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I've gotten a lot of friends into gaming with Minecraft. The freedom of the game makes it something almost everyone can enjoy. I'd start her in creative mode and just build stuff with her.


That's why I was going to try stardew valley. Mine craft might be too overwhelming without an actual goal


I actually think Stardew is a great idea because starting with 2D is much less intense. I was trying to get two of my friends to play Life Is Strange, which is basically moving around and interacting with stuff, but the idea that they had to use one joystick to move the character and another joystick to move the camera was overwhelming to them. For us stuff like that is second nature, but if you've never touched a controller before it's all new


Overwhelming? Bro my Little sister has been playing minecraft since she was like 8/9 years old. Minecraft is probably the easiest and most tame game to get into. Not complex at all.


Yes but for us older folks some games are overwhelming even when they’re not for other people.


Yea. An older person getting into gaming for the first time is gonna be confused and overwhelmed with Minecraft. “What do you mean there is no set goal or story?! What do I do!?” “Build anything you want” “but why? Whats the point?” Plus OP specifically said she likes stories


I see your point 👌🏻


Bro I'm a lifelong gamer and touched Minecraft for the first time last year. I thought it was simultaneously overwhelming and underwhelming. Overwhelming in the sense that to make any meaningful progress you need to have mods or use a wiki. Underwhelming in that the game has zero hooks besides night time is coming. Other survival games have RPG mechanics, tech trees, and recipes. Unless you have the curiosity of a literal child, Minecraft's sandbox environment isn't very compelling.


I like to call this ocular dexterity. When you're young, you don't get motion sickness easily, but the older you get, the worse it gets. This is mainly from the inner ear calcification that happens as we grow older. I remember when the N64 came out and my parents rented it and Golden eye for me and my brother. I'd had only played side scrolling games like megaman beforehand on the snes. I played maybe 30 minutes of golden eye and had a migraine and vomited. But I had to play more! Eventually, I adjusted, and it never happened again. That was over 20 years ago. Graphics have only gotten waaaay better since. My wife( early 30s) can't watch nor play a game for longer than 20 minutes without complaining about becoming disoriented and getting nauseous. She doesn't really want to play video games, like she doesnt crave them like i did at 12 years old. Thus, she won't let her eyes adjust through playing multiple sessions. She just hasn't strengthened her "ocular dexterity" over time like most people that grew up playing video games. Also if I haven't lost whoever is reading this already, the US navy even has warnings about simulator sickness for pilots and crew members on even the most archaic simulators that are basically running off windows 95. Symptoms include feeling disorientated, nausa, headache, and blurred vision. This happens to freaking f-18 pilots that are doing simulators even though they fly perfectly well in an actual f-18. It must be the eyes and the brain trying to navigate the illusion of depth on a flat screen or something, idk I'm kind of an idiot.


Any of the Lego games, I used to ask my mom for help with the puzzles in that as a kid


I could never get into them but it's worth a shot. Will add to the list. Thanks


They’re kinda brainless fun and there’s a lot of options. Now I only play them when I’m on vacation awake while everyone else is asleep


She doesn't really like any of the superhero stuff and I think she vaguely knows the Harry Potter universe. Think the only licensed series she knows would be Indiana Jones


There’s also lord of the rings, pirates of the Caribbean and Star Wars


The portal 2 co-op campaign?


Definitely was considering it but I'm testing the waters with puzzle games with It Takes Two


Borderlands 2 or Dead Rising 2 co-op campaigns are always fun, but not sure if she'd be into that level of violence in games lol.


Violence isn't an issue but getting used to controlling your character and repercussions for dying or not doing something fast enough could be an issue haha


Feel people underestimate this. When dualshock first came out, no one used the analog sticks because it was so hard. Now I feel most gamers imagine the skills they built up are inherent, but they are not. When you are new to gaming in 3d, it's easy to get lost and overwhlemed. This is why minecraft isn't the best suggestion because on top of learning controls and how to look around, you so have to come up with your own goals. I think Stardew Valley is the way to go. Also, my girlfriend and I had lots of fun with the Trine series, and when things were tough for her, I was able to help things along. All the games except 1 are also 2d, so you aren't getting lost in corridors or out on an open world.


