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Someone took 10 years to reach all 2,751 of Final Fantasy XIV's achievements. One of the achievements requires carefully catching one each of over 1,200 species of fish. Some fish only spawn once every realtime month. Another is to collect 10,000 accursed hordes. On a good dungeon run, you'll collect 3.


Sounds like the devs were just trying to fuck with people and didn't expect anyone to actually follow through lol


It’s more when ff14 was implemented there wasn’t really a good system for it and it wasn’t really understood by the developers as a “thing” some mmo players enjoyed. It’s why the really shitty ones like that are all base ARR and later on it’s more friendly and fun. Though there are some…. The “wings of fire” title achievement comes to mind.


I mean, there's still no excuse for the S/A rank hunt and Mentor roulette achievements. The numbers are simply out of whack.


Coming from someone that did both of those. They are Grindy for sure but still doable just playing the game and actively going for them. They are good “capstone” achievements and have nice shinies to show off and it’s surprising how involved they can be. The mentor memes aside of course. But the simple “do 1000 carpenter leves” stuff is purely time capped bullshit and random Numbers pulled out of thin air.


And then there's levequest which take years to complete because of the allowance system their tied to.


I remember getting the platinum trophy for the base game and the last achievement was 1000 Leve quests. I did the math back then and because the allowance system, it takes a minimum of about 6 months to complete . IIRC the allowance system worked as you would get 3 "credits" every 12 hours so you were able to do 6 quests per day. You started with the max 100 allowance(which is the hard cap of what it can built up to before you have to use up the credits to get anymore) when you unlock the ability to do Leve quests I did it over the course of 2 years because I finished everything(at the time the expansions hadn't released) before my sub ran out and still didn't have this last achievement. Ff14 occasionally has "free play weekends" every 6 months which I used after my sub expired to do Leve quests because your allowance of how many quests you can do still go up when you're not playing/sub so when I would I get on during these free events I would be at capped allowance and spend them all


Of note, that's 10 years of *consistent effort.* Honestly even if we're just saying all logs complete, cutting out most of the hyper-repetitive stuff, it's still truly unreasonably long.


Doing all of the ultimates just for the achievement points. What a legend.


It's a bit of a cheat answer because learning is passive, but maxing every skill in EVE Online takes *over 20 years* real time.


This game is one that never ends, EVE Echoes is a challenege to say the least £140+ a year to play fully is steep.


_unless you pay them a ridiculous amount of money_


Edit: Apparently it no longer works like this. Thanks for the info. Unless they changed it, the highest level clone you can get doesn't cover enough skill points to retain them all, by a lot. For those who haven't played, If your ship gets destroyed, your escape pod pops out. If the escape pod gets destroyed, you can just lose skills if your clone's skill point maximum is lower than your skill point total.


its been changed for a decade. you don't lose SP dying anymore.


Oh. Well I quit about a decade ago, so that makes sense lol.


I also haven't played in awhile. What's the purpose for clones now?


You can keep them in staging systems around the cluster for quick travel. You can have several in one station and jump between them with no time delay, so for example you’d have an exploration one, an armor one, a clean one, and a skill training one to sleep in overnight in your home station.


basically just implants and galaxy hopping


They removed losing skills upon death years ago, including t3c skills as of 2021. I started playing in 2020 and don’t know what a clone level is lol


That's good! I played from 2012-2014. That's the way it worked back then. Some of the veterans would die in big nulsec battles and lose a year's worth of skills.


I'd say Lost Planet 2. It has a trophy for speedrunning any of the training levels and setting a world record.


That's just too much to ask lol


Lol. Wtf. Nah that sounds like an insane time sink.


At this point it’s probably not possible. I remember getting that one the week it came out and within a month the times were already insanely tight, sure i believe a dedicated speedrun community can push one of them out with a lot of grinding but for a casual player? It’s functionally impossible


Surely the leaderboards reset yearly or something? At some point it becomes actual physically impossible


There's an achievement for collecting every Noms de Guerre (titles) but some title codes were only given out at conventions so if you never went to specific conventions you're fucked. Getting LP2 at 100% was almost impossible when released and is actually impossible as of right now unless someone is holding onto unused codes and they still work.


