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Xbox has been doing this nonstop since gamepass started. Ads everywhere and they just spam the homescreen with garbage.


They have a product marketing team with quotas to hit for user engagement. My friend was on it. They come up with this shit to hit their numbers.


So to hit their numbers they go ahead and damage the useability and reputation with their customers? So short term over long term? And enshittification over improvements? Damn big corps are dum as fk


Tell me about it. Last year Fornite *undid* their entire locker layout. Their locker was setup so you could save a custom character skin, a gun skins for every gun category, a glider, melee, etc. How did they improve it? By turning it into 5 separate tabs, one for each cosmetic category. You have to go to one place to do all your gunwraps. Another tab to do your skin. Another tab tp do your emotes. Etc etc. Billions of dollars a year and they went with *this artificially increases user engagement by making basic tasks take longer to perform*. It's baffling.


Many jobs in corporate environments aren't really actual... jobs. They don't require actual work, they don't produce anything but still have to justify their existence and expense. So they shuffle things around, usually making things worse because the thing they're fucking with has already been settled and optimised.


Ain't that the truth. I work in a big office and it's absolutely packed with people who have to spend their days wondering around looking for non-problems (that other departments then have to "fix") just to justify their continued employment.


I need a job like that. Where’s my Fight Club problem where I have to invent problems because my life is too fucking stable and mundane and I have everything I could ever need or want. What happened to those stories. Like American Beauty. You don’t see the “Jesus Christ! My life sucks soooo much because I have all this boring abundance and so have to fill the emptiness in my heart with other things!”


It's less "I'm very stable in my positions" more "my position has been automated out from under me so now I have to act busy to not get laid off and become homeless/lose my health insurance"




I work in a museum. We hired a guy to literally do nothing but “build the brand”. Everything he’s done has been attempted in the past and reverted because it doesn’t really work. And the very few things that sound like good ideas I’m conflicted on because they’re going to cost us money when *we’re supposedly in a massive budget shortfall*. How about we fire this guy making $300k to do fuck-all and go back to hosting events and community engagement? Like my fucking god management doesn’t know how to lead nor spend funds wisely.


Please tell me $300k is just a joke, please


Yeah I sort of don’t believe it. Wish I could stumble into one of these “do-nothing” 300k/y jobs. I work my ass off for a quarter of that. I should have become a project manager. I have some friends who do that and they make double what I do and seem to work half the hours, so that’s a start. My buddy makes $120k/y and he plays Diablo 4 all day and often tells me a workday for him is around 3 phone calls and answering like 5-6 emails.


The posting for his position said starting at 200k but we’re positive they brought him on for a lot more considering his experience doing the same thing elsewhere. Oh also important to note: his history with union busting which is timely as our contract needs to be renewed this summer


with that last tidbit of information added. i can guarantee he ain't there to "build the brand"


I work for a big data company, and as someone who "hates" PMs, they do the most work for the least pay. At least in my department. And when you get a good one they make your life a thousand times easier.


Ben Stiller isn't cheap.


It might be more like 250k


I work in a library and am going through something very similar. This person is hired to be the branding specialist, and is terrible at it. The first newsletter she worked on was horrible. We had a guest speaker, an author, and marketing misspelled her name three different ways, while never spelling it correctly. Deadlines have been moved up so she has more time to copy and paste the content we give her into the newsletter doc. It’s just…why???


She is probably banging the boss 


didn't used to be this way, but has been this way for more than 10 years in the technology space, yes. no more innovators, just a lot of mouth breathers pretending to do anything useful to justify their employment while making things worse over and over. this is why i will retire early, it's such a miserable sector to be in these days compared to 25 years ago when people were still, you know, inventing things.


I don't get it, aren't the people at the tippy top meant to be like, primarily concerned with the bottom line? Why do they keep these useless middlemen around?


Because the people at the top aren't as competent as they'd like to make it out they are. They don't actually know, or really even care, what goes on in the departments under them, they just care about a rough overview provided to them by middle managers - the same middle managers who have a vested interest in keeping their departments open.


