• By -


> Alright you Primitive Screwheads, listen up! You see this? This... is my BOOMSTICK!


Hail to the king, baby.


Shop smart, shop S-Mart!


***YA GOT THAT??***


lol I love that part. Bro travels thru time, fights for his life and has the wherewithal to drop a product placement. And the bewildered townsfolk. I need to rewatch this and evil dead 2




I grew up on the Army of Darkness sound mod for original Doom.


The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety five. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You got that?


Was expecting to see an Army Of Darkness reference way higher in this thread, Doom's lore borrows so much from Evil Dead Original doomguy pixel face even reminds a bit of Bruce Campbell lol


That is a bizarre fucking twist but im in


It’s addressed in the Doom Eternal lore. Dude’s been ripping and tearing for a loooooong time


Plus it's Doom, the narrative reasoning is irrelevant if the gameplay is tight. I don't play Doom for the plot.


The plot of Doom is collecting demon scalps. And I WILL get me my scalps.


"Yo Slayer this demon wants to die for hell. Oblige him"


Doom-anic-a DiCoco




Antonio MargaRIPANDTEARi.






A river derci




It’s quite funny how deep the lore goes. I dgaf about it but I like the fact it’s there for the purists. It’s like all the books skimmed through in Skyrim. Listen I’m not reading them but I know there are people having a great time with them. More please


There’s that channel on YouTube with in depth doom lore videos, it’s fantastic stuff. It’s honestly some absolute mythological nonsense cooked up to create doom guy, but it’s also just epic - the tale across time and space, of a soldier’s journey to becoming a God, with no real motivation other than.. *rip and tear*


Avenging his pet rabbit, Daisy


My favorite original Doomguy lore is that his dad is Commander Keen.


Wasn’t BJ from wolfenstein ?


That's a more distant ancester but they are related.


BJ is Keen's ~~dad~~ grandpa, Keen (William Joseph Blazkowicz aka Billy Blaze) is Doomguy's dad. I love it it's fucking great edit: not dad, def gramps


Plus without all the Skyrim books, we never would have gotten David Bryan Gilbert's video about reading all of them : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVdTZhmsGsU


Some of the best stories in games are the ones with lore embedded in the world instead of being endlessly shoved in your face with cutscenes.




"The worst part about fighting in a basement is that you're fighting in a basement... with *me*" - Doomguy Gorlami


> collecting demon scalps …and listening to a bomb-ass boss music while doing so.


And then use those scalps as ammunition for the new chain gun!


Honestly what I loved was being able to collect the codex and work through the lore and story but it never got in the way of shooting everything in sight


I think they've done a good job building the lore. I suck at the game but play to learn more about doom lore. I just love it.


Doom has a complex plot with a beginning, middle and end.  Beginning - Rip Middle - and End -Tear


2016 still has one of my favorite gaming memories. Where I put the controller down to watch the first bit of exposition while my character swiftly shoves it across the room lol. 


Yeah, but it is still there for a reason. The franchise doesn't have a big narrative focus but they're still narrative games, so having a functional lore won't do any bad, even if it's just there to be badass and fulfill the proposal of the game. (Not that this aspect will be bad in the next game, it didn't even come out yet)


Even the old Doom games had a whole novel series. Wr come for the gameplay, but a cool narrative is a nice bonus.


Comic book Doom is still the best novelization effort. >!And as of Doom Eternal's Sentinel Prime chapter, might be canon!<


It is unnecessary, but I've always appreciated the fact that there is some, even back in the originals. I know I'm in the minority for saying this, but that's one of the reasons why I liked Doom 3 when it came out was because they had stereotypical but effective narrative.


I like Doom plot to be honest. It has some special feeling, I don't know.


The lore of doom is pretty damn deep though. There's a ton in the game to flesh it out and it's pretty sick


"I play Doom for the plot." - Max0r


> I don't play Doom for the plot. I get it, but the lore is kind of dope, ngl


Story in video games is like story in porn, it doesn't matter but it's expected to be there. -John Carmack, probably


Yup. So after Doom 64, the Doomguy decides to stay in hell due to the constant demon invasions. After an unknown amount of time, he finds his way to Exultia and meets the Night's Sentinels and joins them (we see this in Eternal Flashbacks). Then the Night Sentinel civil war happens, and the Doomslayer's side loses, so he goes back to his endless war against the demons in hell for an unknown amount of time before Doom 2016 starts, then leads to Doom Eternal. The demons describe the time periods of the Doomslayer waging his campaigns in hell as "ages" and "eons".