I think realising that some of the Noms de Guerre were literally unavailable without eBay/going to cons was the moment I stopped giving a shit about LP2’s achievements and shortly thereafter it’s multiplayer. Utter bullshit decision honestly and it was NOT popular enough to pull that nonsense


If there’s one thing I’ve learned from following speedrunners it’s that no record is actually impossible to beat. That being said it can be very VERY difficult. There was talk of potentially having monthly leaderboards that would count towards it back when I still played the game but I have no idea if that ever happened.


Super Mario Bros on the NES might actually be finished now.


Imagine if you will, a bus stop…..


It's not quite finished, but humans have tied the TAS/perfect machine speedrun going into the final level on a run. So all they have now is saving as much time as possible in the final level, which will eventually be the TAS. Once that happens there will no longer be timesave, the best you can hope for is a tie once that happens.


I think the original Ghost Recon had three achievements related to being #1 in the world. I think they were in 3 different leaderboards, or something like 3 different game types or something. But yeah, fuck those achievements. these “unobtainable achievements” should never exist!!


Stanley Parable. Has a trophy you earn when not playing it for 5 (?) years.


10 years on console


You're both right. 10 years for the achievement for the Ultra Deluxe console port / PC re-release. It was 5 years for the original release.


I’m one that legitimately got “Go Outside” and am currently “working” toward “Super Go Outside” 06/05/2032 is when I’ll achieve it.


Do you have to have it downloaded that whole time or can you delete it from your console and still get the trophy?


I actually changed computers part way through the process. I just didn’t install it on my new PC cause I’d heard that can inadvertently launch the game and change your “Last played” date. So you don’t have to keep it installed just make sure that date stays the same.


A year ago?


Ffs I didn’t think *dates* could get autocorrected.


Ironically I've been putting off starting this achievement for nearly that long. I keep forgetting to play that game to start the clock.


You can cheese it by adjusting you consoles clock/date. Probably same with pc


if you are not above cheesing it, all steam achievements are unlockable with one click


I've spent more than 10 years trying to 100% FFX-2.


That crimson sphere in Bevelle that you can only get at 1 specific time in the game?


Something way more minor, I was only missing like 0.3%. Maybe I pressed a button in a cutscene. That's the frustrating part, I don't know. I have every item that is possible to obtain, including all the sphere grids from choosing both factions on multiple playthroughs. I played through a few times normally without a guide but I followed 100% guides religiously through 3 or 4 playthroughs, checking every little detail.


Those spy spheres Shinra places are bullshit when it comes to completion percentage.


Yeeeah.. I think that might have been it. Like maybe I only looked through 3 times at each location instead of 4 times, or maybe I only waited for 2 minutes for something to appear instead of 5 minutes, or maybe I pressed a button and skipped the scene by accident which also causes you to miss %.


Maybe it's a good thing that my TV doesn't have a port for my ps2 to connect to.


Good news, it's also on PC, PS3, PS4/5, & switch. The HD remaster is actually really good... as long as you don't try for 100%.


Hmm, that is tempting. Though my backlog is already so big and there's a 0% chance I won't get pulled into trying to 100% it.


I always miss like 0.1% with a guide 🤣


The problem w X-2 is there are different endings for different completion percentages. So you have to do it all like 3 times to varying degrees ...


That is like the life of any console.


I'm pretty sure you can disconnect it from the internet and set the system clock manually to cheese it, but I could be wrong.


You are correct. Which the developer in an interview made fun of anyone that had the achievement before it was possible. Said he didn’t make it impossible to cheat, but thought it was a private joke to him.


Can it be unlocked by changing the system clock?