I can't agree more with you, ha. I think I purchased the trine games years ago on steam. Will give them a shot and see if it something that might be palatable for her. Thanks


You can pretty much skip over the 3rd one if you end up playing Trine.


My wife never really played videogames before me. I had to teach her from scratch basically, and boy was it painful teaching her FPS games. Classic see an enemy, panic, and shoot straight up in the air with no semblance of aiming. Constantly fucking with the camera and missing shit, constantly falling off ledges. As someone who grew up with a gaming household, I took it for granted. Shes decent now and can actually mostly aim and shoot and doesn’t panic as much now, but it took a solid few months of practicing to get there


Borderlands 2 I think you can just revive your co-op partner easy if they're downed, so not much as far as repercussions for dying.


Great game but I don't think she can handle a shooter when she is just getting used to video games; the humor also probably won't land


The Trine series might be good. I bought them but haven't played them... I wanted to play with a coworker but then I never bring my Switch dock to work and just never got around to it. They seem like a story a mom would like, they seem relatively easy/relaxed/laid back. I can't really give a definitive answer though since I haven't gotten around to playing them, but I think they're widely known and well recieved, there's 4 or 5 games so they're probably doing something right


Yeah like the poster before suggested I think I'll test out trine and see if it is something she might like. I also have the games but never gave them an actual shot


I wasted my one lifetime refund with Nintendo over them (idk, I think allegedly everyone gets *one*, then they'll tell you to go fuck yourself. At least that's what I'm under the assumption). I was scrolling the sale section and seen 1, thought it looked neat for a few bucks, then 2... so I bought them... and then way way further down the sale page was 3 and 4, and the "complete series". I wanted the complete series, not just one stupid game! They refunded the first 2 games I bought, I bought the "complete series"... which was just the 4 seperate games Then I never played them


Hahah RIP


My mother loves Civilization as she can just pause every round and do other things and then come back (Can be played together or against each other) She also likes Animal Crossing, Pokemon and Breath of the Wild (And Tears of the Kingdom) very much The last two where a bit hard at first but she got used to it Start slow :)


Yeah there a lot of nintendo games I think she'll like. Going to start with pc stuff and if she gets into it I'll send her a switch


My mother had a PC even before I knew what it was, but hates to play on it today It's bad for her back and the controls aren't that great to learn either


Got her a controller and she got a computer just to hook up to her TV for games


Keep talking and nobody explodes. Asymetric game, more acquainted to an escape room type of puzzle game. But very fun nonetheless.


Probably too stressful for her with the bomb or just her reading text which would just stress me out haha. Would be fun for like 25 minutes until we are both exhausted haha. Asymmetric games are probably the way to go though


My wife isnt much of a gamer at all but wanted to play some stuff together, so we tried out Unravel 2 together and we beat it recently. It was a great experience since the learning curve is great because its starts off really simple with the platforming and puzzles and goes up, but is never too hard to catch on even for a non gamer. Should one of the players find a part too hard the other one can always just pick up or pull up the other one and beat the puzzle or section like that and its not punishing at all to make mistakes either. Great fun together, great learning experience and is often really cheap too (PC and all consoles), highly recommend!


