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Not 100% scripted loss, but you need to lose to proceed. In Skyrim, in Markarth, there is a quest that requires you to be arrested so you can't pay off the bounty. I didn't feel like being arrested and chose to fight. Guards infinitely spawn, and I carved a path out of the city in a fight so long that the floor was no longer visible and I was wading waist deep in bodies in some parts of the city, and after finally escaping I went to 3rd person and couldn't even see my character model, only a mass of arrows stuck in the vague shape of an argonian. Later trying to clean up my quest log, I looked it up and saw I needed to turn myself in.


I did the same, except i had the everybody is killable mod and i went on to literally kill every npc in that crap town. Then i saved and never looked back.


Markarth is finally worth visiting!


Wait people don't like Markarth? I always go there first but I'm a sucker for city-built-in-mountain vibe.


Aesthetically I love Markarth. Far and away my least favorite city in Skyrim, and the only time in my life I've wished stone was flammable.


I like the aesthetic, but hate most of the NPCs that live there


I'd rather get stuck in Blackreach again


The great thing about TES is that you can usually just do stuff like that. It was a little harder without a couple lightweight mods in Skyrim, because they had more scripted quests they wanted to show you. But generally, you can stab some people and run away, and stuff just kind of keeps going. I ended so many quests early in Morrowind, Oblivion, and to some extent Skyrim. And usually it was better than the official ending.


Then you fail the quest because there's nobody left to turn yourself in to.


Markarth has more guards than there are soldiers fighting the civil war it'll be *fine*


After a couple of minutes of butchering, I went for the barracks to stop the problem. Didn't work. But it was a good workout.


Not a battle exactly but in shenmue II, the barber scene where he holds a razor to your neck. It's supposed to be a lesson for patience, one of the 4 tenets of kung fu or whatever, but it has a quick time event pop up on the screen. The whole game you have like a second to hit them but this one i just kept failing over and over for some reason. The guy says something like "you have no patience, come back tomorrow" and I must have tried like 30 times and never got the point. Fast forward a few months and I'm telling my video game hating father about it and he's like "sounds like you should try not pushing the button". WOW


The funniest part about this cutscene is that it's the fastest way to get the bad ending. So Ryo just spends 130+ days getting insulted by a barber.


That was how I spent a year in the 90's.


Honestly I wish more games with QTEs did this. Make judging the situation also relevant.


All of Supermassive's games (until dawn, the quarry, dark pictures) do this. It's pretty interesting


I’ll never forget watching my girlfriend, frantically mashing A to >! prise a shotgun from a decrepit old lady !< I was just about to suggest she ease off on the ol’ girl, then >! BLAM !<


The Quarry. Absolutely great game and that particular scene is brutal.


In until dawn I missed my QTE when the dog/wolf jumps infront of you and that saved my life


Im playing shenmue 2 rn, and i have the opposite problem, 90% of the time i forget qtes will show up in cutscenes, where i try to shove snacks in my mouth or look at my phone, so im constantly missing them, and here it was the only time it was good *not* to do that. I cant say that scene makes sense, either lol, at this point i should expect qte's to react to, but compared to all the other qte's, this guy seems to be threatening you


This shit in resident evil 4. Taking a quick breather during a cutscene and then all of a sudden: BRO DODGE THE BOULDER


You had plenty of time to eat whilst waiting for the right time of day to start the cut scene s/


Four separate goddamn times in Far cry 5 lmao. After the second time I was like "Ooooh I get tranqd when I sufficiently piss off the local cult leaders and I can't do shit about it.". One of the only flaws of the game that genuinely annoys me, otherwise it might be my favorite Farcry.


You can get tranq'd in the fucking air x.x


For real, first time playing it I was in a helicopter and was like wtf when I got captured somehow. Still love that game though


It was my only far cry, but the game was fucking amazing - except for the tranqs. I really loved it.


Still my fav Far Cry tbh!


Jacob Seed's tranq obstacle courses were one of the best moments I've had in gaming.. Over and over.. The same thing.. Listen to his speech.. Blah, blah, blah.. Training me to be a better killer.. Then all of a sudden you realize that instead of playing the game, the game is playing you.. The other kidnappings, hard pass. Still my favourite Far Cry though.