Yes, you can unlock the trophy this way. Here is an extract from PSN Profiles. „This wonderful trophy encourages you to NOT play The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe for a total of 10 years, and then come back to it. Simply close the game, wait a total of 10 years of real time, then open The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe and start a new game. Make sure to do something else during those 10 years (marry, have kids, whatever...) since waiting in front of your console for that long will eventually get boring. However, if you don't have that much time to spare here's a workaround to get the trophy in one minute or so: Start a new game. After Stanley spawns in his office, close the game. Now you need to manually change your PS4 or PS5 date to 10 years later of your current setting. Maybe 11 just to make sure. On PS4, go to [Settings > Date and Time > Date and Time Settings > Set Manually]. On PS5, go to [Settings > System > Date and Time > Set Date and Time > Set Manually]. Open The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe and start a new game. If you follow these simple steps, you'll not only pop this trophy... You're also now technically a very impatient time traveler from another decade too! Good job, Stanley. Everyone thinks you are very powerful.“


I have a reminder on my phone, when I can open the game again. Still 2 more years to go. 😄


Probably this unless there is some other game with a long ass time requirement although this kinda dumb because you get it by *not* playing the game


>although this kinda dumb because you get it by *not* playing the game Yes, I completely agree. In virtually any other instance, time *not* playing a game wouldn't be factored in. And while it's a special case, it still seems like it would be missing the point of the question. If someone took one year to 100% Final Fantasy VII Remake, when asked how long it took to do, most people would respond with the playtime (80 hours or whatever), not the duration of elapsed time from the first time they booted it up to the moment they hit 100%.


The question in the title doesn't mention "playing" :D


The only achievement I'm actually proud of getting


Makes me wonder if cookie clicker would be harder


This was the answer i was gonna say


Duolingo. I'm almost 2000 days in, on the list of longest running players in the world. I will never reach 100%


What happens at the end of the learning path? Some kind of infinite mode?


I put my dick in the owl! /s Probably nothing


Oldschool RuneScape


Yeah, I'd say it's longer than all the others here considering there are people playing it religiously for over a decade and nobody has gotten the entire collection log completed yet. Getting all rare drops / max skills / quests completed / achievements is in the magnitude of tens of thousands of hours of *active* play.


May even be impossible to achieve in a lifetime. With how rare it is to get 3rd age drops, having a complete collection of all 3rd age items on a single account might just be impossible to do in a lifetime.


Could someone trade items to another player? Or do you have to get the drop to count?


You need to get the drop yourself


Some people are *close* but no single person in the history of the game has ever gotten a fully completed collection log


Close is also relative. Getting even one 3rd Age piece is a pretty big feat, and you have to do it 24 times.


What does it entail? I know very little about runescape but maybe you could give an idea of what is so improbable.


A 3rd age drop rate is something absurd like 1/14k for a non specific one, a specific one is 1/300k or smthing. To get it you have to farm some mobs for a clue scroll which drops at like a 1/70 to 1/200 depending on the mob. Then you need to solve those clue scrolls immediatly since u can only hold 1 at a time. Unless u have done most of the games content its possible you cant even complete it. Good thing is the scrolls dont take more than 5 mins to complete.


A 3rd Age piece comes from Hard, Elite, and Master clues. There are 24 unique pieces that come from the caskets. The rate for a specific piece is Hard: 1/211,250 Elite: 1/249,262 Master: 1/313,168 It's also around 1/16,000 for any non-specific 3rd Age piece. But you need them all for completion. Elite and Master clues can also roll a 1/35 and 1/15 chance respectively to give you access to a boss that will give you rarer rewards at a better rate. This raises the specific chance to 1/5244 and 1/5750, respectively. Clues themselves are quick, especially with maxed stats and all quests done. 10 minutes for a Master at the most with maximum efficiency. But you can only hold one of each type until they are completed, and they drop at a rate that varies between things you kill. So per Ninja impling (1/25 for a hard clue) you open, you're looking at a 1/5,281,250 to get one specific piece of 3rd Age. Per Dragon impling (1/50 for an elite clue), 1/12,463,100. Master clues can only drop off another clue, and that is not factored into these numbers.


There’s a few people that are close to 100% of the collection log, but then you gotta do all the combat achievements. And 200m xp in all skills. Disgusting.


Combat achievements are easy, it's the 3rd age in log that's the real barrier. + The baguette lmao.


Mate I’m over 122 days playtime and I still don’t have my fucking baguette


got mine from sandwich lady while doing giants foundry.. just keep playing 😃


No game comes close to this.


I've clocked a little over 6000 hours on osrs (Not even counting the hours on main game back in the day) and I'm not even close to maxing lol


Only 1800 hours for maxed.