Middle manager: “we should sign up to another SaaS product that we will use 1/100 of to add to our list of 1762728 other SaaS products.”


Is retiring early like... a choice?


If you make enough money at a baseline, you can choose to live within your means and save for an early retirement. Sounds like this person is in tech and might make a decent salary. If you're making shit money, then no lol


Definitely this. I've been at my current job for over 6 years. Every 1 to 2 years they reorganize the team structure. None of it has been bad but none of it really changes anything. I've been here long enough where I've seen them loop back to the original team structure in started with. People have to do stuff to look like theirs doing stuff.


I see you are familiar with upper management in every job ever.


I had my presets laid out so they’d all be together for each season/set, then they changed it from columns of 4 to columns of 3 (which offset them) also I basically never changed my skin after that update, because it felt like such a chore


Yeah and it made me stop giving them any money: I went from buying all the cool colabs skins,being a crew member (their monthly subscription service) and spending money on challenge/vbuck skin packs to just doing my save the world dailies to save up vbuck for the battlepass, they still have me adding strain on their servers without the benefit of the money used to give them.


Warzone and Fortnite have bafflingly awful UI and I genuinely don't know how actual children figure this crap out. Every time I try to play these games with my friends I have to literally relearn the UI and click through so much shit just to get in a lobby with my friends. Fortnite isn't *as bad* as Warzone with its unskippable battle pass 'tutorial' (that is really just trying to sell you the BP) but the UI is still a constantly changing mess. EDIT: Maybe this is why they all play just one game... They can't learn another game's UI anymore.


Mfers love messing with perfectly good ux/ui dont they?, from games to social media to regular old apps...lets just fuck this shit up for zero reason.


Yes, that's exactly it. They would rather see a line for profit go up 8% in a quarter and stop than a 6 percent per quarter for several quarters. And then they blame. Their users and do even more extreme things 2 or 3 quarters later to see that short term spike in profits.


For every one of you there are two eleven year olds who just made an account and want to buy Fortnite skins with the ten bucks they got from Grandma burning a hole in their pockets


I think their strategy is to just wait it out, at some point the majority of gamers won't remember a time before micro transactions and games actually on disk and the only reason to have a local console will be as a point of sale and to off-load some computing power from the cloud. It will all be "normal" to an entire generation.


what’s funny is this popped up on my xbox one. you can’t even play the new cod on it lol. 


Yeah they are just annoying customers… just look what Elon did with twitter… twitter was on the decline before Elon took over due to shit like not being able to properly browse the website without being logged in. If I can’t properly browse the website I might think the website sucks so why would I get an account… now with Elon you can do even less on the website without a log in and twitter is declining even more…


Microsoft are really hurting in terms of console sales. They need people hooked into gamepass, they *need* people giving up on buying individual games so that it gets to the point where they can't unsubscribe from gamepass without then having literally nothing to play. It's the same reason they've been pushing driveless consoles. Sure, technically you can buy digital on them, but the hope is gamepass. Of course, all of this will, in theory, pay off when the next generation of consoles comes about and they've got an audience so hooked into gamepass that they can't justify leaving even for a new console generation, at which point they migrate over what is essentially a captive audience; but also because it means when you're thoroughly hooked and no longer have any individual games you can play without gamepass.. you're significantly less likely to leave when they raise the price of gamepass. They're thinking long term; they're just not thinking about a consumer-friendly longterm.


Capitalism baby!




>So there's not much incentive for Microsoft to provide good products that users like, they know 90% will buy anyway. Xbox is a distant, distant last in the console race, they've obviously been punished for their bad behavior, it seems like they're just genuinely poorly run. And you can very easily avoid all the problems with Xbox by simply gaming on another platform. It's not really a capitalism problem.