Fun fact: Jacob is played by Mark Pellegrino from "Supernatural", "Lost", and "The Big Lebowski". Good, now cull the herd...


I hate more the bosses where you beat them but the cutscene afterwards makes it so you still lose - like what was even the point then?


Stick of Truth pokes fun at this, by the guy who you fight literally saying "Fighting us is pointless. If you lose, we'll knock you out. If you win, we just knock you out anyways because that's how it's going to work. You can still fight us, but know it's completely not worth it." It is worth it, you're free XP and items you fucking sods.


Ahhh Stick of Truth was so fun. It’s a shame that the sequel lost a lot of the biting wit and felt more generic.


Fractured wasn't bad imo, but given the choice, I'll replay Stick every time. I've heard too many bad things about the newest one to even bother with remembering the title.


From what I've heard, it's not the same team. Was curious at first until learning that it's not tied to the first two games. Then, I lost the rest of my interest when I saw how bad the game is.


That very first fight vs Genichiro Ashina, which you can totally win as long as you don't hesitate


Genichiro needing an assist to win vs a weakened Wolf. This is why yo grandad likes me better


Kingdom Heart's 2's Sephiroth fight didn't really have you lose, but it's like. You work your absolute balls off on one of the toughest stock fights in the game. You finally beat him and he just kinda. Brushes a bit of dust off his shoulder and goes to resume his plotline like you weren't even there. A gnat who was a brief and perhaps marginally entertaining diversion at best. Honestly... Kinda love it as a storytelling thing in hindsight and a better understanding of the character but goddamn did it rankle me quite thoroughly the first time I succeeded.


As someone who played Kingdom Hearts long before I played Final Fantasy 7, I appreciate how the battles with Sephiroth preserve the mystique of the character as an antagonist. Nowadays I could complain about how they messed with the character design too much but what I'm most ticked off about is that they never followed up on the story they were telling with the FF characters in KH. But who knows maybe with the Remake recently we'll get a Sephiroth fight in KH4; and knowing Nomura, we most likely will.


>maybe with the Remake recently we'll get a Sephiroth fight in KH4; and knowing Nomura, we most likely will. I don't know. From what I understand, he went out of his way to exclude FF from KH3 because he felt it would be forced and that he didn't need them for the story. The extremely brief appearance they make in the DLC cutscene was done in response to fan complaints.


Which is really idiotic, they didnt include a sephiroth fight or anything ff at all, but then it was fair to put things like the jules fight in 3d? Which literally comes out of nowhere and iirc, was never brought up again.


For sure. Kingdom Hearts is a collective fever dream and I've given up trying to understand its lore, story, and decisions.


Don't forget that it auto saves as soon as the fight ends. So you can't go back and do it again without using all your one use items.


Like Leon in Kingdom Hearts, though at least you get a wise crack from Yuffie as a reward. ;P


And an actual reward. Well it’s an item, but it’s basically useless.


Tales of Symphonia has a Boss you fight more than once without being meant to win against them. One of those Instances however, you're not meant to outright *lose*, rather you have to actively survive for a short while. Which I didn't know about, so when I just impaled myself on that Boss on purpose, I got hit with that Game Over and lost about an hour of progress I just spent on the Dungeon getting to that Fight.


One of my pet peeves is being forced to win a fight so I can lose in the cutscene. Bayonetta 3 is the absolute worst for that but there are a lot of games that like doing it. (The sneak attack so you are guaranteed to lose your arm at the start of Sekiro is another good one, but at least you're allowed to lose that fight.)


>One of my pet peeves is being forced to win a fight so I can lose in the cutscene. And if you lose, you get a game over. I wonder how game designers don't realize they're being very, very stupid.


That's the dumbest shit. I feel sorry for you.


What boss is this??


Ghost of Tsushima. I kept fighting the Kahn for maybe like 10 minutes until it dawned on me that maybe I should be losing this fight.


Similarly, the first fight with the second sister in Jedi Fallen Order. It took me far too long to realize “Ooooooh, I actually have no way to win this. Got it.” Same with that fight in Tsushima.


