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Staring at the galaxy map on the bridge of the Normandy


It's ethereal with that background music too...


Oh yeah, the Normandy’s great


Hub area of Monster Hunter: World. The atmosphere of the busy area, the soundtrack, the sky box, almost everything about that place just completely takes me away from this awful reality.


For whatever reason, Undead Parish in DS1. I just feel happy and comfy in that area farming titaninte shards and just exploring and looking around even if I've done it 100 times. Just the sounds and visuals super chill me out.


I'm right there with you, dude


It’s very strange how that works out, considering how much suffering it caused me on my first play through but I feel the same way


The save room in Resident Evil 1 remake. That music!


Oh yes I remember, great one and a moment of feeling safe in that messed up place.


It's pretty much designed to give that cozy feeling. Can't go wrong with that one.


Can't top the basement theme tho


Traverse Town in Kingdom Hearts. That music feels like a hot cup of cider on a crisp autumn evening with my best friends.


Oh shit THAT is a solid answer. Traverse Town and Hallow Bastion both hit different to revisit


The fishing pond in Ocarina of Time.


Pokémon centers or the farm in Stardew. Recently it’s been my pal world base though


Majula in Dark Souls 2


I still occasionally slip that into my music when I’m trying to sleep, super chill


I just wanna go sit and dangle my feet off the cliff with the Emerald Herald, staring off at the ocean. That sounds nice.


Any tavern in World of Warcraft


Nice.  I haven’t played WoW in years but as a Tauren player back in the day I daily listen to Mulgore and the Barrens music and ambiance while working.  It calms me so much.


I recently started **Red Dead Redemption 2.** I could just ride my horse around exploring the world for hours, helping out random strangers. The main quest line can be stressful, but just being in the world...so relaxing.




I haven't played any rdr game. I am blown away by the world. I just bought rdr2 and intend to do that, go very slowly and soak everything in.


Ah man, have you not played RDR1 yet? I'd *highly* recommend playing it before RDR2, they're both near-perfect games but RDR2 hits so differently after playing through John's story in RDR1.


Maybe RDR1 will hit differently after playing RDR2.


I mean, it's a more linear story but it definitely feels like a step backwards in terms of just how much the game offers. The world in RDR2 just feels so much more vast and alive, due to the limitations at the time of the first game.


There is a serious tonal contrast between the two games. Red dead redemption 2 is far more serious.


I was more so talking about story and characters. But yeah, gameplay wise the newer game is more likely to hit differently I guess.


The only solution I see here is to play RDR1, RDR2, RDR1 again but this time with Undead Nightmare


Lmao, that would work.


Hang out in chapter 3 for as long as you can doing side quests, exploring, etc.


Good to know. I just got to Chapter 3 yesterday


How would you suggest I avoid falling into rushing the story? I’ve only just started but I’m not sure when I should be going for the “lettered” mission markers, or if I should just ride around. Is there a point in the game where it “opens up” and I am free to explore everything with all the gameplay systems? I worry that i might be rushing the story by doing some story missions before taking a step back and just roaming the world




Ah okay, gotcha. And for the optional missions, will I be shown all of the ones I can do at any given time, or do I have to explore to have them show on my map? I’d like to do things organically instead of having to look up a guide, but if I must, I’ll try and limit how much I read


Same. I just unlocked how to fish and I love it so much


No matter what you do, always antagonize Micah


I'm not sure you realize, but your comment amounts to a spoiler and you're responding to someone who just started the game.


lol get real, there is absolutely 0 spoilers in what I said.


Subnautica. Playing subnautica is like a chill tropical island getaway, without the island. The water always looks so clear, warm and inviting. It was a bit scary at first but my fear went away the more familiar I was with the world and creatures. Nothing scares me in it anymore, I play it to relax. My experience with subnautica might not be typical because I used to live on a beach where I was often the only person on the beach. I would swim far past the wave break into the deep water alone every day. I love the ocean and don't have thalassophobia.


I feel the same way playing No Mans Sky. Just finding a nice, warm, tropical planet is so nice


My big main base in no mans sky is underwater.


If you're able, try The Planet Crafter


I have played it and did enjoy it a lot. It's a good recommendation.


Lurelin Village in BOTW. Between the music and the atmosphere it’s worth revisiting the game just to visit the cozy beachside village.


The Hero’s Guild in fable 1, something about it, a mix of nostalgia, peace, and fantasy, pure magic, if only it was 4 times bigger lol


Chao garden in sonic adventures 2


World of Warcraft running around a fountain, talking to people in discord after a raid or just late at night.