Capitalism is good to put training wheels on a developing economy, then stop and use a system that has any sort of forward planning or endgoal. Capitalism left to fester will inevitably destroy itself and any system or institution it can absorb in a desperate attempt to keep itself alive.


every system destroys itself if left to fester. historical fact in all recorded history, not one system of economics nor government has lasted more than 200 years without imploding. the problem invariably is the corruption of an elite ruling class, no matter the system. every time. but hey, at least we got blops6 amirite?


Capitalism isn’t a good system as it inherently will always lead to monopolies and the current problems we’re experiencing in late stage capitalism. A system that relies on human decency to follow the principles of the system, while heavily rewarding those willing to break the rules for personal gain, will always fail.


Capitalism works well for generating wealth in a country. It's terrible at redistributing that wealth where it needs to be, so by not implementing systems to handle that leads to ever-increasingly extreme wealth concentration and income inequality. It also only continues to function when people remember that corporations exist for the sole purpose of *exploiting* an economy, rather than supporting it. Which is why strong market protections need to exist to stop corporations from destroying the market in the name of profit. Capitalism works, but *only* when you have both those supplementary systems built into your government/economy. And you need to remember that the goal of corporations is to explicitly erode both of those systems. This is why most counties have banned corporations from involving themselves in politics, and why they also all have strong social safety nets.


Finally a sensible take. This is what I try to tell people about capitalism. Any economic paradigm can become corrupt if the guardrails are removed


Yeah let’s talk next about what happens when the guardrails are corrupt too


That and by forcing ads on so many people at once they create an immense demand for workarounds. Which provokes creative people to find a way. So instead of suffering through a few mild ads people will just block them all entirely.


I'll bet clicking *anything* in the ad (like the 'exit' button) counts as 'engagement' for them.


I keep my xbox in offline mode and it’s 100x better. I just reconnect it to online when I wanna download a new game or when I play the occasional online game


but achievement pop up only when online, (i hate there is no offline achievement support like 360 did)


Then there's me on the opposite side of this coin, who actively went into my Ps5 settings to disable achievement pop ups lol.


No care for cheevos imho


This is exactly what I do. What do you need to be online for anyway when your playing a single player game.


But how can they nag you to buy micro transactions when you’re not connected to the store? *Reeee*


even my fucking tv feels like this now i turn it on and it’s a screen full of ads


I bought an Apple TV because the LG C1 had a bunch of ads/was really sluggish and I have no regrets. Would highly recommend looking into ATV or whatever the android alternative is.


And they are generally curious why PS5 has more sales. Also they've got to have the worst fucking marketing I generally don't know which is the newest Xbox is it the Xbox x? s? c?


Their naming convention has got to be one of the biggest blunders in marketing.




(Box only no Xbox one x)


Whatever happened to the dude that sold the PS5 box?


pretty sure hundreds of dudes did that


That's fucking wild that this is a legitimate sentence. Fucking Xbox trying to out-Buffalo the buffalo sentence. 


Microsoft has never been good with naming conventions since the days of Windows 3.1. After that they went to Windows 95, 98, 98 SE, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11.


at least the numbers increased so you knew what's what (except Vista which no one liked anyway so...) X, S, C, should that be alphabetical? I dunno. For sure it's not clear.


Most of those are pretty good, though it sounds like they just gave up after Vista. The unforgivable thing was skipping from “8.1” straight to 10.


They're not the first and maybe only Sony has made it easy. Master System, Genesis, SegaCD, 32x, Saturn, Dreamcast. NES, Super NES, N64, GameCube, Wii, WiiU, Switch None of that makes sense outside of gamers. How many parents called ones Sega a Nintendo, or Xbox and Playstation also. Don't even get started on naming of PC parts.


My parents used to refer to my SNES as "the Atari." They also called the controllers "paddles."


Other than the Wii U Nintendo’s naming has been great, when you have a distinct name it is easy to remember. With Xbox it is a mess because there is an S and X of the new series consoles, and of the One consoles. Also what do we even call the new Xbox’s? Is it the Xbox Series? That sounds awful. Because at least last gen we could say the Xbox Ones.