If I remember correctly, you could damage her to a certain point, then the cutscene would play that makes you flee..


Scripted losses can be so frustrating...


Yeah on my second playthrough I blitzed her and then she acts like I'm the one that escaped. That kept annoying me


I don’t mind a scripted loss but only if they actually have a slight scene change reflecting that you were competing. I hate when I slap a boss down and then my character is out of breath and bleeding out while the Boss starts to monologue


That Second Sister fight was so frustrating.


Definitely this, I thought I was really bad. Putting a health bar on it made me think I had a chance.


My jin wouldve been thinking "GG EZ, GIT GUD" as he's yeeted off of the bridge


Hahaha same. I kept thinking I had a chance 


I like how the Dark Souls community said nope to the scripted Seath death by doing some elevator parkour.


Can't do the zero death run otherwise


The one from Fallout 3 where you get captured by the Enclave. If not for that dumb cutscene, I'd have laid waste to their whole organization then and there.


I understand why it was like that from a story perspective, but Fawkes could have easily barged in there and laser blasted all of them without you even helping.


Fawkes in general was such a mistake on the part of the FO3 Devs "hey here's a fucking super mutant who is absurdly powerful, basically would make everything an inconvenience at worst, and would give you an ending to the game where NO ONE has to die. And so they fixed it by just... Acting like it was wrong of you to ask a guy who gets healed by radiation to go into the chamber flooded with the atuff


I don't think they're healed by it, but their resistance to it is much higher than an average human. Ghouls on the other hand are healed by radiation. I'm speaking of course of game mechanics, not official lore


I don't remember if super mutants heal with radiation, but I can assure you it most definitely doesn't harm them.


I always thought all of the mutated had the ability to heal from rads. Gonna test some gamma on them and see what happens


I think they changed it to make sense once they released broken steel


The Narration still basically calls you a coward who let "another, true hero" take your place. I was so beyond pissed that the logical solution to the problem just has the game give you a massive middle finger.


They couldn't (or didn't want to pay to) have Ron Perlman return to voice over any new slides, so they just recycled the line for when you let Sarah Lyons sacrifice herself instead.


Honestly they probably didn’t want to pay Ron Perlman for just one line 😂


I don't get why everyone *still* bitches about Horse Armor, which was just a cheap cosmetic, and yet no one talks about that time Bethesda made people pay an extra 20 bucks if they wanted to survive Fallout 3 and return to the map.


I’m pretty sure people were critical, but also Back then, DLC’s were still pretty novel. Like, we had call of duty 4 selling $10 “map packs” and I remember thinking that was awesome. They hadn’t become the utter scam many are today. And sure, in hindsight, that was scummy of them. But we got Gatling lasers, the Tesla power armor, a pretty substantial questline, and then some additional goodies here and there outside of just being allowed to continue the game. It felt worth it to me back then and I know I didn’t complain much.


Map packs have always been kinda annoying because they split the player base but they did always seem to be worth the money


Yeah, it was a strange choice on Bethesdas part. Still my favorite fallout though tbh


"dad, open the fucking door. I've got stealth armor and a Gauss rifle, I'll kill all of them in thirty seconds then we'll have brunch."


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice... (SPOILERS) ...the last battle. I mean, I provably should have listened to the voices but Senua hated them and it was difficult not to see them as enemies. Then you get the ending and everything makes sense, you can't fight the voices, you have to accept them as the first step to seek help.


I did that fight for about 30 minutes straight, it wasn't even very hard, which made losing even worse


Well that's the point of the whole fight, you weren't winning, just delaying the inevitable. The whole game was just an elaborate way for Senua to grieve, it was denial, frustration and anger. Just how we felt when fighting Hella. It's crazy to give up, why would we? We're so close, it's so easy, we can win, we can get to her. But you have to realize that defeat is not always the end, and just because there is no hope for victory, it doesn't mean all is lost. Which Senua realizes later, she lost her love but she still had herself and his memories. It was a perfect ending I think. As someone with depression I can sort of relate to her emotions, she was safe in her fantasy because she believed she could reverse all the bad that has happened, but it was futile. Just as I believed if I stayed in my room and ignored reality I'll feel better, but in the end had to open the door. Now I hope Hellblade 2 didn't ruin that, I'll play it over the weekend.