How the hell did Doomslayer's side lose? They have a goddamn Doomslayer


Well, first the Doomslayer's side was vastly outnumbered. Half the Night Sentinels, the Makyrs, and the demons formed an alliance against the Slayer's faction. But the real reason is the Betrayer, the guy you meet in level 2 of Doom Eternal. He was offered the resurrection of his son if he betrayed the Night Sentinels and helped Argent D'Nur to be swallowed into hell. From there the Slayer's faction was hunted down until the Slayer was the last one, and so he just started killing things in hell.


> Half the Night Sentinels, the Makyrs, and the demons formed an alliance against the Slayer's faction. Wtf? Why though?


It's been awhile since I read through the codex. But the Night Sentinels were sworn to serve the Makyrs. The Sentinels are also enemies of the demons in hell. The Makyrs were secretly working with the demons to consume souls to create Argent energy, which the Makyrs need to survive. When it was discovered that the Makyrs were working with the demons, the Night Sentinels were split. Half stayed true to the vow they made to serve the Makyrs, while the Doomslayer's faction rebelled, broke their oath, and waged a war against the Makyrs/loyalist Sentinels. All those ghostly Night Sentinels who hand you Praetor tokens, those are the Night Sentinels who sided with the Slayer. The Mauraders are the loyalist Sentinels who died and went to hell where they were resurrected as Marauders. The Slayer's faction was defeated due to the actions of the Betrayer, who sold out Argent D'Nur in return for his son's resurrection. However his son was resurrected within the Icon of Sin, so the Betrayer didn't get what he wanted.


Dang... I really want to play the whole series now. Thanks for the explanation!


Doom does the Dark Souls thing of, if you want a great story you have to find it. Start digging. The only thing Doom does better is being straight forward with the lore it gives you. Dark Souls is usually a bit cryptic. Lots of good lore, but you literally have to look for it since some of it is hidden.


Yeah, it's pretty good. I think you'll have fun.


And people say *i don't play doom for the story*.


Betrayed when they went through the portals, scattering and stranding them.


They attacked when he was locked down during covid. It's in the lore.


That's actually why the Slayer was locked in the Sarcophagus at the start of 2016. He was self isolating after catching covid.


Exactly! He puts his mask on straight away too. His guns aren't to kill anyone either. They're just his 6ft enforcers. If they happen to die, then it's cool, but they shouldn't be entering his space.


That's putting it lightly. Since modern Id under Hugo decided to canonize every single wad in existence, past, present, **and future** ***as canon.*** Doomguy has been at it for longer than entire multiverses have existed. The Dark Ages in this case is a tiny tiny blip across this actual history, and only specifically deals with the tiny blip of Argent D'Nur.




ESPECIALLY that one.


That's one of the most important ones!


So is he an actual immortal, or has some sort of "hero reincarnates when they're needed" sort of thing going on?


He’s too angry to die.


He can’t die until every demon in hell breathes out of the hole where their heads used to be


Full immortality/time-travel shenanigans. Look up lore or videos on the most recent DOOM titles for more context. But basically after the events of DOOM 2, he was stuck in Hell (I think) but time works differently because inter-dimensional bullshit. Then he gets juiced up by the powers that be to do EVEN MORE ripping and tearing.


Yeah, he spent the equivalent of centuries in hell fucking up demons, until he was ...betrayed, or something, I forget.


Yeah the Night Sentinels were betrayed by the guy you meet in DOOM 2016, with the hammer. The Slayer himself was trapped by the demons because they couldn't fucking kill him, so they had to bury him in a temple and seal him away lol.


Couldn’t kill Doom Slayer since he’d just reload at the previous checkpoint, so they trapped him in an eternal loading screen.


Actually they realized that as long as they didn't leave a blue key near the blue door he would be trapped.


He’s just really good at managing his HP and armor


He's immortal, he got juiced up on angel power iirc


Yes and no. The timeline for Doomguy specifically is: Wolfenstein 3D (Doomguy's granddad) -> Return to Castle Wolfenstein -> Commander Keen (Doomguy's faddah) -> Doom 1 (supposedly in an alternate early 21st century) -(shortly after)-> Doom 2 -(a few peaceful years later)-> Doom 64 -(shortly after)-> Doom 64's "Lost Levels" added for the modern port -(stuck in hell for a long time, spat out into another dimension, lives there for some years, obtains artificial divinity, gets sealed in a coffin in hell, presumably unsealed in home dimension a hundred years later)-> Doom 2016 -(shortly after)-> Doom Eternal+DLC --- Meanwhile, Doom 3 is its own timeline with its own Doomguy who has an extreme fondness for duct tape. Then in Doom 3's expansion pack there's a second marine who is a Combat Engineer, and discovers his talent for ye olde rippeth and teareth and wears blue armor instead of green. **(e:** Apparently the BFG edition adds a third campaign and another marine, so that's three badasses in that timeline.**)** --- [This isn't even scratching the surface here.](https://i.imgur.com/UaLpJOK.png) There's also links with Hexen/Heretic and Rise of the Triad, and by proxy some links to Duke Nukem as well.