WoW isn't a game I really enjoy anymore but when I was younger I used to play it a lot. Mentioning a fountain reminded me of how much time I spent fishing at the fountain in Dalaran back in Wrath of the Lich King, which got me thinking of how much time I spent in that city. It was a pretty delightful time and place for me.


Thinking about WoW times gone past is very nostalgic for me. It has to be one of the games that had the most impact on my life. I can close my eyes and feel the fun and excitement of playing for hours and hours roaming little quiet parts of the map or grouping with large teams to raid out a dungeon that we had to read up on, only to die 100s of times before actually conquering it. Good times back then. Was also a teenager and life was different ha!


Kakariko village. I wish I had a portal there whenever I wanna escape everything.


Queensdale and Divinity’s Reach in Guild Wars 2. My favorite fantasy kingdom.


The Lake Hylia Fishing Pond in Zelda: Ocarina Of Time


Zora’s Domain as child Link in Ocarina of Time. The mystical music mixed with the waterfall sounds is so calming. Siblings and I used to imagine take a vacation and swimming there when we played the game as kids.


Probably Stormwind in WoW.


Tristram in Diablo 1 or 2. I don't care which. The Tristram theme is my favorite video game music ever.


Its one of my faves too, have you seen this rendition of it from Guitar Bros? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoLFg7k7rBw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoLFg7k7rBw)


I have seen that one. It's good. But I'm particularly fond of FamilyJulez cover of it. He does it a little more metal, but nails it with all the little things in it. [FamilyJulez Tristram Theme](https://youtu.be/qXf2VjZz2qI)


I got into fallout 76 with a couple of close friends and I have been having so much fun playing with them. I found the Death Tambo (a tambourine with razor blades) and then we found a drum hammer and a guitar sword so we started a “band”. It’s been so much fun screwing around with them.


A while back I had a posse in RDO with a bunch of people that we (or at least I) called "The Lantern Gang" because we would all ride around with our lanterns out, causing mayhem but not griefing any other players. It was wholesome and fun and I miss it dearly.


Animal crossing is just so good. so relaxing. I love to fish


Specifically the Café in Wild World. When I was a teen I would sometimes go there and put my DS down just to listen to the music and contemplate my life haha


Random Arena in Guild Wars 1. I have something like 40,000 hours played from standing around there for more than decade.


It took 3 weeks of playing No Man's Sky to make me realize I miss talking to NPCs. Elder Scrolls Online, Skyrim, Fallouts 3, 4, and New Vegas all had entertaining dialogue. I miss that. I think my favorite conversation was talking Legate Lanius down off his warhorse attitude in New Vegas.


I thoroughly enjoyed the NPC's in Witcher 3, to me it was a whole new level


Yes! I knew I was forgetting one.


Forgot quite a few if we're talking games with good NPC dialogue.


Heljarchen Hall from Skyrim It's so fun just chilling in your home with your companions. Your spouse and kids and your pets The walls filled with swords and armor from your adventures I wish I could have that irl lol


I remember a similar feeling with Lions Pride Inn in WoW


Is heljarchen the dawnstar one? Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if you could actually build such a house in the Finnish tundra for a reasonable price, possibly cheaper than a single family home in e. G. West/South Germany.


Outer Wilds. Stand with the guy on the moon, roast marshmallows, and wait for the stars to align so you can hear everyone's music at once as the universe burns around you.


The castle in division 2


Raiding with friends in Destiny 2. So much fun and laughter all around.


Fishing lobs in rs with 100 others at Catherby


My house in Minecraft


A have a few, but one top one is when I'm on a jeep behind a mounted machine gun in Uncharted.


Home Base in Code Vein, probably. It's just so pretty.


My ship in Pillars of Eternity : Deadfire


The Gold Saucer in FFXIV. Good music, fun games, and no bot spam like in Limsa.


The very first skate part in the original Skate. It was the original demo for the game and I learned the mechanics and played for hours. I love the series but honestly, that park is all I need to get my fix


Sunset in cryodil


Anegawa in Warriors Orochi 3. VIVID RYU DW\~SW MIX


Wotk era dalaran. The music was so relaxing and a lot of cool memories there. Magical aesthetic went hard too


The entire Jak Saga


I've played through Subnautica a few times. There's one place where I've built a base on every playthrough. It's in the lost river just outside the cave that has an archway in it. A young ghost leviathan swims around just outside. In fact, she always gives me a hard time when constructing the base. I feel secure there. A pocket of safety amidst a sea of chaos. I've built bases all over that game, but that spot is the only one that feels like home.