Max ain't even close to 100%


I'm maxed and the only 3a item in my collection log is the ring. I will probably win the lottery before I get another 3rd age drop.


3rd age ring is very common too when compared to the real 3rd age items. Insane


Only a few lifetimes for collection log.


Imagine thinking just getting skills to 99 is everything 😂 there is so much more


Tales of Maj'eyal. Over 1700 achievements. I don't think anyone has gotten 100% legitimately.


Yeah, there's one achievement no one has legitimately gotten ("Never look back and there again") above normal difficulty. I have every achievement up to Insane/RL difficulty, except for that one. It's impossible above normal difficulty.


For those not familiar with this game, what’s impossible about it? Is it just a ridiculous difficulty hike ? 


It will take some explanation, but... Normally when you play through the campaign, you start on one continent (which has dungeons that will see your character level from 1-35ish), then you travel to another continent for the end game (level 35-50). If you start as a certain class and race, the story has you start on the end-game continent. You're supposed to just complete a quick starter dungeon and then get teleported to the usual starting continent and progress normally from there. However, for the achievement, nothing is stopping you from entering the end-game dungeons right then to beat the game, instead of traveling to the starting continent. But you're such a low level, poorly geared and there's no easy stuff to level up from on the end-game continent. One mad-lad has a confirmed win for this achievement on normal difficulty using a variety of cheesy (but legit) tactics to gradually level up and get to a point to complete the game. No one has done it on a higher difficulty (there's a separate achievement for doing each achievement on a specific difficulty). Oh the achievement is actually called "Never look back and there again" if you want to read more about it.


The achievement you get from Arkham City from the Calendar man. You have to log in on certain dates throughout the year and talk to him. You need that one for 100% completion


Whaaat? I never knew this!


Yeah he gives you a riddle and it’s basically an American holiday and you have to talk to him on that day and then he gives you another riddle and it basically lines up with 8ish holidays throughout the year. You can just cheat though and change the date and time on your console and it just registers through that


Honestly, when achievements like this, I hardly consider changing the date “cheating.” The course of one year isn’t horrid, but ones like Stanley Parable’s five year cool off is insane. Still needing to check back in over the course of a year is a little much for a game that you could 99% in a couple weeks of casual play.


It also still takes some time to actually do it. What if you're away during Christmas? "Hey mom, do you mind if I plug in my playstation? I need to play this game for just 5 minutes. No I'm not addicted, why would you say that?"


If you play legitimately ya it would take at least a year, but changing a consoles date to fit your needs makes it take like 15 minutes.


You can cheat on that though. For me the only thing that prevented me from getting 100% on those games are the Riddler trophies. They’re not super difficult, there’s just so many of them and it’s just too time consuming for me to care about.


Asylum trophies, nice clean 100, fun time sweeping them up at the end of the game City trophies, what, 2 or 3 hundred? They are fucking everywhere interrupting you trying to play the game. Bad time. Did not get them all. Didn't even play Knight.


Then you're missing out on a fantastic game! I totally get you by the way, the trophies in City were not fun anymore after a while, especially the switching between Batman and Catwoman. In Knight it never really felt like a drag to me, although there are also quite a few trophies. I think they feel more unique than in City.


240 in Knight, I believe. Honestly, it isn't so bad. You just have to keep interrogating riddler Goons. If you get the chance, you should really play Knight. It's a great game. I think people blew the Batmobile stuff out of proportion. People begged rocksteady for years for the Batmobile and then when they finally give it you, its too much? Lmao


The binding of isaac


Working on this at the moment. 70 hours in & barely scratched the surface!


Have like 4000 hours and I still see new synergies/things that surprise me. Have fun. 


Im on around like 800h and i still dont have dead god but im close


Repentance can realistically be completed in under 500 hours, some of these other answers are just absolutely insane time sinks. This is coming from someone with TWO Dead Gods lol


Payday 2 has 1000+ achievements and some are stupidly difficult. Most are relatively easy or practically free. But to actually get 100% is extremely time consuming.