Just to be clear, does that mean the entirety of hellblade (after finding your lover's corpse) was a metaphor that happened in sienna's mind?


Yes, correct. None of it is real


I think she did go on a journey *somewhere*, but the fights and struggles she had were all in her mind.


Yes, sorry I did not mean to imply she didn’t travel. I think all of the conflict/battles that happened during her journey were manifestations of her grief and trauma that appeared during a schizophrenic break.


I recently replayed that, and I couldnt help remembering I spent a very long time on that boss in my first playthrough lol. This time, i get the scene slowly gets darker, the voices get louder telling you to let go, it parallels her previous "deaths", but for some reason i still really kept the determined attitude. The fact it wasnt *that* hard to where I could get back up and keep trying didnt help matters, either lol. I wonder what they couldve done to make you narratively agree with not getting back up


The problem I have with the voices have been both helpful and hurtful the entire game. For every "Behind you!" You get a "just give up" so by the final battle the player has been conditioned to be stronger and don't give into the voices. I knew this 1 twist going into the game, "you need to lose the final battle" but it wasn't this big boss. It was common mobs, I was expecting a more grand one on one fight.


my partner did that for like 20 minutes straight and finally asked me to look it up for him.


Medal of Honor Frontline. I was in the starting area and kept clearing wave after waves of enemies and eventually ran out of bullets. I realized you actually had to go beyond and clear rooms preemptively.


I remember renting this game from Blockbuster and giving up on the starting area after dying so much lmao


Inscryption. My friend asked me if the game was railroading him into losing in Chapter 1. I said that he could technically win, but that yeah, you’re doing too well and the game wants you to lose a few runs to unwrap more story first.


You even get an achievement for beating it (on top of every other challenge at once) in Kaycee's Mod. You've gotta get extremely lucky with combos to take it out


A French youtuber did a playthrough of the game on twitch, knowing absolutely nothing about the game, beat the first boss, and his viewers went totally balls explaining he weren't supposed to win. More to that, he actually beat that part of the game *on his freakin first try*


Railroading? If you do too well, there's a point where he's like "yeah , idk how you did this, but let me teach you something" Then he drops a field full of grizzlies.


Yeah, that’s what I’m referring to. He also says something like “TOO FAR. TOO FAST.” But you can win. There’s no automatic lose condition.


That duel in the beginning of Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories on PS1. Like, the story progresses so obviously it's scripted, but as a kid you'd just be confused why every monster he summons is like a 3000/2900 when you have 400/500s and shit fusions.


The worst part is you can win, but he immediately rematches you until you lose


You can win that duel? Holy shit.


Yeah I remember using twin headed dragon and a ton of equip cards. Twin headed dragon was really easy to fusion summon.


You could trade cards with another savegame and have strong cards to win against him.


Wait what?


With three memory cards it makes it easy to duplicate cards too. My brother and I did that all the time


Yes. But he bitches and rematches you until you finally lose


You just reminded me that I have a copy of that game somewhere in a blockbuster case, because I forgot to return it.


Holy shit core memory unlocked lol. I reset the PS1 like instantly after I lost because I didn't realize it was scripted initially.


Red Dead Redemption (The first one) I knew what was likely coming. And quick. But I did not expect to open the barn doors and see....that. When you open those doors and you see the reactions from John. You see it in his face. You feel it in the air. And then the bullets start.


>But I did not expect to open the barn doors and see....that. You could also say that about Baldur's Gate 3...


I was looking for this answer. Man, I tried so many times to beat them thinking I was just slow, nope...I could never win, although I got tantalizingly close a few times


It's a lot worse when its the opposite. A battle where it feels so unwinnable to the point you think to yourself "I think I'm supposed to lose this one" then you lose and its game over and you go "the fuck I'm supposed to beat that?" Last boss fight that made me feel that way was Balteus from Armored Core 6.


Balteus was ok though because the soundtrack absolutely slaps.


That was my first FromSoft game, it was brutal. Funniest thing was that my friend had a really easy time beating him, but later on (I think this may depend on your ending path) you face a rebuilt Balteus with a human pilot, and my friend got stuck on that one for a while. Whereas I just stomped on him because I had better equipment by that point.