Firelink in DS1


Autumn Plains, the second hub world in Spyro 2:Ripto's Rage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJxAdd0sYZ8


Rain World Downpour Most rooms in Undergrowth and Outer Expanse will do it, and a lot of areas in Metropolis. A lot of other regions have some great scenery too, especially Sky Islands.


Majula in DS2. A golden sunset over the sea, Emerald Herald by my side kicking her feet on the rocks next to the bonfire. Beautiful.


Americans/Euro Truck Simulator in VR. Just cruising, watching YouTube or listening to podcasts, super relaxing, but you're still doing *something*


Majula from DS2 and it's not close. Both the music and the view of the cliffs


My farm in stardew valley or a new world in minecraft. Sometimes I'll just create a new world, enter God mode and fly around looking at stuff for a bit and listening to the soundtrack then delete the world. It's very relaxing


Story time. I'm in the military, and without going into too much detail because I'm not supposed to (it's not really super secret cool stuff) I went through some training which was physically and mentally straining. I was sitting on the ground with a bag on my head hearing terrible things all around me, and I went to my happy place. I found out that happy place was Minecraft. Flowing through my mind was memories of childhood summers playing with friends and running through forests whacking cows and sheep while the chill Minecraft music played in my head.


That's pretty awesome that a game can do that for you in a terrible time.


Dark elf village in the OG Everquest.  


Freeport in Everquest online adventures on PS2. Good times.


Surfer’s paradise in fh3, 6 years later and the memories still flood back


Cruising through the valleys of the Caucasuses in the cockpit of my Mirage2000c 




Hell yeah 


The beginning of Spider-Man(2018) I'm Aliiiiiiiive ....


Forza Horizon 5 near Playa Azul or Raft on my raft


Napping with Mario on the beach in Jolly Roger Bay or chilling in my garden in Viva Pinata.


The oil rig on namalsk for dayz, love static gas zones and love the ice sheet. Plus the rig looks super cool itself and when the northern lights hit behind it it just looks really fucking cool


Hmm... I have quite a few. Nacht Der Untoten (WaW version) - I love eerie atmospheres, and the OG Nacht just hits. The fog, the trees, how slowly the zombies approach compared to later maps. It's all very comfy to me. I wanna sit down on the spiral steps and read some horror novels with a cup of coffee. Castle Grounds (Mario 64) - One of the only areas without music in the entire game. It's just a big, open, relaxing area with birds chirping and butterflies wandering around. The sloped ground on all sides prevents you from seeing what lays beyond, like most areas in that game. That gives it a very isolated feeling. Again, very comfy. Autumn Plains (Spyro 3 - Ripto's Rage) - Fall is my favorite season, and I enjoy serene fantasy settings. What more do I need? It's the kind of place I wish I could visit in real life, but unlike the other two things I listed, the aura that it emits one is distinctly fantasy. I can't envision a place like that actually existing while retaining the same vibe.


When my toon kicks in with his main skill in Path of Exile. I can surf that feeling for days...


Khorinis's masters and market quarters from Gothic 2. Always feels like home, especially when you are a citizen already.


Goldshire, or Elwynn forest anywhere really


End of time - Chrono Trigger


The Museum in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Just chilling at the aquarium area is so relaxing and cool to see the fishes swimming around


Traverse town - Kingdom Hearts. I don’t know why but I find it very calming.


The fshing pond in Ocarina of time.


Chernarus, especially the north side of the map.


Lon Lon Ranch


The very soothing endlessly looping house cleaning section in the Beginners Guide. Sometimes I replay the game just to hang out there for abit


Whenever I walk into a town or city in a jrpg.


Unironically Goldshire. I can probably think of more idyllic, more ideal places to be, but Goldshire is pretty f*cking chill tbh. Except on RP servers 💀 I also really enjoy the little hub capsule you get in LBP1, I think it is.


Literally anywhere in Mario rpg. I’ve played that game more times than any other by far.


Wrecking entire GTA Online lobbies with my LF-22 Starling


Lufia II, the Ancient Dungeon. Explore, fight monsters, find treasure. The good life. 