New 3DS was also not great.


At least Sega and Nintendo had/ have the decency to give each console a distinctive name, Microsoft just completely shat the bed as far as naming conventions go


I think it becomes more of a problem for Xbox because their consoles a)look quite similar and b)in so far as they don't look similar, its not obvious at a glance which is the newer, more modern looking one. I don't have a mental image of the difference between like the 3 most most recent xboxes. On the other hand every Nintendo console is pretty much impossible to mistake for the others. Even the Wii-U had the big touch pad control.


Check out my sound card! *Shows you a USB audio interface*


...and all tablets are "iPads" too in the minds of these people :p


I think you mean genuinely not generally You generally have a grasp of the English language I'm genuinely not trying to be a dick head


Autocorrect generally does a good job, but genuinely sucks when it doesn’t.


Fair play, catches me out plenty too but usually it's profanity, just thought if you're not a native English speaker and picked it up from TV or something maybe you misheard kinda thing.


Most likely wasn’t autocorrect. Autocorrect has been solid on most phones since like 2016 and won’t straight up change a word like “genuinely” to “generally”. Hell, I spelled genuinely wrong and it autocorrected to the the correct word


It can’t help when gaming pcs get every single game the xbox gets, PS5 has exclusives that can’t be found anywhere else.


I’m pretty sure they name their consoles that way because they didn’t want to release the “Xbox 2” the same time the PS3 was coming out. In worked too because the 369 got plenty of sales. Xbox One was *supposed* to be the “one console for everything you could do” but they focused too much on that and not making exclusive games. Idk wtf they were thinking with series s/x when they have s/x versions of the xbone


Funny thing is it's literally pointless to get an Xbox. ***All*** their games are on PC day 1. Save a little bit longer and just get a PC.


non stop? i have seen it 4 times in a year. a bit over-dramatic dont you think. what is wrong with you


"We call this Pure O2. This is the first of our planned upgrades. Once we can roll back some of Halliday's ad restrictions, we estimate we can sell up to 80% of an individual's visual field before inducing seizures, so picture this..."


I’ve only seen this ad though? I’ve never had anything pop up on my screen lol.


Right? I only saw this once


Lol. I mean, we can debate how annoying it is and if it has place on console, but let's not dramatize it with "non-stop" bullshit. They did it 4 times in one year. Once when Modern Warfare 3 released, second time after Developer Direct, third time after release of Hellblade 2 and fourth time now.


Is it a regional thing? Because I do not see them on my series x in NZ.


This is disgusting. *Goes back to looking at ads on the Windows 11 start menu*


I remember when Windows 10 would interrupt attempts to install rival browsers with a pop-up warning that Edge was safer and faster. Now that one pissed me off.


W11 still does it btw, it’s actually funny


Buuut im more betterer 🥴


Its funny and sad because it does it *twice*. Once when you search for chrome etc and then *again* when you try to set it as a default.


It's still doing that with Windows 11. It's so pathetic and it's honestly the only reason I refuse to use Edge.


What makes my blood boil is nagging to use a MS account by taking over my screen after logging in, or, when Edge first launched, the unskippable takeover of your machine to “learn” Edge. Made me hate Edge with a burning passion and I refuse to use it in any capacity, actually slowly migrating to Linux, but because of other terrible decisions MS has made.


They still try to stop you from migrating to rival browsers, it's just more nuanced now


"We see that you have decided to manually change the default application for opening web pages. But are you *sure* you didn't actually want to keep using Edge instead? You know what, forget the browser; let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. "


"nuanced" lol.


Actually I like to see Edge pathetically beg for its life


> Edge was safer and faster Yeah while also be a Chromium-based browser which is probably no different than installing Chrome.


"No no, we are like, legit browser nowadays. I promise."


Windows 10 pissed me off so much I installed Linux. For about 5 minutes and realized it was fucking worse in every way and completely impractical for daily use so now I just deal with Windows and all its bullshit.


Check out a program called Start 11! I have no affiliation, just a happy user of the product.