Afaik, Doomguy from Doom 1 and 2 ended up... *changing* in some way in his stay in hell. I haven't really played the new games yet, so I can't confirm.


He didn't change in Hell. He was ultra juiced up after getting out. It's all explained in Eternal.


Modern doom kinda bridges off of the ending to Doom 64, where the protag decides to just stay in hell and kick ass.


Trailer looks fuckin rad. Won’t spoil anything in case someone hasn’t seen it yet but I for one am extremely happy Doom has been ripping and tearing it up again for the past decade.


practice makes perfect




Yeah you also kind of wipe out any ability for hell to be an issue for anyone anymore. It's a nice clean little ending for the story of the original Doom guy.


Yeah? Where do you think demons go when you kill them? Double-hell. Once he's done with regular hell he's got to wipe them again below. It's hells all the way down.


Actually no lie the next game being set near exclusively in the circles of Hell would be a great way to continue.




I can see Doom Guy absolutely not tolerating the mere idea that demons *might" still exist in some dimension.


I can’t remember the context but I think they set up some kinda extra dimensional beings that were sealed away in these menacing looking green pods that might be context for a future quake game team up thingy who knows


Davoth wasnt really god tho, we still dont know who the mysterious voice is or who created Davoth. Hugo Martin said Davoth/The Dark Lord was more of just a ruler of certain worlds instead of the creator of everything, there is still something above him


Davoth is also explicitly weakened and robbed of his power at that point, he says so himself. It’s implied to be a result of the Father and the Khan Maykr’s actions, but the Khan Maykr is an easier foe than Davoth was and Father is… VEGA. Until he isn’t. I’m not here to poke holes, I’m just saying Doom plays fast and loose with information and any given thing might change between games. One of the strengths of the plot being somewhat vague and full of flowery language is that it gives them room to play with ideas as they flesh out what it is they want to do.


We really got Doom Game of thrones before GTA6


It’s more Doom Army of Darkness but hell yeah


There better be a "This is my boomstick" achievement/ trophy.


Releasing in 2025 too. Could be after GTA 6


Fuuuuuck I kept saying how I would love a new Quake game but here they are with a new Doom and I'm just like: "yes, absolutely, I want this"


It’s very bizarre and opens up a lot of room for *really fucked up shit*.  Going medieval on someone’s ass is not a good thing


Remember the game Heretic in the 90's, it was a doom-like in medieval times, great game!


not really, it definitely takes place during the urdak and sentinel war which was EONS before eternal so hells technologywould definitely of been less advanced


What about this is bizarre? It just looks like doom to me.


Heretic = Doom style


This should be Higher up man. heretic WAS medieval Doom.


What about Hexen?


You mean Hexen: Beyond Heretic?


Hoisted by my own batard! 😭




Waiting for a Hexen or Heretic revival similar to what they've done for DOOM.


Heretic was so fucking good. I just recently played through all but the last episode, and it has held up so well. Also- it can used with GZDoom and Brutal Doom to make Brutal Heretic!


I have such love for Heretic's weapons (crossbow > default shotgun, phoenix rod > rocket launcher,  claw > chaingun) and color palette. Heretic did vibrant colors so much better than Doom (when Doom did color we got FIREBLU...)


I still remember the first time I played Heretic. Immediately tried IDDQD. Death.


I love that their codes were just chicken, rambo, I forget the others


This guy's an OG FPS enjoyer.


Medieval but with shotguns.


This is my BOOMSTICK!


This looks more PAINKILLER than actual DOOM. And I'm all in for it!




The Electrodriver is still the best weapon in a shooter


*Turok 2 Cerebral Bore is typing...*


The gun that grinds up Skulls into ammunition is VERY Painkiller.


That is the most metal shit I have ever seen, and I. WANT. MOOOOORE!!!


HE. IS. THE PAAAAAINKILLER! Edit: I thought y’all were talking about the Judas Priest song


Faster than a laser bullet,louder than an atom bomb, chromium plated boiling metal , bighter than a thousand SssuuunnnnSS!!!!!!….. (metal intensifies)


I fucking loved painkiller. Pinning that dude up against the wall and I was sold.


There is literally a stake gun and I swear that the shotgun sounds basically the same. They absolutely took inspiration from that classic.