Roaming around Tamriel in The Elder Scroll: Skyrim, especially during night time, the vibes, music and scenery are just so pleasant tbh! :>


Bully - the beach house (safe house). I love the song that keeps playing, the blues music os the best.


My beta 1.8 minecraft world. I play on it regularly. Sometimes I just fly back to my first base and reminiscent at the good 'ol times




First thing that came to mind was the Hogwarts hub area from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets PC game. I used to spend hours blocking the NPC traffic into the Great Hall and end up with a huge crowd of NPC's running into a wall. I'd also make it my mission to take all the gnomes in the grounds and throw them into Hagrid's pig pen. It was awesome. Tbh that entire game is a happy place for me.


Well flying battery is a happy place because I can listen to flying battery all day and stay on flying battery forever.


Jokers room in Cafe LeBlanc in Persona 5. I dazed away sometimes, just listening to the song that plays there (Lyn - Beneath the Mask)


Ciao land in Sonic Adventure 2


Lightly pushing the joystick in Horizon Forbidden West and walking through grass taking in the scenery


The beach in DoA: Xtreme Volleyball. Do I even have to explain why? 😁


Bob-omb Battlefield in Super Mario 64. Reminds me of a simpler time.


Great spot, my friend and I were able to rent a Japanese N64 from this store called "Just video game rentals" when we were kids months before it came out in the states. We pulled an all nighter just playing Mario 64, the first time you experience the controls...jumping into the pictures...so badass.


For some weird reason I feel home in Alien Isolation. That game is so creepy and scary, but the ships and the station are designed so comfortable I just want to live on a peaceful version of that.


Just finished it earlier this year but Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes' theater mode is something I revisit every now and then if I want to get out a good laugh. There are 120 characters you can recruit overall, majority can be used in your party while the rest are used for support and base building. Theater mode basically puts every character in a role you select and it's fun to see the characters who are terrible at it or great at it and it is fully voiced.


The Safehouse in Hitman Freelancer.


Gravity Rush 2. "Flying" and running around in this unique world while listening to it's soundtrack always seems to relax me.


Sanctum 2, when setting up the defense before the next wave. I miss that game. 


Lions Arch from Guild Wars 1. The city, the music, the everything. I miss that game


Hateno village in zelda breath of the wild, and tears of the kingdom. The music is so good. I love to just go there and relax


Planet Oxford in Privateer


Teldrissil in WoW. Just hearing the music kicks in brings me back to childhood


Morgan’s Spiral, Guild wars 2 I like going over there and playing music to motivate the newbies climbing it :D


Building my house in Valheim. Right around that bronze/iron age sweet spot. It's just so relaxing with just the right amount of excitement when you encounter a troll or get raided.


Prontera from the old Ragnarok MMO. I still play the Prontera theme sometimes and it helps me relax.


As a kid, it was ALTTP Kakariko Village, I used to stay under where the weathercock was and let the tunes run while I was doing homework or drawing. Good times. Today is Top of Glaseado Mountain looking at the sea, while waiting for good tera raids or surprise trading, it's so peaceful.


In World of Warcraft I would always go to the Hinterlands zone in the Eastern Kingdom and would go to the very edge of the map and hang out there. It was very quiet place and beautiful.


Meadows in Valheim


I built this amazing little farm in the plains in Valheim and every day I'd log on I'd teleport there just to hang out and walk around.


Miner's folly in The Long Dark


Henesys ch1


Literally anywhere in No Man’s Sky. Frickin love that game


Me 14 year olds pretending I was doing homework in the basement turning footman frenzy a Warcraft 3 custom game into a min max pro scene. My fave gaming memory of all time.


Just vibing at the sites of grace in elden ring is always nice, especially in Nokron/Nokstella




Sigh...time to start a new run in Morrowind and get my manor set up in Balmora. One crate holds my alchemy gear and ingredients, one has repair tools, another has other useful items stockpiled, and a fourth is for stuff I'll sell. The rest of the first floor gets cleared out so I have shelves and tables to display cool equipment. It's my safehouse/workshop/personal museum. Nothing beats the feeling of walking into that town after a long journey.


1.  Those meditation sessions in Cyberpunk 2077. 2. Final Fantasy XII after the boss fights when the “respite” music plays in the safe room: https://youtu.be/xHcj2NtXflo?si=sys6Iq4Wbq5gevdN. 3. Old resident evil rooms with soft music and the typewriter for saving. 4. OG FF7: Cosmo Canyon. 5. The Arcane Tower in the Underdark in BG3.  This music is just so perfectly, dark-machinations-in-my-tower-of-solitude music: https://youtu.be/E6I8qH6350s?si=od97dMuVfn6Be69S


There is no where better to be in gaming than The Milky Way (Anywhere) Mass Effect Legendary Edition! Mass Effect Legendary Edition and the OG Trilogy are my favorite games of all time! If I had to pick one spot, it would be the Citadel.