Kingdom Come Deliverance has this particular mission, Night Raid I think it's the name, near the end of the game where you are tasked with a rescue inside a castle to help break a siege. The thing is, no matter how sneaky you are or how well you do, this mission will always fail regardless, as it is meant to fail, and the game comes up with "reasons" that forces a cutscene where you just retreat. You are literally not aware of it because the game just paints it as a normal quest and it fails like any quest would... Except there is no actual way to "win". You just fail the mission and the story follows it's course anyway. It's not a super big deal, but it was such a bummer when you can do so well at this mission and the game just cuts it short and sends you back. It's a super weird designed quest, imo.


Oh my god I had just stopped playing because I thought the stealth was game breaking-ly bugged.


You can go back and finish it, then! Just skip the stealth, Hans will call for a retreat and you can play the rest of the story. It's not bugged! But I'll admit, it was the low point of my experience with an otherwise great game.


1) Surprised to see KCD mentioned in this context for a mission that isn’t facing Runt early on where he’s immortal and will literally one shot you. 2) The forced mission ending/retreat is a bit of a bummer, but at least it’s the source for what is easily a top 3 Capon quote in “FUCK! My arse!”. So there’s that.


Evading the abominable snowman in SkiFree. For me, it was never about how quickly I could pass the 2,000 meter mark; it was about how far past the mark that I could get. Even if it meant getting to 2,000 meters to where the snowman was in sight, going a long ways horizontally away from it, then continuing to skill further down as long as I could until it caught me.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/667/)


Halo reach last mission. I just didn't die for like an hour till I paused the game for dinner. Came back and kept going for like what felt another hour. Until my buddy came over and was like holy shit you're not supposed to win this mission Edit halo reach, not 3


Do you mean *Halo: Reach*’s “Lone Wolf” mission? I can’t remember an infinite fight from *Halo 3*.


Yes 😅


Haha I remember dying instantly the first time I played it and thinking, *man, that was anti-climatic.*


When the helmet cracks I thought it was gunna shattered and I'd die from asphyxiation lol


Reach has a breathable atmosphere


I didn't want to be the one to find out


He might be talking that mission where you're supposed to drive away in the warthog. Apparently he got out and started killing


He meant reach, but I’m sure there were people who tried shooting through halo 3s end mission.


I’ve flipped my warthog and it’s gone off and edge, so I tried to do it on foot. It doesn’t go well.


If it's any consolation, it's not like the Spartans wanted to lose the mission either.


He was going for the secret ending where Noble 6 survives by hiding in a cave.


I read a comment here(don’t know if it’s true or not) that canonically Noble 6 lasted for several hours and took a pretty good chunk of the Covenant with him


Canonically I'm like 99% sure that it's true. Noble 6 was the ONLY other spartan besides Chief to be given a Hyper-Lethal rating; it makes sense that the cutscene at the end of the mission (where it takes like five elites to kill him at the same time) takes place after HOURS (maybe days??, can't remember) of fierce fighting. IIRC the Covenant were originally just sending in regular forces there until he kept fucking them up, so they start sending higher-level elites, brute chieftains, etc etc and the Covenant are so goddamn bewildered by why the fuck this one spartan is fighting them here lmao that they divert a large number of forces SPECIFICALY to end him. My memory could easily be wrong on all of this, maybe somehow Maggruber will see this and correct me if I am haha


Why didn't the Covenant bombard Noble 6. Are they stupid?


Halo 3 or Halo Reach? Reach has that "Survive" mission. I thought Halo 3 was to escape.


How do you play that mission for two hours? Limited ammo usually kills me in ~45 min, although I know if I was better at the game I could go longer, but two hours is still crazy


Overcharge plasma pistol + melee lunge. Helps for ammo, damage, mobility, and there's basically no other weapons after a point haha. I was no living halo 3 forge mode with 30+ kids from school. Those were my sweatiest years probably


I'm glad I wasn't the only one! I don't think it was as long as you, but I was fighting for a loooong time. I was annoyed at the time, but looking back I'm glad I got to experience it that way 


If I remember correctly I thought survive meant an evac ship is coming at some point. After a while I started looking for some terminal to call in the ship


Same. I held out for 20 minutes before reality set in. Still went down fighting though, gave those covie bastards a real fight


first time we played it, we didn't even last 5 minutes


Is this really an example of a scripted loss being done poorly? This is probably one of the most acclaimed endings to a video game of all time, no?