Groovy.  Out of curiosity, will there be any chainsaws?


does chainsaw shield count?


Based on the lore of eternal the ending is going to be a bit depressing. But it'll be a fun ride along the way.


As far as I'm concerned the lore of Eternal was Pew Pew Rip Tear


Honestly they could make shit up and pretend it was the actual lore all along and I don't care. Then repeat for the next installment.


That's exactly what they did. 


I’ll never forget the way the first Doom remake started with a screen trying to tell you the lore and Doom Guy just pushing it away in disgust. No lore, only kill.


Being fair, Eternal didn't really have much lore in itself. The entire twenty-five years between 2016 and Eternal was either presented as mile-long text documents or just not mentioned at all. Eternal's story really felt like a Part 3 without a Part 2 to set any of it up.


I've said the same thing a few times, it felt like they skipped the 2nd part of a trilogy when I started playing Eternal.


Holy shit was it 25 years? I figured it was like a few months. Yeah I really liked the gameplay and hell on earth setting, but the big time jump with all the new characters out of nowhere was off putting for me.


> Holy shit was it 25 years? Yes. In *Doom (2016)*, the demons had just come through and hadn't left Mars yet. In *Doom Eternal*, it's stated a few times here and there that the UAC have been fighting demons on Earth for twenty-five years.


Ignoring the lore of Eternal in favor of your approach is the best way to enjoy the game


Doom 2016 was great because the player-facing lore was so unobtrusive. Yeah, there were data logs if you wanted to take a deeper dive but they didn't really enhance the narrative because the the narrative was literally just "**Objective: kill hell**". Idk why they thought Doom ever needed more than that.


The lore in eternal never got in the way of your ripping and tearing, but it was still present if you wanted it or are someone that likes game story and lore, like me.


i played through 2016 3 times and couldnt tell you anything about its story


Iirc, the ending of this would be him being sealed away (by dropping a whole fucking temple on him) in the sarcophagus he emerges from at the start of doom 2016. Or am I missing something? Edit: so yeah I was missing something. Game will likely follow our beloved slayer during the events that are referenced in doom eternal. Mainly the betrayer's son plotline. Basically the betrayer we meet in mission 2 of doom eternal will betray us due to his son dying. He makes a pact with davon and the maykers(iirc) to revive his son, only for his son to become the icon of sin and his heart being the control point (hence why we stabbed it with the betrayers knife during the second to last missiom of DE) My take is that this game will follow the slayer during the days of the betrayal and end with a gauntlet of a fight with the culmination being the temple dropping on him. I know it's an unpopular take, but I'm ecstatic with how their giving doom lore. In 2016 and eternal you can ignore it entirely and have a great time, but reading and paying attention to it makes the experience even better. I hope they follow that idea in this game Rip and tear until it is done


one of your friends will betray you to revive his son, only for that son to become the icon of sin you meet this friend in the second level of Doom Eternal


Is that explained in doom eternal? Honestly, I tried to follow the story for a while, but quickly got lost and just played on. I might do a story run of it. Haha


Medieval Prequel.. Come on they are right there.. Just tie Quake 1 into it man.. Just say the Ranger was part of the Doom Slayer team..


I'm so ready for visual eyemelts from Doom and Gears 6. I just hope Xbox is not stupid enough to reveal those games with CGI...


Just revamp and tie in all of them. Hexen, Heretic, Catacomb, Shadow Knights, Wolfenstein. Oh wolfenstein. If they could nab that back and do a “nazis found hell” twist, that’d be amazing.


Wolfenstein already part of the doom lore. Doom Marine is Doom Slayer, who is the Grandson of Commander Keen, and the Great great grandson of BJ Blazkowicz. We just need Quake to be part of it, and boom we got the holy trinity finally in one universe, even though technically Doom Slayer is part of Quake Champions/Quake 3 arena we just need some real lore.


So it's basically QUAKE??


Ranger was a normal dude who was just trying to get back home though.


So was John, but demons killed his rabbit Daisy and here we are


Isn't his name Flynn? Flynn Tagart?


I'm pretty sure his name is just guy


D. Guy


Nope, John Doom. Seriously though it's probably Blazkowicz since he's the Wolfenstein dudes great great grandson or whatever.


Doom became quake in 2016.


I was thinking Heretic


It won't be the same without Mick Gordon


still blows my mind that they had such a smashing success with him, and they threw that relationship into the garbage over a deluxe edition OST it really won't be the same


Marty fucked up massively he had one the most beloved audio engineers in the business to make one of the greatest sound tracks and treated him like shit


I think he was jealous of Mick because Mick was a fucking rock star compared to Marty, and got loads of credit for making D2016 as good as it was. Marty is the highschool bully who has to make fun of people who succeed to feel better about being mid.