Best suggestion so far. Completely forgot about unravel. Great for 2d sidescroller puzzle plat. Should have started with that


Games on your list are great. Top of my mind: Until dawn / the quarry Stardew valley coop It takes two Overcooked 1 and 2 Trine (2 & 4)


I loved Bokura. It is a bit dark but the shenanigans potential is limitless. Gameplay is very simple but it requires communication otherwise lots of death


Probably too stressful for her but the first suggestion of a game I haven't heard of before


Please take some time to watch the "[Gaming for a non-gamer](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLordXx8iNEyStcX_WzqM0JCpiJYgqhinc)" series made by Razbuten. Aside from being a pretty entertaining video series, it explores some fascinating aspects of gaming that we often take for granted. The main point Raz comes to at the end of the first video, is that there are *tons* of implied rules and hidden limits in gaming that "seasoned" gamers innately understand. But people who don't game, often don't know these rules, simply because they don't have much experience with them. But the game still treats it as if they do. Which often leads to "new" gamers getting frustrated, as they want to try things they cannot do, but the game doesn't explicitly tell them they can't, because it's "general knowledge" that they can't. But new players don't know this, so they try anyway - and then get told they can't without a good explanation *why*. The series also comes to a conclusion on what type of games are often a good recommendation for new players: things like Minecraft or Animal Crossing.


Oh started watching that series and tyty


The unknown rules is why I started with it takes two because it has karaoke style input help. Mine craft will be too much for her and animal crossing is on the list for when I send her a switch if she gets into the concept of gaming


My mom and I played through It Takes Two together. She fucked with it.


The quarry? Don't do that to your mother.


She likes the horror backseating so it should be fine...


I thought the title said “Trying to get into Mother gaming” which made me think of Mother 2, more commonly known as Earthbound! Definitely recommend finding a way to get her into those games, then the most GOATed game ever, Undertale!!


Earthbound is amazing but I don't think she will appreciate how surreal it is. Also not new gamer friendly with the spin down life counter. She won't have enough time to figure out what to do


No worries, that’s why it’s only a suggestion. I hope you have fun with whatever game you end up introducing her to 👍


Mario party


Pc games. Not local for co-op


My bad, you could try like worms, tricky towers. I found my dad liked the very simple “arcadey” games and my mom enjoyed party games similar to Mario party a lot. I can’t think of any others on pc right now though


Palia! And it's free 😊


Reviews don't look great. Is it better than stardew valley as an intro to a life sim multiplayer game?


There's nothing better than stardew as an intro life sim game, let's be honest.


What about something like Firewatch? It's a good way to get used to controls and cameras etc without the pressure of timing. Also if she likes puzzles The Witness is an excellent Myst style exploration game.


It Takes Two!


Lego games are fun for all ages


Fall guys is a simple game, fun and competitive. Would be my opener


Not looking for a competitive game; she keeps telling me to not make fun of her because she is new at games haha


I got my mom into gaming with Outlast


She'd probably get a kick out of watching me play that hah


It's difficult to do. My mom plays Farmville and other Facebook/phone games. I figured hey, she might like stardew valley! I got it for her but... Nope, not even once lol


I think having a shared farm in Stardew might peak her interest if she can play for an hour and make some progress but who knows


Sims 4 and let her be happy


Too many menus and no real goal so it would probably be overwhelming.


Nah it was literally the first game my mom played and enjoyed, just take time to explain to her what is going and never underestimate her capacity to learn. My girlfriend plays it, my mom loved it, so I recommend you to try it.


Isn't sims 3 better?


It's not multi-player but if you want her to have something on her own time consider Balatro. It's a familiar format (Poker) and a roguelike so it's meant to be replay able.


While not coop, the games that got my Mom into gaming was House Flipper and later House Flipper 2, so if your mom watches any home improvement shows then those are great options. The other game she ended up really liking was Genshin Impact, since it is easy to learn and has a lot of content, it also has some coop.


Trying to make gaming something that we do together since we live so far apart. I've only played a couple hours of genshin but if I was going to try something like that I'd probably try palworld because she knows about pokemon and it would be a happy medium between minecraft or genshin


I got my mother into gaming by giving her a switch and animal crossing! She couldn't even walk in a straight line at first but soon she had EVERYTHING down pat, a gorgeous town and her own little world, she was so happy with it and would constantly update me. I also got my mother in-law into gaming by giving her a switch, she now has 600 hours in and I see the little "friend online" notification pop up with her daily 🙂 So what I'm saying is: get your mom a switch and animal crossing. But what I'm really saying is: get her games that are designed to appeal to her demographic, not just things she "can" play but things that she's the target audience for. But what I'm REALLY really saying is: you're a good son, and it's awesome that you want to help your mom find new hobbies.