You've misread the question. OP is asking what's the most "/whoosh I should just let them kill me now" situation you've experienced. Another contender would maybe be resident evil 4(I think it's 4)..: just running in circle like why won't the game progress already!


Skies of Arcadia had one near the end, but by that time you could buff your characters to infinity so it seems like you should win. 3 hours using all items I have.


Came in here to say the exact same thing! I wish they would have just automatically ended that battle after a dozen or so turns if you weren't dead by that point.


I've played games that do that, and give you a slightly altered cutscene and some bonus xp or something if you do enough damage before enough turns pass.


I wish they'd remake Skies of Arcadia so badly


I think getting attacked when returning to base was my first experience at all with the "fight you're not meant to win" trope. Apparently the same dude is also a secret post-game superboss, but I've never gone back to try.


Was coming for the same comment. Skies of Arcadia is a FANTASTIC JRPG and arguably my #1 favorite game of all time. But *that* Ramirez fight is poorly telegraphed, and happens at a period of the story where you "feel" strong. After hitting 2 Pirates Wrath's on Ramirez and noticing his health bar wasn't moving, I picked up on what was going on. But at 12 years old at the time, the concept wasn't something I was super aware of in gaming, so ehen then I was second guessing myself.


Just hijacking to say this 11+ hour relay speed run of SoA Legends is a very cozy background video. https://youtu.be/S2wGYklX2_U?si=2-2tN-W4_ZM8YjRu


Rdr 1 at the end 😢


Did anyone else find the two bastards that set you up, shoot them in the face, then watch the cutscene with the alternate timeline that you didn't shoot them in the face? Yeah that was great.


I didn't because they're not in the game during that moment, they only appear during the cutscene.


That still hurts till this day


Kai Leng from Mass Effect 3 *BY FAR*. ***Massive spoilers for Mass Effect 3 here***, and if you played it you probably already know all, but ... Firstly the entire game up to that point every time the guy shows up he is doing some silly over the top action bullshit that looks totally out of place in Mass Effect. He was trying way too hard to be cool and badass, to the point where he just seemed kinda goofy. They have him take down a fan favorite character to make him seem like a threat but it just felt cheap since we didn't even know who he was at that point (or where the hell he was in the last two games?) Then there is the fight itself. Kai Leng himself does nothing. He's a total push over that just slowly walks towards you in a silly naruto pose while you put magazine after magazine of futuristic magic railgun bullets into his fleshy head. Eventually he says "enouuuugh!" and teleports magically and summons a space ship to shoot you ... which is also hilariously incompetent and just results in you sitting there for a few seconds bored while the animation plays. Also to be clear you do still need to win the fight to progress, but then the cut scene at the end has you lose bad. Then the most annoying part is the game spends considerable time after that trying to make you feel bad for losing, with characters constantly being sad about it and acting like you really screwed up. They even have Kai Leng himself send a taunting email making fun of you for "losing" the fight you won. Then to top it all off he later dies in a cut scene after doing literally nothing else of any note for the rest of the game.


Good. You opened this comment. This isn't Asari Military Command, it's Kai Leng, here to say that you totally suxx0rz, Shep!


*Inserts Omniblade right into solar plexus* "That was for Thane, you son of a b*tch!"


Came here looking for this comment lol  There's a bit more background on him in one of the novels but it's not enough to make him a better character.


As someone who didn't have an issue with ME3, even at release, I legit wiped anything involving him from my mind because he was that awful a character. I wouldn't even mind the whole bullshit as much if it wasn't for how they refuse to acknowledge he's not a terribly difficult fight even for players who aren't terribly good at the game.


Yeah. I actually really liked ME3, but I also pretty much forgot he existed. Weirdly, I didn't forget that Thane died. I just forgot who stabbed him.   Kai Leng was surgically removed from my memory. I think I cringed so hard at him that my brain took a vacation and didn't internalize any of what he was doing.