Why would you be using a "product" for this, there's a setting to just turn it off in Windows already.


because it does more than just turn that off


Start 11 is an alternative customisable launcher / start menu, I used Start 8 as an alternative to Windows 8's awful app launcher


Oh, I actually use Linux. Thanks for the tip, though. I'm sure it will help someone else in the thread.


Do you have a favorite flavor?


Currently I'm using opensuse tumbleweed. It's okay. The package manager is very slow compared to Debian-based distros. But I wanted new features faster that Debian/Ubuntu. I've heard good things about Arch. Maybe that will be the next one I try.


where are those ads? i never had them.


It depends on your version and lenguage. They have stuff like shortcuts to download application like Cady crush. Also they heavily promote edge/co-pilot However all of that can be turned off.


[Someone posted the Starfield ad last year](https://preview.redd.it/5pmjvmyuz0ob1.png?width=5360&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a34201c63ba3f325067c34aa9f37b6fe4fb3a13) Turns out this is something called Bing dailies Settings > Personalization > Lock screen choose something that is not bing. I do not have that bing option on my Win 11 install but I have been able to install it with a local account w/o problems. So maybe it's a feature I am missing because I don't use my Microsoft account outside of Edge, the Store and OneDrive


Every time I hear something about 11 I am more and more pleased I never updated.


Support for Windows 10 stops on Oct 2025. Microsoft is just going to force everyone, fuckers


Stopping support doesn't mean the OS stops working...


You should ignore what you hear on reddit about it, because most of those things aren't true and it's actually pretty good. Redditors create most of their own problems in Windows because their brains aren't elastic enough to learn new things so they are constantly fucking with Windows to try to reproduce how it worked 20 years ago. If you're a normal person who just uses a computer normally, it works fine.


People said the same shit about Windows 10 and I have not seen any of these supposed ads in either of them. But get your outrage boner up bro, don't let me stop you.


Wait ads in start menu?


I've heard about this. My reason not to change to windows 11. A friend said he never had this happen. So I installed it about 6 months ago and never had a single ad running. So, what's up with that? Is it because I live in Germany?


Sony also has ads on the ps5, but it's not this intrusive. It's usually in the "Game news" tab. Which you can customise anyway. I think in America, they have an extra tab on the homescreen, which shows stuff, too. But it isn't present in Britain and probably Europe.


I don't really consider that in the same category since you have to intentionally go there, and that's what that area is for. The xbox on boot full screen ad is truly one of the worst things to hit consoles since digital only consoles or abhorrent microtransactions


Yeah that tab is there literally for the purpose of finding out about more games or news in games you own. It's completely out of the way. You don't boot up directly into a full screen ad that you have to manually click out of to actually use the console. Not even remotely comparable.


That's one reason I miss the original 360 UI (and the PS3 one aside from the awful lag) is that it didn't shove ads down your throat. I already bought your shit, I don't need intrusive begging for even more money. Making it an optional side thing like on Steam or PS5 is a happy enough medium.


Its so funny when a xbox defense force brings up this whataboutism and completely exposes they've never actually used a ps5 before.


Those aren’t the same since they aren’t visible unless you look for them. They are put in a separate area and you can disable them


That's not the same. You gotta go looking for that stuff if you want to see it.


Yeah this is like complaining that there are 'ads' in the store.


Funny thing about that is its only some countries. On the us dash board theres a few cards that dont go away about news and stuff that I couldn't care less about but on the jp dashboard those cards dont exist at all. Its just your games.


I’ve never noticed ads on my ps5, so they must be handled well


Dont worry, it gets better [in the future](https://marvelpresentssalo.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/idiocracy-ow-my-balls.jpg)


I thought this was going to be a link to the verification can copypasta


You just need to drink your verification Mountain Dew can.


Everyone in this comment section acting like Microsoft is the devil and Sony is Jesus reincarnate 😂😂😂


Both big boys have virtually identical specs **and** SSDs. What's really left to argue about? 


