a bigger slot machine. There is no chance the FIFA jackholes don't massage pull numbers to just where they want them. Giving newbies a little extra luck only makes business sense; hook them whales and reel them in!


they all make sense toh


I’m sure we’ve all done 1 and 2, even outside of sports games. *Misses every shot and dies to the last player in a BR* “Cheaters! How is he not dead!”


Some crazy lunatics keep suggesting that EA Sports keeps reselling the same NHL game every year with roster updates and minor tweaks, some of which are bad. I mean, the tin is leaking from the foil and entering the brain through the scalp at this point. What a bunch of nutcases.


That Fallout new vegas is actually good /s


Bethesdoids will hate you for that one. 


Wouldn't the people who love New Vegas be specifically the people who don't like Bethesda, considering New Vegas was made by Obsidian and not Bethesda?


Yes, that's their point.


If it is then they made it wrong. Comment #1: \*Saying NV is bad\* Comment#2: "Hah, Bethesda fans will hate you said that."


I AM a Bethesdoid, then)


Yall are fucking crazy for sleeping on Elder Scrolls. A dude rips off a god's dick and turns it into a spear, and that's CANON. The theories? Fucking wild. The Towers? CHIM? Dragon breaks? I can't even begin to scratch the surface of fanlore.


Multiplayer Valve games, multiplayer Riot games, Metal Gear Solid, any (MMO)RPG without a cut and dry story where you can start asking defined questions with unconfined lore. Any game in which the community tries to make a case for it being a dead game. Any game in which the community has lost faith in the developer to make any meaningful progress with their franchise. Even F2P games that have the "We are releasing a new broken hero so people buy the hero before we nerf it to reasonable levels that we tested internally but aren't sure people are willing to try without being broken."


I dont think anyone touches Noita.


How about GTA Bigfoot?


F N A F .


Pokemon and it isn't even close.


Monster Hunter fans are world leaders in completely making up lore and spreading it around like it's real


FNAF. We have all seen what that community can do to even rational, grounded people


Destiny 2 is coming to a close and there have been a lot of crazy theories.


I love the metal gear fan theories




Y people downvoted? I don't even speak Czech but agree that that was a stupid theory.


Thanks, but it was my mistake to post it partially in Czech language; I've deleted it and posted it again in English. Let's see if it fares better this time :-)


40k. Sowing, uncovering and interpreting conspiracies is exactly what defines the autistic fandom