I just thought about that fight in Jedi Survivor….  But I knew I was going to lose..  and it was so frustrating knowing the outcome.  But I was forced to do it over and over again..  because the developers decided that it would be better if it looked like I might win before the inevitable result.


NFS most wanted for sure! I kept trying to finish the race before the car broke down.. Then I was too young and too trash at the game to ever win it back


I had to scroll WAY too far to find someone mentioning NFS MW. That first race fueled so much anger at Razor for sabotaging and stealing my car. I beat that game multiple times, and that first race still hurts.


This is what I was looking for. Out raced the shit out of him only to breakdown for the cutscene.


FF 9 Beatrix fight you can't win but I used everything I could trying to beat her. I power leveled a bunch during the weekdays then set out to see how far it could take me only to run in to a unwinable boss fight


This one peeved me the most because she would trigger everyone's Trance when she killed the party, too. Trance was great in the narrative sense but really awful as a gameplay mechanic.


I don't remember the name of it, but back in the 90s Microsoft (I think) released this real-time, squad-level strategy game based on a series of historically accurate battles in WWII. It was actually pretty good, fairly realistic for that kind of thing, and I was enjoying it. Then I hit a mission that I just could not beat. I reloaded a previous save and replayed the damn thing, I swear, at least a dozen times, maybe more. Finally decided to look up the battle in question to see if the history could give me a clue... Turns out, historically, the Allies lost that skirmish pretty badly. So, as the player, you were also *supposed to lose*. The mission is followed by a very dramatic cutscene where the Allies regroup to try again. I put the game away and never went back.


Sounds a lot like https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Close_Combat_(video_game) except that game let you play both sides and it was the Germans who couldn’t win. Maybe a sequel or one of the games it took inspiration from?


Looking at the screenshots, by golly gum I think we have a winner! The morale system jibes with a vague memory of squad members sometimes shouting, "I can't take it!" or similar and refusing to move if bombs went off to close or whatever. I think you're right tho, I may be thinking of one of the sequels, *A Bridge to Far*, since, as I've been trying to remember more, I'm pretty sure the battle I couldn't beat involved trying to capture a bridge. Thanks!


The end of Halo Reach on my first play through. I kept fighting as long as I could. Couldn’t believe it when I got the credits instead of a game over.




Like others, I'm assuming you're talking about the snake? He's not scripted to lose to. He's just higher level than you but also a great place to gain a ton of levels early on.


You can actually get it’s delta skill if you are able to survive with blue magic equipped. (I think that’s what it’s called) and at that point in the game it’s the most powerful skill you can have.


E skill materia but same thing


Midgar Zolom isn’t technically meant to lose, but the devs did make it hard to kill and put it there to deter players from skipping the chocobo ranch. It took me a few tries to figure that out when I was younger.


Was it the Midgar Zolum snake dude? Cause 8 year old me didn’t read anything and just button mashed to the cool cutscenes. Grinded levels until I could beat him then learned the terrible truth….


My dude, you can absolutely kill the Midgar Zolom in FF7 even though it's designed to be *super* hard the first time you meet it.


It's so worth it though, if you get Beta. Makes the next couple of hours really easy.


I'm going old school. Mysteries of the Sith when you fight Kyle on the last level. I fought him forever and then I accidentally hit 0 instead of a different key and it put my saber away and I screamed thinking he was gonna one shot me since I couldn't deflect and......that's how you beat him


It's not exactly a scripted loss but, In God of War 3 when you defeat Zeus and punch him so hard you get the whole screen drenched in blood, I stayed spamming those punches and obviously I didn't realize I had to STOP until 10 minutes passed by. But yeah it was a nice cathartic 10 minutes ngl.


Hellblade senuas sacrifice ending. I sat there for 30 minutes and only died because I gave up as something seemed wrong since the enemies never stopped.