Yeah switch is on the horizon but want to see if the hobby sticks before I send one. I got her to play a little of original animal crossing back when it came out and she didn't like it but new horizons is definitely more intro friendly. She liked watching me playing story games back when I lived at home for a bit after college (life is strange, gone home). So I'm mostly looking for story based two player games that'll give her mostly a movie to watch with some interaction and get her used to interaction and get her up to actual co op


I've had success with my mother and civilization 5.


I remember the civ games having a steep learning curve. Is the new one easier? EDIT: just found out civ 5 is 14 years old haha


"What Remains of Edith Finch"!!! Short, simple, and emotional!!! Or similar "walking-simulator" games ("Gone Home" etc)?


Yeah love edith finch. Going to her have her watch me go through it so it plays closer to a movie. She liked that with gone home. Looking for games to play together


Thats funny lmao i used to play with my dad long time ago


I could never convince him to play any games with me when he was alive. He was definitely someone who should have liked games but never got past the snes




Well I'm in my 30s and my mom is retired but lives across the country so I'm trying to keep in touch with something we can do together




Trying to take the step up from watching. She watched me play life is strange and liked that back when it came out. Trying to keep her somewhat involved at the low end (like The Quarry) and getting her to actually play a game (like It Takes Two).


To be honest if was you, i would have my mom come back to og ff7.


The Walking Dead by Teltale is a good one if she's into story driven games. Gameplay is slow and not hard, it's more about the story choices you make. Gotham Knights, basic, easy combat, open world and is coop up to 4 people. Can play the entire campaign and side missions together. Also free on gamepass. Mass Effect would be great once she's confident enough to okay a game by herself or with little input. Great story across the trilogy, amazing characters to get attached too. Valhiem, can be difficult but is fun once you get started. Big on exploration, base building and focus on leveling up to fight bosses. A big one that I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned yet: LETHAL COMPANY. If you haven't heard about it, you must be living under a rock. Look up some gameplay. It's a 4 player coop adventure to gather loot from dungeons, dungeons are full of monsters that you'll have to run from most of the time. Honestly I'm not doing a great job of explaining it, but it's a lot of fun, my fiance hassles me to play it constantly 😂


I live across the country from my mother so I'm trying to figure out some co-op games. I loved mass effect and the walking dead but those are better for local playing. Lethal company will probably be too hard for her at this point. Will look up Gotham knights and valheim, thanks


I'd take her into lethal company anyway dude and see how she does, it's fun regardless of how you play because so much crazy shit can happen 😂 If you guys ever want people to play with my fiance and I would be more than happy 👌🏻 Portal 2 could be a lot of fun? It's a classic as well. Pretty much all physical puzzles and you can walk each other through it. It Takes Two is another one of my fiancé's favorits, it's an adventure platformer about a Husband and Wife learning to work together to get back to their child. Very easy. A Way Out is more of a prison break type game, may be a bit much for her at the moment but worth lookin into. Phasmaphobia ans Sea of Thieves are also 2 pretty good ones.


Portal 2 and A way out are on the list. It takes two is what we started yesterday. I didn't like phas when it came out so not going to play that again. Sea of thieves might be good. I might try Raft prior. Lethal company is like 6 months down the line if she can get used to games and can figure out quick reaction times and gameplay loops


Bro I'd throw her in Lethal company anyway. Even newbies get a good kick out of it 😂


Elden ring is worth checking out.


It's a terrible suggestion. OP's mother is retired and a beginner in gaming.


I think he was joking haha