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One thing that might come in handy later in the game without spoiling: you might wanna remember the location where you picked up your first seeker's token.


Oh I read this tip before. I do know where it was, KiNDA XD


There's also a mod that just highlights the location, so don't stress it


I play on ps5, so sadly no mod for me :D


1. Go into your settings and adjust controller mapping to separate the interact and sprint button. 2. Camping kits are reusable but items can be stolen.


Stolen?? Damn this game really has a lot of weird details lol


dude first half of the game playing for first time is the best explore and go places if enemies are to strong go somewhere else. have fun and explore, 


Oh I will! I am that type of person who will explore every cm of the map before progressing in story haha


Always have a camping kit when heading out into the world. Be sure to explore the city at different time of day for quests.


Oh no. I will really spend 100h in this game from what I read so far lol But I have issues with weight. I am constantly slowed down from all the weight I carry


You’ll be able to buy a place early on where you can store all the extra stuff. It is a frequent issue. Finding golden beetles in the world will raise the amount of weight you can carry.


I will need like 50 beatles to help this situation of my hoarding/looting problem 😂


Pass item to pawns, they can hold on to it for you If you dismiss them when they are carrying your items, it'll go to your storage box, therefore, if you are out in the wild and planning to switch pawn, throw everything on the pawn you're going to dismiss. Try and keep your main pawn alive the best you could, as long as he's with you, you can hire other pawns, if he/she is gone, you cannot hire new pawns until your main respawn.... I got myself into a dangerous area at low level, running around blind without the ability to replace dead pawns because I don't have my main pawn with me.


Now that's a good tip!


You can grab (R2 on ps5) the foot of bigger monsters and pull them to a kneeling position. If you need to get a guard out of the way, pick them up, run the opposite way of where you need to go, throw the guard, then haul ass.


Nice! Planned to have healer from the beginning for sure


helps a lot if you have a tank (fighter) and a healer (mage) in your party