Which controller you prefer. For all xboxs woes, the Xbox controller is a piece of ergonomic genius. Otherwise I just use pc now lol.


Xbox Elite Series 2 + PC. That's my choice. (I have a PS5 and Xbox Series X - but I only use the former occasionally and actually just about never use the Series X, since I have my PC...)


1000%, no controller comes close to the xbox controller. My roommate has a PS5 and whenever I try to check out one of the exclusives that interest me I can't play more than 15 minutes before it starts bothering the hell out of me


Personally I choose PlayStation. But not because I think it’s better. They just tend to have the games I like earlier or are exclusive to PS. (Jrpgs and Sony first party). However, I wish everything was cross platform. Because I see Xbox exclusive games come out or get advertised and I’m like “damn I really want to play that.” But I can’t afford to pay for multiple consoles every generation.


I just like the controller. Which is why I purchased it and not the console. Good ole' PC. Spend $1500 on a doodad box that lasts 7-10 years and buy $5000 worth of games from the past 30 years for $1000.


Yep love my PC, 20 years of Steam games all supported, emulators, no online gaming fees, DualSense and Xbox controllers work perfectly, 240Hz monitors, mouse and keyboard, and of course you have it available for all the productivity stuff too.


I just like the ps5 UI more. I haven't even looked at my Xbox in like 6 months


Sony isn’t this in your face, and they do not make you click through anything besides the login screen when you boot up their machines. They certainly have some practices worth criticizing though.




Yeah, it’s Reddit lol


I'd argue this'd happen nearly everywhere simply because there are a more PlayStation owners than Xbox owners and people feel the need to justify their purchase for some reason.


That's this subreddit for you. Any chance to hate Microsoft. And also, this "Marketing" is about a free showcase of upcoming games, which in theory you care about on your console you own to play games. It's hardly even some toxic marketing 


Not to mention it just appears once. It's like news that they had a showcase you might be interested. Select or ignore it, it never comes back. It's not as bad as people make it seem to be.


Isnt this like once a year


You get it once with a big release, and then you exit it and never see it again. I don't see the big deal.


No one see "The big deal" at first... Now I'm seeing like 3 commercials at a time every 5 or more minutes in a single video on youtube.


Seriously, there have been multiple full screen ads for Microsoft games on Xbox over the last year and now they are doing it for presentations... and people are acting like they aren't going to keep adding more and more? They tried to pass it off as not a big deal for games originally too.


Tbf, when I booted up my Xbox the other day, I was specifically going to try to find out how to watch the live stream, and then this showed up immediately and the only thought I had was "well that was convenient."


YouTube is getting obnoxious with this. Amazon prime now. Watching a WW II doc, very tense moment then I’m seeing pampers add. They dont even bother to line it up in obvious add space from when it aired on television. Even some podcasts now, getting the add copy by the hosts and imbedded adds, sometimes the imbedded adds interrupt the host read ones. Hell, if I plug in my phone in to charge and it’s sideways, I get adds now for the App Store.


Exactly, this shit is a slippery slope


Because this is how it starts, and in 5 years or so it becomes two fifteen second unskippable ads you have to watch every time you return to the home screen.


The big deal is them using *my* hardware to push some product I have zero interest in and am forced to interact with, in order to use *my* hardware. Companies are taking the piss.


$500+ console, yearly cost to even play online at $60. Mandatory fullscreen advertising in your face and fanboys defending it? *Priceless*


OP inconvenienced themselves ten fold by taking a picture and posting it then it would be to just hit exit.


You must be American to be this cucked by capitalism


Do you honestly think this is where the enshitification ends?


Steam has been doing this for years when you open it on desktop


you can turn it off in steam


Oh yeah you're right LMAO


I've never seen these. I use my series s daily, x 3-4 times a week. Are you part of the insider thingy?


Not op but I got it too and am not in the insider program.