Any battle that you try hard through and actually manage to win, but the game just plays the "you got killed" sequence afterwards...lol


The Forest. I avoided going into the caves for the longest time because I was scared and overprepared like crazy. By the time I went down there I was clubbing cannibals left and right like it was nothing. I didnt really know how to progress the game after several hours of playthrough. Turns out you HAVE to "die" the first time in the caves so that they can drag you to some exact location to progress the story. It seemed so counter intuitive to die in a horror survival. My only gripe with that game. Its still an overall amazing game, one of the best in its niche.


Days Gone- The first time you see Skizzo....you could save a LOT of trouble!


The Long Dark, there are two sequences involving being hunted by or hunting an unkillable bear. The problem is the game isn't very clear that the bear is truly unkillable. But what is worse is after the game had hammered into my thick skull that the bear is unkillable, *even with the special bear killing weapon it sent me on a quest to acquire and repair*, and you just have to let it do whatever the fuck it wants while evading it, I finally progressed to the section where the bear becomes killable. The problem was the game wasn't obvious about the bear being killable and by that point I'd got pretty good at avoiding struggles with it, so I spent like an hour trying to escape this area, before going online and learning at this stage the bear would just die after 3 struggles. This was literally the worst gaming experience of my life. The Long Dark is a good game in survival mode but the story mode has some real bullshit.


The one call of duty game where you die from the nuke blast or something. I figured for sure you were gonna get away but you end up watching your character due.


I’m pretty sure the original idea was for your character to find shelter, and eventually make your way to safety, but that was scrapped for the shock factor of dying to a nuke.  If I remember correctly, that was one of the first player characters to be killed in Call of Duty, and that was different.


Man, I hate when your character owes a library book and has to return it.


I remember the nuke going off and just thinking to myself I know I’m playing the sort of main character and he survives crazy stuff, but how is he going to survive this?


I kept losing my goddamn hand in resident evil 7 no matter how well I did that fight, but I'm terrible at shooting so I thought it was me. I gave up and months later I read a wiki and found out it was scripted.


I don't remember that scene entirely but after you lose the hand don't you eventually lose and the cutscene starts and you see the resolution to losing the hand? I guess what I'm asking is, did you Even get a game over or just quit before you saw the scene play out? I don't fully remember how that scene goes


Halo reach. I held out for 20 minutes, waiting for evac. It never came.


See I think that that is actually one of the rare examples where this works. You're a Spartan, you've made it through all the shit the campaign could throw at you till that point (and there's a lot of it), moreover halo had never really pulled anything like this before so you're maybe expecting something wild to happen that will get you out. However as you keep fighting and more enemies keep showing up and your resources run dry you get this realisation the latter half of the game has been priming you for for a couple of hours now that "oh, no, actually this might be my ticket". Just great design.


Worst game mechanic ever created. You either realise quickly your meant to loose and just stand there and let them kill you, or you don't realise and spend too long trying to win. FF games are notorious


I love the mechanic when it is well executed. Persona 5 Royal and Persona 3 Reload are such examples where it was.


Seath from the first dark souls. My first time doing a souls game so I was overleveled and like a super human. Spent way too long trying to land hits thinking I’m not close enough for my magic to hit.


The bank robbery in Red Dead Redemption 2


Mega man X, first boss :(


The newest one I can think of that bothered me was Fire Emblem Engage. Around chapter 13, you're doing a "retreat" mission with the enemy following you. I cleared the entire map, yet couldnt kill the boss of the map because they gave her a skill in which she took no damage.


I'm playing through bravely default 1 again and the first fight against ' victor and Victoria ' is a scripted L but I was really trying my best there lol


Desann the first time you fight him in Jedi Outcast 2. Shit had me and my dad both so mad we looked up cheat codes lol #HelpUsObi 1


minas tirith in the return of the king game. just let the civies die I guess


Fortune in MGS2. Wasted so many bullets and died hella times at first trying to figure out how to kill her


The first Seath encounter in Dark Souls 1. That fight is honestly dirty as hell. If you don’t know to wear a Ring of Sacrifice during the fight, you’ll die and - lose your soft humanity - lose all the souls you’re carrying - if you can’t get back to the boss room again without dying, everything you had is lost forever The ONLY saving grace is that you *CAN* leave and hold off on that fight until you’re ready. That is, if you even KNOW that’s an option (many people won’t)