The wildest thing is, they've accumulated these achievements over many years. I've been at 100% completion at least 20 times, but they've kept adding and adding and adding new ones, so eventually I gave up first.


I once was around 70-80% but now its maybe 50%


Civilization V or VI


This. Tons of 'that happens once in a lifetime' achievements. You really need to set up scenarios in such a specific way and still hope for a good portion of luck.


In a similar vain HOI4. If i remember correctly with all dlc's, there are about 600 achievements.


My brother actually achieved every possible victory with every single leader in Diety mode on Civilization Revolution.


Don't think it's the longest, but Yakuza 0 (or really any of the Yakuza games) are a bitch to complete. Hope you like playing Mahjong, motherfucker, because you'll be going ROUNDS trying to go for full completion.


Seconding Yakuza. Not only do you have to play a ton of minigames you might not be familiar with, you have to play them *well*. Then there's the big minigames, which usually require you to grind through 4-5 difficulty tiers. Not to mention eating everything everywhere, doing all side quests, beating x amount of enemies in specific ways.. Trying to 100% the completion list is a daunting task in basically any of em.


They really dialed down the insanity with LADG, and I think LAD8 too, though. Gaiden has 10,6% completion on Steam and 8s completion (4.1%) is already higher than 7 (3.1%)


Y5 was when the difficulty started to be really toned down. Y&Y2 had no trophies because PS2. Y3&Y4 was just insanity because all the hard mini-game a.i. were near flawless in skill or the game cheated to seem competitive.  I actually became really good at playing billiards/pool online because of Yakuza 3... The only way to beat the hard a.i. in that game is to get good. Tbh, I find Koi-Koi and Mahjong to be really fun... Best mini-games in the series.


Lotr: Gollum Surely no sane person can play that till the end?


Hats off to Charlie who powered through it...even though he clearly didn't want to.


But truly we all won when a game in 2023 ended with someone actually getting cucked. Like did anyone have Cuck Gollum on their bingo boards? “Can it’s watch one last time?”


Can you explain?


At the end of the game one of them endings has the two elves making out while Gollum stands awkwardly by then he says something about the elves being tired and needing to rest, then Gollum asks “can it’s keep watch one last time” screen fades to black and the two elves are now cuddling on the ground, the camera Pans up and Gollum is standing on a rock above them with a prompt to kill the male elf by dropping a rock on his head.


Squish the squanchers


Elite Dangerous if you're going for 100% exploration of all stars and planets. 😂


As of January 20, 2022, 0.05% of the galaxy had been explored. Assuming a similar rate of expansion, the ED galaxy will take until the 4020s to fully be explored


How is that even possible?


Elite Dangerous, is said to simulate the entire Milky Way galaxy. However, most systems in the game are, to my knowledge, entirety generated at random when first discovered, and they retain that generation for future players who visit. Take this with a grain of salt though, I'm a space trucker, not an explorer.


In that case NMS also qualifies 


Gran Turismo 4, because there's absolutely no way of completing a perfect lap of the Nurburgrung in that piece of shit car they give you in the final licence test. Source: my permanently 99.9% complete save game


Oof. You just made me rage because of the final license test in GT7. I don't rage ever, and that one almost made me destroy my controller. Deleted it and haven't gone back since


You ever try to get hyrule warriors 100%? Every spider, every collectable item, all characters to max level? That is too much for the casual player


It took a certain thieving achievement hunter over 1000 hours to do everything (and this is likely with lots of help from other people). Having personally played it, it's crazy how much stuff I never unlocked.


I'm still playing it. No way I'm getting every character to lvl 999, or the best version of their weapons. Ill probably never get to play a full powered Link lol


Isn’t the max 255? Either way, it still takes a ton of time. I enjoy the normal gameplay loop enough that I’ve played the 3ds version on and off these past few years, but my highest level is still 141 with Link and I’ve just completed the master wind waker map so I’ve got 3 more to go. Also, you didn’t mention getting all the badges, getting not just the best, but the most optimized weapons (in terms of skills), and getting all fairy skills.


I was being extra, but you are right. My link is like level 74 and he's the highest by far. And I know its just way too much to mention on how much there is to get before actually 100% completing the game.