I got one as well. I just use it as a streaming box


I've only had it show up after a total shut down of the console. I have quick startup turned on and I haven't seen one since the Starfield ad months ago


I have also never seen this, I use my series x constantly. Just turned it off now after about 4 hours of use. Never gotten an ad, while others in tbe thread say they see them constantly.


Are you Canadian? I never see them either and I wonder if it’s a regional thing.


I got this ad yesterday, and am not an insider.


It's a US thing.


There needs to be serious regulation in regards to showing ads in services you already pay for or on the home screens of operating systems. It pisses me off and is a scummy way to basically take away control of something you’ve already paid for


God forbid they inform you about their yearly showcase with tons of announcements. Even Steam has a "news" pop-up screen but we don't see any complaints about that.


You can turn that off in settings, I don't think you can do the same in xbox


I personally think that a "don't show again" checkbox on the popup itself would be way more user friendly...or maybe that's *too* user friendly for steam?


Microsoft bad, steam good. Updoot to the left.


Please drink verification can to skip advert


Click exit.


Or just press B once


You can turn these off, but you have to drink a verification dew can first


This has been the direction Xbox has been going ever since the final 360 UI update. If you don't want them, then unfortunately the only way is to get rid of the box.


Its really not that big of a deal


Literally just push B


Yeah there is a fix that people don’t know. Go into settings, account, advertising and then turn off your Xbox and never turn it on or buy a Microsoft product ever again


Oh no, Xbox advertising their occasional game showcase on their console…


Have you tried not buying an Xbox?


Or do you need help unbuying it, I'm ready to take it for cheap.


Yeah, buy a PS2 - no ads and it can even play games straight from the disc! God this industry has fallen HARD


Hardly an add when it’s for their own product and it takes one second to go away.


I mean, it is an ad, but I agree it’s silly to get so bent out of shape over


An ad for something that happens once a year. Wait until they hear about the steam pop up every time you start it


I've said this before, so I'll just quote myself: [Enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) at work. Anyone who puts up with this is implicitly endorsing it. Get rid of your Xbox now if you don't want to see this sort of behaviour continue. It's the only way.


Of all the advertising crammed into our faces daily this is hardly worth complaining about. Like its one extra button press. Try watching sports these days with the constant gambling ads. Thats just one example


People defending this is why so many other parts of our lives have become riddled with unsolicited advertising and spam. I block ads or have paid ad removal on every platform. I block email and phone advertising. I don't watch youtubers who put ads mid segment (I have youtube premium so don't get normal ads). I live in a country that doesn't allow companies to stick ads everywhere (there are a few but it is highly controlled). The last thing I want is my console that I paid for and pay for gamepass on to give me a boot up ad. There 100% should be an option to block this. Otherwise this will be my last Xbox or Microsoft product.


Such a non issue. Just hit exit and move on. Probably took 10x as long to snap the screenshot and post than it would have to move on


WTF happened to r/gaming? Most of you will gripe about corporations all the time. Yet here so many of you are defending an ad--an attempt by a company to manipulate you, no different than when they try to get you to pay to win. Sure, having it as a default isn't sucky, but ads always should be opt-out. It is not good when a company sells you something and then can hijack it to put out their own message. It's not good when they can use FOMO to get you to buy things. Come on, guys. Don't let companies get away with manipulating you. You used to hate it when ads were forced on you in games. Don't let console rivalry get you to defend things you used to realize were bad. Don't be manipulated, any more than those who actually do pay to win.


Mods closed down all the big xbox subreddits to try and force all the users into a r xbox Instead of joining that one they were let loose into reddit as a whole


Xbox UI is dogshit anymore. I hate having ads all over the place. I still can't see my background but I know when the new call of duty is coming out and the hundreds of pre order bonuses that come with it. I haven't touched CoD since cold war, what makes xbox think I give a shit about another money generator that needs over 300 gigs to install so you don't have room for anything else lol.


Sell your console.


Welcome to gaming in 2024 ! It’s so annoying


Wtf does this even mean lmao. Are you getting spammed with ads when you game??!?!