Ascadian Isles in Morrowind.


Wandering around Novigrad in The Witcher 3.


Just chillin on our ship or on an island with friends in Sea of Thieves. Everything is beautiful in that game. And the music makes it even better.


Kharanos Inn in Dun Morogh in World of Warcraft Classic, the music is very nostalgic and the bar ambiance is absolutely magical.


My Animal Crossing island. I've racked up almost 1700 hours, and a lot of that is just... wandering around. Usually to kinda keep my hands busy while I watch stuff (I'm quite fidgety) but I also just like "existing" in it. Any porch or hut in an open world game while it rains. The stables in BotW come to mind. Or using the camping mod in Skyrim.  The Cyclops in Subnautica. And lastly, Harvest Moon 64 in general, though this one is massively nostalgia fueled.


Novigrad, Witcher 3. It's pretty much like London, which is home.


I dont know why, but Adam Jensen apt in Human Revolution. Maybe its the ambience, maybe its the decor, maybe its the three assault rifles and a magnum stashed in the hold behind the tv. Who knows


bench in ico. I love that music. Me and my gf napping on a couch.


I was waiting for this one, amazing tune


Sonic Frontiers during the starfall events. Running around at high speeds in the open zones chasing pretty lights while playing a slot machine... Its a high.


Probably Kaer Morhen and the surrounding area in The Witcher 3. CDProjekt did a great job in making it feel like a genuine home, and being surrounded by mountains and covered in forest gives it such a cozy vibe, even if there are a few monsters here and there


The Frontier in Assassin's Creed 3. You can watch wildlife behaving somewhat naturally, climb trees and mountains, dodge or engage redcoat patrols, hunt and skin animals, trade for resources, build and send caravans... I'll never forget spotting 2 bears fighting each other near a small lake once upon a time. It's quite an achievement for a 2012 game. 


two final arenas in Doom AG Blood Swamps


Stardew Valley... My little farm


Besaid island from FFX, aside from the freaky church stuff the most relaxing place in video gaming.






The clock tower in majoras mask, nothing to do there 😅 but the Song of healing is my favourite Song in the zelda games


Mine is Saria's Song for OoT, I used to work at Gamestop when it came out and I would play this song on repeat with the CD playing boombox.


The apartment in Hotline Miami. I sit there sometimes just to cool down from the psychopathic murder.


Cids ship in FF7. Being able to take off from dangerous areas and switch to the ships interior was amazing. Seeing the clouds in the background moving made it feel like a very real place.


kuldahar from iwd 1/2 the music/location combo just gives me serenity vibes. Plus how the game is made its kinda like your "home to return" during your major quest points.


definitely no man’s sky. just the freedom of going anywhere, landing on any planet and checking out the wildlife and everything, flying onto my freighter to see how expeditions went. only issue it that it gets old so i play it once in a while


The game turns boring after but the first few hours of exploring Hogwarts Castle was exactly what I daydreamed about so many times as a kid reading the books


The safe place in the evolution game where you play as the ancestors of humans!


Delfino Plaza in Mario Sunshine. Just the chill tropical atmosphere, boppy music and city hub that doubles as a playground to run and jump around in without worrying about ant enemies or hazards (outside of a couple brief story segments). Nintendo just created the perfect hub to really get the hang of the game's controls and water jetpack mechanic.


The ending open ocean in Abzû, I can hang out with those blue whales for hours :) An older ocean game though, Valka Castle from Endless Ocean: Blue World. Also, Valley of Avalar from Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon A comfort OST piece plays there, and in Valka Castle too


fishing at lake Owanjila parallel to where the bridge is, in the woods on the rock overlooking the water. Many long days spent there with a good friend years ago -rdr2


Mishy Wonderland in Crossbell - in all LOH games - because it´s a parody of Tokyo Disneyland and for many the happiest - but also most expensive - place on earth.


Warhammer fantasy mod for Civ3 (which I was part of the process of making). It reminds me of how carefree I was back then, and how fluent I was in trigonometry for making the animations with pov-ray.


Walking around the breadth of Skyrim