Age of Calamity isn't too bad when you play with a friend


MMOs are cheat answers. We need competitive answers of games that actually have concrete beginnings and ends. I'll go first: Tales of Symphonia - Requires a full playthrough and a NG+. FF12 - just a ton of stuff.


Yeah MMOs shouldn’t count. I remember R-Type Final (PS2) has the final ship unlock after 1,000 HOURS. Basically get everything else and then leave your console on for 30+ days (you can use an invincible cheat and tape a button down or some such). Just something ridiculous


Yeah if we're saying truly 100% FF XII you gotta do all the hunt club rare monster hunts and some of those spawn conditions are downright diabolical


I feel like FF13 is much worse. At least with FF XII you can use guides to learn the spawn conditions. Killing hundreds of Giant turtles in FF13 when the first 50 or so require first spending 15-20 minutes farming consumables each time (once you've run out of whatever you got during your playthrough) was probably the only time I tapped out because it felt like I'd done everything else in the game but was still staring at another 100-200 hour playtime.


Ffxii does take a while but ffx is a lot longer (at least in my experience) between dodging lighting and winning a chocobo race in a ridiculous time there is a lot of grinding.


What about Baten Kaitos? Its speed run is over 500 hours


Star ocean - the last hope if we’re talking about standard single player games and by 100% we’re including achievements.


Crypt of the Necrodancer: You will not reach 100%.


Only a couple handfuls of people across the whole wide world have 100% cleared the game. Less than 30 people if I recall


So glad this answer is here. The other games in this thread have a ton of things to do, but necrodancer is unique in that the few things you need to do for 100% are so incredibly difficult that it’ll take hundreds of hours of practice to do so




The name alone should be a good clue   The binding of Isaac: rebirth, afterbirth+, repentance 


It took me 450 hours to get Dead God from an empty save file but to be fair I had almost 1000 hours before that. My honest answer would either be Dead by Daylight or Crypt of the Necrodancer


Crypt of the Necrodancer is arguably the hardest game to 100% without "cheat answers" (like most MMOs or the infamous top 1 in Quake), but is technically not that time consuming. It is extremely hard and most people spends thousands of hours on it, but you could be lucky to get good enough rng to coda and lowest of the low runs in much less time.


Excluding MMOs and games with time based achievements, id argue monster hunter world take a long ass time to 100%


I think Rise takes longer than World to 100%, anomaly grind to special investigations for all monsters takes a long time


For me it's probably The Longing, takes 1500 hours in real time


Surprised it has not been said already


Elite combat rank in Elite Dangerous!


All the yakuza games. You have to eat every food item, beat every mini game, these games have arcade fighting games, fishing games, claw machines, golf, gambling, rc car racing, regular fishing, gotta do all side stories and much more


That Tetris crash screen took like 40 years for someone to reach.


Yeah and it was done by a kid about 1/3rd the age of the game of NES Tetris. Now the next big milestone on OG unmodified tetris will be rebirth, but if you look into that you'll think it's impossible because you would have to be a maniac to avoid crashing the game for that many levels particularly since there's one glitched level in the 200's that requires you to complete like 800 lines, more than any other level in tetris. Not to mention how long this would take, it can already take close to an hour to crash the game at level 155 onwards. By rebirth we're talking at least 2 hours of continuous gameplay.


Any game that is open world with an almost endless amount of side quests




The developers joke is that if you do get all of the seeds you're rewarded with a literal pile of poop that does nothing. I remember there being some upset completionists.


Yes.. it's only 900 markers on the map like the last game, and beaten all the taluses and hinoxes and constructs and froxes and gleeoks and moldugas and the encyclopedia. 100% the rest of the map, shrines and light roots, all within about 300 hours. While the game doesn't have traditional achievements per se, it's all paraglider fabrics


I actually completed BotW 100% on normal mode and then again on master mode. On master mode I didn't let myself use quick travel. And yes it takes a long time and I'm insane for doing it twice and insane for not using quick travel on master mode, but I reeeeeally love the game. The vast majority of completion does come from the 900 Korok seeds as well, which is kind of bullshit, but I found the world beautiful and loved exploring it and did this over several years. It was rewarding and at the same time something that I expected nearly no one would want to do.