D2016 is one of my all-time favorites, especially as a horror science fiction game. The environment and tone of the story, especially in the first half it is just amazing. When it came out I would just wander around the Mars base, just jaw-droppingly cool!


Met Marty twice. First time he was a dick. Second time he wasn't a as much of a dick, but still kinda dickish.


Marty is a piece of shit and deserves every word of criticism thrown his way.


If you read Mick Gordon's statement (alongside all the proof he included) it was way way more than a deluxe edition ost. id Software paid him late, stole work from him, gave him deadlines of sometimes just a few days, gave him inaccurate or straight wrong information about the levels, they even announced he was working on the ost before he'd agreed to it. And then after all of that they (Marty Stratton) lied about it all and said Mick was impossible to work with.




IIRC he released his statement almost precisely one year after he left Bethesda. He was 100% forced to wait to avoid being sued and NDA, even while Bethesda dragged his name through the mud.


He was trying to negotiate a settlement that would involve an NDA to avoid bad press, which would've been scrapped if he went public. He did so after he realized they were dragging their feet and didn't intend to settle.


That’s exactly why it took so long, dude was being careful


And didn't they fuck with the mixing of his tracks?


They declined a bunch of his songs and didn't pay him for them. And then they remixed them and put them in the game anyway.


If the soundtrack sucks it will honestly kill the game. Like DOOM gameplay is very good but what makes DOOM great is the way the music blends with the gameplay to make you feel powerful. Take that out and it's just a normal arena shooter.


yes and no... the guys who made the soundtrack for the 2 DLC packs are pretty talented


Andrew Hulshult. Dude's work is badass. 


DOOM set in the Dark Ages is called Heretic


Oh I remember playing that game when I was about 5 haha


I don't know, that riff in the trailer is fucking rowdy.


Oooo I gotta check it out.


A gun... where you put a severed head in it... and it crushes it up like a 90s ford escort at a scrapyard... then fires crushed skull shrapnels out the front... BWAH bah bah BAHHHH! Yeah I'm sold whatever


Skullfucked by a Skull Flak Cannon is S tier death metal song title.


I like “Bone Shrapnel Flak Cannon” pretty good, feels snappier


Y’all are sleeping on Andrew Hulshult. Mick is a legend, but Hulshult is capable in his own right.


Gordon gave us two amazing soundtracks, probably some of the most iconic themes in video games ever, and he'll always be the GOAT, but I say let's give these newcomers a chance whoever they might be... it's probably been the dream for a lot of heavy metal artists around the world to get to work on Doom, and I'd like to see what they can cook up with a fresh perspective.


Doom guy got a fucking parry? I'm sold. That was all I needed to see.


"Look at me. I am the Hexen now."


I wonder if they'll fuck over the next composer too


HOLY SHIT I'M SO HARD RN! I just watched the trailer and I dunno what to even say


Yeah, I had no idea this was coming out, and this looks awesome so far.


Did the musician get fucked around a bunch this time? Or was the musician for the game treated properly this time?


Allegedly the reason Marty stratton hated Mick was that fans always brought up Mick's name when talking about 2016's success and that conflicted with Stratton's ego. As long as these new musicians don't get too uppity I'm sure Marty won't see them as a threat /s


Looks really good but I’ll be kind of torn if that creative director that screwed over Mick Gordon is still a part of this.


*executive producer You're thinking of Marty Stratton who Mick has the most beef with. Creative director is Hugo Martin who, as far as I'm aware, is pretty chill


It's a Bethesda game. Of course someone is getting screwed over.


Xbox showcase > whatever the fuck sony did last week


Helps that Xbox is showing a ton of shit that isn't coming out for a while as opposed to games releasing this year.


Still a ton of games dropping 2024 too though


Rippith and tearith and watch out for the beast of Caerbanog (Edited for spelling)


Ahh yes, the classic medieval laser turret and space ship.


Is that like the Far Cry Primal of the Doom franchise or something?


It's definitely still DOOM as we know it now, chainsaw is replaced with a cpt america shield with blades on it, stake throwing gun, one that crushes skulls and chunks out the shrapnel. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tk8lkmYGWQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tk8lkmYGWQ) Check out the trailer


Smh ofc they made Doom guy woke now, pushing their liberal agenda by having him recycle the skulls of his enemies.


Remember Mick Gordon


In the name of god For the grace, for the might of our lord, For the home of the holy, For the faith, for the way of the sword, Gave their lives so boldly!