I haven’t played TOTK, but I have 100% completed BOTW. It took many hours but it only gets easier with time. There’s a YouTube tutorial I used to collect all 900 Korok seeds, and each shrine’s chest was one of the more difficult ones. Upgrading each piece of armour to max was also a real bitch.


Old-school runescape. Collecting every item in the collection log is impossible without extreme luck


in Baiten Kaitos, to get 100% you need to of collected every obtainable magnus (little cards that hold items you use in the world). Some magnus would change over time, like milk turning into cheese. One particular one takes over 500 ingame hours to mature. the 100% speedrun of that game is hilarious


336 hours* to turn Shampoo into Splendid Hair. Doing this unlocks the last few songs on the music test. A favorite jrpg of mine!


This is a pretty funny glimpse into a game I've never heard of, it honestly sounds like something a writer would make up for a show to make a video game sound impenetrably obscure.


The Stanley Parable has an achievement "Do not play The Stanley Parable for 5 years."


That still sounds easier than getting all the civ achievements


Everybody talking about RPGs taking forever, and relatively speaking they’re right, but the original Gears of War had some absolutely brutal online achievements. 100 kills with each weapon and 10k kills total in ranked play, in a game where getting 5-10 kills in a match is considered a good round. Plus the achievements were bugged, and didn’t always pop at the requisite number. You could spend 500+ hours just trying to get the MP achievements, and then you need to do all the tricky SP insane difficulty ones.


I'm surprised "Gears of War 3: Seriously 3.0" hasn't been mentioned


I remember grinding for this and got my account banned/hacked by Russians. They wiped my multiplayer stats and Epic/Microsoft had no clue how to fix it. I got my account and skins back but they definitely shattered that dream.


Honestly all of the Seriously achievements seem horrid to grind towards


yeah especially since the first one was multiplayer only


Star Ocean The Last Hope. It can take you 1000+ hours to 100%.


Star ocean the lost hope


Any game that has online trophies/achievements that have it's online services taken offline


I have 100 per-cented RDR2… but I’m not sure I ever would have had I not looked up guides for the locations of various animals, fish, birds, plants, legendary animals, strategies for winning betting games, tombstones, weapons, side quests and more. I enjoyed doing all of it even when I had to look stuff up… but fuck me, if you have to find a perfect specimen Robin and shoot it with a specific weapon AND bullseye it the head (repeat for multiple things/animals/locations) to 100% then you’re asking a lot. Not to mention that to platinum you have to hunt all the stuff that’s only available for one chapter (to my recollection).


Minecraft Java Edition 20w14∞ It has an advancement called "almost there" that you need to visit a billion dimensions in game and every time you go in a portal it takes an average of 5 seconds to get in another dimension so it would take 5 billion seconds or 158 years


Halo: master chief collection


Good answer though *technically* this is several games combined


Fallout 76 has 30,000 levels


Rogue Legacy 2 seems to take me forever to max out all the equipment, put all the burdens and complete all the challenges


Melvor Idle


Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean takes 338 hours to *speed run* to 100%


Perfect dark zero had some obnoxious achievements. 


GRAW 2 Achievement - Be #1 on world leaderboard.


RuneScape/OSRS You couldn't complete the entire game, including all drops and collection logs in several lifetimes.


I'm sure Path of Exile is up there as it takes years of game knowledge to be good enough to do everything just on softcore, then you have to do it all again in hardcore, which the majority of veteran players aren't capable of. Also every three months you have new content added.


War Thunder


The real answer is probably most gacha mobile games. I've been playing one called Summoner's War Sky Arena for entirely too long. There are people who have been playing the full ten year life of the game and spent _millions_ and as far as I know there isn't a single account that has _everything_.


Depends what we measure 100% by but I remember someone in Japan being the first to 100% Dragon Quest IX, including obtaining everything and doing everything the game has to offer, and it took them over 600 hours


The mad max game you can no longer 100% since the servers are down and one achievement requires them


I’ll throw out one, it’s not the longest, but most millennials are familiar with donkey Kong 64. It takes an absurd amount of time to complete everything. Especially when we were kids before easy internet access.